The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 31, 1902, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Congressman Qoorgo W Norris McCook
Govornor John II Mickoy
Liontonnnt Govornor EG McGilton
Secretary of State Gcorjo W Munh
Treasurer Poter Mortonsen
Auditor Charles Weston
Attorney General Frank N Prout
Laud Commisxionor Goorse D Follmor
Supt Public Instruction Wm K Fowler
State Sonator 29th District D S Hasty
Representative J E Hathorn
count r
Countv JiiiIko S L Green
County Attorney C E Eldred
Commissioner FirstdistrictD AWaterman
Even Jasper Phillips admits that Sid
ney Dodge did not place Redwillow
county warrants at par That ought to
settle tho matter
State Superintendent Fowler is by
all odds tho most able man who ever
filled that position during all tho history
of tho state Tho newspapers of the
state can do no better thing for the state
than to give Mr Fowlers candidacy
help Mr Fowler is doing for tho com
mon schools of the state what Chancellor
Andrews is doing for the University of
Nebraska perhaps more He is a suc
cessful worker and a man of tireless
energy Geneva Signal
Judge Norris will be the next con
gressman from the 5th district He is a
man of tho people and is right in line
with President Roosevelts ideas on that
subject Let Nebraska elect a solid
republican delegation this year to con
gress and commence by electing Judge
Norris Now we know that the Judge
sprung from the common people and as
such will vote and work for them He
belongs to the rank and file of the party
Vote for him and thus give the 5th dis
trict a republican representative Red
Otoud Advertiser
Lat year there were in tho state
about 60000 voters who did not go to
the polls It is believed that the turn
out this year will be larger although the
season is backward and many farmers
are in their cornfields or are engaged in
threshing out their small grain The
feeling is abroad that a vote this year
for the republican ticket means a vote to
sustain Roosevelt and his splendid poli
cies and for that reason the farmers will
be more ready than ever to sacrifice the
hour or so necessary to cast their votes
With Roosevelt and Prosperity the issue
there is little doubt that all good citi
zens will do their duty on election day
D S Hastv the Republican nominee
for senator and to succeed Senator E N
Allen is so well known to Furnas county
people that it would be improper and
out of place for the Review man to at
tempt to introduce him Everybody
knows Minn Hasty Mr Hasty has
figured conspicuously in politics in his
own way ever since we can remember
always being loyal to his party and his
principles and his friends For many
years he has been surveyor for Furnas
county and in all these years of serv
vice this is his first asking for an office
to which there was attached salary and
honor Let us all stand with him and
show our appreciation by giving him a
vote or two ahead of the state and
national tickets of two years ago Wil
sonville Review
The voters of the First commissioner
district will do tho proper thing by re
taining in office their present commis
sioner D A Waterman of Lebanon
Mr Waterman has acquired the prac
tical experience necessary in that office
for the prompt and intelligent transac
tion of the business of the county and
it would be folly to change for even a
good man of inexperience Commis
sioner Watermans record will stand
the closest scrutiny No man questions
his integrity He is one of the fair and
square men of the county and always
seeks to do the right thing the best
thing for the interests of the people of
the county This is the record he has
made Nothing personal or factional
should be allowed by the people to in
terfere with his reelection
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ol
food ltgives instant relief and neve
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
6tomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
If cant help
but do you good
Prepared only by E O DeWitt Op Chicago
ttho fL bottle contains 2Ji times the 50c slxa
The people of this judicial district have an opportunity
now to reward a man who has stood by them in the time of
adversity and who by his honesty and square dealings has
shown by his record that he is the best friend the poor man
ever had in this judicial district Judge Norris knows from
his own experience and from his own life what it is to be
poor his sympathies run toward the man who earns his bread
by the sweat of his brow Many of the people of this judicial
district are now living in homes clear of mortgage and owe
this fact solely and entirely to the kindness and mercy of
Judge Norris When the mortgage holders and
were foreclosing in the homes and hard times and short
crops made it impossible for our citizens to meet their pay
ments according to the technical terms of the bond Judge
Norris stood between the farmer and aversity and while not
doing any injustice to those who held the mortgages he
always protected the home and the fireside of our citizens
He is now asking the suffrage of our people as a candidate
for congress Would it not be right for for us to come to his
relief as he has come to ours and show by our votes that we
are not unmindful of his fairness his honesty and his mercy
By his fairness he has made it possible for many of us to re
main in the country and it rather seems to us that a grateful
people while now enjoying the home and the fireside saved
to them by his efforts will on election day reward Judge
Norris the best friend we have ever had by electing him to
congress This ought to be doubly true when we take into
consideration the fact that his opponent belongs to a race of
bankers and whose entire interest is centered in the corpora
tions and trusts Vote for Judge Norris the poor mans
friend the protector of our homes the impartial honest and
upright judge
Judge Norris stands with Theodore Roosevelt our presi
dent as against the trusts and illegal combinations He also
stands for the protection of American labor and American
industries for a home market for the product of the Ameri
can farmer for success and for prosperity Our friends on
the other side claim to be opposed to the trusts yet Mr
Shallenberger their candidate for congress is and always has
been a banker and connected with the money loaning busi
ness and his interests are along that line He belongs to a
family of bankers and corporation men and while we do not
feel inclined to find fault with him yet it is a matter that the
voters of this district ought to take into consideration Our
friends on the other side claim to be opposed to trusts In
one of the greatest trusts recently formed in Chicago by the
McCormick Deering Piano and Milwaukee Harvester Co
and all other companies engaged in the manufacture of mow
ing machines and harvesting machinery Mr Shallenberger
has two brothers connected with this trust and in a joint
debate with Judge Norris this was brought out and Mr Shal
lenberger was compelled to admit it It is a fact that this
great trust is using its influence in this district for the election
of Mr Shallenberger One of his brothers has charge of the
collection department of this great trust and the mighty
power of this gigantic corporation is being used to pull into
line their representatives of this district for the purpose of
making votes for Mr Shallenberger If our opponents mean
what they say and are opposed to the trusts they certainly
cannot be consistent unless they vote for Judge Norris
for congressman
A comparison between the two candidates for congress
will certainly lead the voters of this community to support
Judge Norris for that position in preference to Mr Shallen
berger Mr Norris was born and raised on a farm all his
people were farmers all his interests are with the farmers and
always have been From his own experience he knows how
to do farm work and the labor incident to farm life His
father was a farmer before him He started in life a poor
boy and worked by the day and by the month among the
farmers of his neighborhood Mr Shallenberger comes from
a race of corporation men His father was a lawyer and
spent his life with men of that stamp He himself is a
banker and always has been He has a brother who owns a
bank at Elwood another brother who owns a bank at
Imperial another brother who has charge of one of the de
partments of the stupendous trust composed of the different
corporations manufacturing farm machinery in Chicago
None of them have any experience on the farm and none of
them have any interest connected with the farm The ques
tion arises which of these two has the most sympathy with
the farmer and with the farmers interest Trenton Register
J j
It is a matter of much satisfaction to the entire people
that the coal strike has been settled and a matter of much
pride to Republicans that it was through the friendly inter
vention of President Roosevelt To endeavor and to succeed
in settling this unhappy strike as did the president and Re
publican leaders is a much more commendable action than
that of the Democratic leaders who strove to foment trouble
and make political capital out of it The people have a plain
duty to perform at the polls in November and that is to sus
tain President Roosevelt by electing a congress in sympathy
with him Vote for Judge Norris the Republican nominee
for congress in this district Alma Journal 24th
m jflftyJB H
Absolutely Pure
The Part of Wisdom
The Tribune has not a thing of a
personal nature against Sidney Dodge
but Jasper Phillips attempt to mako it
appear that Sidney made a valuable
county attorney is too amusing to be
allowed to go seriously The Tribune
submits that Sidney did wisely when he
was in office he did absolutely tho only
wise thing he could have done in fact
he did more wisely than some wiser men
than he he did as nearly nothing as it
was possible for him to do The ap
pearance of wisdom and the doing of
nothing helped Sidney to appear to an
advantage which an attempt at doing
something would have destroyed entirely
In saying this The Tribune does Sidney
no injustice intentional or otherwiso
Jaspers claim that Mr Dodge should
be credited with the method by which
the county warrants were kept at par is
also contrary to the record which is
that tho commissioners did not depend
upon Mr Dodge for advice but got it
elsewhere when necessary This is an
incontrovertible fact Jasper states that
I The Tribune cant show where the
commissioners ever wont wrong under
Sidneys advice This is truo for the
reason just stated above The
cal administration of the affairs of Red
willow county during tho time Mr
Dodge was county attorney was another
matter over which Sidney had no con
trol The Tribune stands firmly on its
first statement the best thing Sidney
ever did for Redwillow county was to do
nothing We believe he should have
credit for it Wo also believe that the
people of the county will do wisely when
they elect C E Eldred to that office
next week bj an overwhelming plural
ity as they certainly will
Spell Binders Useless in Congress
There are those who regard Banker
Shallenberger as a silver tonged orator
of commanding ability who can bind
with a spell There are others who
insist that he has a few set speeches
touching upon topics and issues of tho
day committed to memory and then
when he gets away from them he is
lost However that may be the people
are beginning to appreciate the fact that
orators are not the best men to send
to congress They waste time and ac
complish little or nothing The man
who knows how to work and is not
afraid to work is the one whose services
are valuable as a congressman Judge
Norris is an excellent speaker and when
speaking is necessary he can give a
I good account of himself but he has not
that cheap fondness for ginger beer
oratory that has filled the country with
spell binders We need men of industry
and keen business capacity in congress
and Judge Norris is such a man Web
ster County Argus 24th
The object of the post check currency
is to make the transmission of money in
small amounts easier and safer than at
present is tho case Bills of the small
denominations would be issued with a
blank space on the face for the name of
tho payee The scheme also includes
fractional currency printed in the same
way Instead of making a journey to
the postoffice for a money order or
enclosing coin in his letter with the
possibility of it falling out or being
stolen the sender of money under the
system merely has to take a bill from
his pocket book fill it out and enclose it
just as if it were a bank check A large
number of the leading manufacturers
and business men of the country are in
favor of the new form of currency Its
creation would injure no one and would
add to the facilities of trade for both
seller and buyer Congressmen should
be asked to support it Post Dispatch
St Louis Mo
Even the most radical opponents of
Judge Norris are compelled to acknowl
edge that he has made a most unexcep
tionable district judge And by the same
token will he make the Fifth district a
splendidly efficient congressman It has
been characteristic of Judge Norris that
he gives a good account of himself in
every public and private trust He has
the manly energetic brainy qualities
together with sympathies in harmony
with the people which go to make a
faithful and able representative Vote
for him
Citizens should request their repre
sentatives in congress to see that more
convenient monev is furnished I
They say that Jasper Phillips now
regrets that ho did not recognizo his old
friend and followtownsman Dr S Ii
Green Redwillow countys next county
judge Jaspor got dreadfully out of touch
with us up hero in Redwillow county
during his stay in Missouri Ho forgot
about everybody but Samuel Randolph
rtnd his prince albert
Here Is A Genuine Snap
A two story brick vaneered building
and laundry in good Iowa county seat
town of 2500 inhabitants to trade for
either J4 or y section of Southwestern
Nebraska land No competition at all
Business clears above all expenses from
100 to 125 a month in tho city work
alone A snap if taken at onco For
particulars call on or address
C A Stone McCook Neb
Oil heaters at Colemans
School Report
Roport of Dist No 03 for tho month
ending Octobor 21 No boys enrolled
11 nvorngo attondanco 10 No girls on
rolled 15 average attendanco 14K Thoso
neither absent nor tardy during month
wore Dossio Younger Loroy Younger
Mnbel Soxson Raymond Soxson Ralph
Sexson Bessio Doylo Thoso who wero
tardy but not absent wore Dorothy
Doylo Bacil Doylo Bryan Doylo Ida
Gordon Osio Gordon Florence Watson
Eliza O Johnson Teachor
Look Out For Fever
rillmsnc 3 and livor disorders nt this season
mnv bn prevented by cleansing tlia system with
DoWitts Little Eurly Hiers Theso famous
little pills do not gripe They movo tho howoln
gently but copiously nnd by reason of the tonic
properties give tone nnd strength to tho glunds
McConneli it Horry
Shos n rndinnt witching wondrous gem thnt
beautiful blin hing wife of mine She is an
angel on earth to jou can lie only take ltocky
Mountain Tea McConneli fc Berry
Black Dress Goods
a Specialty
We now have the finest line of Black
Dress Goods ever shown in Mc
Cook and those
-Waist Patterns
in French Flannels White Wool
Novelties Wash Taffetas and Silk
Moreas are arriving almost daily
making our STOCK ALWAYS
NEW Fresh and up-to-date giv
ing you the advantage of getting
the latest styles designs and color
ings at the LOWEST PRICES
Our Ribbon Remnant Box will interest you
There are a few of those Linen Collars Left
at 5c each
Blankets and Bed Comforters
Dont spend your time and energy making your
own comforters when you can buy them of
HONEST JOHN nicely tied and covered with
Silkolene for 175 200 225 and 275 each
We Guarantee our prices to be
Goods Shoes and
John H Grannis flcCook Neb
Phone No 16
v sssivsy
Boston Oct 27 The Chickatawbut club a
can orgnization of Dorchester ratified the state ticket tonight
and listened to an address by Senator George F Hoar who
spoke words of praise for President Roosevelt and Governor
Crane saying that in the national election we are to send
men to either uphold the presidents hands or men whose sole
object in the next two years will be to hunt him from power
He said that the Democratic party during all its history has
been a creator of grievances never the redresser of them
Speaking of trusts Senator Hoar said
The evils of the trusts are
1 Destruction of competition
2 The management of industries by absent capital
3 Destruction of local public spirit
4 Fradulent capitalization
5 Secrecy
G Management for the private benefit of the officers
7 The power to corrupt elections and in some cases to
corrupt the courts
8 Indifference to public sentiment
If the first fourth and fifth can be cured the cure of
the others in my opinion will follow
Now is it not the duty of wise statesmanship to go
slowly and carefully in this matter so we can cure or pre
vent the evil without sacrificing or destroying what is good
He said he would curb trusts not destroy them
Senator Hoar said in regard to the tariff revision that it
should be made on the principles of the protective system
He favors reciprocity The tariff will have to be revised he
said again and again and again hereafter k
In conclusion Senator Hoar discussed strikes saying if
4 capital combined he could not see why labor may not combine
I believe the sympathy of all true Americans is on the
side of labor and its attempts to better its condition Capital
and wealth will m the end take care of themselves