L - f 398 to pwniwaniAwmitf MiirLiMwmiB No Sending Away JC wKttiV You can buy a complete violin outfit consisting of violin bow case combination tuning pipe rosin instruction book and extra set of strings for 398 You see what you get no express charges to pay if not as we represent we are right here on the ground to make it right We have out fits for 8 ana finer still for I lY0 In guitars we are handling only the better grades which we are able to sell you at the same price asked for inferior instruments For 500 we will sell you the new 1902 Melba standard size guitar made of curly birch beautifully inlaid front and back position dots ebony finger board and fully guaranteed iVWVVWrtVWVWWVfAWftWWVVVtAAftrVIIWVWAWWi INATIONAL VWVWVKVWWWWI - - 71 XT XT rx - - I Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60 000 oi 6 GEO HOGKNELL President B M FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director X 500 9 Bee Hive flcCook 1 AfjrjSniH rffer frV t - - Mj -Be fofenc Ms rfk rttffaTyhr jffik gk 0fc jB I tqpciqgctjgc j rqgcyijgc gcxgt 1 1 V FRANKLIN President - - 1 7p fjesjL3ffcafi jjja ju y xjjft iqgt jgcjnpi h UtlJ A C EBERT Cashier J I CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB h Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 -1 DIRECTORS -- FRANKLIN VFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD m ftrir - xWgtrifh Tffr gfbj r jj i jjy tgrjqjy iyi ai y gryC jya y SSn Ha P D Burgess Plumber and Steam Fitter MeCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Haliiday Waupun fcclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Gupo Digests what you eat Boys Wild Ride for Life With family around expecting him to din and a son riding for life 18 miles to get Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption W H Brown of Leesville Indiana endured deaths agonies from asthma but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him He writes I now sleep soundly every night Like mar velous cures of consumption pneumonia bron chitis coughs colds and grip prove its match less merit for all throat and lung troubles Guaranteed bottles 50c and 100 Trial bottles free at McConnell Borrys drug store Low Rates to California Every day in September and October via the Burlington Route To San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego and many other points in Califor nia the Burlington Route has made the extraordinarily low rate of 2500 from McCook Nebraska Tourist sleeper daily from Omaha Lincoln Hastings and other main line points Stopovers allowed at many California points Ask the Burlington agent or write J Fbancis G P Agent Omaha Nebraska Dress does not make the person Nor does a clean exterior indicate a clean interior To be well all organs of the body must work in har mony Rocky Mountain Tea does this work McConnell Berry When once liberated within your system it produces a most wonderous effect Its wortli ones last dollar to feel the pleasure of life that comes by taking Rocky Mountain Tea 33 cts McConnell Berry GERVER Vig Olmsted threshed last week Camp meeting at Cedar Bluffs next week Cedar Bluffs had a show last Satur day Joe Dodge expects to make his winter headquarters in a tent Vig Olmstead will farm the Cooper place for the next three years Will Tuttles thresher is back in this neighborhood after a long absence in Kansas Since the new card on the St Francis branch changed the time at Cedar Bluffs from 11 to 10 oclock it makes some of the separator fellows get a move on em Charles Olmsted moved onto the Clint Ely place last Friday A M Benjamin having on the previous day vacated the premises and moved to Banksville where he will remain for the present A Sad Disappointment Ineffective liver medicine is a disappointment but you dont want to purge strain and break the glands of the stomach and bowels DeWitts Little Early Risers never disappoint They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid mat ter and do it so gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects They are a tonic to the liver Cure billiousness torpid liver and prevent fever McConnell Berry BANKSVILLE T C Kelley has commenced sowing rye Peter Wesch was a Cedar Bluffs Kan sas visitor last Friday A M Benjamin moved Thursday of last week from the Clint Ely place to ijanksviiie and on Friday Uharles Olm sted occupied the Ely farm Saturday night Sunday and Monday the rainfall amounted to 325 inches soaking the ground thoroughly Tons of hay have been spoiled by the mois ture but the soil has been placed in ex cellent condition for the fall seeding Devoured by Worms Children often cry not from pain but from hunger although fed abundantly The entire trouble arises from inanition their food is not assimilated but devoured by worms A few doses of Whites Cream Vermifuge will cause them to cease crying and begin to thrive at once very much to the surprise and joy of the mother 23c at A JfcMillens Genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co i3 made of rare and costly herbs not found in any other preparation therefore get the kind you read about 35 cts McConnell Berry WHui mMIijIiiMHIiwiiiot Timbers of oak keep the old omcstead standing through ie years It pays to use the iwht stuff O Men of oak are men in r3ged health men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years Scotts Emulsion is the right stuff Scotts Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti tution Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409-4-15 Pearl Street New York 50c and SlOO all druglsts BOX ELDER George Shultz is talking of going west in the spring J E Moore will have a public sale about November first MrsBen Shultz is confined to bed with a paralyzed limb and side George Harrison and Lee Brown are cutting corn for Ben King on the Willow Ira Harrison has been working the roads which were in bad condition and needed repairs Will Sexson and wife are entertaining a 9J4 pound girl who arrived on the farm on the 17th Maud Harrison took the train at Mc Cook Tuesday morning for Friend Nebraska on along visit to a sister A T Wilson made his first trip with the mail Monday morning from Box elder to Quick by way of Centerpoint Ed Shepherd has rented the JEMoore farm for next year Mr Moore will move to Blue Hill where he has some town property The equinoctial storm came in due time and is welcomed by the farmers as it will put the soil in condition for the planting of a large acreage of fall wheat and rye Boxelder is to be congratulated upon securing Eliza Johnson to teach her school Miss Eliza has the respect and confidence of the pupils which is a good basis for a successful term The Morris brothers threshed 1577 bushels of rye and spring wheat and this is only half their crop of small grain They have a fair corn crop and with 200 head of hogs to feed the crop to and a herd of 75 head of cattle besides it doesnt look very much like hard times with them It is reported that Mrs George Hen derson and Mrs J E Moore have lost about 125 chickens which have been marketed in McCook The parties who have been engaged in this contemptible business are under suspicion and being watched The shotgun policy might be adopted with salutary results A BARGAIN IN HATS The Reason One Woman Rejoice J Willie Another One Mourns A Philadelphia woman moving In good society lias been cured of a ma nia for attending rummage sales but It took a heroic treatment to effect the cure The other day she went to a sale of the description named In aid of a worthy charity In which she inter ested and came away minus a cwenty Qve dollar hat It happened this way A feature of the sale was a counter I crowd and in the meantime a fat col ored womans eyes were glued to the bat she had left behind on the pile marked Your choice for 50 cents It was a golden opportunity not to be missed Counting out 50 cents in dimes nickels and pennies she shoved them The Queen Dec She possesses the power of choosing which of her offspring shall be drones and which workers Some have thought that this was automatic and that the narrower worker cell touched the button so to speak that brought forth a fertilized egg But the queen will lay worker eggs in drone cells if she thinks fit so that settles that If the drone is male and the queen female what is the worker The new woman of Beedom She has given up her motherhood for a business career Sometimes though she lays eggs but they always hatch out drones of which It is strictly true to say they have a mother but no father If the queens wings are crippled so that she cannot make her marriage flight her children are all drones An Italian queen in a hive of black bees will beget work ers of mixed blood but her sons are pure Italians Drones are useful as fathers of workers but they cannot col lect the honey they eat Their tongues are too short Ainslees Clnddngrh Rlngx The old poesy rings are a much sweeter souvenir than more modern ones A friend has one which had be longed to her great grandmother such a naiTow gold circlet The motto en graved inside in old lettering was as follows God above increase our love The Claddagh rings of Ire land are now very difficult to procure that is the genuine specimens of course There are many imitations These rings were heirlooms with the people of the Claddagh a distinct gyp sylike race of fishermen and were handed down from mother to daugh ter as a wedding ring a marriage be ing scarcely considered legal if an or dinary ring were substituted They were made of massive gold decorated with a heart bearing a crown sup ported by two clasped hands signify ing loyalty love friendship The Unattnlned The quickest way to make any man weary of his life is to give him all his hearts desire The struggle for the unattaiued is the secret of joy Here is a man who has been giving his years to a reckless round of pleasure Now you see him waking up to find that the deepest needs of his soul are still un touched Or there is another man who has given twenty five j ears to the ac cumulation of knowledge and at last we see him like Dr Casaubon in Mid dlemarch dying with the stores of knowledge all around him which he does not know how to use Didnt Care to Try A woman in a railroad station the other day had a great deal of trouble with one of her children a boy of sev en or eight and a man who sat near her stood it as long as possible and then observed Madam that boy of yours needs the strong hand of a father Yes I know it she replied but he cant help it His father died when he was six years of age and Ive done my best to get another and failed He cant have what I cant get Would you care to try yourself The listener had fled A Family Combine Deacon Jones I know of three broth ers in a neighboring town that would afford excellent material for a sermon on the theme of brotherly love Deacon Brown Ill make a note of it Tell me more about them deacon Deacon Jones Well John the eld est is a physician Thomas the second brother is an undertaker and William the youngest is a marble cutter Chi cago News Better Thnn Wealth Employ your time by improving yourself by other mens documents so shall you come easily by what others have labored hard for Prefer knowl edge to wealth for the one is transi tory the other perpetual Let Tli em Romp It is a good thing to remember when the children are noisy that some day they will all be married and living far away and the house will be as quiet as a tomb Atchison Globe Perfect Bliss Gladys How did you enjoy Irs Up pertons reception Ethel Oh great It was the most complete failure I ever saw Puck MOVING NSC0HANI ON MAY 28 OCCURS THE ANNUAL CARNIVAL OF FLITTING One Day In Each Year When Furni ture Vans and Cbaott IlelRn Su preme An Odd System Dalit Up on the Caution of the Landlord In Scotland May 28 Is annually given iover to a perfect carnival of Hitting In England houses of the higher filled with untrimmed hats advertised rents are taken by the year at any Your choice for 50 cents Now the North Thirty third street woman didnt want an untrimmed hat at 50 cents but there was one that caught her fancy by reason of its odd shape and she simply couldnt resist the quarter day and the lower rented ones by the month or even by the week The flitting is thus spread over the year and no confusion arises The Scottish system is to let houses by the year from May 28 Even the smallest tion to try it on So she took off the consisting of only one room are so let handsome hat she was wearing placed On the great day in any large town the It on the counter and picked up the un- sights afforded range from the laugh trimmed one Then she looked around able to the pathetic for a mirror There was only one and As soon as it is daylight the vans that was away at the other end of the previously trysted begin their work long room the goods are loaded up with more She pushed her way through the haste than care and to the ment of the good housewifes lamenta tions as some cherished household god is roughly flung into the van Arrived at the destination further troubles are in store Perhaps the new house is not yet vacated and as the van Is required for other removals the at the innocent young attendant and goods are dumped down in the street made good her escape with the fash ionable womans hat Exchange and there the poor family is left stranded for the time Occasionally some streets in Glasgow for instance present an appearance of wholesale evictions So numerous are the demands that vans cannot always be obtained and every kind of Vehicle including horse less carriages popularly known as hurleys are pressed into the service supplemented by father mother and the children each carrying pictures mirrors or other cherished articles too precious to trust to the tender mercies of some ramshackle conveyance These processions are moving along all day The representative of law and order upon this day at least Is very lenient his gruff Move on is less in evidence and his ready note book gets a rest There are no cases of obstruction reported although often loaded vans have to remain in a street all night It may be that the polisman grasps the humors of the situation or perhaps a fellow feeling influences him No doubt his own flitting is in progress and he retires off duty to some strange abode there to assist in carrying in his goods to sup off a crust of bread and cheese and sleep on the floor as others have to do A stranger naturally inquires the cause of this one day given over to chaos It is to be found in the cau tion of the Scottish landlord It is dif ficult to obtain a house at any other time than the lawful removal day and the canny house owner has prudently secured his rent a fortnight previously May 15 Moonlight flirtings are thus prac tically unknown and there is little loss of rent from that cause The rents being payable half yearly only the cost of collection is reduced as is the risk of loss to a minimum The sys tem entails great hardship to working men compelled to change the scene of their labors They frequently cannot obtain a house until term day and have consequently to take lodgings and sup port their family in another town If fortunate enough to obtain a house the landlord steps in and requires his full years rent to be paid or deposited in bank before he allows the goods to be removed The unfortunate head of a household is also responsible for the full years rates of his new house although he may have paid in full at his vacated house The only advantage to the tenant is security of tenure for twelve months and the certainty of being accommo dated at the expiry in the general scramble Of course it happens some times through new houses being erect ed that some one is able to start the ball rolling a day or two before term to the comfort of all involved in the particular circuit but generally speak ing May term day in Scotland is not an institution to be admired and copied Strange to say Sandy not only takes this day philosophically but is much mere addicted to flitting than people south of the Tweed some families mov ing regularly every year without any apparent necessity One would scarce ly expect the worry and discomfort of the day and succeeding temporary chaos to be voluntarily undertaken but the fact is so The continuance of the system itself is a standing monument to the British long suffering and law abiding nature Pearsons Weekly A Grent Bargain Mrs Winks A peddler was here to day and I got the greatest bargain a whole pound of insect powder for only 10 cents It looks just like dirt but its awfully effective I tried it Mr Winks Worked eh Mrs Winks Yes indeed The ped dler said I should put a little in water and apply it boiling hot and I did and it killed every insect it touched New York Weekly Leading Up to It Bobbie You know them preserves out in th pantry wot you told me not to eat Mother Yes Bobbie You know you said theyd make me sick if I et em didnt you Mother Yes Bobbie Well they didnt Ohio State Journal The Blessing of Poverty What a blessin is poverty ex claimed the old man A blessing Why yes When youre real down poor you have sich a good time hopin fer the best Atlanta Constitution Fraternal Insurance Order Cards v R C I P A Lodfto NoG12mota first and third Thursdays of ench month McConnoll s hall 8H0 p m E B Huhee President W S Outer Secretary K O T M -Regular meetings on second and fourth Tuesday ovoninKS of ench month in McConnoll hnll at 8 Visiting knights wolcome M R Gates commander J H Yaeoeb record keeper C A LBAcn finance keeper ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodgo No 307 meets on second and fourth Mop day evenings of each month at eight o clock in McConnoll hall J R McCaiil Illustrious Pro RonT W Devoe Secretary M M Good Advice Tho most miserable beings in tho world are those suffering from dyspepsia and liver com plaint More than sevonty flvo per cent of tho people in the United States are oiliicted with those two diseases and their effects such as sour stomach sick headache habitual costive ne38 palpitation of tho heart heartburn wator brash gnawing and burning pains ut tho pit of tho stomach yellow skin coated tonguo and disagroeablo tasto in the mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits etc Goto your druggist and got a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will reliovo yon Try it Got Greens Special Almanac To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LaMve Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c DR A P WELLES MeCOOK Physician and Surgeon J MeCOOK - - NEB Office ovor McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Aveuue Residence phono 53 Offico phono 28 Calls answered night or day H P SUTTON s JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska Ey Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office--First door north of Commercial hotel MeCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next to City hall Hours 8 to 12 1 to G 7 to 9 Night calls answered from residence over bank E J MITCHELL w AUCTIONEER Phones Oilica 17 residence 95 Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 Graduate of Kansas City Dental College OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS MCCOOK NEBRASKA - - - - wlW EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Sh avo Hair Cut Sham pooanythingin my line in an artistic manner Give me a call and trial H L PREVOST DRNTIST OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska jAAA aii uansi or ine wttij 13 us Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 - Nebraska w gcj Tnrnf n1nla I -- V W H Arl wvw man x It may be noted as an agreeable evi dence of the spread of Egyptological enthusiasm in America that nearly half the aggregate Income of the fund 47 year came from United StatedLondon Spectator tha r n j C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAWt McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building