The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 07, 1902, Image 5

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MlHtaicns Ma do at the Mint
John Erhard of Philadelphia has a
oln AaifiA 1891 which han a liesfl m
-either 3tdo shewing thit mistakes ato
i jip evti it ti mint Every fin
ish d coin passes through the hands- cf
a groat many cypnrs and there is jlt
tle chance of an Inipisrfcc pl jco escap
ing this scrutiny There ar sail to
bo many 3f eiM In circulation how
ever No particular value is attached
to the 101I8 outside 0 their rarity us
WiiteP Snpply for Tumplco
English engineers are making sur
veys and plans of Tampico and the
eurroundiug country with a view of
supplying the town with drinking wa
ter and a complete system of sewer
age Should these works be carried
out there will be an excellent opening
for the sale of plumbing supplies At
present there is no plumbing estab
lishment in the port
Typhoid Itato nnl Pnro Water
In Vienna the typhoid rate or i2f
deaths to 10000 inhabitants fell to i
after a pure water supply was ol
tained In Dantzig the mortality fell
from 10 per 10000 to 15 In Munich
after the introduction of a good water
supply and proper sewerage the rate
fell from 21 per 10000 to C3 and in
Boston from 174 to 56
Dust at Sen
Great quantities of dust collect on
the decks of vessels at sea no matter
if they are swept twice or thrice a day
Most of It too is found on sailing ves
sels The Inference is that the sails
act as dust collectors- arresting the
particles which drift in the air
A Dangerous Month
This is tint month of coughs colds and acute
catarrh Do you catch colli easily Find your
self hoarse with a tickling in your throat ami
an nunuyiiiK cough at night Tlion you should
always havo handy a bottle of Ballards Horo
hound Syrup J A Anderson 351 West 5th St
Salt Lako City writes Wo use Ballards
Ilorohonnd Syrup for coughs and colds It gives
immediate relief Wo know is tho best remedy
for those troubles I writo this to induco other
peoplo to try this pleasantand eflicicnt remedy
25c 50c and 100 at A McMillms
A Good Thing
German Syrup is the special proscription of
Dr ABoscheo a celebrated German Physician
and is acknowledged to bo one of tho most fortun
ate dii covories in medicine It quickly cures
coughs colds and lung troubles of tho severest
nature removing the cause of tho afTection and
leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi
tion It is not an experimental medicine but
has stood tho test of years giving satisfaction
in every caso which its rapidly increasing sale
every soason confirms Two million bottles sold
annually Boschees Gorman Svrup was intro
duced in the United States 1868 and is now sold
in every town and village in tho civilized world
Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough
Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health tho
home new books and on work
about the farm and garden
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the New York
Sun and special cable of the New
York World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout tho county
Subscribe for The Tribune and
The Weekly Inter Ocean one year
both papers for S140
We are still head
quarters for heating
stoves We have the
well known Beckwith
Round Oak
Radiant Home
and several other good
heaters in all sizes
If you need a heater
The assortment i s
complete and you can
get just what you
want We also have
a nice line of steel
ranges andcookstoves
H P Waite
Good News For all Who Suffer With
Rheumatism Free
To nil who snfiYr with rheumatism I
will gladly send free tho wonderful story
of how mi mother was cured after j ears
of suffering together with tho most
elnbornte treatise on rheumatism ever
No matter what your form of rheuma
tism is whether acute chronic muscu
lar inflammatory deformant sciatic
neuralgia gout lumbago etc n ma
how many doctors have failed in
your case no matter how mnny socalled
sure cures you havo tried I want you
to write to me aud let me tell you how
my mother was cured
I am neither a doctor nor a professor
simply a plain man of business but
I havo a cure for rheumatism and I
want to tell everyone who suffers with
rheumatism about it I wish to be
clearly understood and trust lhat all
who sillier with this tenible disease
however apparently beyond tho reach
of euro will write to me this day and I
will send you by return mail this work
of mine I appeal especially to the
chronically ill who are wearied and
discou rayed with doctoring and to those
who have been cast aside as incurable
All you have thought about rheumatism
may be wrong Let me tell you our ex
perience Surely if you have rheuma
tisin or have a suffering friend it will
pay you to investigate my offer anyway
and prove for yourself the claims I make
Send me your address today a postal
card will do and 1 will mail you this
wonderful story I f you have any
friends suffering with rheumatism no
matter where located send me their ad
dress and I will mail them a copy M
address in Victor Rainbolt Bloomfield
Best Liniment on Earth
I M McHany Greenville Tex writes Nov
2d1000 I had rheumatism last winter wau
down in bed s ix weeks tried everything but
got no relief till a friend gavo mo a part of a
bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment I used it
nnd got two moro bottles It cured me and I
havent felt any rheumatism since I can recom
mend Snow Liniment to bo tho best liniment
on earth for rheumatism For rheumatic
sciatic or neuralgic pains rub in Ballards
Snow Liniment you will not suffer long but
will bo gratified with a speedy and effective
cure 23c 50c and 100 at A McMillens
II C Lett of McCook was a business
visitor Monday
GG Eisenhart was in McCook Wed
nesday between trains
Miss Blanch Benedict began teaching
in district 16 Monday
Sarah Williams spent Sunday with
her parents in Trenton
Mrs Charles Crews is enjoying a visit
from her sister Mrs VanBuskirk of
Mrs E Jackson of Highland depart
parted for Uyo Saturday to join her
Locue B Burton of Trenton is spend
ing a few days visiting his sister Miss
Lolla at this place
A D King of Fort Leavensworth
Kansas came up Sunday to visit his
daughter Miss Pearl
M C Reynolds departed Tuesday
morning for Wisconsin for an eighteen
days visit at his old home
Mr II Lehman of McCook came up
Saturday morning to attend the funeral
of his nephew James Lehman Elder
Frank Gessleman has been driving the
mail re ute the last few days between here
and Hayes Center for D M Benedict
Mrs Helen Dinsmore of Lincoln who
has been visiting her sister Mrs N L
Wemple returned home Tuesday morn
The telephone boys are putting in the
poles between hero and McCook and ex
pect to have the phone up within about
thirty days
Rev Thomas Darnell delivered an
address at the Presbyterian church Sun
day morning and at the Methodist
Sunday evening
Bruce Vastine came up from Calla
way Saturday night where he is work
ing in a drug store He returned Wed
nesday morning
Mrs Charles Baldwin and family of
Iowa who havo been visiting his bro
thers William and Galen Baldwin and
families returned to Iowa Friday night
The Union Social given in the bank
building Holloween was a great
and the proceeds amounted to over S2G
The features provided for up stairs
were the Gipsy campmuseum and candy
booths Ghosts were in great promin
ence The music consisted of singing
by the ghost choir
James Lehman Elder a nephew of our
townsman Henry Lehman died at the
Lehman home the 1st instnf consump
tion The young man was 2S years old
and came to this place a year ago last
May with the hope that this climate
would benefit his health After a resi
dence here of one year he returned to his
homo at Chambersberg Pennsylvania
only to find that ho could not endure
that climate and he returned to Culbert
son six weeks ago but the dread disease
was so far advanced that there was but
little hope for recovery During his resi
dence here of a year he endeared himself
to a large circle of friends by his kind
and gentle disposition He was a mem
ber of tho Presbyterian church and also
a member of the Culbertson lodge D of
H The funeral was attended by a large
concourse of citizens and the services
were conducted bv Kv HW Rummell
of the M E Church and Rev G L
Snyder of the Baptist church Beauti
ful floral tributes from the lodge and
his more intimate friends covered the
casket Mrs Ella Elder mother of the
deceased who accompanied her son to
this place was constantly with him dur
ing his illness and did all that a loving
mother could do to comfort and alleviate
the sufferings of her dying boy The
deepest sympathy of the commnnity is
with the mother in her bereavement
Beautiful Clear Skies
Herbino exerts a direct influence on the bow
els liver and kidneys purifying and strengthen
ing tlieso organs and maintaining them in a
normal condition of health thus removing a
common cause of yellow motliy greay skin
and more or less of pimples blotches and black
heads iOc at A McMillens
J mn
Two IleuMonM Why Sunday Alxvaya
Appeal to the Children
On u iekday mornings father had
gone to work when you came down
stairs but on Sunday mornings when
vou awoke a trifle earlier if anything
Father a little louder
Then a sleepy Yes
We want to get up
It isnt time yet You children go to
You waited men
Father is it iuieyet
No You Ciiiluivn lie still
So you and Lizbeth wideawake
whispered together and then to while
away the time while father slept you
played Indian which required two lit
j tie yells from you to begin with when
the Indian You arrived in your war-
paint and two big yells from Lizbeth
to end with when the Paleface She
was being scalped
Then father said it was no use
aud mother took a hand You were
quiet after that but it was yawn ly
ing there with the sun so high You
listened Not a sound came from fa
ther and mothers room You rose cau
tiously you and Lizbeth in your little
bare feet You stole softly across the
floor The door was a crack open so
you pecked in your face even with the
knob and Lizbeths just below And
then at one and the same instant you
both said Boo and grinned and the
harder you grinned the harder father
tried not to laugh which was a sign
that you could scramble Into bed with
him you on one side and Lizbeth on
the other cuddling down close while
mother went to see about breakfast
It was very strange but while it had
been so hard to drowse in your own
bed the moment you were In fathers
you did not want to get up at all In
deed it was father who wanted to get
up first and it was you who cried that
it was not time
Weekdays were always best for most
things but for two reasons Sunday
was the best day of all One reason
was Sunday dinner The other was fa
ther Harpers Magazine
Royal Emlilems AVItliont Which the
Emperor Could Not Rule
The Japanese royal emblems consist
of a copper mirror symbolic of knowl
edge a steel sword symbolizing cour
age and agate jewels representing
mercy The story of their origin was
told thus by a Japanese official
The sun goddess became angry with
the earth and withdrew into a cave
plunging everything into darkness
The other deities could not induce her
to come out so began to make a noise
as of great rejoicing which aroused
the curiosity of the irate goddess She
finally came to the mouth of the cave
to learn the cause of the uproar and
was told that they had found a more
beautiful goddess than herself The
sun goddess came out then demand
ing to see her rival and the crafty dei
ties held the mirror before her which
drove all her sulkiness away
The sword was taken by Susenoo
the brother of the sun goddess from
the tail of an eight headed serpent
that had been annually devouring a
beautiful girl Susonoo placed eight
great tubs of wine in his way and when
he was sleeping killed him and took
the sword as a trophy
The sword is kept in an apartment
near the imperial bedchamber and
called the R om of the Sword The
jewels have also a room to themselves
j and the mirror is in charge of a priest
I ess The regalia have the highest sig
nificance in the eyes of tho people and
it is held that no emperor can possibly
rule without the three virtues which
they represent He must moreover
hold the actual tokens and in the
perial code it is enjoined that on the
death of the sovereign his heir must
take possession of them
The Basin of an Apple
One end of the apple bears the name
of basin and contains the remnants
of the blossom sometimes called the
eye of the fruit This part of the apple
is deep in some varieties and shallow
and open in others This is the weak
est point in the whole apple as con
cerns the question of the keeping qual
ity of the fruit If the basin is shallow
and the canal to the core firmly closed
there is much less likelihood of tho
fruit decaying than when it is deep
and the evident opening connects the
center of the fruit with the surface
As It Rcnlly Was
Lay on Macduff cried Macbeth
Macduff was motionless
Whatll be the matter noo said
Macbeth Dinna ye ken thats the
I was na sure said Macduff
whether ye were just recht in yer
grammar I thought ye meant lie on
an that I wadua stand but its all
recht noo
And the conflict began Toledo Bee
QtiicIc Promotion
I hear your brother is an assistant
I Ye indeed And do you know he
proved himself so clever that theyve
I passed him over the first and second
assistantships and made him third as
sistant right off New York World
Never Still
Mrs Naggem And do you love me
Naggem wearily I dont know Ive
never had the chance San Francisco
No one likes to be reminded that
there is another side to the story
Atchison Globe
One does not have to fall asleep to
dream New York News
w i
A veirctable liquid for trovernincr f
equalizing the flow of womens menses p
which occur once in every lunar month 1
Female IRLegulator
is the essential quality of powerful herbs
It is a concentrated essence best adapted
for womens delicate organism and put in
such form that it is always properly
assimilated and taken into the system
Stoppages suppression painful or other
irregularity of the menses and sickly flows
are corrected aud cured by the regular
use of this superior emmenagogue
Menstruation or periodic flows neces
sitate a breaking down of cells lining the
mucous membrane and a reconstruction
after every sickness which is accompa
nied with marked congestion and loss of
blood Such changes are very apt to pro
duce chronic catarrh Leucorrhea or
Whites is the result of these irritating dis
charges Regulator cures these troubles
and restores to perfect health the patient
who suffered the debilitating losses
Buy of druggists 100 per bottle
Our illustrated book mailed free
Perfect Heath for Women
The 8st R mecly For Croup
From tho Atchifcon Kan Daily Globe
This is tho season when the woman who known
tho host remedies for croup is in demand in
every neighborhood One of tho most terrible
thing in tho world is to bo awakened in tho
middle of tho night by a whoop from one of tho
children The croup remedies are almost sure
to bo lot in case of croup as a revolver is sure
to bo lost in enso of burglars Thero used to bo
an old fashioned romedy for croup known as
hivo syrup and tolu but some modern mothers
say that Chamberlains Cough Remedy is bet
ter and does not cost so much It causes the
patient to throw up tho phlegm quicker and
gives relief in a shorter time Give this remedy
as soon as tho croupy Cough appears aud it will
prevent tho attack It never fails and i pleas
ant and safe to take For sale by McConnell
For a Bad Cold
If you have a bad cold you need a good reli
able medicine like Chamberlains Cough Rem
edy to loosen and relievo it and to allay tho
irritation nnd inflammation of the throat and
lungs For sale by McConnell Berry
Liver Pills
Thats what you need some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure con
stipation and biliousness
Gently laxative
50 cts or Druggists or p
All druggists
Want s our mmsstarlie r lward a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
11 n 1 iii r
A Thanksgiving Dinner
Heavy eating is usually the lirst cause of in
digestion Repeated attacks inflame tho mu
cus membranes lining tho stomach expose the
nerves of the stomach producing a swelling
after eating heartburn headache tour risings
and finalb catarrh of tho stomach Kodol re
lieves the inflammation protects the nerves and
cures tho catarrh Kodol cures indigestion
djspepsia all stomach troubles by cleansing
and sweetening the glands of the stomach
McConnell fc Berry
sn y i
luarn i
r B
I have used Ayers Hair Vigor
for a great many years and al
though I am past eighty years of
g age yet I have not a grav hair in
ffl my head
Geo Yellott lowson Aid
We mean all that rich
dark color your hair used
to have If its gray now
no matter for Ayers
Hair Vigor always re
stores color to gray hair
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
long and it stops falling
of the hair too
5103 a bottle All druggists
If your dm wist cannot supply you
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle I5e sure and en o the name
of your nearest express olliee Address
J C AYElt CO Lowell Mass
PVI J Sj iVJ - jypT
Tribune Cluobing List
For convenience of readers of The Tribune
we lune made arranainietits with the following
nwe papers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with The Tribcxe at
t following verv low prices WITH
Detroit Free Pre s -1 00 1 M
Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00
Prairie Farmer 100 125
hicago Inter Ocean 100 135
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00 1 M
New York Tribune 1 00 1 25
Demorests Magazine 100 175
Toledo Blade 100 125
Nebraska Farmer 100 165
Iowa Homestead 100 125
Lincoln Journal 100 175
Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50
New York World 100 1 65
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 180
St Louis Republic 100 1 75
Kansas City Star 25 120
Farm and Home 100 120
Word and Works 1 00 1 70
Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50
-renewals 1 SO
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
paper3 published at reduced rates
The Teibiwe McCook Xeb
BU rtSWbfW QSf
Sfai JYo tuHC
Come at once and see
our New Stock of
Faff and Winter Goods
Assortment is better than we have
ever been able to offer
New Suits for Men and Boys
New Overcoats for Men and Boys
New Suits for Ladies
New Coats and Jackets for Ladies and
New Furs
New Dress Goods
New Underwear
New Line of Shoes for all
Our Prices are always the lowest quality con
Send us Your Grocery Orders
1 W
The Best
tfefe wei
Swift Company j
Chicago Kansas Ov OinahaSUxuis S Joseph St Paul -
S yE Premium
S feflanisBacon j
lnThe Market
in Its Season
All The Time
3 O S2 S
Hn T1V sTTi casasr WJSfe
rtSQsitbS7t n
Worm Destroyer
Whites Cream Vermifuge not only kills
worms bat removes the mnens and slime in
which they build their nests it brine and
quickly a healthy condition of the body where
worms cannot exit ic at A McMillens
Stepped Against a Hot Stove
A child of Mrs Geo T Benson when settinc
his usual Saturday nfaht bath stepped back
ncainta hot stove which burned him vfrelj
The child was in great agony and his mother
could do nothing to pacify him Rememberim
that she had a bottle of Chamberlain- Pain
Balm in the house she thought she would trj it
In less than half an hour after applying it the
child was quiet and asleep and in less than two
weeks was well Mr Benson is a well known
resident of Kellar Va Pain Balm Is an anti
septic liniment and especially valuable for
burns cuts bruises and sprains For sale by
M cConnell Berry
If you are bilious and seeking advisers
Take DeWitts Little Early Risers
Just before going to bed
Yon will find on the morrow
You aro rid of your sorrow
Thats all just enough said
These famous pills do not gripe but move the
bowels gently and easily cleansing the liver
Their tonic effect gives strength to the glands
preventing a return of the disorder McConnell
For sick headache try Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets they will ward of an attack
if taken in time McConnell Sc Berry
One Minute Cough Our-
I the my harmless ciimxIi can tin gives
quick rIief Cures Coughs Colds Cronp liron
chiti Whooping Contdi Pneumonia A hnia
LaGrippe and all Throat Chest ar H nm
trouble- I gut soaked by rain f ay G rtnule
E Fenner Mnncie Iiidaridcontracf tl j r
cold and cough I failed rapidly lost ti Ua
My druggi t rncomineuded One Cingli
Care The flrt bottle brought relief
cured irif I am back to ms old Ktipl t I- ibs
One Minuto Cmgh Curo tho j I rm re
lieves thf rough at oncp draws out ii fltn ntinn
cures cronp An ideal renndy for cbiidrea
McConnell Berry
Cured of Piles After40 Years
Mr C IIany of Gf neva Ohio had tlw piles
for forty Doctors and dollars cop Id do
him no lasting gocd DeWitts Witch Hazel
Salve cured him permanently Invaluable for
cuts burns bruiessprains lacerationeczeina
tetter alt rheum and all other fckin disease
Look for thf name DeWitt on tf package all
others are cheap worthless counterfeits Mc
Connell Berry
Dont Be itooledi
Take tbe genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
in bulk Accept no AubstI
m6oimotc3imx tute Ask your druzgLrt