X tX X i A VIVV ml iju yw0 11 Yfl I i l JLi l AMERICAS BEST Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of the world well written original stories answers to queries articles on health the home new books and on work about the farm and garden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The Tribune and The Weekly Inter Ocean one year both papers for S140 Low Rate East Tho Burlington Route has authorized the low rate of 3245 from McCook Nebraska to Washington D C and re turn for National Encampment G A R Tickets on sale October 2nd to 5th in clusive Good returning until October 14th hut extension until November 3rd 1902 may be secured Ask the Burlington agent or write to J Francis G P A 9 5 -its Omaha Neb Are you Farmers going to need extension tables for any chairs or threshers wick can givo you the best prices in town A nations to show you some of Tfts JVew 3 fo just received Your boys will want Q cftoof Hllt GIVE US A BEFORE YOU BUY THE was ft s argaiti to -e a L JDeGROFF GO JLiiMH - 4 s MrWM WVVW vSftf Good Horse Sense 1 Kay Hfi fa D Lion will tell you that old eggs and glue are not things you want to eat yet some coffee roasters glaze their coffee with such things Not so with Its just pure unadulterated undisguised coffee never covered up with any glazing of any kind Uniform quality and freshness are insured by the sealed package s sO A Good Thing Gorman Syrup is the special prescription of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortun ate discoveries in medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and lung troubles of the severest nature removing the causo of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is not an experimental medicinct but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidlv increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boschees German Syrup was intro duced in the United States 186S and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac 4 7rznrr This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that enres a cold in one day Back to the Old Home The Burlington Route has authorized the low rate of one fare plus 62 for the round trip from all points on the B M R R to many points in Ohio and Indiana Tickets on sale September 9th 16th and 23rd Good returning for 30 days Tickets sold via Chicago Peoria or St Louis Ask the Burlington agent or write J Francis G P A Omahe Neb Devoured by Worms Cliildren often cry not from pain but from hunger although fed abundantly The entire trouble arises from inanition their food is not assimilated but devoured by worms A few doses of Whites Cream Vermifuge w ill cause them to cease crying and begin to thrive at once very much to the surprise and joy of the mother 25cafcAMcMillens Fusionists Nominate Holley The Populist and Democrats of the twenty ninth senatorial district named J W Holley of Cambridge Furnas county as their candidate for state sen ator in tneir convention here Wednes day Dick Green refused the nomina tion Cupid Ambushed Air Slowgait about to propose time 11 p m I am about to say something Hiss Chillington that I should have said some time ago Look nto my eyes- and tell me if you can not guess what it is Hiss Chilling ton suppressing a yawn You look as sleepy as I feel so I guess you must be going to soy good night -go News A FISHERMANS LUNCH no vr the Trne An lur Broil Trout For IIIh Nooniluy Meal In the deep shade of the tree the bas kets are laid and now a Ore is started nearby one of Van Dykes little friendship Arcs which shall also cook a few trout Get two flat stones friend and theyll be hard to find in this bowlder country but tney are sometimes worn quite flat while I gather some sufficient wood Into the fire the stones go and the wood is heaped about them Scon the intense glow of live wood embers indicates that the time has come The trout a sliver of bacon in each f i are placed on one stone first well dust t ed of its ashes and the other stone Is laid upon them Now the hot embers are raked about and over the stones and the lunch is spread on the big rock near the spring O ye epicures who think nothing good unless served by a Dchnonico or a Sherry go ye into the mountains fol low a brook for half a day get wet and tired and hungry sit down by an ice cold spring and eat brook trout cooked on the spot and delicious bread and butter liberally spread with clover hon ey Not till then have ye dined Trout tnd Philosophy on a Vermont Stream in Outing A lot of Land A Hartford lawyer is of the opinion that the term lot as applied to a par cel of laud is an American product not derived from any other uses of the word lie says I have been reading up some of the old histories of my state of Long Island and other colo nial sections recently and I find that the term a lot of land was originated in the colonies that it is today consid ered an Americanism and stands apart from other uses of the word It origi nated from the custom of dividing grants for townships etc into parcels of land and then numbering each par cel putting the numbers into a hat or whatever was used and then having them drawn out by those who were to occupy the land Each man took the parcel corresponding to his number so his land came by lot literally and hence the use of the term This I pre sume is ancient history but perhaps ancient enough to have been forgotten by most real estate dealers and other people who deal in land and not lan guage Llp htnlnpr and Watches An electrical storm seems to have a peculiar effect on some timepieces remarked the junior partner of a big downtown jewelry firm Every time lightning and thunder get active in this vicinity one of the results is that our watch repairing department is overworked for several days there after The damage wrought chiefly consists of broken mainsprings When business gets dull with us added the jeweler jokingly we re quire all our employees to pray for a thunderstorm Failure to comply with this order is considered sufficient cause for discharge I am unable to make clear the whys and wherefores but it is an established fact that after the lightning has frolicked awhile in come the watches with mainsprings wreck ed Washington Star Wanted Rainwater Boy bring me a large pitcher of rainwater and a small pitcher of well water said the woman from the coun try who just had been assigned to a room in one of the fashionable uptown hotels Yesin said the boy with an air of Now what kind of a drinks that Its a new one on me At the bar they turned him down Its no mineral waters she wants Just draw two pitchers of Croton from the faucets and pass em up to her Rainwater I aint heard of it since I was a boy and lived in the country said the bartender You couldnt use it if you could find it in New York New York Press Societys Itislit to Confiscate What shall become of a mans prop erty after he is dead is a matter for so ciety to determine If it seems inexpe dient to allow a rich man to leave a child reared in luxury without means of support or to leave a quarrel on the hands of his heirs it is entirely within societys right to restrict his license in that particular The whims of testa tors are a good deal of a nuisance and are too much respected by law though not by courts Life Superstitions About Bees The superstitions which connect bees with the death or sickness of the mem bers of the particular family in which they are kept are interesting In Scot land and Ireland the entrance of a bee into a cottage more particularly if it be a bumblebee is looked upon as a certain sign of the death of some one then residing there In other locali ties if bees in swarming settle upon dead wood it is regarded as equally ominous Genuine Surprise Tess I told that old beau of yours that you were married Jess Did you Did he seem sur prised Tess Yes indeed He said How on earth did that happen Philadel phia Press Accustomed to Inxnries Mr Courting exhibiting penknife This handle is pure silver What do you think of that Little Girl -Huh Thats nothing Sisters teeth is on a plate of pure gold A Subtle Distinction When a person of wealth indulges in unusual taste or hobbies he is de scribed as being eccentric If he is a poor man he is merely called a crank Exchange - S - - 1 t George Brady Killed Georgo G Brady son of Mrs Mary Brady of Toulon was killed at his homo in Peoria Sunday morning by being run over by a street car Mr Brady was tin employe of tho Central and Peoria Pros pect Height street railways having been in their employ for tho last nine years Ho was tho barn superintendent of tho company and it was while in tho per formance of his duty that he mot a cruel death Shortly before ten oclock Sun day morning ho entered tho barn to run out a car for extra service to handle the Sunday traffic Tho door is low and it is necessary to hold the trolloy off tho wire whilo a part of tho car is going through tho door He pulled the trolloy down and as soon as the doorway was cleared let it back again Ho was stand ing on tho platform whilo doing this work and slipped and fell upon tho track directly in front of tho car Before ho could scramble from tho track tho car ran him down and death was almost in stantaneous A number of the employes wero stand ing about at the time being congregated outside tho barn door Some of them were watching Mr Brady run the car out but the accident happened so quick ly they wero powerless to prevent it or stop it The car stopped directly over tho body and it was with difficulty that it was taken out The coroner was at once notified and found the cause of death to have been entirely accidental Funeral services wero held at Peoria Tuesday afternoon from St Marys Cathedral Rev Father Sammon offic iating The services were in charge of Gibbons Court Independent Order of Foresters or which the deceased was a member He was also a member of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen The members of the Foresters an tl tee street car employes acted as pall bearers The remains wero shipped to Toulon Tuesday afternoon and taken to tho home of his mother a short distance south of town Funeral services wero held Wednesday morning in the Cath olio church in Toulon high mass being celebrated and an excellent sermon preached by Father Sammon in which he paid many glowing tributes to Mr Brady Three street car exployes Messrs D J Murphy F Mulroy and Oscar Wyatt accompanied the remains to Toulon and acted as pall bearers in company with J J Bruce Lawson Ham and Martin Neil of Toulon Miss ONeil theorganist at St Marys cathedral Peoria was also present here and played and sang the mass The burial was in the Catholic ceme tery near Saxon The family were all present at the funeral and the attendance was very large Among those present from a dis tance wero Mr and Mrs John Brady of McCook Nebraska Mr and Mrs Peter Brady of Topeka Kansas John Martain of Grafton Nebraska Mrs Ed Alexan der of PeoiiaLukeRocheford of Topeka Kansas and others The floral tributes were many and beautiful among them being a broken wheel from the emplopes of the Monroe street car line gates ajar from John Finley Peoria cross from Prospect Heights line employes pillow from Adams street line employes blanket from employes of Main street and East Bluff car line and employes of Chestnut street car barn a beautiful wreath from his neighbors at Prospect Heights a floral offering from the Ceqtral Railway shop employes besides many others Mr Brady was born in Hokendague Pennsylvania December 25 1861 and at the time of his death was 40 years 8 months and 6 days old He came to Toulon in 1873 On the 3rd of June 1883 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Martin their marriage being sol emnized in the same church from which his funeral was held nearly twenty years later In 1885 they moved to Nebraska coming to Peoria nine years laterin 1894 which city has been home ever since The deceased left a wife but no chil dren He had been an employe of the railway company for the last nine years and his death removes one of the most valuable employes of the company Two years ago he was promoted to superin tendency of the car barn of the company Toulon Illinois News Sept 5th Twenty One Years a Dyspeptic R H Foster 318 S 2nd street Salt Lake City writes I have been bothered with djspepsia or indigestion for twenty one j ears tried many doctors without relief recently I got a bottle of Herbine One bottle cured me I am now taper ing off on the second I have recommended it to my friends and it is curing them too 30c at A McMillen iffntfwji V M Hlr n ii n ra nttman Lottery Ali if only I were beautiful How happy life -would bo Many a forlorn maid has said this as she looked into the mirror It is the one pos session in the lottery of human life which woman would not refuse BRADriELDS emale letslator for young girls on the threshold of woman hood is invaluable When they become pale and languid the eyes dull aching head feet and hands cold appetite gone or abnormal obstructed periods and pain ful menses and their sj steins generally ran down they need a tonic building up and their blood cleansed Bradpelds Female Regulator for women is particularly valuable and useful owing to its tonic properties and as a regulator of the menstrual flows Painful obstruct ed and suppressed menstruation is permanent- relieved and all diseases peculiar to her genital organs are cured by it Regulator clears the complexion bright ins the eye sharpens the appetite re moves muddy and blotched conditions of die Sr in and cures sick headache at once Of dmrgisb at roo per bottle Pe feet Health for Women can be hed free by seeding us your address HE BRADFIELD HSCULATOR CO ATLANTA GA juianuiica jiiJLiauuaciiu i mHmnui itiifttjemiwjimuumi i jut fawnr 2 S H You willbe sorry if you buy before fc X looking our line over because our X ggj hobby is good wearing childrens gj kj jjf shoes at the right price A guar- K 0 H antee from IX our store means som e P 1 gJ thing Try us and you will be 5 j convinced j gL j MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT 2S33 Instead of the usual for mal opening we will have on display after ESWmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmWSmWBmWESBESSi NOTICE OF SALE In the matter of the estate of Curtis L Ilile man Pearl Hilpman Lois D Hilemau Sjlvia Hileman and Samuel C Hileman minor heirs of Rothees S Hileman deceased Notice is hereby siven that in pursuance of an order of the Hon G W Norris jude of the district court of Red Willow Count made on the 10th da of August lt02 for the ale of the real estate hereinafter described there will bo soldat the east front door of the county court house in tho city of McCook in said county on tho 13th day of September 1002 at the hour of one oclock P M at public vendue to the hijrnest bidder for cah the following described real estate to wit an undivided one ninth in- i -1 in me i t iiail oi feimiiiourteeliii own hip number two north ranee number hirty west of the ith P M in Red Willow oiinty Nebraska Said sale will remain open ne hour Dated August 20 1002 L R Hileman Guardian of Curtis L Hileman Pearl Hileman Lois D Hileman Silvia Hilt man and Samuel C Hileman mi nor hoirs of Rothees S Hileman de ceased NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT In estate of Anthony Dudek decea ed In countj court RedWillow count Nebra ka To the heirs legatee- and others in terested in the estate of Anthonv Dudek Take notice that Joseph Dudek executor ha filed in the county court a report of his doings as executor of -aid estate and it i or dered that the ami stand for hearing the 13th da of September A D It02 before the court at the hour of ten oclock p in at which time any iwrson interested may appear and except to and contest the same And notice of this proceed ing is ordered given by publication in McCook Tribune for three succe ive weeks Witness mv hand and the eal of the county court at McCook this ijtli day of August A D I seal C E Eld red County Judge SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein If T Church is plaintiff and Morillo A Spalding et al are defendants to me din cted and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the high est bidder for cnh at the eat t door of the court hou e in McCook Red Willow coimt Nebraska on the 29th day of Sept mber 1112 at the hour of one oclock p in the following de scribed real estate to wit The quarter of section thirtj one in town hip four north in range twentj nine west of the Gth p m in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 2Jth dav of Amti t 102 A C Ckarteee Sheriff W S Morlan Attorney ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebra ka Rf d Willow county -- At a county court held at the county court room in and fcrfaid county Septembers 102 Present C E Eldred county judge In the matter of the estate of William Francisco deceased On reading and filing the petition of Vira Francisco praying that administration of -aid estate may be granted to her as administratrix Ordered that September 2I 1002 at one o clock p m N aigned for hearing said peti tion when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to lie hld in and for said count and show cause why the prajer of iH titioner should not l granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof bo given to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the The McCook Tbibum a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three suc cessive weeks prior to aid day of hearing 9 r seal C E Eldkex County Judge MMjgj seamgygfgrffa WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 X i - Kf an elegant line of the new est ideas in fall and winter millinery MRS M M DELHUNT nSBBBMM1 l n wavnmxom aaaa iTtVWJ PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT m Y j bmwm The Following- Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska as Hereinafter Set Forth In Full is Submitted to the Electors of the State of Nebraska to be Voted Upon at the General Election to be Held Tuesday November 4 1902 A Joint Resolution proposing to amend Sec tion one of Article lifteen of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska relative to the manner of submitting and adopting amendments to tin constitution of the said state of Nebraska Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska Section 1 That Section one of Article fifteen of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows Section 1 Either branch of the legislattin may propose amendments to this constitution and if the same be agreed to by tliree fiftlis of the members elected toeacli house uch pro posed amendments shall be entered on thf Journal- with the jeas and nays and publish rj at Iea t once each week in at least one new--paper in eacli county where a newspaper in published for thirtj dajs imm diatelj preced ing tile next election of and representa tives at which election the same shall be sub mitted to the electors for approval or rejection and if a majoriU of tin electors voting at such election on such jroj us d amendment shall vote to adopt such amendment the same shall become a part of this constitution When more than one amendment i submitted at the same election they shall be so a- to enable the electors to vote 01 each amendment sepa rately All ballots u ed at uch election on surh amendment or amendments shall have written or printed thereon the following For proiosd amendment to the constitution relating to here in ert the subject of the amendment and against projosed amendment to the Constitu tion relating to here in ert the subject of the amendment and the voteof each elector voting on surh amendment or amendments slall j designated by the elector by making a croy with a pen or jiencil in a circle or square to be placed at the right of the lines the words For I or Again t the proposed amendments as h shall desire to vote thereon or b indicating hi preference on a voting machine when such machine is in u e I Geo W Mar h secretary of the state of Nebraska do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska v a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engro ed bill as pas sed by the Twenty eventh session of tlte legisla ture of the Stat of Nebraska as apjtearsfrom said original bill on file in this olhce and that said propo ed aiuendnvnt is submitted to th oualified voters of the state of Nebraska for -their adoption or rejection at the general elec tion to beheld on Tuesday the 4th day of No vember A D IWZ In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and aflixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska Done at Lincoln this 2d day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Two of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Tweuty serenth and f state the Thirty ixth iseal Geo W Mahsh Secretary of State Genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made by ttn Madisou Medicine Co is made of rare and costly herbs not fonnd in any otlier preparatioc thcraforecet tlte kind you read about 35 cle McConnell Sz Berry