ft r N i r wiwiwws I rr7 We o nun i e Low Rate East The Burlington Eoute has authorized the low rate of 3245 from McCook Nebraska to Washington D C and re turn for National Eucampment G A K Tickets on sale October 2nd to oth in clusive Good returning until October 14th but extension until November 3rd 1902 may be secured Ask the Burlington agent or write to J Fkaucis G- P A Omaha Neb Farmers Are you going to need any chairs or extension tables for threshers Lud wick can give you the best prices in town nxtous to show you some of Tfte ACew Sfotftin just received Your boys will want 1 Scftoof 59iiii Ifr GIVE US A CALL BEFORE YOU BUY THE - - was it I Ma cJ Store roam C DeGROFF GO V aaofSTjQ sk3 orse Sense J a will tell you that old eggs and glue are not things you want to eat yet some coffee roasters glaze their coffee with such things Not with AMERICAS n BEST Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of the world well written original stories answers to queries articles on health the home new books and on work about the farm and garden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The Tribune and The Weekly Inter Ocean one year both papers for 140 Its just pure unadulterated undisguised coffee never covered up with any glazing of any kind Uniform quality and freshness are insured by the sealed package 9 OosasaraESSCKZEKKS zrnrrnrzTS u Back to the Old Home The Burlington Route has authorized the low rate of one fare plus 2 for the round trip from all points on the B M R R to many points in Ohio and Indiana Tickets on sale September 9th 16th and 23rd Good returning for 30 days Tickets sold via Chicago Peoria or St Louis Ask the Burlington agent or write J Francis G P A Omahe Neb A Good Thing German Syrup is the special prescription of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to bo ono of the most fortun ate discoveries in medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and lung troubles of the severest nature removing the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is not an experimental medicine but lias stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every caso which its rapidlv increasing salo every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boscheos German Syrup was intro duced in the United States 1SCS and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac 8 VLAr Y7rznste This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day Northwest in September and October Low rates every day via the Burling ton Route To points in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming in Montana Idaho Wash ington Oregon and British Columbia the Burlington will sell one way tickets at uncommonly low rates every day in September and October Ask the nearest Burlington agent or write J Francis G P Agent Omaha Nebraska Manual of Soil Culture Send me a 2 cent stamp and I will mail you free a copy of Campbells Soil Culture Manual a valuable work that every farmer ought to have J Francis G P A Omaha Neb Twenty One Years a Dyspeptic It H Foster 31S S 2nd street Salt Lake City writes I havobeeu bothered with d anopsia or indigestion for twenty one years tried many doctors without relief recently I got a bottle of Herbine One bottle cured me I am now taper ing off on the second I have recommended it to my friends nndJt is curing them too 50c at A McMillcn SHE GOT A SEAT Bnt Not Through the Instrumen tality She Und Invoiced Humor does not abound in the vigor ous atmosphere of the London two nennv tube ifctAveon 7 ami 8 n m therefore the passengers jammed up IIUUI 1 lill 1LUIV DUUIilU mil tnlllUj last week greatly enjoyed the follow ing Thomas this very loudly Willie jog ging a mild little husband as they both swayed clutching the leather loops overhead get a seat for me I tell yer Conciliatory whispers came from the mild man who glanced timidly at the passengers his wife was pushing against Then Nonsense Yer could find me a seat easy enough if yer wanted to More agonized whispers from the husband and more loud demands from the wife There was great local re lief when an Irreproachably dressed young man politely gave up his seat As the woman dropped heavily into it she beamed on him with Any one can see youre not my usband sir Manchester England Guardian The Hoc thick Indians The Eoethick Indians of Newfound land at one time the aboriginal inhab itants of the island can now only be counted by one or two skeletons and a few skulls so completely have they been swept away The French employ ed the Mic Mac Indians of Nova Scotia to light against and exterminate them The Boethicks were a peaceable and quiet race given to hunting and fish ing They used canoes made of birch rind and of skins of deer like the Es kimo cayak They had no pottery and used utensils of birch rind sewed to gether but they employed soapstone dishes as lamps their form being sim ilar to those among the Eskimos at the present day They carved deer and walrus horns and the bones of the seal into orna ments which they wore on their dress es and ornamented their heads with combs The carvings are in triangu lar patterns and out of the large col lections in the museum at St John there are no two ornaments having the same pattern Their stone implements were more rudely constructed than those of the western Indians Pat ami the Jockey Pat went to a race course the other day and fell in with a number of sport ing friends who were betting on the races He was urged to bet but stead fastly refused until he suav two of his friends win a large sum on one of the races Finally after much urging he put half a crown on a horse from which moment he became deeply inter ested As the horses came past the judges box Tats fingers clutched the back of the seat and his eyes were wide with excitement The horse on which he had bet finished sixtli Without a word but with a look of deep disgust he got up and hurried down to the paddock where the jockeys were Call ing the youngster who had ridden that particular horse aside Tat inquired in deeply injured tones In hivins name young man phwit detained you Loudon Chronicle Snake Bite and Whisky There is not on record an authenti cated case of snake bite cured by whisky Tlenty of individuals bitten while under the influence of liquor have died and large amounts of alco hol have failed to save life in many cases Only about one in six of those bitten by venomous snakes dies The remaining five are cured by anything they happen to have taken Stimua tion is excellent but the giving of whisky to drunkenness by lowering the resistive vitality has undoubtedly beeu a causative factor in many deaths sup posedly from snake bite that Avoultl otherwise not have occurred Ameri can Medicine Fatherly Finesse Father I forbid you to allow that sapheaded Squilldiggs to enter the house again Daughter But I love him Father I shall disinherit you I shall shoot him I shall Daughter Later Father Say wife be sure you double Gweiulolius allowance today and give it to her early I think she is going to elope with young Squilldiggs tonight San Francisco Bulletin i All theDillerenee Ticket Collector to passenger in first class carriage with second class ticket Your ticket is second class sir You must pay the difference Fassonger The second class car riages were full Collector Yes but there was plenty of room third class Passenger Quite so Pay ine the difference and Ill change Wanted a Xevr One Sandy I want tae buy a necktie Shopman showing some fashionable specimens Here is a tie that is very much worn Sandy I diuna want aue thats very muckie worn Ive plenty o them at hame London Tit Bits Makes It Good That fellow makes mighty good money Indeed Sure he works in the mint5 Bal timore News Here is a pointer Dont get angry because it is the common error in wrath to abuse the wrong person Atchison Globe Every base occupation makes one sharp in its practice and dull in every other Sir Philip Sidney BUSINESS AND HOMES VAe Ciinse of the Trolley Car and the Street Hullway On one point the American is deter minedhe will not live near his work says Charles M Skinner in the Atlan tic You shall see him in the morning one of sixty people in a car built for twenty four reading his papa cling ing to a strap trodden Jostled smirch ed thrown into harrowing relations with men who drink whisky chew to bacco cat raw onions and incontinent ly breathe and after thirty minutes of this contact with the roar of the streets in his ears with languid clerks and pinguid market women leaning against him he arrives at Ins office The problems of his homeward journey in the evening will be still more diffi cult because in addition to the work ers the cars must carry the multitude of demoiselles who shop and go to matinees To many men and women of business a seat is an undreamed of luxury Yet they would be insulted if one were to ask why they did not live over their shops as Frenchmen do or back of them like Englishmen It is this un easy instinct of Americans this desire of their families to separate industrial and social life that makes the use of the trolley car imperative and the street railway In this manner widens tiie life and dominion of the people It enables them to distribute themselves over wider spaces and unwittingly to symbolize the expansiveness of the na tion Heroic Courtesy A French writer on The Revolution the Empire and the Restoration cites an amusing instance of what he calls heroic courtesy Percy Lord Beverly invited to dine with him a marquis who was one of the most valiant sol diers of the army of Conde Wishing to honor his guest and the cause which he served that of the French king the English peer ordered his butler to bring him a bottle of lino wine 100 years ago a ray of sun shut in crys tal He opened it carefully and of fered a glass to the marquis saying If you deem it worthy the honor will you drink in this wine the health of the king The marquis tasted the wine How do you like it asked the host Ex quisite replied the marquis Then said Lord Beverly finish the glass Only in a full glass can one drink the health of so great and so unfortunate a king Without hesitation the marquis did as he Avas bidden Only Avhen the Englishman tasted the Aine did he learn that what he had forced on his guest AA as castor oil At John Knoxs Grave The guidebooks unite in telling the Aisitor in Edinburgh to see the grave of John Knox It is situated in Parlia ment square and is marked by a small rectangular slab of stone sunk in the cobblestone paving of the street with the chiseled inscription J K 1370 But it is odds against even the acute tourist that he finds the great reformer at once for only five feet UAA ay from the holy ground there is a similar sunken slab and many times a day parties of tourists may be seen ap proaching on tiptoe the second stone and bending over it Avith keen interest only to read Wilking Patent Hy drant and find themselves face to face with the Avatcr supply system of a modern toAvn instead of the bones of the eminent clergyman He Overdid It Beggeni to himself Ive got around that rich old great aunt of mine at last Shes interested in benevolent schemes and Im helping her night and day to search out AvortLy objects Today she said Id have caue for rejoicing when her -will Avas read His Great aunt to herself I had no idea my graudnephew AAras so good It worries him almost sick to see so much misery in the Avorld now delighted he Avill be to find that all my money is to go to the support of the poor friend less orphans Xcav York Weekly Dodsins a Tip Tolite Diner You have waited upon me very acceptably and I have en joyed my meal thoroughly You have behaved like a gentleman and a gen tleman you certainly are notwithstand ing your humble occupation Waiter I hope sir that I am a gen tleman I ahvays try to be one Polite Diner It is as I suspected and being a gentleman I shall not in sult you by offering you money Per haps at some time I may be able to re ciprocate your courtesy Till then farewell Conditions So Similar Does that moon remind you of any thing he asked his mind reverting to their courtship days Yes she ausAvered What he asked You she -said on club nights He looked again Yes the moon was in that condition Chicago Post Xesrative Virtues Poor Reward Why papa she prgucd you know Arbuthnot ne er drinks chews smokes gambles or SAvears Yes I know the rugged unroman tic old man answered but I dont want a chap for a son-in-law Avho mere ly doesnt do things Chicago Record Herald - The Charge Blobbs I hear you lost your suit Was the judges charge unfavorable Slobbs Oh Im not kicking about that What makes me sore is my law- i yers charge Philadelphia Record Wrinkles come the face fades but th sou peaks just as eloquently from the eye where hope has conquered care Schoolmaster AruiliUiliUl CHautt xiidtuf Scftoo A Parsons Noble Act I want the world to know writes Rev C J BudloiiK of Ashaway B I what a thoroughly Kood and reliable medicine I found in Electric Bitters They cured me of jaundice and liver trouble tiiat had caused me fireat suffering for many year For if genuine all round cure they excel an thins I ever saw Elpctric Bitters are the surprise of all for their wonderful work in liver kidney and stomach trouble- Dont fail to try them Only i0 ct Sati faction U guaranteed by McConnell Berry Cornelius Vanderbilt the millionaire inventor keeps half a dozen mechanical draughtsmen busy on drawings of his inventions When in New York City Mr Vanderbilt spends most of hi time with these draughtmen in his office on the seventeenth floor of a business block on Broadway Avhere may be seen mod els and drawings of fire boxes coal cars and other devices Avhich he has invented Genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madion Medicine Co is made of rare and co tly herb- not found in anj other preparation therefore et the kind cm read about i cts McConnell fc Berry Steps the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day So cure no pay Price 25 cents fr You will be sorry if you buy before looking our line over because our hobby is good wearing childrens shoes at the right price A guar anteefrom our store means some thing Try us and you will be convinced Modef Sfio Store Jill t i - MOTHERS DO YOU KNOW the many so called birth medicines and most remedies for women in the treatment of herdelicate organs contain more or less opium morphine and strychnine Do You Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcot ics Avithout labeling them poisons Do You Know hat you should no take internally any medicine lor the pain accompanying pregnancy Do You Know that Mothers Friend is applied externaiiy only Do You Know that Mothers Friend is a celebrated pre cription and that it has been in use o er forty years and that each bottle of the genuine bears the name of The Bradfield Regulator Co Do you know tint Avhen you use this remedy during the period of gestation that you Avill be free of pain and bear healthy hearty and clever children Well these things are Avorth knowing They are facts of druggists at ioo Dont be pirsi 0 d to try a substitute Our little book Motherhood iree THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga BARTLEY Truman Wood is on the sick list Plenty of sick folks during this change ful weather I M Beeson received his new separa tor last Saturday Mr Ritchies machine threshed for W F Miller first of the week John Clouse was in Lincoln and Omaha on business last week Mr and Mrs Turpin living north of town are the parents a little girl There was a party given the school children at Mr CoAvles Friday night of last week Arnold Wheeler had charge of the dray first of the week while Ira Ritchie was helping Mr Miller thresh William Mann who has been going with Sam Youngs thresher left Tuesday night for Illinois where he has relatives and employment awaiting him Owing to the fact that Mrs Jennie Fritz has been nursing an attack of la grippe she and Mrs Clouse did not start last week as Avas stated E J DeArmond is jireparing to start a lunch room in his building on Main street which we trust will receive the patronage of all who Avish anything in that line m Si I MIMM an iirtll HUlBi tXMM Not Doomed For Life I was treated for years by good ilocti r writes W A Jreer McCoimellsville Ohio for piles and iiMuln but when all railed HuckleifH Arnica Salvo cured mo in two weoks Cures burn bruL eH cut corns Mires eruption salt rheum piles or no pay - at McConnell Horrys IrtiK More SHERIFFS SALE Hy virtue of an order of tale issued from the district court of Red Willow fount Nebraska under a decree in an action wborein 11 T Church is plaintill and Morillo A Kpnlilimr t al are defendants to me direct d and deliv rt 1 I s hall offer at public t alo and s ell to the Inch est bidder for cash at the esiM floor of tb court Ihhim in McCook Red Willow county Nebrai ka on tho ilth day of Septi inber IMC it the hour of one oclock p m the following di s cribed real eMate to wit The MMitlvw t quarter of section thirty one in town hip four north in ran twenty nine west of tin ith p in in Red illow county Nebraska b IiikltM Dated this 2ltli day of Aiitii t IMC A C Cicaiii uki SherilT b Morlnn Attorney SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow count Nebra ta miller a decree in an action wheieiu John II Crook as executor is plaintiff and Richard E Moore et al are defendants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and wll to the Inchest bidder for cash at the ea t door of the court house in McCook Red Willow cocnIa Nebraska on theOth da of October IMC at il hour or one oclock p in the following scribed real estate to wit Ihe northwe t epiarter or spetum fourteen in township fnur north in ranee twent nme west or the lth I M in Red Willow count Nebraska Dated this Ith da or September A Ciaitiii SherIT S Morlnn Attorne ORDER OF HEARING State or Nebraska Ri d Willow count At a county court held at the count crt room in and Tor said county September li 1resent C L Eldrt d county judtfe In the matter of thecstatuof William Franeisri deceased On reading and iiliiiB tho xtition of ira Francisco praMiit that ailiniiiisfation of anl estate may be crauti d to her as administratrix Ordered that September 20 VJti at one clock p in is assigned Tor hearing said ti tion when all per ons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to held in m I for said count and -how cause why the prae or petitioner should not be granted and tbit notice ot the pendency of said petition and ih hearing theriof be kiti ii to all Jiersons im r eeted in said matter b publishing a fojiy of tin order in the Tin McCook Tbikim a wnKiv newspaper printed in said county for three cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing - sial C E Eldiimi County iudw PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The Following Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the Slate of Ne braska as Hereinafter Set Forth In Full is Submitted to the Electors of the State of Nebraska to be Voted Upon at the General Election to be Held Tuesday November 4 1902 A Joint Resolution proposirf to amend tac tion one of Article lifn en or the Constitution or the State of Nebraska relative to the inanie -or submitting and adopting amendment to tbr constitution of the said state of Nebraska Be it re ov d and enacted by the the Stat- of Nebraska Sfction 1 That Section one of Article fift i ti of the Constitution or the State of Nebraska I amended to read as follows Sjctiov1 Either branch of the lecMatir may propose amendments to thi couMitiitior and if the be unreal to by of the members elected to each house such amendments shall bo entered on tin Journals with theeas and najs and published at lea t once fachweik in at least one in w iii each count where a newspaptr i published for thirt das immediately the next election of senators and representative- at which election the same -hall be ti mitted to the electors for approval or rejectioi and if a majority of the elector- voting at h election on rch proposed amendment si a 1 vote to adopt such ameuelmint the name I brcoine a part of this constitution When n ore than one amenelment is ubmitteel at tho iir election they -hall be so a- to enai the electors to vote on each amendment ratel All ballots used at such elcctiem on sun amenelment or amendments shall have written or printed thereon the following Fer aim nilmeut te the constitution relatintr to th r insert the subject of the amendment ai against amenelment to tlie Const1 tion relating te here insert the subject of ii amenelment and each elector vot -on such amendment or amendments shall desicnitd by the elector by making a a pen or pencil in a circle or sonar to t plac dat the right of the lines the words r the propo ed amendments a 1 o shall ele ire te vote thereon or bv indicating prefe rence on a voting machine vn machine i in IGeo AV Mar h se cretary of the state Nebraska do hereby certHy that tlie proposed amenelment to the Constitution of t State of Nebraska is a true a nel correct cop the original enrolled and engre sed bill a- j i seel by the Twenty eventh of the linrisl of the State of Nebraska a- appears frori saiel original bill on file in this office and that saiel preipo ed amenelment is siibmitterl to t qualified vote rs of the state of Nebraska f -their adoption or rejection at th general el r tion to be- held on Tuesday the 4th day of N vernier A D 1S02 In testimony whpreof I have hereunto set nv hare and affixed tho great seal of the state S Nebraska LVm at Lincoln this Sid day of Jnly in t n year of our Lord One Thousand anel Two of the Independence of the Unif i States the One Hundred and Twenty stveMi and of this state the Thirtr ixtl seal Geo W Marsh Secretary of State