The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 26, 1902, Image 2

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELLr publisher
nnicc Tctcrniiip
The school board of Omaha has
raised the salaries of teachers
Uncle Sam will furnish men and
money to fight the Wyoming forest
Governor Dole of Hawaii reports in
creasing herds of cattle destroying for
ests He needs the aid of a packing
William Waldorf Asters daughter
Gwendoline died of consumption at
Cliveden England Her body will be
taken to New York for burial
The weekly cholera returns for
Egypt show that there have been 1380
fresh cases reported making total
since July 15 of 20328 cases and 1609
Prof Doollttle the Pennsylvania as
tronomer says Prof G W Hough of
Northwestern errs when he decuares
he is sure that Mars and other planets
are inhabited
At London a syndicate with a cap
ital of 50000000 is being organized
by the coal combine which proposes
to purchase the Fife and Clyde com
panies mines
President Roosevelt has issued an
executive order closing the depart
ments in Washington on the day of
the G A R parade during the encamp
ment next month
At Carlinville III Mrs Sarah
Bound wife of Harry Bound one of
the most prominent and wealthy citi
zens of the city committed suicide by
jumping into a well
Stephen McCormick said to have
been the oldest employe of New York
City in point of service and the oldest
member of Tammany Hall is dead
He was 75 years old
Growls from Mount Pelee are fin
ally diminishing says a disatch from
Martinique by way of London The
volcano is still in eruption but its ac
tivity is now insignificant
The Bijou Opera company of Boston
went to pieces in Topeka and several
of the chorus girls are stranded there
The Elks have started a subscription
to send the girls baok to Boston
Red Eagle a full blood Osage living
about thirty miles from Tusla I T
Is dead aged SO years He was a
prominent character and served In the
union army during the civil war
It is rumored In London that a com
bination of steel manufacturers rep
resenting plants worth 60000000
has been formed for the purpose of
resisting the invasion of the United
States Steel corporation
Governor Otero of New Mexico re
ceived harrowing details of the suffer
ing caused by the recent Mfmbres
valley flood A letter from the relief
party says Rations have been dis
tributed to 836 people Crops are laid
Charles V Weston of Chicago has
been commissioned by Director of
Works Isaac S Taylor to design the
eight miles of intramural railway
which will be constructed on the
worlds fair site at a cost of 750000
A treasury warrant for 39809 was
forwarded to Mrs Ida S McKinley
widow of the late president for salary
which would have been due him on
July 1 1902 the appropriation for
which was made at the last session of
The birthday of President Diaz of
Mexico was celebrated as usual The
diplomatic corps cabinet ministers
senators and deputies and officers of
the army and navy called at the na
tional palace to congratulate him on
reaching the 72nd anniversary of his
High records for stock exchange
seats in New York have been broken
by the purchase of a membership for
an unknown western man for 81000
In addition to this sum 1000 will be
the price of the initiation Member
ships were sold seven years ago as
low as 13500
At Norfolk Va Dr William
Schmoele of Portsmouth has been sued
to recover 5000000 by Charles H
Borwn of New York Dr Schmoele is
the only surviving officer of the formei
Memphis El Paso Pacific railway
which is now a part of the Texas
Pacific system
A dispatch to the London Standard
from Shanghai says a force of armed
Boxers entered Cheng Tu Fu capital
of Szechur province September 15
Some of them were killed or captured
in the streets of the city and the shops
there are closed
Heads of the passenger departments
of the roads In the western passenger
association decided notvto change the
position taken last week in the mat
ter of declining to give rates for ship
pers excursions to Minneapolis St
Paul and other cities
Plans are being perfected for a toui
of investigation by prominent busi
ness men of Chicago through the
states of Texas Mississippi and Lou
isiana with a view to investing Chi
undeveloped resources
cago capital in the
sources of those states
Officers at Once Start In Pursuit Mur
derer Draws a Revolver When Over
hauled His Movement Brings Throe
BANCROFT Neb SepL 22 Peter
Olsen who shot Mary Peterson in
Omaha on the night of September 8
was shot and almost Instantly killed
here yesterday He came to town last
evening and registered at the Park
hotel as W Johnson having supper
bed and breakfast paying for the same
In the morning He was around town
all evening and got shaved at the bar
ber shop but was not recognized by
anyone Yesterday morning Leo
Fletcher came to town and although
he only saw Olsen once about six
months ago he recognized him bufi
was not certain enough to cause his
arrest He left a man to watch him
and hurried out in the country for M
P Johnson an uncle of the murdered
girl and with whom Olsen had visited
last June
Olsen also recognized Mr Fletcher
and seemed to know they were after
him and left town As Mr Johnson
was coming in he saw Olsen going up
the railroad and recognized him by
his walk He at once notified Con
stable J 0 Copple who organized a
posse and started in pursuit overtak
ing him about three miles from town
Constable Copple and John Farley
armed with rifles were the first to be
on the scene and when about fifty
yards from Olsen they dismounted and
tailing refuge back of a culvert ordered
him to surrender He reached for his
revolver and the second command was
given when the revolver flourished
The order was given to shoot three
rifle shots were fired only one taking
effect entering about three inches
above the navel and passing entirely
through the body Upon examination
it was found that the revolver contain-
ed only one shell and that had been
snapped three times There were no
papers on his person The revolver
and 1555 in money was all that was
found He was loaded into a buggy
and brought to town where a closer
examination was held
The clothes he wore the scars on
his neck and the scar on his side
where he was operated on for appendi
citis tallied exactly with the descrip
tion sent out by the Omaha police
Coroner Sammons Sheriff Kloke
and County Attorney Hunter camo
over from West Point and upon exam
ination said that there was no ques
tion but that he was the right man
London Papers Predict that the Trusts
Have Nothing to Fear
LONDON Sept 22 The Daily Tel
egraph in an editorial article this
morning expresses the belief that in
proposing to regulate the trusts by
amending the constitution President
Roosevelt has undertaken a task so
colossal that the remedy will be more
dangerous than the disease and that
the trusts have nothing to fear for a
long time to come
Referring to the same subject the
Daily News says It would almost
seem as though President Roosevelt
were destined to play as great a part
in American history as did Abraham
Lincoln by seizing and directing the
growing sentiment against the enslave
ment of the whites by huge and con
scienceless combines
Going to the Isthmus
BOSTON Mass Sept 22 Rear Ad
miral Coghlan has raised his flag on
the Oiympia and awaits orders to pro
ceed to the isthmus of Panama and as
sume charge of affairs there The
Oiympia Is provisioned and coaled for
three months
Must Pay the Fiddler
LONDON Sept 22 The Daily Mail
says that the government has decided
that the new South African colonies
are to be required to pay 500000000
toward the cost of the South African
Rear Admiral Watson
VALLETTE Island of Malta Sept
22 The death is announced of Rear
Admiral Burges Watson R N He
died on board the British battleship
Will Not Support Appeal
LONDON Sept 22 Cabling from
Vienna the correspondent of the Daily
Chronicle says he learns that neither
Austria or Russia are willing to sup
port the appeal made by the United
States in behalf om the Jews In Rou
mania It is admitted says the corre
spondent that the treaty of Jews in
fringed upon the treaty of Berlin of
1878 but it is one of the many in
fringement without the powers pro
When that Is Solved No Trouble to
Reach the North Pole
NEW YORK SepL 20 Dr Fred
erick A Cook of Brooklyn who was
with Lieutenant Peary on one of his
Arctic trips and with the Belglca
expedition to the south polo as chief
surgeon expresses the opinion that
Pearys latest endeavor was by no
means a failure and that the explorer
has added material to the annals of
science which will be found Invalu
able in fact more valuable than the
actual discovery of the pole itself
All this talk about the terrible
dangers to be met before reaching the
pole Is sheer rot continued Dr
Cook A man all things taken into
account is just as safe on the Arctic
Ice fields as he is in New York There
not so severe as the cut of the saline
gious diseases no miasmatic swamps
no sewer gas no decaying vegetables
no rotting rags Everything is on Ice
There Is no danger in traversing the
Ice fields nor from the cold which is
not sosevere as the cut of the saline
blasts on the Atlantic seacoasts
It Is the food question he added
that closes up the way to the pole
When this problem is solved reach
ing the pole will in his opinion be
quite a simple undertaking
Gunboats Are Hurrying Toward
City of Chen Tu
Chen Tu
Cept 20 The situation at
capital of Sze Chuan prov
ince and the scene of the recent box
er activities has improved British
and French gunboats are now within
ninety miles of the city A squadron
of French marines has raeched Cheng
Tun Fu and they are expected to re
turn to their gunboat with the French
consult there An investigation is to
be made by the French consular agent
Into the murder of the missionary
Bruce and Lewis at Chen Chow Ha
Nan province by a mob has disclosed
the fact that military officials of
Chen Chow are culpable in the matter
because they refused to receive or
protect the missionaries
At Baltimore Next Year
DES MOINES la Sept 20 The
Sovereign Grand I O O F will ad
journ at noon today after the instal
lation of officers to meet the third
week in September 1903 at Balti
more Md The location was deter
mined by a vote of 95 for Baltimore
to 93 for Hot Springs Ark An
amendment to the constitution was
adopted providing that attentive
benefits which involve the payment
of money shall be only given those
members who are entitled to weekly
Queen is with Her Father
COPENHAGEN Sept 20 Queen
Alexandra arrived here today from
England on board the royal yacht
Victoria and Albert which was met
outside the harbor by King Christian
her father and other members of the
royal family and was escorted into
the roadstead by a Danish squadron
of warships All the cabinet minis
ters and members of the diplomatic
corps met the royal party at the land
ing place and they all drove to Bern
stoff castle through cheering crowds
Wreck on the Baltimore
2 the Royal Blue flyer on the Balti
more Ohio Southwestern was
wrecked at Leesburg last night the
train having run Into an open switch
while running at the rate of fifty
miles an hour To add to the disas
ter the engine exploded and Engineer
Philip Roe and Fireman Charles Stu
der both of this city were killed out
right Every coach on the train left
the track but passengers were not se
riously injured
To Release Ten Millions
WASHINGTON Sept 20 Secretary
Shaw announced before- leaving Wash
ington this afternoon for the west
that during the week he had author
ized the- distribution in round num
bers of 10000000 of public funds
among banks throughout the country
which have bonds
available for se
curity The money will be released
and deposits will all be completed
within a few days and just as rapidly
as the bonds are received at the treas
Smallpox in Jamaica
KINGSTON Jamaica Sept 20
News has reached here that 266 cases
of smallpox occurred at Barbadoes Bi
W I during the fortnight ended Sep
tember 15
British Flag Over It
NEW YORK Sept 20 Officials
here have been told that the British
government has raised the British
flag on the island of Patos which is
near Trinidad notwithstanding the
protest of the Venezuelan govern
ment says a dispatch from Port of
Spain Trinidad Sovereignty over
the island of Patos has been in dispute
between Great Britain and Venezuela
for a long time
Assesrment Made by State Board
kept as quiet as possible by the rail
road people with the hope no doubt
of discovering the guilty parties
Irrigation Congress Delegates
LINCOLN Neb Sept 22 Gover
nor Savage has appointed the follow
ing partial list of delegates to attend
the national irrigation congress
which will meet at Colorado Springs
October 6 Edgar S Bradley Oma
ha O V P Stout Adna Dobson Lin
coln B E Forbes Beatrice H O
Smith Lexington James Ferrier Cul
bertson R H Willis Bridgeport E
F Seeberger North Platte P T
Francis Crawford L D Cox Min
tare a H Meeker MoOookj H W
Fanning Crawford A M Allen
Gothenburg F C Hamer Kearney
A G Wolfenbarger Lincoln Samuel
C Smith Beatrice Peter Jansen
Jansen Robert C Kyd Beatrice J
G Preston Oxford Irving F Mont
gomery Bloomlngton R J Kilpat
rick Beatrice
Stacks of Oats Burned
DEW1TT Neb Sept 22 Sparks
from a threshing machine engine set
fire to the straw where a company
of men were working and burned four
stacks of oats containing about 4GG
bushels belonging to John Kubovec
five and one half miles west of here
and a new separator valued at 1300
and owned by Halsey Cook The sep
arator was insured for 000
Beet Sugar Making Begins
FREMONT Neb Sept 22 The su
gar factory at Leavitt began opera
tions with a full force of workmen
Farm Sells for 16000
The George Hutchings farm of 2SC
acres east of town was sold by Da
ds Hill to Robert Murray of Saun
ders county for 57 an acre
Rural Routes in Saline County
DEWITT Neb Sept 22 Three
routes from this place are being in
spected by Gaptain Clark special
agent with a good prospect of being
Equalization is to Stand
-LINCOLN Neb Sppt 22 In a
sixty page opinion the supreme court
denies the application for a mandam
us asked by the Omaha Bee Building
company against the state board of
ofluaUzatiob Thei court holds that
as the board Is legally constituted a
special tribunal for the purpose of
assessing railroad and telegraph prop
erty It is clothed with quasi judicial
powers and when it has once acted
on sufficient information and express
ed an honest judgment as to valua
tion its judgment cannot be controlled
by the writ of mandamus which is a
writ to compel action and not to cor
rect action
The court holds that In the case at
bar under the evidence the inference
is not warrantable that the respond
ents acted with Improper motives and
fraudulently In making the assess-
ment complained of with the wrong
ful intention of discriminating In fa
vor of the railroad and telegraph com
panies whose property was assessed
An assessment may be treated as
fraudulent when well known rules of
valuation are disregarded where re 1
liable ind pertinent information Is
declined and an arbitrary assessment
at grossly inadequate figures made
The court holds however that the
board of equalization must include
and assess the value of franchises
with the tangible property but that
where it assesses the property of a
railroad as a unit and considers the
purposes for which it is used the fact
that it is earning an income and
exercising the rights of such corpora
tion such assessment would include
the intangible property also and be
an assessment of its franchise In
this case the franchises were assess
ed It is held too that the market
value of a railroads stocks and bonds
are an important factor to determine
cash value of the property represent
ed bv those stocks and bonds and
that the earnings is evidence of a
most important character in determin
ing the true value of the property
is one of the chief elements that give
it value and should be considered in
making the final assessment
Apparent Attempt to Wreck a Burling
ton Train
SEWARD Neb Sept 22 An at
tempt was apparently made to wreck
passenger train No 43 about one and
one half miles east of Utica Fifteen
or twenty spikes had been placed on
the rails the pointed end of the spikes
being placed to the east and the pro
jecting head of the spike being placed
between the ends of the rails at the
joints and were scattered along the
track for a considerable distance Af
ter running over two or three of these
spikes the engineer applied the air
and stopped the train and some of
the trainmen went ahead and gathered
up the spikes The matter has been
All Indications Point to Larger At
tendance at the Stato University
LINCOLN Neb SepL 20 The fall
semester at the State university be
gan encouragingly The registration
rooms wore crowded all day and the
force had all it could do to list the
students presenting themselves for
matriculation For the first time In
the history of tho law college Its stu
dents were registered the opening
week Usually the law college does
not begin until October a month later
than the academic and other depart
ments but this year all begin at tho
same time
x The rush is expected to continue
for several daya No comparison with
last year can be made because for
the first two days the number Is only
bounded by the ability of the clerks
to register them The good times and
the plentitude of money among the
farmers and tradesmen of the small
towns Is regarded as good grounds
for belief that the attendance will ex
ceed that of any previous year al
though Mr Crabtree of the business
staff says that the highest point In
attendance was reached at a time
when the opportunity for employment
was smallest
8upreme Court Inaugurates Change on
LINCOLN Neb Sept 20 At a ses
sion of the supreme court a new rule
was promulgated by the clerk acting
under Instructions from the judges It
Hereafter no continuances will be
granted by this court after the case is
once on the call
Ever since the court has shown
signs of speedily catching up with the
docket there has been a steady in
crease in the number of requests for
continuances The court has been
much annoyed to find after laying
out plans for a good terms work
half of the cases set go by the board
because some attorney is not ready
This will not be permitted in the fu 1
ture The attorneys dont like the
new rule very well as they insist it
is impossible sowetimes to tell so far
in advance as the making out of a
call whether their business will al
ways permit them to be here Some
other case of greater importance may
call them elsewhere and they think
the court will find it difficult to en
force the new rule arbitrarily and yet
do the right thing
Day Takes No Chances
LINCOLN Neb Sept 20 G A
Day of Omaha who has been offered
the judgeship of the Fourth district
held a conference with the governor
It Is stated that Mr Day will not make
any decision concerning his accept
ance of the Judgeship until after the
judicial convention If he secures the
nomination he will accept the position
now offered If he does not secure the
nomination he -will retain his present
office as supreme court commissioner
Didnt Know It Was Loaded
WILBER Neb Sept 2X While
Adolph and Steve Javorsky the young
sons of Frank Javorsky liveing a few
miles southwest of here were playing
in the granary where there was a
loaded gun the weapon was accident 1
ally discharged tnsome manner while
in the hands of the younger boy The
load lodged in the groin of his broth
er Adolph causing almost instant
death The dead boy was 12 and his
brother is 9 years of age
Suit Against Saloon Keepers
WILBER Neb Sept 20 Mrs Do
ra Hopkins Mrs Joseph Stultsr and
Mrs Tabltha Ronse all of DeWitt
have commenced suits in district court
against Nicolaos Aeblg Fred Kfburz
and James Veverka saloon keepers
at DeWitt and the American Bonding
and Trust company of Baltimore as
surety each for 5000 damages for
having supplied their husbands with
Farm Brings Good Price
Davis Hill sold the George Hutch
ings farm of 280 acres nearhere for
16000 to Robert Murray of Saunders
county This was about 57 an acre
and shows that Merrick county land
is in demand at good prices
Boy Run Over by Thresher
The 5-year-old son of J Hess was run
over by a steam threshing rig during
pecess of school and so severely in
jured Internally that his life is de
spaired of 0i
Beatrice Inventor
BEATRICE Neb Sept 20 Emerll
Lester has patented and built a ma
chine for sealing and stamping letters
The device dampens the flap of the
envelope turns it over and seals It
and puts on the stamp by the single
turning of the crank With this ma
ehine letters can be sealed and stamp
ed at lightning speed and the inven
tion is regarded as a very important
one It will be manufactured and put
upon the market
But Juliets Corpse Was Brave
It was I think at the Haymarket
that one of the most amusing of unre
hearsed incidents occurred says a
writer in M and P The play was
Romeo and Juliet Mrs Scott Sld
dons was the Jjiliet of tho occasion
All went well until tho final scene
Paris was duly slain and Juliet lay
stretcfled upon her bier Just then
some of the scenery caught alight
somehow but some men from behind
soon extinguished It Juliet with
eommendable presence of mind did
not move an eyelid but the corpse of
raised him
Parle was nervous He
self to a sitting posture then got upon
his feet and fled from tho stage Tho
danger being removed his courage re
turned and the audience was afforded
the pleasing spectacle of a corpse
crawling along the stage from the
wings to take up the proper position
for tho final curtain It was too
tremendous an anti climax to the trag
edy of the play and the house was
simply convulsed
Old Maids Insurance
Women Insure against being old
maids in Denmark If they marrry be
fore they are 40 what they have paid
in goes to the less fortunate and these
last are pensioned for the remainder
of their lives
Had Crazy Spells 1
West Pembroke Me Sept 22
The thirteen-year-old daughter of Mrs
A L Smith suffered with a peculiar
affliction which her mother describes
as follows
It is two years now since she was
first taken with crazy spells
They kept on coming at intervals
and I could get nothing to do her any
The doctors gave me no encourage
ment They all said they could not
help her
The crazy spell would last about
nine days then she would be well
about nine days but would eat very
little and was very yellow Even the
whites of her eyes were yellow
I heard that Dodds Kidney Pills
were a great remedy for young girls
and decided to try them
After taking one box she was com
pletely restored and she has not had
one bad spell since Of course we con
tinued to use the pills and she used
altogether five boxes last fall
in Alarcn 1 tnougnt I saw
toms of the spells again and
six boxes of which she has
I got
four and Is In splendid health
Her case was certainly a remark
able one and we are very thankful
to Dodds Kidney Pills for the great
good they have done my daughter
You may not be able to learn any
thing new but there are people in the
world who can teach you something
Low Rates to the Northwest
Commencing September 1 and con
tinuing until October 31 1902 second-class
one way colonist tickets
will be sold by the Chicago Milwau
kee St Paul Ry from Chicago to
all points in Montana Idaho Utah
California Washington Oregon Brit
ish Columbia and intermediate points
at greatly reduced rates Choice of
routes via St Paul or via Omaha
The Chicago Milwaukee St
Paul Ry is the route of the United
States Government fast mail trains
between Chicago St Paul and Minne
apolis and of the Pioneer Limited
the famous train of the world
All coupon ticket agents sell tickets
via Chicago Milwaukee St Paul
Ry or address F A Miller General
Passenger Agent Chicago
The fool who rocks the boat gener
ally lives to regret it
Then use Defianee Starch It will keeo
them white 16 oz for 10 cents
A proud heart and a lofty mountain
are never fruitful George Eliot
ladles Can Wear Shoes
One Size smalleraf ter using AilenB Foot
Ease a powder It makes tight or new
shoes easy Cures swollenhotsweatine
aching feet ingrowing nails corns and
bunions All druggists and shoe Btores
25c Trial package FREE bv mail Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
Unconscious villainy is the hardest
kind to deal with
RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to
60 da 3 send for circular O S Wood M
V 521 New York fcife bld Omaha Neb
Love finds us young and keeps us
so immortal himself he permits not
age to enter the heart where he reigns
One of natnres remedies cannot harm
the -weakest constitution never fails to euro
Bummer complaints of young or old Dr
Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry
The coal miner kicks because he is
kept down in the world
IX afflicted Trith
oro eie use
Thompsons Eye Wafer
Patents sold AdWcelree
The house that tells the tmti
We r o
ter s lor
macaines rnces xiorn 5 00 up Largest
w - v u iUC west rte
zrriw auu amjuUCB
Cor 15th and Harney Omaha
can be secured by all residents of
the country or snail i i
ntntsn wico n
rtrr n 1 m
UF P6 or reierence
We sell every variety of mehani5seor
reliable quality at lower f nets WaC
other hou We haye been right here lh
the same business for thirty one
and have tro million customers years
save them money Tvhy not you
Have you our latest up-to-date eatn
togue 1 000 pages full of attauav Set-toes-
If not send 13 -cents to wwtaUr
Montgomery Ward Co