The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 12, 1902, Image 6

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Claims Put Forth that Non Union
Workmen and Their Families Have
Been Abused No Chance for the
Strikers to Win
The following special dispatch has
been sent out from North Platte giv
ing a view of the railroad strike from
tho railroads standpoint which has
not heretofore been put before the
What are the facts about the Union
Pacific strike which centers here
They have not been printed for much
of tho so called news sent out has been
a mass of misinformation while the
reports sent along the line by the
strikers bureau Indicates more
cripples than there are engines on
the whole system This mass of ridic
ulous stuff has been eagerly printed
by city newspapers whose editors are
probably seeking to derive personal
or political profit from every real or
fancied calamity
The strike has been on now for over
two months Becauso if an expected
order to adopt piece work 140 ma
chinists and boiler makers walked out
Those who did not want to quit work
were either intimidated or were assur
ed that the company would be com
pelled to give in within three days
Open boasts to that effect were made
The men have been offered the guar
antee of the company that they would
make as much under the piece work
system as they had made before with
additional pay for skilled workmen on
tho premium basis but under the ad
vice of walking delegates they refused
to give the new system a trial
So much for the cause of the strike
What are the net results Passenger
trains have been two or three hours
late but the passenger business of the
road is larger than it ever was before
while the number of freight cars
pulled through here daily furnish slim
corroboration of the widely advertised
reports of the crippled condition of
the road There is no congestion
of traffic on this division and most of
the dead engines are myths
For such results as these the strik
ers have lost their wages for two
months have compelled their famil
ies to subsist scantily on charity
benefits have ruined the local trade
of the town and by numerous indis
creet and violent acts have tarnished
the fair name of North Platte In the
meantime they see their former places
gradually filled by other men It
would take a most vivid imagination
to see any promise of success in the
strike or any reason why it should be
prolonged In the telegraph news sent
from here the strikers have been care
fully favored Acts of violence have
not been reported and the outside is
ignorant of the real conditions
A workman named Saycrs went out
with the others because he was afraid
to stay in He went to Grand Island
and resumed work for the company
He wrote his wife to come to him She
packed her goods and sent for a wagon
to take them to the train A crowd
of twenty strikers some armed with
clubs went to the home and threat
ened the woman They compelled the
teamster to go away Finally the
mayor of the city personally took a
dray loaded the goods and helped the
frightened woman to leave Another
woman tried to join her husband at
Sidney She was prevented from se
curing a dray and was told that her
husband would be killed if he remain
ed at work There are many other
cases of the intimidation of women
but they have been kept out of print
Scores of strikers patrolled the depot
grounds or surrounded trains using
loud threats and obscene language
abused the mayor and -officers of the
law and committed violent assaults
but the local newspaper correspondents
calmly announced that there was no
Albert Kunz a workman went
across to a store to buy some shoes
He was ordered not to come into
town The strikers folowed him to
the depot They said You leave town
or we will kill you All others at
tempting to get to the stores to make
purchases were threatened and intim
idated Last Friday Machinist Mon
tague went across to a restaurant to
-get a meal As he came out strikers
were lying in wait They knocked him
down and brutally beat him Being
arrested they pleaded guilty Saturday
evening Machinist Dorr was set upon
oy five men and was beaten and kick
ed his forehead being cut open and
his face bruised No reports of these
or similar outrages were printed
Local newspaper writers claimed ttat
all was quiet One was left to won
der how real lively times in North
Platte would appear
Much of the tension has been les
sened by the proclamation cf the
mayor ordering strikers to quit car
rying clubs and instructing them to
keep away from the companys
grounds This order has been pretty
generally obeyed and disturbances
come now only when workmen at
tempt to go across to the stores to
make purchases They find It too un
healthy to attempt this often The
Convicted Man Returns Thanks
A curious scene took place in a
court at Emporia Kan one day last
week when a convicted murderer
vho had been sentenced to five years
in the penitentiary delivered an ad
dress of thanks as follows I am
entirely satisfied with the verdict
end tho sentence and I am confident
that not one jury in ten would have
been so lenient with me I desire to
thank sincerely tho court for its just
and courteous manner of conducting
this trial and I hope that the blessing
of God will remain with you alL
XTHtTTiyfttJr iMitM
strikers here for tne most part twli
izo that they are beaten but they are
urged to hold out by demagogues and
by some saloonkeepers who obtain
much business from idle men
The newspapers may be chargeable
in part with exciting the men to acts
of violence This Is a sample item
There are plenty of men in
the city who would consider it
good sport to thump any Union
Pacific guard who presumes to
be over ofllclous just as soon as
ho lays off his star and it is not
a desire to create a riot either
It is just simply a good excuse
for a fight and some men would
rather fight than eat etc
Such Is the unhealthy sentiment ex
pressed by some papers No person
can predict for the strikers a success
ful termination of the strike but the
responsibility for the bad features of
the situation while it lasts will not be
hard to place
One feature of the strike Is the In
cubation of false reports at regular
intervals to the effect that the com
pany Is about to surrender or is ask
ing for conferences for the purpose
of compromise These are fabrications
and are calculated to give false hopes
to the strikers and are eagerly print
ed by the unfriendly newspapers
When such reports turn out to be false
as they invariably do the papers do
not feel prompted to make corrections
but anxiously await the next batch of
fabrications A glaring instance is
furnished by the Omaha papers this
morning which says The strike
may soon be settled however Gen
eral Manager Dickinson of the Union
Pacific who returned to his office
yesterday from out on the line sent
word to the car men that he desired a
conference with a committee of their
body This committee meets Mr Dick
inson tomorrow etc
This report is not true Mr Dick
inson was in North Platte all day
yesterday and is here today He says
that the whole story is a fabrication
as- are several other stories that say
that the company has called for con
ferences for the purpose of com
promise He says that the shops are
gradually filled along the line and that
the new engines will be here on time
to help handle the autumn business
He says the company has not changed
Its position for a moment since the
beginning of the trouble So it seems
that Omaha is deceiving North Platte
while North Platte is deceiving Om
aha and between the stories gener
ated at both places the individuals
never arrive at the real truth
Paper Hunting
One of the most exciting of all rid
ing games is paper hunting or follow
ing a trail made by dropping pieces of
paper It can be made as dangerous as
steeplechasing or no more so than an
ordinary gallop over the fields The
danger is in the fences to be ridden
over There is no limit to the pace
but the speed of the leading horse and
the necessity of keeping the trail The
hare as the man ahorseback who
lays the trail is called is expected to
foil his pursuers the hounds as
otten as he can by the arts of the fox
or by his own Ingenuity only restrict
ed by certain rules ot the game
Country Life in America
His Idea of a Library
The late Lord Acton whose remark
able range of scholarship was little
known to the public until attention
was cailed to it in his obituaries had
in his London houBe a collection of
some 60000 books many of them
old and rare Joseph Chamberlain at
one time rented the house by the sea
son and when he left to go into a
house of his own someone said to him
that he must miss that fine library
Library replied the member from
Brummagem I dont call that a 11
brary It doesnt contain a single boolc
of reference
Utilize the Suns Heat
The heat of the sun is being util
ized at Los Angeles California to
create power and to heat water for
domestic purposes At an ostrich
farm adjoining the city a solar motor
is in operation every sunny day about
300 days in the year and pumps 1400
gallons of water per minute Solar
heaters are placed on the roofs of the
houses and connected with the water
pipes One heater will supply hot
water for domestic purposes for an or
dinary family
First Lesson at Sea
Admiral Jouett says that when he
first wen to sea as a cadet he at
tempted some conversation with the
executive officer who received him
when he went on board The officer
one of the strictest disciplinarians in
the service met his advances In this
mild fashion Silence sir Who
gave you permission to speak Let
me hear only six words from you sir
while you are on this ship Port
starboard yes sir and no sir
Great Artists Employed
George G Barnard is to do tho
sculptures for Pennsylvanias new
state house and Edwin A Abbey the
panel paintings Rumor asserts that
Abbey Is to get 150000 for his paint
ings and Barnard 300000 for his
Fifty Years a Minister
The Rev J W Chesley rector of
All Faith parish Meehanicsville St
Marys county Maryland celebrated
the fiftieth anniversary of his ordina
tion to the ministry at All Faith tho
old parish church July 16
Inventor Is Wealthy
Lord Kelvin is the richest of British
inventors He Is now receiving royal
ties on fourteen of his patent appli
ances which have been fitted on board
the latest Japanese warship
hw ii mm mimm m
That is Now What is Apprehended of
the Island Volcano Crater is En
larging with Each Recurring Erup
Guadalogpe Sept
6 It is generally believed that the
island of Martinique is doomed to
total destruction and the fear is that
when the catastrophe comes GHada
loupe will be visited by an all-destructive
tidal wave
Business is absolutely at a stand
still Few shops aro open and if it
were not for the efforts of a small
number of more valiant souls hun
dreds would starve to death here be
cause of their fear of a more terrible
Details that have been received dur
ing the last two days prove that the
eruption of Mont Pelee of August 30
was far more violent than any of the
earlier explosions As the eruptions
continue the mouth of Mont Pelee
grows in size It is now of enormous
proportions Morne Lacroix one of the
peaks that reared skyward from the
side of Pelee has fallen bodily into
the crater and has been completely
swallowed There seems to be a side
pressure in the crater and the burning
chasm widens perceptibly every day
Clouds no more hang about the
crest of Mont Pelee The terrific heat
seems to drive everything away The
column of flame and smoke rears di
rectly into the heavens so that its
top is lost to sight In the darkness
of the night it has the appearance of
a stream of molten iron standing
fixed between heaven and earth From
Morne Capote the relief troops were
compelled to make a quick retreat
although they succeeded in taking out
a few wounded
The entire country nearly to Fort
de France is buried under a deep
cover of ashes This has made it al
most impossible to find the bodies of
those who have perished while fleeing
to the seacoast
Constantine Carra one of the few
who succeeded in escaping from Morne
Rouge after the explosion found
refuge on the steamer Esk She was
with twelve others in her house when
Pelee gave its first warning of the
disaster which it was about to pour
upon the village She said that the
first explosion destroyed many houses
She was hurled with great force
against the wall of the room in which
she was sitting On recovering from
the shock she ran outside and there
saw three separate tongues of fire
sweeping down from the mouth of the
The earth shook with so great vio
lence that she could not retain her
feet She was blinded by the glare of
the flames The heat was so terrific
that her flesh was blistered She
awaited death which she believed to be
inevitable Fortunately the fires swept
a little to one side of her and she was
Governor Fixes Next Thursday as the
Date for a Conference
Stone fixed next Thursday to meet a
committee appointed by the peoples
alliance at Hazleton to discuss the best
means of ending the anthracite coal
strike The governor said he would
be glad to meet any and all persons
who might want to see him on mat
ters pertaining to the strike
NEW YORK Sept 6 Senator M S
Quay of Pennsylvania who held a
long conference with Senator Platl at
the Fifth Avenue hotel denied that
they talked about the coal strike di
rectly or indirectly He would not s ly
what they talked about
It was said Mr Quay merely a
Ions fneudlj la k
Senator Platt said I saw Senator
Quay a little while last night and dis
cussed private matters with him In
our discussion the coal strike was nor
Lord is Detained in kancas
William D Lord of Minneapolis was
arrested here charged with having
embezzled 15000 from S H Hall
Co of Minneapolis Officials have
been looking for Lord eighteer
Quits Army for Civil Life
WASHINGTON Sept 6 The pres
ident has accepted the resignatior
of First Lieutenant Grant T Trent o
the Eighth infantry in order to per
mit that officer to accept an impor
tant position in the civil governmen
of the Philippines Lieutenant Tren
has rendered valuable service to thf
Taft commission and for some time
held the office of assistant attornej
general at Manila His regiment ii
ordered home
investigation Into the Accident to the
Presidents Party
PITTSFIELD Mass Sept 5 With
the excitement which followed the ac
Ident to President Roosevelt In this
jlty In a great measure abated the
citizens were discussing the question
Df responsibility for the occurrence
which on all sides Is considered as
aavlng marred the citys fame In
that a street car in disputing the right
of way with the president o the
United States at least was extremely
That the attempt to do this result
ed in a fatality and in the very nar
row eseape from death or injury to
the president hlmBelf and to the gov
ernor of the commonwealth are con
sidered as only adding to the gravity
of the offense
It Is argued also that the Pittsfleld
Street Railway company should not
have disregarded the request of the
mayor that no cars should have been
run while the president was in tho
city It Is said the city government
takes this view of the case At any
rate at a meeting a committee of in
vestigation was appointed including
members of both branches of the city
government with the mayor at the
Business Suspended and Government
Employes Desert Their Posts
KINGSTON Jamaica Sept 5 Let-
ters received from Hayti dated Sep
tember 1 say that the situation in that
republic is becoming more complicat
ed In the chamber of deputies as
now constituted M Pierre one of the
candidates for the presidency has a
majority over his rival M Fouchard
while M Firmins revolutionary party
is making headway In the field
No settlement of the difficulty is in
sight business is entirely suspended
in the chief towns and the public em
ployes are leaving their work be
cause they have not been paid since
General Sam resigned the presidency
and left the country
According to these advices those
who are guilty of burning the town
of Petit Goave have sought refuge on
the island of Curacao and are bound
for Jamaica
Men Who Have Not Returned to Work
Ready to Do So
FLORENCE Italy Sept 5 The
strike here began because the metal
workers employed by the Pignone iron
works were discontented over the fact
that the directors of the company ex
ecuted orders for a firm at Leghorn
during the recent strike there
This dissatisfaction led to friction
and the workmen of the Pignon works
made demands which the directors of
the company refused to entertain
The Pignone company began dismiss
ing the malcontents in its employ and
the strike ensued
One of the directors of the Pignone
company aroused the enmity of the
workmen because he refused to recog
nize the labor organization and the
strikers demanded his removal They
also attempted to set fire to his house
St Louis Worlds Fair Board to Con
vene and Effect Organization
ST LOUIS Sept 3 a call for a
meeting of the board of lady manag
ers of the worlds fair to be held in
St Louis on September 29 to organ
ize has been made by Secretary
Joseph Flory of the national commit
General Chicoye Captured
General Chicoye the Firminist com
mander who it is claimed set fire to
and almost entirely destroyed the
town of Petit Goave previous to evac
uating it August 8 after having been
attacked by a force of government
troops and volunteers and who sub
sequently escaped on a schooner has
been arrested at Bainet near Jacmel
Destination is Monterey
men of the Fifteenth infantry regi
ment en route from Manila on the
transport Meade will be disembark
ed at Monterey where a post is about
to be established and where the Fif
teenth will be stationed The Meade
is now out twenty seven days from
Manila by way of Nagasaki It is
therefore due about September 13
The naval hospital transport Solace
is out thirty four days from Manila
Chicago Cuts Them Off
CHICAGO Sept 5 Luke P Col
lerain ex chief of detectives in com
pany with thirty annuitants was dis
missed from the disability list of the
police pensioners The wholesale
pruning of the pension lists followed
the investigations of the medical board
and will effect a saving of 15615 a
year to the funds Out of forty seven
disability men who took the physical
examination thirty one were disqual
ified from further annuities
Secret Service Agent Craig Killed
Collision with an Electric Car Going
at High Speed Motormrn Ic Ar
PITTSFIELD Mass Sept 4 The
president of the United States escaped
a tragic death by only a few feet in a
collision between his carriage and an
electric street car in this city yester
day while one of his most trusted
guards Secret Service Agent William
Craig was Instantly killed and David
J Pratt of Dalton who was guiding
the horses attached to the vehicle
was most seriously injured President
Roosevelt hlmBelf was badly shaken
up but received only a slight facial
bruise Secretary Cortelyou who oc
cupied a seat directly opposite the
president In the landau sustained a
minor wound in the back of the head
and Governor Crane who sat beside
the president extricated himself with
out a scratch The carriage was de
molished by the impact of the rapid
ly moving car and the wheel horse
on the side nearest the car was kill
ed outright The crew and passengers
of the car escaped injury
The president and party were driv
ing from this city to Lenox through
South street one of the principal thor
oughfares of Pittsfleld which was
lined with cheering people and the
catastrophe occurred In the plain view
of hundreds whose happiness at the
advent of the nations chief was sud
denly turned to grief
Just at the foot of Howard Hill the
road bends a little and teams are
compelled to cross the street railway
tracks to the east side The railroad
then continues at one side of the
street instead of in the center Just
at this point the upgrade of the hill
begins and but a short distance be
yond the crossing there is a narrow
bridge spanning a small brook The
trolley car approached the road cross
ing under a good head of speed with
gong clanging just as the driver of
the presidents carriage turned hi
leaders to cross the tracks On each
side of the chief executives carriajg
rode two mounted troopers of the loc
cavalry company and the horsemen
on the left of the landau had turned
nto the track with the trolley car
immediately behind them though
some yards distant Alarmed by the
clanging gong they both turned in
their saddles and waved vigorously
to the motorman to stop his car Al
most at the Eame instant Governor
Crane who quickly perceived the dan
ger rose to his feet and likewise mo
tioned to the motorman The latter
in great excitement desperately tried
to stop his car but it was too late
It crashed into the car as a loud moan
went up from the frenzied onlookers
who thronged the roadside and who
but a moment before were cheering
the president
The horseman managed to get the
frightened animals out of the way just
In time and the car struck the rear
wheel of the carriage on the left side
and ploughed through to the front
wheel of the vehicle which received
the full force of the blow The car
riage was upset in the twinkling of
an eye and one horse fell dead on the
tracks The other three powerful
grays attached to the vehicle started
to run and dragged by them and
pushed by the force of the car the
wrecked carriage was moved thirty or
forty feet Agent Craig fell from his
seat Immediately in front of the car
and it passed completely over his
body Driver Pratt in falling struck
the dead horse immediately in front
of him and rolled off clear of the car1
thus escaping a similar fate Presi
dent Roosevelt Governor Crane and
Secretary Cortelyou were thrown to
gether in the bottom of their car
Farm Brings 110 Per Acre
CRESTON la Sept 4 The price
of Union county real estate continues
to advance and yesterday what is
known as the Ben Rice farm sold
for 110 per acre The land consists
of eighty acres situated about two
miles southeast of Creston in the
prettiest part of the county and is
One of the finest farms in the state
John Ollinger was the purchaser and
after adding some very valuable im
provements will use it as a stock
farai and residence
Perforates Frisco Editor
es H Williams jr a well known
horseman president of the California
Jockey club shot and seriously
wounded Frederick Mariott publisher
of the San Francisco News Letter to
night at Marotts resideice Mariott
was shot three times one shot break
Jae his leg another passing through
his hand and the third entering hia
body His recovery Is doubtful The
shooting grew out of publicaiioaa
BjlSL 3
She was Persuaded to Try St Jacobs
Oil and All Pain Disappeared
It Is undoubtedly a fact beyond dls
puto that the strongest advertisl s
medium the proprietors have Is that of
people who recommend othors to use
St Jacobs Oil People who have them
selves experienced a happy result
which Invariably follows the use o
this great remedy show their gratl
tudo by recommending It to thoao
whom they know are similarly affect
ed This Is the case of Margaret Loo
of 71 Brlghtfleld road Lee Green Wis
Having suffered from muscular
rheumatism for years and not receiv
ing any benefit from varlotf3 remedies
I used St Jacobs Oil pain and sore
ness removed at once no return of
rheumatism St Jacobs Oil Is sold
In 25 cts and CO cts sizes by all drug
Parsimony saves money at the loss
Df friends
x Bad blood ond indigestion aro deadly
cneniios to good health Burdock Blood
Bitters destroys tboin
v It is hard to bo healed when we hlda
our wounds
A little lifo muy bo sacrificed to a sudden
attack of croup if you dont Imvo Dr
ThomnB Electric Oil on band for the
The path to greatness with God liei
open to all y
HALF RATES round trip plus 200 to
Sandusky Columbus Toledo Cin
cinnati Indianapolis Louisville and
many points in INDIANA OHIO
AND KENTUCKY Tickets sold
September 2 9 10 23
LESS than half rates to Washington D
C and return Tickets sold Octo
ber 2 3 4 5
HALF RATES round trip to Buffalo
Toronto Niagara Falls PIttsburff
Detroit Cleveland Columbus nnil
many points In MICHIGAN
tober 2 3 4 5
HALF RATES Boston Mass and re
turn Sold October 6 7 8 9 and 10
LOWED at Niagara Falls and Detroit
on above tickets
For rates and all Information call at
Wabash New City Ticket omce 1C01 Far-
nam St Omaha or write Harrv E
Moores Genl Act Pass Dcpt Omaha
Good things always grieve bad men
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win This is why Defiance Starch
is taking the place of all others
Some men are your friends only so
long as they can use you
of n esr th tcm rv3r TowwrO
Waterproof Oiled Coot were Introduced
In the West ond were called Gliders by
the pioneers ond cowboys TKb graphic
nanve has come into such general use that
it is freqierttly though wrongfully oppBed
to many 3titutea You want the oniane
uxk Tor we cagji or uve risaarw
the name Tower on the button
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If anyone offered you a good
dollar for an imperfect one
would you take it
If anyone offered you one good
dollar for 75 cents of bad money
would you take it
sWe offer you 10 ounces of the
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No other brand is so good yet
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Ours is a business proposition
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We guarantee it satisfactory
Ask your grocer
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Prlco 25 Cents All Druggist
OMAIIA INSTITUTE Ono of the heat
E7E7I CW equipped of the Keeley system
CEalLS I Only Koeley Institute la Ne
braska Cures Drunkenness Cures Drulier
Booklet free Home treatment for Tohncco
Habit cost 85 Aklrcss721 S lJth St Omaha
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