wAMWMNIMNlM0Atfi fto MtSeofs frita By F M KIMMBLL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance LoNaMONTColorndo is to have a beet sugar factory to handle the crop of 1903 Tho full capacity of the factory will bo 1200 tons of beots n day but it will start this year with a capacity Tho plant will ultimately cost a million dollarsand it will bo dominated by tho American Sugar Refining Co botor known as tho sugar trust tho Havemoyers Guaranteed acreage of sugar beets this year is 0000 acres One of tho vital interests of tho South west Nebraska Industrial Association will bo tho promotion of irrigation Nothing will sooner assure tho location of tho sugar beet factory in tho Repub lican Valley than tho increasing of tho irrigation facilities and capacities of the Frenchman and Republican rivers Tho matter rests upon tho building of dams and tho impounding of tho large amount of water which now flows past us un utilized There are splendid opportu nities for dam building on both rivers and especially on tho Frenchman Last Sunday evening in the Methodist church of Nebraska City Miss Lida Tice a young woman suddenly fell to the floor vomiting blood and showing alarming signs of possiblo dissolution While the summoned medics were work ing over the sick woman tho assembled brethren and sisters gathered about and sang We Will Meet in Heaven This j prospect was too much for the ailing woman and she soon showed signs of improvement and seems destined for some time to disappoint the brethren on on that score Ulcerated stomach caused tho hemorrhage Poet Laureate of Republican Valley James Franklin Forbes of McCookthe poet laureate of the Republican Valley Bonds in these lines in response to a ques tion lately propounded in these columns You ask who on this earth can find The key to that which we call mind And hold it where it can bo seen TIiib thing you call the thought machine The solving of lifes sums dear Bis Is not found in the almanix Nor is it found in schools of thought Nor round tho Joints where booze is bought But man may truly pierce the dim DarkTeil that hides himself from hini When once ho grasps tho thought that ho Is something more than what you sec That this the thing you call tho man Is simply part of sorao wise plan To clothe tho soul with ltuman raion And evoluto a thought machine You cannot seo the raging wind Nor penetrate witli finite mind Tho riddle of tho universe Although you can write peerless verse But as you read these punky lines Just look within and note the signs That may adviso you how to find The spot whore dwells tho human mind And how the subtle essence sends Its messages to foes and friends It is not in your teeming brain You find tho spark that lights the train Nor thinking oft of Adams sin But look within just look within And some day youll not have to fix For warmer times across the Styx BANKSVILLE Sunday the 11th inst the thermom eter registered 2 below Mrs August Wesch has had a long siege of sickness but is reported much better Fine winter weather again with snow mostly gone and the stock have a chance to rustle their own living which is a very important condition on the divide lands of southwestern Nebraska The stock have pulled through the 30 days cold snap in very good condition so far as the writer is informed A Scientific Discovery Kodol docs for Hie stomach that which it is unable to do for itself even when it is but slightly disordered or overloaded Kodol sup plies tho natural juices of digestion and does tho work of the stomach relaxing the nervous tension whilo the infiammed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal Kodol digests what you cat and enables tho stomach and digestivo organs to transform all food into rich red blood McConnell Berry Cupid Amlahed Mr Slowgait about to propose time 11 p m I am about to say something Miss Chillington that I should have said some time ago Look into my eyes and tell me if you can not guess what it is Miss Chilling ton suppressing a yawn You look as sleepy as I feel so I guess you must be going to say good night Chica go News Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds oi food ltgives instant relief and neve tails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on thestom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help but do you gMMl Prepared only by E O DBWrrrOa Ohlcanx ThoSL bottle contains1 times tho 50c size A SERMON TO SUIT The Folic Who Paid For ilio Dla conrnc Got What They Wanted Many Maine people who live in a certain part of Cumberland county will well remember one Abner so he was always culled in his town Abner was the wit of the village and he was commonly selected to take eh Tge of funerals because he was abrut the only man In town who had time hang ing on his hands A citizen died a man who never amounted to much who ras never positively wicked because that would have required more of au effort than he was willing to make He was however far enough from be ing a good citizen and Abner knew it as well as anybody else Abner was requested to ask a certain minister to conduct the service and he hitched up his old horse and drove to his house The minister said he would attend and then tried to get a little in formation concerning the late lament ed What sort of a man was he he asked Well about the same as no sort of a man at all replied Abner frankly I suppose his loss will be deeply felt in the community said the min ister Theyre all bearing up well under it said Abner slowly Was he a Christian asked the minister If hed been accused of it the ver dict would have been not guilty and the jury wouldnt have left their seats replied Abner cheerfully Did he attend church asked the minister a bit anxiously I never heard of his doing it said Abner How did be die continued the minister Just the Fame as he lived sort of naturally said Abner I dont see how Im to preach much of a sermon under such circumstances said the minister The neighbors all said they didnt think they wanted much of a sermon ami so they sent me over to see you said Abner The minister pocketed his wrath and a five dollar bill and after the funeral the satisfied Abner said Well we got just what we wanted bgosh Lewis ton Journal POULTRY POINTERS Game chickens have more meat in proportion to their height than any other breed of fowls When the chickens are growing fast it is a good plan to mix a little bone- meal in their soft feed Smearing whole wheat with kerosene or turpentine and feeding it to the chickens is a good remedy for gapes Adding some carbolic cid and put ting on hot will secure much better re sults from the whitewashing of the poultry house While it is at no time advisable to keep food of any kind before the fowls all the time it will be an advantage to keep milk where they can drink all they want Fowls do not run together in large numbers They will always divide into flocks of small size and will select dif ferent feeding grounds always pro vided they have the opportunity A growing chicken like a growing animal requires plenty of good whole some food supplied liberally and often in order to enable them to grow and mature rapidly and to develop proper- There Was n Limit I am glad they moved away re marked the good housewife speaking of a family of borrowing neighbors who had just left the neighborhood I was willing to lend them a loaf of bread occasionally or half a dozen eggs or the washboard or the lemon squeezer but when they got down to sending the little girl over to borrow pennies to give the organ grinder I began to think it was nearly time to draw the line and to cap the climax one day they actually asked me to come over and take care of the baby while they went out to do the shop ping Uncertain About Her Age A Boston servant like many of her class does not know her age She has lived with one family eleven years and has always been twenty eight But not long ago she read in the newspaper of an old woman who had died at the age of 10G Maybe Im as auld as that mesilf said she Indade I cant re mimber the time when I wasnt alive Boston Christian Register An Exclinnpre of Courtesies No sub said Mr Erastus Pinkly I nebber sold my vote to nobody But that candidate gave you 2 Yassir I doesnt deny dat He jes come along an gimme dat two an when a gemman comes along an gives you 2 fob nuflin it aint no mo dan common reciprocity to vote fob sim foh nuffin Washington Star What Slie Snys A man cant tell whether a girl means what she says he remarked thoughtfully Of course not she replied If he thinks she does why she just naturally doesnt the moment she finds it out and if he thinks she doesnt why she does Chicago Post Cruelty Bill I hear a man in town was ar rested today for cruelty to animals Jill Is that so Yes the fellow had a tapeworm and he refused to feed it Yonkers Statesman light mortals how ye walk your life minuet over bottomless abysses di vided from you by a film Carlyle w nwrtivftnmmrnm A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomacn a bad digestion a bad liver Ayers Pills are liver pills Iney cure con stipation biliousness dys pepsia sick headache 25c AU druggists I Want Tour moustacbo or beard a beautiful J brown or rich black Then uso BUCKlNlihWS UYt whisks I tocrs ofDhugquts on R P Mail A Co Nashua wh INDIANOLA This is a hello town now Mrs John Fuss is quite sick Ed Smith wheeled out to tho farm Monday L R Corbin was on tho sick list a few days this week We hope to be able to report a wed ding in the near future Robert Gotschall of Danbury was a city visitor Wednesday Mrs John McClung is very low Miss Mae Rider is nursing her Misses Fay and Merle Hostetter went down to Holdrege Wednesday Tho A O U W treated the D of H to an oyster supper Monday evening Mrs C B Hoag visited this week with her daughter Mrs Gray in McCook Lem Hickman from south of Bartley attended revival meetings at this place Tuesday evening The Salvation army people are expect ing some new arrivals to help them in their work at this place the last of the week Mr and Mrs Spon and three children of Culbertson spent last Saturday and Sunday with her brother Jake Kern and family The people of Indianola listened to two elegant sermons last Sunday by Rev Shumate of McCook The house was well filled both morning and even ing by an appreciative audience Mrs I M Beardslee is expected home this weekfrom Cripple Creek where she has been to nurse Charlie who has been very sick with typhoid pneumonia She will bring Charlie home with her and will keep him under her care until he recuperates His many friends hope to hear of his speedy and complete recovery New Century Comfort Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bucklens Arnica Salve It kills pain from bnrns scalds cuts bruises conquers ulcers and fever sores cures eruptions salt rheum boils and felons removes corns and warts Best pile cure on earth Only 25c at McConnell fc Berrys drug store BARTLEY Meeting at the M E church now G W Jones is in Iowa at this writing Roy Kennedy was a Bartley bum Tuesday Matt Teenis and Pete Fossen have been threshing cane seed this week Lem Hickman and sister Maud arrived here last week from Illinois on a visit Jim Winters and wife were down from Stockville to do some trading Tuesday of this week The city waterworks were sold last week Mr Gallatin buying the tank and Mr Baker the mill The town board has rented a house and expected to move Mrs Sells family into it this week but owing to her mother-in-laws severe illness they will be unable to move for some time Simple Colds Cease to be simple if at all prolonged The safest way is to pnt them aside at the very beginning Ballards Horehound Syrup stops a cold and removes tho cause of colde 25c 50c and 1 bottle at A McMillens Heads Should Never Ache Never endure this trouble Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs N A Wester of Winnie Va who writes Dr Kings New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches I had suffered from for two years Cures headache constipation billiousness 25c at McConnell Berrys drug store Its pretty hard to define real beauty Rare and beautiful women everywhere owe their lov liness to Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales One per cent on sales 1000 and upward Correspondence solicited LB I The Keystone of Good Health is pure food is all coffee no glazing of eggs or glue to conceal de fects and cheapen its quality Fresh and uniform rich in flavor because always in sealed packages never in bulk v Zr Orleans to St Francis Orleans Neb Jan 15 1003 Special to The TniBUNEThe Burlington turn tables at Atwood and St Francis Kan sas are to be reconstructed and enlarged to accommodate engines of tho Pig class which will replace tho small locomo tives now running on tho branch In creased traffic and heavier tonnage de mand more powerful machines to haul long and heavy trains so freight will not be delayed and savo doubling heavy grades The only objection seems that tho steel rails of the St Francis branch are too light to stand tho weight of these engines Material to rebuild the Atwood turn table has arrived at that point Emigrants are coming up the branch and locating on the stock ranges west of Atwood St Francis has many tons of broom corn baled and ricked along the track in the yards waiting for suitable cars to convey same to market Two stock trains came down tho branch a week ago cattle and hogs for Kansas City market This country is a peer to any in the West for live stock industry Some time ago nearly 6000 head of sheep from New Mexico were unloaded at Cedar Bluffs Kansas for local feeders The sheep industry is gradually increas ing One of the best ranches in North western Kansas and Southwestern Ne braska is located at Marion Nebraska and it is a paying enterprise Marion Nebraska will soon have a general store Marion does a heavy shipping in baled alfalfa and wheat and pays tho company more than certain stations that have trackage and station houses Atwood has now an additional bank and lumber yard This county seat was never more prosperous than at present not a vacant house or store room in town The Rockefeller McDonald and Dewey ranches are near this point All million aire syndicates Beaver City Nebraska is a city of tho second class since last year and she is very proud of it It has the largest busi ness and heaviest mail of any point on the branch Swift has a branch poultry house at Orleans has the bulk of the business of the branch and a few weeks ago had 14 men employed Orleans has now a cold storage the property of an Omaha brewing company Hans Miller has it in cnarge Ways Banwell son of our esteemed citizen Dr W H Banwell took the F C degree in Masonry last Saturday night Fifty new telephones are being put in by Judge Keester of Alma The St Francis ice house had recent ly sixteen carloads of ice loaded therein a special train of company ice Orleans has been and still is harder hit by the coal famine than any town on the branch or in this territory If a blizzard would set in the people here would be in a terrible condition Of twenty car loads of coal contracted since July only a few have shown up and the coal supply is a hand to hand concern Dead limbs brush and cobs are gathered in limited quantities to scare off the grim ice king Dislocated Her Shoulder Mrs Johanna Soderholm of Fergus Falls Minn fell and dislocated her shoulder Sho had 2 surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible but it was quite sore and pained her very much Her son mentioned that he had j een Chamberlains Pain Balm advertised for sprains and soreness and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it which he did It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for several dajs The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended it to many others For sale by McConnell Berry A Big Wall Map Free We have a marvelous offer to make to readers of this paper Our reversible wall map of the United States and World is 46x66 inches It is mounted on rollers and ready to haDg on the wall It is printed in colors and shows everything interesting and valuable We send it on approval and guarantee absolutely that it will please you To every one who will send us 1 for one years sub scription to The Prairie Farmer and The Prairie Farmer Home Magazine monthly supplement we will send this great map free upon condition that 15 cents be added to pay for packing and postage on the map When you get the map if you are not entirely pleased return it to us ana tne iun amount or your money will be refunded without one word We guarantee that it will fully please you Address The Prairie Farmer 160 Adams street Chicago I love thee O yes I love thee But its all that I can ever be For in my visions in tho night My dreams are Kocky Mountain Ta NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Gottlieb Wejeneth and William Thiessen and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road I commencing at the southeast corner of section twentj nine 29 township one 1 range twenty-eight 28 as a starting point theuro west on section line between sections tweuty nino 29 and thirty two 32 about CIS feet to the bridge thence in a southwesterly course 1M0 feet to a point 232 feet south of tho taction linr between sections twenty nine 29 and thirtj two 32 thence in a northwesti rly course 6SJ feet to a point on the said section line 300 feet east of the bridge on said section line that is located near the quarter section line has re ported in favor of the establishment tnereof as follows Commencing at tho sontliPast corner of sec tion twenty nine 29 township one 1 range twenty eight 28 as a starting point thence west on section line between sections twenty nine 29 and thirty two 32 nine 9 chains and thirty three 33 links thence southwest twenty three 23 degrees thirty 30 minute- fourteen 14 chains and thirtj fonr 34 links thence northwest eighty nine S9i degrees fourteen 14 chains and thirty two 32 links to section line between sections twenty nine 29 and thirty two 32 terminating thereat And all objections thereto or claims for dama ges must be filed in the county clerks office on or before noon of the 17th day of March A D 190 or said road will bo established without I reference thereto 1 1 6 4 ts E J Wilcox County Clerk I AIML REMNANT SALE Having finished our yearly inventory you will find on our middle table Extraordinary Bargains in odds and ends and short lengths of Dress Goods Waist Flannels Outings Flannelettes Table Linens Ginghams Percales Linings etc Call before the best pieces are taken Mens Hats at Great Reductions This stock must be lowered in order to make room for spring goods Flens Trousers at Cost These extreme values are going fast dont delay Call early 65c and 75c Work Shirts 48c Fine 75c Dress Shirts 57c Better ones 90c and 1 For Fresh Clean Groceries at the Lowest Price Call Up Phone No 16 HN I GRANNIS McCOQK Rev Carlisle P B Martin L L D Waverly Texas writes Of a morningwhen first rising I often find a troublesome collection of phlegm which produces a cough and is very hard to dislodge bnt a small quantity of Bal lards Horehound sjrup -will at oncedislodge it and the trouble is over I know of no medicine that is equal to it and is so pleasant to take I can most cordially recommend it to all per sons needing a medicine for lung or throat troubles Price 25c 50c and 100 bottle at A McMilllens Low Rates to Kansas City The Burlington will sell tickets to Kansas City and return at greatly re duced rates on January 12 and 13 1903 Good returning until January 31 190 Ask the Burlington agpnt Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents The nicest and pleasantest medicine I have used for indigestion and constipation is Cham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets i ay Melard F Craig of Middlegrove N Y They work like a charm and do not gripe or have any unpleasant effect For sale by McConnell fc Berry Oea utiful Tli oixaHis The sweet pure breath of the babe is suggestive of innocence and health A mothers yearning for children is in separable from a love of the beautiful and it behooves every woman to bring the sweetest and best influence to bear on the subject of her maternity To relieve pain and make easy that period when life is born again Mothers Friend is popularly used It is a liniment easily administered and for external use only Pregnant women should try this remedy it being undeniably a friend to her during natures term of suspense and anticipation riuthers Friend if used throughout gestation will soften the breasts thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples All muscles straining with the burden will relax become supple and elastic from its continued application All fibres in the abdominal region wiil respond readily to the expanding cover containingtheembryoifriothers Friend is applied externally during pregnancy Of all reliable druggists Joo per bottle Write for free book on notnerhood THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA 6A RHEUMATISM GUREDAT LAST Good News For all Who Suffer With Rheumatism Free To all who suffer with rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was cured after years of suffering together with the moat elaborate treatise on rheumatism ever published No matter what your form of rheuma tism is whether acute chronic muscu lar inflammatory deformant sciatic neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat ter how many doctors have failed in your case no matter how many socalled sure cures you have tried I want you to write to me and let me tell you how my mother was cured I am neither a doctor nor a professor simply a plain man of business but I have a cure for rheumatism and I want to tell everyone who suffers with rheumatism about it I wish to bo clearly understood and trust that all who suffer with this terrible disease however apparently beyond the reach of cure will write to me this dav and I will send you by return mail this work of mine I appeal especially to the chronically ill who are wearied and discouraged with doctoring and to those who have been cast aside as incurable All you have thought about rheumatism may be wrong Let me toll you our ex perience Surely if you have rheuma tism or have a suffering friend it will pay you to investigate my offer anyway and prove for yourself the claims I make Send me your address today a postal card will do and I will mail you this wonderful story I f you have any friends suffering with rheumatism no matter where located send me their ad dress and I will mail them a copy My address in Victor Kainbolt Bloomfield Indiana Best Liniment on Earth H nry D Baldwin Supt City Watr Works Sliullbbnrg Wit writes I have tried many kinds of liniment but have much bpoefit until I used Ballards Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains 1 think it the best liniment on earth 2x Wk- and tl bottle at A McMillenc QMet Students eaa work for board ZdcC Banktcz Law c udteie4d Sent far Catalogue free Prof A J LOWBY Prla AC0lt6AHlU Shortteasd Tjrpewrttlnir Eagisa Ftes Bwaa tA v r I V I A I f