The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 22, 1902, Image 5

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fffcuiJJH 1 1 mni i T A i
Great Reduction ate
aff Swmiiter Goods
We will need all the space now oo
cupied by summer goods for fall
stuffs therefore we have
educed tfte trises
to such an extent that you should
be interested even though you
might not need them at present
it Wtff jPaij tjou to iBuy
for future wants
Let us have your Grocery Orders
firT i - 1
j Fan tf Roasted E
ytwyicrfy wj1
In Java
Natives do not glaze coffee with
a cheap and impure coating They
well as ior trie naturally delicious
flavor of their popular berry The
very American roasters who glaze
3v iyfb7
have too high a regard for health as C
their package coffees do not dare to touch or glaze
their high priced Mochas and J avas Why
rsi fA
H SC 9V8 ic npiTpr orljivprl nr
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health the
home new books and on work
about the farm and garden
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the New York
Sun and special cable of the New
York Wo rid daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tkiluxe and
The Weekly Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 110
adulterated It is
The sealed package Insures uniform quality and freBhnes3
Fall Term Opens Sept L
bros lmmMMWm
17th and Douglas Sts iS
Courses of Study Regular Business Combined Preparatory Normal Shorthand Typewriting
Telegraphy Penmanship Pen Art Elocution Oratory and Physical Culture
Advantages College Band College Orchestra Board of Trade Printing Office Literary Society
Lecture Course Law School Public Entertainments and Athletics
Work for Board Any student can -work for board Address
Catalog Our new illustrated free to any one ROHRBOUGH BROS OMAHA NEB
It Needs a Tonic
There are times when your liver needs a tonic
Dont give purgatives that gripe and weaken
DoWitts Littlo Early Risers expel all poison
from the system and act as tonic to the liver
AY Scott 531 Highland are Milton Pa says
Ihavo carried DeWitts Littlo Early Risers
with me for several years and would not bo
without them Small and easy to take Purely
vegetable They never gripe or distress Mc
Connell fc Berry
4 Alv hair came out bv the hand
ful and the gray hairs began to
creep in I tried Ayers Hair Vigor
and it stopped the hair from com
ing out and restored the color
mrs m D uray No Salem Mass
Theres a pleasure in
offering such a
tion as Ayers Hair Vigor
It gives to all who use it
such satisfaction The
hair becomes thicker P
longer sorter and more
glossy And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable
llUll sioo a bottle All druggists
7f vnnr mnnnt criwnl -
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle Be sure and give the name
of your nearest express office Address
-T f iVPRm T ninoll
Have You Seen It
We keep Dr CaldwolTs Syrup Pepsin in plain
view but if you dont happen to see it why ask
for it The manufacturers guarantee it to cure
dyspepsia aud all forms of stomach troubles
Sold by A McMillen
This Is an Advertisement
I If you are looking for a laxative Dr Cald
j walls Syrup Pepsin is IT The convenience and
merit of this valuable remedy will be explained
I to your satisfaction by A McMillen
Going1 the Limit
A drummer named Peck put up at a
hotel In Oklahoma the landlord of
whleh was the president of the school
board The landlord who was a jolly
whole souled fellow suggested that
they visit the schools the president of
the board Crst putting on a long tailed
coat saying
She adds dignity an then sio hides
my gun which are a bad example
afore them children I dont approve
of anybody under fourteen carryln a
After returning to the hotel from the
visit of inspection the president of the
board now transferred into a land
lord said
Peck youre a good feller You
aint goin to let your light be hid un
der a bushel Peck
No I aint said Mr reck rather
dubious as to the compliment
Well I tell you what Im goin to
do fer you Bein as youre a good fel
ler Im a gointo have clean sheets put
put on your bed dad me if I aint
Mrs Norton came home from a call
one day in such a disturbed condition
that it was evident tears were not far
In the background She lost no time in
beginning her explanation
John she said to her husband I
am so mortified I dont know what to
What is the matter my dear asked
Mr Norton
I have just been calling on Mrs
Peverill You know her husband Ma
jor Pevcrill
Well I have just learned today to
my horror that major isnt his title
at all Major is his iirst name
Why certainly Ive always known
that What is there so mortifying
about it
Nothing said Mrs Norton with a
groan only that Ive been calling him
major every time Ive met him for
the last six months London An
Tlie Cry of Sillc
One of the most peculiar features
about manufactured silk is the rustling
sound familiar to every woman In
the silk trade they call it the cry or
sometimes the scroop Of all textiles
silk is the only material which pos
sesses it
As everybody knows the sound is
heard especially -when silk is subjected
to friction What is not so generally
known is that the quality is found in
silk yarn before it is woven A skein
of silk unless it has been so treated as
to kill this property in it will when
opened up emit the noise slightly
When the skein is squeezed in the
hand the sound becomes quite audible
The cry is considered a very desir
able quality in silk Dyers try to de
velop it as much as possible
Unexpected Applause
Shortly after Mr Wilson Barrett
joined the theatrical profession ho be
came a member of a company perform
ing at the old Theater Royal Dublin
His part naturally was a small one
and greatly to his surprise his first
speech was greeted with a round of
applause This unlooked for tribute
elated the young actor and he exerted
himselfsto sustain the good impression
he appeared to have made Just as ho
was leaving the theater one of the
scene shifters grinningly accosted him
and said Sure its got about among
the blioys that yero a brother of the
man that was hung A Fenian named
Barrett had that morning paid the ex
treme penalty of the law
An Absurd Custom In Vienna
In Vienna every mans home is his
dungeon from 10 p m to G a m Vienna
is a city cf flats and at 10 p m the
common entrance door of each block is
closed and bolted Thereafter persons i
passing in or out must pay a fine of
twopence to the concierge until mid
nightand fourpence from that hour to
G a in To go out to post a letter costs
twopence and the same amount to re
txirn To prolong a visit to a friend
after 10 p m means twopence to get
out of his house and twopence more to
enter your own A natural result of
this irritating tax is that cf capital
cities Vienna is earliest to be
Sparing His Feeling
Hettie Now that you have broken
your engagement with Fred shall you
return to him the diamond ring he
gave you
Minna Certainly not Hettie It
would be cruel to give him a thing
that would be a constant reminder of
the happiness he had missed Boston
Blond persons are more apt to be
somnambulists than dark folk and in
cold climates there is more somnam
bulism than in warm ones In certain
Greenland villages the hut doors are
locked from without by a watchman in
order that those within may not come
forth in their sleep and maybe freeze
to death
The Canalboat
The captain was leading the horse
and his lieutenant was at the rudder
said a lawyer in an English court re
cently describing au incident in the
voyage of a canalboat
Where was the crew inquired the
Badly 3Ii7ed Metaphor
London is laughing at the following
recent brilliant exordium on the part
of an Eng ish politician We shall
never rest until we see the British lion
walking baid in hand with the flood
gates of democracy St James Ga
If- you
Wmint HIh lint- Anyway
Mr Weddle visiting his wifes rela
tives up in Maine fairly had to go to
church that Sunday Ue didnt want
to go but his wife thought it would do
him good and would be apt to preserve
the harmony of the family
The sermon was long and powder
dry and Weddlo stole off into the
arms of Morpheus gently and s renely
As he did not snore his wife lid not
suspect that he had gone to sleep
alongside of her and gave herself up
fully to inspecting the bonnet of the
woman in the pew in front
Like all things good and bad the
sermon came to an end at last but
Weddle slumbered on like a baby even
after a deacon began taking up the
collection in a hat When the derby
was passed to Weddle Mrs Weddlo
was surprised to see that he did not
respond She nudged him violently to
bring him back to his senses and Wed
dle awakening with a start sat up
right and bewildered gazed at the hat
In the hand of the deacon Then he
shook his head sleepily and said
No that isnt mine Mine is a gray
one New York Tribune
Hail Verve
Well aint that a lovely customer
I just dote on waiting on that kind
Did you see her though The shop
girl was bubbling over with rage A
woman and her daughter had looked at
not fewer than twenty five silk waists
At last they tjok up one and the wom
an brought forth a tape measure I
think we might get it out of three and
a half yards or three and two thirds
anyhow Just wait twenty three
Inches down the front three quarters
for the sleeves allow a quarter for col
lar and culls Yes thatll do it As
she talked she ran the tape over the
waist the clerk standing by almost
bursting with indignation Three
yards of lace one and a quarter of in
sertion she went on measuring the
trimming Put that down Amy
Now lets go We can get up a waist
exactly like that for 750 and they
ask 1 19S Theyve got their nerve
havent they New York Press
Fro the Theater Gallery
Mr W Pett Ridge tells in the Eng
lish Illustrated that the best repartee
he over encountered was in the gal
lery of a theater An extremely stout
good tempered woman contrived to
wedge herself into a space that would
have accommodated a person of ordi
nary size to the unconcealed annoy
ance of a smartly dressed youth next
to her She began to peel an orange
and the youth with a gesture of com
plaint removed his silk hat fussily to
a safer position
I suppose said the good tempered
woman that youd rather have had a
gentleman sitting by the side of you
sir wouldnt you
The youth replied snappishly in the
Ah said the woman thoughtfully
so would I
Presence of 3Iind
During a performance at one of the
London theaters a man and his wife
had to quarrel on the stage the wom
an in a rage of jealousy the man try
ing to persuade her that she was too
suspicious and too passionate Both
were acting with great spirit when the
wife moved her arm too near the can
dle and her muslin dress was in flames
in an instant Both actors kept their
heads however The husband extin
guished the fire and proceeding with
his part interpolated
You see my dear I was right You
are ready to flare up at the least thing
Sot Left Out
An English paper tells a story of
some childrens theatricals A party of
children Avere giving a little drama of
their own in which courtships and
weddings played a leading part in the
plot While the play was in progress
one of -the grownups went behind the
scenes and found a very small girl sit
ting in the corner
Why are you left out he asked
Arent you playing too
Oh Is not left out came the reply
Is the baby waiting to be horned
Without a Rival
Printers Ink undertakes to explain
why the newspaper is the foremost and
unrivaled medium of publicity It
can be said of no other medium it af
firms that it goes everywhere and is
l ead by everybody A certain few only
read the billboards the street car and
steamboat cards etc but the newspa
per goes into every home and is the oue
supreme source of information
His Final Instructions
An old darky who Avas fearful of be
ing buried alive left these final instruc
Atter my time come lemme stay ez
long ez possible Dont make de fu
neral scrmont too long kaze dafl
make me sleep only de sounder but
de dinner hon over me Ef dat
dont AA ake me I is sho gone At
lanta Constitution
You are probably not aAvare sir
said the angry father that last year
my daughter spent 1500 on her dress
Yes I am said the young man
firmly I adAised her to do it o er a
year ago when we first became en
The aiorninss AVork All Done
Mistress Is that sewer gas I smell
Sen ant lately arrived from Osh
kosh No maam Ive cleaned the
rooms made the beds and turned on
the gas ready for the night American
Still Yoaag
Teacher I am surprised tliat you are
not further advanced You are extreme
ly backward for your age
Little Girl Yesm Maim -a wants
to marry again
- I
You will be sorry if you buy before
looking our line over because our
hobby is good wearing childrens
shoes at the right price A guar
antee from our store means some
thing Try us and you will be
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Lazativc Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in
one day No cure no pay Price 2j cents
Look Pleasant Please
Photographer C C Harlan of Eaton Ohio
can do so now thoutrh for years he couldnt be
cause he suffered untold aijony from the vort
form of indigestion All physicians and medi
cines failed to help him till he tried Electric
Bitters which worked such wonders that he
dedans they are a godsend to sufferer from
dspepia and stomach troubles Unrivah d
fordi paes of the stomach liver and kidneys
they build up and frive new life to th whole
system 1 ry them Only jOc McConnell Berry
State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss
At a county court held at the county court
room in and for said county August IS ltJ2
Present C E Eldred county judge
In the matter of the estate of Mas Anton
On reading and filing the petition of F A
Anton praying that administration of said
estate may be granted to Augusta Anton as
admini tratrix
Ordered that September C 1902 at nine
oclock p m is assigned for hearing said peti
tion when all persons interested in said matter
may appf arat a county court to be held in and
for said count v nittl hrv canse why the prajer
of petitioner should not granted and that
notice of the pendency of said petition site tire
hearing thereof be given to all
in said matter by Hihlts1 g r
this order in The McCook Teh t
newspaper printed ii il n
succrerfve weeks v
V tr j c k
Mode Sfioe Store m
81 IVilVlwIVJvilvv
The best and cheapest Every sack full weight
91 Patent per sk 100 ioskso
Anchor 90 10 sks 8
Pride of McCook 80 10 sks 7
J 11 Grannis Jas McAdams F M Coison
Jas Cain j G Stokes C J Ryan
C L DeGroff Co
The Mill
irery Saek Warranted I
Let there be rain
Miss Fay Jacobs is on the sick list
Roy S Jacobs came in from Lincoln
close of last Aveek
Winter wheat run about forty bushels
per acre in this vicinity
The sale of the W T Stone farm is
set for September Gth 2 p m
We are pained to learn that Roy IIol
brook a former resident of the South
Side Avas instantly killed and terribly
mangled in a railroad Avreck in or near
Cannon City Colo first of the week
Medical Journal desires a representa
tive in this locality Permanent em
ployment Salary and commission
Address 154 East 72 New York City
If you want a good
food for your child
ren try Wheatose
It is easily and
quickly prepared
and very healthful
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit
All reliable grocers
have it
California Breakfast Food
If it popular if it wasnt loved by the
people why do dealers iy We have some
thiriK jnt as Rood as the Madison Medicine
Cos Rocky Mountain Tea Think it over
Si cents McConnell Berry
The Following Proposed Amendment to
the Constitution of the State ol Ne
braska as Hereinafter Set Forth In
Full is Submitted to the Electors of
the State of Nebraska to be Voted
Upon at the General Election to be
Held Tuesda November 4 1902
A Joint lrolutioii proM ini to iniil Sec
tion one of Article liffi u of the n tiiutn 1
of the Stale of Ncbra ka relative to U- Rianm
of sulmiittiiiK and adopting amendment- totl
constitution of the -aid at f Nebraska
Be it resolved and enacted b the Lfgislatur
of tho State of Nebraska
Section 1 That Section ore of Article Site a
of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to read a follow-
Sixtiox 1 Either branch of the
may propose amendment- to this constitution
and if the same be agreed to by f
me memoers eiectea to earn iion e
amendments -hall be entered on lie
Journals with the and nay- and publish l
at lea t oncu each week in at least one wwj
paiMr in each county when a newspaper s
published for thirtj day- immediately rc
ing the next election of senators and represent
at which election rlie ame shall be ul
mittf d to the elector- for approval or n je ti i
and if a majority of the electors voting at w
election on such propo d amendment vh
vote to adopt such amendment the same sj j
b come a part of con titution Wh n mor
than one amendment at tL nm
election they shall be submitted as tojnabi
the electors to vote on each amendment sepa
All ballots twil at election on such
amendment or amendments shall have writt
or printed thereon the following For d
amendment to tiie con titution reiatimr to ih
j in ert the subject of tso ami nriment atid
against propojpd amendment to the
tion r iating to I here ni ert the subject of th
amendment aed the voteof each eitcior voting
on such amendment or amendment- shall
by the elector by makintr a
ith a pen or pencil in a circle or square to
placed at the right of the lines the words Fir
orAgain t the propo ed amendment- aj li j
-hall de ire to vote tin reen or by iudiratii J -preference
on a voting machine when such
machine is in ue
I Geo V Mar h secretary of the state l
Nebra ka do hereby certif that the foregor x
propos d amendment to thf Con titntion of tie
State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of
the original enrolled and engro sed bill
by the Twenty Seventh of th
of the State of Nebraska as appears from
said original bill on file in this office ami that
said proposed amendment K submitted t the
qualified voters of the of Nebra ka for
their adoption or rejection at the general elec
tion to be held on the 4th day of N
In testimony whereof I have hereunto pet rrv
hand and aflixcd the great seal of the state of
Done at Lincoln this day of JurJ in trie
year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Two of the Independence of the Unit 1
States the One Hundred and Twenty seventii
and of thtsatato the Thirty iixth
seal Geo V Maeh
Secretary of State
In the district court of Red Willow coos
state of Nebraska
In the matter of the c tate of William T
Stone deceased
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of s
order of G W jndge of the district
court of Red Willow county Nebraska mad-
on the 9th day of Augu t 1602 forth saleof
the real estate hereinafter described there r
be sold at the front door of the county n -house
of Red Willow county on the tb r
September 1S2 attwo oclock p a ilc
venue to the highest bidder for one tb
one third pajable one jear from dat s
premises and one third payable a -
from the date of sale said sail r
by a bond of the purchaser a -
mortgage on the real etat d i
so hear interest at the rate
per annum payable eni dii
ice described real e tere
ea t uuarter of tbe -
S thrv six in towns
Vrrv u t of e
C - Ner -