I 1 v n The Baby good comfortable shoes His Needs little feet should not be neglected Too many shoes are sold wholly on their looks with no thought about the fit or comfort of the foot Our baby shoes are bought direct from factory manufactur ing an exclusive line for the little feet Making this line their whole study places us in a position to give our trade a shoe that is not only a wonder in style and finish but is made from the best material and on the correct lasts to fit the baby foot If you will be kind enough to call we will be glad to show you not only the finest but the cheapest line of baby footwear in the city THE BEE HIVE McCOOK NEB f5h Mz rTV Mr tgfr fffrr iffirnftf j J wjKiijicajjpjqji sfpngpnagjc igngircfjr igngngpQjc aanjrycayca vgcajgnrycafpll V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT tt Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 f w w V FRANKLIN THR II A C EBERT Cashier J CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD AVlSrflr 3Br ytr Tir Mi lftf fer fr L ifjnffoirir -Mr r iWrA i -yr Wlh W Ua O W Ban m v pVtTTITTTFI FIRST I IMMVWMMttlMAWWWMW fffSSS I M NATIONAL- - ooo Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 cx GEO HQCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director F B Burgess umber and Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Gura Digests what you eat Do Good It Pays A Chicago man has observed that Good deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the latter are -worthless Act kindly and gently show sympathy and lend a helping hand You cant possibly lose by it Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement better than substantial help There are persons in this community who might truthfully say My good friend cheer up A few doses of Cham berlains Cough Remedy will rid you of that cold and there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine It al ways cures I know it for it has helped out many a time Sold by McConnell Berry Cut this out and take it to McConnell Berrys drug store and get a free sample of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physic They cleanse and invigorate the stom ach improve the appetite and regulate the bowels Begular size 25c per box Worm Destroyer Whites Cream Vermifuge not only kill the worms but removes the mucous and slime in which they build their nests It quickly brings a healthy condition of the body -where worms cannot exist 25c at A McMillens REMARKABLE LAKE A Body of Water With a Roof of SolidlUed Salt A lake witi a salt roof Isnt frozen Bait and it Isnt underground On the i contrary this remarkable lake may be seen at any time during the year fully exposed being even at Its best when the sun is shining directly upon it This wonderful body of water is one of the saltest of the salt lakes and is sit uated near Obdorsk Siberia The lake is nine miles wide and seventeen long and within the memory of man was not entirely roofed over by the salt de posit Originally evaporation played the most prominent part in coating the lake over with salt but at the present time the salt springs which surround it are adding fast to the thickness of the crust In the long ago rapid evaporation of the lakes waters left great salt crys tals tloating on the surface In course of time these caked together Thus the waters were finally entirely covered In 1878 the lake found an underground outlet Into the river Obi which low ered its surface about three feet The ealt crust was so thick however that it retained its old level and now pre sents the curious spectacle of a salt roofed lake The salt coat Increases six inches in thickness every year The many islands with wuicu tue laue is studded are said to act as braces and to help keep the arched salt crust in position Unique Hotel Unlet Following are the rules and regula tions posted in a certain hotel in Illi nois Board 50 cents per square foot meals extra breakfast at G supper at 7 Guests are requested not to speak to the dumb waiter guests wishing to get up without being called can have self rising flour for lunch The office is convenient to all connec tions horses to hire 23 cents a day Guests wishing to do a little driving will find hammer and nails in the closet If the room gets too warm open the window and see the fire escape If you are fond of athletics and like good jumping lift the mattress and see the bed spring If the lights go out take a soda that is light enough for any man Any oue troubled with nightmare will find a halter in the barn Dont worry about paying your bill the house is supported by its founda tion Detroit Free Press Modifying It Mrs C was horrified to discover that her little seven-year-old daughter was acquiring the habit of alluding very freely to the devil and at last she told her determinedly that a repetition of the obnoxious word would bring severe punishment The child knew that her mother was in earnest so she set a seal on her lips At last she seemed to have forgotten it but one Sunday Mrs C who had been too ill to go to church asked her if she could tell what the minister had preached about in his sermon Oh yesm she answered He preached about our Lord going up into the mountain and being tempted by by by the gentleman who keeps hell She didnt intend to run any risks of being punished Francis E Wadleigh in Llppincotts They Never Imbibe The Ona Indian is deserving of a higher place than he has hitherto oc cupied in mens esteem if but for one trait He forms the almost solitary exception among aboriginal tribes in refusing to touch alcohol in any form This policy of total abstinence is rigid ly adhered to in the face of cold hun ger and illness and even during the excitement of ceremonial rites What ever his faults may be judged from the white mans standard the Ona of South America has at least the saving virtue of manliness His ideal is one of bodily prowess hardihood and en durance Scottish American Their Fate The late Dr Talraage once called on his lawyer and found two of his pa rishioners there on legal business of a private nature Ah doctor called the lawyer in greeting good morning Here are two of your flock May I ask without im pertinence if you regard them as black sheep or white I dont know as yet replied Tal mage dryly whether theyre black or white but Im certain that if they re main here long theyll be fleeced Very Sad Yes its very sad How is that Why he always held that to train a wife properly you should catch her while shes young So he did Well Well it seems -that she had the same idea about a husband and now theres a crisscross of training ideas that is simply home wrecking Chi cago Post Why He Objected But papa pleaded the million aires daughter in behalf of the poor young man she wished to marry sure ly It is no disgrace to work for a liv ing N no my dear no What I object to is being the one who is worked for it Philadelphia Bulletin Perpetnal Wigwag My wife threatens to go on the lecture platform Henpeckke My wife doesnt need a platform Philadelphia Record We have often wondered which comes first the thought in the widow ers mind of marrying again or the story on him Atchison Globe INDIANOLA Mr Berry of McCoolT filled the AI E pulpit here Sunday The Misses Adelaide and Maggie Stroff spont Inst Sunday at home Mrs Allen and Maud went up to the county seat Friday evening A son was born to Jim McClung and wife last Saturday morning WH Smith returned homo from his Kansas visit Tuesday morning The Misses Fay and Merlo Ilostetter wereHoldrego visitors Saturday Landlord Ough has sold out his inter est in the hotel to a Mr Brown from Orleans Several loads of young people attended the High school ontertainment at Bart ley last Friday evening Quite a number went up to McCook Saturday to be in attendance at the Shallonberger Norris debate Mr and Mrs J Kern and Mrs Elmer Thompson drove down to Bartley Mon day to attend the funeral of MrsEpperly Quite a number of the young people of the town met at the home of Miss Flora Hoag last Friday evening and speDt a most enjoyable time Mrs W D Mackechnie left Tuesday morning for California where she ex pects to spend several weeks The doctor accompanied her as far as McCook Out of Deaths Jaws When death seemed very near from a eercro stomach and liver trouble that I had suffored with for years writes P Mute Durham NC Dr Kings New Life Pills saved my life aud gavo me- perfect health Bust pills on earth and only 25c at McConnell Berrys drug btore LEBANON William Holt is now working in the billiard hall C H Nichols attended a Eepublican central committee meeting at McCook Saturday returning home Sunday D F Hupp and family who have been visiting in Colorado for several weeks arrived homo first of the week Among those who attended the joint debate at McCook last Saturday were William Hiersekorn Charles Nichols Frank Taggart The basket social at the Beaver Valley school house Friday night was well at tended The receipts were 3475 which goes to form a library J B Cummings shipped a carload of bogs to Omaha Wednesday morning They were raised on his farm and were beauties J B accompanied them H E Waughs father and mother and niece Miss Maud returned to their home in Iowa Monday morning after a two weeks pleasant visit with relatives in Lebanon Ed Fitzgerald and family of McCook came over last week on a combined business and pleasure trip remaining over till Monday the guest of J B Cumming Report of the Hamburg school for the month ending October 27 No days taught 20 No enrolled 16 No dropped out 3 No entered 1 days lost 40 aver age enrollment 14 days all pupils at tended 225 average attendance ll4i per cent of attendance 80 cases of tar diness 11 Those neither absent nor tardy Willie Maggie and McKinley Hiersekorn J E Boyd Teacher Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents Beautiful Clear Skies Heroine exerts a direct influence on tho bow els liver and kidneys purifying and strength ening these organs and maintaining them in a normal condition of health thus removing a common cause of yellow mothy greasy skin and more or less of pimples blotches and black heads 50c at A McMillens CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS F H Wilson was in Oberlin this week Norman Wilson is very sick south of town Mrs W O Martin visited at F H Wilsons last week Mrs A M Benjamin of Banksville was in town Tuesday Cora Patterson of Traer is working for Mrs I A Kushton Mrs Dr A L Nichols is visiting her sister Miss Flora Avery at Traer Mrs Charles Duckworth was in Dan- bury between trains Saturday Miss Sallie Bell and Mrs Lechlerwho live near McCook were in town Friday Miss Vivian Gossard D H Eitten house and Byran Henry attended church here Sunday The new bridge across tho Beaver north of town is completed It shows that F F Loffer is a fine bridge builder He came well recommended to this country Mr Jacobs the telephone manager of Colby put the telephone in the post office on Monday of this week In three days the Cedar Bluff people can talk to Oberlin St Francis and other places W O Martin the candidate on the Republican ticket for clerk of the court was in town Sunday Mr Martin is well known in this part of the country having worked for Ira Peck last winter Mr Martin is a young man of ability and is fully qualified for the office Just Arrived Many new styles in fall -shoe fashions m CHEAP SHOE TALK Catches the unwary We are not building up our business on transient sales Every shoe sale we make is our reliable goods at fair prices Come in and see The Model Shoe Store BOX ELDER P E Stone is peddling onions for A W Campbell Miss Maud DeVilliers is working for Mrs James Doyle Miss Bertha Wolfe spent Sunday with her sister at Stockville We are pleased to learn that Mrs B F Shultz is improving after hor illness Mr and Mrs J S Modrell spent Sun day with Rev M S Satcholl and wife Mrs J E Moore and daughter Gertie departed Monday morning for Blue Hill Isaac Shepherd of Spring Creek has moved his family onto the J E Moore farm Mrs William Y Johnson is entertain ing her aunt and cousin from Denver this week Mrs S Bolles and Master Orlie expect to leave next week for California on a visit to her son S D Bolles who lives in Sacramento H S Kimball who has been visiting with his sisters Mesdames J II Steph ens and James Doyle left last week for Greeley Colorado to visit his brother A farewell party was given Miss Ger tieMooreatthe homeof Charles Masters last Saturday evening A good time was reported Miss Gertie has grown to womanhood in this community She will be greatly missed by her many friends who wish her well in her new home in Blue Hill Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R O I P A Lodfie No 612 meetb first and third Thursdays of each month McConnolls hall 830 p m E B Hubeb President W S Gutee Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodge No 1307 meets on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnell hall J R McCarl Illustrious Pro Robt W Devoe Secretary McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next to City hall Hoors 830 to 12 lto6 7 to 9 Night calls answered from residence over bank C H BOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAV McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building A Dangerous Month This is the month of conglis colds and acute catarrh Do you catch cold easily Find your self hoarse with a tickling in your throat and an annoying cough at night Then jon should alvajs have handy a bottle of Dr Ballards Horehound Syrup J A Anderson 334 West 5th street Salt Lake City writes We use Bal lards Horehound Spyrup for coughs and colds It gives immediate relief We know it is the best remedy for these troubles I write this to induce other people to try this pleasant and efficient remedy 23c 30c and 100 at A Mc Millens Ran a Nail Through His Hand While opening a box J C Mount of Three Mile Bay N Y ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me he says and immediately applied Cham berlains Pain Balm and occasionally after wards To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured part was soon healed For sale by McConnell fc Berry 4frj yynsr This signature is on every box of the genuini Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold la one day II P SUTTON McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska BTAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAWf McCook Nebraska Office in Court House DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist i i i i i i PHONE NO 160 Phone 181 DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Oflico ovor McMillens drus store IJesidence 702 Main Aveuuo Residence phone W Oflice phono 2S Culls answered night or day - E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER Phones Oflic 17 residence 95 Write or Phone for Terms and Date OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA wk --fit-- aX - iKf EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Shave Ilair Cnt Sham pooanythingin my line in an artistic manner Give me i call and trial H L PREVOST DRNTIST Grad late of Kansas City Lntal College OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska All Calls For The Vttl JBus Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains ana an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman Mcujok Nebraska I V t t v-