The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 12, 1902, Image 8

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No Sending Away f
3 98
You can buy a complete violin f
outfit consisting of violin bow JL
case combination tuning pipe
rosin instruction book and extra jf
set of strings for 398 You see A
what you get no express charges jf
to pay if not as we represent we A
are right here on the ground to w
make it right A
We have out
fits for 8 and
finer still for
In guitars we are handling only
the better grades which we are able
to sell you at the same price asked
for inferior instruments For 500
we will sell you the new 1902 Melba
standard size guitar made of curly
birch beautifully inlaid front and
back position dots- ebony finger
board and fully guaranteed
F Ljinwu7ijiiiff - jy aw
Bee Hive flcCook
V FRANKLIN President
A C EBERT Cashier
4 Paid Ui Capital qoooo Surplus Sqooo i
gk a n a n a gfe
riVsBEaSkaSaT rfYf rTfr rih auir rfV ifig W -- jg
- 000
Kodol Dyspepsia Guro
Digests what you oat
y Authorized Capital 100000
Capital and Surplus 60000
A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director
F D Burgess
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-Phillips-Building
Boys Wild Ride for Life
With family around expecting him to din and
a son riding for life 18 miles to get Dr Kings
Now Discovery for Consumption W H Brown
of Leesville Indiana endured deaths agonies
from asthma but this wonderful medicine gave
instant relief and soon cured him He writes
I now sleep soundly ovpry night Like mar
velous cures of consumption pneumonia bron
chitis coughs colds and grip prove its match
less merit for all throat and lung troubles
Guaranteed bottles 50c and 100 Trial bottles
free at McConnell Berrys drug store
Low Rates to California
Every day in September and October
via the Burlington Route
To San Francisco Dos Angeles San
Diego and many other points in Califor
nia the Burlington Eoute has made tho
extraordinarily low rate of 2500 from
McCook Nebraska
Tourist sleeper daily from Omaha
Lincoln Hastings and other main line
Stopovers allowed at many California
points Ask the Burlington agent or
write J Francis G P Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Mrs John Tate was a Bartley visitor
Mr Gotsehall of noar Danbury was in
town Wednesday
J Kearn went up to McCook on busi
ness Monday evening
Mrs Cochran of Bartley was an In
dianoln visitor Saturday
Mrs Dentist Williams of Bartley was
an Iudianola visitor Monday
Mrs W H Allens sister of Iowa vis
ited with her one day last week
Henry Powell came homo from his
western tiip Monday morning
Irwin Barton and Henry Oabliee
drove in from Oklahoma last week
Ex Sheriff and Mrs J R Neel wore
visitors in the county capital Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Epperly of Bartloy spent
last Tuesday with their daughter Mrs
Peter Cartwright and wife moved over
from tho Beaver last week and now
occupy the Iierge house
Mr and Mrs II W Koyes adopted a
little 5 months old boy from theOrphans
Home at Omaha last week
MUs Angie Quick returned home
Sunday evening after an extended visit
in Iowa and the eastern partof the state
Mr and Mrs Luke Hayden and child
ren and Mr Gerver of McCook visited
with W H Allen and family last
Newton Smith and family drove in
from Colorado Wednesday morning to
this place where they will- make their
future home
Postmaster McCool Editor Smith E
A Sexson Charles Skalla and others
went up to tho county seat Wednesday
evening to participate in and wit
ness the nomination of our next state
senator from the 29th district Later
D S Hasty of Arapahoe is the man
Dres doe not inako tho person Nor does a
clean exterior indicate a clean interior To bo
well all organs of tho body must work in har
mony Rocky Mountain Tea does this work
McConuell Berry
Frank Lofton is threshing this week
Miss Annie Larsens sister is visiting
her at Joe Dodges this week
There is a probability of the elevator
at Cedar Bluffs changing hands
Ernest Carter doesnt thresh much
since the advent of his new boy
Henry Goodenberger bought a new
horse Tuesday new to him at least
Mr and Mrs J B Roshong were vis
iting Mrs A M Benjamin Thursday
The party at Henry Goodenbergers
in his honor was a lively and well-attended
It is reported that Laverga Olmstead
is going to occupy the Cooper place
another year
Mrs A H Tirrill and Blanche Urn
stead returned home from their visit in
this vicinity Monday
V J Gathercole has added another
quarter pection to his farm He lost his
good team of mules in the deal
Rev Wallace closed a successful series
of meetings at Cedar Bluffs Sunday
night He goes to Kanona Kansas but
expects to return in about ten days
Last year hay was poor and scarce
this year it is good and plenty but the
farmers dont seem to be getting so
much of a hustle on themselves as last
a ear
Lingering Summer Colds
Dont let a cold run at this season Summer
colds aro the hardest kind to cure and if neg
lected may linger along for months A long
siege like this will pull down the strongest con
stitution One Minuto Cough Cure will break
up the attack at once Safe sure acts at once
Cures coughs colds croup bronchitis all
throat and lung diseases The children like it
McConnell fc Berry
G B Mayfield has been cutting his
cane this week
Dr J M Brown is able to drive out
in the buggy again
Farmers are wishing for rain so they
can put in fall grain
Dana R Fletcher and bride will be at
home to their friends after the 14th inst
Dame rumor says look out for another
wedding strange how such things will
Mrs Listen departed last Thursday
to visit relatives in Ohio and other places
along the line
As yet I M Beeson has not received
his new separator to replace the one
burned last week
Mrs G W Jones started for Iowa
Monday night where she will visit
friends and relatives indefinitely
Mrs Frida Clouse and sister Mrs
Jennie Fritz will start Friday morning
for Missouri where they will spend a
couple of weeks under the parental roof
A Sad Disappointment
Ineffective liver medicine is a disappointment
but jou dont want to purge strain and break
the glands of the stomach and bowels DeWitts
Little Early Risers never disappoint They
cleanse the system of all pqison and putrid mat
ter and do it so gently that one enjoj s the pleasant
effects They are a tonic to the liver Cure
billiousness torpid liver and prevent fever
McConnell Berry
Jacob Wesch finished his threshing
August Wesch transacted business in
McCook today
Purd Brown of Traer Kansas was a
caller at Banksville Monday
Some scrapping has to be done in this
vicinity to keep in touch with the rest
of the worlds people
Joe Frenchs steam thesher laid up
Sunday at Banksville and Monday
morning hiked for Kansas
When once liberated within your system it
produces a most wonderous effect Its worth
ones last dollar to feel the pleasure of life that
comes by taking Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cts
McConnell Berry
Low Rates East
The Burlington Kouto has authorized
the low rate of S3545 from McCook
Neb to Washington D C and return
for the National Encampment G A R
Tickets on sale October 2 to 5 inclu
sive Good returning until October 14
but extension until November 3 1902
may be secured
Through tourist sleepers Omaha to
Washington October 4 Double berth
300 Ask the Burlington agent or
write J Francis G P Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Hmw H As 1
Sixty Years a Household Remedy
For Burns Cuts Sprains and
CAUTION Witch Hazel not
PON Dtt EXTRACT Insibt upon Genu
ine PONDS EXTRACT sold only in
scaiea ouiucs cuu wrappers
Charlio Bailey wont down to Oxford
K Knowles drove up to Palisado on
business Satuidny
Mr and Mis W T Taylor returned
from tho fair Monday
Miss Isa Shumaker visited f i iends in
McCook over Sunday
Miss Verna Vastino spent Sunday
under the parental roof
D M Bern diet drovo to McCook
Wednesday on business
Mrs John Wray is visiting friends and
relatives in Iowa this week
Miss Bell Turner returned from her
Lincoln visit Sunday night
Mrs T D Brown went up to Stratton
for a few days visit Sunday night
Elmer Reynolds and Casper Hougau
returned from the state fair Friday
Mrs S E Solomon and daughter
Feme were McCook visitors Satuida
Alva Varner of Olney Illinois is here
visiting his uncle J W Crews and
Dick Wilson of Stratton visited his
grandfather H W Davenport first of
the week
Mrs S II Blum of Superior came up
Monday morning for a few dajs visit
with friends and relatives
Joseph Tschabrum had wheat at the
state fair that weighed 66 pounds and
took the first premium
Mrs F P Fellows arrived homo
Tuesday night faom Lenox Iowa where
she has been spending tho summer
George L Snyder and wife are in
Stratton assisting George L Mitchell
with the revival that fs being held there
Mr and Mrs T W Swatson of Sutton
stopped over on their way to Denver for
a brief visit with Miss Marietto Wemple
Frank Ferguson of Cripple Creek
came down on No 12 Tuesday morning
to visit his brother in law D L Shu
maker and family for a few days
Hitchcock county received the first
premium at the state fair on its display
of irrigated products Also first pre
mium on spring and fall wheat and
sugar beets
The postofiico department is now ad
vertising for a daily mail route between
Culbertson and Hayes Center the route
from Palisade to McCook we under
stand is to be discontinued
Rev T A Smith pastor of the M E
church for the past year departed for
Denver Monday night where ho will
attended the Denver university We
regret very much to see Mr Smith go
and the best wishes of his many friends
accompany him His cousin T E
Ashby of Stratton will attend the uni
versity also
Miss Mariette Wemple departed
Thursday morning enroute for Hager
town Maryland where she will attend
Nee Mar university at that place She
will stop at Sutton on her way and visit
old schbol friends there Her many
young friends regret her departure and
the best wishes of all for her success
follow her
Jerry Bahn has been awarded the con
tract of carrying the mail three times a
week between Culbertson and Imperial
The distance is about sixty miles three
rolajs of horses being necessary to make
the round trip Mail leaves here at 7
a m and arrives at Imperial at 7 p m
Leaves Imperial next day at 7 a m and
arrives at Culbertson at 7 p m
R Knowles the hustling real estate
man has field an application for water
for an irrigation ditch The water will
be taken from the Frechman river a few
miles east of Palisade and carried in a
ditch on the south side of the river and
will irrigate several thousand acres be
tween the head gates and Beverly Iowa
capitalists are backing the project
Dave Knowles one of Dad Greens I
pupils at the B M station here was
sent up to Yuma Colorado the other
day as night operator at that station
Davy is one of the youngest operators
sent out from Dad Greens celebrated
school but we wager our summer straw
hats that he will hold down the job all
right even if he is a young one
Dad does not send them out until they
are finished
A Parsons Noble Act
I want the world to know writes Rev C J
I ml lone of Ashawaj R I what a thoroughly
good and reliable medicine I found in Electric
Bitters They cured me of jaundice and liver
troubles that had caused me great suffering for
many years For a genuine all round cure they
excel an thing I ever saw Electric Bitters
are the surprise of all for their wonderful work
in liver kidney and stomach trouble2 Dont
fail to try them Only 50 cts Satisfaction is
guaranteed by McConnell Berry
The sick are improving
J L Sims and family expect to move
to Danbury soon
The Wycoff family expect to start on
a visit to Illinois first of the week
School began September 1st at Shiloh
with Miss Ena Gamsby of Indianola as
Mrs Nadens two sisters and
left on Wednesday mornings train
for their home in Ohio
It is thought there will be some clover
seed in this part of the country if the
early frost does not interfere
J C Nelson and family returned from
Oronoque Kansas on Wednesday They
attended the reunion while there
Sunday school was held at Shiloh
school house on Sunday after a few
weeks vacation in order to repair the j
school house
X Doesnt IiUMt Lone lint It Filla Her
With Exqnlaltc Joy
Of course said tho New York
young woman wh6 earns her own liv
ing though a natural boru lady I
cant afford to rldo in carriages and
ordinarily I get around in tho street
cars but there Is a moment or two In
my life when I rise superior to com
mon things and take to wings
I have some friends who are able
to live at the Waldorf and I go there
to see them once or twice n month But
do I go in the cars Never I conio
down from home in the cars but at
Thirty third street and Broadway I get
out and interview a cabby at the stand
there I always pick out the nicest
looking turnout and I offer the driver
CO cents to drive me to the Waldorf
He looks at me as if I were daffy but
I tell him I know what I am about
and if he wants to earn 50 cents in
about two minutes he has the oppor
He smiles and tells me to get in
and I order him to drive up to tho
Thirty -third street entrance with a
whirl and a dash There are always
two or three flunkies there and it does
make me feel too good for anything
just to swing into the curb and have
the crowd of them simply fall over
themselves to wait on me and bow
me In
It Is all over in a very few seconds
but such exquisite pleasure as I get
out of it couldnt in the nature of
mortal things be of long continuance
The human system couldnt stand it
New York Herald
How Wine Judges Keep Sober
If you have ever gone into a wine
merchants ollice and sampled different
vintages says the Philadelphia Ledger
you will have observed that the dealer
never swallows the wine he puts into
his mouth but holds It there for a time
while he lightly breathes through his
nose Ilis palate tells him whether the
wine is rough or smooth but his sense
of smell detects its aroma and is large
ly depended on to determine its quality
Of course it is tho brain to which the
smell is communicated that is really
instrumental In fixing values and as
the effect on the brain is only mo
mentary a great deal of wine may be
sampled in this way without ill ef
fects but when the wine is permitted
to pass into the stomach the fumes
which arise from it continue to assail
the brain as long as the liquor remains
there in its orignal state and if taken
In large quantities results in muddling
the brain
The Lesion of Honor
The red ribbon which superseded the
titular distinction of pre Napoleonic
days has rarely been given to women
but it has a feminine side for all that
Napoleon after Austerlitz founded
three splendid educational establish
ments for the daughters of the deco
rated Most of the women who have
been admitted to the order have been
superintendents of these establish
ments Marie Laurent was honored
not as an actress but as president of
one of these institutions An excep
tion was made in the case of the late
Rosa Bonheur upon whom the cross
of the Legion was conferred in 18G3
Mme de Staels witticisms at the ex
pense of messieurs les honores contrib
uted to the causes of her enforced ex
Iieomlnsters Old Dnckincr Stool
In the old Priory church of Leomin
ster is a very interesting specimen of
the old cucking or ducking stool a uni
versal mode of punishment of scolds
scandal mongers and women with too
long a tongue It was also inflicted on
brewers and bakers etc transgressing
the law who in such a stool were im
mersed over head and ears in stercore
stinking water This mode of pun
ishment dates back to Saxon times
and the Leominster specimen was the
last used in England of which we have
any record in lbOi Several otlier spec
imens still exist about the country aB
at Montgomery Warwick Fordwich
and Leeke Travel
Hedgehogs are very strong in the wa
ter swimming with ease against a
rapid stream and with their muscular
claws they turn up the nests of trout or
salmon and make a goodly haul there
from They will breast a very rapid
stream and cold water as near the
freezing point as may be seems to
have no terror for them The eggs of
the salmonidrc are a welcome prey to
nearly every animal that will face wa
ter Aquatic birds rats both house
and water hedgehogs beetles and
their larva the so called fresh water
shrimp are deadly foes London Opin
A Shattered Poem
Beautiful beautiful silken hair
Philip murmured fondly toying loving
ly with one of her nut brown tresses
Soft as the plumage of an angels
wing light as the thistledown that
dances on the summer air the shim
mer of sunset one glitter of yellow
gold the rich red brown of autumnal
forests blending in entrancing beauty
in its
And just then it came off in his
hands and he forgot what to say next
Power of Genis on Bad Eyes
The ruby was considered good for
derangement of the liver as well as
for bad eyes The sapphire and emer
ald were also credited with properties
which rendered them capable of influ
encing phthalmic disorders and there
is a superstitious belief that serpents
are blinded by looking at the latter
The business man who clutters up his
brain with some other fellows suc
cess maxims is pretty certain to score
a quick failure Denver Republican
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R O I P A Lodgo No 012 meets Hrat nnoY
third Thursdays of onch month McConnoll a
hull 830 p m K B Ucbkk President W 3
GuYFlt Secretary
K O T M -Regular meeting on second
and fourth Tuosday evening of each month in
McConnoll hall nt 8 Visiting knights welcomes
M H Gates commnndor JH Yaroeb record
keeper C A Lea ci r flnanco koopor
lodge No 307 meets on second and fourth Mon
day oveniuKS of each month ut eight oclock in
McConnoll linll J R McCarl Illustrious
Pro RonT W Devoe Secretary
Good Advice
Tho most mlsorablo beings in tho world aro
thoso BufforiuR from dyspepsia and livor com
plnint More thnn soventy flvo per cont of tho
peoplo in tho United States are ofllicted with
these two diseases and their effects such as
sour stomach sick headache habitual costive
cess palpitation of the heart heartburn water
brush gnuwing and burning paius at tho pit of
the stomach yellow skin coated tongue and
disagreoablo tasto in tho mouth coming up of
food nftor eating low spirits etc Goto your
druggist and got n bottle of August Flowor for
75 cents Two doses will relievo you Try it
Got Greens Special Almanac
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Tako LaxzHve Bromo Quinine Tablots All
druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure
E W Groves signature is on each box 23c
A PlnuRlble
-I wonder
to live to
Dixon Probably
t jpK
Graduate of Kansas
City Dental College
how Methuselah
such a ripe old
because thera
were no bacteria and disease germs In
bis dar
Bates Old
McCook Neb
Physician and
Surgeon J
Office ovor McMillons drug store Residence
702 Main Avouuo Residence phone 53 Oilico
phono 23 Calls answered night or day -
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
83rAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office
First door north of Commercial holel
McCook - - - Nebraska
Office First National bank building next
tqCity hall Houks 830 to 12 lto6 7 to 9
Night calls answered from residence over bank
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p o Building
Phones Office 17 residence 93
Write or Phone for Terms and Date
A Reliable
Graduate Dentist
Miave Hair Cnt Sham
pooany thing in my inia
an artittic manner Giva
me a call and trial
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
fflcjQtjgkrfkTfh Tat sBcjScSxjz Js
All Calls For The
I wttii IBm
Answered by the
Will make all trains and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city
J W H Ackerman W
a ivicoojc weoraska
r 2tt
I -
v H