The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 16, 1903, Image 6

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Thanked by Thousands
Hundreds of Grateful Letters Dally tell how the Free trial of
Doans Kidney Pills brought relief to Invalid Drifting People
Oiklind Cal I got your trial box of
JJoau8 Kidney lHIs and thankyou very much
for them I think they are worth their weight
In gold t fare them to my -eon and they
helped him bo much that I bought two boxes
They have done him more good than the doc
tors could do They 6aid he had Brights
Disease end could not get well IIjb urine
was grsen and his back nearly killed him
Now he Is nearly well I have flvo other eons
whom I have advised to wme you as I
would like to convince them -of the merits of
Doans Kidney Pills Mrs Leioett 702 East
17th Street Oakland Cal
New OitLKNs La I take pleasure In con
gratulating you onyour DoaiVs Kidney Pills
J received and used tho sample and then pur
chased 6 box of C L Cusack Co Ltd
must cay I have been cured of dizziness b
them and have not had tho slightest sign of
this 60 calIed vertigo 6ince tho use of Doans
Kidney Pills I will recommend them to a
great many others whom I know suffering from
dizziness nuQ kidney complaint It is true
since using the pills every one I meet remarks
nbout how well I look Thanking you for your j j
ireo trial box uno Junnovilli care of
Preston StaufTcrNew OrlcausLa
Every vice thickens the veil be
tween ourselves and virtue
MOBILE and return -NEW
ORLEANS and return - - -
HAVANA CUBA and return
29 ro
The above special rates and many others with
long limit and stop overs on sale Feb 17th to
22nd tucluRlvo All Information at Wabash City
Office 1G01 Farimin St or adore
Qcn Agt Pass Dcpt Omaha Nelir
The memory of blessings furnishes
a remedy for the blues
If so useltod CrossBnll Blue Jtwillmnko
them white as suon 2 oz package 5 cents
The sacrifice that -is not consumed
iwlll soon become corrupt
No chromos or cneap premiums out
n better quality and one third more of
Defiance Starch for the same price of
other starches
Lucas Cousti
Frantc J Cheney maues oath that ho Is the
senior partner of the firm of P T Chenev Co
doing business in the City of Toledo County
anil State aforesaid and that said firm will pay
the -sum or OXE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured by tho use of Halls Catarrh Cure
Sworn to before me and subscribed in ni7
presence this Cth day of December A D 1S
isjfat 1 A W GLEASON
Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is talten Internally and
acts directly on the blood and raucous surfaces
of the system Send for testimonials free
F J CHENEY CO Toledo a
Sold by Druggists 75c
Halls Family Pills are the best
A sirens voice in the choir cannot
cover a sinners vice
Dont Die ol
B Positive Cure Found by a Celebrated
Michigan Physician Ho Sends a large
Trial Package Free by Mail to
All Who Write
At last a cure has been found Increditable
fcs It may seem after the centuries of failure a
tK D P Y0NKERMAH The Discoverer of
Tnaerculoiyne Endorsed by State Officials
and Greatest Medical Men of the World
as the Only Care for Consumption
positive and certain cure for the deadly con
sumption has at last been discovered It re
mained for a creat physician of Michican to
find the only known cure for consumption after
nlmost a lifes work spent in experimenting and
Consumptives who have returned from the
West come home to die because they thought
nothing could be done for them have tried this
new discovery and are now well and strong
If you are afflicted do not fail to send at once
to Dr Derk P Yonkerman 89 Shakespeare
Bide Kalamazoo Mich for a free trial package
of this remedy proofs and testimonials from
hundreds of cured patients it costs nothing The
Doctor does not ask any one to take his word or
any one elses as he sends a trial package free
and a few days use will show j ou how easily and
juickly you can be cured Delay is dangerous
There is no time to lose when the death hand of
consumption is tightening its clutch upon you
Write to day
To prove the healing and
Cleansing power of 1axtlne
Toilet Antiseptic we will
mail a large trial package
with book of Instructions
absolutely free This is not
a tiny sample but a large
package enough to con
vince anyone of its value
Women all over the country
are praising Paxtine for what
it has done in local treat-
inont of female Ills mirinc
nil inflammation and discharges -wonderful as a
cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat nasal
catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card
will do
Soldby druggists orscntpostpaldbyog 50
cents large box Satisfaction guaranteed
S14 Columbus Ave
jTl Arc you entirely satisfied with
the ffoods you buy and with the
prices that you pay
Over 2000000 peoplo ore trading with
us and cettlnjr their goods at wholesale
Our 1 000 page crtalojme will be sent
on receipt of -15 cents It tells tho story
Tho house that tells tho truth
Aching backs are cased Hip back and
loin pains overcome Swelling of tho
limbs and dropsy signs vanish
They correct urlrie with brick dust sedi
ment high colored pain In passing drib
bling frequency bed -wetting Doans
Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel
Relievo heart palpitation sleeplessness
headache nervousnef - dizziness
ifree ask and you will find
Pleaso send mo by mall without charge
trial box Doans Kidney Pills
Cut out coupon on dotted lines and mall to
Foiter SUlburn Co Buffalo Y
Johnnys father was a physician
and his uncle a medical student John
ny drank in their long words
with a thirst for more When his
teacher before whom he wished to
shine asked him to name some im
portant parts of the body Johnny
smiled radiantly You dont mean
legs or arms or heads said Johnny
eagerly I know you dont Miss
Brown You mean what father and
Undo Jim talked about the interior
and the exterior and the back terior
In the recent politcal campaign J
M Gudson who was elected to con
gress from the tenth North Carolina
district had no more active political
opponent than his own brother who
is United States consul at Panama
The latter obtained leave of absence
from his post for tho especial purpose
of aiding in the re election of Con
gressman Moody the Republican can
Then use Defiance Starch It will keep
them white 16 02 for 10 cents
Rembrandts Old Woman from
the collection E F Mulliken of New
York was sold in London recently
for 28105 Velasquez The Grape
Seller and Turners Dustanbor
ough Castle from the same collec
tion brought 12775 and 4287 re
spectively An anonymous portrait of
Edward VI brought 8353 Van
Dycks Edmund Waller 4176 and
his Earl of Arundel 2520
Bob the negro janitor in a New
England college is as quick witted as
the students who joke with himi One
day he had burned off some of the
dead grass in the college yard when a
freshman came along and said Well
Bob that grass is just the color of
your face isnt it Yes sah said
Bob and in about three weeks it will
be just the colore of yours
A smartly dressed young woman wes
rambling along a road when she met
a small urchin lugging a birds nest
with eggs in it She brought him up
sharply with You are a wicked boy
How could you rob that nest No
doubt the poor mother is now griev
ing for the loss of her eggs
Oh no she cant care Im sure
she cant said the boy edging away
cause shes on your hat
What to do with Jefferson Davis
should he be captured was a problem
that puzzled the government In
speaking of it to General Grant one
day President Lincoln remarked
There was once an Irishman who had
signed the Father Mathew temperance
pledge Going into a saloon to get a
glass of lemonade to quench his thirst
he leaned over and whispered to the
barkeeper And couldnt you put a lit
tle brandy in it unbeknownst to me
silf So continued Mr Lincoln
let Davis escape all unbeknown to
yourself if you can
A small five-year-old boy who had
recently become the brother of an
other little boy was sent to the gro
cery the other day to get some loaf
sugar By mistake the grocer gave
him granulated and the boy was sent
back to have it changed
How do you like your new broth
er asked the grocer as he was
weighing out the right kind of sugar
O I dont like him very much the
little fellow answered He cries all
the time
Why dont you change him then
as you do the sugar
We cant change him now cause
weve used him three days
Try One Package
If Defiance Starcn does not please
you return it to your dealer If it
does you get one third more for the
same money It will give you satis
faction and will not stick to the iron
The beauty of our lives depends on
the clearness with which God can
shine through them
Mrs Fannie Urhouse of Passaic N
J recently sold her 3-weeks-old son
for 5 because of her extreme poverty
and inability to care for the child
Mrs Urhouses husband was killed in
the recent strike in Pennsylvania She
was able to take care of herself by
working for 2 a week until the child
came Mrs John Urban of Walling
ton was the purchaser
Fore thought is better than after
thought but inner thought is best gI
On exhibition in Columbia S C is
a Revolutionary sword with an inter
esting history It originally belonged
to the British oflicer Colonel Tarle
ton and was captured by Wade Hamp
ton ancestor of the late General
Wade Hampton The sword has been
handed down as a relic in the family
and was used by General Hampton in
the civil war
LINCOLN The following bills were In
troduced In tho senate Wednesday and
read for the first time
S F 1 by Senator Howell of Douglas
A bill for an act to provide In cities of
tho metropolitan class viz 1 For the
procedure In certain cases by the mayor
and council in the acquisition of a mu
nicipal water plant 2 for the creation
of a water board its organization Its
powers Its duties and tho compensa
tion of Its members and employes 3 for
penalties for interference with water
plant or employes of water board In
the discharge of teir duties 4 for a
water fund its revenues and tho dis
bursement tehereof and amending sec
tions 13 10 21 25 2D 32 33 33 G7 72 8G
87 89 93 91 100 101A 135 138 and 140 of
tho Omaha charter emergency clause
S F 2 by Senator Sheldon of Cass
An act to legalize and make valid all
orders judgments decrees and findings
that have been made by any district
court In the state of Nebraska In action
brought by any county In said state to
foreclose alleged Hen3 for taxes assessed
and levied on lands and lots in said
counties for state county school and
municipal purposes and which actions
were not based on tax certificates but
on the unpaid and delinquent taxes and
wherein said counties foreclosed for
such county and as trustee for the state
of Nebraska and tho scverla school dis
tricts and various municipalities enti
tled to such tax to legalize all sheriffs
deeds made in such proceedings and to
repeal all acts and parts of acts Incon
sistent herewith Emergency clause
S F 3 by Senator Sheldon Authoriz
ing county boards In the various coun
ties to establish boards of health to pre
vent the spread of contagious diseases
one member of such board to be a phy
S F 4 by Senator Sheldon A bill for
an act to protect the public health and
prevent the spread of contagious and in
fectious diseases Confers sanitary au
thority on the state board of health and
Its secretaries authorizes It to adopt
and enforce special quarantine regula
tions provides for the appointment of
a state health inspector at a salary of
1800 requires local officers to make
timely reports of the existence of cer
tain diseases provides penalties and car
ries a 10000 appropriation Emergency
S F 5 by Senator Sheldon To require
applicants for a permit to practice medi
cine to submit to an examination by the
state board of health on topics a knowl
edge of which Is commonly and generally
required of candidates for a degree of a
doctor of medicine by reputable medical
colleges and to raise the applicants
fee from 10 to 25 of which 20 shall be
divided among the secretaries and 5 de
voted to a fund for the proselon of
Illegal practitioners
S F G by Senator ONeill Lancas
ter An act to amend section 4 of chapter
84 of the compiled statutes Removing
the limit as to the size of the state cem
etery at Lincoln
S F 7 by Senator Marshall of Otoe
To amend section 19 of chapter 10 re
lating to Bonds and Oaths fixing the
bonds of sheriffs In counties of over 10
000 Inhabitants at 10000 and of county
commissioners or supervisors when the
population does not exceed 5000 at 1000
when the population is over 5000 and less
than 10000 at 2000 when tho popula
tion exceeds 10000 and less than 15000
at 5000 when the population exceeds
15000 and less than 20000 at 10000 when
the population exceeds 20000 and less
than 35000 at 15000 when the popula
tion exceeds 35000 at 525000 and road
overseers at 100
S F 8 by Senator Marshall To amend
sections 53 and 54 chapter 18 and entitled
Counties and County Officers making
county commissioners elective by a full
vote of the county instead of by the vote
of their respective districts and repeal
ing the clause In section 54 relating to
the election of county commissioners in
counties having a population of more
than 70000 and less than 125000
S F 9 by Senator Hastings of Butler
An act creating a board of pardons of
three members defining their duties and
fixing their compensation at 5 per day
and repealing all acts or parts of acts In
conflict Emergency clause
S F 10 by Senator Marshall To legal
ize the Issuance of bonds for the estab
lishment and maintenance of a heating
and lighting system in villages and cities
of the second class having less than
5000 Inhabitants
S F 11 by Senator Hall of Douglas
Extending life of supreme court commis
sioners to April 10 1905 at the discretion
of the court and authorizing the court
if It wishes to reduce the number of
commissioners and stenographers to six
S F 12 by Senator Hall of Douglas
A bill for an act to provide for appeal to
the supreme court in all cases except
criminal cases reauircs appeals to be
taken within six months
S F 13 by Senator Beghtol of Lan
casterRelating to roads
In the senate on Thursday very little
work of importance was transacted- out
side of the Appointment of committees
The following bills were introduced
S F 14 by Hastings of Butler Act to
amend section 12 article i chapter 2 of
the Compiled Statutes relating to agri
S F 15 by Marshall of Otoe Act to re
peal section 3 chapter xll entitled Day
of Grace
S F 1G by Marshall of Otoe Act to
amend section 63 chapter lxxlli entitled
Compiled Abstracts of Title Bonds
3 F 17 by Marshall of Otoe To define
cope of Deaf and Dumb school
fjenate adjourned to meet at 2 oclock
On Wednesday morning Speaker Mock
eU rapped the house to order at 1030
Prayer was offered by the chaplain Rev
George Scott
Good of Nemaha moved the appoint
ment ct a committee of five to determine
for the speaker3 guidance vhat and
how many house employes would be re
quired Tho motion prevailed Rouse
of Hall Nelson of Douglas and Ander
son of Knox were appointed to act with
a like committee from the senate to no
ify tho governor that the legislature
is organized and ready to hear from him
The speaker appointed Caldwell of Clay
Flshback of Clay Swcezy of Webster
Ford of Thayer and Eggenburger of Fill
more a committee to draft suitable res
olutions on the death of Representative
John R Muslck of Nuckolls county
On motion of Rouse of Hall Atwood
of Seward was excused for one week
from attending the sessions of the house
on account of sickness On motion oi
Morsman of Douglas J A C Kennedy
tho fusion member of the Douglas dele
gation was excused for a period of two
weeks alsoon account of sickness
The joint committee on arrangements
reported that Governor Savage would
read his message at noon Thursday and
that a joint session would be held at
noon Wednesday to canvass the vote In
pursuance to this arrangement t 12
sharp the honorable senate of the state
of Nebraska was announced and filed
Into Representative hall
Tho joint assembly was called to order
by Lieutenant Governor Steele who pre
sided The secretary of state then an
nounced the result of the last general
election the total vote being 198574 di
vided among the candidates as follows
Governor Mickey R 96471 Thompson
F 91116 Travis Pro 3397 Blgelow
Soc 3157 scattering 2
Lieutenant governor McGilton R
98320 Gilbert F S7009 Hightner Pro
4129 Plugh Soc 34S2
Secretary of state March R 99128
Powers F 86044 Norton Pro 4133
Koe Soc 3462 scattering 1
Treasurer Mortensen R 99944 Ly
man F 84836 Msvldox Pro 4140
Stolley Soc 3650
Auditor Weston HJ 99747 Do France
F 83900 Dale Pro 4578 Llppencott
Soc 3734 scattering 2
Attorney general Prout R 98581
Broady F 85512 Clark Pro 44
Burleigh Soc 36S scattering 2
Land commissioner Follmer R 99
3S8 Brennan F 81188 Dilworth Pro
4304 Adams Soc 3817 scattering 1
Superintendent public Instruction Fow
ler R 99941 Smith F S3GG9 Howard
Pro 432S Spencer Soc 3759 scat
tering 2
First district Burkett R 16531
Hanks F 11603 Fraser Pro 579
Christenscn Soc CG2
Second district Mercer R 11669
Hitchcock F 13509 McCaffrey Soc
Third district McCarthy R 19201
Robtoson F 18541 Beveridge Pro
632 scattering 3
Fourth district Hinshaw R 19337
Stark F 1GS3S Farley Pro 743
Fifth district Norris R 14927 Shal
lenberger F 14746 Stoddard Pro
496 scattering 2
Sixth district Klnkaid R 16699 Bar
ry F 13997 Swander Pro 660 Wise
ly Soc 4G3
Judges Fourth judicial disterlct to 111
vacancy Day R 23941 Read R23
502 No opposition
Constitutional amendment For 43147
against 15999
On motion of Senator Harrison of Hall
the candidates shown elected by tho
tabulation prepared by the secretary of
state were declared by the speaker to
be elected
Senator Harrison moved that when the
joint session adjourned it be until 2
oclock tomorrow to receive the mes
sages of the outgoing and incoming ex
ecutives and witness the inauguration of
the state officers The motion prevailed
and the joint convention then adjourned
On reconvening the house on motion
of Sears of Burt adjourned for tho day
Aside from naming of house employes
practically no business was transacted on
Thursday A resolution on the death of
John R Music was adopted
On motion of Rouse of Hall it was or
dered that when the house adjourn it be
to meet at 11 oclock Tuesday morning
Mrs Tingleys Workers Deny Allega
tions Made in Libel Suit
LINCOLN Arrangements have een
made for the governors reception to
be held at the capitol on the evening
of January 8 commencing at 8 oclock
All the state offices senate chamber
and representative hall will be open
during the reception Every effort will
be made for the convenience of guests
The outside entrance to the capitol
building will be open for entrance and
exit and members of the national
guard will be stationed at all door3
and hallways to give directions and
Tfce reception proper will be held in
the senate chamber where the retir
ing governor will receive and intro-
due the people to the incoming gover
nor supported by the members of his
staff and state officers and their la
The west stairway leading to the
senate chamber will he used exclusive
ly for reaching the second floor and
the other stairways for the return or
departure of guests The receiving
party will be stationed at the south
side of the senate chamber and guests
upon entering will pass to the left
and then around to the right of the
chamber passing out through the of
fice of the lieutenant governor thence
to the rotunda and if desirable to the
house of representatives where a gen
eral exchange of social courtesies can
be had
Disown Fleeing Archduke
VIENNA The members of the Tus
can branch of the Hapsburg family re
solved Tuesday to pay Archduke Leo
pold Ferdinand who accompanied his
sister the crown princess of Saxony
when she eloped his share of the fam
ily fortune and dismiss him from the
Professor James Sully who has
written a 430 page book entitled An
Essay on Laughter says that tho pe
culiar muscular actions which are
grouped under the name of laughter
are provoked by the incongruous the
iinaccustomed and the unexpected
juxtaposition of things Professor
Sully cites the story of a man arrested
by soldiers who is allowed to Join
them at cards He cheats and is kick
id out his playmates quite forgetting
that he is their proslner With this
may be coupled the story of two
burglars In the dock One of them
kept on peklng the other in the ribs
as the evidence against them proceed
ed until he was made to desist by
the protest Who are you knocking
about Ive as much right to be here
as you
Itev John McNeill says It is a com
mon idea that any man can preach
and states an amusing incident to dis
pel the dilusion An elder in a certain
church on one occasion had to take
the pulpit in the absence of the min
ister at the last moment He got
through the first part of the service
all right but on getting up to give
the sermon he found his difficulty He
started with Brethren pause
pause if
any of you wants the conceit taken
out of you come up here
The March of Science
Oolitie Ind January 12th That
Oolitle Is right abreast of tho times
in the use of tire most recent discover
ies in Medical Science is shown by
recent cases in which those dreaded
Kidney Complaints that cause so
many deaths have been completely
cured by the new Remedy Dodds
Kidney Pills
Many people in this neighborhood
tell of aches relieved and pains de
parted because of tho use of Dodds
Kidney Pills One of these is W A
Terry the well known Grocer Here
is his story
I suffereil for four months with
Kidney and Bladder Trouble and was
so bad that I was almost confined to
my bed I could get no relief until I
commenced using Dodds Kidney
I could notice an Improvement tho
second day I took the pills I would
recommend Dodds Kidney Pills to all
sufferers from Kidney Complaints
Tho Gospel in life will save the
world where the Gospel in literature
would fail
wont shake out or blow out by using
Defiance starch you obtain better results
than possible with any other brand and
one third more for same money
Any fool can find faults the wise
man discovers virtues
Sufferers From Consumption
should write Derk P Yonkerman
Co Kalamazoo Mich who have a
wonderful remedy for this dread dis
Forgiveness without forgetting is
like a pardon without a stay of pun
Some grocers say they dont keep De
fiance Starch This is because they have
a stock on hand of othe brands contain
ing only 12 oz In a package which they
wont be able to sell first because De
fiance contains 16 oz for the same money
Do you want 16 oz instead of 12 oz
for same money Then buy Defiance
Starch Requires no cooking
The Queen of tho Belgians like the
late Empress of Austria was extreme
ly fond of horses It was said that
she could break in any colt and she
brought up her daughters to share
her love of riding and driving At
Laeken she had a large riding school
and she had also a stud farm in the
country where she bred Hungarian
How much do you weigh a friend
once asked the late Thomas B Reed
I weigh 200 pounds said Mr Reed
Oh you weigh more than that was
the surprised reply You must weigh
nearly 300 pounds No said the
speaker with an air of finality no
gentleman weighs more than 200
Clear white clothes are a sign that the
housekeeper uses Red Cross Boll Blue
Large 2 oz package 5 cents
It is probable that the oldest mag
istrate in active service in the United
States is Thomas Poe justice of the
peace in Rushville Ind who is now
in his 93d year He lias held the office
since 1854 and for the last forty years
has occupied the same room At the
last election he was chosen to serve
another term of four years
God is likely to answer our prayers
for others out of our own pocket
Off i
All Bodily Aches
Where shall ono co at this season
of tho year to avoid tho disagroeablo
features of a blustery Northern cli
mate or to gain relief from tho vari
ous ills that fiesh Is heir to There
Is only ono answer to tho question
namely take ono of tho Missouri Pa
cifics palatial trains to tho winter
pleasure and health resorts of tho
Southwest particularly those In Ark
ansas Louisiana Texas Old Mexico
and Southern California It is -only
a step from tho dreary rains snows
and blizzards of tho East Northeast
and Middle West to tho warm and
pleasant winter climates of the
Southwest For tho invalid and tho
pleasure seeker there are many in
viting prospects For theso the
health giving and rejuvenating waters
of tho Ozark aro bubbling In tho
greeh walled basin of Hot Springs
Mountain the most picturesque spot
to be found It is safe to say that
there Is no all-the-year-round health
and pleasure resort in the country
that can compare with Hot Springs
Arkansas It Is tho only National
sanitarium in tho United States own
ed and controlled by tho government
It 1b as a fashionable pleasure resort
that Hot Springs has attracted tho
greatest attention during the past
decade Tho idea that It Is only tho
afflicted who go there has long since
been proven erroneous It is the rec
ognized popular winter resort of tho
best Northern travelers and tho sum
mer gathering place of tho social
clans of the sunny South Tho man
of small means can supply his needs
and the man of wealth has opportun
ity to procure the luxuries ho desires
For the tourist and health seeker who
prefers the salt air and sunny shores
of tho Gulf many attractions aro
offered at New Orleans Galveston
Houston and points along tho Texas
coast all reached by tho Iron Moun
tain Route where tarpon fishing tho
most royal of all sports for tho
angler is at its very best during tho
winter season
Queer and quaint old San Antonio
Is another place that should be visit
ed It is the portal of the health
belt of Texas and is situated at tho
head of the valley of the exceedingly
picturesque river bearing tho same
name at the very edge of tho foot
hills of the Guadalupe mountains
Round about much diversity of
amusement I3 found and there aro
many points and places of historical
interest to be seen but it is In bizarro
San Antonio Itself that the tout
ensemble of diversion is most charm
ingly rounded It is a modern marvel
of cities pre eminently cosmopolitan
and thoroughly unexpected It chron
icles its Spanish birth as unmistak
ably as its Texan growth From San
Antonio the traveler can take tho
train south to Laredo the famous
border town on the banks of tho
Rio Grande River and crossing the
stream place foot in the land of tho
Montezumas the Egypt of the new
world Mucn time can be spent with
profit and pleasure in this sub tropical
climate amid scenes repleto with his
toric interest From Laredo also the
trip lies across New Mexico and Ari
zona to Los Angeles San Francisco
and the famous resorts of the Pacific
coast All of these places are best
reached by the Missouri Pacific Rail
way and Iron Mountain Route with
connecting lines that go to make up
the great Gould system of railroads
Walks on the Water
After several years of patient labor
and experiment a Tenby Pembroke
shire seaman named William Llew
ellyn has invented an apparatus by
means of which he is able to walk on
the sea even in the roughest weather
Llewellyn gave a successful demon
stration off the pier head before a
crowd of several thousands people
The apparatus consists of a pair of
large wooden boots connected in
front with a steering gear With
these boots which are shaped like
the two parts of a catamaran Llew
ellyn walked about the sea for nearly
half an hour The water was rather
rough at the time but the inventor
seemed to have no difficulty in keep
ing his balance
A Modern French Pied Piper
At a country fair at Rosenthalles
Choux a little village near Dunkirk
France a rat charmer named Ray
surprised the natives by shutting him
self up in a barrel with a hundred
Several minutes afterward when the
spectators expected to see him half
devoured by the rodent3 the man
opened the lid of the barrel and
shewed himself unharmed with the
rats clustering about his breast He
said that the modulations of his voice
acted as a charm upon tho animals
and prevented them from devouring
him London Mail
An Indianapolis doctor is authority
for a story of a family named Tins
ley whose members as well as their
ancestors have never been able to
laugh since a clergyman cursed a Tins
ley for Ill timed merriment at the
hanging of a thief in Oliver Crom
wells days
The Paris Messenger says that the
report that President Loubet has ac
cepted an invitation to visit the
United States in order to attend the
Louisiana Purchase exposition is with
out foundation Tho only trip likel
to be made by M Loubet next year x
to Algeria and Tunis
More than fifty girls are studying
scientific farming in tie Minneapolis
College of Agriculture The course
they take includes botany chemistrv
physics and geology requiring in the
first two years two terms each