The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 19, 1902, Image 7

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Of America Cbo For All
Catarrhal Diseases
AVoumns llomsvolont Association of
Mrs Henrietta A S Marsh President
Womans Benevolent Association of 327
Jackson Park Terrace Woodlawn Chicago
111 says
I suffered with la grippe for seven
weeks and nothing helped me until I tried
rPeruna I felt at once that I had at last
secured the right medicine and kept steadily
improving Within three weeks I was fully
restored Henrietta A S Marsh
Independent Order of Good Templars of
Mrs T W Collins Treasurer I O G
T of Everett Wash has used the great
catarrhal tonic Peruna for an aggravated
case of dyspepsia She writes
After having a severe attack of la grippe
I also suffered with dyspepsia After tak
ing Peruna I could eat my regular meals
with relish my system was built up my
health returned and I have remained in
excellent strength and vigor now for over a
year Mrs T W Collins
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full
statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O
C II EC ro vfonsigEra
m 11 fc E Prove ne healing
and cleansing- power of
Pa xtine Toilet Antiseptic
we will mail large tnal treatment with
book of instructions absolutely free
This is not a tiny sample but a large
package enough to convince any one
that it is the most successful prepara
tion known to medicine as a cleansing
vaginal douche and for the local treat
ment of womans special ills curing dis
charges and all inflammation also to
cleanse the teeth mouth and cure ca
tarrh Send today a postal will do
Sold by dru exists or sent postpaid by us 50
crnts largo box Satisfaction guaranteed
214 Columbus Ave
kit jour
dealer for
Edea Robec and
Write today for
custom price lliti
Edes Kobe Tannlnjr
Co DDbuqoeIewa
t ur Dref ters Fur
Vjen Farriers
I hi rebv bequeath my lildo to the Edti
ORoba Tanning Co to bo tanned with thoSj
hair on ana mde Into a robo or coat
ana returned to my bereayea owner f
Jls I hare only one hide 1 am Tery fi
pariicmar anout u sou mint luatnj
iV none but the laid firm be allowed 18
L W P M4
to do thif work Offitwrrj
They hae the
cttand Lett equipped j
xactoryanu are the
moat capable or a
tanning my mat
to suit me
Only one cent to
pet posted on
Talking Machines
we can lurnisu
you any machine or record made
Send us your addres s on a postal
for anything In the music line Ave do
the rest
TIIDtf CVC Wanted M000 pounds
I UnHbliSof good fat birds for
the holiday Alto chickens ducks and geese
Butter ana epe Writ- for toss and prices
Established I870 Omaha JTeb
aulck relief and cures worst
cases Book of testimonials ana iodaxb treatment
amictd ytthThnmnsnnie Pva War
sors 70stue
BiiwmHV ajw iuiu
Speaking of real estate in cities a
iront foot Is often worth more than
a back yard
Southwest Colonist Excursions
Low one way and round trip rates
to Kansas Indian Territory Okla
homa and Texas on the 1st and 3d
Tuesdays of each month Write for
particulars and literature James
Barker Genl Pass Agent M K
T Ry 501 Wainv rlght Hldg St
Its the girl who cant sing that
seems anxious that everyone should
know it
Half Rates
Plus 200 one way cr round trlpvla
Wabash Ilailroud Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays of each month tc
many points south and southeast Aside
from this tickets are on sale to all the
winter resorts of the south at greatly
reduced rates The Wabash Is the
shortest quickest and best line for St
Louis and all points south and south
east Ask your nearest ticket agent tc
route you via the Wabash
For rate folders and all information
call at Wabash corner 1G01 Farnam St
Omaha or address
Gen Pans Agt Dept Omaha Neb
Agreed With the Sentiment
Now that Uncle Joe Cannon is so
much in evidence as a leading candi
date for the speakership they are dig
ging up stories about the Danville
statesman Among others is that of
how he arose in his place in congress
ou one occasion to make an extended
speech He began in this rather sen
tentious fashion Mr Speaker I have
lived long enough Hear hear
yelled a wicked Democrat and such a
storm of laughter broke out that Mr
Cannon was forced to take his seat
Strike on a Church
The Grace Presbyterian church the
fashionable church of Oswego N Y
has been placed on the unfair list of
the labor organizations of that city
Two years ago when the interior of
the edifice needed redecorating the
trustees felt that they wanted some
thing beyond the skill of the local dec
orators so they let the contract to a
contractor of an adjoining city They
did the same last spring when the
church needed a new curbing and side
walk But when a leak developed in
the roof recently the local dealers in
metal roofing were applied to but they
refused to take the contract because
the church has been placed ou the
unfair list
Fifty Dollars to Sit Down
Carmel Ind Dec 15th Mr Jo
Beph L Duffy relates an experience
that has aroused considerable inter
est in this locality It is best given
in his own words
When I was working In the
fields says Mr Duffy I would be
ready to quit but I could not get to
the house I was so weak It was
worth fifty dollars to get to sit
I had no strength and a person
without strength Is not much use
But bless the Lord I took four
boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills and they
gave me health strength and appe
I might say I am cured but I will
keep on taking Dodds Kidney Pills
Yes Ill get them if it takes the last
thing on the farm
Dodds Kidney Pills have effected
quite a number of other cures here
and it seems safe to say they are an
effective and permanent cure for all
diseases arising from the Kidneys
The spendthrift is like a buzz saw
He scatters a lot of dust while run
ning around and has nothing but his
board to show for it
Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse
In the Childrens Home in New York Cures
Foverishness Bad Stomach Teething Dis
orders move and regulate the Bowels and
Destroy Worms Over 80000 testimonials
At all druggists 25c Sample FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
It is difficult for some men to keep
their mouths shut when they have
nothing to say
Jr LssHsflBI83sflssffisssasHsssissEsssW
le to marry her when he is establish
ed in life I would not let my father
jo bind you I said if he loves me
le will come If not he must be free
is the air of the plains
He stooped and kissed her hand
I have come Love is the closest
Dondage in life He who once falls
ander that power can nevermore be
ree He is a willing prisoner to
whom the opening of the door would
oe death
You think now that you love me
STou have accustomed yourself to that
thought until you believe it to be true
Some time you will know The world
I I it is the purest cleanest starch made S I f flf
II It is free of injurious chemicals I I W
It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid
I I - to use starch of any Rind I I
I I Thats Defiance Your grocer sells it II
Joseph Rosenthal came in
jpens wide to you Life offers you
rar heights to climb I could never
o with you Either I should be a
weight to drag you back or a burden
o slip from you and leave you to go
m alone
You could never be either You
ire my inspiration Some men find
in their work all the motive that they
tvant I hope that I am as earnest
in my work as any man and as de-
r V
Prlscllla Is a poem sweet
As any one may see
Of perfect lines and rhythmic feet
And bound for life ta me
Her Drow a frontispiece so rare
Contains no smallest line
But eyes speak volumes and declare
The whole edition mine
Rachel Meyerberg sat with her
hands folded her eyes fixed away be
yond the housetops where a line of
blue marked the horizon
Rachel was busy with her thoughts
She was only a poor girl with no
ethic training to guide her to the
right path at this parting of the ways
Joseph Rosenthal came in as he al
ways did when the twilight wavered
down and the candles were not yet lit
and Rachel bad a little time to give
him These moments were to him
the golden strand in the gray web of
the day He took her hand and raised
it to his lips It was the old time
chivalry in Josephs manner that had
first attracted her
My Rachel do you know what day
this is and why there has been a
song of joy in my heart through all
its sunny hours
She trembled and bent her head
I have thought of you all day I
did not even wish that you might see
me take my diploma because I was
looking down the way to the time
when you would be always with me
The thought of you has been a rose
blooming in my heart Has it brought
iio happiness to you
I am very glad You have worked
witii noble purpose and deserve to
Why as for that you have been
the largest part of my purpose and
you are noble so in that view my
purpose has been a noble one As for
my attitude that might strike a man
as selfish
You are always unselfish
Philosophers say that love is the
most selfish passion known to man
Then I must be intensely selfish for
all I do is for love Is it thinking of
my unselfishness that had made you
so serious when I hoped you would be
glad as the light and the songs of
birds and the bloom of flowers
Partly that I have been thinking
many things
Tell me of them
You were very young four years
Yes so were you The difference
is that you have remained young be
cause the soul of innocence and
goodness is the soul of youth while
have grown old delving among
bones and drugs What matters it
Shall I not grow young again in the
sunshine of your love
Her great dark eyes turned toward
lim pathetically With just such
syes he thought must Rachel of old
nave looked upon Jacob when in cool
ing his parched lips with a draught
af life giving water she had inflamed
ais heart with the fire of love
You know how the girls of the
3hetto do They grow hopeless and
veary and sad in a life of grinding
oil and no pleasures They lose out
af their hearts the youth and strength
hat belong to all young things Then
they think to find a way to lift them
selves out of the groove in which
heir lives have traveled A girl
Makes a contract with her lover to
lelp him through his course of study
About her mouth a winsome smllo
Of rapture gives a hint
Sweetheart Id travel many a milo
For one unpublished print
But Jest I lost my treasure trove
Desired though undeserved
Ill mark you Copyright my love
And add All rights reserved
Paul West in Rhymes and Rounde
Copyright 1002 by Dally Story Pub Co
sirous to do good in the world But
it is you who are my life and all that
I do or can ever do Is for your sake
It will be different when you
measure weapons with the worlds
You mean that I shall play the
poltroon and go out In the world and
leave you who have sacrificed all for
She shrank as from a blow
That is it You feel under obliga
tion You do not see that it was my
way of giving to the world what I
might have given in my own life had
things been different Might not I
I shall not leave you she said softly
have an ambition too great to be com
passed without the help of another
and thus have called on you to give
expression to my own aspiration
And you never loved me
The sharp pain in her tone told him
what her words had cost her
If you do why not make me happy
and let me do what I can to fill your
life with pleasure
I must not You would weary of
one who is versed only in the toil of
the narrow life that I have known
He pleaded with her until she in
litter weariness begged him in pity
to leave her and then he went away
She lay the whole night with her
eyes looking upward to the ceiling
where there seemed to be a flaming
sword dripping with her hearts
As the days went by and he could
gain from her no other answer than
the one that filled him with pain he
ceased to come She heard of him
sometimes as the fame of his work
carried his name wider into the world
and ever farther from her Then the
fever came and she heard often of
Dr Rosenthal the Angel of the
Ghetto He had gone out of her life
forever and she was glad glad for
the good he could do without anyone
to drag him down
For years the Kenston tenements
had seemed to waver between stand
ing and falling sagging out here
sinking in there growing loose joint
ed and wobbly at the knees
Why dont you pull them down
and rebuild someone had asked the
Whats the use They are bring
ing me in money all the time and it
will cost no more to clear the ruins
away and build after they fall
But the people in them they will
be crushed when the buildings fall
What of that There are always
plenty of tenants for that class of
house In that grade the race mul
tiplies rapidly and immigration can
always be depended upon to fill up
any possible vacancy
One morning Rachel Meyerberg in
the top story of the Kenston felt a
peculiar sensation of giddiness It
seemed that the floor was trembling
and the walls had a tendency to
shake as if with a chill as she ap
proached them Once a sound as of
gravel rattling in the walls startled
her She laughed at herself for being
so nervous The walk to her work
would take away the foolish feeling
She had reached the door and was
turning the knob when suddenly there
was a crash as if the earth was fall
ing to pieces and she went down
down into black night
She was in a very dark place and a
heavy weight was crushing her Far
off she saw a ray of light If she
could push off that heavy thing she
would crawl toward it
Outside an old man who had just
bean dragged out unhurt was wring
ing his handj and crying
My Rachel My Rachel
There was a pile of swaying tim
bers in front A fireman had ven
tured under there led on by the voice
of a crying child One of the timbers
had fallen and he had been taken out
dead No one could tell when the
next would fall
with a grip that made him cry out
Where is she
Behind that walk
of the threatenlpg beams falling u
he ran
Hes gone
No it just missed him
Sisters Suitor Scared Off When
most Hooked
Pewee Jackson was a quiet lad to
appearance but tho time he spent in
thought was not wasted I dont
know as I ever heard a more pathetic
story than that told by his sister
Amy who had been making conscien
tious efforts to land the new pastor
who was young and unmarried Amy
had entertained the gentleman for
several evenings and it was noticed
in the family that he always came
again Amy seemed to love to listen
to his views on prohibition of which
he was a sturdy advocate and it
seemed to be no task for her to wal
lop the key board as they both tried
the songs for the coming services
One sad night Amy tells the
story with tears in her voice they go
to the piano as usual and Amy strikes
a note that is decidedly to the bad
With a surprised look she lifts the top
of the piano and the distressed pas
tor draws out half a chicken and three
empty beer bottles
The pastor was nice about it and
laughed gayly but Amy did not re
cover her strength that evening All
her explanations about her playful lit
tle brother seemed to fall Hat on the
Anyhow it never came off and
father trounced the Limb good and
sound in the woodshed that night
Minneapolis Journal
Lifes Throbbing Loom
Weavinpr weaving weaving
Time i the warp
Pulsing and throbbing lifes loom goes
Spinning spinning spinning
Mans deeds the woof
Quickly and busily the shuttle he throws
The little child takes up the task
As soon as consciousness begins
His tiny hands uncertain act
As merrily he heedless spins
The youth with pride and confidence
Loud vaunts the deeds he will achieve
The future big with great events
In blazing light his name will weave
Hard pressed beset the mantoils on
Speed by the days the months tho
Aghast and desperate he stands
So small his greatest work appears
With palsied hand old age has come
Slow goes the loom Fate cuts the
Wide yawns the grave the web is spun
A shroud is woven for the dead
Tis thus through life man spins an J
Until of time and deeds complete
This mystic robe his very self
Becomes for him his winding sheet
Weaving weaving weaving
Time Is the warp
Pulsing and throbbing lifes loom goes
Spinning spinning spinning
Plans deeds the woof
Ever and ever the shuttle he throws
Remarkable Shooting
Mr Moeran writes to a contempo
rary to describe a remarkable inci
dent that occurred while shooting at
a herd of ten deer near Portumna I
picked he says an eight-year-old
buck that stood head and shoulders
clear of the others a little nearer to
me and broadside on The bullet
struck him fair on the neck about
three inches below the butt of his ear
turned almost at right angles and
came out at the back of his neck it
then struck a large doe in the center
of the forehead coming out at the
back of her neck and finally passed
through the neck of a yearling doe
just behind the ear lodging under the
skin on the far side All three deer
were killed on the spot The distance
was ninety seven yards
A City of Libraries
Leeds England has been called the
city of libraries and it would appear
from the thirty second annual report
just issued that it deserves the honor
able appellation In addition to its
fine central libraries with 03317 vol
umes for reference and 43150 in the
leading department it has nine day
branch libraries and thirteen even
ing branch libraries besides numer
ous branches for juvenile readers
The total stock of books numbers
212396 after the withdrawal during
the past four years of 32000 worn out
or otherwise unserviceable volumes
The total issue for last year was 988
710 volumes and the attendance in
the news rooms was 1GC2000
Wales Doubles Its Population
Wales has practically doubled its
Some one seized the old mans arm I population in the last CO years
Limit to Horses Endurance
A horse cannot do much work after
A man dashed into the ruins one J hs is 12 or 14 years old
Case No 1S977 David M Byo
P 0 AddrCBB Box 297 Midland
Mich says Three raontha I wan
Ho passed through a gallery form- almost Incapacitated from labor
ed by the fallen timbers crossed by could not sleep nt nljrht had to walk
bodies some lying as If In slumber the floor owing to terriblo pain lu
some crushed out of human the hips in tho small of the back in
blance Beyond tho wall of masonry my instep and anklo of tho right
ho found her By an effort of his leg
wonderful strength he lifted the beam I was treated for sciatic rheuma
and carried her out pushing her tism in tho hospital but received no
away from him as a timber which had benefit One month ago I returned
become dislodged fell and struck him
For the first time seeing his face she
cried out Joseph Joseph
When Joseph Rosenthal next knew
the world he was in a hospital ward
A woman with a gentle step and soft
touch was tending him and the eyes
with which she looked at him were
like the eyes that lit the soul of Ja
cob when he was athirst
Why did you risk your life for roc
who am of so little worth
Because my life Is but darkness
without your love to fill it with light
If you leave me what matters life tc
She put her hand into his
I shall not leave you she said
They loved for loves sake
homo and was given a box of Doann
Kidney Pills To day residents or
this city can hear witness to tho fact
that I am able to work and can alH
walk to ray work without the aid
of a walking stick or crutch
In speaking of the Immediato effect
of Doans Kidney Pills I did not And
them to deaden tho pain hut quickly
and surely to eradicate tho cause of
I am of the opinion that Bonns Kid
ney Pills aro tho best remedy for
kidney ailments that can be procured
I was especially careful in my diet
in order to give tho treatment fair
In conclusion I shall he pleased at
any time to answer any inquiries ic
garding my case from anyone desir
ous of obtaining it
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mr Byo
will be mailed on application to any
part of tho United States Address
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For
sale by ail druggists price fit oouta
per box
Some men take a mean nrivantngn
of their wives by wearing their huir
In Winter Use Allens Foot Easo
A powder Your feet feel uncom
fortable nervous and often cold and
damp If you have sweating sore feet
or tight shoes try Allena Foot Ease
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores
2f cents Sample sent free Address
Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
Dr Soapandwaler is a sworn enemy
to all disease
Should be in ovory home Auk your grocor
for it Largo 2 oz package only 5 coutn
The receiver is sometimes as bad as
the transmitter
FIsos Cure cannot do too highly spoken of ob
a cough cure J W O Uiuen 322 Third Ave
N Minneapolis Minn Jan 0 1000
Dealers in old saws invariably ropo
in the scenes of their childhood
buy Defiance anil
10 cents Once u
ot the best 16 os for
aiwuyb usotl
There are fifty seven
old maid
variitioa of
Many of us might he happy If we
did not suffer from disorders ol the
liver Then we ought to use Dr Au
gust Koenigs Hamburg Drops which
cure the disorders and bring Hip
whole system to a healthy condition
After losing his heart a oiiiig man
often loses his had
FOR 1903
Fix sheets 10x15 inches of beautiful
reproductions in colors of pastel
drawings by Bryson is now ready for
distribution and will be mailed on re
ceipt of twenty five 25 cents coin
or stamps Address F A Miller Gen
eral Passenger Agent Chicago
Money ceases to talk after a misT
gets a strangle hold on it
Marriage is failure when both Iujp
band and wile make the discovery that
they have married beneath them
tlArli I l lvBAaNv
r fSXTSr
Happiness is the absence of pain and mil
lions have been made happy through bemo
aned by St Jacobs Oil cf RHEUMATISM
SFRAINS ERUISES and all pain- for whirh
an external remedy can be applied It never
fails to cure Thcuiands vho havo been de
clared incurable at baths and In hsspitalshave
thrown away their crutches beinr cured after
using St Jacobs Oil Directions in eleven
languages sccompany every bcttis
t aA V
Jrepun in January yo
ZAZjiKZ V- pick or a tb earliest prliiy
M8and Iiere la wPe time to fill an
ship yocr orders with greater proiaptnti f
rredi t8 TODAT for our sarco Om rai
Catalogue No 71 It given pictures il tnp
lions and pnecs on almost everything joo
eat wsrornie Save U to -Hi oi evrrythlnj
you purchase by sending your onu re tc
The House that Tells tiie Trati
U OmaTi a
No 511902
II I lit I MM I fl
I by drDKfflete