I ffa IMmk fvihuyt M MSLL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Ik there is one jim crow town in all southwestern Nebraska that is not an ideal town for the lciion of a junior state normal we wmikl be pleased to hear from it Tjik Centra Shorthoni Breeders as sociation will hold its an mini meeting in Lincoln January 22 and 23 and the Western Passenger f sociation an nounces a one third rate from points west of the Missouri Two practices of capital and labor ought to be cut out and that promptly and forever in America The blacklist of capital and the boycott of labor Both are equally reprehensible and cowardly Thoj are flowers so noxious that they should be rooted up and no more forever should be given growing room in tho free soil of this fair land of liberty Bingkii Herman commissioner of the general laud office will probably retire from that office on January 15th and William A Richards now assistant commissioner of the general land office will succeed him Mr Herman has re signed by request of the secretary of the interior Two subordinate officers of the general land office have been asked to make explanations Perseverance Spoo the fish dont bite at fust What be yo goin to do Cliuck down your pole throw out your bait An say your flshius through Uv conrso you haint youre goin to fish An fibh an fish an wait Until youve ketched your basket full An used up all your bait Sposo Buccess dont come at fust What be you goin to do Throw up the sponge and kick yourself An go to feelin blue Uv course you haint youvo got to fish An bait an bait agin Bimeby success will bite your hook An you will pull him in Houston Post ffl LG Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con sumption Eat plenty of pork was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 years ago Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most ScottsEmulsionisthemod ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs Scotts Emulsion is the most refined of fats especially prepared for easy digestion Feeding him fat in this way which is often the only way is half the battle but Scotts Emulsion does more than that There is some thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hypophos phites in Scotts Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs A sample will be sent free upon request Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy SCOTT BOWNE CHEMISTS 409 Pearl St N Y 50c and Si all druggists- Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds oi food It gives instant relief and neve tails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help bEii do you good Prepared only by E O DeWitt Co Chicago Tho JI bottle contains 2J4 times the 50c sitta Fifty Years the Standard w Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair Highest tests US Govt demists No No Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPAHT 0 Central Timo 1110pm 2 605 am L2 920 AM No 5 arrives from cast at 8 p m MAIN LINE WEST DEPART Mountain Timo 111 A M 1140pm 825AM IMPERIAL LINE No 170 arrives Mountain Timo 540 p m No 175 departs 700AM Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars beats free on through trains Tickets Bold and baggage checked to any point in tho United States or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ot call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Franci9 General assonger Agent Omaha Nebraska Pleasant Evenings on the Farm Tho long winter evenings are here again and in most farm bouses it is a question how to spend them in a way which is not only pleasant but also that the time will not be altogether wasted The farmer as a rule cannot get away from his work even in reading time and ho enjoys most of all sitting down and going through aiirstclass farm magazine like the Twentieth Century Farmer This is chock full of the ideas of the brainest men in the country practical men who have been selected as writers because each in his own line has made a study of how to make farming pay One idea from men like these may be worth hundreds of dollars to any farmer or stock raiser There is no more wide awake weekly magazine published than the Twentieth Century Farmer and a trial subscription of three months will be sent on receipt of 25 cents the price per year being 1 A free sample copy will be sent to any one sending his name and address to the Twentieth Century Farmer 2057 Farnam street Omaha Nebraska It contains from twenty four to forty eight pages every week and besides arti cles dealing with farming and stock raising it has abundant reading matter in the way of stories and matter inter esting to the farmers wife and the children as well A Most Liberal Offer All our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club bing offer we make this year which includes with this -paper the Iowa Homestead its special Farmers Institute Editions and the Poultry Farmer These three publication are the best in their class and should be in every farm home To them -we add for local county and general news our own paper and make the price of the four one year only 125 Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so Email an amount of money The three papers named which we club with our own are well known through out the west and commend themselves to the readers favorable attention upon mere mention The Iowa Homestead is the great agricultural and live stock paper of the west the Poultry Farmer is the most practical poultry paper for the farmer while the Special Farmers Institute editions are the most practical publications for the promotion of good farming ever published Take advant age of this great offer as it will hold good for a short time only Samples of these papers may be examined by call ing at this office Low Rates to Kansas City The Burlington will sell tickets to Kansas City and return at greatly re duced rates on January 12 and 13 1903 Good returning until January 31 1903 Ask the Burlington agent The B M meat market sells the best of everything in their lino Heads Should Never Ache NeTer endure this trouble Use atonco tho remedy that stopped it for Mrs N A Wester of Winnie Va who writes Dr Kings New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches I had suffered from for two years Cures headache constipation billiousness 25c at McConnell fc Berrys drug store Every Bottle Warranted We guarantee every bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy nnd will refund tha money to anyone who is not satisfied after using two- tliirds of tho contents This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe coughs colds croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take It prevents any tendency of a cold to Best Liniment on Earth Henry D Baldwin Supt City Water Works Shullsburg Wis writes I have tried many kinds of liniment but have never received much benefit until I used Ballards Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains I think it the best liniment on earth 23c 50c and 1 bottle at A McMillens BARTLEY A CHRISTMAS SENSATION Sunday night before Christmas Oliver Bush Jim Arrassicks and several others were over to Sam Youngs and it is sup posed they wore playing cards when something occurred to arouse tho fight ing blood of Bush and ho struck at Sam Young with a bottlo and Jim caught his arm which act caused Bush to turn on Jim and in the course of a few minutes Bush was ready to quit after being badly whipped Nevertheless ho made brags that Arrassicks would bo a dead man inside of eight days Accordingly on Wednesday Bush came to town ready to keep his word and watching a chance when Jim was alone Sampson Bush called him out and politely knocked him through a window of Shorts store and while Arrassicks was satisfying Samp Oliver stopped up and stabbed him in tho head and over the left eye with a knife At this juncture the old man Bush put in his appearance also with a knifo drawn and long after Jim had said enough the Bushes kept on Mr Bush was put under bonds but at this writing Oliver and Samp have not been found The sheriff still has a posse hunting for them The trial is expected to take place tomorrow Herb Burtin is in our midst again Ben Sibbitt is down from Hayes county visiting relatives Will Wads worth was in town Wed nesday after an absence of several months in Oklahoma Mrs Liston and family and Mae Wood spent Christmas in McCook guest of Mr and Mrs Floyd Ford Mr Astell has moved into the Bechtel residence and Mr Lemasters is moving into the house vacated by Axtell Mr Grisell seemed to have tempor arily lost his mind last Saturday night and got lost About a dozen people were out hunting for him and after a couple of hours search found him on the creek north of Mr Bakers nearly frozen to death Reports say he is some better Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Teibcnk we have made arrangements with tho following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tribune at tho following very low prices with PUBLICATION TRICE TRIBUNE Detroit Free Press 1 00 51 50 Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 Prairie Farmer 100 125 Chicago Inter Ocean 100 140 Cincinnati Enquire 1 00 1 50 New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Demorests Magazine 1 00 1 75 ToledoBlade 100 125 Nebraska Farmer 100 165 Iowa Homestead 100 125 Lincoln Journal 1 UU 1 id Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50 New York World 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 1 hO St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 FarmandHome 100 120 Word and Works 100 170 Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50 -renewals 1 0 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Tribune McCook Neb Rev Carlisle P B Martin L L D Waverly Texas writes Of a morning when first rising I often find a troublesome collection of phlegm which produces a cough and is very hard to dislodge but a small quantity of Bal lards Horehound syrup will at once dislodge it and the trouble is over I know of no mediciue that is equal to it and is so pleasant to take I can most cordially recommend it to all per sons needing a medicine for lung or throat troubles Price 25c 50c and 100 bottle at A McMilllens A Scientific Discovery Eodol does for the stomach that which it is unablo to do for itself even when it is but slightly disordered or overloaded Kodol sup plies the natural juices of digestion and does tho work of the stomach relaxing the nervous tension while the in flammed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich red blood McConnell Berry WHEN BABY USE Mothers Friend Womans greatest dream of beauty and glory is when nature has chosen her to become a mother Every faculty is keenly alert as she foresees the joy ambition success and the life long satisfaction com fng nearer day by day in the dear and innocent being so soon to see light and the uncertainty whether she shall see a sweet girl or a brave boy face beside her on the pillow adds zest to her expectancy Mothers Friend applied externally throughout pregnancy will relieve the pain of parturition and no mother and child can fail to be healthy hearty strong clear complexioned pure blooded and cheerful in disposition who are mutually influenced by the continued use of this great liniment MOTHERS FRIEND Buy of druggists ioo per bottle Our treatise Motherhood mailed free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga Sick Headache Food doesnt digest well Appetite poor Bowels constipated Tongue coated Its your liver Ayers Pills are liver pills they cure dys pepsia biliousness 25c All druggists Wnn niimfliiatinliitn Imiil n fiAiiltf f 111 J lrown or rich black Then use niimmniinMo nvntortne DUOIUUUnHIVI O UI t Whiskers I 60 cts or Druggists or n P hau a Co nmu n n - - i in ii i Advertised Letters Tho following letters were advertised by tho McCook postoffice Dec 29 1902 Miss May Brcss Mr Bowlen O B Billings Goo K Brown Wm Cann Susan Collicott 2 Jack Cordenl Walter Dixon Wm Duker Marion Framner John Fortuno John Farmer C J Furor Oatis Farror Marion F Hunt Conrad Hofferberg Maude Jetmoro Mrs Lydia Lnudburg Wm Lovcan C A Lawson 2 Kristian Larson D W Miller T A McGiflin Dr H Martin M B Mooro M A Bundle Vena Schwartz Mrs Dolla Stansbury Ora Stewart Arden Webb Jacob Waggoner Mabel Young Eliza A Johnson Alex Janison A F Krenko When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster New Century Comfort Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bucklens Arnica Salve It kills pain from burns scalds cuts bruis cs conquers ulcers and fever sores cures eruptions salt rheum boils and felons removes corns and warts Best pile cure on earth Only 25c at McConnell Berrys drug store HEATER We are still head quarters for heating stoves We have the well known Beckwitli Round Oak Radiant Home and several other good heaters in all sizes If you need a heater BUY NOW The assortment i s complete and you can get just what you want We also have a nice line of steel ranges and cook stoves JOL JST W SLJX rheumatism Good News For all Who Suffer With Rheumatism Free To all who suffer with rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was cured after years of suffering together with the most elaborate treatise on rheumatism ever published No matter what your form of rheuma tism is whether acute chronic muscu lar inflammatory deformant sciatic neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat ter how many doctors have failed in your case no matter how many socalled sure cures you have tried I want you to write to me and let me tell you how my mother was cured I am neither a doctor nor a professor simply a plain man of business but I have a cure for rheumatism and I want to tell everyone who suffers with rheumatism about it I wish to be clearly understood and trust that all who suffer with this terrible disease however apparently beyond the reach of cure will write to me this day and I will send you by return mail this work of mine I appeal especially to the chronically ill who are wearied and discouraged with doctoring and to those who have been cast aside as incurable All you have thought about rheumatism may be wrong Let me tell you our ex perience Surely if you have rheuma tism or have a suffering friend it will pay you to investigate my offer anyway and prove for yourself the claims I make Send me your address today a postal card will do and I will mail you this wonderful story If you have any friends suffering with rheumatism no matter where located send me their ad dress and I will mail them a copy My address in Victor Raikbolt Bloomfield Indiana ENTIRE STOCK of Hens Trousers flust Be Closed Out And in order to reduce the stock in the shortest possible time we have marked every pair TO BE SOLD AT ACTUAL COST Call and look over these Bargains You cant help buying PawiAinfopr The price on all our MENS iClllUliUtI WORK SHIRTS AOr which sold for 65c 70c 75c is now tL We are now selling at greatly reduced prices WINTER UNDERWEAR OUTING FLANNELS BLANKETS Etc in order to lower our stock as much as possible before our annual inventory When in Need of Groceries Call up Phone No 16 John H Grannis ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Ernest Cole and Audrey Burton spent Christmas in Oxford Ray Scarborough has gone to work in the car force at Oxford Blacksmith George Schmidt was in Lincoln for his Christmas turkey In the east some of the railroads have to both borrow and steal coal to keep traffic moving Frank E Palmer has been transferred to Cheyenne as car inspector He goes tonight the fainily later Car Distributer and Mrs C T Watson spent the Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs Russell JicMillen in Tecumseh Frank and Will Green of the black smith force had turkey cranberry sauce and stuffin at home Oak Nebraska Christmas Machinist A C Wiehe a late arrival from Salida Colorado has rented the Donovan residence and with his family will occupy the same in the near future Sam Bavless has a broken shoulder- blade as a result of the Christmas game of football This is the second time that shoulder blade has felt that same sensation The Pennsylvania railroad will spend 100000 for flowers trees hot houses conservatories gardens etc along its New York and Pittsburg division this coming season Emil Stramm is visiting his mother in McCook Two immense crossheads have recently been bored out at the shops They are for the compound class No 2 engine and are the largest ever used west of the Missouri river Have lock cor Lincoln Star W C Lambert who has held the position of roundhouse foreman the past eight or nine months has resigned and will go from here to Salt Lake City Mr Lambert has made many friends during his residence in our city Alli ance Times Dec 24 Engineer W S Bales has been as signed to the 5S0 for the present He had a finger broken while using the shaker one day thi3 week The work has proven so heavy for one fireman on the big engine that two are being sent out lately Alliance Times Twenty eight passengers and train men are dead and as many more injured as a result of a collision on the Grand Trunk line of Canada on the Sarnia branch near Nanstead last Friday night in a blinding blizzard with the temperature below zero The blame is j between the dispatcher and the operator Lewis Casten has another heir George Paxton is still on the relief No 109 is in the round house for re pairs Q engine No Western division nr Students can work for board 1397 is back on tho Frank Purvis is back at headquarters from Lyons Colorado Lewis Herstrom celebrated in Denver Ditto Walter Dulfey Fireman B C Crawford was with friends near Max New Year Fireman B C Crawford is off duty taking care of a Jobs comforter Joe Garvey is back in Mack Hughes force in his old position of helper Hugh Kelly spent Christmas week in Harlan Iowa visiting his mother Engineer F GWestland arrived home Tuesday on 5 from his Lincoln visit Night Operator Knowles of Trenton spent New Year at Culbertson with his folks Agent Thomson and family are visit ing Auditor Randall and family In Omaha Fireman Claude Marooney returned home Wednesday morning from a visit to his home in Corona Harvey Phillippi was down from Wray Wednesday night to attend the wedding of his cousin Winnie Phillippi A Sturdevant steel pressure blower No S is being installed in the blacksmith-shop this week This will great ly improve the air in tho blacksmith shop Engine No 33 went into the round house Wednesday afternoon from No 1 in anything but an inviting condition The whole front of the mill needed a thorough washing to make it present able The engine struck a team of horses a t Cambridge Horses were killed and vehicle demolished but driver was not seriously hurt One of the horses went under the engine which was practically not damaged at all Shortftantf Typewriting English Eccx keeping k22 Banking Law etc tctitfie44 Send for Catalogue free Prof A J LOWRT Prln fc vhvmiia A C ONG A M LLB FttS Oaate For a bad taste in the month take a few dose- of Chamberlains- Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 2j cent Warranted to cure For sale by McConnell Berry s V