The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 12, 1902, Image 4

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ffe JIM
By F M
00k pikk
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Congressman Georgo W Norris McCook
Governor John H Mickoy
Lioutoniinfc Qovornor EG McGilton
Bocrotnrvof Stuto Georco W Mnrsh
Treasurer Potor Mortensen
Auditor Charles Weston
Attorney Goneral Frank N Front
Land Commissioner GoorgoD Follmor
SuptTublic Instruction Wm K Fowler
Representative J E Ila thorn
County JudRO SLGreen
County Attorney C E Eldred
Comniidsionor First district D A Waterman
This country is perhaps suffering as
much from trusting credit as from too
many trusts socalled
The only thing that can save the Dem
ocratic party this year is a panic and
tho most hopeful prophet in the entire
party can see no signs of one
There is no doubt of the desirability
of tho antismoko movement inaugur
ated since the anthracite strike but the
sight of theso smokeless chimneys must
have brought back unpleasant memories
to those who were here between 93 and
9G when smokeless chimneys were not
William 0 Whitney who is on his
way to Europe tho other day dismissed
tho possibility of Democratic success this
fall by declaring that the party was
without a leader or an issue lie said
tho bluff put up in the campaign book
reminded him of tho noise and excite
ment of a sham battle with the same
Maine has gone Republican by a tre
mendous majority and the news is tele
graphed to President Roosevelt by
Chairman Simpson of the state central
committee in the following language
Maine has gone Republican as it once
went for Governor Kent We have car
ried the state by a plurality of 25000
Have elected the entire delegation in
congress by a large majority Have
chosen every senator with one exception
and nearly if not quite four fifths of
the legislature The Pino Tree state
endorses your administration with no
uncertain voice
Chairman Griggs of tho Democratic
committee is making a great spiel just
now about the increase in the price of
the necessaries of life to the working
men It may or it may not be so but
the material point is elsewhere In the
good old times of Democratic supremacy
hard times and low prices wo remember
well that labor was unemployed and had
not the coin with which to buy hence
were unable to take advantage of the
cheap prices so dear to the Democratic
heart If prices are now higher labor
has employment and the wherewithal
with which to buy and pay for his nec
essaries and a few luxuries to boot
The Tenth National Irrigation con
gress will be held at Colorado Springs
October G to 9 This meeting because
of the -recent action of congress in pass
ing the national irrigation act will be
the most important ever held by the
congress An entire day will be given
to the discussion of the national act its
operation and possibilities Several of
the leading irrigation experts and busi
ness men of the country have promised
to be in attendance and take part in the
discussion The new law provides that
the proceeds from the sale of public
lands in sixteen of the Western states
shall hereafter be devoted to tho recla
mation of the arid lands The American
Forestry association will meet with the
Irrigation congress and the subject of
forestry will be given proper attention
A matter which the officers say has been
sadly neglected by Western conventions
is colonization and this subject will be
taken up and vigorously handled Gov
ernors of states are called upon to ap
point twenty delegates each to attend
the congress mayors of cities are to ap
point two and in cities of over 25000
inhabitants four delegates are to be ap
pointed County commissioners cham
bers of commerce commercial clubs real
estate exchanges irrigation organiza
tions engineers1 societies live stock as
sociations irrigation companies and
agricultural colleges are to send two
delegates each
Valley Grange Precinct Caucus
Tho Republican electors of Valley
Granpe precinct will hold a caucus in
the Pickens school house Saturday af
ternoon September 23rd 1902 at three
oclock for the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for the several
precinct offices and the transaction of
such other business as may properly
come before tho caucus
Ed Phillippi Committeeman
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Sept 8 1902
Dan Grewoll Mrs A J Hall
Wm J Rico Win Rhoad
Walter Sheppard C C Starbuck
James L Walker
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
P M Kimmell Postmaster
yspepsia uure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ot
food It gives instant relief and neve
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
If cant help
taut do you gocd
The only kind of consump
on to fear is
People are learning that con
unption is a curable disease
is neglected consumptic
ufc is so often incurable
At the faintest suspicion ol
nsumption set a bottle cl
jpotts Emulsion and
The use of Scotts Emulsion
t once has in thousands of
iscs turned the balance in
ever of health
Neglected consumption does
iot exist where Scotts
Prompt use of Scotts Emuh
i n checks the disease while it
an be checked
Send for free sample
109 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and roo all druggists
Interesting Letter From Congressman
Alma Neb August 23 1902 H W
Campbell Holdrege Nebraska
Dear Sir While in FranklinNebon
August 31st I had tho the pleasure of
seeing Mr Travis field of corn which
he had cultivated according to your well
known method 1 must in truth say it
is the best example that I have yet seen
of tho wonderful results to be derived
from your system of soil culture
There are about eighty acres of corn
on rolling ground some of it quite
clayey hence the field is of just the kind
that for the past three weeks has been
suffering for rain Many similar fields
of corn in tho immediate neighborhood
of Mr Travis are already beyond possi
ble repair no matter how much rain
may fall On every side of Mr Travis I
found the corn burning up badly
shrunken on the cob and not filled out
to within an inch or more of the end
All these fields showed large soil cracks
the ground being dry and hard and more
or less weedy Evidently however they
were in good condition when laid by in
the old fashioned way All of this dis
aster having occurred in the last three
weeks or since August
Mr Travis corn on the contrary was
as green and thrifty as though it had
never wanted for ram The ears were
large and well filled and in my judgment
good for fifty or sixty bushels per acre
of sound marketable corn
The most remarkable example of what
your method will do was seen upon the
west side where just across the fence
from Mr Travis was a field of corn evi
dently well tended with ordinary culti
vation but every stalk blade and ear so
dry that they rattled as in October Mr
Travis corn not eight feet away was
green and healthy and had well filled
ears that showed no lack of moisture
I wish that every practical farmer in
Nebraska could se this example of your
marvelous method and its lessons I
think that you are doing more for
Nebraska by keeping at this work than
all the politicians in the country put
together The remarkable thing about
it is that about 20 or 25 worth of work
applied to Mr Travis corn field occord
ing to your principles saved him 81000
worth of corn
Mr Travis has no weeds his ground
between the rows- is now stored with
three feet of very moist soil in perfect
shape for sowing bis fall wheat In fact
the ground that he worked three times
is in as good shape as summer followed
and had raised no crop I frankly state
that I believe that if all the farmers
west of the 100th meridian had followed
your preachings there would not now be
a single field of corn burned or damaged
as all the trouble came after the first of
August There has been enough rain to
raise an abundant crop all over the state
if it had only been stored in the ground
for use of the crops
I am more pleased than I can express
and shall preach soil culture long and
loud whenever given an opportunity
both in Nebraska and at the national
capitol Very Respectfully
A C Shallenbekger
ICongressman Fifth District Nebraska
Copies of Prof Campbells Soil Cul
ture Manual may be secured free by
sending a 2 ceut stamp to J lu ancis
General Passenger Agent Burlington
Route Omaha Nebraska
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a ni Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Locghran Pastor
Baptist Sunday school 945 p m
Rev Mitchell will address the school
B Y P U 7 oclock p m Preaching
8 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday 8
p m Rev Geo P Mitchell will preach
Sunday evening Union service Sunday
morning at Congregational church
Christian Vice Chancellor JWHil
ton of Cotner university University
Place will occupy the pulpit of the
Christian church both morning and
evening next Sunday The meetings
will bo in the nature of a national and
educational rally AH are cordially in
vited Committee
Congregational Sunday school 10
a in Union memorial service for the
late President McKinley 11 a m Ad
dress by Judge Norris Y P S C E
7 p m Evening worship with sermon
by pastor 8 p m Prayer and confer
ence meeting Wednesday evening at 8
All are heartily welcomed
Frank W Dean Pastor
Rev L M Grigsby will remove from
McCook at the end of this conference
year to some other pastorate
Rev F W Dean filled the Cambridge
pulpit of the Congregational church last
Sunday morning Rev Hardcastle being
in Denver on his annual vacation
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
sauvo uromo iaoiots euro a com in
Co yuimne
renarea only by EODeWitt Chicago i
cScJl bottle contains 24 times the 50c size I one day Jso euro no pay Price 2d cents
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 Central Timo 1110pm
2 005 am
n 920 AM
No 5 arrives fromeast at 8 p m
No 1 Mountain Time
11 W p m
825 A M
No 170 arrives Mountain Time r 40 pm
No 175 departs 700 am
Sleopinj dining and reclining chair cars
Beats free on through trains Tickets Fold
and baggage checked to any point in tho United
States or Canadu
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
assen ger Ag ent Omaha Nebraska
Another Instance of Supreme Indurance
Not long ago the Herald chronicled an
incident showing nerve and endurance
on tho part of Brakeman P V Baschay
that it thought would be Hard to equal
when he held to a drawbar and was
dragged fifteen or twenty miles but
this week another that fully equals it in
quickness of thought and courageous
endurance is directed to our attention
The principal in the story is Engineer
G E Hick Last Sunday when in the
Belmont tunnel about forty five miles
northwest of here he went out on the
running board at the side of the engine
to adjust something about the sanding
apparatus preparatory to descending the
grades east of Pine Ridge In the dark
ness he missed his footing and slipped
from the narrow board to what would
have been a certain and horrible death
had he not in falling grasped a hot
steam pipe and despite the torture in
flicted retained his hold upon it until
the engine which was running very
slowly reached the end of the tunnel
about 300 feet distant Then he dropped
to the ground the burned flesh from the
palms of his hand sticking to the hot
steam pipe showing what intense agony
tho effort had cost him The physical
strength required was great as the side
rod struck him at every revolution of
the wheel threatening to loosen his pre
carious hold upon the pipe Aside from
his burned hands he was uninjured and
was brought to Alliance to have them
dressed but it will be some time how
ever before he will pull the lever at the
throttle again Alliance Herald Sep
tember 5th
D 4 Engine Dimensions
Mention was made two weeks ago of
the order placed for the new class D 4
locomotives Hero are some interesting
official details of these heaviest of en
gines ever on B M tracks Their
delivery is expected some time before
the first of the year
General dimensions of class D 4 loco
Gauge 4 feet 8 inches
Cylinders 22x28 inches
Drivers 57 inches in diameter
Total wheel base 24 feet 4 inches
Driving wheel base 15 feet 8 inches
Weight total about 209000 pounds
Weight on drivers about 187000
Boiler diameter 78 inches
Number of tubes 480
Diameter of tubes 2 inches
Length of tubes 15 feet
Fire box length 108 inches
Fire box width 72 inches
Heating serface total 3930 square
Tank capacity 6000 gallons and 12
tons of coal Havelock Times
August 1
ber 1 to 10
Cool In Colorado
to 14 23 24
30 31
On the above days the Burlington
Koute will sell round trip tickets to Den
ver Colorado Springs Pueblo and many
other points in Colorado at extraordi
narily low rates
Its cool in Colorado all summer long
and there are hundreds of resorts in the
Rockies where one may escape from the
heat of the plains and spend an alto
gether delightful vacation
A card to J Francis General Pas
senger Agent Omaha Nebr will bring
a good supply of Colorado booklets that
will help you plan your trip 9 5
Northwest in September and October
Low rates every day via the Burling
ton Route
Tp points in the Big Horn Basin of
Wyoming in Montana Idaho Wash
ington Oregon and British Columbia
the Burlington will sell one way tickets
at uncommonly low rates every day in
September and October
Ask the nearest Burlington agent or
write J Francis G P Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Raised From the Dead
C W Landis porter for the Oriental Hotel
Chanute Kansas says I know what it was
to suffer with neuralgiadeed I did and I got a
bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment and I was
raised from the dead I tried to get some
more but before I had deposed of my bottle I
was cured entirely I am tellin do truth too
25c 50c and 100 at A McMillens
Manual of Soil Culture
Send me a 2 cent stamp and I will
mail you free a copy of Campbells Soil
Culture Manual a valuable work tha
every farmer ought to have
J Francis G P A Omaha Neb
Mother S
1 My mother was troubled with a
consumption for many years At
last she was given up to die Then
she tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral
and was speedily cured
D P Jolly Avoca N Y
No matter how hard
vour cough or how Ions
you have had it Ayers
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take
Its too risky to wait
until you have consump
tion If you are coughing
today get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once
Three sizes 25c 50c SI All druggists
Consult your doctor If lie says take it
then do as he says If he tells you not
to talse It then dont take it He knows
Leave it with him We are -willing
J C AVER CO Lowell UTass
Of nIvcston Texas
Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing
to tired women
seven years with
Having suffered for
weakness and bear-
Ingdown pains and having tried sev
eral doctors and different remedies
with no success your Wine of Cardui
was the only thing which helped mc
and eventually cured me Hsecmcdto
build up the weak parts strcnghcn
the system and correct irregularities
By tired women Mrs Adams
means nervous women who have
disordered menses falling o the
womb ovarian troubles or any of
these ailments that women have
You can cure yourself at home with
this great womens remedy Wine
of Cardui Wine of Cardui has
cured thousands of cases which
doctors have failed to benefit Whv
not begin to get well today All
druggists have 100 bottles For
any stomach liver or bowel disor
der Thedfords Black Draught
should be used
Forndvice and literature address gl vine
symptoms The Ladies Advisory Icpirt
ment The ClmtUinoojri Medicine Co
Ciiattanooga Tcnn
J B Dolphs new barn is nearly com
A Strain is building a 14x26 foot ad
dition to his residence
Frank Lewis moved out to N D
Wyckoffsfarm this week MrWyckoff
and family will visit in Illinois this
Grandma Fair has been very sick the
last ten days so much so that nearly all
her children were called to see her She
is now much improved
George Morgan has traded for the J
B Dolph store building opposite the
hotel and will tear down and build
larger 44x60 will bo the size
O B Wood has had the room recentlj
vacated by T E Crabtree newly papered
and painted and has moved his barber
business into it making a neat shop
Charles Rogers lost one of his driving
horses last Tuesday night Ray Young
had been to McCook with the team and
when coming home one horse stumbled
and fell braking his ankle making it
necessary to kill him
B N Leisure Son sold their hard
ward business to H V Lord and T E
Crabtree Mr Lord moving his hard
ware and harness business into the Leis
ure building TJ S Leisure moving his
jewelry business in the Lord building
also buying the T E Crabtree confec
tionery stock and moving them to his
new place
Bitter With The Sweet
The local baseball players have been
mixing a little bitter with the sweet in
their present tour
Last Friday they slaughtered Aurora
on their home grounds by a score of 22
to 9 Saturdays game was 12 to 11 in
favor of McCook also
At Superior they met defeat in three
straight games Monday 7 to G Tues
day 5 to 4 Wednesday 5 to 0 which
Yesterday at Hebron the score was 8
to G in favor of McCook Thirteen in
nings were played The boys play lle
bron again today
On loth 16th 17th and 18th McCook
and Fairbury will try conclusions on the
local grounds and on the 19th and 20th
at Fairbury
The club is on the list for September
21th 25th and 26th at Wilsonville dur
ing the harvest home and perhaps at
Arapahoe on the 27th
Dusty Rhodes and Bender late with
Minden have been with the locals since
last Sunday
Stand By Norris
Remember that Judge Xorris is the
coming congressman and the people of
this district will congratulate them
selves upon their choice He will be
in political accord with the best men
at Washington and will thus be en
abled to do much good work for the
district He will represent the hope
the aspiration the progressive spirit and
the honest convictions of the district
Make up your mind now that he is your
choice and thus place yourself along the
hopeful element There is now no occa
sion for holding calamity notions or
voting for men who base their expecta
tions on calamity condition This is an
era of good times and it is right for even
voter to get away from any political com
bination that is not in line with the best
thought of the age Hastings Tribune
Farmers Business Association
A meeting of farmers of Redwillow
and Frontier counties is called for Sat
urday September 27th in McCook for
the purpose of organizing a farmers
business association Signed by the
committee J W Corner
W M Sharp
John Fitzgibbons
McCook Neb September G 1902
Three room
Houses For Sale
cottage east
block south of Catholic
front one
church Price
Six room house east front comer lot
one block south of Catholic church
Price 81000
Six room house pantry cellar good
barn east front corner lot two blocks
north of frame school house Price
1400 Apply W W Akchibald
Fire of Small Consequence
Sparks from the laundry fired the hay
and manure about the stable in the rear
of Pade Sons undertaking establish
ment on West Dennison street Monday
afternoon and caused small damage to
the barn A number of women in the
neighborhood extinguished the fire first
removing the horse and buggy
veimmor siraeo nnnc
Lace Gloves Silk Mitts Summer Underwear
In order to make the room which we must have for our
COMPLETE FALL STOCK ol Dry Goods we are making
these extreme low prices It will pay you to take ad
vantage of them
All GOc Lace Gloves now 47c
All GOc Silk Mitts now J3c
All 50c 19o
All 40c 29c
All 30c 24c
Theso goods aro all new per
fect and fully guaranteed
100 will buy any colored
parasol now left in stock A
mong them are 229 200
175 and 150 valuol
All 200 black porasols 169
All 175 149
All 125 99
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mar cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
in bul Accept no substi
tute Ask your druggist
Usually begins with the symptoms of a com
mon cold there is chilliness sneezing and a
tore throathot skinquick pulsehoarseiiess and
impedded respiration Give frequently small
closes of Ballards Horehound Syrup the child
will cry for it and at the lirt sign of a croupy
cough apply frequently Ballards Snow Lini
ment externally to the throat A McMillen
Your Tongue
If its coated your stomach
is bad your liver is out of
order Ayers Pills will clean
your tongue cure your dys
pepsia make your liver right
Easy to take easy to operate
25c AH druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful J
brown or rich black Then use 1
Beware of the Knife
No profe ion hasadvnicd more rapidly of
late than surgerj but it not uxd ex
cept where absolutely m c ary In cae of
piles for example it seldom needed DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and permeutly
Unequalled for cuts burns bruises wounds
skin diseases Accept no counterfeits I was
so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much
blood and strength says J C Phillips
Illinois DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured
mo in a short time It soothes and heals
McConnell Berry
By virtue of an order of ale Lued from the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein John H
Crook as executor is plaintiff and Richard E
Moore et al are defendants to me directed and
delivered I shall otTer at public sale and sell to
tiie highest bidder for cash at the east door of
the court house in McCook Red Willow count
Nebraska on the 0th da of Octobt r HWi at the
hour of one oclock p ni the following de
scribed real estate to wit The northwest
quarter of section fourteen in township four
north in range twent -nine west of the Cth P
M in Red Willow county Nebraska
Dated this 5th day of S prember VpL
A C CkabtkeS Sheriff
W S Morlan Attorney
All 50c Sleoveless vests 43c
AllTic 24c
All 20c 25c Half Sleeve 17c
All 15c Sleoveless vests 9c
All 10c Cc
Cheaper ones 5c But a few
of each grade left
The few pieces which we have left in this depart
ment must go regardless of cost All Lawns Dimities
Merserized Zephyrs and Silk Linens will be sold at
All 60c Underwear 17c
All 50c 43c
All 35c 24c
This is tho time of year to
stock up for next summer
Try the Francos waist and
hoso supporter for children
Special announcement from our grocery dept
By placing on the road two delivery wag
ons we have been able to systematize the
delivery of our goods so that the wagons
will leave the store as follows
To North flcCook at 9 and 11 oclock a m
To South and East McCook at 10 oclock a m
To West McCook at 11 oclock a m
To North and East McCook at 3 oclock p m
To South and West McCook at 5 oclock p m
Please make note of these hours and by
getting your orders in promptly we can in
sure satisfactory delivery of your goods
f JOHN ii GRAMN1S McCook Neb I
By using Ludwicks Star Spring Washer
and all wearing apparel Operates easily in tub
boiler or nail Irice 100 Agents wanted
Fortune Favors a Texan
Having distressing pains in head back and
stomacb and being without appetite I began
to use Dr Kings New Life Pill writes W P
Whitehead of Kennedale Texas and soon
felt like a new man Infallible in stomache
and liver troubles Only 2jc at McConnell ifc
Berrys drug fctore
Dont Be
J II LUDWICK Manufacturer McCook Nebraska
Take Care of the Stomach
The man or woman whote digestion is ix rfcct
and whose fctomach performs its every function
is never sick Kodol cleanses purifies and
sweetens the stomach and cures positively and
permanently all stomach troubles indigestion
and dyspepsia It is the wonderful reconstruc
tive tonic that is making so many sick peoplo
well and weak people strong byconvejing to
their bodies all of the nourishment in tho food
they cat Rev J Holladay of Holladay Miss
writes Kodol has cured me I consider it
the best remedy I have ever used for dyspepsia
and stomach troubles I was given up by phy
sicians Kodol saved my life Take it after
meals McConnell fc Berry
Not Doomed For Life
I was treated for 3 years by good doctors
writes IV A Greer McConnellsville Ohio for
piles and fislula but when all failed Bucklens
Arnica Salve cured me iu two weeks Cures
burns bruises cuts corns sores eruntions Su
riipum piles or no
Berrys drug store
pay 2ic at McConnell fc
Bargains in Hardware
number of two burner
i Gasoline Stoves at 325
A regular 300 Clothes
Wringer at 250
A few hundred feet of Rub
ber Hose at 10 cents per foot
A full line of Hay and Bun
dle Forks at a greatly reduced
All kinds of Tin Granite and
Galvanized Ware
The best and most complete
stock of Table and Pocket
Cutlery which we are selling
at the lowest possible figure
Also a full line of Steel
Ranges and Cook Stoves
Everything in the Hardware
Line at the lowest prices
V 11