iVIcCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA 3 T DKIIX ILlXUKAIYId 4 Forest fires have inflicted a good deal of damage in Oregon The White house attic is being pre pared for servants quarters Secretary of War Root will open the republican campaign in Illinois Grain men say that the Kansas corn crop will reach 250000000 bushels Union Pacific strikers to the num her of about 400 paraded in Omaha Seventeen thousand Americans went to Canada in 1901 and 24000 in 1H02 Paul Vandervoort for many years a resident of Omaha died recently in Cuba There are 257006 names in the new city directory of Boston an in crease of 4722 over the number last year It has been definitely decided that no plays will be given at Bayreuth in 1903 but tho plays will be resumed in 1904 It is reported that the Chicago Mil waukee St Paul road has been bought in the interest of the Union Pacific The London City Council has sanc tioned largo extensions to the tram way system of London costing nearly 2000000 Word has been received of the death of Henry J Taylor a leading member of tve Iowa bar at Auckland New Zealand He was on a health seeking tour The interior department has estab lished a free telegraph school under the insular telegraph service The school will teach twenty five pupils all girls Reports from Portuguese West Africa where there have been rumors of troubles with the natives show that the distorders are assuming a grave character President Schwab of the steel cor poration has rented the ninth and tenth floors in the Arthur building New York for offices for which he pays 50000 rent annually Peter F Collier Son publishers of Colliers Weekly are said to be at the head of a 10000000 corporation which is being organized to buy a number of newspapers in New York state A special dispatch from Vienna says that the Servian cabinet which resigned on July 24 has ended the crisis which resulted from the resig nation by consenting to remain in office The corn beetle has dona immense damage to the crops in many districts in the government of Kherson Rus sia and in a large area of Bessarlsia Two hundred thousand acres have been ravished Professor J R McCall for twelve j oars professor of mechanical engin eering at the University of Ten nessee has resigned to accept a similar position with Purdue sity of Lafayette I A general order has been issued by General Miles commanding the army announcing the award of medals ofj honor and certificates of merit to of ficers and enlisted men for specially meretorious services The steamer Discovery has sailed from Nome with nearly 100 American miners engaged by the Northeastern Siberian company to begin the ex ploration of the Siberian coast for gold and other metals The bureau of insular affairs of the war department has been notified by Acting Governor Wright of the death of Sanford G Baker a clerk in the insular service at Manila who died on the 27th instant of Asiatic cholera The circulars for the iwc new bat tleships the Connecticut and the Louisiana were issued by the navy department Plans will be ready August 1 when the advertisement for bids for the Louisiana will be pub lished At a meeting of the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church South it has been decided to endeavor to raise a 50000000 endowment fund the in terest of which is to go tb superan nuated ministers widows and or phans After traveling for six months across the bleak steppes and frozen mountains of Siberia Harry de Windt of the London Daily Express reports that a railroad connecting the eastern and western hemispheres is a feasible project Commissioner General of Immigra tion Sargeant has sent to immigration officials throughout the country photo graphs of anaichists who have been expelled from Turkey and who are believed to be on their way to this country All the planters of the larger West Indian islands are talking of annexa tion to the United States owing to their dissatisfaction over the small amount of money contributed by tha imperial government to help the suga Industry TROOPS ASSAIL STRIKERS THROW ROCKS AT SOL DIERS AT SHENANDOAH ONE OF OFFENDERS ARRESTED Others Implicated In the Assault on Sentries Not Yet Apprehended The Situation In that District Becoming Strenuous SHENANDOAH Pa Aug 4 The entire Eighth regiment was called to arms last night a sa result of an at tack made by a band of men in am bush who threw stones at the troops now In camp on the plateau outside tho town These attacks are becom ing so frequent that Brigadier General Gobin has decided to adopt stern measures to end them Last night a double guard with ball cartridges sur rounded the camp and the sentries have been instructed that if the stone throwing is repeated they must shoot to kill and investigate affairs after wards One of the attacking party a Lithuanian named William Stoponltz is under arrest and is confined in the guard tent and the provost marshal is on the trail of others It is not known how many were in the crowd but the officers of the Eighth regi ment believe the number to have been more than a dozen The first attack according to Col onel Theodore F Hoffman was made at 1045 oclock at night Private Payne of Company I on sentry duty saw a party on the Mahaony City road which separates the camp of the Eighth regiment from the Twelfth He commanded the men to halt and called the corporal of the guard but before the latter could respond a shower of stones and rocks were thrown at the sentry One rock struck him on the chest knocking him down and causing his gun to fall from his hands He immediately jumped up and fired several shots in the air As he did so the men ran down the road and were pursued by several strangers The ontpost which had been stationed some distance from the camp heard the shots and one of the pickets captured Stoponitz as he came running down the road The others escaped The shooting aroused the whole camp and the Eighth regiment was put under arms and Companies B E and K were immediately out in skirm ish lines They beat the underbrush and laurel which is five or six fcV high all around the camp but they could find no one The regiment was then called to quarters and fifteen minutes later another shower of stones was thrown at the stable guard which is located south of the Eighth regi ment The guard turned out and three men were seen running along the road in the opposite direction from where the outpost was stationed The strangers were not pursued Shortly after 3 oclock yesterday morning the third and last attack was made and it was of such a nature that the bugler under orders from Colonel Hoffman sounded the whole regiment to arms This time the stable guard was again the object of the mysterious attack Stones in vol leys were thrown at the guard and at the sentries near by On account of the laurel underbrush and the darkness the soldiers could not see the offenders However the sentries fired a dozen shots into the underbrush but no one was hit Some of the bullets went whistling over the tents of the sleeping Twelfth regi ment across the road BATTLE IS STILL RAGING So Comes Word to Colombians in Washington WASHINGTON Aug 4 Battle still being fought desperately These were the words contained in a dispatch received at the Colombian legation to night from General Salazar the gov ernor of the department of Panama and were in answer to a message ask ing that official for information regard ing the contest which has been in progress since Tuesday at Agua Dulce when the Colombian revolutionists be gan to attack that place The officials here are anxiously awaiting additional news of this bat tle The understanding here is that the governments force of about 7000 men is engaged with a large portion of the revolutionsits who have in the department of Panama about 4000 men in all Scandal Among Explorer- Christiana Norway Aug 4 A dis patch to the Morgen Bladet from Tromsoe says that Captain Johannes sen of the steamship America which arrived at Honningsvag Baldwin August 1 with Evelyn B Baldwin the arctic explorer on board has ask ed to be examined before a marine court concerning incidents which oc curred on the America during the voy age of the Baluwin Zeigler arctic ex pedition FREAK OF ELECTRICAL STORM Cross Shaped Hole in the Ground More Than 100 Feet Deep TROY III Aug 2 During a severe electrical storm here a cross shaped fissure was formed In the ground near the school building one arm of which is forty feet long and about six inches wide and the other twenty feet long and six inches wide Elias Burke a carriage manufacturer whose estab lishment is in the vicinity discovered the freak of nature soon after the storm Where the arms of the cross con verge there is a hole two feet in diam eter and a line 150 feet long weighted with lead did not touch bottom The theory is advanced that a bolt of lightning entered the ground yet those in the vicinity assert that no unusual bolt of lightning was noticed during the storm SMITH IS IN SAN FRANCISCO General Declines to Say Anything for Publication SAN FRANCISCO Aug 2 General Jacob Smith arrived today from Ma nila on the transport Thomas Gen eral Smith declined to say anything for publication and would not even al low reporters to approach him Through his aide Lieutenant M H Shields General Smith said that he would not be interviewed as he did not care to subject himself to further criticism Major Davol of the transport serv ice delivered General Smiths order of retirement to him on board ship General Smith on landing went to the Occidental hotel and denied himself to all visitors Setting a Good Example What the Union Pacific is doing in engineering improvements is com mended to other companies that opera ate in parts of the country where no such difficulties are encountered as in the west Straight roads are economic roads and they invite traffic The wild yanks and alarming rolls to which passengers are subject on some of them cause train sickness which is a form of sea sickness and headache and they cause a rapid deterioration of cars and engines Those railroads make the best bid for patronage that promise not merely speed but con fort and steadiness is the more com fortable because it indicates security We have been eager to extend the mileage of this country Now we might show some expedition in reduc ing it by following the example of the Union Pacific in straightening nepdless turns and lowering or raising need less grades Brooklyn Eagle PLANS FOR NEW GUNBOATS Board of Construction of Navy De partment Holds Session WASHINGTON Aug 2 The board of construction of the navy depart ment had a meeting today and decid ed upon the general plans for the two new gunboats authorized by the last naval appropriation act They will follow very closely the Marietta type The displacement will be slightly in excess of that of the Marietta being 1050 tons as against 1000 in the case of the Marietta and this probably will decrease the speed with the same horse power 1000 in each case from thirteen knots to approximately twelve and a half The batteries will be identical with those of the Mari etta and the Wheeling six four inch guns four six pounders and two one pounders Court Martial for Penrose WASHINGTON D C Aug 2 An order was issued by the navy depart ment today for the trial by court martial of Passed Assistant Paymast er Charles W Penrose attached to the Michigan The officer is charged wih rendering false and fraudulent leturns of balances to his credit em bezzlement absence from station and Iuty and negligence in obeying ord ers The shortage in balances is said to amount to about 300 The court will meet on the 7th inst at Erie Pa Commander Perry Garst is its presi dent Miners Ordered Released CLARKSBURG W Va Aug 2 Judge Nathan Goff of the United States circuit court yesterday issued a writ of habeas corpus for Thomas Haggarty and other strike leaders sentenced to jail at Parkersburg by iiulge Jackson for violation of the in junction issued by him Judge Goff ordered the marshal to produce Thom as Haggerty and other prisoners here for appearance Tuesday of next week at 10 oclock Forty Four Sugar Vessels PHILADELPHIA Aug 2 Forty four steamships one of the largest fleets in the history of the sugar trade are now either on their way to the Delaware breakwater or are taking on cargoes in Java and within the next few weeks will land on the piers of the Atlantic coast refineries not less than 250000 tone of the raw pro duct All the ships are large mod ern carriers whose cargoes will avei age at least 5500 tons each PLANS FOR IRRIGATION State Engineer Dobson and Assistant Looking Over the Ground LINCOLN Aug 4 State Engineer Dobson and Assistant Forbes returned from a trip inspection through the Platte valley of eastern Wyoming and western Nebraska They made the trip with a view to ascertaining the el evation of the land in the various sec tions along the river preparatory to the formulation of plans for Irrigation work I am confident that if the govern ment builds reservoirs for irrigation in this section it would be better to have them in Wyoming than in Ne braska said Mr Dobson This of course is on account of the elevation of the land The conditions in the Platte valley between Guernsey and tho state line are more favorable to the storage of water than is Nebras ka Mr Dobson has been notified that Mr Mead chief of irrigation Investi gations of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture will be in Lin coln on August 7 to consider irriga tion matters It Is understood here that the investigation Mr Mead pro poses to make will be preparatory to the work of the government under the new irrigation law Mr Mead wrote as follows I expect to reach Lincoln on the 7th of August and would like to have a conference with you and such of your irrigation board as can be got together to talk over our work in connection with interstate and reparian rights I also wish on this trip to take up any other matters connected with our in vestigations which may be of general interest You can say that I come to Lincoln for a conference with you and that I intend to go on to the western part of the state to look after our In vestigations after the conference is over No Right to Transact Business LINCOLN Aug 4 Deputy Insur ance Auditor Babcock has addressed a letter to George H Work of Hast ings informing him that the Interna tional Agency company which has an office in the Rialto building inChicago is not authorized to do an insurance business in this state and that insur ers in the company can have no re sources through the courts for losses sustained An Elevator Burns BLOOMFIELD Neb Aug 4 The ele vator owned and operated here by The Farmers Grain and Live Stock associa tion was burned with its contents The fire is supposed to have been incendiary and the feeling here is intense toward the fiend who would commit such an outrage There were two cars burned one containing lumber and the other corn There were 1500 insurance on the elevator Omaha Aeronaut Injured SCOTIA Neb Aug 4 Prof Sam uel Murphy an Omaha aeronaut was badly burned here as he was ready to ascend his balloon catching fire In rescuing an assistant the profes sors hands were seriously burned His assistant was slightly burned The fine balloon was entirely con sumed More than a thousand people witnessed the accident Farmer Injured in Runaway MCOOL JUNCTION Neb Aug 4 While Thomas Reardon a pioneer farmer of York county was cutting a field of alfalfa his team of mules ran away and he narrowly escaped being killed He was taken from the field and carried to town where he receiv ed medical attendance and is reported to be much better Mysterious Disappearance STUART Neb Aug 4 James E Stewart for twenty years a resident of Holt county mysteriously dissap peared some days ago and has not been found He has recently suffered financial reverses that seemed to have affected his mind The horse he rode when going away has been found It is thought he has either suicided or wandered away Beatrice Canning Plant Sold BEATRICE Neb Aug 4 The Dempster Mill Manufacturing com pany has purchased the Lang Canning companys property adjoining the Dempster plant on South Sixth street the consideration being 4500 Beatrice Holdups Fined BEATRICE Neb Aug 4 Elmer Cain and Charles Pennington were fined 100 each for attempting to hold up Mrs John Marlow a prominent resident of this city Claims Damages for Husbands Death BEAVER CITY Neb Aug 4 Susan R Groathouse filed a petition in dis trict court suing Furnas county for 5000 damages as a result of the death of her husband who was drowned in a canyon south of Oxford July 1 The petition alleges that the county was negligent in the matter of the repair of a small bridge and that as a result the deceased came to his death The defense will he that Groathouse was in toxicated 8TATE FRUIT GROWERS MEET Nebraska Horticultural Society Con venes In Tecumseh TECUM SEH Neb AUKUSt 2 The summer meeting of the Nebraska State Horticultural society convened here with a large attendance The Chautauqua management turned the grounds over to the horticulturists from 10 to 4 oclock and at noon a basket dinner was spread The leading features of the program in the morning were the address ol welcome by Mayor Washington Robt and the response by President L M Russell of Lincoln for tho visitors Prof R A Emerson of Lincoln gave an address on Renovation of the Or chard H E Snodgrass of Johnson on Pruning the Orchard and H J Snyder of Auburn on The Growing of Small Fruit en the Farm After dinner ex Governor R W Furnas delivered an elaborate ad dress on the Life and Character ol J Sterling Morton in which he very fervently eulogized the memory of the father of Arbor day Mrs E G Jury of Tecumseh made some pertinent remarks on The Adornment of the Farm Home Dr Hungate of Weeping Water gave his experience with 1000 strawberry plants and C S Harrison of York gave his on The Growing of Evergreens from Seed Mrs O A Corbin of Tecumseh told of Small Fruits for Profit and the Home Table and Prof Lawrence Bruner of the State university lectur ed on Bugs YOUNG FARMER A SUICIDE Wealthy Bohemian Hangs Himself at His Home BEATRICE Neb August 2 Frank Pribble a young farmer who lived three miles south of Odell was found dead on his place He had hanged himself He was one of tne wealthi est Bohemians in the county owning pearly 500 acres of land in the vicin ity of his home No cause for the act is known unless a brief illness can be said to have caused a tempo rary fit of insanity Mr Pribble left home at daybreak telling his wife that he would return in two hours but if he did not she need not worry about him He said fie was going to see a neighbor He did not return and a search at 10 oclock revealed his body hanging to a tree with a bullet hole in the head As no revolver was at first found it was believed to be a case of murder Later the revolver was discovered in a field nearby It is believed he shot nimself and the bullet failing to kill tie walked some distance to a fence and hanged himself to a tree Bountiful Harvest at Lexington LEXINGTON Neb Aug 2 Oats are very heavy and will yield from sixty to eighty bushels per acre The prospects for the best corn crop ever grown here are assuring Fall wheat is yielding from thirty to fifty five bushels per acre No spring wheat threshing has been done yet Two ieavy crops of alfalfa have been cut with the prospects for two more There is a large number of land sales being made land ranging in price from 20 to 50 Railroads Buy Lands FREMONT Neb August 2 The Union Pacific and Elkhorn railroad companies have made arrangements for acquiring title to all the land they need for the new union station without naving to resort to condemnation pro ceedings and as soon as a few defects in titles can be fixed up will commence to clear the ground The buildings Df the Fremont fence factory will be moved to make room for the station Goes Through a Bridge EAGLE Neb August 2 Theodore Wachter had a narrow escape Sun day afternoon While crossing a bridge that was in bad condition a plank broke letting the horse fall nearly twelve feet bruising it up quite badly He escaped by jumping Found Dead in His Shop WEST POINT Neb August 2 Au gust Hichultz of Aloys was found dead in his blacksmith shop having taken strychnine the evening before with suicidal intent Dies in New Mexico NEBRASKA CITY Neb August 2 I B Manson received a telegram announcing the death of his wife at Las Vegas X M where she has been for the past year for her health Increase Elevators Capacity THAYER Neb Aug 2 P Van Wickle owner of several elevators in York county is building large addi tions to each elevator Mr Van Wickle says that the crop in York county will be the largest in the his tory of the county and that he as well as other elevator owners are obliged to increase their elevator ca pacity so as to be able to handle the large crop now about harvested The Only Qualification Tho Bald Eagles says the Kansas City Journal Is the latest secret awl fraternal organization at Carthage The only qualification to membership is a closely cropped or shaven bald head The society will enjoy a brlof popularity Cold weather will drive its members to cover An Anecdote of Dumas Anecdotes of the older Dumas abound at tho present moment tho celebration of the centenary of his birth having led to a general search lamong reminiscences The following js very characteristic of the great jwriter Dumas it is well known Hvas often in financial difficulties and was well acquainted with the ways and methods of bailiffs One day a person called upon him and asked him to subscribe 20 francs toward the ex pense of hurrying a bailiff Twenty francs to bury a bailiff quoth Du mas Well Im not in funds just now but heres 40 francs Go and bury a couple Paris Daily Messen ger Not Dependent on a Single Train The New York Central Lines have whole flying batteries of trains con necting the centers of population and the gateways of commerce Few of us are really as much used up as we deserve to be INSIST ON OKTTINO IT Some grocers Bny they dont keep De fiance Starch becautc they have a stock1 in hand of 12 oz brands which thev knowV cannot be sold to a customer who has once used the 10 oz pkg Deliance Starch for same money A School Teacher Seventy Six Years Mrs Marcia L Fletcher of Clare mont N H has been a teacher seventy-four years Since 1828 when but 1G she taught a district school in hen town Cornish No man whose work is good has too much on hand at once Stops tho Cough unil AVorkH OfT the Cohl Laxative Bronio Quinino Tnblbte PrieoSSc Knight3 Pythias Biennial Meeting For this gathering in San Francisco In August next excursion tickets will be sold via the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Ry from Chicago to San Francisco or Los Angeles for 50 for the round trip with final return limit September 30 The Chicago Milwaukee StPaul1 railway is the Short Line between Chicago and Omaha Two through trains daily in each direction with th3 best Slecpinc Car and Dining Car Service and all regular travelers know- and appreciate the merits of tho Chi cago Milwaukee St Paul Railways Short Line between the East and tho West Time tables maps and information furnished on application to F A Mil ler General Passenger Agent Chicago Onions are a preventive and often- times a cure for malarial fever mm E wMmSkx mm lwuv nhg5gfr r a SUES COOmalia Nobr No Ifeo Uiilosrt Sut coHHfal 1u ten Is Bold Advice free - JUNIPER BITTERS Relieve All Distress of tne Stomach and Periodi cal fioruers FLAVOR UNSURPASSED Sold Everywhere CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO Omaha Nob WefWork r HL ilVf t v lHr KS 1 5 lPJSoirififjfeS 1 ttt jB baa no terrors tor the man w ho w iiirs SAWYERS EXCELSIOR BRAND Suits and Slackers Warranted waterproof Gt tb p urn Lock for tradr curt If tout rjeait r dwint i tlicni iv rite for to M SAWYEIl fc SON noir jiin Eat Curabrlilcc ilnfltu ED U CATION AL THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME INDIANA FULL COURSES IN Classics Letters Eco nomics and History Journalism Art Science Pharmacy Law Civil mechanical and BteC trlcal Enzlneerlngr Architecture Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses Rooms Free to all students who have com pleted the 6tudles required for admission laic the Junior or Senior Year of any of the Collei ate Courses Roams to Rent moderate charge to students over seventeen preparing for Colleg late Courses A limited number of Candidates for the Eccle siastical state will be received at special rates St Edwards Hall for bovs under 13 vears Is unique in the completeness of Its rjulpmeit The 59th Year will open September 9 1902 Catalogues free Address REV A MORRISSEY C S C President ST MARYS ACADEMY NOTRE DAME INDIANA One mile west of the University of Notre Dame Thorough KnKllsh and Clascal Education including Greek Latin French and German On completing the full cour e of studies students receive the Kenralar CoIIetIat Decreet The Conservatory of Music Is conducted on the plan of tho best Classical Conservatories or Europe The Art Department Ls modelled aftr the best Art Schools of Europe Preparatory and Minim Departments Pu pils are here carerully prepared for the Aca demic ana Advanced Courses Gvmnasiam un der direction of Graduate of Boston Normal School of Gymnastics Bookkeeping Phohoz rnphy and Typewriting extra Every varietyof ancy Needlework taught For catalogue ad dress DRECTRE53 CF THE ACADEMY NsXreDaePOlIosa V