n L L l I I i i I h V mm TWENTY FIRST YEAR An Extensive Social Function Wednesday afternoon from two to six oclock Mesdames A P Bonnot II C Smith T B Campbell and Sarah A JMcCarl were at homo to about two hundred guests at tho home of Mrs Bonnot It was one of tho most exten sive social functions of the year with -very happy particulars Mrs T B Campbell received tho quests at the door and Mesdames Bon not McCarl and Smith wero in the for mal receiving lino Mrs F S Wilcox ushered to tho various rooms from tho parlor and Mrs Vina Wood directed tho guests to the dining room Refreshments wore served in the dining-room by Mesdames C H Boyle and W T Coleman assisted by Mesdames J M Henderson James Hatfield and O M Knipple Tho dining room was in pink and white sweet peas and chrys anthemums and the color scheme pre vailed in the dainty refreshments taste fully served Mrs Mabel Stranahan was at tho piano during tho afternoon Cut flowers dahlias cosmos etcwere displayed in the several rooms A Quiet Home Wedding The farm homo of Mr and Mrs Frank Stillman just east of the city was the scene of a quiet but happy wedding Wednesday evening of this week at 730 in tho union of their daughter Fannie and Griffin Eastin of Miami Missouri The ceremony was performed in the presence of the relatives and a few near friends Tho decorations of the house wero very pretty A wedding supper of great bounty was tastefully served after the cere mony after which the happy young friends took No 14 for their future home in Miami Missouri where a mar Tied sister of the bride is living The Tribune adds its heartiest con gratulations No 41 Held Up and Robbed Tho Burlingtons great train for the northwest No 41 was held up at Wood lawn about five miles west of Lincoln last Friday night about 830 oclock and the express and mail cars were blown up with charges of dynamite being bad ly wrecked The four robbers were ex perts beyond a peradventure for they easily got into the safes and are credited -with securing about 50000 This is the second time No 41 has been held up at Woodlawn the first attempt not net ting the robbers anything Conductor LymanBrakeman MooreEngineer Clay burg and Fireman Hutchinson were in charge of the train No trace of the ban dits has been secured up to this writing A Special Meeting of 135 The Masons held a special meeting Tuesday evening of this week at which Alonzo Cone was raised to the degree of a Master Mason by the brethren There was a large attendance of the members of the order including a number of vis iting brethren Light refreshments were served in the banquet room after the conferring of the degree and a social smoker was enjoyed of the usual attrac tive fraternal features Here Is A Genuine Snap A two story brick vaneered building and laundry in good Iowa county seat town of 2500 inhabitants to trade for either J or i section of Southwestern Nebraska land No competition at all Business clears above all expenses from 100 to 125 a month in the city work alone A snap if taken at once For particulars call on or address C A Stone McCook Neb Warrants have been received by Mes dames Max Anton and Channing Cal houn for 2000 each covering the death losses of their husbands The Francisco claim has been favorably passed upon and the usual warrant is expected soon Our fur stock embraces Stone Marten Sable Astrakhan Persian Lamb Bear Monkey Krimmer Electric Seal and their combinations in Scarfs Muffs and Collarettes from 125 to 750 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Why dont you paint your house There are but few that dont need it Tho Mound City paint is the best It spreads farther and lasts longer than the most of paints Give it a trial W T Coleman Izzer Bed Comforts are Bed Com forts made of Izzer Batts We make them and sell them from L65 to 275 The Thompson Dry Goods Co The ladies of St Albans guild will have home made bread and cakes for sale at Odells store Saturday October 25thf All the new up-to-date Books at McMillens jt L MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE R D Rogers is in Lerna Illinois on business Fred Zell is down from Denverguest of Supt Campbell- Mns E C Scheuck of Hastings is a guest of Mrs George Willetts Ciiaklie Myers of Redwillow is now employed in Honest Johns emporium Bishop Bonacum of Lincoln was a city visitor on church business Thurs day W V Miller of Marion was over Wednesday on business in the capital city Barney Hofer of Wauneta arrived in tho city Wednesday evening on busi ness John G Harrison was down from Contorpoint Frontier county Tuesday on business W T Henton was over from the Beaver Wednesday on business at the county seat Mrs L R Clyde arrived in the city Monday night and they have gone to housekeeping W C Bullard was out from Omaha Saturday looking after his lumber and coal interests here J R Mercer a Red Cloud attorney was a guest of Rev and Mrs F W Dean close of past week Mr and Mrs C L DeGroff left this morning for their home in Nebraska City after a short visit here William Olmstead of Cambridge ar rived in the city last week to assist on some of the residences now building Miss Minnie Smith departed Wed nesday morning for Grafton Nebraska to be absent until tho first of the year John Stevens the well known Hast ings lawyer was an attendant upon the Rooney Urquhart wedding Wednesday Mrs Ernest Pearson has been visit ing her father John Erickson who lives northwest of Holdrege since last week Mrs Randall came in from Omaha last night and will be the guest of her sister Mrs A P Thomson for ten days John Bellamy came up from Cam bridge last week to assist in building some of the residences now in the course of construction Dr R E Campbell of Buffalo New York was here on business connected with his landed interests in this county fore part of the week Dr and Mrs H L Prevost arrived home Thursday on 13 from a visit of a few weeks in Kansas City seeing the festival visiting relatives etc E J Overing of Red Cloud had busi ness here last week and incidentally en joyed a brief visit with old time Red Cloud friends Rev and Mrs Dean County Judge Eldred is enjoying a visit from his father of Wisconsin who arrived in the city Wednesday evening on his first visit west of the Big Muddy Dr Cone was up from Oxford Tues day evening to witness the making of of his brother Alonzo a Master Mason by thobrethern of McCook lodge No 135 Mrs Albert Barnett returned close of last week from an absence of about a month in the east visiting in Detroit New York Boston and elsewhere during her absence Mesdames Sams Patterson of Arapa hoe were up Friday last on a shopping expedition and were the guests of Mr and Mrs H H Tartsch They returned home on 32 Saturday morning Rev F W Deans mother who has been visiting him has gone to Cambridge for a weeks visit among friends of the early days She will return to McCook next week for an indefinite stay David Forbes father of the chief train dispatcher has been appointed a missionary by the Presbyterian church people of Canada and his special field will be among the lumbermen in the French Lake territory of the Georgian Bay district John F Cordeal came in from Chi cago Wednesday noon and will spend a week or two visiting the homefolks and his many admiring friends in the city while enjoying a brief respite from his confining and arduous labor in one of Chicagos greatest law offices As to blankets they have been scarce and rising Our purchases were made in May at the lowest possible prices We can supply you with unequalled val ues at 1 125 140 175 250 325 per pair Dont part with your money until you see our line The Thompson Dry Goods Co One price plain figures cash only tm A Pretty Wedding Miss Agnes Rooney of Hastings and Mr George Urquhart of Denver were united in marriage by Rev Sebastian Brennan Wednesday morning under tho happiest auspices at the Palmer house Tho bride is the charming daughter of the proprietor of the hotel Mr James Rooney and the groom is a clever and worthy gentleman connected with the Stroltz Drug Co of Denver Miss Lizzie Stevens of Lincoln and Mr Arland Ogden of Lincoln were brides maid and groomsman Tho bride was beautifully gowned in silk crepe de chine over lavender silk wore a picture hat and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses Tho brides maid wore a handsome cream colored dress a picture hat and carried pink roses The bride was given away by her father James Rooney Philomena Stevens of Hastings was ring bearer Mario Stevens of Hastings and Celestino Kendlen of McCook were ribbon bearers Tne impressive ring ceremony of the Catholic church was employed by Father Brennan A wedding breakfast was served in the hotel dining room at 930 when followed a brisk season of merry making until No 1 arrived from the east to bear the happily mated pair away to Denver where they will be at home to their friends in their apartments in the Oxford hotel There were about thirty guests pres ent chiefly relatives and near friends from Hastings Lincoln and Denver The gifts consisted mostly of silver and cut glass and were rich and elegant Miss Lizzie Stevens caught the brides bouquet Notice A first class upholsterer isnowatLud wicks furniture store Those wanting work done in the way of coucheslounges chairs etc would do well to have some done now as it is seldom that as fine a workman as we have for the next few days ever comes here The very best work guaranteed Leather goods es pecialby Returns From One Acre The Tribune is informed that C A Littel has received returns from one acre of sugar beets shipped to the Grand Is land factory this fall The tonnage was 18 and the price received 415 which in exact figures amounts to 7870 Republican Precinct Nominees At the Republican caucus held for Willowgrove precinct Saturday evening in H H Berrys office J E Kelley was renominated for precinct assessor and George Dillon and Alfred Carter were nominated for the offices of road over seers of districts 10 and 8 Union of a Danbury Couple Last Saturday afternoon in the Na tional hotel parlor in this city John H Ball and Winnie Newbury two estim able young people from Danbury were joined in marriage by Rev George L White of the Baptist church White Face Cows Eor Sale Twenty head of 3 and 4-years-olds with calves Inquire at this office Lost a watch charm with a stone oof finer fPnoorni7 ninrh f TTinrlAr will Ha VWO LJ bV suitably rewarded by returning same to The Tribune office Incomparable is a fair term to ap ply to the Ideal Waists Best fitticg waists made When others fail to fit you we succeed All colors sizes and grades from 50c to 450 The Thomp son Dry Goods Co W T Coleman cordially invites the lnrlips fn nail at his sfcnrfi nf nnv fimfi j and look over his line of kitchen novelties and silver ware He will be glad to show you the goods even if you do not care to buy j Polonius What Still harping on my daughter Hamlet Yes She is inimitable no cotton batt at all proaches the Izzer Just ask your next door neighbor and get supplied at The Thompson Dry Goods Co sole and ex clusive dealers Price 10c a roll We place our Ladies 1000 Jackets before the people as the best cloth and lining obtainable Absolutely fine all wool Kersey cloth with beautifully fin ished lining of the very best and most en durable heavy silk satin Fifteen rows of accurate silk stitching around the bottom Handsomely carved buttons Throatlatch Storm collar that turns clear down all around important if furs are worn Perfect in fit and finish Other sterling values at 8 750 675 490 to 250 All lengths all styles The Thompson Dry Goods Co One price plain figures cash only RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Arthur Mitchell is now day operator at Akron Brakeman L E Cramer is visiting his family in Republican City a few days Mrs L W Stayner and two children aro guests of DesMoines Iowa relatives Switchman and MrsMG Stephenson are spending a few days visiting in Ober lin J F Johnson is a new recruit in tho operating force3 and is on tho extra list C P Willis who has been subbing in McCook for a while has resigned from the service The 318 was limbered up in the local yard Saturday for road service after an overhauling in the shops Fireman Steinke was called to McCook tho first of the week to fire out of there in the future Oxford Standard Brakeman and Mrs Frank Henderson moved into quarters in the Meeker build ing over tho postoffice this week Engineer W H Morrell is running the Akron switch engine vice Engineer Walter Stokes now running out of Mc Cook on the main line Mike Donovan for many years sec tion boss for the B M here has re turned from his prolonged stay in Cali fornia Red Cloud Argus The Burlington bridge carpenters have been at Trenton and vicinity the past week repairing damages made by the late heavy rains in that locality Harry Ellison who has been night switchman here for a week past went to McCook Sunday and will brake out of there in the future Oxford Standard Conductor William Washburn return ed home first of the week from reliev ing Conductor H C Kiser for a short time down on tho Orleans St Francis line The September pay day was the largest in the history of the shop amounting to 26189 and tho shop was closed one whole day to enable the men to attend the state fair Conductor and Mrs J W Line ar rived home Tuesday on 13 from a months absence in Vermont having en joyed a thoroughly delightful trip and visit in New England A C Paulson who has been working in the round house here for some time has gone up higher having been called to McCook and given a job firing Re publican City Ranger Clarence Bunstock from the round house here was transferred to Republi can Monday where he takes A Paul sons place Mr Pauson was called to McCook Oxford Standard An organization of the Brotherhood of Railway Brakemen is said to have been perfected here last Saturday night starting out with a goodly number of members Alliance Times 14th W J Mallery agent at Lebanon for the past four years has been transferred to Wilsonville Mr Walters formerly of Lebanon but late of Wilsonville goes to Lyons Colorado as agent Miss Jennie Lucas daughter of D A Lucas general foreman of the boiler shop returned yesterday from an ex tended visit in Wisconsin accompanied by her aunt Mrs Holmes Lincoln Star Oct 15th Machinist Julian W Andrew went down to Lincoln Wednesday night on a short visit He hopes to spend a day at the 46th annual meeting of the general association of Congregational churches first of next week in Weeping Water Engineer Benedict and Charles Pen nington took the 147 to McCook this week for repairs Motive power has been short on the Highline and some of Jim Hills tri weakly flyers have been laid out in order to get engines to move the stock extras Conductor and Mrs O D Keith looked the town over last week with a view of locating Mrs Keith was so well pleased that they decided to sell their property in McCook and move here Mr Keith was recently assigned to a run on this line Holyoke Republican Master Mechanic Ackerman returned from Chicago and the east Friday where he went to visit the Northwestern shops and to inspect new machinery Two new lathes will be sent to Havelock at once It was stated by a high official of the Burlington at Lincoln during Mr Ackermans absence in Chicago that there would be some changes and im provements at the Havelock shops in the near future and within the next two years Mr Ackerman will have one of tho most modern and completely equiped shops west of Chicago Lincoln Star 13th rib tin McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 17 1902 Council Allows Bills Tho city fathers wore in regular ses sion Mondny ovoning all presont but Mayor Eldred Petition for sidowalk along south side of block five original town was laid over until next meeting Bills were allowed as follows Electric Light Co 8740 John Ekstedt 5955 F M Kimmell 1700 Andrew Phillips 1500 T Z Wallaco 4000 Ed Fitzgerald 5000 Jacob Schnior 100 Andrew Phillips 750 Nebraska Telephone Co 600 WRStarr 1250 W S Perry 1250 A C Ebert 3875 Electric Light Co 87 J0 mcook public library McConnell Berry 32524 McConnell Borry 5499 F D Burgess 135 C H Meeker 26 McCook Library Board 150 McCook Republican 550 M B Hogan 6 00 McConnell Berry 1477 George Elbert 1687 Barnott Lumber Co 1280 Ed Watkins Printing House 295 Kenyon News Co 3305 Adjourned Silverware Silverware When in need of anything in hollow ware of cutlery go to W T Colemans look over his line of silverwaro and get prices before buying elsewhere Ho has a complete line of knives and forks teas coffee orange dessert and table spoons Dessert pie and fruit knives Jelly shells gravy ladles borry spoons and everything in tho line of silverware To the Ladies I have a complete line of chaffing dishes timbole irons vegetable slicers pudding and salad moulds potato scoops spirit lamps and all useful kitchen uten sils When you are down town call at W T Colemans store and look over his line of novelties and silverware Stoves Stoves Stoves See the now lino of heating stoves at Ludwicks f uniture store before you buy J H Ludwick is settled in his new quarters a building especially adapted for the furniture business He is show ing a fine line of buffets sideboards book cases folding beds etc 40 styles of iron beds Upholstered goods have been added A complete line of stoves See them The Great Majestic the Malleable Climax Quick Meal Jewel Universal and several other makes of ranges is what you have to select from when you want a range Look them over and get prices before buying W T Coleman Childrens fleece lined Union Suits 25c to 50c Misses and Ladies 50c to 175 Childrens fleece lined under shirts from 5c to 45c Mens heavy fleeced underwear 33c to 1 The Thomp son Dry Goods Co Those 35 45 and 50 buggies are dandies and the best values ever offered in the city The 75 rubber tired ones are beauties Call and soe them No trouble to show them at WT Colemans Mens stout Corduroy Pants 200 Mens all wool Clay Worsted Suits 750 Men s thick warm S tf eaters 65c Heavy double breasted navy blue shirts 75c The Thompson Dry Goods Co The weather continues gloriously fa vorable to fall planting and harvesting It could not bo improved upon if special ly ordered It fits our comfort andthe coal pile to a tyty also Fifty Dress Skirts of our own make displayed ready to wear 250 to 750 To your measure at same price Our entire line of Dress Goods to select from The Thompson Dry Goods Co For Sale A fine lot Poland China boars and S C White Leghorn roosters All full blood Cheap if taken atonce D C Benedict Culbertson Neb The Pades are rushing up their stable which will be utilized as a carpenter shop during the construction of the resi dence Ladies when you are down town step in Ludwicks furniture store and see some of the new styles A car of furniture just arrived at Lud wicks Step in and see some of the new styles Ping pong the latest society craze Sets 1 to 5 McConnell Berry r it U11H1 a NUMBER 22 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS The Tribune is only 100 a year It pays to trado with Cono Bros Try it Scale books for sale at The Triijunk office Bibles now and old versions at Mc Millens Threo rooms for rent Inquiro of Frank Travor ForRent Two heatod rooms in th Meekor block Go to C L DeGroff Cos for Sorosis Skirts Furnished rooms to rent Inquiro of Mrs L E Irwin Some good values in Petticoats at CL DeGroff Cos Boys school coats 85c to 135 Tim Thompson Dry Goods Co Tho best stationery and finest per fumes at Cono Bro3 drug store Tho latest in Statuary with oriontal colorings at McMillens drug store Spices and flavorings strictly pure McConnell Berry Handsome Ladies Silk Waists 350 and 450 Tho Thompson D G Co If its seasonable and all right you will find it at D C Marshs meat market Always reliable always dependable what you buy at Marshs meat market A lady desiring board and room in a desirable family can secure information at this office Tho State Bank of Cambridgo will shortly blossom into tho First National Bank of Cambridge Tho Catholic people are figuring on putting a furnace in their church which is now unequally heated by a stove For the pickle season all kinds of spices and flavorings Purest made McConnell Berry All the new and popular books always in stock at less than publishers prices McConnell Berry Dont be a fish See tho wall paper snaps at Cones Bros before you buy Wo know where you will buy jf you investigate Wanted Pupils for a shorthand class Good timo to begin as a new class is being formed See L W Stayner for particulars Cards with envelopes to match for at homes receptions etc for sale at Trib une office Same neatly printed rea sonable if desired At the right price you can always get the choicest things tho season affords at D C Marshs meat market At the old stand all the time Everybody gets a bargain in our wall paper remnant sale Come early and get this years patterns McConnell Berry We have paint for any purpose Paints of all grades and prices Dont buy till you have seen us McConnell Berry Tho old Barnett Lumber Co office has been purchased by R C Boles and moved to a lot on South Monroe street where it is being converted into a dwell ing The new sidewalk in front of II P Waites hardware store will necessitate a new floor in the store room tho pres ent floor being a number of inches below the grade Kinds of meat change somewhat with the seasons but they never change the quality at D C Marshs market Its always one quality the very bfst the market affords My selection of hard and soft coal heaters is not equalled in this part of the state It will pay you to look at these heaters before buying Will guar antee price with quality W T Coleman The Tribune understands that Mra Cora Kelley of our city has bought Mrs Iowa and that the Noble3 will make their headquarters in Hastings from which point Mr Noble is now traveling for a well known eastern wholesale queensware house The supreme court has decided in the bishops favor the famous suit of Bishop Bonacum of Lincoln against Father Har rington of Orleans involving the removal of the popular young priest from the pastorate at Orleans where Father Har rington a few yeare since completed the handsomest Catholic church in South western Nebraska UG