i sa McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA BRIEF TELEGRAMS Governor Taft has received a cable gram from Archbishop Guidl the apos tollc delegate In the Philippines say ing he will reach Manila Novembei 20 Miss Lulu Dees shot and Instantly killed Snmner Johnson a negro when he was attempting to force an en trance into her room at Poplar Bluff Mo Burglars blew open the safe of the postofflce at Spencer S D securing a quantity of stamps and jewelry which had been stored for safe keep- - ing Congressman Moody republican of - North Carolina who was defeated by James M Gudger democrat has filed notice that he will contest Gudgers election E O Dana aged Gl years the old est master mechanic of the Illinois Central railroad system and widely known in railroad circles is dead at Freeport 111 Strong military reinforcements have arrived at the coal mining centers ol France it being the evident intention of the government to crush any fur ther strike outbreaks Inquiry at Washington fails to de velop a reasonable basis for the re- -ported candidacy of Frank Steinhart to be United States consul general at Havana as reported The governor of Hu Nan province China has protested against the im perial edict ordering the beheading of the military mandarin for not pro tecting the British missionaries The president has received a cable gram from the king of Siam extending his earnest thanks for the kindly re ception accorded the crown prince on his arrival in the United States A feature of the reciprocity treaty with Newfoundland is a safeguard against the differential in favor of all goods entering Newfoundland from England or any of the British colo nies J B Charleson of the Canadian public works department who built the Yukon telegraph line Fays the gold output in the Yukon this year will aggregate 12000000000 GREA ARMOURS SIOUX CITY PACKING HOUSE BURNED DAMAGE NEARLY A MILLION Every Building and Much Finished Product Consumed Inadequate Pressure and Apparatus Rendered Fire Department Helpless SIOUX CITY la Armour Cos packing plant which occupied four acres of the stock yards and valued at 900000 was totally destroyed early Sunday morning by a fire which start ed on the second floor of the fertilizer building and is thought by Manager Lennon to have been due either to spontaneous combustion or to an im perfect dryer The loss is partly cov ered by 721500 insurance Six hun dred men are thrown out of employ ment by the fire Within an hour after the fire was discovered by a watchman six streams of water were being thrown upon the fire which was gutting the fertilizer building which was 120x60 feet and four stories high but the pressure was inadequate The floors and con tents of the building burned like chaff The roof soon fell and the fire burst through the beef killing house At the same time the cattle chute ignited and in five minutes fell with a crash Once in the beef killing house the flames began to danco madly From this house to the oleo building was only a step and when the oils started to burn the fire presented a most spec tacular appearance The big beef house containing 5C0 carcasses next caught fire and the whole plant except the hog house was a lake of fire The roar was terrible The country for miles around was lighted up Suddenly there was a ter rible detonation followed quickly by another and then another Twenty four drums of 100 pounds of ammonia each exploded before the reserve sup ply in the ammonia cistern was reach ed The explosion almost razed the entire plant The flames wcie blown through the fire wall which separated the hog house from the other build ings The hog house contained 3503 dressed hogs -and 2500000 pounds of pork products Steadily the fire cropt against the wind and through the of fice building Not a scrap of paper was saved When the last of the ammonia drums was going off a burning chute Civil Engineer Robert E Peary has felI upon a blinch of Iiv8 hoi5 and reported for duty at the navy depart- thir Equeas ycre na to tho ap ment Washington hut will not be as 1 paHng choug After lh fire a signed until he fully recovers from I g001 htodway in the hcg house the his recent operation He still uses I shops chicken packing plant ice crutches I ho anc jce runways and smaller Ex Representative Lorimer of Chi 1 department houses were consunwl in cago celebrated his return to congress qujc succession by making up a party for a trip to I The terrible roarins continued un New Orleans to provide some way to ab1ted the high brick walls crum Increase the flow of Chicago sewage uled anfl cvashea one by one and the into St Louis J conflagration gradually ate its way Charles O Zeigenfuss a well known through building after building The man was found dead in his newspaper firc department was helpless as its room in a San Francisco hotel An paratus was inadequate The pressure open gas jet which is it believed was hardly strong enough to throw was left open intentionally disclosed j water to tbe roof of the pork h0llse the manner of his passing j when the walls of this department The president has declined to ac 1 burst the fireraen played streams on cept the resignation of Passed Assist- th niithnildines nniil davlicht ant Paymaster Charles T Penrose lately attached to the Michigan The officer was convicted by court mar tial of financial irregularities Statistics of the gross postal re ceipts of the government for the last month as compared with October 1901 at fifty of the largest postoffices In the country shows a total of 1 508499 an increase of 13 per cent The president is expected to take up at an early date the matter of the apj pointment of a successor to Rear Ad miral Melville of the bureau of steam engineering also a successor to Pay master General of the Navy Kenney Geronimo the famous old Apache war chief now a prisoner at Fort Sill Okl has a daughter who is a pupil at the Mescalero Indian school in New Mexico Her name is Lenna Geroni mo she is 13 years old and she is quite a handsome girl of the Indian type To her one time bloodthirsty father the girl is the apple of his eye Colonel Hardy W P Price of Clay ton Ala is one of the few still sur viving who took part in the battle of San Jacinto which decided Texan in dependence He is still hale and hear ty and remembers the battle as though it happened but yesterday He is S5 years of age having been born in Edgecombe county North Carolina on May 6 1817 In an encounter with tramps near Bloomington 111 Walter Webb of Ke wanee 111 was perhaps fatally shot Mrs P J Henderson wife of a well-to-do farmer who lives at Carlock Tenn was found murdered on the mountain side near her home Rev George Wilson a widely known Presbyterian and author died at Bloomington 111 aged 85 years In its annual report the civil serv ice commission urges that congress provide for the reclassification of the entire departmental service The fire burned all day and in the afternoon there was another terrible explosion which threw bricks and pieces of iron for hundreds of yards No one was hurt It is said that the company will at once rebuild FUNERAL OF LIU KUN II Quarter of a Million People Line the Route of Cortege SHANGHAI The funeral of Liu Kun II the famous viceroy of Nan kin which took place Sunday at Nan kin was the occasion for unprece dented demonstrations of respect on the part of the foreign representa tives in that city The funeral cor tege was cf great length and the ob sequies by command of the dowager empress were carried out with im perial pomp Nearly a quarter of a million people lined the route to the jetty where the remains were em barked on a Chinese cruiser which will bear them to Hunan the native province of the deceased statesman The foreign men-of-war lying off the city fired minute guns of war during the progress of the funeral procession Danish Ambassador Starts COPENHAGEN Ambassador Jus serand and wife who is an American left Sunday for Paris where they in tend to spend the new year They will proceed thence to Washington where they expect to arrive in j ary A great tribute was paid to j them on their departure Foreign Min i ister Leuntzer United States Ambas j sador Swenson and Mrs Swenson the other members of the -diplomatic corps the court dignitaries and a crowd of personal friends being pres ent at the station A number of flor al gifts were offered to Mme Jusser and CHOLERA SPREADS IN MANILA Alarm Occasioned by Increase of Dis ease Among Residents MANILA The number of cholera cases is increasing In this city and the spread of the disease is causing some alarm There are on an average thirty cases daily The Funston re serve hospital the casual tamp at Santa Mesa and Bilibid pripon are now included among the places infested The disease Is spreading in the Mnr quina valley where the danger of an infection of the water supply is re garded as grave Should the water supply become infected a general epi demic is considered inevitable The cholera reports from the provinces show a decrease in the number of cases A conference of the bishops priests and leaders of the Philippine Roman Catholic church will be held in Manila next week They propose to address a memorial to Mgr Guidi the apos tolic delegate in the Philippines set ting forth taelr position A number of nativ priest who sympathized with the movement but are still adhering to the Roman Catholic church will seek an interview with Mgr Guidi before reaffirming allegiance to Rome or joining the dissenters It is be lieved that Mgr Guidi will deal with the church situation before entering upon negotiations with Civil Governor Taft regarding tho friar lands RE3ELS KILL AMERICAN MAN Fight Between Bogota and Colombian Insurgents PANAMA The first American cas ualties resulting from the revolution occurred Wednesday The Colombian fleet captured a boat having on board correspondence showing the where abouts of two revolutionary schooners loaded with provisions The warships headed for the place and on arriving Bogota manned by an American crew lowered two boats with armed men but as the schooners were aground waited until high tide to attack them In the meantime the revolutionists were discovered in ambush close to the beach The boats pulled ahead when the rebels opened fire on them killing the ships armorer Richard Kane of Washington and wounding George Walker A seaman named Clarks and Lieutenant Vasquez were also wound ed but not seriously Bogota and Chucuito then opened fire on the enemy and killed every man in sight One shot fired at a group of ten rebels killed every one of them MILITARY MONEY ALLOTTED ochocls in Different Parts Get Con gressional Appropriation YASHINGTONThe 25000 appro priated by congress for the United States service schools has been allot ted as follows To the artillery school at Fort Mon roe 7123 to the school of submar ine defense at Fort Totten N Y 5 247 to the cavalry and artillery school at Fort Riley Kan 1118 and to the general service and staff col lege at Leavenworth Kan 11512 An order issued from the war de partment Friday establishes a train ing school for farriers and blacksmiths at Fort Riley Kan in connection with the school of application there Hanged in Court House Yard ELIZABETHTOWN Ky Harlan Buckles who was Saturday sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Robert L Reid deputy marshal was hanged by a mob early Sunday morning The mob consisted of seventy-five men some of whom are sup posed to have come from Larue coun ty On account of the number they had little difficulty in getting Buckles from the jail He was taken to the court house yard and hanged to a tree after which the mob dispersed Canncn Would Ee GpeaKer CHICAGO A majority of the Illi nois delegation to congress on Mon day endorsed Congressman Cannon of the Eighteenth Illinois district to succeed Speaker Henderson It was announced by A J Hopkins candidate for the senate to succeed Senator Mason that assurances had been re ceived from a majority of congress men in Indiana Iowa Minnesota Ne braska Kansas and Michigan that they would support Mr Cannon Prince Edward Dead LONDON Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar died here Sunday morning He was attacked by appendicitis on Thursday and succumbed to conges tion of the kidneys with which the original malady became complicated Prince Edward was born near London in 1S23 and was married morganatic ally in 1S51 to Lady Augusta Gordon Lennox Agrees to American Proposal PEKIN Germanv has agreed to the American proposal to submit the ques tion whether the Chinese indemnity is payable in gold or silver to The Hague tribunal provided that notice of that feature of the protocol be included in the arbitration TH PH pp CHAFFEE AND OTHER OFFICERS DESCRIBE WORK THERE THE CAMPAIGN IN SAMAR As to the Moros in Mindanao and Jolo Time Tact and Patience Will Be Required to Completely Estab lish United States Authority WASHINGTON The annual report of Major General Adna R Chaffee just made public covers the campaign of Generl J H Smith in Samar re fers to friction that occurred between the civil and military authorities re garding Leyte and discusses the ac tion of various officers and the work of the army in the suppression of re cent insurrections General Chaffee warmy defends the officers and assumes full responsibil ity for all that ws done under official orders He says the various preda tory Filipino bands are of little mili tary importance and can in time be handled by the insular constabulary Speaking of the campaign in Samar he says he finds nothing in the writ ten instructions which was not jus tified by the conditions there to be overcome The formation of concen tration camps was necessary to sup press the insurrection in the prov inces of Batangas Laguna and Taya bas especially as the civil authorities in some instances aided the He requests tho removal of the cen sure passed publicly upon General Bell regarding orders circulars and instruc tions which he issued while putting down the insurrection An interesting portion of the report is that relating to the Jloros in Min danao and Jolo He says it- will re quire time tact and patience to estab lish United States authority over all the Moro settlements The sooner the sultan of Jolos ti tle actual or assumed as sovereign and as sole owner of the land in the oolo archipelago is quieted the bet ter for the situation Probablv there is little doubt that a money consider ation would relieve the situation and if this be done laws just but simple and so plainly stated as to be under stood by the Moro population could generally be enforced through the dat tos upon their followers without much trouble or frequent resort to force It will be impossible for many years to ignore chiefs dattos and to deal directly with the individual Moros as is done with civilised Christian peo ple It will however be a long stop ahead when the dattos are independ ent of the sultan and recognize the United States as the only sovereignty to which allegiance is due and as the only authority empowered to enact laws for the government of the coun try that all the inhabitants are equal before the law that Christian peo ple have a right to live But to ad vance so far will consume much time and may result in national conflict for the modification of present beliefs will in some cases require the use of military force Chinese Would Be Free SHANGHAI Strong articles are appearing in the Chinese newspapers declaring that by the withdrawal of the British troops from Shanghai to Wei Hai Wei and the withdrawal of the German force to Tieng Tau the independence of the Yang Tse valley is still menaced The Chinese want the British and the Germans to get out of China altogether instead of merely evacuating Shanghai and with drawing to their respective garrison stations The papers add that a con flict between Germany and Great Britain is inevitable Miss Millionaires Will ASHEVILLE N C The will of the late Cincinnati millionaire John M Gibson drawn a few days before his death is reported to be missing Gib son is the man who married on his deathbed a week ago It is said the will bequeathed all his personal prop erty to his newly made wife Two copies of the will were made and the local attorney for the state is said to be in possession of a duplicate copy which will be sent to Cincinnati in the hope that it may be accepted with out litigation Czarina Has Melancholia LONDON In a dispatch from Li vidia the correspondent of the Daily Mail says the czarina has fallen into a condition of deep melancholia which takes the form of preserving silence for long periods even in the pres ence of guests Her majestys condi tion is causing her doctors consider able anxiety Fix Irrigation Congress OGDEN Utah Colonel Maxson secretary of the National Irrigation congress arrived here Thursday with Fred J Kiersal chairman of the ex ecutive committee They fixed the time for the next congress as Sep tember S 9 10 and 11 of next year THE POSTAL SERVICE Report of the First Assistant Post master General WASHINGTON The annual report of the first assistant Dostraaster gen eral urges that in view of the success of the rural free delivery establishment and its future necessities tho recom mendation for 12655800 for that pur pose Is reasonable The amount is an increase of a little more than 5000 000 over the current fiscal year The correct the alleged Injustice of compelling a postmaster to pay part of his salary for clerk hire Mr Wynne urges legislation authorizing the post office to make allowances for clerk hire at third class postoffices when it is sat isfactorily shown that the postmuster is unable to transact the postoffico bus iness The advisability of erecting branch postoffices in cities is endorsed as eco nomical Tho establishment and ex tension of the pneumatic tube service will make it necessary to secure per manent sites for stations in large cities An effort has been made to equalize the salaries of clerks in first and sec ond class offices by the promotion of low salaried but efficient clerks At the larger first class offices clerks are not now working in excess of eight hours a day but it is impracticable to give clerks in smaller offices eight hours continuous service An effort Is being made to reduce their hours to a fair basis A plan is proposed the report con tinues whereby in the larger cities sub carriers shall receive at least 30 a month and in the smaller 25 a month Sub carriers cannot now count on a fixed income The rural free de livery system has become a permanent feature of the service and receipts have increased and conditions improved wherever it has been put in operation No deficiency it is said will be cre ated by this service It will be left to congress to say whether the establish ment of routes already laid out shall be hastened and the installation of routes in course of investigation expe dited Additional appropriations must be made for this purpose It is recommended that congress make provision for a leave of absence with full pay for rural carriers not to exceed fifteen days in a year Extension to rural cariers of power to receive and register letters have proved so acceptable to public benefit that it is proposed to further increase Output WASHINGTON Henry W Dieder ich consul at Bremen has sent to the state department a number of estimates of sugar crops for the pres ent year He gives figures on the beet sugar crop of Europe and the cane yield in Cuba and the remainder of the world The statistics are espe cially interesting at this time in their possible bearing on the attitude to be taken by congress toward Cuban reci procity He says the European crop will bo short but apparently the worlds supply will be ample It is of course too soon to get definite data river are not very sanguine and rather be low those now current in commercial circles They follow Germany 1 730000 tons Austria 075000 France SG0000 Russia 1130000 Belgium 215000 Holland 110000 and other countries 330000 Total 5350000 tons Otto Licht the veteran publisher is probably more clearly correct His estimates for 1902 1903 compared with the actual results of previous years are given below Totals 5850000 tons in 1S02 1903 6S34038 tone In 1901 02 C04S518 tons in 1900 1901 and 551S04S tons in 1S99 1900 This would show a shortage of 993000 tons from last year but all estimates are merely approximate Diedrichs estimate of the worlds cane sugar crop is for a total of 3 470000 tons compared with 3362C05 tons last year Of this total he esti mates the Cuban crop to be 850000 tens as compared with 633312 tons last year The United States crop he estimates at 425000 tons as compared with 400000 tons last year The Ha waii crop he estimates to be 340000 tons as against the same crop la3t year Indians Sue Government WASHINGTON A petition has been filed in the court of claim3 by Delaware Indians claiming to be a band of the Cherokee tribe in Indian Territory to recover 439468 with 5 per cent per annum interest from the government This amount is said to have been illegally diverted by the THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE Thero was n fairly liberal run of cattle and tho market was In rather bad shape The rain and snow durlnp tho night and early mornlnjr made tho cattlu appear In bad form so that the natural tenduncy was to pound prices Thero were not enough cornfed steers offered to tell anything about tho condition of the market Tho cow market took an other drop as a good proportion of tho offerings consisted of cow stuff and the Jemand was limited Trading was solw and generally 6ft 10c lower Bulls wero also slow and weak but not much chnngo was noticeable In veal calves and stags There were only a few stockers and feed ers on sale so that although trading1 was very dull the better grades did not seem to bo much If any lower Speculators carried over a good many cattle which was another reason for their being cau tious Thero wero comparatively few western range steers on sale und the market could bo quoted Just as about steady on anything at all desirable The common kinds were extremely slow sale Range cows were about ofJlOc lower or 35fri0o lower for the week Stockers and feeders were slow sale HOQS There was not a very heavy run of hogs and as the demand on the pare of packers continued of quite liberal pro- portions the market opened fairly active and TftlOc higher than yesterdays aver age The bulk of the hogs sold from JG2T to SC20 and the choicer loads sold mostly from 5G0 to i3j Practically everything that was offered on the morning market was disposed of in good season but tlu ro wire several late trains SIIKEP Quotations Good to choice yearlings 3r0fti7T fair to good 32Tft 50 good to choice wethers AWiMfi fair to good wethers tIOft540 choice -ewes 27fft0O fair to good ewes 22Tft2fi good to choice lambs lft475 fair to good lambs 100ft 150 choice native lambs 3002521 feeder wethers 27Va ol5 feeder yearlings 2Mt2i feeii lambs SuOOft 100 cull lambs 5tC0ft2i feeders ewes 123ft22Ti cull ewes Tol stock ewes 250ft323 KANSAS CITY CATTLE Corn cattle and quarantine steady native cows dull choice export and dressed beef steers 5G0OftG75 fair to good 5MS0ft595 stockers and feeders 22 ft 125 western fed steers s 75ftf CO Texas and Indian steers J2001j I00 Texas cow- 525ft00 native cows 5175ft 125 nativo heifers 52BTftX73 canners 51OOft200 bulls 52i0ft3T0 en Ives S20uft575 lions Market 5ft 10c higher top C 40 HOGS Market 5ft 10c higher top G40 bull of sales G25ftG10 heavy C29ft40 mixed packers 3025ftG4O light SG20ftC20 yorkers G2TftC30 pigs SG15ftC20 SHEEP AND LAMBS Market stc a Ij native Iambs 53COft525 western lamM 530Jft520 fed ewes S31Oft270 native their usefulness by adding an i wethers 5305ft 110 western wethers 5303 sion of the money order system to i stocTten and feeders 5i05S325 rural routes i THE SUGAR CROP Indications a Practically Mormai GAYS AMERICANS STEAL LAND United States Accused of Appropriat ing British Territory VICTORIA B C The Province of Friday says In the quietest possible manner and with every precaution United States surveyors have en croached upon Canadian territory to the northwest of Cape Fox and appro priated thousands of square miles of laud lying within the boundaries of British Columbia to the westward of Portland canal The line from Portland canal runs northwesterly for a short distance Uien turns and runs nearly due west and finally connects with the Ykoot river at the confluence with Striking At that point there is to Ik and figures Mr Diederich says but found an old post supposed to have these early crop conjectures form the been erected by the Hudson Bay corn basis for gradually obtaining final re- pany and by the running line to that suits Mr Gieseker a Belgian post it is apparently the claim of the tician was among the first to issue i American government that the post in his crop figures for this year which question was placed in position by the Russians although the survey line is distinctly marked by squared and cut granite monuments ANOTHER TRUST IS BORN St Joseph Grocers Butchers and Bak ers Form a Merger ST JOSEPH Mo The grocers butchers and bakers of SL Joseph have formed a merger for the pur pose of mutual protection The body is affiliated with the retail merchants association of Missouri and will pre sent a garnishee bill at the next leg islature They say under the present law it is impossible to collect bills from persons owing them even if they are able to pay Growth cf the Grange LANSING Mich At the first ses sion cf the National Grange the re ports of the secretary and treasurer which showed the order to be in a flourishing condition were received Last year 256 new granges were or ganized in several states Michigan leading with ninety six A number of resolutions were introduced and re ferred to the resolutions committee Illinois New Ships Zinc METROPOLIS III The Empire Lead and Spar mines on the Illinois Central in Pope county have just shipped the first carload of zinc ore ever mined in Illinois The mine is on land owned by Mrs William United States and paid to New York le widow of the late president and Indians The case grows out of the as operated by the Saxtons for occupancy by the New York Indians of lands in Kansas which the Dela wares claim belonged exclusively to them eral years after the civil war for spar and lead But so much carbonate ot zinc ore was found that the mines were finally abandoned i