The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 28, 1902, Image 2

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Half Rates
Plus 200 one way cr round trlpvla
Wabash Railroad Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays of each month to
many points south and southeast Aside
from this tickets are on sale to all the
winter resorts of the south at greatly
reduced rates The Wabash Is the
shortest quickest and best line for St
Louis and all points south and south
east Ask your nearest ticket agent to
route you via the Wabash
For rates folders and all Information
call at Wabash corner 1601 Farnam St
Omaha or address
Gen Pass Agt Dept Omaha Neb
nnlclc rollef and cures worn
KftflCH Book of testimonials unci 10 DAYS treatment
W n a r ft
Cora lor
tal ki ntr
niacbinea Trices from 85 00 up Larsost
ttocic of record in tho west Write for
Trices and Catalogues
Cor 15tK and Harnoy Omaha
Relieves All Dlstross of
the Stomach and Periodi
cal Disorders
Sold Everywhere
Omaha Nob
You Buy
Thats the amount you can save by trad
ing with us regularly Send 15c in coin
or stamps for our 1100 page catalogue It
contains quotations on everything you
use in life Write TODAY
Ghicaqo 8
season brand
vri x s i
- -
Keep the rider perfectly dry Xo
water can icaK la on tnc saddle
cut extra wido and long in the
Dkfrt Extra protection at shoul
der cairj Warrnnled wc
terpt oot Ifjour
ueaier aoesn t r
liBTCinem wriic i
for catalogue to
sox Sole ar
East Cambridge IlaijT
1 J8L
of jf
PF 111
Var Sfn
We use the best
lean beef get all the
essence from it and
concentrate it to the uttermost In an ounce
of our Extract there is all the nutrition of
many pounds of beef To get more nutriment
to the ounce is impossible
Our Booklet How to Make GoodThings
to Eat mailed free
liboy McNeill libby Chicago
If anyone offered you a good
dollar for an imperfect one
would you lake it
If anyone offered you one good
dollar for 75 cents of bad money
would you take it
I We offer you o ounces of the
very best starch made for IOc
No other brand is so good yet
all others cost 10c for 12 ounces1
Ours is a business proposition
and cheapest
We guarantee it satisfactory
Ask your grocer
Omaha Neb
Mountains Are Moving
The mountains are constantly mov
ing was tho remark of an officer of
tho Denver Rio Grande road recent
ly in speaking of the great landslides
in tho canyon above Glonwood
Springs Col We find from actual
experience In maintaining tunnels
bridges and tracks in the mountains
that tho mountains are moving It
costs a railway passing through the
mountains a great deal of money in
the course of ten years to keep the
tracks in line and maintenance of
is even more expensive Drive a
stake on the side of a mountain take
the location with the greatest care
and return after a few months The
stake is not in the same location The
whole side of the mountain has moved
This experiment has often been tried
and in all cases the result proves that
the mountains arc moving The moun
tains are gradually seeking the level
of the sea
Clerical Anti Celibacy Movement
A clerical anti celibacy movement is
developing in Italy especially in the
southern provinces and attracts the
attention of the Vatican Energetic
papal measures are imminent to crush
tho movement Such a movement is
not new in tho church It exists more
or less latently In all South America
and several countries of Europe es
pecially Hungary An ex nuncio says
the Vatican is obliged to take no no
tice of the irregular conduct of the
Hungarian clergy to avoid a possible
schism and several eminent Catholics
are now convinced that the marriage
of priests is preferable to the present
state of things It is not likely how
ever that the Vatican will at present
give way although the church recog
nizes the marriage of priests among
the G000000 Catholics of Oriental
King Who Rresses Himself
For all he is a royal ruler King
Christian of Denmark is exceedingly
democratic in manner and habit This
octogenarian monarch begins his days
worlc regularly at 8 oclock having al
ready breakfasted on coffee and a roll
Never by any chance does he allow
a valet to help dress him Not long
ago he said quaintly to his body ser
vant When I have grown old you
may help me but thank heaven I
can dress myself yet On horseback
his majesty presents a fine soldierly
A New Honor for Balzac
A Parish searcher after facts has
made the discovery that to Balzac be
longs the honor of having invented the
wood block pavement for streets The
first reference to it is found in that
authors comedy Mercadet which
was played at the Francais in which
Mercadet dilates on the advantage of
such pavement since with wooden
blocks in the streets barricades are
but 10 cents per package
Hope is the promissory note of the
You never hear any one complain
about Defiance Starch There is
none to equal it in quality and quan
tity 16 ounces 10 rents Try it
now and save your money
A New Olive Story
The latest olive story comes from
New York An Irishman who had re
cently acquired considerable wealth
desired to dine at Delmonicos for the
first time As he sat down his atten
tion was attracted by a man at the
next table who was reading a news
paper and eating a dish of olives
When three or four has disappeared
the newcomer turned to the waiter and
said Whats tnem hes eating
Olives sir Bring me two dozen
When they came the Irishman slapped
two of them in his mouth and began
to chew Suddenly he spat them out
stones and all He looked at the man
who was calmly eating away Then he
went over touched him on the shoul
der and said Excuse me sir but
do you like them things Yes sir
Youre a liar
Singular Classmates
In this land of innovation the sight
of a father and son earnestly seeking
an education at the same institution
of learning can hardly be regarded as
unusual The University of Pennsyl
vania has on its rolls two such stu
dents Bernet Medoff the father is
44 years of age and Joseph Medoff
the son is 25 Both will be graduated
in the same year The father is tak
ing a three year course in architecture
and the son is taking the arts and
science course
The blood is life We derive from
the blood life power beauty and rea
son as the doctors have been saying
from time immemorial A healthy
body a fresh appearance and gener
ally all the abilities we possess de
pend on that source of life It is
therefore the duty of every sensible
man to keep the blood as pure and
normal as possible Nature In its
infinite wisdom has given us a ther
mometer indicating the state of the
blood which appeals to our reason by
giving notice of its impurity Small
eruptions of the skin to which we
scarcely pay any attention headache
ringing noises in the ears lassitude
sleeplessness are generally a sign
that the blood is not in its normal
state but is filled with noxious sub
stances These symptoms deserve
our full attention If more attention
were paid to those symptoms and
steps taken to remove them then
many illnesses from which we suffer
would become unknown and the hu
man body would become stronger and
healthier Attention therefore should
be paid to those warning signs and
the blood can be purified and poison
ous substances removed from it by the
use of Dr August Koenigs Hamburg
Drops discovered more than 60 years
It is when one man asks for justice
and the other demands the lions share
that the road to honest and honorable
adjustment is blocked-
Reduced Tariffs Filed Since Injunc
tions Are All to Be Withdrawn In
creased Revenue Will Amount to a
Large Sum
CHICAGO A meeting was held
Thursday of the general freight agents
of all westeim roads with a view to re
storing the rates which were in effect
January 1 1902 Instructions to re
store all such rates as could possibly
be restored were issued by the execu
tive officials and it is stated that they
will be carried out t o the letter
Independent of this meeting the Col
orado lines met and began the work
of restoring conditions to Colorado
common points
The plan is to go on the old basis
of rates the first of the year which
will necessitate the withdrawal of all
the reduced tariffs placed in effect
since January 1 1902
Since tho issuing of the instruc
tions by the United States courts fully
1200 reduced tariffs have been filed
with the interstate commerce com
mission at Washington and are now
in effect If it is found possible to take
out the majority of these tariffs the
western roads will enjoy an increased
revenue next year amounting to sev
eral million dollars Whether the rate
raising will go beyond the restora
tion of the old tariff remains to be
Several reasons are assigned by rail
road officials for a readjustment of
freight schedules the most important
being the increased cost of material
which is usqd in railroad construc
tion Another is the general raise in
wages Most railroad officials cannot
see why the cost of every other com
modity which is for sale is increased
and freight rates stay down It is ex
pected that so long as the present
plethora of freight traffic keeps up the
railroads will be able to maintain
higher tariffs without serious rate cut
PITTSBURG Railroad executives
of the districts of the central freight
and trunk line associations have de
cided that a freight rate advance of
2 per cent must go into effect on the
bulk of the mill furnace tonnage on
or before January 1
The application and Tie division of
the advances on the rates from Pitts
burg to the east and wrest are matters
of detail to be worked out in the tariff
committees and associations
In the cheaper grain traffic an ad
vance of 15 per cent is to be made
This will go into effect December 8
Will Then Proceed to Washington to
Make Report
CHICAGO 111 General Chaffee and
his two staff officers Lieutenant Har
per and Captain Lindsay left Chicago
Wednesday for New York where the
general will be located permanently
After being duly installed in his
quarters in New York General Chaf
fee will visit Washington and present
a report which is said to cover 8000
typewritten pages General Chaffee
while refusing to discuss matters to
be presented to the government in
his official capacity intimates that
some radical changes may be expected
in the affairs of the Philippine islands
as a consequence of his reports
Reading Answers Hears
WASHINGTON The answer of the
Reading Railway company to the com
plaint of William R Hearst of New
York against the anthracite coal car
rying roads was filed with the inter
state commerce commission Tuesday
It enters a general and specific denial
to all the charges statements and in
ferences that the Reading is in any
way violating the interstate commerce
law and denies as false and untrue
all the allegations of unlawful com
bination confederation or agreement
Smith Leaves the State
The case of the state of Nebraska
against William R Smith was called in
county court at York and dismissed at
request of the complaining witness
Smith was arrested and placed in ail
on the charge of threatening to do bod
ily injury to Miss Nora Hilton A
thorough investigation of the case has
been made by the county attorney
It was found that all that could be
done in the case was to fine him and
place him under bond to not molest
or in any way interfere with Miss
Hilton and as he had neither money
nor friends the only thing that could
have been done would have been to
keep him in jail for a time and then
turn him loose Smith agreed to leave
the county and stay away under pen
alty of arrest should he return
Nothing seems to stdpv John W
Gates as like a wonderful1 giant he
steps from peak to peak in his jour
bey through the mountains of fame
Friars Death by Water Cure Cannot
Be Legally Avenged
WASHINGTON The secretary of
war on Friday sent to the attorney
general papers in the case of Father
Augustine who died from the effects
of the water cure administered by
soldiers of a Vermont regiment while
serving in the Philippines
Tho case has been thoroughly inves
tigated by the judge advocate seneral
of the army upon the charges brought
by Charles Francis Adams Herbert
Welsh and others of what was known
to the Lake George conference
It is said the guilt has not been
brought home to any person now
serving in the army It is expected
therefore that the attorney general
will declare that neither the courts
in this country nor those in the Phil
ippines have any jurisdiction over tho
men or officers who have been dis
charged from the army
Looks Like Cannon
CHICAGO Action by the repub
lican congressional delegations of
Ohio and Michigan is believed to
clinch the election of Congressman
Cannon as the next speaker of the
lower house of congress and as the
successor of David B Henderson of
Iowa The nominee will require 104
votes to control the caucus Accord
ing to Congressman Mann chairman
of his campaign committee Mr Caa
non now has a total of 120 members
pledged him in state caucuses and by
personal letters
Frightful Work of Volcano of Santa
Maria in Guatemala
PANAMA Colombia Passengers
from Central America who arrived
here Monday report the complete de
struction of the territory surrounding
Ae volcano of Santa Maria province
of Quezaltenango Guatemala in con
sequence of the recent eruption The
adjacent villages the rich coffee plan
tations with over 30000 worth of cof
fee stored in bags and hundreds of
lives were lost Refugees were arriv
ing at the port of Champerico Over
300 fugitives sailed for San Joe de
Guatemala on the Pacific mail steam
The strict censorship whlqh has
been established in Guatemala makes
it impossible to get exact news regard
ing the situation there The port of
Huevero Barris is reported to have
been closea No mail has arrived
here from Guatemala
Fifteen Masked Men Dynamite Safe in
Express Car
DAVENPORT la Fifteen masked
bandits derailed the fast westbound
express train on the Rock Island road
three miles west of here Friday morn
ing detached the engine and express
car and two miles further west drove
the United States Express companys
messenger from the car dynamited
the safe securing all its contents and
escaped after making one of the rich
est hauls en record in this section of
the country
The detonation from the discharge
of the bomb could be distinctly heard
in Davenport five miles distant
One car is off the track and the ex
press car is a mass of ruins
So far as known none of the pas
sengers were molested but it is feared
that harm befell the express messen
To Confer About Laying Cable
WASHINGTON Representatives
of the Pacific Cable company have
asked the attorney general for a con
ference upon the questions at issue
between the government and the com
pany rgarding the laying of the pro
posed cable and Friday has been de
cided upon for the meeting Up to
this time the company has not indi
cated its acceptance of the conditions
imposed by the attorney general under
which the government would consent
to the use of the maps of the sound
ings of the proposed route across the
Files Answer to Hearst
WASHINGTON The Central Rail
way of New Jersey on Thursday filed
with the interstate commerce com
mission its answer to the complaint
of William R Hearst of New York
against the anthracite coal carrying
railroads It makes a brief general
denial of the allegations and says the
company has no knowledge of any in
jury caused to the complainant by rea
son of the matters complained of
Cuba Eleis Anti American
HAVANA The house of representa
tives las elected Senor Portuondo
president of the Chamber Senor Gar
mencia first vice president Senor
Cardenal second vice president and
Senors Perez and Acosta secretaries
of the chamber Senor Portuondo is
a nationalist and an anti American
Senor Garmencia is a pronounced radi
cal while Senors Cardenal and Acos
ta are members of the republican par
ty and Senor Perez is a nationalist
Official Vote Gives Him Plurality of
Auditor Charles Weston the only
old member of the state board of equal
ization who was a candidate on the
republican state tickot this fall ap
pears to have received the highest
vote of any candidate on the ticket
and his majority Is greater than that
of any other candidate This was as
certained when the officials returns
in the office of secretary of state were
compared and verified Tho unveri
fied tabulation on the previous day
gave Mr Mortensen the lead but er
rors were found when the work was
compared Mr Westons total vote is
101447 giving him a plurality of 17
487 over Charles De France the fu
sion candidate for auditor
As regards pluralities the republi
can candidates now stand in the fol
lowing order Auditor Weston Super
intendent Fowler Land Commissioner
Foller Secretary Marsh Attorney
General Prout Treasurer elect Mor
tensen Lieutenant Governor elect Mc
Gilton Governor elect Mickey
The official totals are as follows
Mickey R
Thompson F
Mickeys plurality
Davics P
Bigelow S
McGiltons plurality
LiiKhtucr P
Peugh S
9B 1T1
McGilton R SS320
Gilbert F S7009
Marsh P 99123
Powers F 80 Ml
Marshs plurality
Norton 40S9
Roe 3533
Mortensen 99111
Lyman 3100
Mortensens plurality
Maddox P -1140
Slolley S 3030
Weston R 10117
DeFrance F S39C0
Westons plurality
Dale P
Lippincott S
Prout R 9S5SI
Broady F S3512
Prouts plurality
Clarke P
Burleigh S
Follmer R C93SS
Brennan F S31SS
Follmers plurality
Dillworth P
Adams S
Fowler R 99911
Fowlers nlurality
Howard P 432S
Spencer S 3759
Total vote 19S371
Supreme Court Says It Cannot Legally
Transact Business in Nebraska
In an extended opinion written by
Justice Sedgwick the supreme court
put the Nebraska Home company out
of business in this state by declaring
that it is a lottery and that its pro
moters promise impossible things
The court finds that the numbering of
certificates in the order in which ap
plications therefor are received gives
to the enterprise the element of
chance which makes it a lottery It
also finds that while the first twenty
two applicants out of 1000 may re
ceive the benefits promised by the
company inside of the twenty month
period after tho filing of the applica
tions the 1000th applicanT has littie
to hope for in the way of benefit in
this world as it will take him seventy
years to realize and that the com
pany does not profess to do anything
for him in the next world
The suit is in the nature of a quo
warranto proceeding and was institut
ed by Attorney General Prout on be
half of the state to prevent the com
pany from doing business in Nebraska
Smith Leaves the State
The case of the state of Nebraska
against William R Smith was called in
county court at York and dismissed at
request of the complaining witness
Smith was arrested and placed in ail
on the charge of threatening to do bod
ily injury to Miss Nora Hilton A
thorough investigation of the case has
been made by the county attorney
It was found that all that could b
done in the case was to fine him and
place him under bond to not molest
or in any way interfere with Miss
Hilton and as he had neither money
nor friends the only thing that could
have been done would have been to
keep him in jail for a time and then
turn him loose Smith agreed to leave
the county and stay away under pen
alty of arrest should he return
Found Dead in Barnyard
The dead body of John Krapp a
prominent German farmer residing
three miles southeast of Cortland
was found in the barnyard of his farm
The coroner was notified and upon ex
amination pronounced the mans death
due to apoplexy No inquest was
held Deceased was a bachelor 67
years of age and had resided in mat
locality for thirty five years
G W Ware living near Mullen has
7000 head of cattle
Farmers generally are paying corn
huskefs three cents a bushol
Governor elect Mickey Is making a
visit to all of tho stato Institutions
Recent rains are said to have put
winter wheat In excellent contrition
A Gage county farm sold the other
day for 40000 being over 62 per
Burglars at Waverly made an un
successful attempt to enter a number
of business places
Two brother-in-law engaged in a
fight at St Paul One of the received
an ugly cut in the side
Mrs Anna Keppcl is seeking to re
cover 2500 damages from Platts
mouth for injuries sustained from a
defective sidewalk
The remains of Joseph Fisher who
died at Clinton la November 15 ar
rived in Wahoo and tho funeral ser
vices were held from the Catholic
church Deceased was eighty years
The Scott livery barn at Ord burn
ed Three horses were killed and all
the harness and feed destroyed Loss
on barn and contents about 2000
McMindes Anderson owned the con
S P Van Dyke of Gage county has
returned from a six years residence
in the Klondike country During his
absence he suffered many hardships
and returns poorer than when he went
The business men of York are agi
tating the building of a Burlington
depot They urge that tho present
structure is a disgrace and that York
should have a depot that is a credit
and in keeping with the city
When D C Donaldson a farmer liv
ing about three miles southwest of
Pawnee City came home from the field
fo dinner he found his wife sitting In
a chair dead The indications were
that she had died of heart disease
Mrs D M Ross wife of a promi
nent farmer living south of Ord was
thrown from a load of brick and run
over and almost instantly killed a
few miles from town She had drop
ped a line and fell in trying to getflit
Edwin Moody lias brought to Re53
Cloud from his home in the north
eastern part of the county suffering
from an advanced stage of insanity
This is the third time lie lias been in
custody He was taken to the asy
lum at Lincoln
A bank has been organized at Nick
erson Avith a capital of 25000 or
which 750 is paid up II J Sidner
of Nickerson is the cashier and will
manage the business The other offi
cers are W J Courtright and L M
Keene of Fremont president and vice
The preliminary hearing of Daniel
OBrien and James Hall the two
men suspected of the attempted bank
robbery at Clatonia last week was
held at Beatrice before Judge Walker
which resulted in the defendants being
bound over to the district court in tho
sum of 1000 each
The new library in York was for
mally opened to the public and a largo
crowd was present to enjoy the mu
sical and literary program This is
the building which was constructed
and furnished from the 10000 which
Mrs Woods bequeathed to the city of
York for that purpose
A reindeer five years old was cap
tured in a pasture four miles east tft
Beatrice The animal fiercely fought
the four men who captured it and
partly stripped the clothing off one of
them It is supposed that it had es
caped from some show
Through efforts of Postmaster
Spelts Wood River has secured one
of the best rural delivery routes in
the state The route as laid out cov
ers 175 miles and deliver mail at ev
ery house within a radius of seven
miles of Wood River Five wagons
will be used to make the delivery
Will G Sullivan the only Sterling
boy who served in the Spanish-American
war and who lost a leg at Ma
nila received word last week from the
the war department and also from Con
gressman Eurkett that his claim had
been allowed and that he would re
ceive 3G per month with back pay
from March 22 1902
Treasurer Stuefer estimates that in
the course of the nest five years the
board of school lands and funds will
be called upon to invest 12000000
From now on the returns on maturing
land contracts and leases will keep
the fund uninvested in a state of re
pletion that will tax the capacity of
the members to find investment
Under a ruling of the supreme court
the state treasurer is required to com
plete the contract made by the board -of
educational lands and funds where
by 300000 of school funds are to be
invested in 3 per cent gold bonds
of the state of Massachusetts The am
plication of the attorney general tfg f
a writ of mandamus against the treas
urer In the test case was allowed