The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 12, 1902, Image 1

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ajyiiymj wmajij wfjgwfmjipyyiT
Holiday perfumes at Cone Bros
BibleB from40o to S3 00 at McMillens
Go to Cono Bros for lino stationery
The coal man is having his first inning
of the winter
Go to C L
SoroHis Skirts
DeGroff Cos for
Chafing dishes timbole irons otc at
W T Col mans
Whito Pine and Tar is the best cough
syrup at Cono Bros
First class meats of all kinds at the
B M meat market
A new lino of Christmas rugs at Lud
wicks See our window
For Sale First class folding bed
Inquire at Morgans clothing store
Stoins and
Tankards novelties for
Ludwicks Egyptian stools lasted just
a day and a half and the 100 were gone
Have you arranged for your Christmas
turkey See D C Marsh about it right
Buy tho hoy a velocipede for a Christ
mas gift W T Coloman can fill your
A hogshead of homo made cream can
dies at ten cents por pound at the Candy
Kitchen 5 3ts
Follow tho procession of holiday shop-
ers to the nig unristmas aispiay at
McConnell Berrys
One of those beautiful gold plate
lamps at McMillens would make a fine
Christmas present
Conrad Eckhart is having a residence
24x24 built over on the corner of Mc
Dowell and Dakota streets
Turkeys may bo roosting high but
Marsh will pay eight cents a pound live
weight to bring them down
A masquerade ball in tho opera house
Christmas eve Prizes for tho best
costumes of lady and gentleman
Bound cane for sale 4 per ton Drop
a postal box 183 5 4ts
Clarence Wales
Ping Pong and game boards and card
games of all kinds
McConnell Berry
No holiday gifts so acceptable as Furs
25 styles of Scarfs Collarettes atd Muffs
125 to 600 at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
One hundred turkeys wanted a t
Marshs meat market for tho holiday
irade Eight cents a pound live weight
will bo paid
Silverware fine assortment and very
reasonable prices at W T Colemans
Anything you want for a Christmas gift
Inspect the line
Gold fish given away at W T Cole
mans with every purchase of two dol
lars worth of goods between the 15th
and the 25th of December
Wo challenge comparison with our
Monte Carlo Coats at 700 8 00 and
10 00 in Blacks Castors and Oxfords
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
This is the time to make your pur
chases of underwear and at C L De
Groff Cos is tho right place to get
the best goods at the right prices
Cut glass did you inquire Well I
guess jes A nice line at reasonable
prices Call early before the assortment
is broken W TColemans of course
i Those elegant French Flannel Dress
ngoauqucs hiilwuuu in uii tHuituuiitu
elvets for 535U at The xnompson ury
Goods Cos aro worth looking up for
Christmas giving
If any one has a more interesting and
comprehensive and occurato epitome of
firstlies of Redwillow county history
than appears in this issue The Tribune
would be delighted to priut it
We are not Santa Claus himself but
we have an elegant stock of Christmas
goods at right prices and we ask all to
call and inspect our line We know we
can please you Cono Bros druggists
The nicest in find china at Suttons
Hq Vrlrnv cMnn annrnanliPQ nnrl
hardware store bee wnat no nas on
display now Buy early and get the
best assortment from which to make
your purchases
There are some things Sutton does
not offer or agree to do He doesnt
agree to sell a 350 piano for S165 But
he will sell you for 165 the best piano
on earth for that amount of money
And its a good instrument too
Sutton carries tho Mathushek Story
vour eyes neea attention aon c wait new
until some pilgrim comes along but go
to Sutton at once He remains here to
warrant his work
1 w v
A F Webster was in tho city first
of the week
V Franklin was in Lincoln on bank
ing business Monday
Mrs C B Sawyrr went in toOmaha
Inst night on a short visit
Mrs Roy Zint visited tho homefolks
Red Cloud first of this week
Ben Shkiiwood of Cambridge came
up to tin- city Tuesday night
F J Niswandkr of Cheyenne Wyo
has joined his wife on her visit here
Miss Nell Gunn is assisting in Cone
Bios sloro during the holiday trade
Mrs Kena Walsh or Flattsmoiiin is
visiting her sister Mrs John W Solby
W M Newlon of Culbcrtson entered
the Boo Hive employ yesterday as a
G Weykneth was over from tho
Beaver Tuesday on business at tho
court house
G W Waits who was employed by
M TJ Holmes during the rush has
gone to Denver
Miss Lizzie McAdams is homo from
Pueblo Colorado where she has been
located for several months
Rev Frank W Dean was in Crete
and Lincoln close of List week and
early part of this week on business
Hazel Hare who is attending the
Conservatory of Music in Lincoln
1 ed homo last Saturday for the holidays
Mrs Nellie Guild returned t o
Omaha Monday morning after visiting
her sister Mrs A P Thomson a week
or two
Misses Anna Dulanky and Mabel
Macho returned home Sunday morn
ing on 12 from spending a week near
S M Cochran and family departed
Wednesday morning on 2 for Decatur
Indiana to be absent a fow weeks visit
ing relatives
James A Cline national bank exam
iner Minden inspected the First
National Bank Tuesday with the usual
very satisfactory results
W R Starr was in Hayes Center
Monday on business connected with the
seizure of tho Republican of that place
under mortgage
Carl Berry departed Monday for
Pueblo Colorado where ho has a posi
tion of fireman The family will remain
here for a while
Walter Clark is now living in Lin
coln being still somewhat incapacitated
by his injury in a wreck in the Indian
Territory last summer
Mrs George Leach departed on 13
Monday for Denver and George will
follow her after pay day They will go
into the grocery business in Denver
Dr and Mrs G A Hare both phy
sicians of Fresno California who have
been in New York city for two months
past are expected in tho city next Mon
day to remain a fow days with Dr and
Mrs J D Hare of our city
Mrs F J Niswandeu born Dora
Hunt is here from Cheyenne Wyoming
guest of Mrs J W Lino Mrs Nis
wander was an early settler and will be
rememembered as a girl by those who
lived here in the early days Her hus
band is in the state auditors office in
Cheyenne She will remain a week or
ten days
The art exhibit closed on Tuesday
It was a very successful venture in every
way Financially we were enabled to
pay all expenses and have a neat sum
over for tho purchase of pictures for tho
school and library Socially it brought
our citizens together men women and
children and educationally fow will deny
its usefulness at least to the children
We may not bo training our children to
be artists but we would like to cultivate
a taste for the beautiful and aid in char
acter building
Our notes last week contained an
error We credited Calumet K to
Frank Norris The story appeared seri
ally in the Saturday Evening Post by
Merwin Webster Wo were uuder tho
impression that Norris Webster were
the joint authors as all three were using
the same subjects
We have two Nebraska authors rep
resented in the library Will Pavne
raised in Nebraska now of Ohicigo
His best book On Fortunes Road is
worth reading Elizabeth Higgins a
Nebraska woman has written Out of
the West This should be interesting
I to Nobraskans as the scene is laid in
Columbus and deals with the manners
- TOfinr fr L nniv mliorn tr hnv and CUStOniS Of the
state The hero of
omethingnice in chinaware for a gift of fcQP tale is a wild young man from the
whose father has sent him west to
It will not be necessary to go farther fast
than Suttons I learn sense and incidentally look after
an elevator He has trials marries and
oanta oiaus uas maua one ui ms tie- 1S sent to Washington as congressman
pots ior supplies at w x
at last returns to tho west to work out
his destiny Some of us will be tempted
to criticize adversely some of Mrs
Higgins characters but on the whole it
is a readable book
McConnell Berrys Display
As usual McConnell Berry now have
on exhibition an unusually largefine and
comprehensive exhibiit of Christmas
goods of tho largest variety and scope
Books all the latest China dishes to
Clark Bush Gerts and Cable line please all Statuary and pictures
of pianos in all styles and prices and nothing like it to be soon in this section
on easiest possible terms It will be of state Vases etc hand
your mistake if you bu elsewhere be- some and reasonable in price Jardi
fore seeing his stock and learning hisnieres to meet your fancy Besides
prices and terms Dont make such an games of every sort toilet cases and a
error Save money and trouble by buy- host of smaller articles all calculated to
ing right at home meet every demand for Christmas gifts
Everything is now on exhibition and
Sutton the jeweler has a reliable op- cierks at band to wait upon you prompt
tician in his store all the time Eyes iv Call early before the rush and get
tested and glasses fitted scientifically tho aavantacre of tho complete stock in
v and satisfaction guaranteed tlunareda au iine3 Largest stock greatest assort
of people in McCook and vicinity will ment and at priceg to meet eT urge
bear testimony to the hich excellence
and reliability of his optical work If I Booksbooksbooks everything that a
MoConnei Berry
Chafing dishes and Five Oclock teas
Foremost Eye and Nerve Sp West
of Chicago Pays a Professional
Visit to McCook
Dr J Franklin Ponder professor of
ophthalmology and founder o f tho
Omaha Ophthalmic college principal
of tho Denver Optical Institute a school
niakers rule in his possession Pious
sards rejoinder was offensive to Hannan
who demanded its recall by Ploussard
Upon refusal to do so Hannan struck
Ploussard on the head with a large alli
gator wrench The injured man fell un
conscious into the pit from which ho
was at oneo removed by members of the
gang revived and accompanied to a
surgeon for treatment He is getting
along and there is now no fear of serious
Hannan was arrested for assault and
the fine and costs in Police Judge
Berrvs court amounted to 900
unrl rworlu no tvrnmmoiirlirirn fpnm no
Ho has had thirty three years of experi
ence in eye work fitting glasses and
teaching optics and has successfully
treated nearly two hunared thousand
cases of eye strain and nervousness
He reads the eye as an open book and
with the aid of valuable eje testing in
struments can diagnose any case of
refractive eye trouble without asking
a single question He makes weak eyes
strong and old ejes see and feel like
young again Cures headaches and
nervousness after all other so called rem
edies have failed Straightens cross
eyes and removes cataracts without the
use of tho knife and has the best eye
remedies kuown to the optical profes
sion for the cure of all eye diseases not
requiring a surgical operation
This is a golden opportunity for all
those suffering from eye or nerve difficul
ties or requiring glasses
If you do not need glasses Dr Ponder
tells you so frankly and makes no
charge whatever for his services
Remember the place Commercial
hotel McCook Neb for a few days
only commencing Saturday Dec 13
Go early avoid tho rush and secure the
doctors best attention Consultation
and examination free
The doctor refers by permission to the
First National Bank of Denver and can
refer to any firstclass busino s house in
Denver or Omaha as to his responsibility
Might Have Been Serious
An exchange of uncomplimentary lan
guage between Frank Hannan and
Hubert Ploussard Mondav resulted in
The Jlnt Teachers Meeting1
Appended wo give tho program of the
joint meeting of tho teachers of Red
willow and Hitchcock counties to bo
hold in the court room of
our city Saturday December 13th
Onn of the features of the meeting will
be the address by Deputy Stat Supt
Aicunen of Liincoln who will have
of refraction for physicians ana others RomRfchinrr nf intiToat i n vin tnrlira
tL tj rtti n I f -
oi mo jLimuer upucai o nn1 patrons and J
leading opticians of Denver and Omaha
editor of Tho Eye and Its Care nnd
other optical publications etc
Will bo at tho Commercial hotel Mc
Cook Nebraska a few das only com
mencing Saturday December 13th and
continuing until further notice
Dr Ponder cordially invites all per
sons having ee trouble of any kind
headaches or nervousness or those
needing glasses to call and have their
eyes examined by scientific up to date
methods free of charge Hours 9 to 12
a in 1 to 5 p m and to accommodate
those unable to call during the day 7 to
9 evenings by appointment only
The doctor says that nearly all ner
vous ailments Headaches neuralgia
hysteria insomnia or sleeplessness gas
trio or digestive disturbances chorea
St Vitus dance epilepsy and nervous
prostration aro caused by eye strain
He relieves the strain by the aid of
specially ground lenses thus removing
the cause and effecting a permanent
The doctor is well and favorably
known throughout the entire west both
as a skilled eye and lense expert and as
The Tribune urges its
readers so far as possible to take advant
age of this opportunity and go to hear
the doputy and take in as much of tho
program as they can spare tho time to
hear It will be profitable and enter
taining PROGRAM
Piano Duet
Mesdamas W B Mills ami Mabel Stranahan
Paper Educational History of Redwillow
Count Miss Florence N Johnston
Symposium on English
a How Much English Should Bo Com
pluted in tho Fir tEiht Grades
It R MrGoo A J Cusnor
b Tn Wlmt Grade Should tho Study of
English Properly Benin
M S Pato Miss Carrio Budlonp
Vocal Solo S H McLean
c How Organize to Make tho Stndy of
tho Mechanics of Entdi h Continued
Systematic and Valuable What
Material in Neodod and How Can it
Ho Mado AvailHble
MikC A Gorby Mr E B Young
d How Organize to Arquire Powor in
Appreciation Thought and Expres
sion and to Dnvolop Ideals and a
Taste and Lot- for Good Literature
HGMeyer MreFDBrown Miss Ruth Jones
Vocal Solo Mis Blanch MoCarl
Address Doputy State Supt J L McBrien
Vocal Solo
Business Session
730 p m COURT KOOM
Piano Solo Mr Malwl Stranahan
It is a regrettable affair which might in gifts Dont forget our Furs our
easily have resulted seriously
Officers Elect Ladies of the G A R
Following is a list of tho officers
elected by the Ladies of tho G A R at
their regular annual election last Sat
urday afternoon in Odd Fellows hall
President Mrs F Pi Rathbun
Senior Vice President Mrs
Vice President Mrs J S
Chaplain Mrs V Franklin
Treasurer Mrs Charlotte Brewer
Conductress Mrs S L Green
Guard Mrs II P Waite
Secretary Mrs W S Morlan
Gold Fish Giren Away
During the week before Christmas and
up to Christmas daythat is from
ber 15th to December 25th W T Cole
Colemans vvhere he comes near losing himself but man will give each of hit customers with
every purchase of two dollars worth of
goods a gold fish ono of the prettiest
pets imaginable in a home The fish are
now on exhibition in the store Look at
Silk Waists our Jackets and Monte
Carlos our Belts Chatelaines Hair
Ornaments Gloves Dress Goods and
accessories We solicit your inspection
and trade Signed
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Hows This For Low
Henry English Walnuts two pounds for 35c
I Peanuts two pounds 25c
Salted Peanuts two pounds for 25c
Dates per pound 10c
Home made Cream Candies three
cents less than wholesale price
Mixed Creams two pounds for 25c
Barrels of Mixed Candy at 10c three
pounds for 25c
Full line of tree ornaments candies
etc Largest and best line of candies ever
in McCook We can save you money
The Candy Kitchen
Candies at Wholesale Prices
During December we will sell home
made candies as cheap as they can be
bought from the factories at wholesale
prices Treat your little ones right tnis
their Dennisorj street window Kill two year and buy them good wholesome and
birds wun ono stone gpt a gilt for your
friends or family and one for yourself at
the same time
100 Reward
We herebj offer to each of the first 10
girls under 12 years of age who shall cut
out this notice and bring it to our store
a great big plump Izzer Cotton Batt
value 10c or a dressed doll as they may
choose Signed
Half Rates to Lincoln
On January 18 to 24 1903 the Bur
lington will sell tickets from any point
in Nebraska to Lincoln and return at one
fare for the round trip Tickets good
returning until February 3
Burlington agent
Rock Cockerels For Sale
Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock
Cockerels at 100 apiece
P O box TG Danbury Neb
A Card
We renew our customary Christmas
offer to men Buy Dress Goods here for
mothsr sister wife or other fellows
sister with privilege of exehanse by the
recipient 300 pieces of Worsted Dress j
yard The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Another Picture Sale
On Monday or Tuesday of next week
we will place on sale another big lot of
Ask tha i those 12J cent pictures New subjects
Farm filings 1115650 00 releases23
1257492 City filings 9 385000
released 8 397500 Chattel filings
81 3376260 releases 1132006823
an Upright and reliable business man i Lecture The i Optimist vs Tho Pessimist
Deputy Stato Supt J L
Baritone Solo
Mr F A Ionnoll
The Coming- Chicken Show
Tho premium lists for the sixth an
nual exhibition of tho Republican Valley
District Poultry association aro now
being distributed by the secretary Mrs
Hattio Byfield McCook Neb The
exhibition will be hfld in this city
December 31st 1902 January 1st 2nd
3rd 1903 The well known judge C H
Rhodes will score the birds Arrange
ments are being perfected for what tho
association expects to be tho best exhibi
tion yet held by them Assurances are
being received that the number of en
tries of birds in all classes will be unus
ually large
The poultry industry is one of the
most profitable and one of the leading
business enterprises of this section of
the state aggregating in investment and
in sales more than is perhaps imagined
by those not familiar with the figures
and this fact alone should encourage
not only the fanciers but all interested
in the promotion of theJiusiness inter
ests of Southwestern Nebraska
The Tribune hopes that the sixth
annual may be a large success and such
it will be if those engaged in the busi
ness make a united effort to bring to
pass that result Altogether
A Kensington
Thursday afternoon from 230 to 6
oclock Mrs A Barnett Mrs A Camp
bell and Mrs A L Knowland entertained
about 75 lady friends at a delightful
Kensington at tho Barnett home
A two course luncheon was served in
a sore Head for floussard loss of job dainty fashior
and a fine for Hannan Both are j The floral decorations were in carna
bers of the boiiermakers gang The tions and chrysanthemums large vases
difficulty opened with a remark by j of these beautiful flowers being in the
Hannan an apprentice about scabs j parlor and other rooms of the residence
t ioussara ia ueipcr nau a There was an interesting conundrum
contest which
was won by Mrs James
It was a very clever and joyous affair
and a source of much pleasure to tho
many guests of the occasion
A Card
Our sixth holiday season in McCook
is now at hand and calls to mind the
very gratifying Christmas patronage al
ways received We desire to say that in
no year has our stock of suitable holiday
gifts been so large and desirable We
again insist that utility added to beauty
makes the greatest sum of desirability
Sudden Death of Ed Cann
McCook people from repeatedly sad
experiences ought to bo prepared for the
sau news of sudden and unexpected
deaths any hour but tho telegram
which came to hand last Sunday even
ing from Salt Lake City Utah an
nouncing the death of Ed Uann in that
city about seven oclock that evening
found the entire
community utterly un
fortified for the sorrowful information
which quickly became current through
out tho city early Monday murning
Two weeks ago last Monday morninir
Dispatcher and Mrs Cann departed for
Salt Lake City Utah on a vi it to her
parents and in the hope that his health
might be improved by the visit and tho
word that has como back to relatives
and friouds has been encouraging
Shortly before his death an operation
for appendicitis was succe fully per
formed in a hospital there and ho was
thought to bo cominjr on nicelv jvhon
the candlo of life suddenly went out his
weakened constitution being powerless
to withstand the operation and tho con
tinued attacks of ill health And thus
went out one of the noblest lives tho
writer has ever known
Tho remains were brought home
Tuesday evening on No G and wore
buried in Longview cemetery of our city
from the Methodist church Wednesday
afternoon at 230 oclock Rtv L M
Grigsby of Liberty preached a brief but
touching sermon being assisted ii tho
services by Rev L 11 Shumate Tho
church was crowded with sympathetic
friends to show their tribute of love and
respect for tho departed win- was ad
mired by all for the nobility of his
nature and the uprightness of his life
Tho inconsolably stricken wife her
father Mr Patiick Gibbons and sister
Miss Maggie Gibbons accompanied tho
body home The father and mother of
the dopartod Agent and Mrs LV wis
Cann of Danbury and a sister Mrs
A S Palmer of our city were also
The rostrum of tho church was
decorated with potted plants palms
etc and tho lovely floral pillows
wreaths and other emblems from the
Knights of Pythias Workmen and dis
patchers mado a charming backgrom d
for tho handsome casket Besides there
were a wealth of carnations and other
flowers on and about the casket
Tho pall bearers were selected chiefly
from among the office force at Western
division headquarters J F Forbes
Matthew Lawritson W B Mills C T
Watson R B Smmons and W F Pate
Misses Blanche and Ida MeCarl
Mesrs S B McLean and C F Hebor
composed the choir with Mrs Mabel
Stranahan at the organ
The Workmen and Knights of Pythias
of which deceased was a member were
numerously represented in the audience
Lewis Edgar Cann was born July
12 1874 died December 7 1902 aged
28 years 4 monthp 25 days He began
railroad work in 1893 as an operator at
Red Cloud and in the following year
was sent to Oxford in tho same capacity
and in 1895 came to McCook as an op
erator which position he filled until
October Gth 1898 when he was pro
moted to train dispatcher Was con
verted and united with tho Methodist
church in 1889 at the
midst to his eternal homo
Bo it resolved by the member of the Banker
Union of the World No 979 that in the death
of Brother Cann onr lodje deplores tho loss f
one of its most honored members whoso lifa i
was an inspiration to all who knew him
Resolved That wo extend to the bereaved
wife and parent our sincere sympathy in this I
sorrow and we commend them for con olation I
to the bather who Doeth all thmns well
Resolved That a copy of the o resolutions
be presented to the family of our late brother
and further that a copy be sprend upon tho
lodge records
Rachr Bbtiey
Committee M Grkkh
Anna Colfek
Go Early to the Lecture
Special attention is directed to tho
early hour of Dean McBriens lecture
tomorrow evening 730 oclock This
is done to enable the Hitchcock county
teachers to get home on No 5 that ev
ening We want to say concerning tho
lecture that it is a popular one not to
teachers exclusively or particularly
and will be enjoyed by all who hear
Be one of the number gentle reader
Bazaar and Luncheon
The Ladies circle and Kinds daugh
ters of the Baptist church will hold a
bazaar all day Saturday December 20
A largo number of useful and fanoy
nrfinloc Qlllhnhlo few PJVlriafrnna rrift a t ll
pure candies Especially low prices to J bo on sale Luncheon will be served
schools and church societies Come in
and look over our stock We can save
you money 5 3ts
McCook Candy Kitchen
during the day and supper at six oclock
The bazaar will be held in the Vernon
Selby store under Cones drug store
A Few of Colemans Leaders
In toys for children W T Coleman
now offers a large line of sleds skates
hatchets hammers shoot-the-chutes
coasters baby tenders wheel barrows
etc for the Christmas trade A large
assortment of iron and wooden toys
substantial and made to delight the
Hides and Poultry Wanted
TVT Walnh iq nnw lonarpil nn hlnnlr I
west of the Citizens Bank on Dennison
street and wants poultry and hides of
all kinds for which he is paying in casli
tho highest market price Bring him
your poultry and hides and get the
Pictures books statuary gamo3
novelties McConnell Bebet
Monte Carlo Coats at DcGroffs
Save money on drugs at McMillens
Go to Cono Bros for Xmns yoods
Scalo books for sale at The Tkiiiunk
A fine line
of gold plato lamps at
Carving sets cutlery
W T Coloman
Very neat cobler seat
wicks for S250
of all kinds
rockers at
Somegood values in Petticoats at CL
DeGrofKfc Cos
A first class Majestic rango
bought right at Ludwicks
can bo
Tho B M meat market sells tho
best of everything in their lino
Rocking chairs make tho host Christ
mas presents See Ludwicks line
Have you seen McMillens largo assort
ment of toys at from five cents up
Candies at wholesale prices during
December at the Candy Kitchen 5 3ts
DeGroff Co for tho best in under
wear of all kinds Prices always right
Ping Pong Flinch combination gamo
boards 50 games in ono at McMillens
Largest and best line of confectionery
and nuts at tho Candy Kitchen 3ts
Marshs mince meat goes right to tho
spot And tho holiday season isa comin
Tho finest assortment of Medallions
over brought to McCook is at Cono
A large stock of holiday goods now on
hand at McMillens a good time to
Dolls Tho children go wild over tho
great variety of handsome dolls at Mc
You want tho best at a
You will get it at tho B
Adorn your homo with a piece of that
handsome Grecian statuary at Mc
Marsh wants a
keys and offers
cents a pound
hundred or more tur
for live weight eight
There is always room for one more
rocking chair A large lino to select
from at Ludwicks
Charles Lehn has begun the erection
of his rental residence on Madison street
just south of P Walshs
Pickles sauer kraut and everythintr
seasonable at Marshs meat market
Highest quality and lowest prices
John Ekstedt purchased tho Rinkor
lot on lower Madison street this week
Consideration 325 which includes a
General George II Bailev Tinlr
ige of 15 years Kee who recently lectured in McCook
Was united in marriage with Miss died in Omaha Wednesday of hearth
Jennie Gibbons June 19 1901 who failure
vives her husband
Deceased was a member of the A O pJaPs Wlfe expects Silk
U Wthe Bankers Union and Burl- WHlst for Christmas Thats easy only
ington Relief his insurance aggregating S3 m to ifc The Thompson Dry
about 4600 I Goods Cos
Y7VTr1o O V r nflnn ll i r rr rwinn
m uiujuiti uwn i j iuuuriuiuc LU CAJiiCaa
the deep and tender sympathy felt for
the bereaved and inconsolable wife the
stricken parents and sister in this groat
sorrow that has overshadowed
their lives
Whoreas in the providence of God onr bro
ther L E Cann ha been removed from our
Cards with envelopes to match for at
homes receptions etc for tale at Trib
une office Same neatly printed rea
sonable if desired
Mrs K M Stangland will resume her
class in piano forte Call at her
I dence on corner Marshall and Dodtra
streets for terms 5 2ts
Toys in iron and wood W T Colo
man has em and has em galore Just
call and see his largo assortment now
open and displayed for sale
church societies
our stock
5 3ts
prices to schools and
Come in and look over
Wo can save you money
McCook Candy Kitchen
Diamonds watches clocks jewelry
etc at Suttons the leading jeweler
Liirjjest and best selections in all lines
and right prices Warranted repairing
Pianos at Suttons at from 165 up on
easy payments See him first before
making a puichase No one can rive
you lower prices or better terms for a
reliable instrument
I That rubber ball gun at W T Cole
i mans is one of the novel toys of the
season They are perfectly safe and
harmless but noisy Youll want one
for the boy if you see it
Mens Fancy Scotch Gloves Mens
Kid Gloves and Mittens
Mens silk lined Mocha Gloves Mens
Silk Handkerchiefs Mens Neckwear
and Mufflers are all to be found at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
There will bo a foot ball arac between
j the high chool and shop team Satur
I day December 13 1802 Tho game last
Friday between these two teams resulted
in the score of 0 to 0 Game called at
330 p m Admission 15 and 25 cents
Is your head working or are you pay
ing ten cents a pound for meat by the
quarter when you can get better meat
by the quarter at Marshs meat market
for six and eight cents a pound Dont
let the peddlers bump you so hard when
I the regular dealers can do so much befc
I ter in price and in quality as well
There is nothing so rare as a day in
June unless its some of that superb
cut glas3 at Suttons He offers you a
stock from which to make your selec
tions that is unequaled in thi3 part of
the state Not only is the display rich
but the price3 ace reasonable made to
fit the purse excellence of good3 con