The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 31, 1902, Image 5

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tV --
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 n m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sundny achool 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Louohhan Pastor
CoNGiiEOATiONAtr Sunday school 10
Sermon llsubjoct Harmony With God
and the Changed Lifo Y P S C E7
Sermon 8 subject -What the Congre
gationalism of Nobrasku are Doing
Prayer and conference meeting Wed
nesday 8 p m subject Making the
Most of Our Opportunities All are
cordially welcome
Frank W Dean Pastor
The recent meeting of the Congrega
tional churches of the state held at
Weeping Water was one of tho larg
est gatherings of that body in Nebraska
Rev Dean reports it a most interesting
meeting and says steps of importance
were taken looking to the immediate
advancement of tho Cause
Wednesday of last week tho Metho
dist people of McCook paid tho last cen
of their indebtedness and now owe no
man anything Upon which fact they
are to be most heartily congratulated
Rev Johnson and family of Pennington
N J spent last night in tho cityguests
of Rov and Mrs Shumate Rev John
son went up to Imperial this morning
to assume the pastorate of tho Metho
dist church at that place
C E Eddy of Inavale who has been
visiting with his old neighbor John
Broomfield south of Indianola came on
to McCook for a visit with Rev and Mrs
Dean on Tuesday
Rev George L Snyder will preach in
Zion Hill church next Sunday at the
usual hour
Miss Luella Thompson was a visitor
Wednesday She may reenter school
Rev F W Dean visited tho assembly
Tuesday morning and spoke to the
The marked increase in the school
attendance especially in the lower
grades has made necessary tho employ
ment of an additional teacher and the
fitting of a new room The Sixth grade
was moved out of its quarters in the
brick building to a vacant room in the
new frame house so that the Fifth
grado from tho West side which is
largermight bo better accommodated in
the brick Room was thereby provided
in the West school building for the new
grade the Second the pupils for which
were withdrawn from the primary rooms
on both sides of town Miss May Gra
ham is at present in charge By this
move the possibilities of good school
are greatly increased
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Oct 27 1902
S H Atwood Co Mr Canon
Mrs John Engstrum Saral F Geery
James Knight Chas Lee
Charley McCauley JnkoMorkel
L A Robert Ed L Smith
Wm F Smith Henry Shouro
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmeix Postmaster
Labor is the greatest problem sugar
beet raisers have to contend with They
grow all right but it seems to be quite
impossible to secure the necessary labor
to harvest the crop after it has been pro
Car Inspector William Baird has been
promoted to a similar position with
greater privileges and responsibilities on
the Missouri lines with headquarters at
t Joe
We are still head-
quarters for heating
stoves We have the
well known Beckwith
Round Oak
Radiant Home
and several other good
heaters in all sizes
If you need a heater
The assortment is
complete and you can
get just what you
want We also have
a nice line of steel
ranges and cook stoves
H P Waite
f 1 cMPX SS Vr
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 5 Central Time 1110 pm
2 C05AM
12 920 AM
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m
No 1 Mountain Time 11ah
ll4np m
13 825 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time KilOr M
No 175 departs 700 a M
Slooping dining and reclining chair cars
Beats free on through trains Tickets Fold
and baggage chocked to any pointin the United
Status or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
usten ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Auditor C H Sampson was at head
quarters yesterday
New time card Sunday No changes
of note on tho Western division
Conductor Tim Foley returned home
Thursday on No 1 from his trip east
George Casten of the blacksmith force
is still on the relief although improving
No 191s tank is in the carpenter shop
for repairs to a broken steel center sill
Machinist Bruce has been added to the
round house force going to work on
Saturday last
Way car No 145 is in tho carpenter
shop for an overhauling replacing No
Hi just out
Conductor O R Amick who has been
off duty for the past six weeks returned
to work this week
No 13 was seven hours late Thurs
day caused by the burning of a bridge
over in Missouri somewhere
Machinist E J Seibert quit tho ser
vice yesterday and will go to Albuquer
que New Mexico to secure work
C H Ziegler succeeds E L Hansen
as cashier at this station Hansen is
acting agent at Mascot now being on
the relief force
The extension to the round thouse is
being built of wood The wall will be
filled in with brick The construction
is now progressing
Switch engine No 141 went into the
shop this week for a general overhaul
ing The 341 went out of the shop this
week and was being limbered up in the
yard yesterday
The Burlington has leased several Q
engines and two of them were received
on this division this week Tuesday
The 1726 came in charge of Engineer J
H Colvin and Fireman W A Daley
and tho 1728 was manned by Engineer
Redebauch and Fireman Rueter These
engines are of the R3 class and are larg
er than any engines now in use on the
Western division Their cylinders are
two inches larger in diameter than the
largest being 21x26 inches Their driv
ers are somewhat larger
Conductor Hegenbergers family ar
rived this morning from McCook and
will make this their future home
Engineer Reising and Fireman R H
Evans took the 16 to McCook this week
for repairs The little 45 took her
place H B Woolman agent at
Eustis has resigned and will travel for
a wholesale jewelry house so we are in
formed Mrs Drain of Eureka
Springs Ark and Mrs DeLong of
McCook are visiting at the home of Con
ductor C D Kenady Conductor
F D Griffeth of McCook has been
assigned to a run on the Highline and
will move his family to Holyoke Holy
oke Republican 23rd
A radical change has been made on
the Wyoming division in the handling of
locomotives and henceforth these
machines will be sent out in regular
turn Instead of each engineer having
one particular engine hereafter he will
take the engine alloted to him by this
system of rotation Certain engines
will be used for passenger work and
heavy or light engines will be used ac
cording to the needs of the situation
but in the main the system of first in
first out will be followed It is not
anticipated that this arrangement will
meet with the approval of a majority of
the enginemen The company has not a
sufficient number of engines however
and the change will make them more
rapidly available and really save the
purchase of a number of new engines
Just now locomotives are more expensive
than ever besides the difficulty in get
tins orders filled so that it is not par
ticularly strange that the company
should employ the expedient outlined
above Alliance Times Oct 21st
Milk Alt i nrH e Onrms
Place a jug of milk near fish for a
few hours and there will be a fishy
flavor about it In this same way that
milk is susceptible to odors so it at
tracts disease germs diphtheria tp
phoid fever etc are often contracted
in this manner This is not always
due to carelessness for these bacilli
are in the very air we breathe The
only true safeguard when contagious
disease is about to sterilize the milk
Typhoid Bate and Pure Water
In Vienna the typhoid rate of 12L
deaths to 10000 inhabitants fell to ti
after a pure water supply was oh-
tained In Dantzig the mortality fell
from 10 per 10000 to 15 In Munich
after the introduction of a good water
supply and proper sewerage the rate
fell from 21 per 10000 to 63 and in
Boston from 174 to 56
The Statement of Judge Welty
To the voters of tho Fifth congressional
It is ovident from some of tho insinua
tions and innuendoes contained in some
of the democratic papers in this congress
ional district that an attempt is being
made to cause the peoplo to believe that
Judge Norris was guilty of fraud in ob
taining the office of district judge the
first time he was a candidate for that
position In making this charge they
appear to bo partially influenced by
friendliness to me and appear to have
sympathy for mo on account of my hav
ing been as they charge fradulently
cheated of the office I am not
willing that I should be made a tool of
for tho purpose of pulling Democratic
chestnuts out of the fire or for bolster
ing up a weak cause especially when
such charges contain dishonorable insin
uations against a man whom I believe
to be upright and honorable
At the time of the election in 1895 I
was holding tho office of district judge
of the Fourteenth judicial district hav
ing been elected to that position as a
populist and in the campaign I was
renominated by the populists as their
candidate for reelection
I think I know more about that cam
paign and the contest that followed than
any of the present accusers of Judge
Norris In that election I honestly be
lieve that I was elected and chore is no
doubt but what Judge Norris was
equally honest in tho belief that he was
elected and it is not to be wondered at
that an election so close as that should
result in a good deal of bitterness in the
contest which followed In that con
test we wore both looking for fraudulent
votes that might have been cast for the
other party and for irregularities that in
law would be fraudulent and illegal
The opponents of- Judge Norris are
trying to make capital out of a change
in the vote in Union precinct Furnas
county It was evident from the can
vass books that some one had changed a
cipher into a six and this change oc
curred in Judge Norris vote When I
discovered this change I was honest in
the belief that it had been made fraud
ulently and intentionally Subsequently
two members of the canvassing board
made affidavits stating that this change
had been made by them and stating
that the same was an honest and inno
cent mistake which they corrected on a
recanvss of the vote of that county
This recanvass was brought about by
me on an application in the supreme
court against the canvassing board an
action in which Judge Norris was not a
party and in which the canvassing
board signed a stipulation expressing a
willingness to recanvass the vote if
given authority to do so by the court
This error was of course as much a
fraud against me in law if done inno
cently and by mistake as though done
purposely and fraudulently This error
however was corrected before the cer
tificate of election was issued and Judge
Norris received no benefit from this
change which was made by the canvass
ing board without the intention of harm
ing anybody It is also due to him to say
that he never claimed these fraudulent
votes but always frankly admitted that
they should not be given to him and as
a matter of fact they were not given to
him and he received absolutely no bene
fit therefrom
There were many charges of fraud
made both ways in this fight and contest
which followed but there is no doubt
but what Judge Norris went through it
all in an honorable and Upright manner
and that he came out of it without any
dishonor or disgrace and after a full
investigation of all tho charges that
were made pro and con and running
them down to the end I am fully con
vinced and satisfied that at that election
Judge Norris was fairly and honestly
At the expiration of the judges first
term he was renominated and at that
election the same charge was made by
the Democrats against him and the
campaign was f ought out on that issue
alone the matter was fully discussed by
the people and the newspapers of that
district and as a result of much investi
gation and discussion Judge Norris ran
1100 votes ahead of his ticket and was
re elected while the district was carried
by an overwhelming majority by the
For four years Judge Norris practiced
law constantly where I was presiding
judge and I never knew him to be
guilty of a dishonorable or unprofess
ional act
He lived in this district many years
and is perhaps better known than any
other man in the district and the peo
ple know him to be a man whose honesty
is unquestioned and whose moral char
acter is absolutely unassailable They
will resent as they have done before re
gardless of politics any attempt to in
jure his fair name or to detract from his
well earned and good reputation
Dated at Cambridge Neb this 15th
day of October 1902 D T Weltt
Any one knowing of orphan homeless
or dependent children needing a home will
confer a favor on the children as well as
the Nebraska Childrens Home Society
by reporting the case to the Home office
514 Brown bldg Omaha Nebr and the
case will receive prompt attention
Power shellers hand shellere and feed
grinders at W T Colemans
Among tho books lately received is
Mr Spearmans now novel DrBryson
Tho sceno is laid in Chicago Tho
doctor is a specialist in oyo and ear
disoases and tho interest throughout is
held by realistic descriptions of wonder
ful operations to restore sight as well as
by the purohigh character of the heroine
She although deserted by a worthless
husband and struggling to support her
self and little daughter refuses to be
divorced and resists all temptations to
free herself and marry tho doctor in
spito of tho fact that ho has restored the
little girls sight and frequently placed
her under obligations to himself and
also in spite of tho fact that they aro
vpry much in love with each other In
the end however the renegade husband
dies and the generous impetuous doctor
and the true good woman live happily
over after
Another book worthy of mention on
our shelves is The Yirginian by Owen
Wister This is a story of western life
on the cattle ranch with the cowboy as
tho central figure He was a Virginian
by birth and his soft drawling voice his
magnificent physique as well as his
power to manage men make him a fasci
nating character The book abounds in
western humor as expressed in the dance
and in the chapter called In a State of
Sin when the Virginian routs tho ob
noxious missionary Lynch law is also
explained This is not only a readable
book but an absorbing one
Many new juvenile book3 are among
the late arrivals
The interest iD the library seems on
the increase and the only wonder is
how we lived so long without one
About the Death of Paul Miller
The young man who was found dead
on the railroad track about 3 miles
west of Brush Colorado October 18lh
was named Paul Miller aid he was a
half brother of John Wendland of Benk
elman Services were held at the Wend
land residence Monday October 20 by
Rev Sebastian Brennan of McCook
Catholic church ami burial was made
in the Catholic cemetery near Benkel
man Of the affair the Benkelman News
Deceased was about 26 years old and
only came to this country from Germany
in May 1901 to which place he expected
to return next year and get married He
began work on the slag gang June 1901
when it was located near Max and ho
has been employed therewith ever since
The gang was near Fort Morgan last
Friday when Mr Miller asked for a
lay off that bo might go down to Brush
where he was last seen about 10 oclock
Friday night He had evidently started
back to the boarding cars when sup
posedly struck by the train and killed
The body was found Saturday morning
by the section men about 3J miles west
of Brush No cuts or bruises were
noticed except a break on top of the head
and i he ends of the toes on one foot
were cut off He was lying with face
upward and the hands still in the pock
ets as if taken unawares
The young man was well spoken of by
his fellow workmen as steady sober and
industrious and was of a methodical dis
position as shown by his private ac
counts He had down every day he had
worked the amount of the checks he
had drawn and all his expenses He
leaves a father one brother and two sis
ters in Germany and one sister here
Terwillager Swart
A very pretty and happy wedding cer
emony was performed last evening at
the Randall House the groom being Mr
Claude A Terwillager of Blue Earth
Minn and Miss Mae D Swart the
daughter of Mr and Mrs A F Swart
proprietors of the Randall House the
The ceremony was performed in the
hotel parlor Rev G W Crofts officiat
ing Mr E Terwillager of Longmont
Col brother of the groom acted as best
man and Laura Mong of Wilber as
bridesmaid The little Misses Frances
Swart and May Bernstein acted as flower
girls with Miss Mabel Mason presiding
at the organ
As the wedding march was being
played the brides little sister Miss
Frances Swart and her young friend
Miss May Bernstein entered the hotel
parlor and made an aisle for the bridal
party separating the company into two
groups by drawing white ribbons from
the door tc the place where the wedding
was solemnized The little girls carried
flowers which they scattered before the
happy couple
After the ceremony and congratula
tions the guests enjoyed a light repast
and the remainder of the evening was
spent in conversing and singing
Mr Terwillager is a highly respected
business man of Blue Earth Minn
The newly wedded pair left Beatrice
this morning at 7 40 via the Union Pa
cific for Blue Earth their future home
carrying with them the good will of
Beatrice friends Daily Beatrice Ex
press 16th
It stands alone it towers above Theres no
other its natures wonder a warming poultice
to the heart of mankind Such is Rocky Moun
tain Tea 33c McConnell and Berry
O ye people I Havo ye wasted the golden
moments of never returning time in taking a
substitute for the genuine Eocky Mountain Tea
made by the Madison Medicine Co McConnell
V- f
efcig JVo lo tiger I
Come at once and see
our New Stock of
Faff and Winter Goods
Assortment is better than we have
ever been able to offer
New Suits for Men and Boys
New Overcoats for Men and Boys
New Suits for Ladies
New Coats and Jackets for Ladies and
New Furs
New Dress Goods
New Underwear
New Line of Shoes for all
Our Prices are always the lowest quality con
Send us Your Grocery Orders
O m C
The Best
In The Market
In Its Season
AH The Time
His Life in Peril
I just seemed to have gono all to piece3
writes Alfred Bee of Welfare Texas Bilious
ness and a lame back had made life a burdpn
I couldnt eat or sleep and felt almost too worn
out to work when I began to use Electric
Bitters but they worked wonders Xowl can
sleep like a top eat anything have gained in
strength and enjoy hard work They give vig
orous health and new life to weak sickly run
down people Try them Only CO cents at
McConnell Berrys drug store
The Tribune and The American Boy
one year each for 150 Send to the
Sprague Publishing Co Detroit Michi
gan for a copy of the October number
Forty Years Torture
To be relieved from a torturing disease after
forty years torture might well cau e the grati
tude of anyone That is what DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve did for C Haney Geneva O He
says DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured me
of piles after I had suffered forty years Cures
cuts burns wounds skin diseases Beware of
counterfeits McConnell Berry
A Liberal Offer
The undersigned will give a free sample of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablet to
any one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders
of the stomach biliousness or constipation
This is a new remedy and a good one
JIcCoxxeli fc Bekkt
was ft
Vfc StoL QHS S fcVfcS
QjW Premium
Swift Company
Chicago Kansas Oy OmahaStLouisSJosephSiraul
E53 v 1 W T w t ifov V J
fyqWbrtQty QfQz
Best Liniment on Earth
I M McHany Greenville Texas writ- Not
2nd 1900 I had rheumatism last winter was
down in bed six weeks tried eve rj thin but
got no relief till a friend gave mo a botcin of
Ballards Snow Liniment I uted it and got
two more bottles It cured me and 1 uavrt
felt any rheumatism since I can recumirjud
Snow Liniment to be the best liniment 011 earth
for rheumatism For rheumatic sciatic or
neuralgic pains rub in Ballards Snow Liniment
and ou will not suffer longv but will be grati
fied with a speedy and effective cure 23c jOc
and 100 at A McMillcns
Americas Famous Beauties
Look with horrorupon skin eruptionsblotcLe
sores pimples They dont have them nor will
anyone who used Bncklcns Arnica Salve It
glorifies the face Eczema or salt rhenm
vanish before it It cures sore lipi chappni
hands chilblains Infallibo for piles 2T centr
at McConnell fc Berrys drng ptore
Take the genaine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you wtH Our trade
mark cat on each package
Price 35 cent Never scI4
In bulk Accept no gubstl
MconroniTtsiMj tute Ask your druggist