t If is -if i it rt a i A U -1 I 11 1 M CATARRH OF LUNGS A Prominent Chicago Lady Cured by Miss Maggio Welch secretary of the Betsey Ross Educational and Benevo lent Society writes from 328 North State BtrcetChicago 111 the following glow ing words concerning Peruna Last fall I caught the most severe cold I ever had in my life I coughed night and day and my lungs and throat became so sore that 1 was in great dis Miss Magpie Welch tress All cough remedies nauseated me and nothing afforded me relief until my doctor said rather in a joke I guess Peruna is the only medicine that will cure you I told him that I would certainly try it and immediately sent for a bottle I found that relief came the first day and as I kept taking it faithfully the cough gradually diminished and the soreness left me It is fine Maggie Welch Address the Peruna Medicine Co Co lumbus Ohio for free literature on catarrh Death is a goalkeeper that lets ev erything pass him If you wish beautiful clear white clothe3 use Red Cross Ball Blue Large oz package 5 cents Love is youths elixir but it doesnt cure rheumatism State of Ohio crrr of Toledo Lucas Countt f co PranK J Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the Arm of F J Cheney Cot dohiR business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said llrm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use oi Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before Jno and subscribed in my presence this 6th Uaj of December A D 188 roPT A W GLEASON lbEAL J Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Jf the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo a Sold by Druggists 75c Halls Family Pills are the best When the heart is young who cares for wrinkles Aiother Grays Swoet Powders fop Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse In the Childrens Homo in Xew York Cures Foverishnoss Bad Stomach Teothmg Dis orders move and regulate tho Bowels aud Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials At all druggists 23c Sample FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y Theres more joy in paydirt than in refined gold INSIST OJi GETTING IT Some grocers say they dont keep De fiance Starch This is because they have a stock on hand of other brands contain ing only 12 oz in a package which they wont be able to sell first because De fiance contains 16 oz for the same money Do you want 16 oz Instead of 12 oz for same money Then buy Dcflauca Starch Requires no cooking Sarcasm has many admirers but no friends PIsos Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs and colds N Y SaucxIi Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1900 Many unkind things have been said about the flea but did it ever jump a contract MORE KLEXIULK AN1 LASTING wont shake out or blow out by using Defiance starch you obtain better results than possible with any other brand And cue third more for same money The race is not always to the swift for the buzzard will win out if carrion is the prize To Cure a Cold in One tlay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets AH druggists refund money if it fails to curo25c Horns of tin have now those of rye civpn Tlfirr trt o i w Americas Low Birth Rate Recent census figures according to an article in the Philadelphia Medical Journal seem to establish beyond question of a doubt the fact that the birth rate in the country is lower than that of any European country except ing France that the birth rate of the American born population is much be low that of France and that the fe cundity of the American woman is lower than that of any other country France is alarmed at her condition we are indieffrent for we are con stantly recruiting our population from Russia from Sweden from Germany from Ireland or from Canada Senator Hoars Worcester Hoqe Senator Hoars house in Worcester was purchased by him some forty years ago when property was cheap and is therefore a very large plot of ground almost in the center of the city It used to belong to John Han cock of revolutionary fame The house is a roomy but unpretentious building and is chiefly remarkable for its enormous library Thousands of volumes are piled celling high in this great room and Mr Hoar spends hours and hours among his books Industrious and Fertile Novelist Great is the industry and fertile is the imagination of Guy Boothby the English novelist In less than eight years he has published some twenty six books the majority of which have achieved more than ordinary success Mr Boothby is a South Australian by birth and is 35 years of age Mr Morton Distributed Plants Former Vice President Levi P Mor ton has given 2000 potted plants to be distributed as prizes for the chil dren exhibiting plants at the show of the National Plant Flower and Fruit Guild at Berkeley lyceum Lost Twenty Years Kokomo Ind Dec 1st Twenty years is a long time to take out of one persons life but that was the fate of Anna M Willis of this place For twenty years she suffered all the torments of Kidney Trouble and any one In that state is not living but simply existing Now Anna M Willis is fully recov ered She appreciates the pleasure of living again and never forgets to tell you that It is all because a friend advised her to try Dodds Kidney Pills In speaking of her wonderful cure she says For twenty years I suf fered from Kidney Trouble The dis ease was terrible in itself and It was all the more terrible because I could get no relief and my case seemed hopeless But one day I got six boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills and by the time I had taken five boxes my pains had left me and I was a free woman The average man doesnt amount to much when measured by his neigh bors standard Half Rates Plus 200 one way cr round tripvia TVahnsh TJnilrnnfl Tipkets nn salp firsr 1 and third Tuesdays of each month to many points south and southeast Aside from this tickets are on sale to all the winter resorts of the south at greatly reduced rates The Wabash is the shortest quickest and best line for St Louis and all points south and south east Ask your nearest ticket agent to route you via the Wabash For rates folders and all information call at Wabash corner 1C01 Farnam St Omaha or address HARRY E MOORES Gen Pass Agt Dept Omaha Neb Marriage is a raffle instead of a lot tery One man gets the prize while the others get the shake Mrs AVlnslows sootiiing Syrup For children teething softens the puoib reduces in fiammatlon allays pain cures wind colic 23c a bottle Th gold crucible is responsible for many hart burnings Life would hardly be worth living if one could not forget with some discrimination- No chromos or cheap premiums Dut a better quality and one third more of Defiance Starch for the same price or other starches Say what you will the bulk of the populace prefers an entertaining lie to a commonplace truth Those who have used Baits castor oil and the many home ana manufactured purgatives know that in such treatment there is no possi bility of a cure from constipation These remedies are at most physics and do absolutelv no good In fact they frequently provoke piles nstuia iemaie aisoraers ana many cases of appendicitis are traceable to - their use boon the ordinarv - rnKP3 nf rhfiKfi nhvsins fail - iku to have any effect jwuoTorwasB upon tyf ui temporary or ouauuaiu bowels constipation that Mulls Grape Tonic would not cure First Mulls Grape Tonio Is unlike any other treatment for constipation It Is tho greatest anu most iiumuvh laxanvo Known Hut that isnt wnat cures It is tho tonic properties of the crape and other fruits that strenpthpns tho worn out musclps of the in testinal trace Minis Grape Tonic builds flesh makes strength and creates rich red blood Mulls Grape Tonic la th9 finest thin ever known for conef inition It Is guar anteed to cure you Large sample bottle sent free to any address on receipt of 10 cents for postage by Ltehrnlnir aieoicine io jiock lsianq in send your druzcists name An aruggisisseu jnuirs urape Tonic at 00 cents a Dottle mm Mi ia oycyGri For Tburns cind Scald XZe MUSTANG LINIMENT THE BEST LINIMENT MADE FOR MAN OR BEAST THERE IS NO TEST LIKE THE TEST OF TIME AND USE T THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE There were only a few bunch es of cornfed steers on sale and packers took hold more freely than they have of late and the market could safely bo quoted steady to strong There wau noth ing in tho yards that showed much qual ity so that a test of the market on that class of cornfeds was not made The cow trade was also active and stronp Canners continued to sell to Kood t tage and sales were made all the way from strong to u dime higher Grass cows of good quality were also in good demand at strong to a dime higher prices Bulls veal calves and stags sold freely at fully steadv prices The extremely low prices at which stockers und feeders were offered on Wednesday enabled speculators to clean up the big bulk of the stock As a result there was quite a demand for fresh supplies and as receipts were lim ited the market ruled active and a little stronger for unything at all desirable Common cattle did not show any im provement There were very few western beef steers on sale but the market could safely be quoted fully steady Range cows were in active demand and the mar ket was strong to a dime higherl Range stockers and feeders also sold freely at stronger prices where the quality was satisfactory HOGS There was rather a light run of hogs and the market improved a little Trading started cut on a basis of about lc advance and sales were made all the way from strong to a nickel higher The bulk of the sales went from GC0 to J003 Trading was fairly active and as offer ings were moderate it was not long be fore the bulk was disposed of The late arrivals sold fully as well as the earlier sales but there was not quotable change from start to iinish The improvement carries the average above the 000 mark once more SHEEP Quotations for grassers Good to choice yearlings 3rjOT375 fair to good i233C0 good to choice wethers S325 r0 fair to good wethers 3001Ft2 choice ewes 300fT2T fair to good ewes 22Ti 273 good to choice lambs 4r0t475 fair to good lambs 40Wi450 feeder wethers 2733iri feeder yearlings 293S32V feeder lambs 300400 cull lambs 150 r200 feeder ewes 250300 Good fed stock sells about 25c higher than choice grassers KANSAS CITY CATTLE Corn cattle active strong native and range cows steady stockers and feeders very slow market glutted choice export and dressed beef steers -1500023 fair to good 323543 stockers and feeders 230j545 Texas and Indian steers 27504CO Texas cows 210fi315 native cows 135f423 native heifers 2 O0W3O0 canners 100JI223 bulls S175S300 calves S2P330 HOGS Market weak to 5c lower pigs 10c lower in some cases top 013 bulk of sales G001TC10 heavy GO0fIC13 mixed packers 5950010 light S5MJ7G05 york ers GOO0GO5 pigs 525f5S0 SHEEP AND LAMBS Market firm stockers weak native lambs 3C0fi520 western lambs 3000513 fed ewes JO0 370 native wethers 3000400 western wethers 3OO03S3 stockers and feeders lft50323 FREE TRADE IS THEIR CRY Liberal Leaders Talk of Sugar Con vention at Cobden Club LONDON The annual banquet of the Cobden club which was held Fri day evening resolved itself into a great demonstration of the liberal leaders Lord Spencer Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman and others spoke against tho governments protectionist tendencies in general and the sugar convention in particular Tnis sound ing anew of the liberal war cry free trade has provoked much newspa per comment Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman declared that the liberal party would oppose by every means in their power the bills relating to the sugar convention A conservative paper points out that out of 325 members of the Cobden club 242 are foreigners domiciled abroad whilst of the remainder many are for eigners residing here and therefore the club is in no way representative of British opinion RED MEN CALL ON ROOSEVELT Carlisle Foot Ball Players Visit the White House WASHINGTON President Roose velt on Friday received the members of the Carlisle Indian school foot ball team who defeated the Georgetown university team Thanksgiving day The Indians were introduced individu ally and the president has a pleasant word for each asking him about his tribe or some famous Indian chief To one the president referred to the Carlisle-Harvard game The Indian who was a Sioux said that they had been defeated 24 to 0 That was better than Harvard did with Yale observed the president smiling NEW YORK At the residence of Lyman J Gage it was said Friday night that he was suffering from noth ing more serious than a cold Eager to Test Monroe Doctrine PARIS The French foreign office has not considered the question of the French participation in the British German naval demonstiation against Venezuela as the French claims are making reasonable progress towards adjustment The officials here take a favorable view of the British-German plan as being likely to serve the interests of all the powers and de fine the meaning of the Monroe doc trine SUBSTITUTION Please listen to a short talk upon a most vitally important subject ono which is greatly disturbing the busi ness world to day You have doubtless heard of the word substitution You have prob ably read that substitution is fraud Tack that saying firmly in your mind and keep it there It is worth some thing It is truci almost invariably You call at a store and ask for an article of a certain brand or manufac ture one which has been thoroughly advertised for years and which has earned an excellent reputation The dealer says heres something just as good for less money That dealer thereby usually tells a direct false hood He knows that the article which he offers you at a lower price is inferior but the point is that it yields him a greater profit hence his desire to substitute You may ask if an article is superior just because it is advertised Yes it is and heres why The many well known houses which spend millions of dollars every year in the good pub lications of the country are managed by men of brains and wide business experience and these men know only too well that unless an article has merit there is absolutely no business sense in spending good money to ad vertise it It does not pay to adver tise any article of general use for a short time only Every advertiser must wait some time before his adver tising has created the desired impres sion and while he is waiting his goods must have time to prove whether or not they are good If they are good they stick if not they do not and if they were not good and did not stick would this experienced business man continue to spend good money adver tising the goods throw good money after bad as it Avere Never He has too much business sense The average article which you see advertised month after month in good publications is itself good Buy an advertised article It is the true safe way When you are buying ask for what you want and get what you ask for Remember Substitution is Fraud Pearsons Magazine Henry Rebuked by His Porter Prince Henry of Prussia who re cently bought an estate at Burg Rheinstein had an amusing experience in reaching his new home at an un conventional hour The new lodge keeper had never seen his master and when Prince Henry asked the keeper to unlock the gate he was greeted by the sleepy doorkeeper with the abrupt question Who in the name of good ness are you Wonder some people dont choose better hours to pay vis its It was only after explaining that he was the brother of the emperor that he was allowed to enter his own castle Dr August Koenigs Hamburg Drops as a blood purifier strength and health restorer and a specific for all stomach liver and kidney trou bles leads all other similar medi cines in its wonderful sales and mar vellous confidence of the people especially our vast German population It is not a new and untried product but was made and sold more than sixty years ago Keeping Up Appearances An American gentleman who was spending the winter in Naples had taken a fiat in a palazzo the first floor of which was occupied by a noble fam ily in somewhat reduced circumstan ces He noticed to his surprise that every day he met a servant going up or down the stairs carrying a pair of carriage doors At last the mys tery was explained The noble family shared a carriage with some otherfam ily but each had its own doors with the family coat of arms to make their friends believe that they all had car riages All creameries use butter color Why not do as they do use JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR An Old Fountain A fountain of the sixteenth century which formerly stood in princely i grounds on tne snore of Lake Como has been brought by William Rocke feller as a gift to the New York city zoological park in the Bronx and it will probably be set up before Christ mas It is of granite the basin 25 feet in diameter with excellent sculptures of mermaids and little tritons on sea shores and for the center dragons on HALF RATES TO CANADIAN POINTS The Wabash will sell tickets from Chi cago to many points in Canada Dec IS 19 20 21st good returning- until Jan 10th 1903 For rates and all information call at the Wabash office 1G01 Farnam St or address Harry E Moores G A P D Omaha Xeb The hardest woman to please is the one who doesnt know what she wants THE ST PAUL CALENDAR FOR 1903 six sheets 10x15 inches of beautiful reproductions in colors of pastel drawings by Bryson is now ready for distribution and will be mailed on re ceipt of twenty five 25 cents coin or stamps Address F A Miller Gen eral Passenger Agent Chicago Love may be blind but the average mother-in-law isnt Try One Package If Defiance Starcn does not please you return it to your dealer If It does you get one third more for the same money It will give you satis faction and will not stick to the iron Heppeck thinks the Mormons are al ready sufficiently punished 25on 5T0N VnVAlili Fibroid Tumors Cured DREWS JUNIPER BITTERS Relieves All Ilstrps of the Stomach and Periodi cal Disorders FLAVOR UNSURPASSED Sold Everywhere CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO Omaha Neb We ar o headquar ter Jor talk I npr machines Pricf s from 3 00 np Largest toctc of records In the west write for Prices and Catalogues NEBRASKA CYCLE CO Cor 15tK and Harnoy Omaha IS WHAT YOU CAN SAVE We make all kinds of scales Also BB Pumps 7SITS and Windmills rucn BECKMAN Bros desmoines Iowa a rough rock base support an urn in ITEni33V NEVV DISCOVERY gives which l pstc n coiumn Surmounted Vi- I vrfli nulCiCrellefandcures worst leblL lJ javec KooL of testimonials und 10 DAYS treatment a SWan This Will have COSt Mr VEEE UrEHGPEEMSSONSBoxEAUaataC a Rockefeller 25000 when put in place Plated goods wont stand too much polish ARE YOUR CLOTHES FADED Use Red Cros Ball Bice and make them white again Large 2 oz package 5 cents A neglected opportunity never calls again Opportunities and Business Chances Xever were greater or more attractive than now in the Great Southwest Mis souri Kansas Indian Territory homa and Texas If you re interested write for partimi lars James barker Agt M K Bltlg St Louis the tatto artist get his work in on i you In Winter Use Allens Foot Ease gfP rffiVi A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor which baffled the skill of Boston doctors TT TT r T Txr jLiciycb ui rosion iviass the following letter tells how she cured after every thine else vv failed in was by Lydia h rinkhamrs Vegetable Compound Mrs Hayes First Letter Appealing to Mrs Pinlcliam for Ilelp Deaii Mrs PixKTiAJt I have been under Hoston doctors treat ment for a lont time without any relief They toll me I have a fibroid tumor I cannot sit down without great pain and the soreness extends up my spine I have bearing down pains both back and front My ab domen is swollen and I have had flowing spells for three years ly ap petite is not good I cannot walk or be on my feet for any length of time The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book ac curately describe my case so I write to you for advice Signed Mm E F Hayes 252 Dudley St Roxbury Boston Mass Note the result of Mrs Pinkhams advice al though she advised Mrs Hayes of Boston to take her medicine which she knew would help her her letter contained a mass of additional instruc tions as to treatment all of which helped to bring about the happy result Deah Mks Pixkiiui Sometime ago I wrote to you describ ing my symptoms and asked your advice You replied and I followed all your directions carefully and to day 1 am a well woman The use of Lydm E Pinklmms Vegetable Compound entirely expelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system 1 can walk iniies now XiVdia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is worth five dol lars a drop I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble cf any kind to give it a faithful trial Signed Mas L Hayes 2o 2 Dudley St Uoxbuiy Boston Mass Mountains of gold could not purchase such testimony or talce tlie place ot the health and happiness which Jrvdia LI Pinliliams Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs Hayes Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence that Lydia B Pinkhams Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women all ovarian troubles tumors inflammations ulceration falling and dis placements of the womb backache irregular suppressed or painful menstruation Surely the volume and character of the testimonial let ters we are daily printing in the newspapers can leave no room for doubt Mrs Hayes at her above address will gladly answer any letters which sick women may write for fuller information about her illness Her gratitude to Mrs Pinkham and Lydia 12 Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is so genuine and heartfelt that she thinks no trouble is too great tor her to take in return for her health and happiness Truly is it said that it is Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound that is curing so many wien and no other medicine dont for get this when some druggist wants to sell you something else sfaOli FORFEIT f wo cannot forthwith produce the original letters and 3lxnaturcfl cl lu U 19 V lwnuocial3 vliici will Prove their ahsoluto eeiiiiineiicso I ydiu li iinkham Mctliviuu Co Lynn Maas my TZlittiVtyai3t s2 Early in the morning late at night or whenever used Defiance Starch will be found always the same always the best Insist en having it the most for your money Satisfaction or money back guaranteed It is manufactured under the latest improved condi tions It is up-to-date It is the best We give no premiums ITT -11 if rt Eg w mi o ounces oi tne Dest la starch made for 10 cents Othsr brands are 12 ounces for 10 cents iwvct Genl Pss Tkt J Wf T Py 320 Walnwriyht ffl If you would be a man of mark let i 5 with a tin whistle Manufactured by THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO Omaha Neb i1MiMWM K A powder Your feet feel f a adicted itn Thnmnnn Wafo fortable nervous and often cold and oeyestue niuiuiJun o tvo rttiisr damp If you have sweating sore feet f - or tight shoes trv Allens Foot Ease PATFStfTQ Sold by all druggists and shoe stores EH S 0 rtf j j 25 cents Sample sent free Address Alien s Olmsted Le Koy N Y w N U Omaha A man doesnt need to be a contor tionist to pat himself on the back DO TOUr CLOTHES LOOK TEIXOTT Then use Defiance Starch ft w11 keen j them white 1C c for 10 cents No 491902 f2x UUKIS WhfHf ill FIX J4IIC tr Eest Congh Syrnp Tastes Good TT IIl Umi SoL 1 lTlrrnrtrit - ----- - msgmME2Mm