The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 05, 1902, Image 5

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imiMiwiiiii in i
Tribune Clubbing List
For couTonlonco of roadors of Thb TniBONK
wo luivo mndo iirrniiKomoiits with Uio following
nowBimjxirs nnd periodicals wlioroby wo cun sup
ply thorn In combination with The Tbibonb rt
tlio following very lowJpriceB with
Detroit Froo Pross 1 00 1 SO
LosIIuh Weekly 4 00 t CO
Prnirio Fiirmur 1 00 1 25
CliIcaKoIntcr Ociun 100 1 X
Cincinnati Enquiro 100 150
Now York Tribune 100 125
DcmorcHts Mugaziuo 1 00 1 75
Toledo Hlado 100 125
NobraHka Fanner 1 00 1 05
Iown Homestead 1 00 125
Lincoln Journul 100 175
Cumpbnlls Soil Culturo 1 00 1 50
Now York World 1 00 1 05
CoMinoiMilitiin Magnzino 1 00 1 fcO
St LouiH Republic 100 175
Kansas City Star 25 120
Farm and Homo 100 120
Word and Works 1 00 1 70
Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50
-renewals 1 JiO
Wo aro prepared to fill onlpra for any other
papers published at reduced rates
Tub Tbiuunk McCook Nob
How to Prevent Croup
It will Imj tjood nows to the mothers of small
children to learn tbnt croup can bo prventcd
Tho llrst sign of croup is hoarseness A day or
twoboforo tho attack tho child becomes hoarse
This is soon followed by a peculiar rousli cough
Givo Chamborlains Cough Iiemcdy freely as
hoon as tho child becomes hoarse or ovon aflor
tho rough cough appears and it will dispol all
symptoms of croup In this way all danger and
anxiety may bo avoided This remedy is used
bs many thousands of mothers and has never
been known to fail It is in fact tho only
remedy that can always bo depended upon and
that ploaant and safe to take For sale by
McConiinllit Ilerry
Ballards Horehound Syrup
Immediately relieves hoarse croupy coughs
oppressed rattling rasping and difficult breath
ing Henry C Stearns Druggist Shullsburg
Wisconsin writes May 20 1901 I have boon
boiling Milliards Horehound Syrup for two year
and have never had a preparation that has given
butter sa tit faction I notico that when I tell a
bottle thoy como back for more I can honestly
recommend it 23c50c and 100 at AMcMillons
We are still head
quarters for heating
stoves We have the
well known Beckwith
Round Oak
Radiant Home
and several other good
heaters in all sizes
If you need a heater
The assortment i s
complete and you can
get just what you
want We also have
a nice line of steel
ranges and cook stoves
H F Waite
StmJcnts czn
vrorkfor board
Send for Catalogue tree
Prof A J L0BRY Prra
m s a iu aio uiiuoun
- - mmbb
IA v AH The lime
11 T
Sfeortfiaraf Tjpewitltig English
A C OSS A LLB Pres Ocaa
Is a very important fea
ture when one thinks of
buying an organ See
and test those in our
f Tj j
Our pianos are the
very thing to give ns
u Christinas gift to
your family Tho
lono is exquisite in
strength and rich
ness Tho walnut and
mahogany veneers are
perfectly up-to-date
The price is low
Jeweler and Music Dealer
McCook Neb
To improve tho appetite and strengthen tho
digestion try a few doses of hamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets Mr J U Soitz of
Detroit Michigan sajs They restored my
appetite when impaired relieved mo of a bloated
feolinR and caused a pleasant and satisfactory
movement of the bowels Tiicro aro people in
this community who need jus t sush a medicine
For sale by McConuell fc Berry livery box
Notico is hereby friven that the county com
missioners of Red Willow county Nebraska
will receive scaled bills for the furnishing of tho
following supplies for tho county ollicors for
1 inorttrafW record 8 qrmedinmpriuted page
1 abstract of election record 4qr medium
printed pago
1 treasurers cash hook
All records to be full bound ostra ends bands
and fronts anil to be made of Byron Weston 30
lb medium linen ledger paper
Tesal blanks full sheet per hundred
Lecal blanks sheet per hundred
Legal blanks J4 sheet per hundred
Legal blanks sheet per hundred
Spenceriau Glucinum or Tadella pens per
Vanadium pens per gross
Perfection pencils or equal round rubber tips
per gross
A W Faber pencils lies gilt pergroep
24 assessors iiles
211 sots poll books
23 sets envelopes for poll books
Vz dozen Magic letter liles
1 great gross rubber bands No 11
1 gro s rubber bauds Jl inch No 02
packages enile legal pads
5000 U receipts
G redemption books
S1 name tabs
Parties receiving contract to furnish good and
suilicient bonds for the faithful performauco of
tho same
All bids to be filed with tho county clerk on
or before noon of the first da7 of January 190
Dated this 4th day of December 1902
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Before H II Berry a justice of tho peace in
and for Willow Grove Precinct Red Willow
County Nebraska
Daniel A Boncn plaintiff vs Bojd MunEell
Hojd Munsoll will tako notice that io23rd
day of October 1902 II II Berry n stire of
the iKiaco of Willow Grove precinct Red Willow
county iNebraska issued in order ot axtach
ment for tho sum of S29W in an action pending
boforo him wherein Daniel A Bowen is plaintiff
andBowl Munell is defendant that tho prop
erty of tho defendant consisting ol ono organ
and stool ono wash boilor and contents ono
barrel and contents one bundle carpet ono
sewmg machine one table one couoe drum and
contents one box and contents ono bond lo tablo
leases and one dry good- box and contents have
been attached under said order
Said cause whs continued to tho Sib day of
December 1902 at nine oclock a m
Attorney for Plaintiff
f m jmiijmjmuii MiujgatgajmujmMrwiti mut
jfe afciyfca
Jz Premium I
Swiit Company
Ob C
The Best
In The Market
A In Ifo Qoocnn
M iss Ida M Snyder
Treasurer of llio
Brooklyn East End Art Club
If women would pay more attention to
their health we would have more happy
wives mothers and daughters and if they
would observe results they would find
that the doctors prescriptions do not
perform the many cures they are given
credit for
In consulting with my druggist he ad
vised KcElrees VVInc of Cardui and Thcd
fords Black Draught and so 1 took it and
have every reason to thank him for a new
life opened up to me with restored health
and it only took three months to cure me
Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the
menstrual functions and is a most as
tonishing tonic for women It cures
scanty suppressed too frequent
lllirinfl liainflll liiPnfriinf7nn fnlliTUT
of the -womb whites and flooding ll
is helpful when annroachine woman
hood during pregnancy after child
birth and in chanm of life It fre
quently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years All
druggists have 100 bottles of Wine
ot Cardui
A Timely Suggestion
This is tho seaoa of tho joar when the pru
dent and careful housewife replenishes her
supply of Chamberlains Cough Remedy It is
certain to bo needed beforo tho winter is over
and results are much more prompt and satis
factory when it is kept at hand and given as
soon as tho cold is contracted and beforo it has
become settled iu the system In almost every
instance a severe cold may bo warded off by
taking this remedy freely as soon as tho llrst
indication of the cold appears Thore is no
danger in giving it to children for it contains no
harmful substance It is pleasant to take both
adults and children like it Buy it and you will
get tho befit It always cures For sale by ZJc
Connell Berry
Cnpid Anih jslifMl
lr Slowjrait about to propose
uie 11 p in I am about to say
something Miss Chilliugton that I
should have said some time ago Look
nto my eyes and tell me if you ean
not guess what it is Miss ChilHng
ton suppressing a yawn You look
as sleepy as I feel so I guess you must
be going to say good night Chica
go Newt
Robert W Devoo of McCook spent
Thanksgiving at his home iu Lebanon
A union Thanksgiving service was held
iu tho M E church Thursday ovening
A C Teel the insurance man from
Indianola was transacting business on
our streets Tuesday
Miss Daisy Slutts spent Thanksgiving
vncation at home She returned to In
dianola via Hartley Sunday ovening
Landlord Ilulvey vacated the hotel
Monday lie goes to Danbury to take
charge of the Monroe house George
Nowland our genial barber succeeds
him in tho management of the hotel hero
As Piatt dimming was returning
home Thanksgiving night with his best
girl tho horse became frightened kicked
loose from the buggy and ran away The
buggy was wrecked some but no ono was
The library for the Presbyterian Sunday-school
arrived last week and was in
stalled in a new book case presented bv
tho church Sunday Among some of I
the best known volumes aro Louisa M
Alcotts works the Pansy books and tho
Elsie books
Our teachers tho Misses Vincent and
Purvianco attended the teachers asso
ciation last Friday and Saturday They
drove over to Indianola Thanksgiving
day and took dinner with Prof Casner
and wife going to Cambridge on the
morning train Friday
William Adams and mother came in
Friday mornintr They have been away
for quite a long time but were glad to
get back to Nebraska Bill was in Illi
nois Missouri Indiana California and
all intervening states and he says he
would rather live on the Beaver than in
any of them excepting California
Better Than a Plaster
A pieco of flannel dampened with Chamlier
laius Pain Balm and bound on tho effected
parts is better than a plaster for a lame back
and for pains in tho sido or client- Paia Balm
has no superior as a liniment for the relief of
deep seated musculnr and rheumatic pains
For salo by McConnell fc Berry
If you feel ill and need a pill
Why not purchase the beat
DeWittsEarlj Risers
Aro littlo surprisers
Tako ono they do the rest
W II Howell Houston Texas writes I have
used Littlo Early Riser Pills in my family for
constipation sick headache etc To their uso
I am indobtcd for tho health of my family Mc
Connell Berry
RatvOdifs to Support Art
The government ot Bavaria has
voted a considerable sum for the main
tenance of art institutions throughout
the kingdom during the coming year
The allowances for the purchase of
paintings and their preservation is
particularly liberal The various art
institutes in Munich receive handsome
subsidies and the Germanic museum
in Nuremberg gets an increased allow
ance Various other institutions have
been voted large amounts for repairs
and maintenance These art allow
ances in all reaeh 31081C3 marks
719741 Eml Henael in Chicago
Special Sale
nimenclng December 8th v
Until All Are Sold
The regular 100 novelty at a lower price than have ever
been quoted anywhere
Useful Ornamental and Popular
Sold for Cash only Not Delivered
We can hold then for you until Christmas
2 J H Ludwick McCook Nebraska
See Our Rockers For Christmas Presents
mm2jjMLimmi uuMivi n riwa uasr
iliili iMU e ktiiis
Place a jug of milk near fish for a
few hours and there will be a fishy
flavor about it In this same way that
milk is suceptiblo to odors so it at
tracts disease germs diphtheria tp
phoid fever etc are often contracted
in this manner This is not always
due to carelessness for these bacilli
ara in the very air we breathe Ths
only true safeguard when contagious
disease is about to sterilize the milk
Corn Stnbblo Cnts Throat
L T Davis a farmer living near
West Union W Va had his throat
cut by a corn stubble and almost bled
to death before assistance reached him
While hauling fodder he fell from his
wagen his throat striking the sharp
pointed stubble A tearing eash was
the result
Information Complete
Chicago Tribune You remember
tht worthless little cousin of mine
von knew ten years ago Well hea
Capt Harkness now
United States service Salvation
army or basebll clsb
Egyptian Stools j
902 n
Hfistaltrs Made at tho Mint
John Erhard of Philadelphia has a
coin datd 1S91 which ha5 a hei I rn
either 3ide shewing tht mistake aie
iisde evn t tho mint Every fin
ished coin passes through the hands- cf
a grat many eyppr s and there is jil
tle chance of an iriperfec piece escap
ing this scrutiny There are sail to
be many of rem in circulation how
ever No particular value is attached
to the cot18 outside of their rarity as
Host at Spji
Great quantities of dnst collect on
the decks of vessels at sea no matter
if they are swept twice or thrice a day
Most of it too is found on sailing ves
sels The inference is that the saila
act as dust collectors arresting the
particles which drift in the air
A Plausible Theory
Hixon I wonder how Methuselah
managed to live to such a ripe old
Dixon Probably beause there
were no bacteria and disease gemi in
feis darM
9- WrtWS
We Have tfte jPopufar
Monte arfo Croats
Ladies and Misses
Look at
our Jine
before you
We have
a good
We have
for you
in long
also in
27 inch
length coats
All goods
f 1
V Slit K
i IIT1
was 1 1
letting it rot in the fields Twenty
cents a bushel is all they can get for
it and they do not think that price
pays for harvesting
p -
B w
c f
xr T
t jtztsjnxt i vf vayjj ci
3 ffc v jl
ff you buy here you may feel assured that you
buy right
Remember that we seH the reliable Ann is
Furs You will want a Scarf or Huff
Come and see us
V Stfe a3 62
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth Its
your liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure consti
pation headache dyspepsia
25c All druggists
Vant your moustache or litartl a beautiful
brown or rich black T ben use
tTCTS crDRixirrtTS 0 n P UllAC Nmja HH
Dcrjre Iatloni of Tox o oles
Ciuztxio kjl iiiu i and aujotning
counties of Texas are in a state of ter
ror because of the depredations of
coyotes Tvhich are killing scores or
cattle Worse than that the slinking
brutes are spreading hydrophobia
anr ng the stock A man living in Til
den vas bitten by an infected colt and
died in a few days Ways and means
of getting rid of the pests are being
Corn itottiu In Fir Ids
Corn is so plentiful in the vicinity
of Chelsea I T that the farmers are
j llomn for imiIcs of JSunditn
Not actuated by remorse but by pure
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter
outlaws has concluded to devote aiJ
his money to the maintenance of a
home ior tho orphans and widows or
men he hiis run to earth in particular
and of criminals of tho great South
west in general Jim Jenkins now oi
Kansas is now C5 j ears old and hat
spent forty years as a scout and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers In thfe
way he has made about 50000 Amon
the distinguished outlaws he hap
chased were Jesse James and his broth
er Bob Ford J3ill Dalton and Bill
Cook while he vas the leader of the
baud that caught Cherokee Bill in 191
In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas
Jenkins was shot eight times He esti
mates his ag of bad men at about 156
The homo vhich is being built oa
5000-a-re farm owned by Jenkim
near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 2CU
000 Buffalo Express
Witliln 800 MVr of role
Dr G E Borchgrevink has mads
great advance Into the colder and
more perilous Antarctic regions carry
ing the lino of exploration to within
E00 mile3 of the south pole
Tomsk a UnlTenity Town
A technological institute has been
opened at Tomsk This is the sccoad
institution for higher education in 37
lera Tomsk is now a university town
j r mm
G 55S rrn
55 5t SE3 7Z
In each pound -
m m
W1 tfi
Mfk sfs fp
M 5i
ri x
from now until Christmas will be found a
game amusing and instructive 50 different ki
Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game
at Your Grocers