The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 14, 1902, Image 4

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    funmriwi iimim i xjwgHiMlBlHJg tUL
p -
BllJr nntfj
Absolutely Pure
Vl V
Largest Circulation m Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Yer in Advance
TiiKKEoiiLht to be i statute prohibit
ing malpractice on the human soul
The Alliance Grip hears testimony to
the inherent good judgment and com
monense of the average Populist by
stating that they sooner or Inter if far
mer Republicans return to that party
It is the general reiori from all over
Nebraska that the vote was light An
oiF year everybody husy It takes a
calamity year to roll up the votes Why
arent people as anxious to perpetuate a
good thing
Samuel Randolphs princealbert
doesnt acree with the majority of the
voters in Redwillow countv He thinks
Almeron R ea Ami C Teel and John
Wint jen the peers of Dr J E Hathorn
Dr- S Li Green and Commissioner D
A Waterman This is not the only
donee that Samuel Randolphs prince
albert is getting dusty
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice Nov 11 1902
Clive H Aiken Hon M McManus
Jj U Vollbrecht Casper Vontz
When calling for these letters please
saythey were advertised
F l Ivimmell Postmaster
Notice of Estray
Came to the farm of the undersigned
jive miles east and one mile south of Mc
Cook two weeks ago one white mare
tOwner can have same by proving prop
erty and paying charges
John 13 Firchtxer
A scarlet fever
medical blesinr
serum is
Dr G a
the latest
II 13 Wales sold two horses to J B
JW Corner was in McCook Monday
with hogs
Bi rt Wales took a load of kaffir corn
to McCook Monday
B F Wilson is husking corn Some
is going tuent five bushels per acre
George Howell is iixed for a cold snap
lie brought out a load of coal Tuesda
Frank Striker of Northbranch Kan
sas was recently run over by a wagon
loaded with corn but fortumuely escap
ed with slight injuries about the should
Dont be a fish and especially dont
bo a sucker Sutton will sell ou a pian
as cheap as any reliable concern on
earth and on as favorible terms nu
with a guarantee that is absolutely good
Get his prices and terms and see his in
struments before miUintr the mistake of
bin ing from a si ranger with his sto k ii
trade on wheels Ruiton is here to ma hi
good any statement or i liini aid to cor
ieci anything that may be wrong in
goods tie may sell and lie wont bt
undersold by anybody in the musical
ins i ument business
i ut fu C r Skis
Hcrbino exerts a direct influenco on tho bowel-
liv r anil kidneys purifj iiu and treugtlifi
ing tin so nrjriins and maintaining them in -normal
condition of Inmltli thus removing u
common cauu of yellow moth greay skin
and more or loss of pimples blotches and blackhead-
at A McMiliii 8
Dont be a fish and es
pecially dont be a sucker
Sutton will sell you a pi
ano as cheap as any re
liable concern on earth
and on as favorable terms
and with a guarantee that
is absolutely good Get
his prices and terms and
see his instruments before
making the mistake of
buying from a stranger
with his stock in trade on
The couutry has been waiting for this i wheels
Sutton is here to
ior some time xc nas neen cnougnc Dy
some that railroad rates were fixed byimnip rrnnri ctflfpmpnt
the -all the trafllc would bear plan by laKe gOOO any Statement
others on a scientific basis of fair profit -
etc but now comes a prominent vice- Or Claim and tO Correct
president of one of the roads who makes
bold to stale that competition anything that may be
ison and compromise determine railroad j
-rates The gentleman seems to have wr0ng in his gOOdS
-overlooked the question of equity alto-
gether Its an alliterative matter
China and the Chinese
Gen G W Bailey will give four en
tertainments in the Baptist church
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday even
linys November 24th 25th and 26th and
Tuesday afternoon November 25 th
These lectures are illustrated with the
finest costumes ever shown to an audi
ence in United States A costly
museum of wonderful curiosities valued
at 860000 will be exhibited
All we can say of Tank Kee Gen
Baileys Chinese name is this That he
is the most amusing as well as instruc
tive lecturer we have ever heard Any
one who fails to hear him misses the
best thing that has been here in a long
time He is a better humorist than Bob
Burdette and as instructive as a man
can be Sterling 111 Gazette
Reserved seat tickers at the Post office
lobtiy Course tickets 75c for adults
and 50c for- children Single tickets 25c
for adults and 15c for children
KcCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 8 35
Wheat 48
Oats 35
iRye 32
Hogs 5J4
Eggs 20
Sutter 1714
The Sent of the Kingfisher
Our American belted alcyon or com
mon kingfisher is au expert hole borer
There is scarcely a clayey bank along
the streams of our middle and south
ern states but has its face cut by the
door of one of these gloomy looking
The hole Is usually quite round and
goes directly 1110 the bank with a
slight upward slant to a distance of
from two to four feet where it turns
nearly at right angles to one side or
the other ending in a large jug shaped
pocket where the eggs are laid The
kingfisher is my most cheerful com
panion when I am out for a days or a
weeks angling It Is an ever fresh de
light to watch him swooping down into
the clear brook water with a melodious
plunge and coming forth sparkling like
a flake from a blue sea wave or a frag
ment of turquoise He rarely fails to
catch the minnow he strikes at but his
appetite is unremitting and Insatiable
He eats from morning till night
Maurice Thompson
Two Thins That Scnre a Negro
Two seemingly harmless things ex
cite the fear of the southern negro
One is the cracking of the finger joints
the other Is to be stepped over as he
lies prone upon the ground The crook
ing of the linger joints seems to sug
gest to the negro imagination the rat
tling of a skeletons bones while to be
stepped over is regarded as likely to
bring bad luck to grown folks and to
check the growth of children A half
grown negro boy will sternly com
mand a playfellow who has stepped
over his body to step back In order
that the spell may be removed
Uncle Samn Recruits
The following qualifications are re
quired of every soldier selected as a re
cruit He must uot be under twenty or
biianmn over twenty five years old he must be
rXIw iT7aTlstron8 enough to lift a 100 pound
Gill college Montreal Canada is the
weight Wltb bctu uands to a Psltlon
discoverer of
a serum by which he has
demonstrated that the parasites in the Ievel wIth his chest- Ue must be 4 feet
system of those suffering from scarlet j 8 inches in height and able to run a
fever can- be -successfully combated course of seven miles in an hour and
Ihts will be even a greater blessing to j he must also be of good character
tne nome tnan was tne dipnthena serum
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ol
food It gives instant relief and neve
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
etomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
eared after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
It cant help
but do you good
Prepared only by E O Da Witt Co Chicago
Zbo f L bottle contains 3 times the 50c size
William Slimson Jr Do you believe
In being kind to the sick mamma
Mrs W Slimson Certainly Willie
and I hope you always will Why do
you ask
William Because mamma I heard
the little boy on the next block had the
measles and Ive been visiting him all
the afternoon Harpers Bazar
The Poets Explanation
What do you mean by embers of
the dying year asked the poets
Why Nov ember and Dec ember of
course my dear replied the long
haired one with a fiendish grin Chi
cago News
Long Time Between Meals
If youre a stayin fer dinner said
the authors little boy Im afraid
youll go hungry We only eat on
publication Atlanta Constitution
A sallow complexion dizziness
biliousness and a coated tongue
are common indications of liver
and kidney diseases Stomach and
bowel troubles severe as they are
five immediate warning by pain
ut liver and kidney troubles
though less painful at the start aro
much harder to cure Thedforda
Black Draught never fails to bene
fit diseased liver and weakened kid
neys It stirs up the torpid liver
to throw off the germs of fever and
ague It is a certain preventive
or cholera and Bright s disease of
the kidneys With kidneys re
inforced by Thedfords Black
Draught thousands of persons have
dwelt immune in the midst of yel
low fever Many families live in
Serfect health and have no other
octor than Thedfords Black
Draught It is always on hand for
use in an emergency and saves
many expensive calls of a doctor
Mullins S C March 10 1901
I have used Thedfords Black Draught
for three years and I have not had to go
to s doctor since I have been taking it
It is the best medicine for me that is
on the market for liver and kidney
troubles ana dyspepsia and other
complaints Rev A G LEWIS
Time Card
McCook Neb
0 t Central Timo ll10r M
2 605 am
12 920am
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m
main line west depart
o 1 Mountain Time 1112 am
3 1140 fu
13 825 A st
o 176 arrives Mountain Time 540p si
so 175 departs 700am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
atd freo on through trains Tickets sold
nd baggage checked to any poiutin tho United
tat8 or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ts call on or write A P Thomson Agent
IcCook Nobraska or J Francis General
iHMMigor Agent Omaha Nebraska
Herman Hegenberger is flagging out
of McCook now
A new roof is being placed on a portic n
of the round house
Brakemnn L M Best has been sick
part of the week and off duty
VanNortwick is a new machinist in
the round house service this week
Conductor J W Line is entertaining
his father Dr M M Line of Vermont
Trainmaster Ken yon spent a part of
the week at Moorcroft looking after oil
Chief Clerk Lawritson of the supts
office was in Kearney early in the week
on business
Engine No 41 a class K 4 was put in
the shop this week for tin overhauling
Also the 316
Brakeman W F Calhoun was in
Cambridge on a tender mission early
part of the week
Way car No 55 is just out of the carpenter-shop
and No 62 is in for a gen
eral overhauling
Freight train No 76 broke down near
Holdrege Wednesday delaying tratlic
three or four hours
Brakeman C W Dewey has been off
duty part of the week on account of
ttie illness of his wife
Perry Majors is to be transferred to
the Havelock shops which will bring
him nearer home Peru
Brakeman A N Cbimpitt has taken
a brief leave and visited Republican City
lelatives a few days this week
Brakeman J B Converse took a short
lay off this week and went down to
Edgar to visit the wife and children
The paymaster will arrive in McCook
baturdny evening on No o and will go
west on Sunday morning on a special
Locomotive No 267 was out in the
yard yesterday afternoon being lim
bered up for service after a general over
Brakeman L E Cramer has been on
the Republican Ciry run for a few days
vice Brakeman C E Hoffman who has
been on a passenger in place of Brake
man Dewey lav ing off
Brakeman Wilbur Fisk has returned
from his trip to Colorado and on Tues
day resumed his run on the Oxford St
Francis line relieving Brakeman George
Cranscom who has returned to head
Conductor and Mrs 3 J Curran hav
been visiting up in Wyoming this wepk
Rockefeller has been spending most of
the time at the oil well at Moorcroft
while Mrs Curran has been visitin
Mrs Tom Curran at Sheridan where
J J atterwards joined her
Make no mistake See Sutton first
lie will do better for you in pt no- or
gans or any othpr instrument than any
other dealer in Southwestern Nebraska
He will do better than any strangerwho
is here this week and gone next Non-
excel him m terms and nrices He
handles the best guaranteed instruments
and is here to make the guarantee good
Dont make a mistake
Licenses to marry have been granted
to the following this week
John Betz and Loretta A Groves
both of Coleman precinct this county
Irwin Bovard of Cedar Bluffs Kansas
and Violet Hieber of Otego Kansas
They were married by the county judge
Thursday the 13th inst
See Sutton first Buy afterwards
You will buy of him and buy right
Many Hnvc Fought Hrnvely Ecn
putlex of a Queen
The muster rolls of the civil war
show a number of cases of soldiers who
were discovered to be women
One of the most remarkable women
was Christian Cavenagh who lived In
England In the nineteenth century She
was married and had three children
Her husband was carried off to Hol
land where he had to enlist as a pri
vate soldier Ills wife dressed as a
man and enlisted so as to be near her
husband She was wounded at the bat
tle of Landen made a prisoner by the
French and carried to St
where she remained until she
was exchanged Then she quarreled
and fought a duel with her sergeait
and was transferred to another regi
ment Again she was wounded at Ita
millies when her secret was discover
ed She was however permitted to
remain with the regiment as a cook
Many English officers recall the case
of Dr James Barry This woman
served in the British army about fifty
years ago as a surgeon at the Cape at
Malta and at Barbados At the Cape
he fought a duel with an officer who
had called him a woman
Mrs Lindley the wife of a soldier
went through some of the sharpest en
gagements of the civil war She en
listed in Company D Sixth Ohio cav
alry and fought at Fort Magruder
Hanover Court House Bull Run Antie
tam and Boonsboro She is said to be
still living and the mother of several
Christina queen of Sweden was edu
cated and dressed like a boy from her
birth because her father was disap
pointed at not having a son She was
more a king than a queen and after
four years of rule resigned her crown
and went off to amuse herself in Eu
lope She was dressed in mens clothes
and acted as uproariously as any man
who ever owned his clothes by right
of sex She was only twenty eight at
the time Savannah News
A Valuable Lcshoii In tlie Gentle Art
of Omlttini
It was this way was explaining
a quite fresh and young appearing
gentleman to a much older companion
as I took a seat near them in the res
taurant I thought that it was quite
a clever short story and as the pro
fessor had asked me to read it to him
for the purpose of criticism he listened
patiently for the thirty minutes that it
took me to go through it
Good for the first writing he said
but you must learn the art of omitting
You have unnecessary sentences Find
them omit them and come and read it
I followed his advice and the next
time it took me twenty minutes to
read it
Better he said Try it again for
there is more you can omit
I didnt show the annoyance that I
felt but did some more cutting and
condensing Then I read it to him
again in fifteen minutes
That is nearer to the correct thing
he said with an approving nod but
there is chance for a little more prun
It was with an effort that 1 re
strained myself but knowing that he
Is an authority in literary matters for
the third time I went to the slaughter
of the innocents and returning the
next day read it to him in ten minutes
That is something like he ex
claimed slapping me on the back
Another little omitting seance will fix
This is a little too much I an
swered as 1 seized my manuscript
with a show of feeling You had bet
ter tell me to omit every word of it
Thats it my boy thats it he re
plied It is too much Omit the rest
aud you will never hear a word of ad
verse criticism
Ill be hanged if I didnt take hi3
advice again and throw the story in
the wastebasket New York Herald
The Extinct Northern Sea Cow
In the year 1734 the Bering explor
ers discovered gigantic species of ryti
naj or northern s a cow These
mjtts manatees wre similar in gener
al habits to those of the S -tub Ameri
can coast and were from twenty to
thirty feet in length and from ten to
twenty feet in girh They were very
stupid harmless bensis and lived by
browsing on seaweeds and other ma
rine growths near the land The sail
ors were not slow in finding out that
a sa cjw steak bat seal meat all
hollow From 171 1 until 17S they
were the principal food of the sailors
and explorers on 0111 western coast
This being the case it is not at all sur
prising that the northern sea cow nev
er a very numerous species should be
e tne extinct in the short snaee of four
teen years The last of the giant man- j
ates was killed in September 17CS a
few months less than fourteen years
after the discovery of the first one
A TVIse Answer
The shah once asked a group of court
iers whom they thought the greater
1 man himself or his father At Qrst
I he could get no reply to so dangerous
a question the answer to which might
cost the courtiers their heads At last
a wily old courtier said Your father
sire for though you are equal to your
father in all other resnects in this he
The vessel is on the rocks shouted
the captain thrusting his head in the
ships saloon
Thats good news remarked the
idiotic passenger who was taking his
first trip abroad So long as we are
on the rocks we cant sink Ohio
State Journal
oxo oooooo
20 New Patterns
In French Flannels just arrived
Call and make your selection
before they are all gone
4 Black Dress Goods
Is unsurpassed in Redwillow Co
Our New Fall Stock has just ar
J rived and we can now fit you
with anything in
9 Blankets and Bed Comforters g
Dont spend your time and energy making your
S own comforters when you can buy them of
HONEST JOHN nicely tied and covered with
X Silkolene fori75 200 225 and 275 each
We Guarantee our prices to be as
ods Carpets Shoes and
John H Grannis HcCook Neb
Phone No 16
Thero was a
Marion Walters
party Friday
night at
west of town
Jolly and Nichols pulled in their
threshing outfit Saturday having finish-
tilt MM lllll wurh
i N Mulfonl n turned Mndayfrni
nciln wlure ho has been for oiiip
m visit in Mends Wl 1 1- awa he
t iued tin- Y V - C F Convention
William Miersekorn reports quite an
ci mt whilf lie was nwiy He in
impnny uirh his daughter Bertha and
ung friend started fr m bis fotherm
sis to Hastings a distance of 13 miles
lier going a short distance the horses
wmi frightened and kicked iocse from
e butryv In endeavorimr to hold the 1
13irnett Velma Sutton Gertrudf Snder
tnd arjory bchobel at the
fonal cnur n next lue nay night
W 138MIL
mmmt wx
kW i
1 ili1 JV I
Tlx a Priceless Treasure
Beauty is womans greatest charm The
world adores beautiful woiKen A pretty
woman dreads maternity for fear of losing
this power What can be done to perpetu
I ate the race and keep women beautiful
There Is a balm used by cultured and un
cultured women in thecrisis Husbands
should investigate this remedy in order
ro reassure their wives as to the ease
with which children can be born and
beauty of form and figure retained
Mothers Friend
Good News For all Who Suffer With
Rheumatism Free
To all who suffer with rheumatism I
will gladly send free the wonderful story
of how mj mother was cured after ears
of suffering together with the most
elaborate treatise on rheumatism ever
XT j li r -
mj inciiiiT wmi your lorm 01 rneuma
jrses all of the buggy tism is whether acute chronic museu
ere pulled over the dash board The lar inflammatory deformant sciatic
t tit girl was not hurt miH h and Mr 1 neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat
iernkorn esc iped with a bruised hand ter how many doctors have failed in
wasnt hurt bad enough however your case no matter how many socallerf
- prevent his voting for Norns sure cures you have tried I want vou
to write to me and let me tell you how-
Do not fail to her the little tots Frank m motuer was cured
I am neither a doctor nor a nrnfeccnr
simply a plain man of business but
I have a cure for rheumatism and 1
want to tell everyone who suffers with
j iiii uuniLism iiuuui u x wisn to he
clearly understood and trust lhat all
who suffer with this terrible disease -however
apparently beyond the leach
of cure will write to me this dav and I
will spnd you by return mail this work
of mine I appeal especi dlv to the
chronically ill who are wearied and
discouraged with doctoring and to those
who have been cast aside as incurable
All vou have thought aboiif rheumatism
mi r tW vw T n tlf
wl iuc l i you Our et
perience Surely if you have rheuma
tim or have a suffering friend it wib
ray you to investigate mv offer invnrv
and prove foryour elf the claims I ma y
bnd me your address todav 1 nost i
card will do and I will mail vou this
wonderful story If you have an
friends suffering with rheumatism n
j matter where located send me their ad
dress and I will mail them a copv Htfv
address in Victoi Eain uoit Bloomfield
1 Indiana
A Thanksgiving Dinner
Heavy eating is usually tbpflrt cauoofin
digestioa Repfat d attacks inflame the
membrane lining the stomach expose
of the rtomacli producing a swelling
aft r eating heartburn lir adaclie tour
and finally catarrh rr the Kodol rr
tli irliannatior protect theiiervtam
en rr tho catarrh Koiol cure indigestion
di peria a ctcmach trouble- bv rleanoiutj
and eweetenini tho gland of the stomach
ilrfonnoll A Berrv
Liver Pills
known It diminishes the oain allied to 1 flat S Wfiat VOU need
j i J w
is superior to you that he had a great- t relieves Usedtliroughoutpregnancy thing tO CUre VOlir hilinilQ
nrcnntim i morning sickness cures sore
ui iuuu uui uaic i 1 li 1 - T IOOO nnH 1-
uicisls luasci eiasuc an lenaons canea iivoo auu give yUu d POOQ
SoSareStfiSS digestion Ayers Pills are
ence and the patient anticipates favorably IlVei pills They CUle
the Issue in the comfort thus bestowed cfinafinn onrl kI
Mothers Friend is a liniment for ex- SUpatlOIl and blllOUSneSS
ternal aoolication It is pentlv ruhhen1 Centlv lavntivp 25c
Ai 0 - - j a
over uie parts so severely laxea ana oeing
absorbed lubricates all the muscles
Druggists sell it for 1 per bottle You
may have our book flotherhood free
All druggists
JJiSV2rfcKihS rbeard bwutu m J
M v mu utdtk xneu use
Men or Duoiti ot P
tlLaCoKttK HH