The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 29, 1902, Image 8

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    F D Burgess
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
ICodoI Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
When in need of reli
able footwear
When you want war
ranted shoes
When you want to
buy where the war
rant is made good
When you want to
buy where the small
repairing is all done
When you wan t to buy
where there is only
one price and that
the lowest call at
iSacjuJSc jSSe iffcjfiSjLjficjGir a5ar jCfcr A 5 J4 aSc jffll jfcjfie jiZfgjflf 3k jffiz jfflc jfflut
b a b a
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
a a m b b
D s
- orx
Authorized Capital 100000
Capital and Surplus 60000 U
A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director
His Sight Threatened
While picknicking last month my 11-year-old
boy was poisoned by some weed or plant says
W H Dibble of Sioux City la He rubbed
the poison off his hands into his eyes and for a
while we were afraid ho would lose his sight
Finally a neighbor recommended DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salve The first application helped
him and in a few days he was as well as ever
For skin diseases cuts burns scalds wounds
insect bites DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is sure
cure Relieves piles at once Beware of coun
terfeits McConnell Berry
A Necessary Precaution
Dont neglect a cold It is worse than un
pleasant It is dangerous By using One Min
ute Cough Cure you can cure it at once Allays
inflammation clears tho head soothes and
strengthens tho mucous membrane Cures
coughs croup throat and lung troubles Abso
lutely safe Acts immediately Children like
it McConnell Berry
Just Look at Her
Wlienco camo that sprightly stop faultless
skin rich rosy complexion smiling face She
looks good feels good Heros her secret She
uses Dr Kings Now Life Pills Result all
organs active digestion good no headaches no
chanco for blues Try them yourself Only
25 cents at McConnell Berrys
Cured Paralysis
W S Bailey P O True Texas writes My
wife had been suffering five years with paralysis
in her arm when I was pursuaded to use Bal-
Snow Liniment which cured her all
Nasby Benjamin was doing Cedar
Bluffs Kansas Monday
II I Peterson commenced filling his
hay barn but the rain put a temporary
stop to his proceeding
Misses Maggie Knobbs and sister have
been over from Hitchcock county to
visit with Mrs W E Knobbs
J H Kelphs boy herder lost part of
the stock and J H had to rustle through
the rain Sunday evening to gather
them up
We had a good rain on Saturday night
and Sunday afternoon the total fall of
rain was 260 inches The rain was too
late for the corn in this vicinity but
cane and kafir corn will be saved
fhe President
Of tho American Federation of Labor Union
8215 says I am using Dr Caldwells Syrup
Pepsin myself and in my family and find it does
lots of good Yours truly George C Campbell
Clinton Iowa Sold by A McMillen
natMrt wr 1 1 in a
Fine rain Sunday
L Spickelmier of Highland was in
town Saturday
Ed Nowlen hnd business in tho city
west Wednesday
L II Bradenbaugh of Konesaw was a
city visitor Sunday
Mrs H Hogan returned from her
Holbrook visit Sunday
Miss Bsssie Tabor of Hope visited in
in the city Wednesday
R Knowles drove up to Palisade Sat
urday returning Sunday
Mrs L A Graves visited out at her
ranch Wednesday and Thursday
13 M Williams returned to his home
in Red Oak Iowa last Wednesday
Miss Amanda Gaarder went down to
McCook Monday for a few days visit
Miss Teeny Steinhouse fell from a road
scraper Saturday and severely cut her
Miss Agnes Wentz of McCook visited
her friend Miss Amanda Gaarder over
Harry W Risley of Grand Island was
in town shaking hands with old friends
Uarry J Tillman left Sunday night
for Minden where he will attend school
this winter
Rev George Snyder went up to Strut
ton Sunday morning and held services
Sunday night
Mrs Tenet Bedell returned to McCook
to continue her treatment after a couple
days visit at her home
Miss Mary Ferrier spent last week on
the farm visiting her friend Miss Edilh
Woodburn near Trenton
Rev T A Smith returned from Colo
rado Saturday morning and left for
Bloomington Saturday evening
Miss Myrtle Conway departed Mon
day for Park College Parkville Mo
where she will continue her education
B I Miller who has been the guest
of his brother Dr AH Miller returned
to his home in Capo Girardeau Sun
Miss Maud Penn who has been visit
ing her cousins the Misses Williams
returned to her home in Denver Tues
Mrs Frank Henderson returned to her
home in McCook Saturday after a
weeks visit under the parental roof on
the farm
Galen Baldwin and wife of Marengo
moved their household goods to this
place Tuesday with the intention of
making this their future home
Misses Gladys Cornutt and Ruth
Davenport who have been visiting
friends and relatives the past three
weeks returned to their home in Ne
braska City Tuesday
Prof E E Locker and sister Miss
Susie came in on No 5 Monday night
on their way to Haigler where they are
both engaged to teach in the public
school at that place They left for a
short visit in Trenton on No 5 Tuesday
Miss Ellen Williams departed Tues
day for Forsyth Montana where she
has been engaged to teach school We
regret very much to see Miss Ellen go
and congratulate the people of Forsyth
in securing so competent and enterpris
ing young lady
A very pleasant surprise party was
given Wednesday evening in honor of
Mr Rufus Wing Refreshments were
served and all spent a most enjoyable
evening Those present were Misses
Anna Miller Maud Reynolds Myrtle
and Lulu Love Louise McNeice Mary
Ferrier and Feme Solomon Messrs
Arvene Eisenhart Carl Crews Elmer
Reynolds Frank Knowles Cecil Bald
win Matthew Newlen and Harry Leh
Watch for a Chill
However slight at this time of tho year and
in this climate it is the forerunner of malaria
A disposition to yawn and an all tired out feel
ing even comes before tho chill Heroine by
its prompt stimulative action on tho liver
drives the malarial germs out of the system
purifies the blood tones up tho system and
restores health ooc at A McMillcns
Powell Nilsson shipped a carload of
wheat to Kansas City on Tueseay
Hoeing Russian thistles is the order of
the day at the Powell Nilsson ranch
A soaking rain fell Sunday night but
it is thought too late to do the corn any
A merchant from an adjoining town
on Monday contemplating establishing a
Mrs H M Nadens two sisters and a
brother-in-law from Indiana are visiting
the Naden family
The Shiloh school house is being plas
tered this week A man from McCook
is doing the work
The rain on Sunday disappointed quite
a number of people from this neignbor
hood who expected to attend the picnic
in Morgans grove
The lightning struck a telephone pole
near E B Stilgebouers house and did
considerable damage to the telephone
line Sunday evening
Mrs J Q Sims and brother Mr
Sanders went to McCook on Saturday to
meet Mr Sims Later We hear that
Mr Sims did not come
The Turk and Life Inxnrnnce
One man was complaining that ho
had insured twenty years before in a
mutual benefit company which prom
ised all sorts of things and uow the
time was up he received less than ho
would have done if he had invested his
money elsewhere A wise Turk who
was sitting close by said it reminded
him of a camel belonging to a freud of
his It was a most intelligent brute
and the owner was convinced that if
he found a really good teacher it could
be taught to talk Presently a llodga
appeared who said he was of the same
opinion and would teach it but it
would take a long time probably thirty
years The owner was delighted and
agreed to pay the llodga a iixed sum
per annum and a big bonus when the
animal talked the llodga promising to
pay a heavy line if it did not A friend
afterward went to the llodga and said
What on earth induced you to make
that agreement You know you can
never teach the camel to talk Oh
said tlie llodga I know that but dur
ing the thirty years either I shall
die or the owner will or the camel
Anyhow I am all right as I have my
fixed income New York Commercial
Odd Wedding Customs
In Switzerland the bride on her wed
ding day will permit no one not even
her parents to kiss her upon the lips
In many of the provinces tho cook
pours hot water over the threshold aft
er the bridal couple have gone in order
to keep it warm for another bride A
favorite wedding day in Scotland is
Dec 31 so that tho young couple can
leave their old life with tho old year
and begin their married life with the
new one surely a pretty idea The
Italians permit no wedding gifts that
are sharp or pointed from which prac
tice emanates our superstition that the
gift of a knife severs friendship One
of the most beautiful of all marriage
customs is that of tho bride immedi
ately after the ceremony Hinging her
bouquet among her maiden friends
She who catches it is supposed to bo
the next bride
Word Iliudiiess
Some curious instances of the physic
al defects of word blindness are giv
en in the Lancet The disease is for
tunately uncommon In one case the
sufferer an Englisman thirty four
years of age who knew Greek Latin
and French well suddenly lost all
knowledge of English though he could
read and understand Greek perfectly
and Latin and French in a rather
smaller degree Another and almost
more curious case was that of a man
who lost the power of reading at sight
This patient was able to write accu
rately from dictation but was com
pletely unaule to read what he had
written Word blindness is apparently
akin to color blindness but is certainly
attended by much more inconvenient
Odd Plants
What an inquiring mind Miss Light
ly has exclaimed the cynic We
were at an Italian table dhote last
evening and she said with a very kit
tenish air Oh did you ever see maca
roni growing I should think a whole
field of those lovely white stalks would
be too awfully pretty
What did you say old man said
his partner
Oh I just said no that I had never
come nearer to it than seeing a bread
tree in flower
Then the partner stepped to the tele
phone and they carried the cynic home
in the ambulance New Orleans
Times Democrat
A Bit of John Tlrihts Sarcasm
A noble lord once said on the occa
sion of Mr Brights illness that Provi
dence was punishing him for misuse
of talents by inflicting a disease of the
brain The following was Mr Brights
sarcastic rejoinder when he resumed
his seat It may be so but in any case
it will be some consolation to the
friends and family of the noble lord to
know that the disease is one which
even Providence could not inflict upon
Spinach derives its name from the
Spanish monks who lirst used it dur
ing fast days It belongs to the beet
family and is generally served as a
vegetable although it makes a delicate
and appetizing salad In the spring
when mint is fresh and green a few
leaves added to the spinach will im
prove the flavor whether it is served
as a vegetable or a salad
Couldnt Be Guilty of That
Never said the person of good ad
vice to the delicately nurtured Boston
youth never say I cant
Indeed sir responded the intel
lectual lad I trust that my diction is
not so open to criticism If you will
but be attentive to rny conversation
right I have also used it for old sores frost you will observe that I say cawnt
T r r1 Y7 rr Baltimore American
loc ouc anu ji oome ai a mciuincii s
Tle Wife
Suppose I were an absolutely per
fect woman she remarked sharply
Do you know what youd do then
No answered her husband
Youd growl because you had noth
ing to growl about Chicago Tost
He Didnt
Do jou believe in signs
No A dentists sign reading Teeth
Extracted Without Pain fell the other
day just as I went under it and knock
ed out two teeth of mine Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune
Tliouprlit He Wns Smart
Wife Do you mean to insinuate that
your iudgment is superior to mine
Husband Certainly not my dear
Our choice of life partners proves it
Tho Doe and the JnoUdavr
In Saver mfce forest I once witnessed
a very pretty little scene I noticed a
doe lying down by herself in a grassy
hollow and as I passed her at a dis
tance of about fifty yards It struck me
as singular that she kept her head so
low down that I could only see the top
of It on a level with her back Walk
ing round to get a better sight I saw
a jackdaw standing on the turt before
her very busily pecking at her face
With my glass I was able to watch her
movements very closely He pecked
round her eyes then her nostrils her
throat and In act every part of her
face and just as a man when being
shaved turns his face this way and
that under the gentle guiding touch of
the barbers fingers and lifts up his
chin to allow the razor to pass beneath
it so did the doe raise and lower and
turn her Cace about to enable the bird
to examine and reach every part with
his bill Finally tho daw left the face
and moving round jumped on the
deers shoulders and began a minute
search in that part Having finished
this he jumped on to the head and
pecked at the forehead and round the
bases of the ears The pecking done
he remained for some seconds sitting
perfectly still looking very pretty with
the graceful red head for a stand the
does long ears thrust out on either
side of him Birds and Man
Amazon Ant Garden
Dr E Ule contributes to Englers
Jahrbuch supplement 110 some inter
esting observations on ant gardens
in the Amazon region where they
abound on a large number of goody
plants They are generally spherical in
form and about the size of a walnut
They are formed by several species of
ant which appear to collect the seeds
of many different plants and to sow
tliem in these nests covering up the
seedlings with humus when they begin
to germinate In the structure of these
ant epiphytes the foliage and the
roots display characters which espe
cially adapt them for the situation in
which they grow and promote also the
protection of the ants themselves in
their nest Quite a number of the
epiphytes were found as denizens of
the ant gardens and nowhere else
The Eissest Not the Best
A New York dealer who has han
dled shiploads of fruit said recently
It is often amusing to see men wom
en and children picking out as they be
lieve the choicest fruit at the market
stands If there are a half a dozen
large oranges within sight they will
have them even if it is necessary to
overturn all the rest in the box or bar
rel and this is true with most all other
varieties that are sold by tho piece or
dozen They invariably get tho poorest
specimens of the whole crop and yet
are not aware of it Very rarely you
will find a person who is a good judge
who will at once size up the heaviest
oranges lemons or bananas regardless
of size and they capture the choicest
Why Two Ears Are fteeessury
Sound travels by waves radiating
from a central point of disturbance
just as waves radiate when a stone is
dropped into still Avater So far as the
hearing of each individual is concerned
these waves move in a direct line from
the cause of the sound to his ear the
impact being the greatest in the ear
nearest to the source This being the
case a person who has totally lost the
sense of hearing in one ear although
he may imagine that the defect is of
little consequence cannot locate the di
rection of a sound to save his life even
when the center of disturbance is quite
near him
A Literary Light
A short time ago a well known writ
er of London remembering that he had
never read the noncanonical books
went out in search of a copy and in
one bookshop after another drew
blank At last he went to his own par
ticular newspaper shop which also
dealt in Bibles and light literature
Have you the Apocrypha he asked
For a moment the young woman be
hind the counter was puzzled then
brightening she said Is it a Aveekly
or a monthly
When tlie Eyes Siiek
Inflammation of the conjunctiva or
membrane which shields the front of
the eyeball from the air and takes tho
rub of the eyelids is indicated by the
glued state of the eyes in the morning
and more especially by their bloodshot
condition the vessels being bright red
in color and winding about in great ir
regularity with no discernible order or
Shopkeeper to small child who has
brought back a recent purchase
Whats the matter with the cheese
my dear
Small Child Flease father says
when he wants any bait for fishing he
can dig em up in our back garden
London Kinjr
Wlint Port Your Helm Means
In this country the helm is put to the
port side of the ship or left hand side
looking forward at the order Port
your helm The rudder of course goes
to starboard and the ships head moves
to starboard This is the rule of most
nations but in Sweden the reverse is
the rule
The Girl From the Scientific Scliool
Our daughter has at last met her
fate my dear
How do you know
She received several letters from
her admirers this morning but his was
the only one she didnt fumigate and
In the Tyrolean parishes of Mieming
and Rietz tk2 members of nearly every
household are engaged in the making
of rosaries stringing beads together
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R d I P A Lodirn No GI2 moots first nnd
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
McCook Nkisraska
EBApent of Lincoln Land Co Office-
First door north of Commercial hotel
McCook - - - Nebraska
Office First National bank building next
to City HouKS SUSO to 12 ItoG 7 to 9
Night calls answered from residence over bank
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 P O Building
Phones OHic3 17 residence 93
Write or Phone for Terms and Date
A Reliable
Graduate Dentist
Bates Old
McCook Neb
Miave Hair Cnt Sham
pooanythiiifjin my line in
an artistic manner Give
m a can and trial
Graduate of Kansas
City Dental College
Answered by the
Will make all trains and an-
swer all calls to any
i part of the city
raeuooK WeOraska
third Thursdays of each month McCounolls
hull 8 i m E B Jlunun President W S
K O T M ItoKiilir nicotine on nocond
nml fourth Tuosilny evening- of each month in
McConnoll hnll at 8 VJaitiiiL knights wolcome
MR Gates commnndor J JI Yakoer rocord
kooporC A Leach flnnnco keopor
1h1ko No W7 moots on second nnd fourth Mon
day ovenlnprs of each month at olKlit oclock in
McConnoll hnll J R McCaiu Illustrious
Pro Roijt W Dbvoe Secretary
Good Advice
Tho most misornblo being in tho world nre
those suffering from dyspops in and livor com
plaint More thnn sovonty flvo por cont of the
peoplo in tho United States nroolllictcd with
those two diseases and their effects such us
sour stomach sick headache habitual costivo
noss palpitation of tho heart heartburn wator
brash gnawing and burning pains at tho pit of
tho stomach yellow skin coated tonguo nnd
disagreeable taste in the mouth coming np of
food after eating low spirits etc Goto your
druggist unci got a bottle of August Flower for
73 cents Two doses will relievo yon Try it
Got Greens Special Almanac
Shatters All Records
Twico in hospital F A Gullcdgo Vorbonn
Alabama paid a vast sunn to doctors to euro a
severe case of pilos causing 21 tumors When
nil failed Bucklons Arnica Salvo soon cured
him Subdues inflammation conquers aches
kills pains Best salve on earth 2c at Mc i
Councils Berrys drug store
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Lnxivo Bromo Quinine Tnblots All
druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure
JS W Groves signature is on each box 2ic
Physician and
Surgeon J
Office over McMillcns drug store Residence
7iri Main Avouuo Residence phono KJ Office
phono 2S Calls answered night or day -
- f i
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
All Calls For The