The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 17, 1902, Image 6

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i imwiiiiiMum
wmoiwowfiiiijiirii inj 1 I - twfriniMrjitruratTr rr ntimrtitivatvah
Of the Men IVho Ilnve Achieved
Great Prominence In Public Affairs
I the Rural lioyn Are at Least Twen
I ty to One Over the City Lads
A country boys lack of opportunity
Is bis best equipment for the serious
istruggle of life This sounds paradox
ical but It is true It is just us true
as tbe opposite proposition that the
greatest hindrances a city boy has to
contend with are the opportunities
which beset him when young and pur
sue him till he begins the real business
of life a business which each individu
al must carry on for himself For the
city boy everything is made as easy as
possible Even pleasure becomes to
him an old story before he is out of his
teens Brought up in the feverish rush
of a place where great things are hap
pening day by day he sees the world
with a cynics eyes and despises the
small things which like the bricks in
a house go to the upbuilding of char
acters and careers lie believes in us
ing large markers in the game of life
for pennies and small units of value he
has little taste and scant regard
The conditions surrounding the coun
try boy are as different as possible
There Is a deal of regular work that
every country boy must do and this
regularity of employment mostly out
of doors inculcates industrious habits
while it contributes to a physical de
velopment which in after yeais is just
as valuable as any athletic training
that can be had lie cannot run as
fast perhaps as those trained by a sys
tem lie may not be able to jump so
high or so far or excel in any of the
sports upon which we bestow so much
time and from whicli we get so much
of pleasure but his development en
ables him to buckle down to the hard
work In which hours are consumed
and from which very little or no im
mediate pleasure is extracted Ilis
strength may be something like that
of the cart horse but the cart horse
is to be preferred where a long and
steady pull is required The thorough
bred race horse has a tine flight of
speed and canters with delightful
lightness and grace along the park
bridle paths but the heavy work is the
work most in demand and for that we
want the draft animals every time
Enthusiasm is the spur to endeavor
and at the same time it is the savor of
life The country boy whose ambi
tion has taken him to town comes
filled with enthusiasms Even the lit
tle things are novelties to him and as
he accomplishes this and that he feels
that he is doing something not only
interesting but valuable His simple
tastes have not been spoiled by a mul
tiplicity of gratifications and so he is
glad of everything good that comes
his way At thirty if he leads a clean
life he has more of the boy in him
than his city cousin has left at fifteen
He does what is before him because It
is his duty while the other is apt
cynically to question the value of do
ing anything and ask What is the
Of the men who have achieved great
prominence and high influence in our
affairs o state the country boys are at
least twenty to one over the city lads
Nowadays indeed our cynical city lads
look upon men who take an active in
terest in public affairs as rather low
fellows and quite beneath their associ
ation and notice But the country boys
are at the top in other lines of endeav
or In Gnance they are pre eminent
and the great bank presidents today in
the great cities nearly all learned to
read and to cipher in country schools
where birch and ferule had not suc
cumbed to the civilizing influences of
scientific pedagogy Our great rail
ways were in the main built by them
and today the administrators of these
great companies are in great measure
from farms and country villages from
places where work began in early in- I
fancy and a sense of duty developed
while still the lisp of childhood lin
Some city boys however are of such
sturdy stuff and endowed with such
natural gifts that they succeed by rea
son of their inherent superiority Oth
ers succeed abundantly because they
have used their opportunities wisely
and in real life have pursued the same
course which enables so many country
boys to win fame and fortune The
more honor to them for having sur
vived their too great opportunities
But the country boy when be comes to
town reaches out for the high places
Though not all find seats of the
mighty nearly all of the exalted sta
tions are filled in the end by men of
country birth and country rearing for
they usually start out with the sound
theory that what Is worth having is
pvorth striving for John Gilmer Speed
in Brandur Magazine
Scotch Civility
A lady went out in search of two
others who had gone out for a walk
some time before She met an old man
and asked him If he saw two ladies
pass this way Na nor 1 wisna look
in for tbem
She met another and asked the same
question Na but there micht a been
ten passt for onything at I ken or
At last she met a boy and asked the
same question He replied Na I
didna see ony ladies but I saw twa
auP wives Scottish American
His Boys Future
Are you educating you son for any
particular calling
Well be made his own selection
and as near as I can find out he is edu
cating himself to be the husband of an
jbeiress Chicago Post
i iji m Mill iWnriTBMJflBnttfflf lff affTfTI ITr
He Xa a Man of Consequence About
the Stockyards
The buyer occupies a position of con
sequence In the stockyards community
He is an expert ueually a man of mid
dle age who has obtained his educa
tion and technical ability partly In the
packing houses and partly on the ranch
An experienced buyer is likely to re
ceive a salary of 4000 to 5000 a
year and he is worth all of that for on
his ability to tell by a moments in
spection what quality of beef will be
produced by a steer that he never be
fore laid eyes on depends primarily the
excellence of the product issued by his
house and hence the Increase of Its
The buyers work Is not arduous and
to all appearance his task Is a simple
one ne walks along the flat board
laid along the top of the fence glanc
ing keenly at the cattle In the different
pens Some lie passes by without a
pause others he stops to inspect more
closely and occasionally he displays
his interest in a group by asking u
question or two of the man in charge
Long experience enables him at a
glance to distinguish between a grass
fed steer and a corn fed steer to de
cide whether an animal is entitled to
be classed as fancy good or com
mon and to guess within a few pounds
of an animals exact weight by glanc
ing at him The buyer makes his pur
chases on the hoof paying the mar
ket price ruling for the day for the
grade in which it Is decided each group
of cattle belongs In a few words the
transaction is completed and the buy
ers interest in the affair is ended
Leslies Monthly
An Anecdote of Bach
The Duke of Saxe Weimar once invit
ed John Sebastian Bach the Nestor of
German music to attend a dinner at
the palace Before the guests sat down
to the feast Bach was asked to give
an improvisation The composer seat
ed himself at the harpsichord and
straightway forgot all about dinner
and everything else He played so long
that at last the duke touched his shoul
der and said We are very much
obliged master but we must not let
the soup get cold
Bach sprang to his feet and followed
the duke to the dining room without
uttering a word But he was scarcely
seated when he sprang up rushed back
to the instrument like one demented
struck a few chords and returned to
the dining room evidently feeling much
better I beg pardon your highness
he said but you interrupted me in a
series of chords and arpeggios on the
dominant seventh and I could not feel
at ease until they were resolved into
the tonic It is as if you had snatched
a glass of water from the lips of a man
dying of thirst Now I have drunk the
glass out and am content
Falcons In Japan
In the olden times in Japan all the
daimios similar to the old English
lord had great sport with falcons as
they went out to the field to catch other
birds with falcons The falcons were
tamed well and used to catch large
birds mostly cranes When people now
go out hunting with falcons the men
in charge hold them upon their fin
gers As soon as one sees any bird
he lets the falcon rush at the bird as
soon as the falcon reaches the bird he
bites at the throat and throws the bird
down to the ground Meanwhile the
holder runs to the place where they are
and catches both of them
Falcons are not large birds but as
they belong to the eagle family they
are strong and brave and never afraid
to go at any bird to kill it but the men
in charge of falcons of course take
great care in feeding and taming them
Why He Laughed
Rylands who had purchased a new
horse warranted to be quiet to ride and
in harness and a good trotter to boot
had invited a friend to accompany him
for a trial drive
They had not gone very far when
the horse bolted ran against a heap of
stones lying in the road and pitched
both occupants violently into the lane
Wlien they recovered the horse had
disappeared leaving the buggy shaft
less and a heap of wreckage Rylands
began to roar
What on earth are you laughing
at dejectedly inquired the friend
Why the fellow who sold me that
horse lent me the buggy New York
Wellington ns an Art Connoisseur
In his Reminiscences Frederick
Goodall tells a story of Wellington as
an art connoisseur He paid Wilkie
600 guineas for his Chelsea Pension
ers and laboriously counted out the
amount in cash When the artist sug
gested that it would be less trouble to
write a check the great duke retorted
that he would not let his bankers
know what a blank fool I have been
to spend GOO guineas for a picture
Acquired Greatness
It is the saying of a great man that
if we could trace our descents we
should find all slaves to come from
princes and all princes from slaves
Give me blood acquired in preference
to blood inherited to be born of one
self as Tiberius said of Curtius Ru
Sideshow Man See here your pa
per said the biggest snake in my state
fair show was twenty feet long when
its really thirty one feet
Editor Sorry but we were crowded
for space yesterday and had to cut ev
erything down Indianapolis News
A Change of Heart
When a man first loves he feels un
worthy for no particular reason Later
he acquires the reason and forgets to
feel unworthy Smart Set
asBSFrsaiL ggjBEWBBitgyw
making speeches I want to tell you
one thing
Maidens Sold by Auction
A singular custom obtains to this daj
in some of the towns on the lower
Rhine namely that of selling maid
ens at public auction For nearly four
centuries on Easter Monday auction
day the town crier or clerk of St
His Conscience
First Bohemian to second ditto I
cant for the life of me think why you
When you know old chap you wont
be able to pay him at all
Second Bohemian Ah thats it I
have a conscience I want the poor
chap to lose as little as possible
- i
Burial Alive
Though it is possible that cases of
burial of living persons may still occur
fortunately they are more rare than in
former times Even the doctors orders
against interment were not always
obeyed for the Gentlemans Magazine
of 1751 relates the case of Richard
Carson of Hay Herefordshire Eng
land who was supposed to have died
but a doctor declared that Carson still
lived and ordered that he was not to be
buried nis relatives paid no heed to
the injunction and the body was com
mitted to the grave next day A per
son passing through the churchyard
heard a noise and prevailed on the
clerk to open the grave where the
supposed corpse was found in a pro
fuse sweat and bleeding at the nose
Unfortunately the man was beyond re
covery and soon died
The Llama
In Bolivia one of the highest inhab
itated countries on the globe- La Paz
the capital being 12000 feet above the
sea level much use is made of that
graceful and invaluable pack animal
the llama which will travel farther
and witli even less food than the burro
but will not carry more than 150
The llama in some respects re-
I shant ever go to another pounds
fashion to receive its load and it will
not rise if more than 150 pounds are
placed on its back moreover the
weight must be evenly distributed over
its back and sides
Grapes dissolve and dislodge gravel
and calculi says the doctor They
bring the stomach and bowels to a
healthy condition Even the
Goar has called all the vouns neonle tive finds new life in them and should
together and to the highest bidder sold take grape juice by the tumblerrui
year The fees are put into the public nerves It is also cleansing
poor box
Lightning Rapidity
A Serious Matter it is absolutely impossible for us to
So hes trying to live on other conceive of the rapidity and brilliancy
pies brains said the publisher 0f lightning It has been estimated
nantly that a flash occupies less than one-mil-
Whats the trouble Has some one ij0nth part of a second As one tenth
been stealing the ideas from your of a seCond is needed for the full effect
I suppose so But thats a minor
matter Theyre trying to coax away
the man who writes my advertise
ments Washington Star
of any light upon the eye we get only
a very faint idea of the brilliancy of
tbe flash
Cause For the Condition
You dont shine so brilliantly as of
yore remarked the oil
No said the wick I have been
turned down by Miss Maude because
wasted all that time haggling with j that young simpleton is coming
that tailor chap and beating him down
Town and Country
In Wall Street
She Are you a bull or a bear on
He Both 1 bull the market and
Sear the losses See Chicago News
Am Incident That Startled the Old she la Really Her Husbands Iluaineaii now Four Trooper 3Iade Seventy
Lady of Tlireadneedle Street Partner and Acta It five Flllpluoa Flee
flnma trAnra omn Ilia A av nva r Vtk it t i i i t t i r n ilKi
Address as Above
There is one lawyer in Brooklyn who
will never again make use of Latin
phrases in writing business letters A
short time ago he had to write a letter
to a client in a neighboring city regard
ing an important lawsuit that was to
come up before the court in the course
of a few days The information he so
licited was highly essential to his case
In writing this epistle he made use of
a letter head with his printed address
at the top In closing his letter he sign
ed himself thus John Langdon ad
dress ut supra
After waiting several days for the
reply which did not come he again
wrote his procrastinating client and
asked why he had not sooner answered
his first letter The next day he re
ceived a reply in which the client said
that he had answered the letter and
addressed it to John Langdon Ut
Supra N Y
She Will Keep Her Word
When Grandmother Pettingill makes
up her mind she is as firm as a rock
Nothing can move her Perhaps it was
on this account that when she returned
from the celebration of the one hun
dredth anniversary of the settlement
of Shrubville and made such a deter
mined declaration nobody attempted
to influence her
Ive been there and its over with
she said and now Im home safe aft
er all the noise and bands and scared
horses and crying children and men
Newports Architecture
The cottages of Newport afford a
strange commentary upon the con
trasting tastes of the American na
tion Their heterogeneity were impos
sible in a race of settled culture in a
race of common blood in a country of
limited extent But the United States
is a nation of nations Its people are
not Americans but Englishmen and
Scotsmen Frenchmen and Germans
Italians and Spaniards of the third or
fourth or tenth generation says the
Smart Set Their taste in architec
ture is a taste that was born on the
sunny Mediterranean shore in cozy
Normandy orchards in classic Spain
and Italy in baronial Scotland and
England It is revealed in the cha
teaux the castles the villas the log
gias of Newport Seville and Wel
beck Florence and Falaise here stand
side by side on the same strip of grass
separated only by a grille from Venice
or Antwerp
Xoah Left tlie ArJc on April 29
Saturday April 20 is the day marked
in all ancient calendars as being the
one upon which Noah and his family
quilted the ark after having withstood
the siege of the great deluge The day
is marked in all ancient calendars es
pecially British as egressus Nooa de
area the 17th of March the day upon
which Noah his family and their great
floating collection of natural history
specimens set sail being designated in
the same class of early printed litera
ture as introitus Nca in area the day
of Noahs entrance into the ark Why
these days were chosen as the ones
upon which the supposed embarkation
and debarkation were made are
centennial in Shrubville no matter sembles the camel kneeling in camel yet solved
what the circumstances are and no
matter who asks me You children
may as well bear that in mind
voted for said the first councilman
Sure replied the other Dont
you suppose I know that
Did he ask you personally to vote
for it
Well er he just handed me a
note Kennebec Journal
Repudiates It
Where did that child get- her man
Not from my side of the house
Why not
Because she hasnt any Cleve
land Plain Dealer
In writing a letter the great genius is
the one who remembers what should
be left out Exchange
There is no crime All crime is Igno
rance Its remedy Is education Free
HIS 6nly regret
The Great Sorrow That ConHHie
Dlchnt When He wan ryii
One century ago died Xnvier Blchat
wvujc Jttli0 nbv uk uiivUio Wi ww iU iukiuiiu buvh Jiistee s WMnt is rerarueu as one or uie uuiwt
Bank of England were startled to re- zlne a mans wife is in reality his bluffs on record furnished Captain Ed- the famous physician ami J
celve an Invitation to meet an un- partner and whether or not the two gar Russel chief signal officer in the author of L Anatomic en
known man In the strongroom of the are in harmony with each other in Philippines during the insurrection probably dissected more human try
bank at midnight You think you is fectiou in all material things they with a story which he told as an exam- than any other man In the wo
all safe hand you bank his safe but ognize that their fortunes are pie of western nerve history He established a record wnen
I knows better I bin hinside the bly bound together that the interests We were outside of Manila in some he opened 025 bodies during one win
bank the last 2 nite hand you nose of both are quite identical and that little scrap said the captain and ter He was not a vivlsectlonlst ami
nuffln about it But I am nott a theaf each has Just as strong a motive for about seventy five natives were lying was wont to say I would ruucr Uis
bo hlf yer will mett mee In the great making things go well as has the other in a trench ahead of us shooting away Beet two dead people than kill one
squar room with all the moneiys at since they share equally the labor and merrily but not hitting anybody By chicken
twelf 2 nite He explain orl to you let the reward therefrom They may have and by I noticed a little disturbance in Of his nerve a tale Is told When he
only thor 2 cum down and say uufl3n their private disagreements but they our front Presently four Montana lay on his deathbed he called his col
to nobody The strongroom was front the world together The wife troopers trotted out of our Hues and leagues to him and said Dear friends
guarded the next night In spite of a takes the keenest interest in the most started straight for the Filipinos I am done but what comforts me Is the
disposition to regard the letter as a minute details of everything that erybody looked at them with wonder fact that my case Is a remarkable one
hoax by police and nothing happened fects her husbands welfare She and waited to see them all killed I have had unusual symptoms for some
The next phase of the mystery was knows his income to a penny She lets whistled all around them but they days which I have analyzed They
more astonishing than ever A heavy manages her household as a chancellor never halted Slowly just at a trot have greatly surprised me The doc
chest of papers and securities taken of the exchequer manages the nations they jogged on toward the enemy The tors sought to reassure him He an
frora the strongroom arrived at the outlay so that the annual budget shall natives fired and fired but for some swered that he was under no Illusion
bank with a letter complaining that not only avoid a deficit and shall unknown reason did not hit On and with regard to himself I shall die k
the directors had set the police upon rately balance but so that it shall 0n went the quartet disdaining cover fairly satisfied with my life and go to
the writer and that he had therefore show a surplus She will practice a At last there was a shout and to our the grave with only one regret one
not appeared as he promised but to rigid economy if necessary and in do- utter astonishment we beheld the great sorrow
prove that he was neither a thief nor ing so she will feel that she is merely cnly Jve Filipinos suddenly jump out What Is that he was asked I
a fool he sent a chest of papers he had carrying out her share of the marriage 0f their trenches and take to their am distressed that after death I can
taken from the bank Let a few contract It is the mans part to make uecis jn mad flight The nerve of the not dissect my own body I could I
tlemen be alone in the room and he money it is her part to help him save Montana troopers was too much for am certain have made some beautiful
would join them at midnight said the it She plans nothing for herself apart them When they had all fled throw- scientific discoveries Then he sank
writer and to cut short a long and from him She cannot think of him as ing their rifles away as they ran the back murmuring I must not think
strange chapter of bank history a man in anything apart from her If he is troopers came back their arms full of about it It wont bear thinking of
with a dark lantern burst into the
strongroom of the bank at midnight
after calling from behind the stone
walls for the directors to put out the
lights He was one of a strange class
of men who gained a living by search
ing the sewers at night and through
an opening from a sewer he had found
his way into the richest room in the
world St James Gazette
in pblitical life she enters into his am
bitions with intelligence and zeal She
will write his letters for him and en
tertain his constituents She will study
the bluebooks and teach herself to un
derstand the public questions with
which he has to deal so that she may
discuss them with him and follow his
guns That is what the army called a
Montana bluff Its the sort of nerve
that lets a man open a jackpot on a
pair of deuces New York Tribune
The Women of Langum
Woman supreme without the ballot
And this feather which London An-
Birds Nests and Poetry
Birds nests have attracted the atten
tion of inquisitive genius from the days
of Aristotle down to the present time
This is not wonderful because the
nests are invariably curious and often
beautiful besides offering a cradle as
career intelligently She belongs to swers sticks in the cap of woman is no it were for a host of romantic
him in fact as he belongs to uer iess brilliant because sjie Is allowed to tions and poetical theories
I here is not mucli display or sentiment wear it only in the town of Langum tion lias taken hold of birds and their
The strain on Parents in aQ English household after the first in that little Welsh village man nests wjth singular affection drawing
What is mohair mammy asked oar or nmirieu lire uas enueu uul neitlier is nor pretends to be In other fortu meantime some beautiful leg-
Sally Peterson Jones locking up from
her slow perusal of the newspaper and
keeping her place on the page with a
dusky forefinger
Mammy Jones began to rock faster
You know wat hair is I spose don
you she inquired
Oh yasm responded Sally prompt
Well den does you know wat a mo
is asked her mother rocking still
Nom admitted Sally with great
Well chile you cant spec me to
take de place ob a natchel histry ob
animals fo you said her mother calm
ly allowing the rocking chair to slack
en its speed Wen youve hunted up
de mo in one ob your schoolbooks an
know jes what he looks like come to
me an Ill splain de rest But chillen
mus undtake some work on dere own
eddication shorely Taint right fo
payrents to do it all
there is the bond of a common interest
which grows stronger every day and
every year and which gives to man
and wife a unity of purpose and of
feeling that will beyond comparison
outlast the cobweb tissues of emotion
ne Was a Butcher
Now I rather pride myself on my
ability to read character said the
man who was given to buying detec
tive tales and yet why should I It
is really a very simple thing requires
nothing but close observation For in
stance it is easy to tell a mans occu
pation His facial expression his ac
tions even his dress are stamped by
his daily work You see that man sit
ting opposite us Well I am just as
sure as though he had told me that he
is a barber
You are mistaken replied his friend
That man is a butcher
Imp jssible exclaimed the amateur
detective You never saw a butcher
with slim white hands like his
Perhaps not admitted the other
but he is a butcherjust the same
How do you know he is
How do I know Why the scoun
drel shaved me once Household
villages he sometimes pretends to be
but in this sequestered nook on the
Pembrokeshire coast he is simply An
nie Wiiliams man or Mary Jones
man and recognizes himself as such
In Langum woman is the dominating
force in the market she is the house
hold financier the family accountant
and in fact fills all the positions which
in any other community civilized or
barbaric are established by precedent
given to man Whether he of Langum
has resigned or been divested of all re
sponsibilities of life is no part of this
There is another important fact in
Langum life oysters The place is fa
mous for them But Langum oysters
are in no sense rivals of Langum wo
mankind their proverbial dumbness
precludes that
ends to enrich romance withal and to
add to the sum of what Is most per
sistent in the song of mankind
The ancients told that the halcyon a
beautiful aquatic bird had its nest on
the seas breast a little floating palace
around whicli the water was always
calm and sweet Halcyon or alcyon
was the kingfisher it is supposed but
we now know every species of this
bird and none of them builds its nest
to drift about on the sea Indeed as
if to make the contrast of fact with
fancy as great as possible most of the
kingfishers dig deep holes in the
ground for their homes
How to Prolong Life
The following rules for warding offfi
deatli have been compiled with great
care for the Modern Miller by experts
and meet with the indorsement of the
most competent medical authorities in
the world
Never step into an elevator hatchway
when the car is not there
Do not permit yourself to be run over
by a street car or railroad train
Under no circumstances allow a
brick to drop from the top of a build
ing on to your head
Be careful not to be in a place when
a bolt of lightning strikes it
Never fall from the top of a high
Do not take hold of a live electric
wire Both you and the wire cannot
remain alive
Training Is Necessary
The time lias come when to be mas
ter in any line it requires long years
of careful training and preparation
It is true that the opportunities open
to young men are greater today than
they ever were before but on the
other hand there never was a period
in the worlds history when the quali
fications requisite for success in any
line of worthy endeavor were of a
higher character says Success The
artisan the farmer the business man
the clergyman the physician the law
yer the scientist each in his various
rank must prepare to reach up to ever
enlarging ideals if he would attain his
full height
Negros Kicking Hair
A boy big enough to have reached
the subject of races of men not horses
in his geography class was asked to
describe the negro His answer The
negro has kicking hair and producing
lips snowed that he had at least
mas which the antiquarians have not hcurd tbe teacher when she spoke of
the kinky hair and projecting
characterizing his dark skinned broth-
instincts That Lead to Death er His answer really was not so fun
Professor Mivart proved that there ny as the remark made by a woman
are instincts that lead to death by who in speaking of her sister said feel
failing to adapt themselves to a change ingly Oh shes all misconstrued so
of circumstances Migratory quail by we had to take her to the hospital for
thousands perish in the deserts of a performance New York Herald
northern Africa where their ancestors
used to find a comfortable winter re- Her Saving Way
sort abounding with forests and even Mrs Scale Downie I will have to get
with grainfields if we shall credit another girl though only temporarily
Plinys account of the Numidian coast perhaps a month or so
lands The forests are gone but Mr Scale Downie Three dollars mnrr
aus oi quuii u iuno uiB mui a weeu ana ooaril
tliP nrivilfiso of danrfn with rlP ohn daily as it makes new rich blood It What do you want
xu i illD hQ ticcnoo anrl Fnorlc atnr cnrl iuule UL Lut Blul UU UAiril gin IOr
btru yui auu uei uuy uunug uievuurc iunua up umr nom nuv vuuUluv
Mrs Scale Downie I have found out
A Lons Green One how to make just the lovelier littlf
Bribems interested in that bill
you hanging cabinet you ever saw at a cost
or only 2 but It will take me several
weeks to do it New York Weekly
A Discouraging Position
Do you think a literary woman
ought to marry
Not if she is a novelist Her ideas
of manly perfection as depicted in her
books would be enough to make any
conscientious husband give up In de
spair and leave home to look for work
as a truck
drivers Washington Star
Time is the most
of all
things the past Is gone the future is
not come and the present becomes the
past while we attempt to define it
When a man has
difficulty in finding
a chance to
propose he
can make
his mind that the gin doesnt un
him Chicago Record Herald