The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 14, 1902, Image 2

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Rear Admiral Robley D Evans has
assumed command of the Asiatic
Captain P P Gillmore V S N
lias been retired with the rank of
rear admiral
A new direct steamship service Is
to be established between New York
and China and Japan
A statement of the national treasury
on tlio 4th showed available cash bal
ance 205987384 gold 111039507
The forces of General Matos the
Venezuelan revolutionary lealer are
again approaching Caracas the capi
The statue of John Bright which
has just been placed In the British
house of commons is the gift of An
drew Carnegie
Major Harry M Wright Ninth cav
alry recently returned from the Phil
ippines has been retired at his own
request on account of ill healui
Six firemen were hurt and 250000
damage caused in Minneapolis by a
fire which destroyed the building of
the Minneapolis Paper company
The Japanese cabinet has adopted
the proposed scheme for naval expan
sion It involves an annual expendi
ture of S250000 for ten years
Arrangements have been completed
by cable for another tour of the Uni
ted States by Sir Henry Irving to be
gin in New York in October 1903
Frederick Carton of Chicago aged
14 years died from injuries received
from the collapse of the grandstand
during the foot ball bame at Marshall
First Lieutenant James W Lynch
marine corps has been wholly retired
from the navy with one years pay on
account of disability not incident to
the service
William L Quackenbush a clerk in
the appraisers office in New York
has been discharged because he re
fused to work on Saturdays He is a
Seventh Day Adventist
The United States circuit court at
Boston has appointed receivers for the
Export Lumber company oi New York
and invested in them authority to hold
and control all its property
Chancellor E B Andrews of Ne
braska university told the students
foot ball and Satan sometimes went
hand in hand especially when in cel
ebrating the boys dismantled street
A number of former Boer command
ants and British officers have offered
their services and those of 1000
men half of whom are British and
half Boer soldiers for service in So
The Santa Fe railway system an
nounced an increase of 1 cent an hour
for about 1200 of its skilled trades
ment in metal work and helpers on
the main line between Chicago and
Deputy United States Consul Gen
eral J Allison Bowen who underwent
an operation at Paris some time ago
is slightly better but his doctor gives
very little encouragement in regard
to his recovery
According to a statement forward
ed to the bureau of foreign commerce
by Consul Winter who is stationed
at Annberg there is 2000000000 of
German capital invested in the United
States and Mexico
With the inauguration Sunday of
the Golden State limited between Los
Angeles and Chicago over the South
ern Pacific and Rock Island roads
the time from coast to coast will be
reduced to eighty eight hours
The Santa Fe management has se
cured 40 extra tourist sleepers for use
In taking immigrants west All the
through westbound trains rye running
In two sections and the rush of tour
ists west is the greatest ever known
The British admiralty uas ordered
the construction of two new cruisers
which it is said will be the most pow
erful and probably the fastest vessels
of their kind in the world Their
speed is expected to exceed 26 knots
Unusually heavy American orders
for Portland cement have been placed
in Germany and several cargoes are
afloat including Berlin shipments
The demand is attributed to the con
struction of the York underground rail
The case of Passed Assistant Pay
master Charles W Penrose U S N
who was tried by court martial on
charges of irregularities while pay
master of the Michigan will be set
tled by the abandonment of further
proceedings against the young officer
and the acceptance of his resignation
from the naval service
The German royal gamekeepers bu
reau has kept a record of Emperor
Williams hunting During thirty
years he has killed 47443 pieces of
game including 39S9 deer elk or
chamois 2823 wild boars 19508
hares or rabbits and 18S91 pheas
Outcome at the Polls in New York
Ohio Illinois Kansas Colorado Min
nesota South Dakota and Other
States East and Vcst
Republicans of Michigan elect gov
ernor and the entire state ticket
Utah returns indicate a republican
on a joint ballot in the legislature
Connecticut elects the full republi
can ticket for state offices and all of
the candidates for congress
Garvin democrat for governor in
Rhode Island has about 7000 plural
The Delaware legislature will stand
ten republicans and seven democrats
In Massachusetts the vote is Bates
rep 1951G1 Gaston dem 158482
The legislature remains unchanged
Republicans of Michigan have elect
ed Gov Bliss and the entire state
Idaho elects the entire republican
ticket state and congressional
All the southern states went dem
ocratic by about the usual majorities
In Pennsylvania Samuel W Penny
packer rep was elected governor by
a plurality estimated at more than
150000 while the legislature is over
whelmingly republican The demo
crats elected two and possibly three
of the thirty two congressmen
The indications in New Hampshire
are that Nahem S Bachelder re
publican was elected over Henry F
Hollis democrat by a plurality of at
least 10000 There was a heavy
shrinkage from the vote of two years
ago The legislature is republican in
both branches by large majorities en
suring a republican successor to Sen
ator Gallinger who will probably suc
ceed himself
In Maryland the election was only
for congressmen the republicans elect
ing four of the six members
Virginias election was confined to
congressmen and the returns indicate
that the democrats have elected nine
of the ten with one district doubtful
The democratic majority in North
Carolina is estimated to be about 63
000 with a solid democratic delega
tion in congress and a democratic
Tennessee rolled up a democratic
majority for governor and the entire
state ticket estimated at about 37000
In New Jersey there was no change
in the present situation The demo
crats may have gained but the con
trol of the state and legislature re
mains with the republican party
In Rhode Island the democrats
have elected L F Carvin for gov
ernor but with this exception the re
publican state ticket will go through
The legislature is republican
Indications in Kansas are that the
republican state ticket has been con
ceded with eight congressmen The
legislature will be safely republican
possibly with a reduced majority
Returns from Nevada point to a
fusion victory in the state
NEW YORK Congressman Over
street of Indiana secretary of the re
publican congressional committee said
at noon that the republicans would
have in the next house of representa
tives at least 206 members probably
208 and possibly several more Re
publican gains he said were reported
today from Colorado and republicans
in the Eighth Tennesse Ninth Vir
ginia and Seventh Alabama were
claiming victory With 206 members
the republicans will have a majority
of 26 with 20S a majority of 30
DES MOINES Fuller returns place
the republican plurality of the state
ticket a little above 70000 The plu
rality of P B Birdsall who will suc
ceed Speaker Henderson from the
Third district is 5255 and that of
M J Wade in the second district the
only democratic congressman elected
is 1140
The Iowa congressional delegates
will be First Thomas Hedge rep
Second M J Wade dem Third
B P Birdsall rep Fourth G N
Haugen rep Fifth R G Cousins
rep Sixth John F Laoey rep
Seventh J A T Hull rep Eighth
W P Hepburn rep Ninth W I
Smith rep Tenth J P Conner
rep Eleventh Lot Thomas rep
CHICAGO Practically complete re
turns from Cook county give the re
publicans the entire counfy ticket
with the exception of sheriff and four
county commissioners Healy the re
publican candidate for sheriff was de
feated by Barrett democrat by over
7500 plurality In the congressional
district Lorimer and Boutell were
elected while Madden was defeated
by Marion Emerich
ST PAUL With the receipt of
more nearly complete returns the ma
jority of Governor Van Sant assumes
tremendous proportions It is at least
50000 and may go as high as 75000
a record breaking majority in Minne
sota for a gubernatorial candFdatc
The governor has apparently run
considerably ahead of the balance of
the state ticket
TOPEKA Returns have been re
ceived from every part of the state
and they indicate the election of W
J Bailey and the entire republican
ticket by about 35000 plurality The
republicans have elected every mem
ber of congress and over ninety mem
bers of the legislature
COLUMBUS O Chairman Dick at
republican headquarters had complete
returns from eighty six of the eighty
eight Ohio counties showing a repub
lican plurality for state candidates of
90087 The two counties not heard
from are Putnam and Noble The
former have a democratic plurality of
1451 and the latter a republican plur
ality of 1451 and the latter a repub
licanp lurality of 751 last year
MILWAUKEE Belated returns in
crease La Follettes plurality the lat
est estimate being 50000
As near as can be figured out the
next legislrture will be made up about
as follows Assembly 75 republicans
and 25 democrats senate 31 repub
licans and 20 democrats
From the best reports obtainable
the legislature seems to stand on joint
ballot Democrats 53 republicans
47 Of the democratic representa
tives fourteen are from Arapahoe
county and their seats will be con
tested by the republicans on the
ground of frauds in registration and
at the election
FARGO N D North Dakota has
gone republican by about the usual
majority although Governor White
rep who was a candidate to suc
ceed himself ran behind the balance
of the state ticket The republican
state committee however estimates
that his majority will be from 7 to 8
000 North Dakota elects two con
gressman at large this year and both
of these are republicans
SEATTLE Yvash The democrats
concede the election of the three con
gressmen at large by an average ma
jority of 9000 The republicans will
have a majority of thirty on joint
ballot in the legislature
SIOUX FALLS S D Reports from
thirty seven out of fifty three counties
in the state give the republican con
gressional ticket a plurality of 19666
The remaining counties will increase
this by 2000 The republican have
elected alll but six or eight members
of the state legislature
BOSTON Lieut Gov John L Bates
of Boston was elected governor by the
republicans in the state election today
defeating William A Gaston the dem
ocratic candidate by 37439 plurality
the vote being Bates rep 195961
Gaston dem 15S4S2 The state leg
islature remains unchanged the sen
ate standing according to the late re
turns 3 republicans and 9 democrats
and the house 155 republicans S2 dem
ocrats and 3 socialists
Anna Goulds Husband No Longer
Member of French Chamber
PARIS After an exciting debate
the Chamber of Deputies on Friday
by 277 to 235 votes invalidated the
election of Count Boni de Castellane
as a member of the house
The question came up when the
committee on contested elections pre
sented its report without recommen
dation leaving the chamber to pass
on the question
Emile Chauvin made a bitter at
tack on Count de Castellane declar
ing he had been guilty of irregular
ities and saying that the count had
accused his opponent of being of Ger
man descent and a Dreyfusard
In order to warm the enthusiasm of
his partisans the count he said had
abandoned all reserve and through his
agent gave unlimited credit in hotels
inns and drinking places until the dis
trict was gay with fetes and merri
ment during the campaign
The count replied in vehement
tones and indignantly repudiated the
accusations of M Chauvin which he
declared were an attack upon the in
tegrity and honesty of his constitu
Cholera Rife in Manila
MANILA Cholera continues to be
intermittent in different parts of the
archipelago The recorded total of
cases is 105000 and of deaths 67000
The actual number of cases exceeds
the recorded number by 20 per cent
Practically Complete Returns from the
Congressional Districts Show Heavy
Republican Gains Thompson Con
gratulates Gov Mickey
OMAHA The World Herald says
Complete returns from all but one
county and sixty five scattering pre
cincts place Mickeys majority for gov
ernor at 5533 The vote stands Mick
ey 94521 Thompson S89SS The one
county unreported is Mcpherson
which in 1900 cast fifty four votes for
Poynter and sixty nine for Dietrich
Estimating that the sixty five pre
cincts will cast approximately 7000
votes and dividing these on tho basis
of 3600 for Mickey and 3400 for
Thompson and figuring McPherson
the same as two years ago the total
vote for governor will be just about
190000 of which Mickey will have
about 98100 and Thompson 92300
making the formers plurality 5700
Practically complete returns from
the congressional districts show heavy
republican gains in all districts but
the Second In the First Burkett
wins over Hanks by a majority of 5
228 as compared with a majority of
2901 in 1900
In the Third Robinsons majority of
175 over Hays in 1900 is converted
into an adverse majority of 709 for
McCarthy In tho Fourth where
Stark defeated Pope bv a majority of
597 in 1900 that veteran campaigner
is laid low by the silver tongued Hin
shaw who has a majority of 2644
In the Fifth where Shallenberger de
feated Morlan by 409 votes in 1900
the face of the returns gives Norris a
majority over Shallenberger of 128
In the Sixth Moses Kinkaid defeats
Patrick Barry by a majority of 2694
after having been defeated by Ne
ville in 1900 by a majority of 209
These figures show a net republican
gain in majorities of almost 10000 in
the five districts though both republi
can and fusion candidates poll a small
er vote than in 1900
Thompson sent the following tele
gram to Hon J H Mickey
Accept congratulations and my
best wishes W H THOMPSON
OSCEOLA Governor elect John H
Mickey replied to Hon W H Thomp
sons telegram as follows
Your congratulations received and
I thank you for your warm expres
sion of kindness and sincerely hope
our cordial relations may continue
LINCOLN Governor elect Mickey
was in Lincoln Friday and put in some
time visiting the state officers He j
called on Governor Savage and talkpd
some time with him concerning the
duties of the office intimating that he
would be thankful for any pointers or
suggestions made to him
I havent much to say concerning
the result said Mr Mickey Of
course I feel gratified at it and am
deeply thankful to the people for their
expression of confidence It is a little
early to ask me to outline a policy
for the truth is that I have been so
busy in the campaign that I have had
no time to give any tnought to a pol
icy As to the likelihood of sweeping
changes in state institutions I am not
prepared to indicate what may occur
but I will say that I know of some
places in wnich there will be nc
changes effected by me
Individual Operators Agree to Accept
Finding of Commission
WASHINGTON Colonel Carroll D
Wright and General John M Wilson
members of the anthracite coal strike
commission had a brief interview
with the president Friday
They reported that the individual
operators in the anthracite region had
agreed by abide by the findings of the
commission and had so notified Judge
Gray the chairman
President Roosevelt was particu
larly pleased at this information as
it tended materially to simplify the
problem which the commission has to j
The commissioners explained in
some detail their work up to this time
The president expressed his gratifica
tion that the work had been satisfac
tory to those engaged in it
Here Was a Rich Editor
ST PAUL Minn A Clinton la
dispatch to the Dispatch Monday says
Last night a burglar entered the res
idence of Editor C A Fay took a pis
tol from under Fays head struck a
match lighted the gas covered Fay
and his wife with the gun and com
pelled them to give up money and
diamonds valued at 1300 The rob
ber was cool and joked with his vic
tims No clue
Senator Spooner to Ask Official Inves
tigation of Porto Rico Election
MADISON Wis Senator John C
Spooner has decided to call President
Roosevelts attention to the reports
of political irregularities or outrages
in Porto Rico and will probably ask
that an official investigation benad
Senator Spooner left for w ig
ton Sunday night having been called
by the president for a conference on
the coming message to congress
Colonel George W Bird of this city
father of Hobart S Bird editor of the
San Juan News persuaded the senator
to take the matter up He laid before
him evidence tending to prove that
certain prominent members oh fed
eral party were being maliciouSi per
secuted and prosecuted for their polit
ical activity
It is alleged that during the cam
paign that ended last Tuesday a cer
tain element of the party opposing
the federalists resorted to every means
of intimidation and in some instances
even to physical violence to break up
their political metings and suppress
their political activity It is also al
leged that threats were freely made
against the lives of the federalists
should they have the temerity to go
to the polls and attempt to vote
Rabbi Fruskopf Criticises His Note to
the European Powers
seph Kruskopf D D of the Reform
Congregational Keneseth Israel a lead
ing Hebrew of this city and one of
the best known Hebrew clergymen in
the east Sunday delivered a sermon
entitled Secretary Hay and the Rou
manian Jew in which he criticised
tho note sent by the secretary to the
European powers on the question of
the Roumanian Jews Dr Krauskopf
said three months have passed since
the note was issued and the results
that were anticipated have not yet
come to pass Continuing he said in
Mjr want of faith in the success of
the laudable and well intentioned effort
on the part of our honored secretary
was based on the note itself The lar
ger part of the note which I call tho
self protective I felt from the start
invited failure for the United States
and disappointment for the Roumanian
Men High in Russian Councils Ac
cused of Being in Plot
SOFIA Bulgaria A sensation was
created Friday by the publication of
alleged fac similes of correspondence
relating to the organization of plots
against the late Premier Stambuloff
and the government resulting in the
assassination of M Stambuloff and
two other members of his ministry
July 15 1S95
Friends of Michael Stavreff alias
Halju who was found guilty October
24 of the premiers murder and was
sentenced to be hanged are responsi
ble for their publication They claim
that Stavreff was only a tool
According to the correspondence
M Ludkonsoff the present minister
of the interior is alleged to be direct
ly responsible for the organization of
the plot and holders of important
posts under the present government
are implicated
Officially Quesada Knows Nothing of
Those Cubnn Children
WASHINGTON So far as present
intentions go it is not the intention
of Senor Quesada the Cuban minister
to take any action in connection with
the refusal of the New York immigra
tion officials to permit the admission
into the United States of the eleven
Cuban children from Santiago who
were to be sent to a school at Point
Loma Cal
As a matter of fact the case has
not come before Minister Quesada in
any official form whatever but he has
interested himself in the welfare of
the children to the extent of instruct
ing the Cuban consul at New York to
see that they were properly cared for
pending the disposition of the ques
tion of their admission to this country
Rumor Mercer win contest i
WASHINGTON There is a rumor J
on newspaper row that Mercer will j
contest the right of Gilbert M Hit
cock to represent the Second Nebraska
district Congressman John Over
steet secretary of the national repub
lican congressional committee who is
in the city stated that he heard such
a rumor but could not vouch for its
Leaves Little in England
LONDON The estate in Great
Britain of John W Mackay has been
sworn to at 76S5
Mr Mackays will is a brief docu
ment declaring all his estate to be
community property of his wife and
himself and bequeathing everything
to his son Clarence
jCUDiiiiriTnwirffW in i rrirf
A dying patient recovers through t
the interposition of a humble German
Chicago Nov 15
Some weeks ago Dr G a very
reputable and widely known physi
cian living on C Street was call
ed to attend a very complicated case
of Rheumatism Upon arriving at tho
house ho found a man about forty
years of age lying In a prostrated
and serious condition with his wholo
framo dang ously affected with tlio
painful dlv -se He prescribed for
tho patltf but tho man continued to
grow wooC and on Sunday evening
he was found to bo In a very alarm
ing condition Tho knees and elbows
and larger joints were greatly Inflam
ed and could not bo moved It was
only with extreme difficulty that tho
patient could be turned in bed with
the aid of three or four persons Tho
weight of tho clothing was so painful
that means had to be adopted to keep
it from the patients body
The doctor saw that his nsslstanco
would be of no avail and left tho
house the members of the family
following him to tho door weeping
Almost Immediately the grief stricken
ones were addressed by an humblo
German He had heard of the despair
of the family and now asked them to
try his remedy and accordingly
brought forth a bottle of St Jacobs
Oil The poor wife applied this s
edy The first application eased tho
patient very much after a few hours
they used it agair and wonder of
wonders the pain vanished entirely
Every subsequent Application improv
ed the patient and in two days ho
was well and out When the doctor
called a few days after ho was in
deed surprised
Honesty of purpose is a good sub
stitute for money in an undertaking
The old saying that brag is a good
Llttlo Colds noglocted thousands of
lives sacrificed overy yonr Dr Woods
Norwny Pino Syrup cures little colds euros
big colds too down to tho very vorgo of
l tW5 MttijStiwj
nrrrir f
If yon Ilvo irtthln TOO miles of Mlnne
apolLi If further send Wcta cut ttl
erayr cmiccuc
uu uub uuu cenu 10 us and ws
win Band you tula CIO IIUTLIQ
OTOTE by freight COD tub
joct to examination You can
examine ltatyourfrelghtdepot
and If found perfectly Batlsfao
tory exactly as represented
onoof tho hendsomost heating
stoves yOuoTer eawand equal
to heaters that retail atttLoo
pay thafrdifhtasrenS G0
our Special OSfcr Price 00 it I
and charges If 97cta is sent
with order Thestovo weighs
175 lb and tho freight will
ftverapro 60 to 73 cents foi
ench wo miles Our 8847
una anything wood hard
coal soft coalcoko or cobs i
Krcatly Improved for this
Bcason latest rtjio torlSQZ
high 23x21 Inches on bottom lG lnch Are pot 0 lncb
pipe mounted wltli lgaugo smooth steel draw heavy
cast Iron Oro pot has flunking and dumping center
frrato for coal dsublo circular wood rrato constructed
co tho Ore can be kept under complete control large
ash pan largo feeddoors oshpltdoors swing on double
hinge check drafts In feed doors Iieautlf inly nnlahod
fancy nickel mountings and ornamentations highly
poliihcd cad heavily nickel plated foot rails nickel
name plate top ring hinge pins and knobs heavy
nickel bands and mounting fancy nickel plated anij
ornamented top urn Ery Kioto cotrred Ijt a 11I5MMJ
Guarantee and safe clellvrry fttiarsntrrd Made from tho
best quality of heavy Bhcetctcel pig iron and nlckei
positively tho handsomest beit burning best heating
most economical and durablo I51g Iarlor Heater made
If you dont ilndthid Btovo tho equal of those sold at
double tho prise return it to us at ourexpenso and we
will return any money sont us Order today WritO
for freo Btovo Catalogue Address
IVI IZI SIccllet Av3 Minneapolis BlaoJ
332 sua
IV L Douglas shoes arc the standard of the world
W L Poazlas mxtle arl sold more mens Good
year Welt Hand SimtoI Proccsw hoes In Hie first
six months of 1902 than any other manufacturer
f1fl fifjn KEW1RD will UpaM to anyone who
CD 1 UiUUU r n disprove this statement
10JO J I 5
lttG monthi 1 UtCnonlBt jO4U0l
Best imported ani American leathers Heyts
Patent Calf Enamel Box Caif Calf Vici Kid Corona
Colt Nat Kangaroo 1ast Color Eyelets used
Cnutinn Ths froimine havjWT DOUGLAS
vJlluu name and yrice stamped on bottom
JShoea hy mail 2Cr extra Mux Catalog free
i b JU iCTfe
Slae WaS 1
ti3ti aBe7 ua wi a
Bala a t louh the azn rotcctd by
The kr t oiel clothing in it
wrul Warranted
Win sot crick ar tl
ie t slil rough work arl
wcater tuiecrnulnc It
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