1 lw I i 6ftffSSa4nLW flit SfcCwk Jfibun -v F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Holdukm is figuring on a horse-market with regular monthly sales County Judge Eldkkd is being strongly urged by many friends for the district judgeship appointment Thero is no bettor material from any point of view than Mayor Eldred Pkksident Roosijvklt knew whereof ho wrote when ho suggested that pub licity was the first absolute essential in dealing with the trust question Pub licity would cure many of the evils of the trust and trusts may be expected to fight the idea to the last ditch One does not see mention of so many operations for appendicitis any more And this suggests that like so many other fleeting fads tho use of the knife in this disease has passed out of style A case in point is reported in an eastern city A man subject to fits was recently picked up on tho streets and hurried to the emergency hospital When plnced on tho operating table for exami nation the following request tatooed on his breast caught the gaze of the sur geons Please dont operate for appen dicitis I have had my appendix remov ed three times The football season is now closed for 1002 and some enterprising journalist has already had time to list the dead and wounded The total number of deaths from tho game is thirteen while tho list of badly injured totals seventy eight not to mention the hundreds of minor injuries not considered worthy of mention The seventy eight noted were injured so badly that they wore incapaci tated for tho game for the rest of the season And yet this is the great na tional game over which some men grow frenzied and some women hysterical Will Double Track Line It was announced yesterday that the Burlington will begiu todav at St Joe to double track its line between that city and Omaha Eventually all of that lino will receive a double track but for the present tho two ways will extend only where congestion of traffic is most troublesome Thirty five miles of double track have been decided on for the present Work on this begins today and within sixty days nine miles between St Joe and Amazonia Junction wiil bo ready for use From Amazonia to Napier the work will bo rushed equally as fast At Napier the Nebraska lines join tho ilissouri road and the traflic from the southern division is there poured on to the StJoe line At Amazonia tho Creston lines joins the trunk and adds to the traffic It is announced that thirty five miles of double tracking will be completed this winter if tho weather permits This is the first announcement of work to be done following the trip of officials over the road This onoitem will involve an expenditure of 200000 Mondays Journal On a Tour of Inspection A special train consisting of fivo coaches came off the Cheyenne branch of the Burlington Wednesday evening about five oclock bearing a number of the officials of the Burlington system who were inspecting the route in this part of the state The party consisted of Ex President C E Perkins of Bur lington President Geo B Harris of Chicago First Vice President Darius Miller of Chicago Second Vice President Howard Elliot of Chicago General Superintendent TE Calvert of Lincoln Superintendent of Motivo Power R D Smith of Lincoln and Superintendent A Campbell of McCook Superintendent DFMcFarland of Holyoke also accom panied the party down from Holyoke The train stopped hero about twenty minutes after which they went to Ox- the valley Nov 28th The Books of the Season A real service is done for readers in these days of publishing in floods when a journal selects and describes the really important works in the several branches of literature This very thing is what is attempted in The Outlooks fourteenth annual Book Number in its group articles treating fiction biography art and so on There are also many portraits at tractive illustrated articles and as al ways and fifty two times a yearcomment on and interpretation of tho current his tory of the world That New Book on the Big Horn Basin is off the press and ready tion It is a little bit the best publica tion descriptive of this wonderful section of Wyoming yet issued It gives brief glimpses of its farms gardens cattle ranches irrigation ditches oil fields and a word about the golden opportunities illustrated by thirty one splendid half tones from photographs Free to any address on request J Francis G P A Burlington Route Omaha Neb L B Korns of in the city today Indianola is visiting Dvsoeosia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digest ants and digests all kinds cl food It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive tomacns can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cored after everything else failed It prevents formation of gason the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take it cant help but rfo you sra Prepared only by E O TWmcC Chicgfc VWWV SWW is McMillens Drug Store The New The Novel and -The Beautiful The Man Who is Ahead In every paper we pick up were sure to iind a lot of silly gush about the man who is behind Theres the man behind the counter and the man behind the gun the man behind the buzz saw and the man behind his son the man behind the times the man behind his rents the man behind the plowshares the man be hind the fence the man bohind the whistle and the man behind the bars the man behind the kodak and the man behind tho cars the man behind his whiskers and the man behind his fist and everything behind a thing is entered nthis list But theyve skipped an other fellowof whom nothing has been I said the fellow who is even or a little j way ahead who always pays for what he gets whose bill is always signed hes a blamed sight more important than the man who is behind All we editors and merchants and the whole commercial clan are indebted for existence to this honest noble man He keeps us all in business and his town is never dead and so I take my hat o ff to tho man who is ahead The Yellow Jacket Resolutions of Respect Hall of McCook Lodge I O O F No 137 November 28 1902 Whereas It has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from our beloved brother Harmon Thompson his dear wife therefore be it Resolved That we as members of McCook Lodge No 137 I O O F extend to Brother Thompson and family our sincere sympathy in this great trial Besolved That the seresolutions be spread upon our records and a copy of these resolutions be presented to Brother Thompson and family also that a copy be furnished to the city papers for pub lication Jas Ritchie Committee A McMilles E H Doan We have everything that is new in IbookOj new novels childrens books poems and gift books ICUONNSLL Bekbt 7 Christmas Gifts Plenty of them at We make it a point to have a great variety of goods at all prices You are cordially invited to visit our store Our prices are right Our line includes BooksNoveIs Juvenile and Gift Books Calendars Bibles large assortment Toys Games Dolls Medallions Vases Albums Lamps Cups and Saucers Toilet Sets Fancy Goods Novelties Statuary Perfumes Atomizers Doll Buggies Games etc Come and see our goods and get prices oW Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair Highest tests ILSGsvt Q McMiltew Ss S Fifty Years the Standard Crosby Goes to Chicago George H Crosby general freight agent of the Burlington lines west of the river has been promoted After thirteen years of service for the B M he has been called to Chicago to take the posi tion of assistant freight traflic manager the appointment becoming effective De cember 1 He will be subordinate in traffic affairs only to Thomas Miller the freight traffic manager who was his pre decessor at this city At Omaha Mr Crosby will be succeeded as general freight agent by D C Ives at present general freight agent of the Missouri lines with headquarters at St Louis Mr Ives will be succeeded at St Louis by W Gray his assistant general freight agent It is a promotion for Mr Ives because of coming to lines of double the mileage of those in Missouri MrCrosby is a njitive of Hannibal Mo He started mTailroad life on the Burlington and has been with it everMnce As a young man ho rose to the position of chief clerk of the general freight office in Chicago ford from which place they will look over from which ho was sent out to a position road Holdrego Progress ol greater responsibility inor to com ing to Omaha thirteen years ago he was general agent and assistant general freight agent at Denver Ho enjoys a high standing among railroad traffic men for his marked ability and conser vatism Lincoln Journal n CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Congregational S a b b a t h s c h ool 950 At 11 sermon by Rev J D Stew art of Aurora superintendent of Sunday school Mission work in Nebraska 7 Y P S C E At 8 sermon by Eev Stewart Prayer and praise meeting at 8 oclock Wednesday evening All are cordially invited PW DEANPastor Christian Theme of morning service on Lords Day December 7th The Law of Development Evening The Res urrection of Christ Proven Without Bible Testimony Bible school at 10 Seats free The special services will continue this week and nest W P McCormick Evangelist Methodist Preaching in the morn ing at 11 and at 8 in the veening Sunday-school at 10 in the morning and Ep worth League at 7 in the evening Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at half past seven oclock Official meeting on first Wednesday of each month L II Shumate Pastor For twenty years J D Stewart of Aurora has been organizing Mission Sun day schools in Nebraska He will speak of the progress made and the present needs at the Congiegational church next Sunday morning and evening Hear him There is a move on foot to secure Evangelist Williams of Illinois to come and hold a series of meetings The walking sick what a crowd of them there are Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed Chronic cases thats what the doctors call them which in common Ensrlish means long sickness To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scotts Emulsion For the feeling of weakness they need Scotts Emulsion It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system Scotts Emulsion sfets thin and weak persons out of the rut It makes new rich blood strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food Scotts Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time Theres new strength and flesh in every dose We will be glad to send you a few doses free Be snre that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you bay SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 Pearl St N Y 50c and 1 all druggists HER CARRIAGE LUXURY V Doesnt Lat Look lint It Fills Her With Exqnialte Joy Of course said tlie New York young woman who earns her own liv ing though a natural horn lady I cant afford to ride in carriages and ordinarily I get around in the street cars but there Is a moment or two in my life when I rise superior it com mon things and take to wings I have some friends who are able to live at the Waldorf aud I go there to see them once or twice a month But do 1 go in the cars Never I come down from home in the cars but at Thirty third street and Broadway 1 get out and interview a cabby at the stand there I always pick out the nicest looking turnout and 1 offer the driver 00 cents to drive me to the Waldorf He looks at me as if I were daffy but 1 tell him I know what I am about and if he wants to earn 50 cents in about two minutes he has the oppor tunity lie smiles and tells me to get in and I order him to drive up to the Thirty third street entrance with a whirl and a dash There are always two or three flunkies there and it does make me feel too good for anything just to swing into the curb and have the crowd of them simply fall over themselves to wait on me and bow me in It is all over in a very few seconds but such exquisite pleasure as I get out of it couldnt in the nature of mortal things be of long continuance The human system couldirt stand it New York Herald How Wine Jn3fcs Keep Solier If you have ever gone into a wine merchants office and sampled different vintages says the Philadelphia Ledger you will have observed that the dealer never swallows the wine lie puts into his mouth but holds it there for a time while lie lightly breathes through his nose His palate tells him whether the wine is rough or smooth but his sense of smell detects its aroma and is large ly depended on to determine its quality Of course it is the brain to which the smell is communicated that is really instrumental In Gxing values and as the effect on the brain is only mo mentary a great deal of wine may be sampled in this way without ill ef fects but when the wine is permitted to pass into the stomach the fumes which arise from it continue to assail the brain as long as the liquor remahiB there in its orignal state and if taken in large quantities results in muddling the brain The Legion of Honor The red ribbon which superseded the titular distinction of pro Napoleonic days has rarely been given to women but it has a feminine side for all that Napoleon after Austerlitz founded three splendid educational establish ments for the daughters of the deco rated Most of the women who have been admitted to the order have been superintendents of these establish ments Marie Laurent was honored not as an actress but as president of one of these institutions An excep tion was made in the case of the late Rosa Bonheur upon whom the cross of the Legion was conferred in 1SG5 Mme de Staels witticisms at the ex pense of messieurs les henores contrib uted to the causes of her enforced ex ile Leominsler Old DncJcii Stool In the old Priory church of Leomin ster is a very interesting specimen of the old cucking or ducking stool a uni versal mode of punishment of scolds scandal mongers and women with too long a tongue It was also inflicted on brewers and bakers etc transgressing the law who in such a stool were im mersed over head and ears in store ore stinking water This mode of pun ishment dates back to Sason times and the Leominster specimen was the last used in England of which Ave have any record in 1809 Several other spec imens still exist about the country as at Montgomery Warwick Fordwich and Leeke Travel Hedgehogs are very strong in the wa ter swimming with ease against a rapid stream and with their muscular claws they turn up the nests of trout or salmon and make a goodly haul there from They will breast a very rapid stream and cold water as near the freezing point as may be seems to have no terror for them The eggs of the salmonida are a welcome prey to nearly every animal that wiil face wa ter Aquatic birds rats both house and water hedgehogs beetles and their larvre the so called fresh water shrimp are deadly foes London Opin ion A Shattered Poein Beautiful beautiful silken hair Philip murmured fondly toying loving ly with one of her nut brown tresses Soft as the plumage of an angels wing light as the thistledown that dances on the summer air the shim mer of sunset one glitter of yellow gold the rich red brown of autumnal forests blending in entrancing beauty in its And just then it came off in hi3 hands and he forgot what to say next Povrer of Gems on Had Eye The ruby was considered good for derangement of the liver as well as for bad eyes The sapphire and emer ald were also credited with properties which rendered them capable of influ encing ophthalmic disorders and there is a superstitious belief that serpentfl are blinded by looking at the latter stone The business man who clutters up his brain with some other fellows suc cess maxims is pretty certain to score A quick failure Denver Eepublican X From 10 to 25 Per Ct Discount 1 i I I A Officers Elect A O U W Frank E Palmer M W Win A Middietou Foreman Henry Conyers Overseer Dermis Cullen Receiver C 15 Gray Recorder O J Ran Financier I ftl bmith Uuide Walter A Leach Inside Watch Henry Moers Outside Watch Charles E Emerson Trustee J i -- f y - SiY 6 fL J f N BT Vvrr r x r A M m E3i a Tirzmi ts -- 5i r 1 to most women is a term of sleep and recuperation MOTHERS FRSEMD anxiety serious thought ft ft and sweet anticipation i witn me cessation or pain necessary to childbirth there comes calm nerve on all - mf gJ1 v x vfiJiZ UK tlV 4 does diminish the pain accompanying maternity With its aid mothers can ana do bring healthy sweet dispositioned and ideal babies into the world Morning sickness sore breasts and ex cruciating pains caused by the gradually expanding organs are relieved by this penetrating and relaxing liniment Among the manifold aids to childbirth Mothers Friend has grown in popularity and gained a prestige among rich women as well as poor it is found and welcomed in the mansion as well as in the cabin By lessening the mothers agony of mind and diminishing pain a beautiful influence is wrought upon the child and instead of peevish ill tempered and sicily forms yon havehealthy langhing humanity remain ing a blessing ever to you and its country All Druggists sell Mothers Friend at li joq Write for our free Boole Motherhood TE rHE 8RADFIEL0 REGULATfR CO A flint 6a Indiana USERS We have a very complete line of staple styles and patterns in Mens Trousers and in order to lower our stock to make room for our new spring line we have decided to begin now and give you the advantage of the great reductions 4 I Until Next Pay Day This Cold Snap Makes Us Think of and Underwear Our stock in these lines was never so complete as this year And we invite your attention as well to our enormous showing of Outing Flannels Our Prices Are as Low as the Lowest John H Grannis HcCook Neb 4 SE25T Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised bv the McCook postoflice Dee 1 1102 Earl Curtis D S Farnham Mary Hak nu SSioohen Kfiiii K S Kiutimell Holpli Mali Eddy Marrertou J il Owens C F Ohms II ii Iroflitt MrsFranci Iobinson2W O Skinn r C W Sederbnrg John Toohey When calling for these letter please say they were advertised F M Kimmkll Postmaster For Sale Cheap Moving picture machine with stereop tieon attachment lime light burner slide carrier complete set of slides and films showing the assassination of President McKinley Lot of large show bill tickets and ono box of limes A complete moving picture show outfit A snap for S7r00 Everything just like new cost S12 j Stkltzkr Bros McCook Nebraska Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINK EAST DKlAUT No 0 Central Time UMpy 1 - a K VI 93 am No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m main line west depart No 1 Mountain Timo 11 am 3 11V1pm 13 S25AM iMJKnrAr link No 170 arrive a Mountain Timo fl0 P H No 175 departs 700 am Sleeping dininx and reclining chair car 0 pats free on through trains Tickets told and hnpKMZP checked to any poiutin tho Uuitod States or Canada tor information tunc tables maps and tick t call on or write A I Thomson Agent McCook Nehraslfn ir a seiiRer Agent Omaha J GORED rrancip uenerai Nebraska AT LAS Good News For all Who Suffer With Rheumatism Free To all who suffer with rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was cured after vears of suffering together with tho most eiaoorate treatise on rheumatism ever published Xo matter what your form of titTYl i tvbefflOP noilffk rYtrnnir Yrtiicr lar inflammatory deformant sciatic neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat i ter how many doctors have failed in I your case no matter how many socalled sure cures you have tried I want you to write to me and let me tell you how my mother was cured I am neither a doctor nor a professor simply a plain man of business but I have a cure for rheumatism and 1 want to tell everyone who suffers with rheumatism about it I wish to b clearly understood and trust that all who suffer with this terrible disease j however apparently beyond the reach of cure will write to me this day and 1 i will send you by return mail this work jof mine I appeal especially to the chronically ill who are wearied and I discouraged with doctoring and to those j who have been cast aside as incurable All you have thought about rheumatism may be wrong Let me tell you our ex perience Surely if you have rheuma tism or have a suffering friend it will pay you to investigate my offer anyway and prove for yourself the claims I make Send me your address today a postal card will do and I will mail you this wonderful story If you have any friends suffering with rheumatism no matter where located send ine their ad dress and I will mail them a copy Mj address in Vicron Raiubolt Bloomfield 5 f f if v