1 V iM 4 5 r 4s Great Reduction jyqfe f aff 3tiitiiiir Goods We will need all the space now oc cupied by summer goods for fall stuffs therefore we have to such an extent that you should be interested even though you might not need them at present jt Wtlf ta tjou to Stay for future wants Let us have your Grocery Orders Satisfaction o lib THE Its Cool In Colorado August 1 to 14 23 24 30 31 Septem ber 1 to 10 On the above days the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Den ver Colorado Springs Pueblo and many other points in Colorado at extraordi narily low rates Its cool in Colorado all summer long and there are hundreds of resorts in the Rockies where one may escape from the heat of the plains and spend an alto gether delightful vacation A card to J Francis General Pas senger Agent Omaha Nobr will bring a good supply of Colorado booklets that will help you plan your trip 9 5 It Needs a Tonic There are times when your liver needs a tonic Dont give purgatives that gripe and weaken DoWitts Little Early Risers expel all poison from the system and act as tonic to the liver W Scott 531 Highland ave Hilton Pa says Ihavo carried DeWitts Little Early Risers with me for several years and would not be without them Small and easy to take Purely vegetable They never griiMJ or distress Mc Connell fc Berry Trainmens Schedule Adjusted T E Calvert general superintendent of the B M returned from Chicago yesterday where he has been conferring with oflicials in relation to the train mens schedule of pay An effort has been undertaken to readjust the wage scales of the trainmen and enginemen and so far as the trainmen are concerned this has been satisfactorily accom plished Representatives of the engine men are still meeting with officials and their wage scale will be satisfactorily readjusted bpfore long Saturdays Journal This is an Advertisement If you are looking for a laxative Dr Cald wells Syrup Pepein is IT The convenience and merit of this valuable remedy will bo explained to your satisfaction by A McMillen AMERICAS BEST Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of the world well written original stories answers to queries articles on health the home new books and on work about the farm and garden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The Tribune and The Weekly Inter Ocean one year both papers for 140 i s S a Guarant wQIsil irOLQLtU eJ Store C L DeGROFF GO s I LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up Reserve fund i Undivided profits Premiums unearned Other liabilities Total Balance on hand July 11001 1371 00 Duos 10296 00 Interest Loans repaid Fines and mem bership Real estate Tax certifi cates 305s 27 139S 22 N3 9S 354 29 347 03 Total 16912 39 State of Nebraska Red Willow County Loans Expenses Stock redeem ed Cash on hand Matured stock Tax certifi cates Int on matur ed stock v W I I had a verv severe sickness i that took off all my hair I t xnasea a Dome or iiyer s nair Vigor and it brought all my hair I back again W D Quinn Marseilles 111 One thing is certain Ayers Hair Vigor makes the hair grow This is because it is a hair food It feeds the hair and the hair grows thats all there is to it It stops falling of the hair too and al ways restores color to gray hair SIBO a bailie All druggists If your druggist cannot supply you send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle Be sure and pive the name of your nearest express oilice Address J C AYEIt CO Lowell Mass STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McCOOK COOPERATIVE BUILDING AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION of McCook Nebraska on the 30th day of June 1002 ASSETS First mortgage loans 33200 00 Stockloans 200 00 Cash 472 90 Delinquent interest and dues -12 05 Expenses 107 35 Interest on matured stock CO 17 Total 36143 27 32401 03 1094 73 1067 b9 1200 53 370 00 36143 27 Receipts and Expenditures for the year ending Juno 30th 1902 KECEIlTS EXPENDITURES 11642 50 330 91 2005 IS 472 SO 2023 00 103 73 130 17 Total 16912 39 I F A Penuell Secretary of the above named i association do solemnly swear that tho forego I ing statement of the condition of said associa j tiou is true and correct to the best of my Knowieage ana oeiiei F A Pexxell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Sth I day of July 1902 I seal J E Kellet Notary Public My Commission Lxpires rebruary ljth 1901 Approved J J Gakrard EHaxsox -Directors F M Kimmell Have You Seen It We keep Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin in plain view but if you dont happen to see it why ask for it The manufacturers guarantee it to cure dyspepsia and all forms of stomach troubles Sold by A McMillen ffa JTOa fm Sil Time Card McCook Neb rt - 11 MAIN LINK KA8T DKlAIT No 6 Central Time ll10p M 2 003 am 12 920am No 5 arrives from east at 8 p in MAIN UNI WEST DKIAUT No 1 Mountain Timo 11J a m 3 1110 pm 13 823 a M 1MPEKIAL LTNU No 176 arrives Mountain Timo rJ0r M No 175doparts 700a m Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars teats free on through trains Tickets hold and baggage checked to any point in tho United States or Canada For information time tables maps mid tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Francis General assengor Agent Omaha Nebraska INDIANOLA Ethel Kennedy went up to McCook Monday evening Prof Welborn was a home visitor a few days this week Mrs A Clark and l aby visited her parents near Lebanon last week Ed Smith drove in Saturday evening after an extended trip lo the far west Mr and Mrs Henry Powell and little Frances wereCambridge visitorsSunday Charlie Lamborn of Wilcox was an Indianola visitor a few days this week Mrs Rollings Roxio and Calvin went up to McCook Friday evening to visit a few days Mrs A II Bell left Sunday evening for an extended visit with her son at Salt Lake City Miss Sadie McNeil went up to Wau neta Friday evening to visit a week with relatives George Newland wife and baby of Lebanon were Indianola visitors Sun day and Monday EdMcKellip wife and baby from near Cambridge were tho guests of Martin Anderson Sunday Mrs Hess and Major departed Mon day morning for Alma where they will visit a week with relatives Mrs T Haley and Arthur returned home last week after an extended vieit with relatives at Republican City Mrs Harry Brown who has been vis iting here for the last few months left for her home in Idaho Friday evsning Mrs AdolphMangless and little son and Alice Purdum returned to their homo in McCook Sunday evening after a weeks visit with Iriends here Marion Powell came in from Lincoln on business Monday evening Ho was accompanied by his little daughter EMie who will visit a week before returning home DANBURY Hot and dry John Boyer is at work in McCook Bert Miller is at work for J L Sargent Mrs E E Hayes Pearl and Roy went to McCook Wednesday Ed Ilethcote and Lee Delong are plas tering the Fairview school house Thomas Harrison is playing second for W II Harrison in the Dull elevator Mrs Mamie Palmer of McCook is vis iting her parents Mr and Mrs L Cann J B Dolph went up to the Colorado ranch last week returning Wednesday Mrs A C Widup has been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs J E Dolph the past two weeks Dane and Amel Fletcher of Bartley were visitors at W II Harrisons Tues day and Wednesday James Nutt has charge of the Central Granaries Elevator with Platte Cum mings a close second S G Bastian now occupies his re cently purchased property James Nutt moving into S Gs other house Old Bill with his old cow gait is missed from our streets and E E Hayes drives another nag recently purchased from E M Woods Since our last writing the Danbury News man has issued the fifth edition of his paper and also has the fifth addi tion to his family a boy COLEMAN H B Wales was in McCook one day last week with one hundred dozen roast ing ears Charlie Wales was out Monday re pairing the fence the lightning shiv ered up so on Thursday night of last week J W Corner and Roy Coleman were over in Ilitchcook county two days last week helping to thresh out their big wheat crop The editors of tho Republican with their wives and children were in this town recently and thought we had a fine country up here Call again when melons are ready to crib We are informed that three hunters were out two weeks last Sunday with dog and guns and shot a number of times thus disturbing the quiet and peace of the Sabbath and setting at defiance the game laws of the state Last Saturday R J Traphagen had his hand caught in the cylinder of his thresher and two fingers badly shredded but can be saved While in the act of pushing some cleanings to the cylinder his feet slipped which came near letting him onto the cylinder TYRONE C G Broman is doing some good road work Blair Fletcher have more wheat than any one else we know of in this precinct RevMillers infant son Waldo has been quite sick Their proposed trip to the mountains has been postponed We expect free delivery of mail soon from Cambridge out as far Tyrone This will be daily except Sunday We learn that Mr Brant who lives on H P Waites farm has bought the old T E Brown place containing 320 acres for Sl550 Corn Hotting In Fields Corn is so plentiful in the vicinity of Chelsea I T that the farmers are letting it rot in the fields Twenty cents a bushel is all they can get for it and they do not think that price pays for harvesting Whence Cornell Electricity At a time when electricity Is rapidly transforming the face of the globe when it has already in great measure annihilated distance and bids fair to abolish darkness for us it is curious lo notice how completely Ignorant the plain man remains as to the later de velopments of electrical theory Some recent correspondence has led mo to think that a vague notion that electric ity is a lluid which in some mysterious way flows through a telegraph wire like water through a pipe is about as far as he has got and if we add to this some knowledge of what he calls elec tric shocks we should probably ex haust his ideas on the subject Yet this is not to be wondered at Even the most instructed physicists can do nothing but guess as to what electric ity is and the only point on which they agree is as to what it is not There is in fact a perfect consensus of opinion among scientific writers that it is not a lluid i o a continuous stream of ponderable matter as is a liquid or a gas and that it is not a form of energy as is heat Outside this limit the scientific imagination is at liberty to roam where it listeth and although It has used this liberty to a considerabre extent no definite result has followed up to tho present time Academy hlckiiijr Her Stamps We find the following anecdotes In a Naples paper At the postollice yes terday amid the large crowd gathered around the window was a young Eng lish lady handsome well dressed and accompanied by her maid The young lady had just purchased soi stamps and was about to aiiix t in to a num ber of letters which she held in her hand Delicately tearing off a stamp she said to her maid Iull sic out your tongue And the maid with Eng lish impassivity thrust forth her tongue while tho mistress passed over it a postage stamp which she subse quently stuck on a letter She went through the entire package of letters and for each one the obedient waiting maid thrust out her tongue for the mistress to moisten the stamp Curi ous manners these English people have The Canon mill the lawyer The point of tho following story lies in tho important part which the three penny bit plays in church collections in England Canon Blank was having a friendly game of pool at the squires and one of his opponents was Wigsby the barrister The canon lost a life and took from his pocket a threepenny piece to pay for it which lie placed on the edge of the table Oh said Yigsby I see canon you have had your linger in the plate The canon drew himself up to his full height a good six feet and lookii g the man of the law full in the face said Im surprised that you Mr Wigsby in the presence of this re spectable company have the audacity to recognize your own paltry contribu tion Lamps That Tallc Electric lamps not only can be made to talk but also to sing An ordinary arc light- can be made to produce sounds in two ways One is by placing the arc in the circuit of a telephone instead of the ordinary receiver and the other is by placing it in the circuit instead of the ordinary transmitter In either of these positions it will pronounce words whieli can be heard distinctly at a considerable distance It naturally follows also that the elec tric arc can be utilized as the receiver and also as the transmitter of a tele phone The French Horn The French horn or cor de chasse is regarded by some musicians as the sweetest and mellowest of all the wind instruments In Beethovens time it was little else than the old hunting horn which for the convenience of the mounted hunter was arranged in spiral convolutions to be slipped over the head and carried resting on one shoul der and under the opposite arm The Germans still call it the waldhorn that is forest horn Actors Superstitions To rehearse a play on Sunday is a sure sign that that play will not be a success for the manager ordering the rehearsal and that salaries will be lost by all who so participate on the Lords day To twirl a chair at rehearsals is just as good as betting on a sure thing that a fight will disrupt the friendship of at least two members and perhaps cause loss to the management for that week Tongh Flour Mrs Youngbride Ive come to com plain of that flour you sent me Grocer What was the matter with it Mrs Youngbride It was tough I made a pie with it and it was as much as my husband could do to cut it Philadelphia Press Her Coolcing She You say she won three hus bands by her cooking He Thats what she did But how did she get rid of the hus bands after she won them Oh I believe her cooking had some thing to do with that too Yonkers Statesman The Motto That Suited It would be helpful to you said the prison visitor if you could take some motto and try to live up to it Thats right replied the convict Id like to select for instance We are here today and gone tomorrow Flattery is often a trade of mutual meanness where although Loth par ties intend deception neither is de ceived Colton T M 8 13 Er H H SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OSM FIRST Breakfast imm the coffee master uses to irlaze his coffee with would vou eat that kind of eggs Then why drink them I7th and Douglas Sis 5 OF OMAI IA Will Visit This City On the clay and dates given below HOME OKiitE 30 3 N V LIFE 1ILDG We are in no scuuc traveling doctors We are established in Omaha and have occupied the same location since 1891 We have patients in all parts of Nebraska who can not visit our Omaha Office To accommodate these we visit a few central points thus saving our patients a long expensive trip to Omaha and at the same time giving them the great benefit of a personal examination and consultation We will be prepared at this visit to make examination by Electrical Illumination We can refer you to a number of cured patients in your own locality f Practice is Limited to Chronic Diseases We give Special Attention to DISEASES OF THE EAR NOSE THROAT AND ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES We suggest that you call as early in the day as possible enabling us to give you more time for an examination and consultation which will be ABSOLUTELY FREE C M HEADRICK M I 1 DR C M HEADRICK jiliJHi PALMER HOUSE ncCOOK Friday and Saturday August 2223 Two Days Please Remember Date H EZaS3E3SSSSE2ES2S tfjucPCTCTjwi w 1 LvmiMmm m Opens Sept I 20HRBOUGH BROS PROPRIETORS - msssssssBjigBM Courses of Study Regular Business Combined Preparatory Normal Shorthand Typewriting Tel crapliy Penmanship Pen Art hloctition Oratory and Physical Culture Advantasos College Hand College Orchestra Hoard of Trade Printing Office Literary Society i ect lie Course Law School Public Entertainments and Athletics Vork for Board Any student can work for board Address Catalog Our new illustrated free to any one ROHRBOVGH BROS OMAHA NED Tribune Cluobing List For convenience of readers of The Timhcni wo have mado airaiiKements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby wo can sup ply them in combination with Tin Tribunr at the following very low prices with tuiilicatiox warn thiisuxi Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 7 Leslies Weekly 100 i 00 Prairie Farmer 1 00 1 21 Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 35 Cincinnati Enquire 100 ISO New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Demorests Magazine 1 00 1 75 Toledo Blade 1 00 1 25 Nebraska Farmer 1 CO 1 65 Iowa Homestead 1 00 1 25 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50 Now York World 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 X 1 0 St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 Farm and Home 100 120 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 Twentieth Centurj Farmer new 1 00 1 50 -renewals 1 fcO Wo are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates- Tun Tiubuxe McCook Neb EATOSB If you -want a good food for your child ren try Wheatose It is easily and quickly prepared and very healthful Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit All reliable grocere have it California Breakfast Food If it wasnt popular if it wasnt loved bv the people why do dealers say We ha v- some thing jnt a- good as the Madison Medicine Cos Rock Mountain Tea Think it over 35 cent- McConnell Berry Look Pleasant Please Photographer C C Harlan of Eaton Ohio can do so now though for years he couldnt be cause he suffered untold agony from the wor t form of indigestion All physicians and medi cines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters which worked such wonders that he declares they are a god end to sufferer- from dyspepsia and stomach trouble- LnKva 0 fordi eaes of the stomach liver and kidiiejs they build up and new life to the w i system Try them Only 50c Mcf uinell B rr The EGGS Mm 5 i 54 Lion Goffee has no coating of storage eggs ESovyA glue etc it s conee pure unadulterated fresh strone sOr5iVcr PC rtrXZTTJV and ot dehehtlul flavor rSiSXiJWA and aroma Uniform quality and i1ErcsiiSv ire aneosare inFurea iVSspiSJv by tho sealed package - - jyp fs ggyegw PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The Following Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska as Hereinafter Set Forth in Full is Sunmitted to the Electors of the State of Nebraska to be Voted Upon at the General Election to be Held Tuesday November 4 1902 A Joint Ri oliituin priixsiiig to amend Sec tion one or Article liftet n of the ori IHutii i of the Slate of Nebra ka relative to the mantle of submitting anil adopting amendment loth constitution of the suil state of Nebraska Riit resolved and enact d b the Legislature or tho State of Nebraska Suction- I ThatSection onuof Article fftoi i of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska l amended to read as follows Suction Kither branch of the legislature may propose amendments to constitution and if the sniie bi- agreed to by three fifths ot the member eh cted to each iicm c such amendments shall be entered on the Journals with the and ami published at least once eachek in at 1 ast one in each eounty when- a newspaper i published for thirty days imuidiately preced ing the next election of senators and representa tives at which election the same shall he sub mitted to the electors for approval or rejection and if a majority of the elector- voting at Mich election on proposed amendment shall vote to adopt such amendment the be come a part of constitution When more than one amendment is submitted at the am election they shall be so submitted u t to enable the elector to vote on each amendment sepa rately All ballots used at uch election on sue amendment or amendments shall havewritt or printed then on the following For propw l amendment to thecon titution relating to her insert the Mibjfct of tho amendment and ngain t propo ed amendment to the Constitu tion r Iating to iere in ert the ofth amendment and the voteof each elector voting on such amendment or amendments shall deiguited by the elector bj making a cro s with a pen or j eneil in a circle r square to be placed at the right of the lines tle words Fo or Against the projoted ainendments as ho shall desire to vote thereon or bj indicating hs preference tin a votiig machine when snch machine is in u e I jeo AY Mir h secretary of the state of Nebra ka do h r by certify that the foregoing d amendment to the Con titution of th State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy ot the original enrolled and engroed bill as pa1 sed by the Twenty eventh se ion of the legisla ture or the State of Nebraska as appears from said original billon file in oSice and that -aid propo ed amendment to th qualitied voter- f the state of Nebraska for their adoption or wjertinn at the general elec tion to h helil on Tuesday the jth day of No vember A D W1 In testimony w hereof I have ler0nt st ir hand and aflizd e great sea of the t Nebraska Done at Lincoln thN 2d day of Julv id th year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Unndn l and Two of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Twenty seventh and of thi state the eal Geo W Mabbh Secretary of State NOTICE OF SALE In the district court of Red Willow count state of Nebraska In the matter of the estate of William T Stone deceased Notice is hereb given that in pursuance of ar order of G W judge of the dirrir court of Red Willow county Nebraska mad on the Uth day of August VAfi for the sale of the real t tate hereinafter describe there wiU be -old at the front door of the county court house of Red Willow county on the 6th day of i ej tember Vftt at two oclock p m at peblic vepue to the highest bidder for one third cash one third payable one year from date of sale ot premi es and one third payable in two year froin the date of -ale -aid sail to be eviderref J by a bond of the purchaser and by a mortgage on the real estate deferred payment -to hear interest at the rate of -even per cent per annum pajable the follow ing de crilwd real e tate to wit The -oath-east quarter of the quarter of section thirty six in township three north in range thirty we t of the 6th P M in Red Willow count Nebraska Said -ale will remain open one hour Charles IT Jacoiis Admini trator of the Estate William T Stone Deceased Dated this 9th dav Augu t A D 1002 Coal Inspector Rhue was here on busi ness Monday