id it 5 hwi Back Up Your wagon and we will load it with Candy and Nuts F D Burgess Plumber end Steam Filter MeCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Buildmg Kodol Dyspepsia Gere Digests what you eat For Christmas English Walnuts per lb Mixed Nuts per lb odt 15c 12AC Peanuts fresh roasted lb 10c Fine Cream candy no gum drops per lb 9c Fancy Peanut candy in pail lots per lb 10c French Cream Bon Bons in pail lots per lb 12c Our Christmas Candy con sists of only the best grades which we are selling at the same price of the common trash We place no limit on the quantity We have plenty for all and shall be as in the past headquarters for candy and nuts THE BEE HIVE McCOOK NEB v J1 t M Jkr Kr riiT nffi I jjf V FRANKLIN President CITI THE A C EBERT Cashier ZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB aw I Jid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 V FRANKLIN sSxjtsjis IV a DIRECTORS WFMcFARLANB B WOLFE C H A 0 EBERT WILLARD aSgjgjcjjlsjasjijfeiffraifeiajfejfejacjy ys 8H vyi4jtpJjjiqjqy JgniyjgayTgryrigrjjif aa gi Tqp gjgr xgr NATIONALS VVVW Wft J BANK V WW I JQS2Q 3 WSA jpj Authorized Capital 100 000 Capital and Surplus 60 000 GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros FA PEN NELL Cash A C A UP BELL Director C J PLATT Director A Good Thing German Syrup is the special prescription of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to bo ono of the most fortun ate discoveries in medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and Inng troubles of tho severest nature removing the cause of the affection and leaving tho parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is not an experimental medicine but has stood tho test of years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boscheos German Syrup was intro duced in the United States 1363 and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac It ascites tho wonder of tho world a magic remody liquid electricity that driven away suffering and disease Kocky Mountain Tea 35c McConnell Berry Ill bravo tho storms of Cbilkoot Pass Ill cross tho plains of frozen glass Ill learo my wife and cross tho sea Rather than bo without Rocky Moon Lain Tea McConnell Berry INDIANOLA Mrs Elmor Thompson is on tho sick list Lee Jones of Bartloy was an Ihdianoki visitor Monday Master Arthur Lonpr is visiting rela tives in Republican City Jako Kern made a business trip to Culbertson Monday evening Mrs Gray of McCook spent last Sat urday with her mother Mrs CB Hoag An Episcopal minister Rev Earl preached in the Masonic hall Tuesday evening Wednesday was examination day and several old soldiers from a distance were in town The young man with the cutter nowa days is the one that cuts tho dash with the ladies R E Smith returned home from Stamford Nebraska by tho way of Danbury Sunday Miss Daisy Slutts had her hands and face quite badly frozen while on her way to school Wednesday Miss Jeannette Short returned home one evening last week after a several weeks visit in tho eastern part of the state Tho ladies of the Christian church gave an oyster supper and an old time Si elling match at the Woodman hall Wednesday evening How to Prevent Croup It will Ijo good news to tho mothers of small children to learn that croup can bo prnvonted The first sign of croup is hoarseness A day or two before tho attack tho child becomes hoarse This is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough Givo Chamberlains Cough Romody freely as soon as tho child becomes hoarse or oven aftor tho rough cough appears and it will dispol all symptoms of croup In this way all danger and anxiety may bo avoided This romedy is used bs many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail It is in fact the only remedy that can always bo dopeudod upon and that is pleasant and safo to take For sale by McConnell Borry BOX ELDER Huntingand sleighing are tho order of the day We are sorry to say that the health of Mrs B F Shultz doesnt improve Grant Lakin who has been working in Fillmore county has returned home James Oakley has sold his farm up near the Frontier county line to parties in Oklahoma Stephen Bolles has purchased the piece of land west of his place known as the Mike Dooley eighty Preparations are being made for a Christmas tree at Box Elder Christmas eve A good time is expected The boys who have been shucking corn over on Coon creek have come home to wait until the snow goes off Goorge Mohler who has been in Colo rado and is now on his way to the east ern part of the state is now visitimr his Redwillow county friends George Younger is helping Stephen Bolles to move some large watering tanks down to the Pate farm where thoy will be used for watering sheep A Timely Suggestion This is tho seaon of tho year when tho pru dent and careful housowifo replenishes her supply of Chamberlains Cough Romedy It is certain to bo needed before the winter is over and results aro much more prompt and satis factory when it is kopt at hand and Riven as soon as tho cold is contracted and before it has become settled in tho ydtem In alm6st every instance a severe cold may bo warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indication of tho cold appears There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance It is pleasant to take both adults and children like it Buy it and you will get tho best It always cures For salo by Mc Connell fc Borry BANKSVILLE Benjamin Bros are building a colt stable this week Ilarve Rowland has such a job haul ing to and from school J H Relph is occupying some of his time hauling his children to school and back Wm Relph was talking of starting for Texas today Whether the weather got too cold for him rumor does not say We have about 5 inches of snow on the ground and the thermometer regis tered down to 7 degrees below this Wed nesday morning A glass or two of water taken half an hour be fore breakfast will usually keep tho bowels regular Harsh cathartics should be avoided When a purgative is needed take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablet They are mild and gentle in their action For sale by McConnell Berry A good COLEMAN many have threshed their cane seed Mrs Edith Bates is visiting a week with her sister Mrs Bert Wales M H Cole butchered four hoerg Inst Monday weight 300 to 400 pounds each J W Corner has bought fifteen Here ford heifers and one bull He will have a fine herd pretty soon Ed Osbaugh returned Thursday from Drs Fall Harris sanitarium Beatrice Neb He looks like a new man and says he has not felt so well for several vears The Pride of Heroes Manysoldiew in tho last war wrote to say that for scratches bruises cuts wounds corns sore feet and stiff joints Bucklens Arnica Salve is the best in tho world Same for bnrns scalds boil3 ulcers skin eruptions and piles It cures or no pay Only 23c at McConnell Berrys drug store LEGAL NOTICE In tho district court of Lancaster county Nebraska In tho matter of tho application of Lillian McAlpino gnardian of Maud McAlpine J Floyd McAlpine Harry McAlpine and Marian Mc Alpino minors for license to sell real estato Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of December 1902 the said applicant Lillian Mc Alpine guardian as aforesaid under and by virtue of a license to her granted by said court at the front door of tho court house in the city of McCook in Redwillow county Nebraska and at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon of said day will sell at public vendue to the highest bidder therefor tho following described lands owned by said minors her wards that is to say Tho undivided ono half of tho south half of the southwest quarter of section thirteen and tho undivided ono half of the northwest quarter oEsection twenty four all in township one north range twenty six west of the sixth Principal Meridian in BedwilBw county Ne braska Saidlands will oo sold subject to an incum brance oLa life estate belonging to Lillian Mc Alpindin an undivided one third thereof And said sale will beheld open for one hour from two oclock till three oclock of said day 12-12-3 LntiAH McAlpinb Guardian as aforesaid - CULBERTSON No 1 was vory late Wednesday not arriving till 8 p m Mrs fames Ferrier was a McCook visitor Wednesday J O Crews of Beverly is visiting his uncle Charles Crews Ilenry Lehman spent Sunday and Monday at home this week Tho sleighing has been fine this week and greatly enjoyed by tho young folk Ira A Ferrier of the B M wpnt down to Franklin for a brief visit with friends Peter Yost Jr went down to Lincoln Saturday to spend tho holidays with relatives J Hassler toro himself away from his duties hereSaturday and spent the day in Trenton R J Stevenson is driving tho mail wagon between here and Imperial for Jerry Bahn Miss Pearl King expects to leave Fri day for Beatrice where she will spend tho holidays Dr A II Miller hold the winning card at the raffling at tho drug store Satur day and secured a gun Mr and Mrs G L Snyder went up to Stratton this week to help drill the children for tho Christmas exercises Tho young folks of tho M E Sunday school enjoyed themselves stringing pop corn for the Xmas tree Wednesday evening Lester C Weltou came in from Colo rado Sunday night to visit his grand father H W Davenport and family during the holidays Misses Blanches and Grace Benedict Maggie ar d Carrie Trimpy Verna Viis tine Clara Gaardar and Messrs Harry and Asa Lehman and Prof llG Meyers attended the teachers meeting at Mc Cook Saturday Will R Burr an old Nebraska news paper man has arrived in Culbertson with a newspaper outfit ready to launch a brand new local paper in this burg We welcome Mr and Mrs Burr to our business and social circles and anticipate success for their newspaper venture Culbertson should have a paper and we hope our people will show their ap preciation of Mr Burrs efforts in the local newspaper field by giving him sub stantial support Better Than a Plaster A pioco of flannel dampened with Chambor lains Pain Balm and bound on tho effected parts is hotter than a plastor for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest Pain Balm has no superior as a liniment for tho relief of deep seated muscular and rheumatic pains For sale by McConnell Berry LEBANON Agent Sweeny arrived last Wednes day and took charge of the station Mrs Nellie Nichols has been quite sick but is reported to be improving Rev W II Schofield filled his regular appointment at Wilsonville last Sunday Mr and Mrs A P Day of Indiunola sleighed over Tuesday to visit their son E i Day and lamily Ora Bodwell arrived home last Wed nesday to spend the holidays He has been in Oregon for about two years There was a basket social held at the Devoe school house last Friday night A large crowd was in attendance and the receipts amounted to 37 40 Evangelistic meetings are being held this weeK under the superintendence of Evungehst J T SchaetFer Vory good crowds are present and good interest is being manifested Len Feichter and Miss Flora Nichols were united in marriage last Wednes day at high noon at tho homo of the brides parents Mr and Mrs D F Nichols Both of tho young folks have resided here a good manv years yes they are products of the famous Beaver valley are well and favorably known and their many friends wish them a lifetime of happiness Hull 0 h ih ITu v1 A ARE YOU A Llm 7T7 lii i jiXSl ARE MOTHERS MOTHER 9 YOU EXPEGTANT makes childbirth easy by preparing the system for parturition and thus shortening labor The painful ordeal is robbed of its terrors and the danger lessened to both mother and child the time of confinement is shortened the mother rested and child fully developed strong and healthy Morning sickness or nausea arising from pregnancy is prevented by its use As pregnancy advances the breasts en large become swollen and hard Long before the child is bom they are prepar ing for the secretion of milk It is import ant that they receive early attention Mothers Friend softens the skin and facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid Undeveloped breasts hard caked shortly after delivery are the result of non- treatment and likely to culminate in Mammary Abscess from -which so many suffer excruciating pain and are left vith these organs permanently impaired Softness pliability and expansion are given to the muscles and sinews thus bringing comfort and causing an easy issue of the child Try it Of druggists roo Our book Motherhood free THE BBADF1EL0 REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cent3 If fix fgj Hoist Suit Come and clothing IF rniTf i1ritirlcf About That of Clothes There are many kinds of clothes There is one kind some people call tailor made which they send away for This kind we do not sell THE KIND WE SELL ARE MADE BY FIRST CLASS WORKMEN right here at home and fitted on you before it is finished That is the only tailor made suits Now is the time to order one BUSINESS SUITS 25 PANTS 650 see in e before you buy Yours for Business L O Melius Tailor cannot supply you send us ono dollar and wo wi ill express you a bottle Be sure and give tho natno of your nearest express oftice Address j U A Yiili uo Lowell Mass Good Advice The most miserablo beings in the world aro those sufForing from dyspepsia and liver complaint- More thanseventy fiv0 per cent of tho people in tho UnitedStates aroofllicted with these two diseases and their effect- such as sour stomach sick headache habitual costive ness palpitation of the heart heartburn water brash gnawing and burning pains at tho pit of tho stomach yellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste in th mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits etc Goto your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relievo yon Try it Get Greens Special Almanac He Found a Cure R H Foster S1S S 2d Street Salt Lake City writes I have been bothered with dj tpepfrin or indigestion for 21 years have tried many doctors without roliof but I have found a cuie in Uerbine I recommend it to all my friends- who are afllictod that way and it is curing them too 50c at A McMillens Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A -Lodge No 612 meets firs t and third Thursday hall 8p m E Gutek Secretary of each month McConnells 15 Huisek President W S DR W V GAGE flcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAYS McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Bulldin l7H3i17Vnll Saved at Graves Brink I know I would long ago havo ben in my grave writes Mrs S H Newsom of Decatur Ala if it had not boon for Electric Bitters For three years I suffered untold agony from the worst forms of indigestion waterbrash stomach and bowel dyspepsia But this excellent medi cine did mo a world of good Sinco using it I can eat heartily and have gained 31 pounds For indigestion loss of appetite stomach liver and kidney troubles Electric Bitters are a posi tive guaranteed care Only 20c at McConnell Berrys drugstore A Million Voices Could hardly express tho thanks of Homer Hall of West Point la Listen why A severe cold had settled on his lungs causing a most obstinate cough Several physicians said he had consumption but could not help him When all thought he was doomed ho began to u3o Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption and writes It completely cured me and saved my life I now weigh 227 lbs Its positively guar anteed for coughs colds and lung troubles Price 50c and l 00 Trial bottles free at McCon nell Berrys ong About a year ago my hair was coming out very fast so I bought a bottle of Ayer s Hair Vigor It stopped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly until now it is 45 inches in length Mrs A Boydston Atchison Kans Theres another hunger than that of the stomach Hair hunger for instance Hungry hairneeds food needs hair vigor Ayers This is why we say that Ayers Hair Vigor always restores color and makes the hair grow long and heavy 5100 a bollle All da gztsis H P SUTTON MCCOOK v JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office In Court House Phone 181 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon 2 VlcCOOK - - NEB Oflico over McMillans drug store Itesidenco 71K Main Aveuue Residence phono 5T Office phone 2S Calls answorod night or day - E J MITCHELL I AUCTIONEER Phones Oflics 17 residence 91 Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 K v Mr H i OVER MCCONNELL 8c BERRYS MeCOOK NEBRASKA EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Shave Hair Cat Sham pooani thine in my linn in an artistic manner Jiv3 mo a call auii crmi - PREVOST DENTIST Grad iate of Kansas CityLntal College witij OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska ffllLjgjQg rflr Jr Vr pfy T All Calls For Tlie B u Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN T Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Arlc prmin k J - a McCook Nebraska frngc itfVVy V V -V ggnj T Cure a Cold in On Bay I Take LXatlV8 BrOHlO UHlIsie Tablets P7L a every I 1 JSeven Miffion boxes sold in past 12 months TblS Signature SajCrrzrL OX 25c I L1 JfclJ -a