The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 03, 1902, Image 2

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IVlcCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Russias crops this year are the Iarg
est produced in ten years
M David the noted Paris stoclf
broker was shot dead by an artist
Mgr Guldl apostolic delegate to tha
Philippines has another conference
with Pope Leo
Representative Newlands urges that
the democratic party co operate with
organized labor
Commissioner Wares report will
how that the pension list now contains
over 1000000 names
Diplomatic relations between Vene
zuela and Great Britain are on the
yerge of being severed
The state deartment expects no an
swer to Secretary Hays note to the
powers regarding Roumanian Jews
Wesleyan university Middletown
Conn has received a gift of 50000
to equip an astronomical observatory
Dr Guy Potter Benton late president
of the Upper university of Iowa was
inaugurated as president of Miami uni
Estimates for the rural free delivery
service for the next fiscal year aggre
gate between 11000000 and 12000
Alaska has aid its cost twenty times
It was bought for 7200000 and has
supplied 150000000 in furs fish and
President Palma requests withdraw
al of remaining United States troops
from Cuba and the matter has been
referred to Secretary Root
Lord Curzon viceroy of India tele
graphs that the agricultural prospects
in that country have been further im
proved by the general rains
The human body of average weight
contains three pounds thirteen ounces
of calcium which at present market
rate is worth 200 an ounce
The forces of the provisional gov
ernment of Hayti commanded by the
war minister General Nord have sus
tained a severe defeat at Limb
Major J VV Powell director of the
bureau of ethnology at the Smithso
nian institute at Washington died at
his summer home at Haven Maine
The earl of Dundon the new com
mander of the Canadian military has
just issued a sweeping order abolish
ing the sword as a cavalry weapon
Within the past fifty years 164589
persons have emigrated from County
Mayo Ireland nearly as many as in
habit the county at the present time
Monsignor Guidi who was recently
appointed apostolic delegate in the
Philippine islands will be consecrated
September 29 Cardinal Rampolla offi
The naval board of inquiry exoner
ates Rear Admiral Coughlan and the
officers of the Brooklyn for accident
to the cruiser during the recent joint
King Leopolds refusal to be recon
ciled with his daughter the Princess
Stephanie Countess Lonyai at the
bier of her mother arouses indignation
of the Belgians
Manila papers received at the wai
department report that the Katipu
nan the society which is secretly
pledged to oppose American sover
eignty is again active in Manila
All the gas companies of Greater
Boston are to be merged and eventu
ally will furnish gas for fuel only as
the result of a conference of some of
the most prominent capitalists of the
A directory company has completed
a count of the inhabitants of Salina
which shows that the city has a pop
ulation of 8207 an Increase of about
1000 over the number reported by the
city assessor
William H Craddock fusion nomi
nee for governor of Kansas has filed
suit against Secretary of State Clark
to have his name placed on both the
democratic and populist tickets on the
official ballots
Stanley Spencer a well known Eng
lish aeronaut successfully accomplish
ed a remarkable flight over London In
an airship of his own invention It is
estimated that his ship trraveled near
ly thirty miles
Mrs John Doley and Mrs John Car
ney sisters met at Springfield Ohio
after fifty one years of fruitless search
ing on the part of Mrs Doley They
became separated in New York harbor
after landing from Ireland
Captain Pershing o the Fifteenth
infantry captured seven forts of the
Moros in Mindanao
The tariff bill may not pass the
German reichstag owing to the deter
mination of three leading parties to
abide by agrarian increases
Archbishop Riordans counsel ih
heard at The Hague in opposition to
Jesuit claim in the Pius fund case
The eruption of a volcano checks
cable laying on the coast of St Vin
cent and the steamer had aajnra
Physicians Find the Bone to Be Slight
ly Affected They Do not Anticipate
the Patients Recovery Will Be In
WASHINGTON Sept 20 Secretary
Cortelyou at 330 oclock yesterday
Issued the following statement
Dr Newton Shaffer of New York
joined the presidents physicians in
consultation this morning at 10
oclock The increase In local symp
toms and a rise in temperature ren
dered it necessary to make an Incision
into the small cavity exposing the
bone which was found to be slightly
affected Thorough drainage is now
established and the physicians feel con
fident that recovery will be uninter
rupted The operation was performed
by Surgeon General Rixey assisted by
Dr Lung and in consultation with
Surgeon OReilly and Doctors Shaffer
Urie and Stitt
Secretary to the President
In the former operation a simple
needle was used to relieve the trou
ble but yesterday the surgeons with
a knife made an incision into the
small cavity exposing the bone which
was found to be slightly affected The
presidents case has teen progressing
satisfactorily but it is believed by the
physicians that the further operation
made yesterday will hasten his com
plete recovery
While none of the doctors are will
ing to be quoted they give the most
positive assurances that there is not
the least cause for alarm and say that
on the contrary there is every indi
cation of a speedy recovery that the
area of bone affected is very slight
and will not result in any impairment
of the presidents limb and that there
is no evidence whatever of any mat
ter that would produce blood poison
ing They confidently expect that the
president will be on his feet within a
reasonable time and with his robust
constitution to assist recovery soon
will be himself again
Dr Newton M Shaffer of New York
who long has been acquainted with
the Roosevelt family and has attend
ed the presidents children at various
times and who also is a well known
bone specialist joined the presidents
physicians in their morning consulta
tion at 10 oclock It was noticed that
there had been a slight rise in the pres
idents temperature and an increase in
local symptoms and the conclusion
was reached that the patients recov
ery would be hastened by making an
incision of the wound for the purpose
of relieving the slight tension or
swelling present and to drain the
The operation was performed be
tween 2 and 3 oclock in the afternoon
An application of cocaine was used to
allay the pain
The president stood the operation
very well and subsequently expressed
his satisfaction at the successful re
sult Dr Rixey the surgeon general
of the navy performed the operation
assisted by Dr Lung the presidents
regular physician At 10 oclock last
night it was stated that the president
was doing very well
Work to Be Completed by July of
Next Year
NEW YORK Sept 29 Vice Presi
dent George G Ward of the Commer
cial Cable company who arrived to
day made the assertion that the Unit
ed States will be able to open up cable
communication with Manila P I by
July 4 1903 Mr Ward says the cable
is being made in London at the rate
of fifty miles a day or 300 miles a
week and will be finished in March
Three ships will lay the cable
said Mr Ward The Silverton Col
onia and Anglia Two of them will
begin from Manila and one from San
Francisco When they meet in mid
ocean the ends will be spliced
Locates Another Comet
SAN JOSE Cal Sept 29 Prof W
W Campbell of Lick observatory
sends the following to the Associated
Press The comet discovered at Lick
observatory on September 1 by Prof
C D Perrine has grown steadily
brighter as predicted until the pres
ent time it is very visible to the naked
Conference in the Wind
C Nichols Tomas Duffy and John
Fahy presidents of the three anthra
cite districts of the United Mine Work
ers arrived at the Windsor hotel about
midnight from the coal region They
soon left the hotel and up to 130 a
m had not returned The object of
their visit is not known but President
Mitchell and Secretary Treasurer Wil
son left Pittsburg last night for this
Crowd at Corinth Miss Kills Negro
Who Murdered Mrs Whitfield
Nebraska Man is Honored
CORINTH Miss Sept 29 Writhing
in the flames of burning fagots piled
high by hundreds of citizens Tom
Clark alias William Gibson a young
negro was burned at the stake here
at a late hour today after having con
fessed to one of the most atrocious
crimes In the history of north Missis
sippi the assault and murder of Mrs
Carey on August 19 last Be
fore the torch was applied Clark stated
that he deserved his fearful fate
Last August Mrs Whitfield the wife
of a well known citizen was found
dead in her home Investigation
showed that the woman had been as
saulted and her head was practically
severed from her body a razor having
been used in the bloody work Both
Whitfield and his wife were related to
several of the most promising families
in the south and the indignation of
the people knew no bounds Corinth
and the surrounding country were
scoured in an effort to apprehend the
murderer but diligent search failed to
disclose his identity Two detectives
from Chicago were employed but their
efforts were fruitless Several suspects
were arrested but in each case an
alibi was proven A committee of
twelve citizens was employed to con
tinue the search for the murderer and
these men have been very active in
their work On Monday last it became
known that Tom Clark a negro living
near here had trouble with his wife
and the latter threatened to disclose
the secret of a crime Officers
hended the woman and she told enough
to warrant the belief that Clark had
murdered Mrs Whitfield
Heinze Party is Launched
BUTTE Mont Sept 29 F August
Heinze last night organized his new
political party to be known as the
anti trust democracy At least Mr
Heinze made the announcement that
an organization had been effected The
primaries are called for September 29
and the convention for the following
day Ex Governor Robert B Smith
who recently deserted the populists
acted as spokesman of the meeting
Mr Heinze addressed the meeting ar
raigning the regular democracy and
declaring that an alliance existed with
the Amalgamated Copper company the
Standard Oil company and Senator
Clark of the regular democracy
Putting on Bright Attire
WASHINGTON Sept 29 The in
terest of the employes of the pension i
bureau is now centered in the recep
tion to be given by Commissioner E F
Ware to the old soldiers who will at
tend the Grand Army encampment
next month The pension bureau will
be a central point of interest to the
thousands of veterans who make the
pilgrimage to the national capital and
this immense building will be deco
rated in a manner fitting to the men
who fought to save the union
May Go Up in a Balloon
LONDON Sept 29 A news agency
today makes the following announce
Sir Thomas Lipton who was recent
ly elected a member of the Aero club
contemplates a trip across the channel
with the Hon C S Rolls and in the
event of the voyage being made in a
balloon Sir Thomas will be accompa
nied by his steam yacht the Erin
Kossuth Monument Unveiled
CLEVELAND O Sept 29 A life
size statue of the Hungarian patriot
Louis Kossuth was unveiled yester
day in this city in the presence of
50000 people The statue stands on
a pedestal and is about twenty feet
Operator Killed at His Key
Chapman ticket agent at Browns Sta
tion five miles from here was shot
and killed today by unidentified par
ties Chapman was 19 years old
Goes Up in Smoke
ward of thirty pieces of furniture
some curtains and portiers and sev
eral heavy plate mirrors all belong
ing to the White house were destroyed
by fire of unknown origin
Emperor Still Lives
BERLIN Sept 29 An official tele
gram to the Corean legation here says
the emperor of Corea is alive and in
the best of health He had been re
ported dead
Walton Has Narrow Escape
ST JOSEPH Mo Sept 29 An at
tempt was made to destroy the family
of Columbus Walton of South St Jo
seph by the use of several sticks of
dynamite The family lived over a
store run by Walton and the dyna
mite was placed under the stairs ol
the front of the building The detona
tions were terriffic and part of the
structure was destroyed but the fam
ily escaped injury
iip nr
Fred Hoffman of North Bend Blowo
His Head Off
NORTH BEND Neb Sept 29
Citizens of this place were horrified
to learn of the death of Fred Hoff
man aged sixty two years by his
own hand Hoffman blew off the top
of his head with a shotgun and his
body was found lying in a room of
the shack which he occupied alone
in the southern edge of the town
A shotgun lying near by told the
story of self destruction The sight
which met the eyes of the party as
they entered the room was a most
sickening one The brains of the
dead man had fallen into a pan and
looked as though they had been taken
out and laid there Blood and par
ticles of flesh and brain were scat
tered on a soft and the walls and
floor of the room A stream of blood
had flowed the entire length of the
room leaving pools here and there
The dead man had carefully fasten
ed all the doors of the house before
killing himself He left a letter ad
dressed to his children which read as
NORTH BEND Neb Sept 24
Dear children Dont let the county
bury me Bury me as cheap as you
can I have worked hard all my
life and cant work any more God
will help you remember me when this
you see so goodbye
Hoffman had a wife and nine chil
dren five of whom are married but
he had become estranged from them
some years ago He lived the life of
a bachelor cooking his own meals and
doing his own housework
Deputy Labor Commissioner Watson
Completes Compilation
LINCOLN Sept 29 Deputy Labor
Commissioner Watson and his office
force completed the compilation of
the acreage for the crop season of
1902 in all the counties of the state
as follows Winter wheat 1904939
acres spring wheat 645828 acres
corn 5516801 acres oats 1638647
acres barley 78414 acres rye 483
554 acres
The labor commissioners figures
are based upon official returns from
the assessors in all but a few coun
ties The missing ones were esti
mated but are believed to be fairly
Figures for the yield have been
mated by the Nebraska Grain Deal J
ers association on all but corn which
cannot be compiled accurately before
the end of October or perhaps later
The other cereals however show a
veijv satisfactory increase over the
year of 1901 The estimate of the
yields of the various crops with the
average per acre are
Winter wheat 44735963 bushels
23 per acre spring wheat 645828
bushels 12 per acre oats 52144119
bushels 35 per acre rye 8 673620
bushels 19 per acre
Represented in Displays
WASHINGTON Sept 29 Secretary
Hay has sent urgent instructions to
all of the United diplomatic officers
abroad to do everything within their
power to insure displays at the worlds
exposition at St Louis from the coun
tries at which they are accredited
The purpose was not only to secure
considerable individual displays by
great manufacturers and merchants
but also to have the various govern
ments themselves make national ex
hibits as these features of interna
tional fairs have usually been the
more interesting
Fear Damage to Range
KIMBALL Neb Sept 29 This1
part of Nebraska has been visited
by the heaviest rain known at this
time of year Three inches of water
fell and stockmen fear the grass will
again get green if the weather turns
warm and be injured by the frost
which will greatly damage the winter
No Replies to Hays Note
LONDON Sept 27 Thus far the
British government has received no
relies from the signatories of the Ber
lin treaty to its note supporting Sec
retary Hays initiative in the treat
ment of Roumanian Jews
Balloon Bursts in Midair
ALMA Neb Sept 29 At the street
fair Thomas Andrews an aeronaut of
Omaha was making an ascension in
a ballooon when it burst when about
seventy five feet from the ground He
fell sustaining severe injuries
Organize a Gas Company
ORD Sept 29 The Ord Gas and
Electric Lighting company has been
organized with a capital stock of 12
000 and a Colby system of cold stor
age gas plant will be installed by De
cember 1 at the latest
Jury Fails to Agree
TECUMSEH Neb Sept 29 The
damage case of Otto Hoffman versus
John Boatsman et al was given to
the jury in the district court here I
Stables at Insane Hospital Destroyed
with Loss of 15000
LINCOLN Neb Sept 27 The
etate of Nebraska suffered a loss of
15000 by fire the stables at the hos
pital for the Insane In the outskirts
of the city being totally destroyed
s Six head of horses were incinerat
ed a dozen others being saved by the
asylum attaches after the latter were
nearly suffcatod and badly scorched
by their efforts Large stores of pro
duce grown on the asylum farm were
destroyed along with implements and
vehicles housed in adjoining sheds
Fed bv several hundred tons of hay
the flames leaped high in the air
The asylum was distant about 200
yards but most of the patients wero
aroused by the din and added to the
general disorder with their screams
The patients were kept locked within
their apartments and the excitement
soon subsided
Superintendent Greene suspects in
cendiarism Within the last eighteen
months the state penitentiary near this
city and the Norfolk insane asylum
have both been burned representing
a loss to the state of 500000
Boy of Sixteen Abducts Miss a Year
SIOUX CITY la Sept 27 Arthur
Nichols aged sixteen of Emerson
Neb it is charged enticed Flossie
Haynes aged fifteen also of Emer
son to take a ride with him She
was enjoying the ride when he drove
into Hubbard took her to the depot
and waited until a train came along
He put her on the train with a ticket
to Sioux City and said he would drive
back to Emerson and follow on the
next train When he reached Emerson
he was met by an officer and arrested
for alleged abduction The girl ar
rived here and was enjoying the Elks
carnival She chanced to pass the po
lice station just after her father had
telephoned her description to Chief
Davenport The chief recognizing
her put her in the womans ward un
til her father came when she buried
her face in his coat and wept
Balloonist Drops Into River
SUPERIOR Neb Sept 27 Fred
Butler who does the parachute drop
act for the Superior street fair had
a rather unpleasant experience The
balloon ascension was a pretty one and
the drop perfect except that the para
chute dropped him in the middle of
the Republican river which is now at
flood Butler cannot swim a lick He
drifted onto a flooded island and re
mained there with the cold water up
about his neck for over an hour while
a boat was secured in which to rescue
him He lost his parachute Butler
nearly lost his life in the same man
ner at Lake Manawa this summer
Father Begins Peculiar Suit
BEATRICE Neb Sept 27 N
Brockhinzen who resides near Adams
this county has filed claims for 100
damages against Gage county for the
death of his daughter killed on a
bridge between sections 20 and 29 in
Adams township because of the bridge
being in bad order causing the team
to shy into the railing of said bridge
throwing the girl out This accident
occurred several weeks ago
Horse Thieves in Otoe
NEBRASKA CITY Sept 27 Horse1
thieves are operating in this section
again after an absence of several
years They went to the stable of
Thomas Blevins a farmer living three
miles south of town and took a horse
buggy and harness and made their es
cape The horse was a very fine gray
animal weighing about 1200 pounds
and valued at about 150
Placed in Beatrice Jail
BEATRICE Neb Sept 27 Fred
Olds charged with being one of the
slayers of David Jones of Wymore
was brought here from Lincoln by
Sheriff Waddington and placed in the
county jail Eph J Herrod whom
Olds Implicated in the murder by mak
ing a confession will be brought here
for trial
Struck in Eye with Scissors
BEATRICE Neb Sept 27 Pearl
the 5-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs
Gilbert Reynolds residing near this
city was accidentally struck in the
right eye by a pair of scissors and will
probably lose the sight She is under
the care of an oculist who has little
hopes for her
Cold Storage Building Burns
LEXINGTON Neb Sept 27 The
Merritt cold storage and produce
building was completely destroyed by
fire Many bushels of potatoes were
roasted ready for eating
Nelson Fair Postponed
NELSON Neb Sept 27 This sec
tion has been having heavy rains Ow
ing to this fact the directors of the
Nuckolls county fair decided to post
pone the fair to October 7 8 9 and 10
He Fought at San Jacinto
v Colonel Harady W B Price of Clay
ton Ala is one of the few still sur
viving who took part in the battle or
Texan Independence
San Jacinto which
dependence is hale and hearty ana
remembers the battle as though it
happened but yesterday Ho is
years of age having been bora Iil
Elgecombe county N C on May b
Excessive heart development often
leads to a sorry shrinkage of com
mon sense assets
When you have a bad back a bocK
thats lame weak or aching its a
hard strurglo sometimes to find re
lief and cure but its a harder strug
gle when the dangers beset you oT
urinary disorders too frequent urina
tion retention of tho urine with all
the subsequent pains annoyances and
suffering There are many medicines
tfeat relievo these conditions but yoti
want a remedy a cure Read thls
statement it tells of a euro that
Veteran Joslah Hellor place of resi
dence 706 South Walnut St Urbana
111 says In the fall of 1889 I pro
cured Doans Kidney Pills at Cun
ninghams drug store in Champaign
and after taking the remedy conscien
tiously I made a public statement ot
the results I told how Doans Kid
ney Pills relieved me of kidney trou
ble disposed of my lame back and
the pains across my loins beneath
tho shoulder blades etc During the
interval which has elapsed I have
had occasion at times to resort to
Doans Kidney Pills when I noticed
warnings of another attack and on
each and every occasion the result
obtained was just as satisfactory as
when the pills were first brought to
my notice At this time I just as em
phatically indorse the preparation as
I did several yeara ago
A FREE TRIAL of this great Kid
ney medicine which cured Mr Heller1
will be mailed on application to any
part of the United States Address
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For
sale by all druggists price 50 cents
per box
When a man is young and poor he
is wise When he grows old and rich
he becomes foolish
A boon to travelers Dr Fowlers Ex 1
tract of Wild Strawberry Cures dyson
tery seasickness nausea Pleasant to take
Acts promptly
Some of the rough riders are very
smooth men
Revenge is not sweet to one of ex
alted mind
Stops the CougTi anil
Works Oft the Cold
Laxative Broruo Quinine- Tablets Price25c
A bank account is the greatest labor
fast to light and washing
The forward person is frequently
set back
Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a
blood or constitutional disease and in order to
ure it you must take internal remedies Halls
Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta
airectly on the blood and mucous surfaces
Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine
It was prescribed by one of the best physicians
n this country for years and Is a regular pre
scription It is composed of the best tonics
known combined -with the best blood purifiers
acting directly on tho mucous surfaces The
perfect combination of the two ingredients Is
what produces such wonderful results in curing
Catarrh Send for testimonials free
F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo a
Sold by druggists price 75c
Halls Family Pills are the best
In the spring the liars fancy lightly
turns to thoughts of fish
CIYQ Permanently enrea No flu or nervousness after
I 1 1 W first days uso of Ir Klines Great Nerve Bestor
r Send for FKEK 8300 trial bottle and treatise
De R H Kjjxe Ltd 931 Arch Street Philadelphia P
Stolen sweets are often indigestible
Keep M the We
r Bain cant touch tho man protect fcy
II f f FIX
ft mf As
The bet oiled clothing in the
world Warranted
rooC Will not crack cr peel
aUe to land rouza work and
weather Getthegenuinc If
your oeaier aoein t ep them
write for catalogue to
Bole Hfn
Bast Cambridge Mass
Buys an Eferjant
New Upright
Manufacturers Wholesalers Retailers
rf11 Sr Peot troaj
S Sf BeU1S general at
at wholoialopifces
direct to the conaunwr two
alUlons ol people ordered
Kood froraus last
u w vj vi p cent
L3 uVAiiJorB raa trim T3 no
X2 Onril00paKo catalogs teli th J6
vj tte mil Bena it npoa receipt of 15 cental
Tt Caae that tha trnth m
H ti
I 1