i AN ITALIAN CAPTAIN Cured by Perama Stomach After Hon J D Botkin Congressman from Kansas Writes an Interesting Letter CAPTAIN a BERTOLETTa CaptainO Bertoletto o the Italian Barque Lincelles in a recent letter from the chief officer of the Italian Barque Lincelles Pensacola Fla writes have suffered for several years with chronic catarrh of the stomach The doctors prescribed forme without my receiving the least benefit Through one of your pamphlets I began the use of Peruna and two bottles have en tirely Cured me I recommend Peruna to all my friends O Bertoletto In catarrh of the stomach as well as catarrh of any part of the body Peruna is the remedy As has been often said if Peruna will cure catarrh of one part it will cure catarrh of any other part of the body Catarrh is catarrh whever located and the remedy that will cure it any where will cure it everywhere M THE LADY 1 iff WHO IRONS 6 fl -Knows how important it fe M to use aood starch Defiance M M Starch is the best starch A K made it doesnt stick to f ft the iron - it gives a I v i M ful soft glossy stiffness to the Jg W clothes It wiil not blister1 m i or crac goods It sells m 111 for less goes farther does W Wl morc Ask the lady who ff M M irons Defiance Starch at all If M groccrs 316 oz for 10 cents1 M Tfie DEflAHCE STARCH CO 1 1 lOMAHA NEB of Catarrh of the Doctors Failed The following1 letter from Congress man Botkin speaks for itself House of Rkprksentattvks Washington D C rsf j I Dr S B Uartman Columbus 0 My Dear Doctor It gives me pleasure to certify to the excellent curative qual ities of yourmeu ieines Peruna and Manalin I have been af flicted more or less for a quarter of a century with catarrh of the stomach and con stipation A resi dence in Wash ington has in creased these troubles A few bottles of your medicine have given me almost complete relief and I am sure that a continuation of them will effect a permanent cure Peruna is purely a wonderful remedy for ca tarrhal affections J D Botkin This is a case of catarrh of the stom ach which had run for twenty five years according to his statement and Peruna has at once come to his relief promptly accomplishing for him more benefit than he had been able to find in all other remedies during a quarter of a century It stands to reason that a man of wealth and influence like a Congress man of the great United States has left no ordinary means untried and no stone unturned to find a cure If such cures as these do not verify the claim not only that dyspepsia is due to catarrh of the stomach but also that Peruna will cure catarrh of the stomach it is impossible to imagine how any evidence could do so If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio A Place to Spend the Summer On the lines of the Milwaukee Rail way in Wisconsin Minnesota and Iowa aro ome of tne most beautiful places m the world to spend a summer vaca tion camping out or at the elegant summer hotels Boating fishing beautiful lakes and streams and cool weather Okobojl is the nearest of these re sorts but all aro easily reached from Omaha and the round trip rates this summer are lower than ever before Full information on application P A NASH Genl Western Agent C M St P Ry 1504 Farnam St Omaha Deaf and dumb brides are unspeak ably happy THE BEST KESUITS IN STARCHING can be obtained only by using Defiance Starch besides getting 4 oz more for same money no cooking required Any woman with a continuous smile usually has new store teeth Clear whito clothes are a sign that tho housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue Large 2 oz package 5 cents A man isnt necessarily an angel be cause he flies high Indles Cnn Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allens Foot Ease a powder It makes tight or new shoes easy Cures swollenhotsweating aching feet ingrowing nails corns and bunions All druggists and Bhoe stores 25c Trial package FREE by mail Ad dress Allen S Olmsted Leltoyt N Y A speaking countenance is most ex pressive when the mouth is shut To Cure a Cold in One clay Tnke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists ref uud money if it fails to cure 25c Anything you get for nothing usu ually is not worth that much SUMMER GIRLS USE CUTICURA SOAP assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT for preserving purifying and beauti fying the skin scalp hair and hands for irritations of the skin heat rashes tan sunburn bites and stings of insects lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports for sanative antiseptic cleansing and for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery gHuch that all should know about the skin scalp and hair is told in the circular with Coticuea Soap BRAVE GIRL SAVED TWO LIVES Tale of Heroism and Fortitude Come From England Perhaps tis even harder to be brave and calm in the midst of the suffocating smoke and dreadful heat of a burning building than to face the raging sea But not so very long ago we had an Instance of calm de cision and thoughtfulness for others on the part of a young girl at a mo ment when the dreadful danger of being burnt alive would make most people frantic with fear Alice Ayres lived with some relatives in a house in Southwark and one night awoke to And the building in flames and that escape by the staircase from the floor on which she and the children slept was impossible She did not however lose her head or think of herself alone First she threw out of the window a bed which the crowd below caught and held and into this bed she threw one after another the three little children Two of them were safely caught unhurt but one sustained a fatal injury in striking against some projection from the house Then the brave girl sprang out herself but being already half overcome by the heat and smoke she missed the bed fell on the pavement and hurt her spine so that she died shortly afterwards in the hospital She had however saved two lives and set an example of courage and unselfishness in danger Reporter Eng OSCAR A DEMOCRATIC KING Ruler of Sweden and Norway Occa sionally Relaxes Dignity In these days when the camera misses nothing it may seem hardly credible that there is only one king in the world who has been photo graphed wearing his crown Yet it is so King Oscar is the exception No more democratic king sits on a throne than he and his memoirs which he is writing for posthumous publication will probably be more appreciated by ordinary folk than the memoirs of royalty usually are They -will tell perhaps on the authority of the king himself of his meeting with M Gas ton Bonnier tne famous botanist whom the king met botanizing near Stockholm when out himself on a sim ilar occupation Their mutual inter est led to conversation and M Bon nier not recognizing the king sug gested a lunch at an inn No come home with me said King Oscar and as they reached the palace gate the famous botanist realizing the identity of his friend begged a thousand par dons and became reluctant to enter Im sorry said his majesty but I happen to be the king of this country and this is the only place Ive got to entertain anybody in M Bonnier was at his ease and the two went in and talked botany for the rest of the afternoon FLOWERS OF FISH SCALES Novel Art Turned to Good Account by an Adroit New York Woman There is a woman in New York who keeps a shop not far from the where she pursues the novel industry of making fish scale flowrers and leaves The denizens of the oceans in the tropics are notable for the color and brilliancy of their scales and fins the range of chro matic tints including pink rose scar let sky blue ultramarine apple green emerald olive gold orange gray li lac and purple The scales are easily fastened together or to wires with a strong fish glue which is singularly durable The industry passed to the West Indies where it was adopted by the Spaniards andvduring the Cuban war came over to the mainland and found a home in Florida The finished flower possesses a fan tastic beauty which is unique The shape and color of the vegetable world are present but there is a cer tain transparency to all the tissues a firmness to the lines and resilience to the leaves and blossoms which are never found in the floral kingdom The New York woman is making quite a success of her trade MULES THAT OUTLAST MOTORS Forty Years of Service Is Nothing Extraordinary The mule is ready to begin work two or three years earlier than the horse He can be put to pretty heavy pulling when he is three years old and from that time until he is forty If he has fair treatment and does not meet with an accident he is not likely to lose any time He is not subject to the many ailments to which the horse is a victim at least not to any great degree He lives about twice as long and his actual period of usefulness is nearly three times as long for the horse is really not fit for heavy ser vice until he is five years old or after he is twenty while a mule will often do good service for forty years and they have been known to work fifty according to one writer without being turned out at any time during all the long period Like the ass the mule will live upon next to nothing and during all his forty years of hard service a mule will not require and generally does not get half the feed necessary to sustain a horse during his much shorter pe riod of usefulness Originator of Postal Card Dead Privy Councilor Emanuel Hermann who is said to have been the origina tor of the postal card died in Vienna recently Ordinary lima beans some one has said are good to allay thirst Dandelions purify the blood and tone up the system - -- iSjKC T5sr2r j When a woman admits a thing she expects a man 10 aumit mat ner au mission doesnt count GREATLY REDUCED RATES VIA WABASH RAILROAD HALF RATES round trip plus 200 to Sandusky Columbus Toledo Cin cinnati Indianapolis Louisville and many points in INDIANA OHIO AND KENTUCKY Tickets sold September 2 9 1G 23 LESS than half rates to Washington D C and return Tickets sold Octo ber 2 3 -1 5 HALF RATES round trip to Buffalo Toronto Niagara Falls Pittsburg Detroit Cleveland ColumbuB and many points In MICHIGAN INDIANA OHIO PENNSYL VANIA WEST VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY TICKETS sold Oc tober 2 3 4 r HALF RATES Boston Mass and re- turn Sold October 6 7 8 0 and 10 LONG LIMITS and STOPOVERS AL LOWED at Niagara Falls and Detroit on above tickets For rates and all Information call at Wabash New City Ticket olllce 1G01 Far nam St Omaha or write Harrv E Moores Genl Apt Pass Dept Omaha Neb A recipe is not a cake RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to GO days send for circular O S Wood M V 521 New York Life bids Omaha Neb Many women are like walking dolls with phonograph attachments Home Visitors Kxcurnlong The Missouri Pacific Kullroail will sell round trip tickets at one fare plus 200 to all polats In Ohio and Indiana west of and Including line crawn through Sandusky Coluinbnn Dayton prlnKtlold Cincinnati and Louisville Dates of sail Sept 2nd 9th 16th and 23rd Limit for return 3u days For further information address any agent of the company or T F GODFKEY V T A S H Cor 14th and Douglas Sts Omaha Nub Fortunate is the young man who pos sesses a full set of good hahits Blot her Cray8 Sweet fowtlers for Children Successfully used by Mothor Gray nurse in tho Childrens Home in New York Cures Feverishness Bad Stomach Teething Dis orders move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 80000 testimonials At all druggists 25c Sample FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LoKoy N Y A suggestive wedding present a case of spoons If you dont get the biggest and best its your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it in quality or quantity Patience is the king of content Mahomet i j ysss vO MM3EM MlU i M THE ORIGINAL 1 mm POMMEL WMjfiBrf SB fKFB2 r III Shzrs Hyy s u rs i BLACK OR YELLOW X CKUICUd DUin rZZ inFB AHD SADDIF rtlBfi IMTUf SSifeimar HABDE5T STORM tooKFOR8 CATALOGUES FREE showing pull line of garments and hats AJTOWER CO BOSTON MASS 39 SUES CO Omaha Nebr No Fee Unless Huccossful 1atonts sold Advlcu free OMAHA INSTITUTE Ono of the best KJUI EV equipped of the KeeleysBtem Cbtalnl Only Kceley Institute in Ne braska Cures Drunkenness Cures DrueVnerF Booklet free Home treatment for Tobacco Habit cost S5 Address 7 1 S lJth St Omaha If there aro fences in heaven per haps the city girl who formerly spent tho summor in the country may be able to fly over them Mrs WIimIowh Soothing Syrnp For children teething softens tho kuuiii reduce in flaininatlonallayipalncuruti wind colic 23c a bottle Common sense is the genius of our age Horace Greeley LAKE OKOBOJl On the Milwaukee Railway For a short or long vacation this beautiful lake offers a most econo mical yet delightful outing Quickly and easily reached from Omaha via the Milwaukee Railway altitude almost 2000 feet air always cool and invigorating A beautiful clear deep lake with high shores pic turesquely timbered with hardwood trees Excellent fishing boating and bathing Moderate priced but good hotels This is a list of advantages not to be equaled Full information cheerfully furnished at the Milwaukee Railway City office 1504 Farnam street F A NASH Gen Wostern Agent When faith is lost and honor dies the man is dead Whittier Set of Teeth J300 wiwaw ubmmuu8sw sw eT SEND 25 CENTS ALL WRI0QT F0R MORE THAN HALF A CENTCRr ISXS EYES AND EYELIDS Price 25 Cants All Druggist a WHIQIITS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL CO New YacfcJ WESTERN TENNESSEE Oftcrnbctt menbt for Fruit Truck unci Jciiiinil Ilirinlnir Kino cllmnto Koud water ami C1IKA1 LAND Wrlto J C KOLLA CO Somorvlllo Tonn I ZgS rtf v 7MK fv7v f ii fiMini Til OTTERS EXCELSIOR BRMB Pommel lieKers Krfn thn r tiler nrfVrllv lr Vn watif rail IumV In oit thx ulillt cutcitrn wide mnl Juu In tho fttlrt Kxtra protection at ahoul dereairi Wurriintnt wh terproor If jour hart thrin wrlto i3fvI iur caiaiugue rriyjipi II M HOTYKU XVSQL SOX Sole Hri KjuI Cambridge Haia mm UNION DENTAL COLLEGE SVK0 For an Auditorium Stock Contest Ticket and two chances to win a prize OAer 1000 prizes will he distributed within next ninety days Seven Hundred and eight cash prizes headed by the cash capital prize of KftJ i5 Sfti db AiS m vtdfet I05yyy in contributed by the Defiance Starch Company of Omaha Three hun dred other prizes including a 3 50000 house and lot contributed by the enterprising business men of Omaha Special cash prizes will be awarded September 16 and October 1 Twenty five cents buys one ticket and two chances Five dollars buys twenty tickets and forty chances Get your friends to join you For further information and tickets address THE AUDITORIUM CO OMAHA 50 ISSUED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE RAILROADS OF NEBRASKA NEBRASKA SN GOLD FREE For 15 Trade JViarlcs Cut from lOc Packages of DEFIANCE Starch To everyone who will send to the Auditor ium Co or the De fiance Starch Co Omaha Neb 15 trade marks cut from 10 ct or 16 oz packages of DEFIANCE STARCH will be sent an Audi torium Stock and Guessing1 ticket which sells for 25 cts giving you a guess In this great contest to win 5ooo nsr g olid or some one of tho 1000 other prizes If you cannot get Defiance Starch of your grocer we will send It to you express prepaid including ono ticket upon receipt of the price of 15 10c packages of the starch The Defiance Starch Co Omaha Nebraska NO KNIFU AO IAIN no detention from business Wo refer to thousands ot cured tmtiunlH in Nebrusku ami uliciit territory Why patronize Enstcrn fakirs when you can ileal with a reliable company rh home An absolute truaranteo in every case Send for clrculnrs THE EZIR1R RUPTURE CO 932 33 Mow York Llfo F3ulldlns Omaha Nebraska fULL SET OF TEETH 309 WORK GUAHAXTEED AVE DO AS AVE ADVERTISE NO STUDENTS WE ARK HERE TO STAY CONSULT TKE ROFES SORS AT ONCE Soft Fillings I Silver Fillings - - - I Small Charges Teeth Cleaned - I lor flaterial taraunPLATE rom 4 Opp Boston Store Will it Pay to Attempt Freak Taxation Reason for Comparison with Other States In the bulletins which have immediately preceded this we have given the details of taxes paid by the rail roads of Nebraska and the amounts they have paid in the several counties of the State and it will be noticed that in the footnotes which accompany the figures given there is a line of comparisons showing what other states have done in regard to the taxation of railroads which run through their commonwealths In the matter of taxation as in any other business matter the people of Nebraska desire to and naturally should keep in line with what is done in other states No greater disaster could occur to the State of Nebraska than if by ill-advised action it should throw itself out of line regarding matters of taxation of corporate property or of any property It may be a taking proposition for a demagogue to advocate the over taxing of railroad comranies and thereby work a hardship against them that would not accrue to other lines of property within the State but it would be an advertisement that would pass through the whole United States proclaiming that the people of Nebraska did not intend to be as fair with capital as other states of the Union It would roroduce here in Nebraska that prejudice which took Kansas a term of at least ten years to dispel The comparisons which we have made in these foregoing statements include every state in the Union with the exception of Massachusetts In Massachusetts New York and several other states laws have been passed which work a hardship against railroad corporations In New York the onerous tax paid by the New York Central railroad is being tested in the courts its ill advised law is working a hardBhin against that road while not injuring the others in the Stats to any extent In Massachusetts through a contract made in the early days between the corporations and the State and their excise laws the taxes are out of line with what is done in other states and there is a general movement among the business people in that State looking to the correction of this abuse In Harpers Weekly of February 15 1902 the following is an extract from an editorial in regard to this matter There is a very strong movement in the State of Massachusetts for rational corporation laws The com monwealth is waking up to the fact that under its present laws large modern corporations cannot be organized in tho State and Massachusetts capital Is seeking investment elsewhere Not only the corporation law is re strictive and narrow but the tax laws are as unreasonable as those of New York Both states tax all the property of a corporation wherever it is situated and this is double taxation An effort is being made in New York and will be made in Massachusetts to put an end to this system of double taxation There is a feeling abroad that New Jersey should not remain the refuge of all combinations which want liberal treatment In Wisconsin it appears that they have an entirely different form of taxation for railroad corporations from other states as the taxes are collected in the form of an excise tax being collected on the gross earnings of the companies In such a way that while the tax is heavy on those roads which have a large earning capacity it is very light on those which are operating at a loss This form of taxation looks fair but it would not be popular in Nebraska because all of the taxes charged against railroad corporations in Wisconsin are turned into the State Treasury and they are relieved from paying taxes locally alcng their lines In the poorer counties of Nebraska this would mean practically bankruptcy In Wisconsin ther is a general movement looking to wards a change in the form of taxation After having tried a law something of the same character of Wiscon sin Michigan has returned to the direct form of taxation This whole subject of the payment of taxes on the part of the railroad corporations resolves itself into a question as to how much of their revenue should be diverted to this purpose If the taxes were out of reason it would place Nebraska in an unenviable light before all investors For political reasons a few men have made themselves prominent by advocating a system of double taxa tion of railroad property in the State but when the people once understand what is done and how it is done we do not believe their efforts will avail The railroads of Nebraska up to the present time have not earned an undue amount on the investment made for a series of years there was no profit derived from the investment as a whole on Nebraska railroads and while during 1900 two of the railroads paid a fair dividend on the capital invested very manv of the rail roads in the State failed to render any returns whatever to thei r owners Nebraska has not as yet got the population nor the completed system of railroads which would warrant this State in imposing such obligations on the corporations which now exist that would drive all future in vestors in such property from the Sate The figures which have been given are all from reliable data which can be investigated bv anyone so dis posed the averages per mile being from the report of the Inter State Commerce Commission and the details of the business of the different roads are taken from their official reports while the figures here in Nebraska aro taken from the Auditors offices of the different railroads We will now continue our comparisons with other property in the State showi g some remarkable facts concerning the changes in values in various counties and how by these changes the railroads have been obliged to carry more than their proportionate share of taxation il JVOi