li By F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET CONOItESHIONAIj Congressman Goorgo W Norm McCook 8TATE Qovornor John II Minkoy Lieutenant Governor EG McGilton Socrotary of State George W Marsh Treasurer Peter Mortensen Auditor Charles Weston Attorney General Frank N Irout Land Commissioner Gcorgo D Foilmor Suiit Public Instruction Win K Fowler COUNTY Representative J 32 Ilathorn County Judgo S L Green CountvVttorney C E Eldred Commissioner FirstdistrictD A Waterman Republican Convention Tho licpnblicuns of the 29th Senatorial Dis trict Nobraska aro hereby called to meet in convention in tho City of McCook on Wednes day September lUtli 1002 at 8150 oclock in tho evening for tho purpose of placing in nomina tion a candidate for tho ollice of state senator to be voted for at the next general election to held in tho statu of Nebraska November 4 1002 and for tho transaction or such other business as may regularly come before tho meeting The basis of representation of tho several counties in said convention shall be tho vote cast foisllon Samuel II Sedgwick for judgo of tho supreme court at the regular olection hold on November nth 1001 giving ono delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof so cast and ono dolcgato at large for each county Said apportionment entitles the counties to tho fol lowing representation Furnas 12 Gosper -1 Red Willow 11 Frontier 8 Hitchcock r Hayes -I Dundy 4 Chase 4 It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed in said convention but that the delegates pres ent thereat bo authorized to cast tho full vote of tho county represented by them By order of the senatorial committee Gionoi3 Williams Chairman G G Eiseiwakt Secretary TnERE does not seem to bo a decreas ing need of hades with tho increasing number of thoso who do not have faith in its existence Eveuy now and then the grim reaper must do a stunt in which he can take the liveliest satisfaction For instance when he made a harpist of that fool Kansas farmer who ato fifty ears of corn in one day and died in one short night The republicans of tho Fifth congres sional district have put up a candidate for congress of which they may well bo proud and he will win Judge Norris wins approval on sight and that ap proval grows into approbation upon further acquaintaintance Clay Center Sun Who is Judgo Norris wo aro asked He is tho fellow that carried the 14th judicial district for judge by 400 majori ity A clean vigorous able man clear cut a vote getter With the district 1701 republican at the last election it is safe to predict that while he is Judge Norris now he will be Congressman Nor ris after November 4 1902 Alma Jour nal The matter issued under authority of tho railroads of Nebraska may not prove all the railroads hope to show but the exhibit clearly indicates that Nebraska has about as rotten a system of assess ment as tho ingenuity of man can well devise But it is not new to anyone and tho papers of Nebraska to the writers knowledge ior two decades have in veighed against it without appreciable effect There seems to be at least two actions beyond the intelligence and pa triotism of Nebraska voters Firstly to pass an amendment to the states archaic constitution and secondly to enforce its assessment law What this state wants now is a con gressional delegation composed of states men and it appears that the republican nominees so far are well up to the stand ard required Burket McCarty Norris Kinkaid and Hinshaw are all the kind of men an energetic young state like Nebraska ought to send to Congress and keep there as long as they do well The little old states of the Atlantic sea board amount to something in congress because they seldom change congressmen and their representatives are old hands at tho business and are onto the ropes Theres merit in the idea Fairfield News Herald Bondville Precinct Caucus The Republican voters of Bondville precinct will meet on Monday Septem ber 1st at 2 oclock p m sharp at the house known as the Sim Billings place for the purpose of placing in nomination a preeinct ticket and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before tho caucus Charles Skalla Committeman Mistakes Made at tho Mint John Erhard of Philadelphia has a coin dafiu 1891 which has a hea I on either 3il2 showing that mistakes aio jade evn t the mint Every fin ished coin passes through the hands- cf a great many experts and there is jU tle chance of an iuperfec piece escap ing this scrutiny There ar sail to be many of tleia in circulation how ever No particular value is attached to the couis outside of their rarity aa curiosities Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ot food It eives instant relief nnfl nwn fails to cure It allows you to eat allJ the looayoujvant xne most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on thestom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take If cant Eep but do you good Prepared only by E O DeWitt Co Chicago The 1 bottle contains 2 times the 50c size a l f ri r v- mOTMERS ARE YOU A OMWG MOTHER 9 arf vnst EXPECTANT makes childbirth easy by preparing the system for parturition and thus shortening labor The painful ordeal is robbed of its terrors and the danger lessened to both mother and child the time of confinement is shortened the mother rested and child fully developed strong and healthy Morning sickness or nausea arising from pregnancy is prevented by its use As pregnancy advances the breasts en large become swollen and hard Long before the child is born they are prepar ing for the secretion of milk It is import ant that they receive early attention Mothers Friend softens the skin and facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid Undeveloped breasts hard caked shortly after delivery are the result of non treatment and likely to culminate in Mammary Abscess from which so many suffer excruciating pain and are left with these organs permanently impaired Softness pliability and expansion are given to he muscles and sinews thus bringing comfort md causing an easy isue of the child Trv it Of druggists ioo Our book Motherhood free fE DHADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 945 a m Preaching 11 BYPU at 7 Preach ing at 8 Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 oclock George Lv White Pastor Episcopal Services at St Albans Episcopal Church Sunday 11 a m and 8 p m Mr Barnes will have charge morning and evening Rev Mr Earl rector will conduct evening song and sermon Sept 7th at 8 p m Methodist Sunday school 10 a m Preaching 11 Instead of the regular League service there will be a young peoples rally at 7 oclock addressed by ox district president Rev R II Chrys ler The young people of the city are invited to this service Preaching at 8 Tho pulpit will be filled both morning and evening by Rev Chrysler L M Grigsby Pastor Rev Axtell the Congregational min ister of Trenton was a guest of Rev Dean Tuesday There will be no preaching service at Zion Hill or Pickens school house Sun day on account of revival services at Stratton but regular services will be held Sunday September 7th Rev and Mrs Hardman took their final leave of McCook Tuesday morn ing with many friends wishing them contentment and success in their new home Sheridan Wyoming To Call Sinners to Repentance Perhaps the man who attracted most attention about the Lindell last evening was Judge G W Morris of the Fifth district Mr Norris is a young man with a frank and open countenance and a handshake that melts even an op ponent He is serving his second term on the bench in the Fourteenth district He has been in politics for several years not because he sought offices but be cause offices sought him After serving two terms as prosecuting attorney of Furnas county he was called to the bench Both positions he has filled with such satisfaction that even his political opponents respect him and so express themselves when it comes to exercising the privilege of franchise That he is a campaigner of no mean ability is evi denced by the way in which he sweeps strong fusion strongholds Hero is the sample of the humor of the man When called on to make a few remarks at the meeting of republican committeemen and candidates last night he said I take it that my mission this fall is not to save the righteous but to call sin ners to repentance I dont think any ono here need salvation Morlan was beaten in the Fifth by Shallenberger two years ago by only 109 votes Shallenberger has been renomi nated but it is believed that Norris can overcome the adverse majority Lincoln News Advertised Letters Tho following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Aug 18 1902 George Barh Jlr W Duncan H L Folson S D Galbratth Geo V Henry Mrs Rachel Lewis Willi McQuire David A Parks Mr Smith Fred Kailtou Isaac Shepard When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kijimell Postmaster WHEATOSB 1 - IreakfastI If you want a good food for your child ren try Whcatose It is easily and quickly prepared and very healthful Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit All reliable grocers have it California Breakfast Food If it wasnt popular if it wasnt loved by the people why do dealers say Wo have some thing just as Rood as the Madison Medicine Cos Ttocky MountainiTea Think it over 35 cents McConnell fc Berry C P Olson Drowns at Burlington Iowa Burlington la Aug 25 Special While stopping from the steamer Mary Hill last night Charles P Olson of Lincoln Nebraska accidentally fell into tho river hero and was drowned Ho with a number of relatives and friends had gone on an excursion and had just returned to Burlington after an enjoy able day Tho accident was the result of darkness and Mr Olsons ignoranco concerning tho location of tho gang plank Tho body has not been found Mr Olson was superintendent of bridges and buildings of tho Burlington railroad in Nebraska and a prominent western railroad man He had come to Burlington last week to attend the funeral of a friend and had gone on east to purchase a rock crushing plant for tho Burlington Ho returned to Burl ington Sunday morning and accepted the invitation of friends to go on tho ex cursion Tho deceased was fifty eight years of age He came to Burlington in 1868 and went to work for tho Burling ton road his advancement being steady He was well liked by his employers and popular among his fellow railroad men He is survived by a widow and two chil dren in Lincoln Charles P Olson resided at 2718 O street He leaves a wife who is at pres ent visiting at McCook and two children daughter Mrs II M Stratton of Ches ter and a son twenty two years old liv ing in Lincoln Mr Olson was fifty eight years old A telegram received by T E Calvert from II C Nutt of Burlington Iowa last night states that Mr Olson was on an excursion boat which was near a dock The rail on the side of tho boat toward the river was down in one placo and Mr Olson walked off and was drowned Diligent work in searching for tho re mains had at that hour been unsuc cessful Mr Olson had lived in Lincoln twenty five years and during all that time was employed by tho Burlington road Twelve years ago ho was promoted to the office of superintendent of bridges which position he held at the time of his death Tho news of tho death of Mr Olson came as a shock to his associates at Burlington headquarters no was the first bridge foreman for the road in this state and was an earnest and indefatig able worker At tho time of his death he was superintendent of bridges for tho lines west of the river and had five divi sion foremen working under him He has inspected every bridge on the system west of the river Ho had many men under him tho bridge work for a large system like tho lines west of the river requiring much attention The first news of the accident reached Burlington headquarters at noon yester day in a telegram addressed to General Superintendent T E Calvert of the Burlington from John Olson a brother of the deceased It was dated Burling ton Iowa and read C P Olson drowned here last night Body not re covered The Burlington people at once set about to notify the members of tho family A telegram was sent to Mrs Olson at McCook and to Mrs Stratton a daughter at Chester Tuesdays Lin coln Journal Mrs C P Olson was in McCook when the sad news was telegraphed her guest of her brother Engineer F G Westland She and Mrs Westland and Mrs C J Roman of Lincoln who was also a guest in the Westland household departed for Lincoln on 12 Tuesday morning Later word reports the re covery of the body some twenty five miles below Burlington and its ship ment to Lincoln for burial Changes on the Burlington Several appointments and promotions of note in mechanical department of the Burlington railroad were announced by Superintendent of Motive Power Smith Monday The principal one is the ele vation of Piecework Inspector M F Ackerman to the position of master me chanic at the Havelock shops Mr Ackerman takes the place of A B Pirie who has been transferred to Wymore Charles S ilricker will succeed Mr Ackerman as inspector for the northern and F J Kramer now master mechanic at Wymore will assume the position of inspector for the Wyoming division vice J P Reardon who has been assigned to other duties W F Ackermann who is placed in charge of the immense shops at Have lock began work for the Burlington six teen years ago as an apprentice in the shops at Plattsmouth In 1892 he was transferred to tho shops at Havelock and a few years later was sub foreman of engine construction When the piece work S3 stem was inaugurated Mr Ack ermans abilities were recognized by his appointment as general inspector his territory taking in all the roads shopsJ west of the Missouri river Tuesday s Bee PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS School begins Monday September S The regular teachers meeting prelimi nary to the commencement of school will be held in the east ward building Saturday afternoon September 6th at four oclock Supt Thomas arrived in the city early in the week and is shaping up matters for the opening of the fall term September Sth The other out-of-town members of the teacher corps are drift ing back Those having rooms to rent to pupils or teachers would do well to leave their names with tne superintendent who will keep the list for the information of inquirers There are frequent applica tions from pupils for opportunities to work for their board Those who desire such service the help of a boy or girl out of school hours will confer a favor upon some deserving pupil if they will make their wants known at the super intendents office The superintendent will be at his of fice in the East ward school building Thursday and Friday September 1th and 5th and Saturday morning Sep tember 6th to classify new pupils and to meet others who are deficient or irregu lar in their work Examinations for high school students conditioned in certain branches will be given Friday afternoon Text books loaned for the summer should also be returned on these daj s G H Thomas Supt Stops the Cougrh and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinino Tahlets cure a cold in ono day No cure no pay Price 23 cents as assess IB a Wl wit Take A Bellows -hen you get home ith that bulk coffee and nlow the dirt and flies and foreign substances out of it Then open a package of Lion Coffee see how clean and fresh it looks and note its rich aroma The sealed package insures uniform quality INDIAN0LA Miss Grace Andrews was a McCook visitor Wednesday Miss Vivian Gossard visited friends here a few days last week Miss Mao Hileman of McCook was an Indianola visitor Wednesday Tho C Cs social is postponed from Thursday evening until Saturday Milfred Pew from near Cedar Bluffs was an Indianola visitor Monday Mrs n W Keys of Bartley is visit ing her sister Mrs McCord this week Miss Mabel Carmichael of Cambridge was an Indianola visitor a few days last week Mrs Charles King and children left Friday evening for a visit with relatives in Denver The social given by the Congregational ladies last Friday evening was not very largely attended on account of tho rain Miss Grace Smith came down from McCook Wednesday morning to visit a few days with her cousin Anna Smith Mrs Rankin returned homo from her Colorado visit last Friday morning She was accompanied by her daughter Mrs Wilcox who will visit here a few weeks Mrs F F Tomblin went down to Arapahoe Tuesday morning where she will visit a few days She- and Mr Tomblin will visit in Illinois for a whilo after which they will go to California in hopes of improving their health Mr and Mrs Tomblin have been in our midst but a short time but wo have learned to think very highly of them regret very much to have them leavr but hope they may receive great benefit from the change There is So Much News That even if it comes by telegraph we over look some of it Isnt it a fact that you have seen Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin advertised several times and Iiavo neglected to try it An ounce of Dr Caldwells Sjrup Pepsin is as good as a three weeks vacation Ak any druggist or anyone who has taken it Sold by A Mc Millen SOUTH SIDE And there was rain C H Jacobs in on the sick list Eunice Goheen is visiting the home folks George Rowland is working for W S Fitch Captain Wassen is up and around again Chid Shears is talking of going to Denver J M Somerville expects to move in a few days Luther Fitch brother of W S is here on a visit Roy Jacobs expects to help John Ran dell put up hay The ditch flume near Joseph Schmitzs is undergoing repairs Will Hunter and wife were visiting the homefolks the past week Roy Barnes expects to go to work for the railroad company next month Geneva Fitch expects to ride that new wheel to McCook to school tho coming term Mrs Sarah Christenson will move onto tho old Menard ranch first of the month Miss Florence Johnson will teach th e coming term of school in the Brady district Mrs Goldtrap has been quite ill but is somewhat better at this time They are having a seigo of chickenpox Have You Seen It We keep Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin in plain view but if you dont happen to see it why ask for it The manufacturers guarantee it to cure dyspepsia and all forms of stomach trouble Sold by A McMillen Mrs Laura S Webb Vicf Ircsideat Womans IHmo eralieCiubsof NorllieriiOhlo I dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching I noticed Wine of Cardui and decided to try a bot tle 1 experienced some relief trc hrst month so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate w ith no pain and 1 shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax Female weakness disordered menFes falliig of the womb and ovarian troubles do not wear elf Thev follow a woman tothechanpe of life Do not wait but take Wine of Cardui now and avoid the trou ble Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit a suffering woman of any age Wine of Cardui relieved 31 rs Webb when she was in dan ger When you come to the change cf life 3Irs Webbs letter will mean more to you than it does now But you may now avoid the cufering she endured Druugists s oll SI bottles of Wine of Cardui aFoFAsmai isa ifijssQ ay ca s i FINAL GRAND CLEARING SALE OF wwvKIl Summer Dress Goods Lace Gloves Silk Mitts Summer Underwear In order to make the room which we must have for our COMPLETE FALL STOCK of Dry Goods we are making these extreme low prices It will pay you to take ad vantage of them LADIES GLOVES AND MITTS All GOc Lace Gloves now 47c All GOo Silk Mitts now 4k All 50c o All 40c 29c All 30c 24c These goods are all new per fect and fully guaranteed IHCOHPOHATia 822 All Were Saved For years I Mich untold m er from Bronchitis writes J H Johnson of Brough ton Ga that often 1 wa unable to work Then when ever thing ele failed I was wholly cured by Dr Kin- rj forConMn tion My ufren d inf lively from as tlma until it cured hr r and all our experience k to how- it is te Ix t croup lnMlicim ii thr world A trial will convince jou it i unri valed for throat and lung diea es Guaran teed bottle- Oc ai d 1U McConnell ic B rrv A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach a bad digestion a bad liver Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure con stipation biliousness dys pepsia sick headache 25c All druggists Want your moustache or tard a beaaiif ul j rown or rich black Tb n u J irMWrH DnniiinuaRFQ nvcfprthe uuurtmuurtin uua 50 CTS OF DrUG6TS CR 3 P W Mlnzrtz l a Co fu ih J LADIES SUMMER VESTS All 50c Sleeveless vests 43c All 35c 21 All 20c 25c Half Sleeve 17c All 15c Sleeveless vests 0c All 10c k Cheaper ones 5c But a few of each grade left SUHMER DRESS GOODS The few pieces which we have left in this depart ment must go regardless of cost All Lawns Dimities Merserized Zephyrs and Silk Linens will be sold at EXTREME REDUCTIONS LADIES PARASOLS 100 will buy any colored parasol now left in stock A mong them aro 8229 S200 175 and 150 valuel All 200 black porasols 109 AU175 149 AU125 99 GENTS SUHMER UNDERWEAR All GOc Underwear J7c All 50c 43c A113oc 24c This is the time of year to stock up for noxt summer Try tho Frances waist and hose supporter for children BACK COMBS AND HAIR PINS In our notion case we are showing several new shapes of combs and pins We have regular 25c value in a neat back comb for iSc The Gainsboro comb set consists of a large and small comb to match Its a beauty at 25c We have many other new shapes and styles but space prevents their mention Special announcement from our grocery dept By placing on the road two delivery wag ons we have been able to systematize the delivery of our goods so that the wagons will leave the store as follows To North flcCook at 9 and 11 oclock am To South and East McCook at 10 oclock a m To West McCook at 11 oclock a in To North and East McCook at 3 oclock p m To South and West McCook at 5 o clock p m Please make note of these hours and by getting your orders in promptly we can in sure satisfactory delivery of your goods I JOHN II GRANNIS leCoo5 M I attSL HI JB wm LDDWICKS POWERFUL SZ how easily and quickly it does its wokr AVTERR0RTO WASH BLANKETS n nd all wpnrinpaipan I laco curtain- etc Ojernt in tub l oiler or rail 1rire 1 proanl to nddro in tin- I S li Lmli atuni wanted J H LUDWICK Inventor and IS1 anufacturer McCOOK NEBRASKA Physician and Druggists Ford Sturgeon a prominent drug firm at Rocky Hill Station K ritt We were re quested by Dr G B Snisxley to -end forllerbine for the benefit of our custom rs We ordep d three dozen in December and we are triad to say Herbine hat riven Mich great i that we have duplicat d this trdi r thn e tiim - and today we gave our ale iniin anotli r order We beg to -ay Dr G B Suigley take- plea un in recommending Herbine Tilc bottle at A McMillen D ont Be ooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keepsyu well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in builc Accept no substi tute Ask your druggist 3rWTTWT ttjETCT J r fo j 1 Bargains in Hardware A number of two burner Gasoline Stoves at 325 A regular 300 Clothes 3 Wringer at 250 A few hundred feet of Rub ber Hose at 10 cents per foot A full line of Hay and Bun dle Forks at a greatly reduced price All kinds of Tin Granite and Galvanized Ware MHrlMamMaHrWMMHrMMrrMMMfl The best and most complete stock of Table and Pocket Cutlery which we are selling at the lowest possible figure Also a full line of Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves Everything in the Hardware Line at the lowest prices H P WAITE McCook - efarvsssca KM h l u9 j I A X VJ 4- r j