s fc r S CONGRESSMAN F1TZPATB1CK Says is a Splendid Ca tarrhal Tonic Congressman T T Fitzpatrick g Hon T Y Fitzpatrick Congressman from Kentucky writes from the Na tional Hotel Washington D C as fol lows At the solicitation of a friend I used your Peruna and can cheerfully recom mend your remedy to anyone suffering with catarrh or who needs a good tonic T Y FITZPATRICK A Good Tonic is a natural and efficient nerve tonic It strengthens and re stores the activity of every nerve in the hody Through the use of the weakened or overworked nerves resume their natural strength and the blood vessels begin at once to regulate the flow of blood according to natures laws Congestions immediately disappear Catarrh Cured All phases of catarrh acute or chronic are promptly and permanently cured It ia through its operation upon the nervous system that has at tained such a world wide reputation as a sure and reliable remedy for all phases of catarrh wherever located If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giring a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice free Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O iDofMelli SPOO I SIIsK Gortieelli Bilk sows smoothly it is always even in size and always full length and full strength As Corticelli co3ts you ICO mOKE than poor silk why dont you buy it Ask your dealer for Corticelli Made by ConxlCEixi Silk Hills Floiiejjck Mass ALL WRIGBT FORMORE THAN HALF A CENTURY iiffiSfB 3S b7A FOR WEAK INFLAMED YES AND EYELIDS Price 25 Cents All Druggists WEIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL CO NewYorffe reiThQmpsons Eye Wafer mSsxSSxS I L1BSY bssicheofis We eoo tho prolactin kej openlmr cans Tarn a ktfand 7cm find tho meat eiuctlj as It left ti Wo pat them up in thi way Potted Ham Beet ami Tongue Ox Tonsue whole Veal Loaf DcrlkdUam Brisket Beef Sliced Smoked Beet All Natural Flarar foods Palatable and wholesome Your ffrocer should bars them Llbby McNeill llbby Chlcaso How to llxxx Good Tntsas to Eat wUl Detent froo If 70a uk u fiWH m pig fkvLia wmtm The Worlds Letter Writers People who speak English write two thirds of the letters of the world says Bradstreets There are substan tially 500000000 persons speaking col loquially one or the other of the ten or twelve chief modern languages and of these about 25 per cent or 125000 000 persons speak English About 90000000 speak Russian 75000000 German 55000000 French 45000000 Spanish 35000000 Italian and 12000 000 Portuguese and the balance Hun garian Dutch Polish Flemish Bohe mian Gaelic Roumanian Swedish Finnish Danish and Norwegian Thus while only one quarter of those who employ the facilities of the postal de partments of civilized governments speak as their native tongue English two thirds of those who correspond do so in the English language There are for instance more than 20000 postoflices in India the business of which in letters and papers aggre gates more than 300000000 a year and the business of these offices is done chiefly in English though of Indias total population which is nearly 300 000000 fewer than 300000 either speak or understand English Parry is an Early Riser David McLean Parry of Indianap olis president of the National Asso ciation of manufacturers was born on a farm near Pittsburg He rises at 530 a m and is at his office desk at 645 every morning The Big Ice Cream Bill Statistics are not available but we as a nation are adicted to ice cream to an extent almost beyond belief says the New York Press One company in New York the largest and most im portant in the country sells something like 100000 quarts a day Its capital stock is only 40000 and all of its of ficers and directors are millionaires Eighteen or twenty other companies do a large business besides which there are numberless confectionery shops which make their own and dish it out in a small way over the counter Pos sibly the daily consumption in Greater New York is 200000 quarts and the average price is 30 cents to the con sumer This makes our ice cream cost us 60000 a day or nearly 22000000 a year This is an English Joke A story heard in the house of com mons is of some ones meeting Sid Wilfrid Lawson the temperance leader and radical and asking him Well Lawson what do you feel about the war Whereupon Sir Wilfrid re plied I try to feel about it as our Captain Christ would wish us to feel Ah rejoined the other in a disgust ed tone I might have guessed that youd be a pro Boer Couldnt Straighten Up Breed Wis June 16th Charles F Peterson of this pl ce Justice of the Peace for Oconto County tells the fol lowing story For years I had an aching pain in my back which troubled me very much especially in the morning I was almost unable to straighten my back and the pain was unbearable I did not know what it was but seeing an advertisement of Dodds Kidney Pills I concluded to try a box I can only say that that one box alone has done me more good than anything ese ever did I feel as well now as ever I was I have recommended Dodds Kid ney Pills to several others who are using them with good results Mr Peterson is a highly respected man and one who would not so posi tively make a statement unless it was absolutely true A woman always keeps a large warm spot in her heart for the first man who discovered she was good looking PIsos Cure cannot oe too highly spoken of no a cough cure J W OBkiek 822 Third Ave N Minneapolis Minn Jan 6 1000 The life founded on truth in prin ciple and in practice can never be over thrown Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in tho Childrens HoiaoinNew York Cures Foverishness Bad Stomach Teething Dis orders move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials At nil drugpists 25c Sample FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeKoy N Y When a man is accused of leading a dogs life it may be an insult to the dog Clear white clothes are a sign that the housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue Large oz package 5 cents When a man contracts expensive habits his income needs expanding A Place to Spend the Summer On the lines of the Milwaukee Rail way in Wisconsin Minnesota and Iowa are some of the most beautiful places in the world to spend a summer vaca tion camping out or at the elegant summer hotels Boating fishing beautiful lakes and streams and coo weather Okoboji is the nearest of these re sorts but all are easily reached from Omaha and the round trip rates this summer are lower than ever before Full information on application F A NASH Genl Western Agent C M St P Ry 1504 Farnam St Omaha Suddenly It Injures the nervous system to do so Use BACO CURO and it will tell you when to stop as it takes away the desire for tobacco You have no right to ruin your health spoil your digestion and poison your breath by using the filthy weed A guarantee in each box Price f Df 4Uia ln ffn ttO Art lafll n a4 Aa SiSESKMfliad Jluu Hcl uua ui mi cd uuAca iui t yj mm guui amce ID cure Ol money refunded At all good Druggists or direct from us Write for free booklet EUREKA CHEEWiCAL CO - La Crosse Wis Vaen Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Taper W N U Omaha iJlkfS MMtnE ALL ELSE nt Cacsh firruD Tate No 251902 JsMMzmSm Tails ga In time Bold by dropclste mi iui mi I J 1 1 II MB II Hi llltfl A perfectly well man may possess an invalid better half Henry A Salzer the Wisconsin seedsman gives the last thousand dol lars to wipe out the debt of the La Crosse Y M C A No man on earth can love his neigh bor as himself if he has a garden and the aforesaid neighbor keeps chickens THE VISION OF JACOB SACRED SPOT IS NOW A DESOLATE HEAP OF RUINS One of tho Olcieir Hollost and Most Interesting Site Referred To In Christian History Stono Which Hcrvod na u lllow It is strange that some of the relig ious organizations which are fighting among one another over the posses sion of bogus or doubtful places asso ciated with Scriptural events do not take possession of Bethel one of the oldest holiest and most interesting of all the sites referred to in Christian history It is now called Betin and is an abandoned and desolate heap of ruins with a few miserable hovels occupied by wretched families of Bed ouins who herd the sheep and goats upon the neighboring hills writes Wil liam E Curtis in the Chicago Record Herald The hill called Bethel is a conspicu ous place rising several hundred feet from the plain and visible for a con siderable distance There are several ancient tombs marble columns and other pieces of dressed stone some of them bearing inscriptions and others showing evitlences of elaborate carv ing scattered about the fields in the vicinity and near the summit of the hill is a remarkable circle of large blocks of stone which the Moslems say is the place where King Jeroboam set up the golden calves for the Is raelites to worship and brought down upon himself the wrath of Jehovah There is also the foundation of a large square tower called Burj Betin by the natives and like the reservoir its origin is lost in the mist of the ages It was probably built by the Cru saders The Moslems say that it marks the spot where Jacob slept that night when he saw the angels on the ladder and when God made with him the greatest covenant ever made with man and said I am the Lord God of Abra ham thy father and the God of Isaac the land whereon thou liest to thee will I give it and to thy seed and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed And Jacob rose up early in the morning and took the stone that he had used for his pillow and set it up for a pillar and poured oil upon the top of it and he called the name of that place Bethel And yet the place where this occurred is not only neglected but absolutely abandoned and no one has thought it worth while to erect a monument here since the days of the Crusaders The stone which Jacob used for a pillow is supposed to be the seat of the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey and Edward VII will sit upon it when he receives the crown and scepter of the British empire next June This stone is said to have been taken to Ireland by one of the early Christian missionaries and the kings of Ireland were crowned upon it it was then carried to Scotland and was the throne of the Scottish kings for centuries and finally in the reign of Edward the Confessor it was brought to London and has since been in Westminster Abbey Gen Winfield Scotts Variety Besides being a royal gourmand and a person of unusual size Gen Win field Scott was probably as vain a man as may be discovered outside of the realm of literature Gen Keyes au thor of Fifty Years Observation was reading to him an article on Henry Clay in which the size of Clays mouth was referred to and the writer had added that Burke Mira beau and Patrick Henry all had mouths of extraordinary size conclud ing with the remark All great men have large mouths exclaimed the general why my mouth is not above three fourths the size it should be for my bulk The Khedive and the Itascal Even to the adventurers and down right swindlers who hung about his court at Cairo and afterward pursued his wanderings Ismail extended a good natured half contemptuous pa tronage He liked a rogue far better than a fool Once when he had for mally forbidden his door to a flagrant offender the man who knew his char acter got a ladder and climbed into the viceroys room remarking I have obeyed your highness commands and I have crossed your threshold by the window and not by the door The humor of the thing at once appealed to Ismail and the offender was reinstat ed in his favor A Forgetful Diplomat Viscount De Alte the new Portu gese minister to this country comes from a distinguished family which has for generations been in the diplo matic service of Portugal He re signed as charge daffaires in St Pe tersburg to accept his new post It will be remembered that his predeces sor Viscount Thyrso was suddenly recalled last autumn because through an unfortunate set of circumstances he announced to his government the death of President McKinley two days before the event occurred Veterans In Tennesiee Tennessee now has 1445 names on its state pension roll of old soldiers and the total amount paid to them in the last year was 149220 No more names can be added unless the legis lature increases the appropriation The pensioners are divided into three classes the first receive 300 a year each the second 200 and the third S100 Cupid believes in homeopathy at least he heals with another arrow the wound made by one of his darts Lndlos Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allens Foot Ease a powder It makes tight or new shoes easy Cures swollen hot sweating aching feet ingrowing nails corns and bunions All druggists and shoe stores 21c Trial package FREE by mail Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y Measure a man by his every day con duct rather than by his extraordinary exertions WHERE DOCTORS FAIL To Cure Womans Ills Lydia E Piuklianis Vegetable Com- Succeeds Mrs Paulino Soimd udson Writes u Dear Mrs Pkjkiiam Soon after my marriage two years ago I found myself in constant pain The doctor said my womb was turned and this caused the pain with considerable in flammation He prescribed for me for 1 WmS w I h k Vx f V id MRS PAULINE JUDSON Secretary of Schormerhorn Golf Clab Brooklyn New York four months when my husband became impatient because I grew worse instead of better and in speaking to the drug gist he advised him to get Iydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash How 1 wish I had taken that at first it would have Bayed me weeks of suffering It took three long months to restore me but it is a happy relief and we are both most grateful to you Your Compound has brought joy to our home and health to me Mrs Pauuxe Judson 47 Iloyt Street Brooklyn N Y 95000 fcrfslt If above testimonial le not genuine It would seem by this state ment that women would save time and much sickness if they would get Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at once and also write to Mrs Pinkham at Jjynn Mass for special ad Vice It is free and always helps jmdwtimmit trTP mqu mi M W iniiwriuwui B0 IT Over 2000000 people are now buy ing goods from us at wholesale prices saving 15 to 40 percent on every thing they use You can do it too Why not ask us to send you our 1000 pago catalogue it tells the story Send 15 cents for it today A iff a m H3 TcmMs 25on 5 TON CHICAGO The house that tells the truth BECKMAN BROS IS WHAT YOU CAN SAVE We make all kinds ol scales J - 1 III ll II I Also BB Pumps J8 and Windmills DES iVOINES IOWA Louisville Ky To Preserve5 Purifs and Beautify 1 he SkBn5 Hands asid Hair cuuciiFa ofhiaig Equals MILLIONS of WOMEN Use CUTICURA SOAP assisted by Coticura Ointment the great skin cure for preserving purifying and beautifying the skin for cleansing the scalp of crusts scales and dandruff and the stopping- of falling- hair for softening- whitening- and soothing- red roug h and sore hands for baby rashes itchings and chafings in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations or too free or offen sive perspiration in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women especially mothers and for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery No other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving purifying and beautifying the skin scalp hair and hands No other foreign or domestic toilet soap however expensive is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE the BEST skin and complexion soap and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world COMPLETE TREATMENT FOR EYERY HUMOUR 1 Consisting of Clticdka Hoap C25c to clennhc tho Pkin of crusts anl wales and t often the thickened cuticle Cltkuija Ointmknt Wo to instantly allay itching Inflammation and irritation and fcootne ana neat an olticlka kesuivent pills r i THE SPT l ami cleanse the blood A SINGLE bET is often btillicicnt tocurcithu j a va mt torturing dUtiguring and humiliating bkin t calp and blood humours with lo of hair when all else fall Sold throughout the world IJritirili Uepot I IS Charterhouse Sq London French Depot 5 Hue de la Jai- Paris rornit Duug aki Culm Coup Sole Props Uohton U S A Cuticuua Rfsolvent PrLLS Chocolate Coated are a new taMeleso odourless econom ical eutiFtitutc for the celebrated liquid Clticuha Resolvent an well w for all other blood purifiers and humour curie Kuch wJl is equiaent to one ttasnocnful cf liquid Insolvent Pat up in pocket viala containing 60 doses price JOc HlftettilM XL JTS iESSfjfej Health will come with all its blessings to those who know Uic way and it is mainly a ques tion of right living with all the term implies hut the efforts which strengthen the system the games which refresh anil the foods which nourish are important each in a way while it is also advantageous to have knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from unsani tary conditions To assist nature when nature needs assistance it is ali important that the medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and the one remedy which acts most beneficially and pleasantly as a laxative is Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char acter and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs gladness and comfort come to the heart and if one would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con stipated condition of the system take Syrnp of Figs and enjoy freedom from the acbes and pains the colds and headaches and the depression due to inactivity of the bowels In case of any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician but when a laxative is required remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs It is for sale by all reliable druggists Price fifty cents per bottle The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial effects of the plants used in the combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative All the members of the family from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use it whenever a laxative is needed and share alike in its beneficial effects We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of known value but it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that it acts gently and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions in any way as it is free from every ob jectionable quality or substance To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine and the full name of the Co California Fig Syrup Co is printed on the front of every package mi AEFWnA WlfWF f Zsz San Francisco Cal New York N Y 1 iorfvoi