The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 12, 1902, Image 5

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More Demand For Motive Power
Tho Hlurm has mado an increased
dtmand lor motive power and tho sup
ply of engines has not been ndded to
Frost snow and ice have made rails on
which drivers nlip and slide
This mak h it necessarv to reduce train
Wtniliitfl arwl mai a I A
i i uiiiiiitj nun iuuru LiauiH iniiHL do run 10
handle the same amount of business
Tim demand for 01 gins is greater
than the motive department can supply
ond it is no uncommon thing for trains
to uo mane up and hold m tho yards
awaiting an engine
Tho bumest enmncd that havo over
been seen in the Burlington system west
of the river arrived at the HaveJock
shops Wednesday The weight of the
mammoth machine without tho tender
iB 187000 pounds It is tho first of
twenty five that havo been ordered fiom
tho American locomotive works at
Schenectidy N Y On a lev 1 bt might
track it is capable of hauling 100 loaded
cars of average capacity It is ton tons
heavier than tho largest machine on tho
system Most of the engines of this
class havo been assigned to Hannibal
St Joe but on account of the roadbed
bring torn up from construction work
this engine and tho others that aio to
follow will bo assigned to the Wyoming
division which requires u pouorful class
of machines Litioln Journal
A boarding Train
Tho carpenter shops are working on a
boarding train for use on tho Wyoming
division It consists of a cook car and
sleeping room for sixty workmen The
boarding house will bo used by a gang
of Japaneso laborers who have been
shipped from the Pacific coast and havo
been assigned to the Northern division
There is such a lack of whito labor that
this arrangement was necessary Lin
coin Star 8th
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn S 45
Wheat CO
Oats 85
Ryo 32
Hogs 5H
Eggs 22
Butter 17K
Hj3 Jk TKS
We are still head
quarters for heating
stoves We have the
well known Beckwith
Round Oak
Radiant Home
and several other good
heaters in all sizes
If you need a heater
The assortment i s
complete and you can
get just what you
want We also have
a nice line of steel
ranges and cookstoves
H F Waite
Students csn
workfor board
Send for Catalogs free
Prof A J LOWRT Prla
Sbwttawf Tjpseritisg English
jtCC Banting Lawetc
A C OSS A M UB Pres Onaba
Apprenticeship at Havelock
Effective Monday a new Havelock
method was introduced into the machine
shops by tho master mechanic that
revolutionizes the old method of hand
ling apprentices When a yound man
enters tho Hhops to learr tho trade ho
will bo taught tho variou anohes from
tho ground up He will nifirst put on
ono of tho simple machines and when ho
Mias mastered that ho will move on to
the next ono and ho on till ho has com
pleted the entire round of tho shops If
ho does not prove himself capable of
running a machine to tho best advantage
ho will havo to stop down and make way
for the noxt man Tho idea of tho head
of the shops is to turn out a complete
and all around mechanic who when ho
finishes his trade will havo a knowledge
of tho whole business Heretofore a
man was usually placed in charge of a
maehino and kept there until ho had
served his apprenticeship and when this
was completed ho had no knowledge of
his work bo ond the maehino ho had be
come familiar with Lincoln Journal
Coughing Spell Caused Death
Hurry Duckwoll aged 26 joare choked to
don th oa rly ostcrday morning at his homo in
tho iiroi enco of Iiis wifo anil child Ho contract
ed a Blight cold a few daHU0 und paid but
littlo attention to it- Yesterday morning ho
was seized with a fit of couching which con
tinued for soma time His wifo aent for n phy
sician but before lio could arrive another cough
in spell cnnio on nnd Duckwtdl died from suffo
cation St Loiuh Glot0 Democrut Dec 11901
Mallards Horohound Syrup would havo saved
him 2C r0c ai d 1 00 at A McMillens
Is a very important fea
ture when one thinks of
buying an organ See
and test those in our
Our pianos are the
very tning to give as
a Christmas gift to
your family The
tone is exquisite in
strength and rich
ness The walnut and
mahogany veneers are
perfectly up-to-date
The price is low
Jl --
JsjplMS Premium
VK KSiIverLeai
GMjZjjp Lardl
1 ioyfir5J
Swift Company
The Best
In The Market
In Its Season
J All The Time
Chicago Kansas Qk
Mm u5 sSa craessw M
jKJK s rCoSim rJOMW ttXVn
Jeweler and Music Dealer
McCook Neb
Mrs Burkhart is enjoying a new piano
Mis G W Jones was under the care
of a doctor this week
Mrs McCord expects to go to Iowa on
a visit to relatives in a few davs
The Christian church people are talk-
I incr of having a Christmas tree this year
George Liston had a badly swollen
eye first of the week result of a seven
Jennie Vandoren has been a great suf
ferer with toothache the past week
making necessary a number of visits to
town for relief
Mr Hoovers voung folks gave a select
party to a large number of yonng friends
last Saturday night Refreshments were
served and a joyous social time had
Someonecame so near freezing to death
last week that he found it necessary to
break into the Jones house out on the
farm and help himself to some bed
Constipation is notion more
Mlfln nrrrrrirrr nf lrvririla
I feejS - 1D uua
and nothing less than vital stag
nation or death if not relieved
If every constipated sufferer
could realize that he 1s allowing
poisonous filth to remain in his
system he would soon get relief
Constipation invites all kind of
contagion Headaches bilious
ness colds and many other ail
ments disappear when consti
pated bowels arerelieved Thed
iords Black Draught thoroughly
cleans out the bowels in an easy
and natural manner without the
purging of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics
Be sure that you get the origi
nal Thedfords Black Draught
made by The Chattanooga
cine Co Sold by all druggists in M
jo cent ana iw packages
Morgan Ark- Jlay M 1001
I eannotrcrommcnil Thedfords ltlactc
IraugIittoohIghllkccnltln my house
nil Uie time and have used it Tor the last
ten years 1 never gnvo my children
any other loxaUve I think I could
never be able to work without It
on account or being troubled ullh
constipation Your medicine is
an tiiat Keeps me up
Hall of McCook Lodge No 3 Degree of Honor
Whureas It has pleased Almighty God tho
creator of tho universe to romovo from earth
our sister Adelia A Thompson therefore be it
Resolved By McCook lodgo No D of H
thnt in tho death of Sister Thompson wo lose a
worthy sister and her hii baiid and children an
affectionate wife and mother Bo it further
Resolved That tho bincere sympathy of this
lodge bo tendered the bereaved family in this
hour of sorrow and ho it further
Resolved That a cony of these resolutions
bo spread on our minutes bo sent to the be
reaved family bo published in the city papers
and our charter bo draped in mourning for a
period of thirty days
ME Benjamin
Signed I Anna E Donavan
Rose E Bayles
Foils a Deadly Attack
My wifo was fo ill that good physicians were
unable to help hor writes M M Austin of
Winchester Ind but was completely cured by
Dr Kings New Life Pills Thoy work wonders
in stomach and liver troubles Cure constipa
tion sick headache 25c at McConnell Berryt
drug itore
A glass or two of water taken half an honr be
fore breakfast will usually keep tho bowels
regular Harsh cathartics should bo avoided
When a purgative is neededtake Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablet They are mild and
gentle in their action For sale by McConnell
Half Rates to Lincoln
Decemher 29 and 30 tho Burlington
Kouto will sell tickets from any point in
JNebrasKaor south Dakota to Lincoln
Neb and return at one fare for the
round trip Tickets good returning un
tol January 3 1903 Ask the Burlington
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests all classes of food tones and strength
ens tho stomach nnd digestive organs Cures
dyspepsia indigestion stomach trouble nnd
makes rich red blood health and strength Ko
dol rebuilds worn out tissues purifies strength
ens and sweetens tho stomach Gov Q W At
kinson of W Va sajs I have used a number of
bottles of Kodol and havo found it to bo a vory
effectho and indeed a poworful remrdy for
stomach ailments I recommend it to my
friends McConnell Derry
Ballards Horphound Syrup
Immediately relieves hoarse croupy coughs
oppressedruttling rasping and difficult breath
ing Ilenry C Stearns Druggist Shullsburg
Wisconsin writc May 20 1001 I havo been
soiling Ballnrds Horohound Syrupfor two jeare
and havo nevor had a preparation that has given
better sad faction I notice thnt when I wdl a
bottle they come back for more I can honestly
recommend it 29cS0c and 100 at AMcMillene
If its coated your stomach
is bad your liver is out of
order Ayers Pills will clean
your tongue cure your dys
pepsia make your liver right
Easy to take easy to operate
25c All druggists
Wuit j our moustache or lieaul a beautiful
brown or neb black V Then use
50 c s or DimeciSTS on R P Hal Co Nashua n H
To improve tho appetite and strengthon tho
digestion try a few does of hamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets Mr J II Soitz of
Dptroit Michigan sas They restored my
appetite when impairedreliovcd mo of a bloated
feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory
movement of tho bowels There are peoplo in
this community who need just suth a medicine
For fcalo by McConnell Berry Every box
Whats In a Name
Everything is in tho name when it comes to
Witch Hazel Salvo EC DoWitt Co of Chi
cago discovered some years ago how to make a
salvo from Witch Hazel that is a specific for
pilps For blind bleeding itching and protrud
ing piles eczema cuts burns bruises and all
bkin diseases DeWitts Salvo has no equal This
has given rlso to numerous worthless counter
feits Ask for DeWitts the genuine McCon
nell Borry
If you feel ill and need a pill
Why not purchase the best
DeWitts Early Risers
Are little surprisers
Take one they do tho rest
W H Howell Houston Toxas writes I have
used Littlo Early Riser Pills in my family for
constipation sick headache etc To their use
I am indebted for tho health of my family Mc
Connell Berry
ways Welcome
And the same can be said of the fine
line of
We are offering for Christmas pres
ents in
Fancy Warm and Patent Leather
Styles Your husband son father
brother or steady would appreciate
riodel Shoe Store McCook
F S Vahue Proprietor
I Fop
Give us a call Here you can find more
Prices are right May
your trade
last Friday
J S Modrell expects
J Miss Ida and Mrs Koy
the holidays with them
his daughters
King to spend
if Idas health
will permit her to travel
Messrs Younger and Foye have com
pleted the carpenter work on J S
Doyles house which is now ready for
the plasterers and this wpek are doing
work for Elias Canaga
Mrs Stephen Bolles and Orla h
turned Wednesday of last week from
their visit in California While tin- f
they visited the Reeves and Pmkertons
We were sorry to learn of tho illne s of
Mrs Reeves and hope that she may soon
be restored to her usual health
m w vAvwW 2
ttn jtrn
tJ Ife
things more useful presents than elsewhere
We are making special
low prices on
Dress Goods
Shoes Groceries
we have a share of
I Gasfi
It looks as though wiuter had como
G N Henderson threshed his cane
Johnny Morosic and family have come
back to Nebraska to livo
Mr Iloaglands daughter is here on a
visit Iler home is in Missouri
J II Stephens and family moved to
their McCook home Thursday of last
Misses Gertie Doyle and Belle Cody
were the guests of Miss Maude Stone
W A Stone Miss Bertha Wolfe and
Florence Younger spent Sunday with
Miss Eliza Johnson
A good time is reported by those who
attended the dance at George Youngers
last Saturday evening
Rev Satchell preached to a largp au
dience at the Washington fcchool house
lasl Sunday afternoon
The county superintendent visited tho
schools of the Mioses Nellie Canaga
Florence Younger and Eliza Johnson
Bert Lafferty is building a now bars
MiH Ena Gamsby spent Sunday at
E B Stilgebouer visited IndianoJa
Mrs A Wade and children of Das
bury visiicdat II C Plumbs Sunday
Rev Fuller conducted quarterly meet
ing at the Fowler school house Sunday
December 7th
A Christmas program is being prst
pared for Christmas eve at the Shikwi
school house
An oyster supper was given at fcfce
homo of Mr and Mrs McGuire on Fri
day evening of last wepk
James Williams of Danbury is doiaj
some carpenter work for Powell Is
Nilsson and putting a feed grinder
the elevator
J C Ni lson received the sad news of
tho sudden death of his cousin in Lin
coln The remains were brought boaae
to Wilsonville for burial
Cold Wave
The forocat of sudden changes in th VFoatfctr
serves notice that a hoarfo voice and a UiTt
cough may invade the sanctity of health in sow
own homo Cautions people havo a hottle
Ono Minuto Cough Cure always at hand K J
VvVo Madison Ga write i am indebted to
Ono Minnfn Cough Curo for my prosc nt son
hoalth and probably my life It cures consfe
colds lasrippc bronchitis pneumonia and all
throat and InnR troubles One Minute Coju
Cure cnts tho phloem draws out the
heals and soothes tho mucous membra
and strengthens the lunga McConnell Herrj
s2 3 3 i 5
P H H m i rj 3
jS Ja S3 few cee -
In each pound j
m h
Warn s
fas fca
from now until Christmas will be found v
game amusing and instructive 50 different
Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game
at Your Grocers