The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 12, 1902, Image 7

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personally interviewed at their homes
say Doans Kidney Pills cured them
Thousands took advantage of this
following free offer directly it was
made Friends heard of their cure
thus came the great fame of Doans
They realized what they promised
By their direct action on kidney
structure backache back hip and
loin pain is removed The condi
tions causing sleeplessness heart pal-
pitation headache and nervousness
passes away swelling of the limbs
and dropsy signs vanish They cor
rect urine with brick dust sediment
Jiigh colored excessive pain in pass
ing dribbling and frequency These
pills dissolve and remove calculi and
gravel They are free to readers of
this paper for a few days Cut out
coupon fill address plainly and mail
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
You Get this Free hy3 Ik Cutting out this
When coupon space it not sufficient to accommodate iddreii
write it plain on separate slip
Buffalo N Y
Please send me by mall with
out charcc trial box Doans Kid
ney Pills
nametms paper
cerer crerw
Mustarkg Lirstimert
The Best R emedy Known for Man or Beast
REGULAR PRIZES Over One Thousand Regular Prizes In
cluding the Five Thousand Dollar 500000 Capital Cash Prize
contributed by the Defiance Starch Company of Omaha and over
Seven Hundred Other Cash Prizes will be Distributed to Ticket
Holders in November 1902
SPECIAL PRIZES Special Cash Prizes -will be Awarded Sep
tember 16 and October 1
TICKETS Twonty five Conts buys One Auditorium Stock Con
test Ticket and Two Chances to Win Prizes One Dollar buys Four
Tickets and Eight Chances Ten Dollars buys Forty Tickets and
Eighty Chances to win Prizes
CLUBS Get up a Club and send for tickets before it is too
Address all requests for information and remittances to
15he AuditorRim Company
First Floor New York Life Building 5 3 OMAHA NEB
For 15 Trade iVLarlts Cut from lOc
Packages of DEFIANCE Starch
To everyone who will
send to the Auditor
ium Co or the De
fiance Starch Co
Omaha Neb 15 trado
marks cut from 10 ct
or 16 oz packages of
will bo sent an Audi
torium Stock and
Guessing ticket which
sells for 25 cts giving
you a guess in this
great contest to win
5000 I3ST GOLD
or some one of the 1000 other prizes If you cannot get Defiance Starch
of your grocer we will send It to you express prepaid including one
ticket upon receipt of the price of 15 10c packages of the starch
The Defiance Starch Co Omaha Nebraska
THIS IS A TYPE of the bright up-to-date girl who
is not afraid of sun wind or weather but relies on
Cuticura Soap assisted by Cuticura Ointment to
preserve purify and beautify her skin scalp hair and
Y nds and to protect her from irritations of the skin
heat rash sunburn bites and stings of insects lameness
and soreness incidental to outdoor sports
gllucli that all should know about the skin scalp and hair is told in
the circular with Coticuba Soap
NO KNIFE NO PAIN no detention
from business We refer to thousands ot
cured patients in Nebraska and adjacent
trhv natronize Enstern fakirs when you can deal with a reliable company nt
hnire An absolute cuaranteo in every case sena lor circulars rns EmfiKG
fiUPTURS CO 932 33 Now York i lTo BuJialttE Omaha esesraska
Uhcn Answering Advertisements Hindi
Mention Tnis rapcr I
w N U Omaha No
A Stcdird CoUece for Tense Ladies and Gentlemen
of small mesns Board room ami tuition 1 year 3134
CoHeoof Shorthand wmmerceMusickiocuttcnetc
2Uteacners Modern bnlldicgs Catalog free
Bos ST D S EOBBI23 3C S President
J li Best Cough Byrnp Tastes Good Uso KM
Vrt In time Sold lflg1t ijiJf u
Trials are teachers in disguise
SITES CO Omaha Nebr
Veo Unless HuccessfuL
Iatcnts sod Advice free
vft Tho Twentieth Century
TJ 810000 profits par acre Lars
gSy est Garden In America Addrcca
R EBARNARD Houston Rflo
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City
CATTLE There was not an excessive
run of cattle and as the demand was
active for both killers and feeders the
market ruled active and stronger on all
desirable grades Cornied ateera were In
good demand and tho few cars that
were offered sold at fully steady prices
The cow market was active and all good
stuff sold stronger The proportion of
cows was not large so that buyers rode
fast and everything was disposed of In
good season Bulls veal calves and
stags were all In good demand where
the quality was at all satisfactory and
the prices paid were fully steady Al
though the big bulk of the receipts con
sisted of feeders the demand was fully
equal to the occasion and the market
ruled active and steady to strong an
anything at all desirable There wera
not so very many range steers on sale
that were good enough for packers and
besides that feeder buyers were active
competitors on a good many ot the mora
desirable bunches so that packers had
to pay steady to strong prices for what
they got The cow market was active
and strong to a dime higher on the bet
ter grades and other kinds were steady
to strong Good stockers and feeders
met with ready sale at strong prices
with the commoner grades about steady
HOGS Tho light receipts of hogs con
tinued at all points but in spite of that
fact the tendency of prices was down
ward Packers started In bidding weak
to 5c lower than yesterdays general
market and that was about the way
the hogs sold The bulk of the sales
went from 730 to 733 and as high as
750 was paid for choice hoes The
greatest decline was on the common
grades and especially on the coarse
heavy packers while the choice butcher
weights sold to the best advantage
SHEEP Quotations for clipped stock
Good to choice yearlings 390415 fair
to good 36O390 good to choice weth
ers 340360 fair to good wethers 325
340 choice ewes 300325 fair to good
ewes 25O290 good to choice lambs
5005525 fair to good lambs 4G049O
feeder wethers 2755340 feeder year
lings 325360 feeder lambs 375450
cull lambs 300S350 feeder ewes 125
CATTLE Corn cattle cows quaran
tine stockers and feeders steady choice
export and dressed beef steers 720
800 fair to good 310715 stockers and
feeders 200475 western fed steers
300g510 Texas and Indian steers 335
415 Texas cows 250305 nativd
cows 1505415 native heifers 250
475 canners 100g215 bulls 250400
calves 2755525
HOGS Slow 10515c lower top 765
bulk of sales 745755 heavy 745
765 mixed packers 7405755 light
720755 yorkers 750755 pigs 560
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steav
native lambs 3255560 western lambs
3005525 native wethers 3404fO
western wethers 200395 fed eves
3205425 Texas clipped yearlings 300
5385 Texas clipped sheep 2905325
stockers and feeders 2305300
Will Stop En Route
Lieutenant General Miles intends to
make an inspection of the military de
fenses along the Pacific coast before
embarking for the Philippines Gen
eral Miles will not be able to leave
Washington on next Wednesday as
was expected but instead will time his
departure so as to sail on the trans
port Crook which is scheduled to
leave San Francisco for Manila Sep
tember 30
The general has for some time
ished a wish to inspect the stations
along the Pacific and if time will
permit he will make quite an extensive
tour through Washington Oregon
and California
Is Discussed in England
LONDON Sept 5 The escape of
President Roosevelt has universally
called out in the London dailies con
gratulatory and eulogistic editorials
and unanimous expressions of Eng
lands thankfulness that he was spar
ed to his country The Daily Tele
graph says President Roosevelt has
taken in his time many risks but be
never cheated death by a narrower
margin A singularly dramatic mo
ment such as this occurrence will
confirm among the mass of the Amer
ican people the feeling that Roosevelt
is in the best sense of a once sus
pected word Their man of destiny
Prof Wiley Seriously III
MADISON Ind Sept 6 Relatives
here have received information that
ProL Henry W Wiley chief chemist
of the United States Department of
Africnlture is very ill of appendici
tis at Venice Italy
China and England Agree
SHANGHAI Sept 6 Sir James
Mackay the British tariff commission
er and the Chinese commissioners
signed the treaty between China and
Great Britain
Carpenters Get an Increase
NEW YORK Sept 6 Eight thou
sand carpenters of this city won their
strike for an advance of 50 cents a
day when the Master Carpenters as
sociation late last night after a con
ference of seven hours granted the
df mand The strikers in addition
asked the employers to agree not to
employ carpenters of any other union
This the employers positively refused
and the carpenters accepted the 50
cent advance
Zola on Education
Emlle Zola was asked the other day
by a French journalist to give his
Ideas regarding education He replied
I was educated at the municipal col
lege at Aix and the Lycee St Louis
In Paris I lost my father when I
was quite young and as my mother
was very weak in her attitude toward
me I was able to develop in my own
way I did not learn to read till I
was 8 years old I may say that I was
Educated myself and I think that Is
the best way I do not bollevo In
school education
What Puzzled Him
Sir Joshua Fitch told a story at the
Nature Study exhibition In London il
lustrating the peculiar wonder at sci
sntific knowledge Sir John Avebury
was showing the heavens through his
telescope to some neighbors and ser
vants when one exclaimed I do not
wonder Sir John that clever people
And out the sizes and distances of the
Btars and how they move but what
beats me is how you ever could tell
their names
A great many persons ought to be
vaccinated for vaccination
Physicians are very forunate In
their profession because the earth
covers their failures
Cynicism is often but a cloak for
the critics ignorance
Indies Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after usin g Allens Foot
Ease a powder It makes tight or new
Bhoes easy Cures swollenhotsweating
aching feet ingrowing nails corns and
bunions All druggists and shoe stores
25c Trial package FREE by mail Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
A good many people are puffed up
over the thought that The world
knows nothing of its greatest men
Get Red Cross Ball Blue tho best Ball Blue
Large 2 oz package only 5 ceuts
Some men succeed by ability and
some rely on their nerve
Scratch scratch scratch unable to
attend to business during tho day or sleep
during the night Itching piles horrible
plague Doans Ointment cures Never
fails At any drug store 50 cents
l To be without enemies would be to
lose the respect of friends
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and who
is reasonably satisfied with the old
we would suggest that a trial of De
fiance Cold Water Starch be made at
once Not alone because it is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be
superior to any other brand but be
cause each 10c package contains
16 ozs while all the other kinds con
tain but 12 ozs It is safe to say that
the lady who once uses Defiance
Starch will use no other Quality and
quantity must win
In things where the heart is not
the hand is never strong
A Place to Spend the summer
On the lines of the Milwaukee Rail
way in Wisconsin Minnesota and Iowa
are some of tue most beautiful places
in the world to spend a summer vaca
tion camping out or at the elegant
summer hotels Boating fishing
beautiful lakes and streams and cool
Okoboji is the nearest of these re
sorts but all are easily reached from
Omaha and the round trip rates this
summer are lower than ever before
Full information on application
Genl Western Agent C M St P
Ry 1504 Farnam St Omaha
The bigger the bottle the smaller
the bank account
A Glass Eyed Policeman
In the selection ot men Tor appoint
ment on the police force says Tip In
the New York Press tho greatest care
Is taken to see that the candidates are
physically sound No matter how per
fect one may bo In oth respects hon
esty sobriety strength intelligence
and bravery counting Al If ho has
not good feet ho l rejected Singu
lar as It may seem there is a member
ot tue force in Brooklyn who has a
glass eye The examining physicians
did not notice It twenty years ago
when he was appointed and while he
has been 111 several times and attended
by police surgeons he has never be
come known in the department as the
man with the glass eye
Conceit gets moro men Into trouble
than either women or wine
Dont delay a minute Cholera Infantum
dysentary diarrhcen como suddenly Only
eafe plan is to have Dr Fowlers Extract
of Wild Strawberry alwnys on hand
Some husbands keep their affections
In the safe deposit vault
Mrs Wtnslows Soothlnc ymp
For children teething eoftens the kuiub reduces in
flammation alloys pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
Most women are afraid of a loose
dog or a tight man
RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to
60 days send for circular O S Wood M
V 621 New York Life bide- Omaha Neh
Unforunately all contrition Is ex
post facto
Plsos Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible
medicine for coughs and colds N W Sahcel
Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1D00
The pearls of truth lie deep in the
sea of patience
Try me just once and I am sure to
come again Defiance Starch
Sincerity is the first sermon against
nails Catarrh Curo
Is a constitdtional cure Price 75c
A very little vinegar makes a poor
salad of love
To Curo a Cold in One day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets All
druggists refund m onoy if it fails to cure 25c
A man may be judged by his judg
ments of others
Keep them white withRed Cro s Ball Blue
All grocers sell large 2 oz package 5 cents
The true martyr does not hire out
to a museum
Borne grocers say they dont keep De
fiance Starch because they have a etock
in hand of 12 oz brands which they know
cannot be sold to a cutomer who has
once used the 16 oz pkg Defiance Starch
for same money
A man without religion is like a
brick wall without mortar
tvill use no other Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no equal in Quantity or Qual
ity 16 oz for 10 cents Other brands
contain only 12 cz
A safe flagman must he unflagging
in his duty
alother Uraya Sweet iomiers for Children
-Successfully used by Mother Gray nurso
in the Childrens Homo in New York Curc3
Feverishness Bad Stomach Teething Dis
orders move and rogulate tho Bowels and
Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials
At all druggists 25c Sample FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted Loltov N Y
Every man should go into solitude
now and then to get acquainted with
himself to find out what a poor stick
he has heen associating with
Sire Ecids Stovenson of Salt
Lalco City Tells How Opera
tions For Ovarian Troubles
May Bo Avoided
IiEAn Mns Pinkham I suffered
with inflammation of the ovaries and
womb for over six ycarscnduring aches
and pains which none can dream of but
those who have had tho same expo-
rienco Hundreds of dollars went to tho
doctor and the druggist I was simply
a wallcing medicine chest and a phys
ical wreck My sister residing in Ohio
wrote me that she had been cured of
womb trouble by tisinp Ijydia E
Pinkhama Vcgotablo Com
pound and advised me to try it I
theu discontinued all other med iclnca
and gave your Vegetable Compound a
thorough trial Within four weeks
nearly all pain had left me I rarely
had headaches and my nerves were in
a much better condition and I was
cured in three months and this avoided
a terrible Gurgical operation Mrs
Eckis Stevksson 250 So State St
Salt Lake City Utah 5000 forfeit If
above testimonial Is not genuine
Remember every Avoman Is
cordially invited to write to Mm
Pinkham if there ia any tiling
about her symptoms she docs not
understand Mrs Pinkhams
address is liynn Mass
25on flf
Wo make all kinds of 6calcs
Also DB Pumps
and Windmills
Beckman Bros degmoines iowa
w w 7
fpffrf 3 a7 rMj
yfSH I
ECtt5mJS -2
iV2Wit3P 7P9
boa no terrors for
tho man who wears
S Suits
is ciiiU a
9 a a
Warranted -waterproof B
tjeltheccnnlu Lookrurfraae
arL If jour dealer ltWt
hi e them write for catalogue to
Coat Cambridge Alms
thnt play Foot Bal 1 should have Spalding
OmclnlFootBallOuifio Iccontuliiiaruiul
of tfcnoral Koot Hall Iriformaton compris
ing chapters for beginner foot ball for
cal f u nctinnn of f oot bal I A ll A niorlcnii team
Southern foot ballWesturn foot liallthu New
Utile records of colleKo and school teania
for 1301 and photo of 2J00 player Fiir
sale by all dealer and A O BPArDTNQ
BROS Now York Chicago Denver
IlellCTes All Di i tress of
the Stomach and Periodi
cal DUordcrs
Sold Kvcrywhere
Omaha Nob
Statement Showing the Remarkable Prosperity of
Manufacturers of Nebraska and the Light
Taxes They Have to Pay
The census reports for 1900 show the following to he the condition of manufactures In Nebraska
Value of land owned by manufacturers 6359075
Value of buildings owned by manufacturers 15822336
Value f machinery and tools owned by manufacturers 23201553
Cash and sundries on hand 26599163
Total value 5 71982127
By the use of this capital the products of the manufacturers of Nebraska in the census year were val
ued at 143990102
They paid
Salaries officials and clerks 5 2325038
Wages to laborers 1157066S
Rent of works 555750
Rent of offices and interest 5838018
292 871
For materials 100856255
Fuel and rent of power and heat 1341452
Total expenses 123028812-
Net earningy of manufacturers 20 961 290-
The state auditor reports the following amounts as being returned for taxation by manufacturers in the Stato
of Nebraska for that year
Material r nd manufactured articles 5 136 43C
Manufactarers tools implements and machines 268 367
Property of companies or corporations 1 gng 132
Assuming that all of the property in the state reported as being property of companies or corporations
should be property of manufacturing corporations which is improDable as street railway companies and many
other corporations are known to be in this item this shows that but 8 6 10 per cent of this class of property was
returned for ttsatlon and more direct is the proof that but 1 2 10 per cent of the value of the manufacturers ma
chinery was so reported as both the census and our tax schedules have this item reporter1 separately and S26S 367
Is less than 1 2 10 per cent of 23201553
In U foregoing statement the interest paid by manufacturers Is reported together with the item of rents to
the census bureau and Is deducted with the amounts paid in operation in a comparison with the railroad net
earnings it should be remembered that the interest
paid by the railroad on its bonded indebtedness Is paid out of
the net earnings after the operating have been
expenses deducted The
percentage ia the comparison is so low that
it is not changed by our statement
The Manufacturers Pay One and Two Tenths Per Cent of Net Earnings for Taxes in Nebraska
The Railroads Pay Ten and Six Tenths Per Cent of Net Earnings for Taxes in Nebraska
Manufacturers Net Earnings Were Ten Times Their Assessed Valuation in 1900
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