v M sr - LM t i L u ttnoitti2Qiun It is with great pleasure that we announce to our patrons and the public the opening of our new holliday line in our new store room secured and especially fitted for the purpose just one door south Owing to the constant increase in - our business we have been forced to find larger and more con venient quarters to better serve our patrons in the holiday trade Just think of a whole store room filled from floor to ceiling with good things for Christmas presents It would be impossible for us to describe each line but will say that we have good things that will make suitable presents for young and old and you will need to pay us a visit before you can form any idea of the variety you have to select from Our goods are all marked in plain figures with one price to ali and that the lowest We invite you all to come If you are ready to buy come if you never buy come come anyway Yours for the holiday business K es ntve t M COOl I SeySUdSsjBx bSkjsjSb jSa a r rifcc JJs Scjtcj jsCtaStjiStifii iSc 0t jfi jc i fi jf jji jjj tir ig w tje Kr--v ic Vif - fi If V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT THR CITIZENS 1 coauvitN w c mpapi nun s n fpfpt if fnn f UMfM ntit nitv n v - 5 r0F C W1LLARD F A PEHHELL Cash jy J nJttSPPPlI Mvaninn PIATT Tlmanfnm fff m VrlHI W - wfcv wr w i AfiUWftVJ x A C EBERT Cashjer OF McCOOK NEB a s a a S9 f ino xjjcsctjct v 4 bank HX Tin Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 8 a a a a DIRECTORS Vf TT T TZ C T I 1 f vvvvvNvrrvv fvvvAva fiAyvcinftvvitvvwivyw 1oCil c Vrf NATIONAL S-BANK-4 i - y Authorized Capital 100000 W Capita I anrl Stj vn his kfiO 000 Jr -- M j j Hi 0O6 n rinnfegttrr r a j a u rncrc f o vcu nuunnce L rrasiuoni o m rncco r rros i F B BUKGESS L K3 B B f iOilli m Fitter McCOOK BEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building SXggvafrJNigft ttodol Byspepsia OiePd Oigests what you cat A Good Thing German Syrup is the special proscription of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortun ate discoveries in medicino It quickly cures coughs colds and lung troubles of the severest nature romoving the causo of the affoction and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is uot an experimental medicino but has stood tho test of years giving satisfaction in every case which ita rapidlv increasing salo every season confirms Two million bottlos sold annually Boscheos Gorman Syrup was intro duced in the United States 186S and is now sold in every town and village in the clvilisod world Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac It excites tho wonder of tho world a magic remedy liquid electricity that dri7es away suffering and disease Kocky Mountain Tea 35c McConnoll Berry Ill bravo tho storms of Chilkoot Pass Ill cross tho plains of frozen glass Ill leave my wife and cross tho sea Bather than bo without Kocky MouutainTea McConnell Sc Barry- IWDIANOLA E J Mitchell was seen on our slreots Tuesday Jake Kern took a flying tiip to Bartley Monday Miss Mabel Bishop of McCook spent last Sunday in our city Ilolton Longnecker spent Thanks giving with the homefolks George Sheppard was up from Cam bridge on his regular trip Tuesday Miss Lelah Fiddler of Hartley visited a few days this wook with Indianola friends Mrs Nettie Spaulding of Oxford visited over Suuday with Mrs Lucy Dunning Miss Delia Andrews visited Satur day and Sunday with friends near Cambridge Mrs Henry Souse who has been quite sick with neuralgia of tho stom ach is much better Mr Hall of McCook was in town Wednesday in tho interest of the Ne braska Telephone Co Miss Dompster of Republican City spent Thanksgiving week with her siter Mrs Tim Ilaley Dont forget tho dinner supper and fair to be given by the D of 11 at tho Masonic hall next Saturday Quito a number of the children around town are laid up with an epi demic resembling pneumonia Grandpa Kern and John Trout and family of McCook ato turkey with Jake Kern at d wife Thanksgiving Prof Casner Misses Flora Quick and Alta llager attended tho teachers con vention at Cambridge Saturday Miss Pearl Lyman of Bartley spent a few days of last week with her friends Edna and Cora Thompson Mr Epporly and daughter Kena drove up from Lartley Sunday and spent tho day with Clarence McCord and wife vvnuo periormmg in tne school gym nasium Tuesday Frank Sutor had tho misfortune to fall from tho trapeze and fracture his wrist Miss Cora Garvey came down from McCook Thursday morning and visited until Sunday evening with Nellie aud Flossie Andrews Miss Barr teacher of the second pri mary room took advantage of tho Thanksgiving holidays and visited at her homo in iloldrego Drs Brown and Ha thorn wore up from Bartley Wednesday that being examination day Dr Brown was ac companied by his daughter Graco Mr Lyons living northwest of town died quite suddenly Saturday night of apoplexy His remains were shipped from this place to Iowa Tuesday morning At tho regular meeting of tho A O U W last Monday evening a now set of officers were elected and three candidates Peter Fossen Saben Gray Jr aud John neinz rode the goat to a final victory Whats In a Name Everything is in tho namo when it comos to Witch Hazol Salvo EC Do Witt Co of Chi cago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles For blind bleeding itching and protrud ing piles eczema cuts burns bruises and all nkin diseases DoWitts Salve has no equal This has given rlbo to numerous worthless counter feits Ask for DoWitts tiio genuine McCon noll IJorry COLEMAN G R Simmerman took wheat to Mc Cook Monday Will Fleischman was in McCookMon day with a load of hogs Mr and Mrs II B Wales have gone back to Illinois on a visit Thomas Whitmer took a load of wheat to McCook Monday James Ryan and Joe Saunders had business in McCook Monday Tho neighbors spent two days last week threshing out Ed Osbaughs cano seed There are now eighteen scholars in tho singing class at the Coleman school house M H Cole was threshing cano Mon day running the whole stalk through thus shredding it W M Rozell was in McCook Sat urday and brought out one of those line Majestic ranges B P Wilson started for California Monday and got as far as McCook hen camo back to his farm Mrs Clara Betz called Saturday ovening to seo Mrs Edith Coleman Bates who is recovering very slowly too much Oklahoma malaria A gentleman just from Iowa said I have not seen tho sun but once for three weeks and only a half hour then Roads are awful can hardly get through Mud mud mud Mud in the lots mud in door yards mud everywhere In corn liolds ten bushels make a load Corn down so bad cant follow the down row Neighbors to tho number of nearly forty gathered at the homo of Mr and Mrs WMSharp on Thanksgiving day and enjoyed a pleasurable time The plump and pretty red cheekod mis chievous wives and girls fixed up thing3 in great shape so much so that after noon a whole lot of fellows looked like they had jusc come off an alfalfa patch bloated you know But they all recov ered without any serious results Foils a Deadly Attack My wife was so ill that good physicians wore unable to help her writes M M Austin of Winchester Ind but was completely cured by Dr Kings New Life Pills They work wondera in stomach and liver troubles Cure constipa tion sick headache 25c at McConnell Berrys drug store CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS Noel Rushton ia ill with a severe cold Harvy Tracy has been on the sick list James Miller of Traor had business in town Tuesday E O Carters little boy has been on the sick list this week D B Duckworth of Indianola is visit ing his son Charles of this place Mr and Mrs G A Miner spent Sun day with J W Miner in Oberlin Considerable sickness of a mild sort due to colds and more strenuous weather Miss Maud Woofter of Herndon Kan sas was a Cedar Bluffs visitor on Sun day evening BOX ELDER Oscar Ross of Superior is tho guest of Paul Stouo and fnniily Mrs Martha Johnson visited her son W Y and family last Friday Miss Bello Cody of Oxford is visit ing her cousin Miss Gertio Doylo J II Stephens moved part of his household goods to McCook Monday where they will make their homo W n Ackermanhad Mr Taggart a commercial man and successor to D A Bushne out in theoo parts last Monday A few of the young people gathered at tho home of T M Campbell Thanksgiving ovening and tho time was spent in music and fortune tolling Mr and Mrs Ira Harrison invited a few of their friends to a goose roast Thanksgiving day Those preset t were Paul Stono and family F M Camp bell and family Leo Brown Gertio Doylo Bi llo Cody Eliza Johnson Florence Younger Mrs Ilattio Modroll A W Campbell and Oscar Ross Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests all classes of food tone and strength ens tho stomach and digestivo organs Cures dyspepsia indigestion stomach troubled und makes rich red blood health and btrength Ko dol rebuilds worn out tissues purities strength ens and sweetens tho stomach Gov G W At kinson of Y Va sajs I have used a number of bottlos of Kodol and have found it to bo a very effectivo and indeed a poworfnl remedy for stomach ailments I recommend it to my frionds McConnoll Berry He Found a Cure R n Foster 318 S 2d Street Salt Lake City writes I have beon bothered with dyspepsia or indigestion for 21 hao triod many doctors witlioutroliof but I bavo found a euro in Heroine I recommend it to all my friends who nre afflicted that way and it is curing them too 50c at A McMilleas MARION J T Dimmitt is among tho ailing ones in this vicinity Powell Niltson received threo car loads of corn this week Preparations are being made to os tend the switch at this point Bert Lake returned homo from Red Cloud recently He has been down there husking corn M Niisson drove over to McCook Tuesday to meet Marion Powell of Lincoln who accompanied him homo to look over ranch and other business matters Mrs J C Nelson and brother Charles Woods returned from Devizes Kansas where they spent Thanksgiving with their parents A sister Miss Nell Woods accompanied them home Tiik Tkikunk prints all the county news and is only one dollar a year And then its combination list is com plete giving its cash-in-advance readers opportunities of securing tho best daily and weekly papers in America at greatly reduced prices Try it a year Favorite Family Remedy Frequently accidents occur iu tho household which cause hurns cutasprains and bruises for use in Mich cases Ballards Snow Liniment has for many years been tho constant favorite fam ily remedy 2jc 50c aud 510Jit AMcJliHonn A Cold Wave Tho forecast of sudden changes in tho weather servos notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may invade tho sanctity of health in jour own home Cautious paoplo have a bottle of Ono Minute CoiikIi Cure alwajs at hand E If Wii e Madison Ga writes I am indebted to One Minnto Cough Cure for my present good hoalth and probably my life It cures coughs colds lagrippe bronchitis pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles Ono Minute Cough Curo cuts the phlegm draws out the inflamma tion heals aud soothes the mucous membranes and strengthens the lungs McConnoll IJorry BANKSVILLE The new3 is about frozen in and the day has not melted tho ice School Dist No 57 Banksville has arranged to put new seats and desks in the school house Tho thermometer dropped down to 17 degrees Tuesday morning and about one inch of snow The county superintendent 73 S Dutcher was looking after tho school interests in Grant precinct last week Wm Sigwiag pulled his threshing machine to the Rowlands to thresh cano seed and is likely to wait for milder weather before threshing the job Coughing Spell Causec Death Harry Duckwoll aged 26 years choked to death early jeoterday morning at his home in the presence of his wife and child Ho contract ed a Blight cold n few daja aco and paid but little attention to it- YesterJay moraine he was seized with i fit of coughing which con tinued for somo time His wife sent for a phy sician but before he could arrive anothor coufjh ini spell camo on and Duckwell died from suffo cation StLoui Jlobfj Domocrat Dec 11501 Rallards Ilorehouud Syrup would have saved him 27c GOc aud J1C0 at A McMillens The Pride of Heroes Many soldiers in tho last war wrote to say that for scratches bruises cuts wounds corns sore feot and stiff joints Uucklcnt Arnica Salve is tho btst in the world Same for burns scalds boils ulcer skin eruptions and piles It cures or no pay Only 27c at McConnell Berrys drug store A glass or two of water taken half an honr bo fore breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular Harh cathartics should be avoided When a purgative is needed take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablet They are mild and gentle in their action For sale by McConnell Berry Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in ono day No cure no pay Price 25 centa Don 7 INCORPORATES 13 IIJ J ILJJIM H J fyiiAly7SS BE POOLED Tuks tiie genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Wade only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps ycu well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no substi tute Ask your druggist v a Mow Suit Come and clothing almost everything but without re lief We then tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral and three and one half bottles cured her Emma Jane Entsminger Langsville O About That of Clothes There are many kinds of clothes There is one kind some people call tailor made which they send away for This kind we do not sell THE KIND WE SELL ARE MADE BY FIRST CLASS WORKMEN right here at home and fitted on yon before it is finished That is the only tailor made suits Now is the time to order one BUSINESS SUITS 25 PANTS 650 see rn e J Ayers Cherry Pectoral certainly cures many cases of asthma And it cures bronchitis hoarseness weak lungs i whooping cough croup winter coughs nignt coughs and hard colds Three sizes 25c 50c II All druggists Consult your doctor IT lie 3ays take It tlion do as iio says If lie tells you not to take it then dont take it He knows Leave it with liim Wn urn willing J C A Kit CO Lowell Mass oa 3E Good Advice The mot miserable beings iu the world are those suffotintj from djspopia and liver com plaint More than seveuti fivo per cent of the people in tho United Status are oillic WmI with thedo two diseases act thoir effect- Mich as sour btomach sick ln adache habitual costive ness palpitation of tho heart heartburn water brash Knavinn and burning pains at the pit of the stomach jellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable tasUt in mouth coming up of food after eating low spirit etc Goto jour druggist and got a bottlo of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relievo yon Trj it Got Groend Special Almanac Groat Tonic braces body and brain driven away all impurities from your system Makes you well Keeprf jou well Iocky Moontain Tea tc McConnoll Iierrj Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A -Lodge NoC12 meets lirst and third Thursdays of each mouth McConnoHs hall 3W p m E 15 lltUEit President V S Gutek Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS- McCook lodge No IW7 moots on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnoll hall J K McCaul Illustrious Pro Robt W DnvoE Secrutary DR W V GAGE TlcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAY McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building before you buy Yours for Business L O- Melius Tailor r j 1 4Ji ggireweagagg S 3 S Q g O UB M m One Take Laxative ijrm gppHffite Teifeis g jm t r Seven Miffion boxes sold in pest i 2 msnlfcs esb LSlgsaiUTSi K M S2 TI 5 i4 Z i Jsssre tUyt -1 W - Jg My X nil ill II IIWIII Mill I II II llliHIBMWMJWWBflMMMaMMMMIMMMMMaaaMMMBBMMKMMWMCKaM I - 1 H p SUTTON J Asthma j 11 jeweler mvnv iZftf3BarfrkW MUSICAL GOODS 1 One of my daughters had a 3 terrible case of asthma We tried McCOOK - NEBRASKA 1 JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska ISyAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House E J MITCHELL I Phone 181 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Oflico over McMillena drug stom Residence 70- Main Avenue Residence phone Tti Office phone US Calls answered night or day - AUCTIONEER Phonea Oflico 17 residonce 95 Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 OVER McCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Shave Hair Cut Sham pooanythingin my linem an artistic manner Giva me a call and trial H L PREVOST DELNTIST Grad late of Kansas City Lintal College OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska All Calls For The Saved at Graves Brink I know I woud long ago have ber n in ry grave writes Mrs S H Newborn of Decattir Ala if it had not been for Electric Bitter For three jcars I suffered untold agony from the wort forni3 of indigestionwaterbrash ttomach and bowel dyspepsia But this excellent medi cino did me a world of good Since using it I can eat heartily and have gained U3 pounds For indigestion loss of appetite stomach liver and kidney troubles Electric Bittern are a posi tive guaranteed curu Only SOc at McConnell A Berrys drag store A Million Voices Could hardly oipre ts the thanka of Homer Hall of West Point la Listen why A severe cold had settled on hi lungs causing a most obstinate cough Several physician3 said he had consumption but could not help him When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption and writes It completely cured me and saved my life I now weigh 227 lbs Its positively guar anteed for coughs colds and lung troubles Price 00c and 101 Trial bottles free at McCon nell Berrys i J K Answered by the BLUB FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of tne city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska r3V tf g S -V gr Cares Grip In Two Days on every frszri box 25c a k K