The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 17, 1902, Image 5

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Americas Famous Beauties
Look with horror upon skin eruptionsblotches
sores pimples They dont have them nor will
auy one who used Bucklens Arnica Salvo It
glorifies tho face Eczema or salt rheum
vanish before it It cures tore lips chapped
hands chilblains Infallible for piles 25 cents
at McConnell Berrys drug store
In the district court in and for Red Willow
county Nebraska
The McKinley Lanning Loan Trust com
pany plaintiff vs Martha Johnson Eliza O
Johnson Thomas M Campbell Martha E
Campboll Hiram W Johnson Tillie E John
son Benjamin O Johnson Carrio F Johnson
William Y Johnson John B Johnson Annie
Johnson Isabel Johnson heirs at law of William
Johnson deceased John Doe real name un
known Mary Doe real name unknown defen
The defendants Hiram W Johnson Tillie E
Johnson Benjamin O Johnson Carrie F John
sou John B Johnson and Annie Johnson will
take notice that on the 5th day of September
1902 the The McKinley Lanning Loan Trust
company plaintiff above named filed its peti
L tion in the district court of Bed Willow county
Nebraska against the above named defendants
the object and prayer of which are
to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage ex
ecuted bv William Johnson now deceased and
ilartli i Johnson his wife to this plaintiff upon
tho following described real estate to wit The
northwest quarter of section 33 thirty three
township 4 four north rango 29 twenty nine
west of tho 6th P M in Red Willow county
Nebraska Said mortgage was given to secure
one promssiory note for tho sum of 100000 one
thousand dollars dated April 10 1893 and duo
March 1st 1S9S There is now due and unpaid
upon said note and mortgage tho sum of 51000
eight hundred and forty dollars interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day
of September 1902 for which sum with interest
and cost plaintiff prays for a decree of fore
closure and a sale of said lands to satisfy tho
amount fouud due You are required to answer
said petition on or before the 17th day of
November 1902 or tho same will tie taken as
true and a decree rendered as therein prayed
Dated this 7th day of October 1902
The McKinley Lanxixg Loan Teust Co
By J W James C E Eldred its Attorneys
William Duboroko Karolina Duborko Joseph
Menard John Doe real name unknown and
Mary Doe real name unknown defendants will
take- notice that on the 10th day of October
1902 W S Perry plaintiff herein filed his peti
tion in the district court of Red Willow county
Nebraska against said defendants the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by the defendants William
Duborko and Karolina Duborko to tho plaintiff
spon tho west half of the northwest quarter and
west half or tho southwest quarter of section
number four in township number two north
range number twenty eight west of the 6th P
M to secure tho payment of their ono principal
promissory note with six coupon interest notes
thereto attached all dated February 2nd 1900
said principal note being for the sum of 500
sanddue three years from date thereof and said
iBterest notes being for the sum of S25 each and
ue respectively August 2 1900 February 2nd
id Aug 2nd 1901 and 1902and Feb 2nd1903 all
bearing interest at ten per cent after maturity
and also to secure tho payment of any taxes
that might bo paid by plaintiff on said mort
gaged premises That there is now due upon
Raid notes and mortgage including the amount
paid for taxes by plaintiff on said mortgaged
premises tho sum of 60500 with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from Au
gust 2nd 1902 for which sum with interest and
costs of suit the plaintiff prays for a decree that
the defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday the 17th day day of November
1962 W S Pebkt Plaintiff
Dated October 10th 1902
By C E Eldeed his Attorney
to show you some of
JVsw fotftiiig
just received
Your boys will want
a Scftoof Suit fr
Ran a Nail Through His Hand
While opening a box J C Mount of Three
Milo Bay N Y ran a ten penny nail through
the fleshy part of his hand I thought at ouce
of all the pain and soreness thi9 would cause
me hosap and immediately applied Cham
berlains Pain Balm and occasionally after
wards To my surprise it removed all pain and
soreness and tho injured part was soon healed
Fotsale by McConnoll Berry
A New Star Appears
The advent of the new daily at Lin
coln the Star gives the people of the
state the only real evening newspaper in
the state It has full unabridged associ
ated press the latest and most complete
market reports in the west a full special
state report every day by wire from its
own staff of correspondents and all mat
ters of local or state interest are handled
in a bright newsy manner
The Lincoln Daily Star occupies its
own building the finest exclusive news
paper building in the state has a com
plete modern plant operated -throughout
by electric power and has every facility
for producing a clean up-to-date news
paper The subscription price is only
S300 a year by mail 150 for six months
or 75 cents for three months
If you want the best evening news
paper in the west send your subscription
to the Lincoln Daily StarLincoln Neb
The Tribune and The American Boy
one year each for SL50 Send to the
Sprague Publishing Co Detroit Michi
gan for a copy of the October number
Those Clothes Wringers with five
years guarantee on them at W T Cole
mans also have some cheap ones at 150
and up
The largest variety of steel ranges and
cooks and heaters and the prices are
right at W T Colemans
Natural Anxiety
Mothers regard approaching winter with un
easiness children take cold so easily No dis
ease costs more little lives than croup Its at
tack is so sudden that the sufferer is often
beyond human aid befose tho doctor arrives
Such cases yield readily to Ono Minute Cough
Cure Liquifies tho mucous allays inflamma
tion removes danger Absolutely safe Acts
immediately Cures coughs colds grip bron
chitis all throat and lung trouble FSMahon
Hampton Ga says A bad cold rendered mo
voiceless just before an oratorical contest I
intended to withdraw but took Ono Minute
Cure It restored my voice in time to win the
medal McConnell Berry
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postofflce Oct 13 1902
Claud Bloomfield 2 S H Cott
Josio Garison A W Henderson
R H Harrison Frank Jones
Aaron McKnight JWMoore
Mr Madison it R E Schelenger
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmetx Postmaster
Goes Like Hot Cakes
The fastest selling articlel have in mystore
writes druggist C T Smith of Davis Ky is
is Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption
Coughs and Colds because it always cures In
my six years of sales it has never failed I have
known it to save sufferers from throat and lung
diseases who could get no help from doctorsi
or any other remedy Mothers rely upon it
best physicians prescribe it and McConnell
Berry guarantee satisfaction or refund the
price Trial free Regular sizes 50c and L
Died at Ripe Old Age
Charles Freisho who has for tho past
ton years lived with bia son-in-law
Joseph Boos ton miles south of Indian-
ola died on Sunday October 10th 1902
nt 640 in tho evening after an illness of
a few weeks duration Tho deceased
was born in Mecklenburg Germany
February 15th 1824 and name to Amor
ica in 1881 at the age of 60 years with
his children Ho lived in Fillmore coun
ty for eight years arriving in Eedwillow
county in 1892 ten years ago with his
son in law Joseph Boos Deceased was
a strong and faithful Christian and died
at peace with his God at the ripe old
age of 77 years and 8 months Tho re
mains were buried Tuesday noon Oct
ober 14th 1902 in the Indianola ceme
tery Rev Ilalbersleben of the Congre
gational church of that place officiating
ac tho services A large number of
friends followed the remains to the
Deceased is survived byh is aged widow
whom ho married in the old country
homo just 50 years ago this year Three
sons live in Germany Two daughters
live in America one in Fillmoro
county and tho other Mrs Joseph
Boos of this county X Y Z
Tho work of harvesting and market
ing tho potato crop on the W S Morlan
farm is well advanced The yield will
reach in tho neighborhood of 5000
Frank Knowles drove to Trenton Sat
Amanda Gaardar was a McCook visit
or Friday
C C Vennum of Palisade was a city
visitor Wednesday
Jas OConnell of Trenton was a busi
ness visitor Tuesday
J C Strayer of Stratton was a Cul
bertson visitor Wednesday
John Gaardar took a car of cattle to
Omaha Thursday morning
Bert Warnock is down from the Sand
Hills enjoying a little city life
David Knowles has been removed
from Otis Colorado to Trenton Ne
Blanche Benedict and Harry Lehman
took teachers examination at Trenton
Mrs Neubauer and son of McCook
visited Mr George Metzer and family
over Sunday
Mrs C A Parrish and son Earlo re
turned home from a five weeks visit in
Illinois Sunday night
Burton teacher of the first
grammar department spent Sunday at
her home in Trenton
Will A Williams came down from
Palisade Monday to help his parents
J M Williams move to Palisade
Mrs Frank Henderson of McCook
came up Saturday night to visit her
parents Mr and Mrs R Knowles
Alex Baur of Wray Colorado who
has been visiting his parents went down
to Beaver City as a B M operator
The Western Methodist conference
closed at Ord Monday Culbertson was
fortunate enough to get M L Gardner
MCMcNeirneywhohas been assisting
W U Harvey on the Hubbard ranch
returned to his home in Iowa Monday
Rev G L Snyder made his usual trip
to Stratton Sunday preaching there in
the morning and at Culbertson in the
Mr and Mrs Jack Highland and
children of Arapahoe came upSaturday
night to visit his father Robert High
lar d and wife
D M Benedict made his first trip to
Hayes Center Monday His schedule
time to leave is 6 a m and arrives at
7 p m This is a daily route
P P Duree of Cambridge who has
been here during the past week prepar
ing to reside here returned to Cam
bridge for his family Saturday
An attack of la grippe left me
with a bad cough My friends said
I had consumption I then tried
Ayers Cherry Pectoral and it
cured me promptly
A K Randies Nokomis III
You forgot to buy a bot
tle of Ayers Cherry Pec
toral when your cold first
came on so you let it run
along Even now with
all your hard coughing it
will not disappoint you
Theres a record of sixty
years to fall back on
Three sizes 25c 50c 1 All drnrjlrts
Consult your doctor If ho aaya take it 1
men uo u ue says ii no leiii von not
9 to take It then dont take It He knows
Leave It witn him We are willing
J C ATER CO Lowell Mass
Catholic Order of services Mass
o n m mass ana sormon iuju a m 1 1
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun-
day J J Loughkan Pastor
Episcopal Services for Sunday Oct
ober 19th Celebration of the Holy
Communion and sermon subjeetLabor
Problem at 11 oclock
E R Eaklk Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by tho
pastor Epworth League at 7 p m
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
at 8 L n Shumate Pastor
Congregational Sunday -school at
10 Regular morning and evening ser
vices with sermons by tho pastor En
deavor at 7 Prayer meeting at 8 oclock
Wednesday evening A cordial welcome
to all services
Frank W Dean Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 945
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p in B Y
Wilsonville Review 10th
Hunting and Trespassing Prohibited
The undersigned tenants and land
ownprs hereby give notice to the public
that hunting or trespassing of any kind
is strictly prohibited on any lands owned
or controlled by them and any violation j
of this order will be dealt with accord
ing to law Parents and guardians of
children will please observe this notice
P Walsh V McManigal
Hart VSutton Harry Barbazett
W S Fitch Marion Plummer
Ed Flitcraft C II Harman
A Card of Thanks
I am sincerely thankful to the many
friends for the sympathy shown during
the weeks of my husbands illness and
for the assistance so willingly rendered
after his death My heart goes out in
gratitude to them all Especially am I
thankful for the flowers sent as a tender
tribute to my loved one
Mrs Lorinda Miller
The new stone and brick sidewalk
along the west front of block 27 Main
avenue is now about ficished A sub
stantial four-inch-thick stone curb ex
tends along the gutter front of the en
tire block The sidewalks have all been
placed on grade making it the best
paved and only uniform sidewalk in the
business part of the city
The people over on the west side want
a sidewalk ordered built along the south
front of block 5 original town on West
Dearborn street The desired sidewalk
would connect with Main avenue walks
over the sidewalk on the south side of
the court house block More east and
west walks are needed in the city and
must eventually be built
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth Its
your liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure consti
pation headache dyspepsia
25c All druggists
11 VAn AVM - uA j tii
1 liuikjuui uiuuoiuuuuui uearu a ucauuiui
brown or rich black Then use
50 cts of Druggists or R p wil Co nshuj NH
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis it
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Naver soli
in bulk Accept no sufcsti
raeonranftTKouti tute Ask your aruggut
Time Card
McCook Neb
No t Central TImo 1110pm
2 005 AM
12 920am
No 5 arrives from east nt 8 p in
No 1 Mountain Time 11 am
i 114 i m
i 825 a m
No 176 arrives Mountain Timo fIOr m
No 175 departs 700am
Stooping dining nnd reclining chair cars
Beats froo on through train Tickets fold
nnd baggage checked to auy point in tho United
States or Canada
For information time tables mnps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
assen gor Agent O mnha Nebraska
P U at 7 p m Prayer meeting at 8 hospital list
on Wednesday evening Tho Ladies
Circle will drive to Indianola Thurs
day of next week and hold their weekly
meeting at the homo of Mrs CB Walls
Rev Snyder will preach at Zion Hill
and Pickens school house at the usual
hours and assist in the evening service
in McCook
George L White Pastor
Rev Sebastian Brennan is in charge
at St Patricks church during the two
weeks absence of Rev J J Longhran
The Dorcas society will next meet at
the home of Mrs F M Kimmell next
Thursday afternoon at 2 30
Tho Congregational people have select
ed Julian W Andrew as their delegate
to the state association meeting to bo
held in Weeping Water first of next
week Tho pastor will also attend the
Death of Edward Richmond
Edward Richmond died at the family
home west of Wilsonville early Tuesday
morning after a lingering and painful
illness lasting nearly a y ar and a half
He had but recently returned from a
trip to Arkansas and was quite improved
in health but during the recent rainy
weather he took a severe cold which
caused inflammation of the pleura and
resulted in his death He leaves u wife
and three children Tho family have
been residents of this vicinity for several
years and Mr Richmond was highly re
spected by all who knew him The en
tire community sympathizes with the
Loss of Engines is Serious
Two of tho Burlingtons big freight
ongines wore put out of sorvieo by tho
Seward wreck Since tho rush season
commenced tho Burlington has had a
number of wrecks that havo been chiefly
remarkable for putting engines on tho
Two on the Wyoming di
vision ono serious ono on tho Western
division and two slight ones on the
Northern division preceded tho wreck at
Seward and made work heavier in the
Havelock shops besides taking out of
service seven or eight engines when they
were most needed
The property damago was consider
able said a Burlington man yet the
greatest loss is theserviee of the engines
They could havo earned more than tho
loss amounts to in half tho timo it will
take to repair them Journal 10th
Married a Kansas Bride
Thomas Fowler of McCookNebraska
and Miss Louie Manso of Calhoun pro
cinct were united in tho holy bonds of
matrimony at tho home of the officiating
clergyman in this city on Monday Sep
tember 29 1901 Rev I SHall perform
ing the ceremony Tho bride is the
charming bride of Mr and Mrs J G
Manso and the groom is a promising
young railroad man and together they
start upon lifes journey with bright
prospects for a happy and useful career
St Francis Kansas Eagle
Assistant General Superintendent
Rhodes of the Burlington will re
move his office to the depot in a short
time vacating rooms in use in P street
building The rooms vacated there will
be used by Superintendent of Motive
Power R D Smith Mr Rhodes will
will take possession of tho apartments
occupied by Land Commissioner Ernst
for several j ears in the southwest cor
ner on the second floor of the depot
Dereavea wire ana otner relatives in tnis uMn L f v k oDi
poignant sorrow The funeral was held j roum on thft finBt H n ntnr
from the residence Wednesday after
noon interment being made at Tyrone
of the building north and south Jour
nal 16th
Chief Dispatcher Forbes represented
McCook lodge Knights of Pythias in
the grand lodge meeting in Omaha
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week
The election of the principal oflicers re
sulted as follows Grand Chancellor
Commander F J Kelley of Lincoln
Grand Vice Chancellor Commander G
R Stino of Omaha Grand Keeper of
Records and Seal Will Love of Lincoln
A gasoline motor car is being built at
the Burlington shops in this city for use
of roadmasters Several of these cars
are now in service and the company has
begun the experiment instead of sending
east for them They are very convenient
for the men who must inspect the road
bed often as they can be made to carry
one or two men from twenty to thirty
miles an hour Journal 16th
Among the official visitors at head
quarters Thursday were Asst Gen
eral Supt Rhodes of Lincoln Chief
Draughtsman Fitt of Lincoln Chief
Piecework Inspector Cricker of Lincoln
Coal Inspector Rugh of Lincoln Master
Mechanic Smith of Lincoln and Master
Mechanic Hutchinson of Holdrege
OwiDg to the strike of baggage and
mail handlers at union station StLouis
there were piled up in the station at
noon Tuesday more than five hundred
pouches of letter mail and more than
three thousand sacks of papers which
missed connections with outgoing train
Dusty Rhodes clerk for Foreman
Fuller left on 6 Wednesday night for
Lincoln to be gone about a week Ros
well Cutler will look after his clerical
duties meanwhile
Arthur B Mathison a Burlington im
migration agent accidentally shot and
killed himself at Gering Sunday morn
ing Bogart Missouri was his home
Conductor C E Pope is absent in
Chicago and St Louis on business and
Conductor L C Wolff has his run
Conductor J F Utter has Wolffs car
Frank McClintock has been transfer
red from Trenton to Fort Morgan to re
lieve R C Miller who is off duty with
a sprained wrist
Conductor L A Hurlburt has Con
ductor F A Starks run out of Oxford
during the illness of the latter
George Burgess left on 2 Monday
morning for Almena Kansas after a
short visit home
Brakeman Emil Enburg has this
week been promoted to extra conductor
Conductor J W Line has received
his car from Conductor T H Malen
Conductor Tim Foley left close of
this week for Wisconsin on a visit
Machinist Henry Wointz Inn quit th
shop departing last night for tho north
west Uo will bo a foreman of a shop
in u mining town near Sheridan Wy
J Toohoy recently helpor nt Heaver
City has passed tho telegraph examina
tion and been assigned to night duty on
tho west end
J F Edwards extra agent is tempor
arily filling tho position of agent at Leb
anon until tho regular assignment shall
bo made
Operator Frank Wallace nnd bridw
arrived homo Thursday evening He
will return to his trick Saturday
Operator H G Knowles of Otis has
been changed to Trenton
Thursday was pick day in tho black
smith shop
Rev Crippen was a Hartley visitor
G B Mayfiold was returned to th
Hartley circuit which is good news to
his many friends
Otis Farrer has chargo of the livery
barn for a few days while Beeson is out
with tho threshing machine
Bert Young mado a business trip to the
courthouse at McCook Friday of last 4
week ask him for particulars
Mrs Jake Stenner came up from Kan
sas last week to bo in attondanco nt
the wedding of her niece Lila Jlodgktn
Mr nnd Mrs Charles Schafer aro the
proud possessors of a now boy bore
October 6th Mother and child aro do
ing well
Two new families have decided to
swell tho population of Bartlcy witk
their presence T W Short of Douglas
county and W F Owens of Trenton
Ira Ritchie and Lila Ilodgkin were
united in marriage Sunday October 12
at the home of the brides parents Mr
and Mrs Frank Ilodgkin The young
couple will occupy tho house which Ira
recently purchased of W If Gnrtsidc
They have many friends in this locality
who unite in wishing them a long and
prosperous wedded life Tho brido is x
beautiful and accomplished young lady
who has grown to womanhood in onr
midst and is loved by all who know her
while tho groom is our energetic husl
ling young drayman who came here soy
oral years ago with his parents and has
made friends with nearly everyone hr
met They havo every good wish their
friends aro able to bestow upon them
and may they be an example for others
to follow
The Worst Form
Multitudes aro sinking th praineH of Kwlol
the new clicovery that is making ho ninny slk
IK ojilo well and weak jxjophj strong oy liprwtiiii
what they eat by cleansing and sweetening th
stomach and by transformiriK their food int
the kind of pure rich red blood that 1111 kc
jou feel fjood all over Mrs Cranilll of Troy 1
T writes For a number of yeara I trou
bled with indigestion and dyspep ia uhich Kro
into tho wore form Finally I wis induced to
use Kodol and after usin four boltles I ate
entirely cured I heartily recommend K doI to
all sufferers from indigestion and dv pepsji
Tako a dose after meals It dinwts what jo
eat McConnell lierrj
Look Out For Fever
Biliousness and liver diorden at this seasua
may be prevented by cleansing thosjstem with
DcWitts Little Early Risers These famous
little pills do not gripe They moe the bowels
gently but copiously and by rcaMn of the tonic
properties give tone and btreriKth to the laudrs
McConnell Berry
It stands alone it towers above Theres iio
other its natures wonder a warminn xxiltlrr
to tho heart of mankind Such is Iiocky Mou
tain Tea iic McConnell and Horn
O ye people Have je was l tho Koldit
moments of never returniuif time in taking a
substitute for the genuine Rockj Mountain Tta
made by the Madison Medicine Co McConnell
1 ALE MHpI55SK tk
m bt
fonstination wnothiiio mnr Sj1
than a rlogffing of the havn U Pm
and nothing 1 than Jtal star
vation or death if nit
If every constpat il milTf nT
could realize that he is allowing
poisonous ftlth to riniiu in Ins
system he would soon gotTPli f
Constipation invite all kind of
contagion Headache bilious
ness colds and iiiaiiy other ail
ments disappear vhr u
bowels arerelif el Thed
fords Black Draught thoroughly
flf ans out the bowels in an pav
and natural manner without the
purging of calomel or other vio
lent cathartics
Be sure that yon get the origi
nal Thedfords Clark Draught
made by The Chattanooga Medi
cine Co Sold by all drnggists in
U5 cent and 100 packages
Morsrao Arte Jlar 25 1001
I cannot recommend TliedfnrdVt ItLack
Draueht too JilLhl j 1 keep It In mr house
all the time and hare used I true tlielast
tn yean 1 never gafe my rfilldren
any other laxative I J Ink I could
never be able to wort without It
on account or being troubled with
constipation Your medicine la 1
all that keep b on