3 J I W if ttt K A ii 1 t 1 A HEATERS We are still head quarters for heating stoves We have the well known Beckwith Round Oak Radiant Home and several other good heaters in all sizes If you need a heater BUY NOW P h e assortment i s complete and you can get just what you want We also have a nice line of steel ranges and cook stoves H P Waite Tho Special Edition of the Scientific American devoted to Transportation on Land and Sia cannot fail to attract wide spread interest both becausoof the very handsome manner in which it is gotten up and on account of tho voluminous amount of information that it contains It is safe to ay that anyone that reads it carefully through will find himself thoroughly posted both as to tho magni tude and high quality of our railroads and shipping The Scientific American has its own characteristic way of pre senting what some people might call dry statistical matter in an interesting form aud tho present number is no exception to tho rule Both artist and editor have collaborated to certainly very good effect and we believe the number will meet everywhere with a hearty reception JijefoMii Students can work for board Send for Catalogue free Prof A J LOWRY Mo r SortaDd Tjpewitfcg English zp Book keeping 2S B2sUsKLaffefc u4ie4 WfeKtt A C ONG A M LLB Pres Ooaba University State News Notes Tho annual exhibit of the Nebraska Art Association will open during the Christmas holidays and continue for a month Members of tho Nebraska Teachers Association will be admitted to tho Art Exhibit free A recoption was tendered the Omaha Department of the University Medical College at tho Millard Hotel Omaha by Chancellor and Mrs Andrews and Dean and Mrs II B Ward Friday evening December 5th Clarence T Johnson Assistant Chief of Irrigation Investigation US Depart ment of Agriculture delivered an illus trated lecture on Irrigation in Egypt bnforetheUniversityEngineeringSociety Thursday December 4th Samples of syrup manufactured from beets by a company in Sioux City Iowa have been received by the university or analysis This company believes that thoy havo discovered a method of obtain ing syrup directly from sugar beets A E Sheldon of tho State Historical Society is now in St Louis Mo seeking information concerning early steamboat ing on the Missouri This is the principal topic to be discussed at the annual meet ing of the Historical Society to be held at Lincoln during tho holidays Ho will also look up interesting material concern ing the earliest fur traders in Nebraska JCK Premium fesIamsBacon W mSilverLcai o c The Best In The Market In Its Season All I he time Swift Company CHeaga Kansas Qgc OBxiaSLLoas SulcsQciStrtoul The nttondnnco in tho University Medi cal School now numbers forty seven per sons in the first two years at Lincoln and 112 in tho Omaha Departmentmaking a total of 159 At tho beginning of tho sec ond 8mestorFobruary lstjt is expected that many new students will enter and also that a number of students in tho other departments of tho University will adapt their work so asMater to enter tho College of Medicine The combined six year course which leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science as well as tho degree of M D meets with general approval By this arrangement a student not only receives tho technical training in medi cine but a broad general foundation Students who ontor February first will find that they have ono advantage when thoy graduate fouryears hence Finish ing their work in February they will an ticipate by several months thograduation of the great mass of students from a hun dred medical colleges It is a fact that many positions are open to young medi cal graduates in tho early spring To the wtudent graduating at the mid year com mencement this affords a rare opportun ity Any studont who thinks of enter ing the College of Medicine and is now prepared to do so should not wait until next September but correspond with the University at once All the arrange ments can easily be mado now acd tho studont enters in February without un necesarry delay Coughing Spell Caused Death Harry Duckwoll aged 26 years choked to death enrly jestordny morning at his homo in tho presence of his wife and child Ho contract ed i Blight cold a few daxsago and paid but littlo utten ion to it Yesterday morning ho was seized witli a fit of coughing which con tinued for somo time His wifo sent for a pby bician but beforo lie could arrive another cough ing spell came on and Duck well diod from suffo cation St Louis Globe Domocrat Dec 11101 Hallards Horoliound Syrup would have saved him 25c 50c aud 100 at A McMillens AT COST During Holidays f Wishing to close out my stock of fine Chinaware I will offer the entire line at cost during the holidays This is a rare opportunity to buy a fine present at a small price H P SUTTON McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Lyorn v Ju Wheat 00 vjcim tit j Rye 32 Hogs 5M Emrs 22 Butter 1714 Favorite Family Remedy Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause bums cutssprains and bruises for use in snch cases Ballarda Snow Liniment has formanj jears been the constant favorite fam ily remedy 2Cc 0c and 100 at AMcMillens Qy FIRST -THAT IS- WH mm mr Ss bf -AT THE OLD STAND I B y st yaws u a gLTov 1 m 25m j S v OF 4 Mrs Fred UnraLth President Country Iub Bfnlon Harbor Midi After my first baby was born 1 did not seem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid ered very superior but instead c getting better I grew weaker every day My hus band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties I am very enthusi astic in its praise Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth It prevents mis carriage No -woman -who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child If Mrs Unrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow The December number of the Ameri can Boy is out It gives in its Xmas number the place of honor to Jumbo the king of elephants who dnring his life time had more boy friends than any other animal that ever lived and to the King of Spain Alfonso XIII 100 a year Sprague Publishing Co De troit Mich With The Tribune 150 a year Great Tonic braces body and brain drives away all impurities from your system Makes you well Keeps jou well Rocky Mountain Tea McConnell h Berry The Open Salt Cellar Again Soup plates are now very small and the soup toureen in houses where there are even more than one servant is ban ished fiom the lable The bou is seut direct to the table from the kitchen and it should be already placed before the announcement of dinner is made The old fashioned open salt celler is again to the fore and it certainly does add to the decoration of the table if it happens to ie in Imaw rV law a solid color in porcelain Conkeys Home Journal for December v Half Rates to Lincoln December 29 and 30 tho Burlington Route will sell tickets from any point in Nebraska or South Dakota to Lincoln Neb and return at one faro for tho round trip Tickets good returning un tel January 3 1903 Ask the Burlington agent Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests all classes of food tones and strength ens tho stomach and digoRtivo organs Cures dspepsiH indigestion stomach trouble and makes rich red blood health and strength Ko dol rebuilds worn out tissues purifies strength ens and sweetens tho stomach Gov QW At kinson of W Va saj s I havo used a number of bottles of Kodol and havo found it to bo a very effective and indeed a powerful remedy for stomach ailments I recommend it to my friends McConnoll Berry Ballards Horehound Syrup Immediately relieves hoarse croupy coughe oppressed rattling rasping and difficult breath ing Henry C Stearns Druggist Shullsburg Wisconsin writes May 20 1001 I havo been tolling Ballards Horehound Syrup for two i cars and havo never had a preparation that has given bettor saci factiou I notice that when I boll a bottle thej como back for more I can honestly recommend it 25c50c and 100 at A McMillens Dizzy Then your liver isnt acting well You suffer from bilious ness constipation Ayers Pills act directly on the liver For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill Small doses cure Au deists ----- - - in i 1 i i ri i n nrrr i i i n i i i i i I Want your inotusLicIie or beard a beautiful minfiiniinBflr nvrfortho ninnim inuui itirwhicimrc 60CTS Or DBOOTM1T6 0 R P HHI 1 CO msMlANH To improve the appetite and i trenKthen the digestion try a few doses of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Mr J II Seitz of Detroit Michigan sajs They restored my appetito when impairedrelieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of tho bowels There are people in this community who need just sush a medicine For sale by McConnell Berry Every box warranted Whats In a Name Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve EC DoWitt Co of Chi cago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles For blind bleeding itching and protrud ing piles eczema cuts burns broi es and all skin diseases DeWitts Salvo has no equal This has given rise to numerous worthless counter feits Ask for DeWitts the genuine McCon nell A Horry If jou feci ill and need a pill Why not purchase the bos t Dp Witts Early Risers Are little surprisers Take one they do the rest W H Howell Houston Texas writes I have wed Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation sick headache etc To their use I am indebted for the health of my family Mc Connell S Berry SK JKSESISySSVRENSSarvESCVfSVffl vsKsaxS lASw Sli ays Welcome And the same can be said of the fine line of pper lip pers We are offering for Christmas pres ents in Fancy Warm and Patent Leather Styles Your husband son father brother or steady would appreciate them The Model Shoe Store F S Vahue Proprietor u t Jt 7 Ty i We are making special low prices on Cloaks Clothing Notions Dress Goods Underwear Shoes Groceries Prices are right May we have a share of your trade THE i W BEST Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of the world well written original stories answers to queries articles on health the homo new books and on work about the farm and garden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Pro3S the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the New York Sun and Bpecial cable of the New York World daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents throughout the county ORE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The Tribune and The Weekly Inter Ocean one year both papers for 140 dfr mm 1 tvT rm Jffictffc mr CV ft AV I mxm w ji Tt V xwon VJS t7 w C IV- oarqaiff fi asii 1 K3 1 w C L DeGROFF CO V SQS tofySS SrtSSS2SS I AMERICAS p 9Vbssws NvV N V w a j - v r u IV V Wfien loofuiii For jFresetifs Give us a call Here you can find more good things more useful presents than elsewhere n Cold Wave The forocafit of sadden changes in the watlirr serves notice that a hoarj voice and a heavy cough may invndo tlio sanctity of healfh in jour own home Cautions jh oIh have a oUt of One Minute Confjh Cure alwajs at hand E II WiMi Madison fia write J am indebted to One Minuto Congli Cnro for inj present good hnallh and probably my life It cures couchr eolds lafjrippo bronchitis pneumonia and all throat and lnnff troubles One Minute Cough Cure ents tho phlegm draws out the inflammn lion hcalp and soothes the niicons inimlirario and strengthens the Iuns McConnell I5errj Sermons by Telephone The First Christian church Waynes burg Greene county Pennsylvania has introduced an innovation which i b unique and novel in the extreme Tho congregation has placed in the church building a long distance telephone to enable parishioners who live in thecoun try districts to hear tho sermon without attending church services on stormy weather Tho telephone has b o 1- n placed on the pnlpit close beside tho pastor Rev J C Cobb An unusually large transmitter is in evidence tho phone having been constructed for th exact purpose for which it has been placed The phone has been in opera tion for two weeks now and has proved a great success Foils a Deadly Attack My wife was so ill that good phjhicians wem unable to help her writes M M Austin of Winchester Ind but -was compl tely cured by Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills Thej work wonder in htomach and liver troubles Cure constipa tion sick headache 25c at McConnell i Herry drogfetore Ka 1 i7D n I r R7 B - 2- i 3C WZZZiAeZk -- Lmm m m 6s n s34 IS22 In each pound - J 0 ir ii m ivJ vr M I L from now until Christmas will be found a 3 - I rr - 1 j game amusing- ana instruct ve 50 amercm Kia Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game at Your Grocers - u - l T1T r