The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 15, 1902, Image 4

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    fit ftfask IHb
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Congressman Gcoro W Norris McCook
Govornor Jolm II Mickey
Lieutenant Governor h G McGiIton
Secretary of Stuto Georo W Marhh
Treasurer Potar Mortensen
Auditor Clinrles Weston
Attorney General Frank N Prout
Land Commissioner Genrco I Follmer
Supt Public Instruction Win K lowlor
Representative J E Hntliorn
County JudRO K01
County Attorney CELldred
Comniibsionor First district D A atennan
The bill to open lloscbud agency hinds
to settlers did not pass so keep your
money and stay home
It is all right to bo able to distinguish
the real tiling from si worlding but
Christians will do well not to csirry a
peculiarity beyond the point of use
Noucuit but Republican lack of har
mony or bad management can make it
possible for fusion success in Nobrasksi
this year All the favorable signs and
omens are Republican this plethoric year
of Eepublican plenty 1902
The effort of the Cuban republic to
bond itself for 35000000 smd the grow
ing unfriendliness toward America are
not indications of the stsibility of the
republic Uncle Sams next mission in
Cubsi will be to savo the Cubans from
The Red Cloud Printing Co has
commenced the publication of the Com
mercial Advertiser a thrice-a-week news
paper in Red Cloud with A C Ilosmer
as editor This makes the fourth news
paper printed in that burg and every
long-felt-want ought to be filled for the
The rumors that percolate out to this
section are not highly reassuring about
the now Omaha police board deal Tis
said the losing faction had ten thousand
plunks in hand smd sis many more in
sight without avail and the wonder is
how the winners succeeded so hsind
somely in coppering the simple play of
the defeated but not yet vanquished
There is real red blood on the face of
the pale moon and many a tomahawk
and bowie knife hsis come into action
All doubtless in the interest of civic and
political purity and the -slush fund
Congressman Dave Mercer can sim
plify and relieve an unpromising situsi
tion in the First district by declining to
be a candidate for renomination It is
doubtful if the people of the district
would strenuously object to such a
course on Daves part and there is noth
ing in Colonel Rosewaters recent ac
tions to indicate that he would be utter
ly disconsolate Daves usefulness in
the First district may be questioned as
for the future if indeed he hsis not been
under suspicion for some little time past
Let the people down there have a chance
once They are the real ones at interest
Hon John M Mickey
From the Columbus Journal
The following sketch of the life of
Hon Johu H Mickey the republican
candidate for governor taken from our
history of Nebraska compiled in 1SS3
is the story of a very busy man who has
come to prominence by his success as
one who has proven himself an excellent
business manager All that he possesses
has been accumulated in Nebraska and
the voters will be safe in trusting the
affairs in the custody of a man who has
proven himself so worthy in the man
agement of his own private affairs
Hon John H Mickey banker Osce
ola and Stromsberg senior member of
the firm of Mickey Nack Morrillcame
to Nebraska in September 186S and
took up a homestead on section two
township thirteen rsmge one west Hack
berry precinct In the winter of 1S69
he moved out and settled on the claim
he being one of the very first settlers in
the precinct also served as the first
school treasurer of the precinct In 1S70
he was elected county treasurer of Polk
county holding the office at his resi
dence until 1S72 Upon the locating of
the county seat at Osceola he moved to
the village holding that office ten years
Prior to the organizsition of the county
he was appointed assessor of Polk county
by the board of commissioners of Butler
county In 1879 he opened their present
bank which was operated under his
own name until 1SS1 when the above
firm was incorporated Ho was elected
to the legislature in 18S0 from the
Thirty fifth assembly district was one
of the original members of the Metho
dist Episcopal church society of Osceola
precinct was also one of the instigators
of the Polk County Agricultural society
and was its first treasurer He enlisted
in the late war of the rebellion in Des
Moines county Iowa August 1S63 in
company D Eighth Iowa cavalry and
served until the close of the war is now
amernber of the G A R and is a char
ter member of J F Reynolds Post No
26 He erected the first frame house
in Polk county
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds oi
food It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on thestom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
It cant help
but do you good
Prepared only by E O Te Witt Co Chicago
The 1 bottle contains 2 times the 50c size
UC Luth is a guest of Howard Finity
Mrs John Stevens is down from
Judge Norris is back from his trip
to Wisconsin
O W DkWald of the Trenton Regis
tor was a city visitor Mondsiy evening
R P High was over from Lebanon
Tuesday evening and Wednesday morn
Miss Mary Mugan returned last Fri
day from si two monthsabsenee in Colo
Mrs A S Palmer visited her par
ents Agent and Mrs Cann at Danbury
last week
Mrs D S McDermitt of Beaver City
was a guest of Mrs C B Sawyer fore
part of the week
L B Phillies night clerk in the
Commercial hotel has quit the position
smd gone to Denver
Miss Manda Grovert of Trenton is
in the city guest of her sister Mrs Fred
Mrs J F Ken yon is visiting in Grin
nell Iowa whither she went on No 2
Wednesday morning
Hugh WCole came in from Geneseo
Illinois Wednesday night and is spend
ing a few days in his former home
Edna Austin of Stevens is homo
from Denver She willsittend tho Boul
dor Colorado state normal this fsill
Mrs J W Cox and daughter Leola
of Exeter have been guests of Mrs LR
IIilemanMrs Coxs sister this week
Miss Elizaijeth Thomson and Matt
arrived home Wednesday night on G
from their outing at Boulder Colorado
Mrs L W Stayner and the children
and Mrs George Martin enjoyed a little
outing in Denver tho first of the week
Will Huber arrived home last Fri
day from Hot Springs Arkansas where
he has been taking treatment and baths
Mrs J E Kelley and Charlie re
turned yesterday morning from spend
ing part of the heated term in Colorado
Miss Flo Thompson of Denver who
snent si number of years of her life in
McCook is soon to bo married to a
Denver gentleman
J M Boyle and young son came in
from Chicago Wednesdsiy night on No
3 on his way west and is spending a
few days here guest of his brother
Mr and Mrs C E Canfield and
granddaughter Gracie Canfield sirrived
from Harvard Wednesday evening and
will be guests of Mr and Mrs W S
Perry for a week or two
Mrs Walter Stokes gave a Kensing
ton Thursday afternoon at the home of
her mother Mrs Vina Wood to a com
pany of about thirty Isidy friends Re
freshments were served in three courses
Mrs n P Sutton Mrs Charlotte
Brewer and Mrs J G Schobel sissisting
Catholic Order of services Mass
S a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services at St Albans
Sunday Morning prayer and sermon
11 by lay reader Even song and ser
mon 8 by rector subject Is There a
God R M Hardman Rector
Methodist Services for next Sun
day Sunday school at ten Preaching
at 11 sermon by Rev Bert Story De
votional service of the League at 7 The
evening service will be conducted by
Presiding Elder nardaway Preaching
at 8 and at the close of the sermon the
sacrament of the Lords supper will be
administered by the elder A full
attendance of the membership and con
gregation is desired at all the services
The fourth qusirterly conference will be
held at the church Mondsiy evening at
S As this is the last report of the year
the official members are urged to be
present and to have their reports ready
Rev Dean had business in Cambridge
on Thursday
The new Methodist church at Cedar
Bluffs Kansas wsis dedicated last Sun
day Rev Housel preached the dedica
tory sermon
COUNTY court
Marriage licenses issued since last
John Allen Rosenfelt Cambridge and
Katie Fitzgibbon Tobias Married by
the county judge on the 13th
John Fias Jr Indianola and Rosie
Balius Indianola
disrict court
Filings since last report
In matter of the estate of Gottfried
Lunkwitz deceased petition to sell real
Margaret Heinlein vs John Heinlien
A Satisfactory Adjustment
The conclusion arrived at close of
last week in Chicago between tho Burl
ington management and the members of
the grievance committee of the O R T
and B of R T was most satisfactory
to the men and was very gracefully
and graciously yielded by the manage
ment Indeed next to the very sub
stantial financial benefit received by the
train and yardmen the boys are most
pleased with their treatment by the
officials of the system from division
officers up to tho general officers of the
system in Chicago who spent much of
two weeks with the representatives of the
orders in arranging the new schedule
While tho schedule has not yet been
made public the matter is substantially
an incresise of S a month to conductors
of local freight trains 5 a month to
brakemen in the same service 5 a
month to flagmen and gives switchmen
in the larger yards of the system stand
ard pay and those in the less important
3ards will get the same pay for ten
hours service they have been receiving
for twelve hours Avork To trainmen in
the local freight service the increase is
one fourth cent per mile
In addition more liberal provisions
have been made with trainmen in the
matter of overtime or delayed time at
terminals Under the new schedule
trainmen will receive pay for the time
they are delayed at terminals after being
called for service
Conductors Eph Benjamin and W D
Beyrer represented the Western division
in the conference
The Tribune understands that any
inequalities in the pay of enginemen re
sulting from this readjustment will be
equalized by tho company to the ad
vantage of the enginemen
eSSsataiasi E5a
A Great Convention
The 1902 convention of tho Disciples
of Christ will bo held in Omaha Nob
October 15 23 A rate of one faro for
tho round trip has been made from all
parts of tho country and it is confi
dently oxpected that upwards of 30000
visitors will attend The citizens of Om
aha are making extensive preparations
for tho entertainment of delegates and
visitors Tho sessions of the convention
will bo held in the Coliseum which will
seat with comfort 12000 people
The growth of tho Disciples of Christ
as si church organization is one of tho
marvels of tho religious world Its per
centage of growth exceeds that of any
protestant denomination and tho church
now numbers upwards of 1300000 com
municants in the United States
The late President James A Garfield
was a minister of tho Disciples church
Before his election to tho presidency Mr
Garfield was asked to state concisely the
doctrinal position of the church to which
he belonged He complied with the
request and formulated the follow state
1 Wo call ourselves Uhnstians or
2 Wo believe in God the Father
3 We believe that Jesus is tho Christ
tho son of the living God and our Savior
We regard the divinity of Christ as the
fundsimentsil truth of the Christian
4 We believe in the Holy Spirit both
as to His sigency in conversion and sis a
dweller in the heart of tho Christian
5 We accept both tho Old and the
New Testsiment as the inspired word of
G We believe in the future punish
ment of the wicked and the reward of the
f Wo believe thsit Deity is a prayer
hearing and a prsiyer answering God
8 Wo observe tho institution of the
Lords Supper on every Lords Day
To this table we neither invite nor de
bar we say it is tho Lords Slipper for
all the Lords children
9 We plead for the union of Gods
people on the Bible and the Bible alone
10 The Lords word is our Book of
11 We maintain that all the ordi
nances should be observed as they were
in the dsiys of the apostles
Worthless Checks
Fred Davis who claims to be a well-to-do
stockman of Dsmbury Nebraska
must have drank from the same canteen
with M J Hanna for- like the latter
he sought to tide over financial depres
sion by issuing worthless checks and
after his arrest claimed he wsis drunk
and irresponsible
Davis was arrested last evening
charged with passing a worthless check
for 1G on Mrs Emma Metcalf Dismant
The police here are informed that he ne
gotiated several valueless documents of
the same kind in Omaha W A Atkins
a saloon man at the corner of Eleventh
and Dodge streets cashed one check for
15 and another for 810 for Davis Both
were on the Union National bank WB
Armour a hackman took si check for 7
upon the First Nationsil Bank of Omaha
and found it worthless Dsivis gave
Atkins his gold watch and chain and
Armour an order for 7 out of the 750
he had when arrested to square the
Omsiha end of his misdeeds He claims
that if he can get into communication
with friends he will be able to mako
everything all right
When arrested Davis had four blank
checks in his ammunition chest Wed
nesdays World Herald
Wreck of Worlds Largest Engine
The huge locomotive recently built
for the Santa Fe railway to haul freight
over tho Step Raton Mountain Road
was wrecked on July 29 In company
with two other engines the giant loco
motive was taking a very long trsiin over
the mountains Three times the train
broke in two When the last bresik
came the long train started to back down
the steep grade and the giant locomotive
was unable to hold it The brakemen
after having tightened every available
brake were compelled to jump for their
lives After a mad downward plunge of
three miles the train jumped the rails on
a bridge 50 feet high near Sevmour
The engine and all the cars plunged
down the canon The engine is the
largest freight engine in the world
No Hunting Allowed
We the uudersigned will not allow any hunt
ing on our farms or any land in our care
William Coleman
John Heinlein
M II Colo
Elmer Smith
George Howell
G H Siminerman
W M Gose
J W Corner
Li J Carothers
B H Wales
H R Corner
S C John
R Hair
F P Sherman
W S Bixler
W M Rozell
Pat Covle
Henry Corcoran
J F Smith
Thomas Whitmer
James Ryan
R J Traphagau
Eliza Ward
Joe Sanders
Jake Botz
W S Hamilton
W M Sharp
R E Divine
H B Wale
E Bair
II K Bixler
II S Wales
31 ike Coyle
Ed Osbaugh
August Droll
Great Crops Great Show
The management of the Nebraska
State Fair to be held at Lincoln Aug
ust 29th to September 5th assure the
public that the coming Fair will be the
largest and best ever held All space in
Buildings Ilalls and Stock Pens etc
on the grounds last year is now taken
and other building are being erected
There will be more representative ex
hibits and less fakes thsm ever before
Races will be of the highest order At
tractions will be instructive and amus
ing The occasion will be the grandest
for an unprecedented outing for pleasure
and profit Dont fail to embrace it
From Lakes to the Coast
Chicago Aug 11 Commencing No
vember 1 the Chicago Rock Island
Pacific railroad will run through trains
from the lakes to the Pacific coast Ar
rangements have made with the South
ern Pacific by which the Rock Island
trains will be tsiken over the formers
track from El Paso to the coast In order
to provide cars for this through service
ten complete trains must be built The
cars sixty in number are now under
construction and will be ready for deliv
ery in about sixty days The total cost
of the cars will be nearly 81500000
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Aug 11 1902
George Battg Frank McVey
Jake Black Asa Riggins
Mr Coniou Wm Riggs
Paul Darby Claud Salisbury
Clara Horton WGStarr
C A Lytic Nettie Ward
Jack Lytic
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
WlnffWM lilllMI IIIIIIMIIBW llHlllwtl
I -if
Its Mo42iei is Well
The baby is healthy because during the
period of gestation its mother used the
popular and purely vegetable liniment
Motlhes Friend
Mothers Friend is a soothing softening
relaxing liniment a muscle maker invig
orator and f rohuier It puts new power
iuto the back and hips of a coming mother
It is applied externally only there is
no dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs
io inward treatment at all
The stsite of the mother during gestation
may influence the disposition and future
of the child that is one reason why moth
ers should waLch their condition and
avoid pain Her health that of the child
and their lives depend on keeping free
from pain worry and melancholy Be of
good cheer strong of heart and peaceful
mind Mothers Friend can and will
make you so Bearing down pains morn
ing sickness sore breast and insomnia are
all relieved by this wonderful remedy
Of druggists at ioo per bottle
Send for our book flotherltood free
A resolution ordering tho replacing and con
struction and building of side walks along tho
north side of lot twolvo in block one tho eat
sjdo of lots live and six in bock three tho ea t
side of lot four in block twenty sixtho west side
of lots seven eight nine ten eleven and twelve
in block nineteen tho west side of lot eight in
block seven tho west sido of lot ten in block
twenty five tho south sido of tho west twenty
two feet or lot seven in block ninetoun the south
sido of lot seven in block nineteen commencing
twenty two feet east of southwest corner of said
lot and thence running east twenty two feet
the south sido of lot thirteen in block twenty
tho east sido of lots ono two and three in block
twenty two the west side of tho north eighteen
feet of lot seventeen in block tweuty soven the
west side of lot twelve in block twenty sevon
tho west sido of lot twelve in block twentj
two tho north side of the east Mxty sevon feet
of lot one in block tweutj -seven tho east sido of
lots one two and three in block two and the
north sido of lot one in block two all in tho or
iginal town of JIrCookalo along tho north
sido of lot one in block frnenty ix the east side
of lots four live and six in block nineteen and
the south side of lot six in block nineteen tho
east sido of lot one in block nine and the east
side of lot ono and of the north half of lot two
in block five all in the first addition to tho city
of McCook also along tho north side of lot
twelve in block thirty three tho north sido of
lot one in block thirty three and on tho west
sido of lots one wo and three of block thirty
all in the second addition to the city or McCook
Whereas it having been made apparent to
the mavor and city council of tho city of Mc
Cook that it is necessarv that tho sidewalks
hereinafter described and located shall be re
placed and that new sikowalks shall bo built
ami constructed at such locations and
Whereas tho owners of tho lots along which
said sidewalks aro located having failed and
neglected to replaco or to build and construct
now walks at such location
Therefore be it reolved by the major and
council of the city of McCook
1 That the sidewalks ts hereinafter located
and described bo and they are hereby ordered
replaced and that new sidewalks be built and
constructed at said locations of either brick
stone or concrete in the manner specified bj tho
the provisions of ordinanceNol7thc aid walks
to be of thi width hereinafter specified Tho
location of said walk and the width and length
required aro as follows to wit
Along the north side of lot twelve in block
one 1 IG feet of walk five feet in width
The east side of lots five and six in block
three 30u feet of walk live feet in width
The east side of lot four in block twenty six
50 feet of walk five feet in width
The wct side of lot seven eight nine ten
eleven and twelve in block niueteeu I5UG feet of
walk five feet in width
Tho west side of lot eight in block seven 50
feet of walk five feet in width
The westt ido of lot ten in block twenty five
50 feet of walk five feet in width
The south side of the west 22 feet of lot seven
in block nineteen 2n feet of walk live feet in
The south side of lot even in block nineteen
commencing twentv two feet ea t of tho south
west corner of said lot and extending thence
csi3t twentj -two feet 22 feet of walk five feet in
The south side of lot thirteen in block twenty
140 feet or walk ix feet in width
The east side of lot one in block twenty two
5G feet of walk live feet in width
The east bide of lots two and three in block
twenty two 100 feet of walk live feet in width
The west sido of the north eighteen feet of lot
number seventeen in block twenty seven IS feet
of walk fourteen feet in width
The west sido of lot twelve in block twenty
seven 25 feet of walk fourteen feet in width
The west side of lot twelve in block twenty
two twenty five feet of walk fourteen feet in
The north side of the east sixtv even feet of
lot one in block twenty seven TJ feet of walk
ten feet in width
Tho east side of lots one two and three
and the north side of lot one in block two 296
feet of walk live feet in width
All of tho foregoing being in the original
town of McCook
And aiso along the north side of lot one in
block twenty tix 146 feet of walk five feet in
The cast side of lots four five and six and the
south side of lot ix in block nineteen 295 feet
of walk five feet in width
The eat side of lot one in block nine 5G feet
of walk five feet in width
The east side of lot one and of the north half
of lot two in block live bl feet of walk live feet
in width
All in the first addition to the city of McCook
And also along the north side of lot twelve in
block thirty three 14G feet of walk live feet in
The north side o lot one in block thirty three
146 feet of walk five feet in width
The west side of lots one two and three in
block thirty 150 feet of walk live feet in width
All in the second addition to the city of Mc
2 That if said walks aro not replaced and
built and constructed within twenty days from
the publication of this resolution that the city
council shall enter into contracts and cause
said sidewalks to be replaced built and con
structed and shall levy a special tax to pay the
same on the lot or lot along which such side
walks are replaced built and constructed as
provided by odinance number 107
Adopted and approved this I3tli day of
AucusUD02 C E Eldhld Ma or
Attest C I Hall City Clerk
fiabtdles za Support Art
Tie government of Eavaria has
voted a considerable sum for the main
tenance of art institutions throughout
the kingdom during the coming year
The allowances for the purchase of
paintings and their preservation is
particularly liberal The various art
Institutes in Munich receive handsome
subsidies and the Germanic museum
in Nuremberg gets an increased allow
ance Various other institutions have
been voted large amounts for repairs
and maintenance These art allow
ances in all reach 3108163 marks
739741 Emil Heasel in Chicago I
Spec i al Remnant
H jm
All Were Saved
Of Summer Dress Goods You
will find on our dress goods
counter some extraordinary bar
gainsjn these remnants which
will repay you an early call
in advance fall styles and shapes
just arrived also a complete line
of purses to which we call spec
ial attention
Those beautiful silk striped
grenadines still going at 42c
Those serviceable Zephyr Ging
hams now per yard 10c
Those 60c 65c and 75c Work
Shirts a few left at 43c
For years I suffered untold ini ery from
Bronchitis writes J H John on of
ton Ga that often I was unable to work
Then when everv thing else failed I was wholly I
cured by Dr Kings New Dicovery
tion My wife suffered inten ely from asthma 1 1
until it cured her and all our eEirience
to show it is the be t croup medicine in the I
world A trial will convince you it i
valed for throat and lung
teed bottles COc and 10U McConnell Sz Berry i
Food doesnt digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
Its your liver Ayers Pills
are liver pills they cure dys
pepsia biliousness
25c AH druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then ue
RMPinMnUABJiQ nVCfprthe
50 cts or Druggists or R p l a
on Parasols and Umbrellas
Call often Phone 16
Naa t4 H
4 - T
how easily and quickly it does its work
and all wearing apparel lace curtains pready etc Operates in tub
boiler or pml Ince 1 prepaid to any adilrc m the L S M10
Lady agmts wantid J H LUDWICK Inventor and
M arufacturer McCOOK NEBRASKA
There is a pretty girl in an alpine hat
Asweeter girl in a sailor brim
But the handsomest girl jouU ever si e
Is the sensible girl who ues IJocky Moun
tain tea McConnell fc Berry
fhe President
Of the American Federation r Labor Union
8215 says I amusing Dr Caldwells Syrup
Pepsin myself and in m family anil find it does
lots of good ours truly George Campbell
Clinton Iowa Sold by A McMillen
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
in bulk Accept no substl
tute Ask your druggist
Physician and Druggists
Ford it Sturgeon a prominent drug firm at
Rocky Hill Station K writ We wen- re
quested by Dr G B Snigley to s end forllerlmie
for the benefit of our customer- We ordered
three dozen in December and we are glad to
say Heroine has given such great satisfaction
that we have duplicated this order three time-
and today we gave jour sale man another order
We beg to say Dr G B Snigley takes pleasure
in recommending Heroine 31 c bottle at A
This signature is on every box of tho genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
the remedy that cures a cold in one day
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
vorn 7
Wheat i
Oats 40
Rye 33
Hogs 7
Eggs 12V
Butter i5
There is So Much News
That even if it cninc by telegraph we over
look some r it I nt it a fact that you have
seen Dr Caldwells Sjrup Pepsin advertised
several times and have neglected to try it An
ounce of Dr Caldwell- Sjrup Pep in is as good
as a three week- vacation Ask any druggisr
or anyone who has taken it Sold by A Mc
Make tlic fires of life burn with a steady
glow Renews the golden happy days of yontli
Thats what Pocky Mountain Tea does 15 ct
MeConnill Ac Perry
Bargains in Hardware
A number of two burner
Gasoline Stoves at 325
A regular 300 Clothes
Wringer at 250
A few hundred feet of Rub
ber Hose at 10 cents per foot
A full line of Hay and Bun
dle Forks at a greatly reduced
All kinds of Tin Granite and
Galvanized Ware
The best and most complete
stock of Table and Pocket
Cutlery which we are selling
at the lowest possible figure
Also a full line of Steel
Ranges and Cook Stoves
Everything in the Hardware
Line at the lowest prices
f I