I is It Hi I hi II if 63 J h 10 H i li j H h r IPJ 11 X if C33K3C2Kaexa I No Sending Away ttJTiPH 398 You can buy a complete violin outfit consisting of violin bow case combination tuning pipe rosin instruction book and extra set of strings for 398 You see what you get no express charges to pay if not as we represent we are right here on the ground to make it right We have out fits for 8 and finer still for 1000 In guitars we are handling only the better grades which we are able to sellyou at the same price asked for inferior instruments For 500 we will sell you the new 1902 Melba standard size guitar made of curly birch beautifully inlaid front and back position dots ebony finger board and fully guaranteed 500 Bee Hive flcCook 4 S3Jaxicix t2mtt xmairmiitWVFteza bjji jyt aye till irecararjaM jtiai 4 V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBERT Cashier TIZENS BANKl OF McCOOK NEB B Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 FRANKLIN DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE 0 H WILLARD IVl TTOQ rr rH L w 1 NATIONAL- ViKiA1 rr WAMVWWWWW - T3 A KT XT m Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 od GEO H0CKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director F D Burgess Plumber end Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat Do Good It Pays A Chicago man baa observed that Good deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the latter are worthless Act kindly and gently show sympathy and lend a helping hand You cant possibly lose by it Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement better than substantial help There are persons in this community who might truthfully say My good friend cheer up A few doses of Cham berlains Cough Remedy will rid you of that cold and there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine It al ways cures I know it for it has helped out many a time Sold by McConnell Berry Cut this out and take it to McConnell Berrys drug store and get a free sample of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physic They cleanse and invigorate the stom ach improve- the appotito and regulate the bowels Regular size 25c per box Worm Destroyer Whites Cream Termifugo not only kill the worms but removes the mucous and slime in which they build their nests It quickly brings a healthy condition of the body where worms cannot exist 25c at A McMillons LEBANON Miss Rosa Slutts of Lebanon began school in district 83 last Monday There was a basket social at the Devoe school house last Thursday night J B Gumming came in from the G A R Encampment at Washington Monday Geo Ralsten came home last week bringing a whole company of relatives with him MissOnie Walters begau a six months term of school in the Bartholomew dis trict Monday Gus Johnson arrived from Colorado Springs Inst week Another who thinks Nebraska is good enough for him Lon Andrews of the Sappa country loaded a car of potatoes here last week and shipped them to St Francis Kansas W J Mallery and family moved to Wilsonville Tuesday We have not yet learned the name of the agent who takes his place The young folks of Lebanon met at the home of M C Stephens last Fri day night They succeeded in surpris ing Martin Junior The Misses Soverns and Miss Austin of Wilsonville visited in Lebanon Saturday and Sunday and attended the Teachers Association The Endeavor Society and the Ep worth League are preparing a joint tem perance program which will be given at the Presbyterian church October 19th Everybody cordially invited to bo pre sent J L Townley and family are moving to Indianola this week Mr Townley has lived on his farm since 1873 having homsteaded one quarter of it lie has been an excellent citizen and a good neighbor and we are sorry to lose him His son-in-law Marion Walters will live on the farm and care for the stock About thirty teachers gathered at Lebanon last Saturday and engaged in an association meeting The weather detained a good many at home but even the weather could not prevent those present from having a good time Hon G W Norris our next congressman lectured to a crowded house in the even ing lie didnt nave any subject and said the Devil himself didnt know what he was going to say However his talk was about parents teachers and children and apparently everyone en joyed it Judge Norris remained until Sunday morning going home via Bartley Good Advice The most miserable beings in tho world are those suffering from dyspepsia and liver com plaint More than seventy five per cent of the people in the United States are oillicted with these two diseases and their effects 6uch as sour stomach sick headache habitual costive ness palpitation of the heart heartburn water brash gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stomach yellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits etc Goto your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve yon Try it Get Greens Special Almanac SOUTH SIDE Roy Jacobs has returned to Lincoln W S Fitch has re shingled the roof of his dwelling A young Eepublican made his appear ance at theDutton home last week The South Side farmers are busy car ing for and getting ready to ship sugar beets Forty Years Torture To be relieved from a torturing disease after forty years torture might well canso the grati tude of anyone That is what DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve did for C Haney Geneva O He says DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvo cured mo of piles after I had suffered forty fears Cures cuts burns wounds skin diseases Beware of counterfeits McConnell Berry Half Rates to Omaha and Back October 15 16 and 18 only 855 to Omaha and return via the Burlington Route account national convention of Christian church Tickets good to re turn till October 24 but extensions till November 30 may be secured For additional information ask the nearest agent Burlington Route or write J Francis Omaha Nebraska AMERICAS BEST c Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of the world well written original stories answers to queries articles on health the home new books and on work about the farm and garden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The Tribune and The Weekly Inter Ocean one year both papers for 8140 CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS Rev Johnson preached at Tracr Sun day last Sheriff Lehman of Oberlin was in town Thursday of last week Mrs C M Peck is visiting in Lincoln and Waverly Nebraska Okey Simmons of Traer was in town Monday between trains Mr and Mrs H S Kennedy were Oberlin visitors Monday John Millers family and Miss Mertio Woofter spent Sunday in Traer Mr and Mrs Ira J Peck came homo from Oxford Nebraska Tuesday The basket social given in the Metho dist church netted the promoters 9 J O Hainlino and T J Kennedy were guests of J E Dodge Sunday J O Hainline our blacksmith ex pects to start for California next week Ernest Galusha of Marion Nebraska is doing some plastering for Mrs L M Robman tbis week Mr and Mrs Kiebl and two daugh ters Violet and Ollie of Otego Kansas are visiting at J O Bevards Miss Minnie Robman is spending the week at the homo of her grandmother Mrs Lucy Richardson seven miles north of the Bluffs A S Kennedy the Cedar Bluffs base ball player came home Saturday via McCook where he has been playing ball with tho McCook nine during the- clos ing days of the present season Harvey Tracy of Pawnee City Neb took his place in the general store of H S Kennedy last wvek Many of Ilarves friends in the Bluffs are glad to welcome him back again lie clerked for Fred Kellogg three years ago Death played havoc in tho home of Charles Ryan last week three of his children dying two of them but two days apart Harry passed away on the 21th of September Ula on October 7th and Marchie on the 9th of October The stricken father has the deepest sym pathy of all in this great sorrow His Life in Peril I just seemed w have gone all to pieces writes Alfred Bee of Welfare Toxas Bilious ness and a lame back had made life a burden I couldnt eat or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bitters but they worked wonders Now I can sleep like a top eat anything have gained in strength and enjoy hard work They give vig orous health and new life to weak sickly run down people Try them Only SO cents at McConnell Berrys drug store INDIANOLA Miss Edith SmitiTvisited relatives in McCook Saturday Mr and Mrs Sam Eidgely were Mc Cook visitors Sunday Miss Mary McDonald went up to Mc Cook Sunday evening Mrs Will Short who has been on the sick list is much better Mr and Mrs Jake Kearns drove up to the county seat Saturday Miss Mamie Mann was a Bartley vis itor last Saturday and Sunday Mr Irick is here from Benard Mo visiting his sister Mrs Gentry and family Miss Adelaide Streff returned to her work in McCook after a several weeks absence Sunday evening John Townley moved his family over from Hamburg this week They occupy the house formerly owned and occupied by W H Powell Eev Norlin and family left for their new home in Minden Saturday morn ing The new minister Rev Waters has not made his appearance as yet Best Liniment on Earth I M McHany Greenville Texas writes Nov 2nd 1900 I had rheumatism last winter was down in bed six weeks tried everything but got no relief till a friend gave me a bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment I used it and got two more bottles It cured mo and I havent felt any rheumatism since I can recommend Snow Liniment to be the best liniment on earth for rheumatism For rheumatic sciatic or neuralgic pains rub in Ballards Snow Liniment and you will not suffer long but will be grati fied with a speedy and effective cure 2oc 50c and 100 at A McMillens Northwest in September and October Low rates every day via the Burling ton Route To points in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming in Montana Idaho Wash ington Oregon and British Columbia the Burlington will sell one way tickets at uncommonly low rates every day in September and October Ask the nearest Burlington agent or write J Francis G P Agent Omaha Nebraska Shes a radiant witching wondrous gem that beautiful blushing wife of mine She is an angel on earth so you can be only take Kocky Mountain Tea McConnell Berry Low Rates to California Every day in September and October via the Burlington Route To San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego and many other points in Califor nia the Burlington Route has made the extraordinarily low rate of S230O from McCook Nebraska Tourist sleeper daily from Omaha Lincoln Hastings and other main line points Stopovers allowed at many California points Ask the Burlington agent or write J Francis G P Agent Omaha Nebraska iiii iicmMtogaaeS Just Arrived The 4 Many new styles in fall -shoe fashions CHEAP SHOE TALK Catches the unwary We are not buildi ig up our business on transient sales Every shoe sale we make is our reliable goods at fair prices Come in and see Model Shoe Store Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A -Lodge No 612 meets first and third Thursdays of each month McConnuUs hall 830 p in E B Huber Presidont W S Guyer Secretary K O T M Regular meetings on second and fourth Tuesday evenings of oach month in McConnell hall at 8 Visiting knights welcome M R Gates commander J H Yaroeu Koepor J A LEACH nnanco keepor ROYAL HIGHLANOERS McCook lodge No 307 meets on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnell hall J R McCarl Illustrious Pro Rout W Devoe Secretary McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next to City hall Hours 8 30 to 12 1 to 6 7 to 9 Night calls answered from residence over bank C H BOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building A Dangerous Month This is the month of coughs colds and acute catarrh Do you catch cold easily Find your self hoarse with a tickling in jour throat and an annoying cough at night Then you should always have handy a bottle of Dr Ballards Horehound Syrup J A Anderson 854 West 5th street Salt Lake City write We use Bal lards Horehound Syrup for coughs and colds It gives immediate relief We know it is the best remedy for these troubles I writ this to induce other people to try this pleasant and efficient remedy 2rc 50c and 100 at A Mc Millens Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in one duy No cure no pay Price 23 cents Beautiful Clear Skies Herbine exerts a direct influence on the bow els liver and kidneys purifying and strength ening these organs and maintaining them in a normal condition of health thus removing a common causo of yellow inotliy greay skin and more or less of pimples blotches and black heads 50c at A McMillens yrwm This Bignatnre is on every box of the gennini Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that enres a cold In one day A Good Thmgr German Syrup is tho special prescription of r A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortun ate discoveries in medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and lung troubles of the severest nature removing the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boschees German Svrup was intro duced in the United States ISO4 and is now sold in every town and villago in tho civilized world Three doses will reliove any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Green 6 Special Almanac Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tribune we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with Tue Tribune at the following very low prices with PUBLICATION PRICE TRIBUNE Detroit Free Press 100 51 SO Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 Prairie Farmer 100 125 Chicago Inter Ocean 100 13o Cincinnati Enquire 100 150 New York Tribune 1 00 125 Demorests Magazine 1 CO 1 75 Toledo Blade 1 00 1 25 Nebraska Farmer 100 165 Iowa Homestead 100 1 25 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Culture 100 150 New York World 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 1C0 180 St Louis Republic 100 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 FarmandHome 100 120 Word and Works 100 170 Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50 -renewals 1 SO We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Teibcne McCook Neb H P SUTTON McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska STAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW- McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J Phonos Office 17 residence 93 Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 Grad late of Kansas CityLsntal College OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand f McCook Neb Shave Hair Cut Sham pooany thing in my lineia an artistic manner Give me a call and trial I McCOOK - - NEB Office over McMillens drug store Residenco 702 Main Avenue Residence phono Si Office phone 28 Calls answered night or day - E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER H L PREVOST DRKTIST OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska CjacfaljSr yg 4 All Calls For The j witi Bus I - t i - - v Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an- t swer all calls to any part oi tne city fe fc J I H H Ackerman W J jMcCook Nebraska UjL C