The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 20, 1902, Image 6

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Roosevelt Not to Let His Political
Prospects Interfere with His Plain
Duty Our Relations with Cuba
Must NceeGsarily Grow Closer
WASHINGTON June 13 After
talking with a numher of the leaders
in congress regarding Cuban reciproc
ity President Roosevelt yesterday de
termined to send a message to con
gress reaffirming his attitude on the
The president has earnestly consid
ered the matter for several day3 and
it is stated that the action of the
anti reciprocity republican senators
yesterday in deciding to hold out
against the policy advocated by the
majority of the party did not influ
ence the president in the least in de
ciding to transmit his message to
congress today
The presidents action it may be
stated from sources close to him was
influenced by the broad proposition
of the duty of the United States to
Cuba and of fairness to the new re
It has been pointed out to the pres
ident that his warmest political sup
port is in the section of the country
where there is the greatest opposition
to reciprocity tho west and north
west and that he should remain con
tent with the stand he had taken
without accentuating his views in a
special message
It is known however that the
president did not hesitate to arrive
at the conclusion that he would not
let his political prospects interfere
with what he regarded as his plain
duty It is further known that he
told his friends that it was a source
of great regret to him to take a posi
tion hostile to the wishes of his
warmest supporters hut that he felt
it would not be in keeping with his
own nature and his position of chief
executive to longer remain silent on
this subject and thereby given an op
portunity for false speculation as to
his attitude
The president was further led to
conclude that the relations of the
United States and Cuba must neces
sarily grow closer and that the Unit
ed States should not at the outset
after its declared purposes toward
the island assume a position contrary
thereto and thus arouse the suspicions
of the Cuban government as to our
real intentions toward it
It is stated that the presidents pos
itive declaration in his message as to
the duty of congress probably will
end his active efforts to hring about
Result Marks the End of an Arduous
and Uphill Campaign
WASHINGTON June 14 The ex
pected happened yesterday when the
house passed the irrigation hill by a
comfortable majority This result
which is so gratifying to the advo
cates of the reclamation of the arid
land regions gave the subject an ina
nimation of one of the most remark
able contests in the present session
of congress President Roosevelts
recommendation for legislation look
ing to the reclamation of the arid
land regions gave the subject and im
petus early in the session and it was
generally predicted at the time that
the hill drafted ly the friends of ir
rigation would he one of the first
placed upon the statute hooks The
hill passed the senate without a roll
call and then it was that the leaders
of the house decided to consign it to
the graveyard of legislative hopes
For a time the prospect looked dark
hut a careful campaign was made and
the result of it was the passage of
the bill yesterday in the face of the
determined opposition on the part of
potential leaders of the house
Thanks Roosevelt and Congress
CHEYENNE Wyo June 14 The
Cheyenne Board of Trade tonight pass
ed resolutions thanking Wyomings
representatives in congress for their
efforts in securing the passage of the
irrigation bill and President Roose
velt for his kindly co operation
River and Harbor Bill Signed
president today signed the river and
harboi bill
Colonel Ayme Coming Home
BASSE TERRE Island of St Chris
topher St Kitts June 14 Colonel
Louis H Ayme the United States con
sul at Guadelope George Kennan the
well known traveler Prof Angelo
Heilprln president of the Philadelphia
Geographical society and Mr Varian
and Mr Jaccacci arrived here yester
day from Fort De France Martinique
on the steamer Fontabelle which will
leave tomorrow for New York All
are in good health
Bitterness Among Leaders is Against
France and Germany
PRETORIA June 13 Reports
fro i all the districts say that the
burghers are increasingly friendly
The only bitterness observable among
tho leading Boers here is against
France and Germany They declare
tho war was prolonged unnecessarily
towing to hopes held out by tho French
and German press
Some of the Boers ate so incensed
that they have expressed the hop
hat srme day they will fqht on tho
side of the British aguiuot one of
these powers
The anticipated friction between the
surrendered Boers and thtir former
comrades of the national scouts has
not materialized to any extent
The Boers admit that they receiv
ed ammunition through Pjrtuguese
General Dewet says the youngsters
ere his best fighters ani lieuuently
ield positions after the older burgh
ers had cleared out
Company Asks Conduit Privileges in
San Francisco
The first actual move in the direction
of establishing cable communication
from San Francisco to Honolulu and
Manila was made today when the Com
mercial Pacific Cable company asked
the supervisors for permission to use
the streets for a conduit from the pro
posed landing at the western end of
Fulton street to the companys office
in the Hobart building on Market
street near Montgomery
The petition asserts that it is the
intention of the promoters to lay and
operate a submarine cable between
San Francisco and Honolulu and Ma
nila and that the enterprise will be
ready for operation in November of
this year Work on the project has al
ready begun it is declared and the
laying of cable will begin within nine
ty days
Wrecked on Northern Coast of Aus
tralia and Only One Escapes
VICTORIA B C June 13 Accord
ing to advices received by the steam
er Aorangi a Malayan sailor recently
arrived at Port Darwin and reported
that he was the only survivor of a
crew of ten men of a Malay trading
schooner which had been wrecked off
Cape Wilberforce North Australia
The crew was attacked by blacks
and all but one murdered The sur
vivor suffered severely from privation
before being rescued
The Dutch bark Geertruida Gerar
da which left Java March 22 in bal
last for Newcastle was thrown on
its beam ends and abandoned at sea
by all but three of its crew who were
rescued by the steamer St Mary The
remainder of the crew has not been
heard of since
Bey of Tunis is Dead
TUNIS June 13 Sidi Ali the bey
of Tunis died this morning
Sidi Ali was born October 4 1817
He was the son of Sidi Ahsin and
succeeded his brother Sidi
October 27 18S2 The de
ceased bey is succeeded by his son
Mohammed who was born in 1855
The reigning family of Tunis nas
occupied the throne since 1691
Train Blown Off Track
CORWITH la June 13 A torna
do struck an empty excursion train
on the Iowa Central five miles east
of here last night and blew three
cars from the track while the train
was running thirty miles an hour
leaving the engine and the two last
coaches on the track No one was
Woman a City Treasurer
KANSAS CITY Mo June 13 Mrs
Lilliam J Adams was today appoint
ed treasurer of Kansas City Kan
by Mayor Craddock to succeed her
Earthquakes in Ecuador
GUAYAQUIL Ecuador June 13
Violent earthquakes have been felt
during the last fortnight at Tulcan
a town near the Colombian frontier
Miss Nye to Wed
LARAMIE Wyo June 13 Cards
have been received here announcing
the marriage of Miss Bessie daughter
of the late William Bill Nye
Morgan Goes to Venice
LONDON June 13 J Pierpont
Morgan left London this afternoon for
Venice by way of Paris
Morgan Losing No Time
NEW YORK June 13 A London
dispatch to the Tribune says that
while many positive statements re
specting the British anti Morgan ship
ping combination are printed it is
probable that nothing will be done
until the conference of imperial pre
miers meets Morgan is not wasting
time in London however and ship
ping men and colonial officers confess
that he may succeed in obtaining con
trol of the Cunard interests
Victims Numbered Three Hundred of
Whom but Few Are Spared It is
Said the Mexicans Began Attack by
Pouring Volley Into Indian Camp
TUCSON A T June 12 Colonel
William Christy president of the Val
ley bank Phoenix arrived here today
from Brietas Sonora with details of
a massacre of Yaqul Indians men
women and children yesterday in tho
Santa Rosa canyon sixty five miles
from the Minas Prletas mines by a
detachment of General Torres troops
It appears that the Ynqui forces that
were operating In that section had
moved forth into the mountains leav
ing their women and children in Santa
Rosa canyon under a guard of eighty
men Tho Mexican troops came upon
this camp and without any warning
opened a terrible fire sparing neither
women nor children After the first
volley the troops charged down upon
the panic stricken victims and massa
cred all within their reach Of th
guard of eighty Yaquis not a single
one survived and over 100 women and
children fell victims to the Mexican
bullets and bayonets
The bodies of the dead were left in
the canyon and the remaining women
and children were driven to Minas
Prietas by the soldiers and from that
point will be taken to Hermosillo
The Mexican soldiers and rurales
haxe explicit orders to take no Yaqui
men prisoners but to kill in all cases1
This orders was illustrated yesterday
when a friendly Yaqui miner camo
down to Prietas for supplies and was
killed by the rurales on the outskirts
of the town
Colonel Christy says the massacre
occurred at daybreak Monday morn
ing The troops were of Torres com
mand but not under him personally
and numbered 600 The Yaquis in
cluding men women and children
were over 300 The canyon in which
the Yaquis were camped was a long
and narrow one
Word wa3 brought to Torres at Mi
nas Prietas Sunday night that the
main body of Yaquis had left the
Santa Rose canyon and gone further
into the mountains leaving their
women and children in the canyon
with a small guard of men Torres
dispatched 600 troops to block the
mouth of the canyon and surrounded
the Yaquis His instructions were to
kill all men and boys capable of bear
ing arms
The men secreted themselves along
the sides of the canyon having
blocked the entrance At daylight
they poured a terrible and deadly fire
on the unsuspecting Yaquis killing
men women and children indiscrim
inately Many of the killed were
mere infants The slaughter Christy
says was fearful The Mexican troops
only stopped their fearful work of
shooting and bayoneting their victims
when exhausted from their labors
Convicts Are Surrounded
SALEM Ore June 12 At 7
oclock this evening Tracy and Mer
rill the convicts who escaped from
the Oregon prison Monday after kill
ing three guards are surrounded in
a tract of timber probably 200 acres
in extent one mile east of Gervais
Marion county Two companies of
national guard and about 100 citizens
all heavily armed surround the tim
ber and the escape of the convicts
now seems impossible
President Francis Executes a Contract
to that Effect
ST LOUIS June 12 President
Francis has been authorized by the
exposition directors to sign a contract
with Leslie M Shaw secretary of
the treasury in which the worlds
fair management pledges itself not
to operate the fair on Sunday at any
This action was taken as the result
of a letter from Secretary Shaw re
questing the company to comply with
the section of the federal act appro
priating 5000000 which stated that
a condition of payment of this was
that the company execute a contract
The secretary notified the company
that none of the vouchers of the na
tional commission for salaries or ex
penses would be allowed until the
contract was signed
Million Acres Open in Texas
FORT WORTH Tex June 12
Over 1000000 acres of Texas school
lands have been thrown on the mar
ket by the recent decision of the state
supreme court holding that renewal
of school lease to cattlemen was il
Safe Blowers Work
Robbers blew open the safe of the
Bank of Fountain at Fountain Colo
fifteen miles from tnls city last night
Speoial Ambassaor Made Doctor of
Laws by Cambridge University
CAMBRIDGE England June 11
iThe degree of doctor of laws was con
ferred this afternoon on Whitelaw
Reid the special ambassador of tho
United States to the coronation of
King Edward by Cambridge univer
sity The public orator John Edwin
Sandis referred to Mr Relds previ
ous official visit to England and his
return on the equally auspicious oc
casion of tho coronation Mr Reid
said the orator had also distinguish
ed himself as ambassador of the Uni
ted States to Franco and as the edi
tor of Talleyrands memoirs while
for the last thirty years he had ably
conducted the New York Tribune
with which he had initiated and long
continued a fund for giving the boon
of fresh country air to poor children
Mr Reid embodied the humanity
kindly feeling and friendship of his
country and was thus entitled to a
hearty welcome not only for his own
sake but also for that of the great
transatlantic republic which he so
worthily represented
Balfour Says Kitchener Did Not En
ter Into Concealed Plans
LONDON June 11 The sugges
tion that Lord Kitchener with the
connivance of the government enter
ed into a secret compact with tho
Boers to induce them to surrender
was denied by the government leader
A J Balfour in the house of com
mons this afternoon
Mr Balfour declared that so far as
the government was aware no pledges
and no assurances weie given by
Lord Kitchener which had not been
The colonial secretary Joseph
Chamberlain answering a question
regarding the agitation for the sus
pension of the constitution of Cape
Colony said he had received a peti
tion from forty two members of the
parliament of Cape Colony in favor
of its suspension and should await
the observations of the Cape ministry
on the subject An act of the impe
rial parliament he added was requir
ed before the constitution could be
Opposition to Bill to Make Him a
Lieutenant General
WASHINGTON June 11 The house
committee on military aaffirs voted
against making a favorable report on
the bill which recently passed the
senate authorizing the advancemrnt of
the senior major general of the army
General John R Brooke to the rank
of lieutenant general and his retire
ment at that rank
The vote which was 7 to 3 was not
on party lines Members of the com
mittee said that the adverse action
was due to the course taken by the
house against the bill advancing Sur
geon General Sternberg and also be
cause of the opposition within the
committee to retirement at advanced
Wanted in Colorado
DENVER Colo June 11 Harry
Tracey who with Dave Merrill kill
ed three guards and escaped from the
Oregon penitentiary yesterday is
wanted in Colorado to answer charges
of murder robbery and hoise steal
ing He was about to be tried for
the murder of Valentine Hoy a weal
thy cattleman of Routt county when
he bound and gagged the sheriff at
Aspen Colo and obtained his liberty
and left for Oregon
Down Forest Transfer Bill
house defeated the bill to transfer cer
tain forest reserves to the agricultu
ral department and to authorize the
president to establish game and fish
preserves Its death was accomplish
ed by striking out the enacting clause
Fatal Flood in Porto Rico
SAN JUAN P R June 11 Exten
sive floods have occurred in the Pa
tillas district of this island Five per
sons have been drowned a number of
houses have been destroyed and the
owners of sugar property and cattle
have sustained great losses
Morgan to Dine with the King
LONDON June 11 J Pierpont
Morgan is expected to dine with Jo
seph H Choate the United States am
bassador and Mrs Choate tomorrow
when King Edward Queen Alexan
dra and Princess Victoria will be
Swedes Leaving for America
COPENHAGEN June 11 Emigra
tion from this port to the United
States is assuming large proportions
The emigrants are mostly young
Swedes who are leaving for America
Hung Himself in Jail
OTTUMWA la June 11 Edward
Hale who shot and killed Miss Zora
Donahue in the streets of Cantril on
Decoration day hung himself in the
jail at Ileosauqua todsj
Extension of the Elkhorn Road
Which Taps Dakotas Rich Terri
tory to Be Settled Will Be Finished
in Time for the Opening
OMAHA Neb June 11 Laying
the steel on the Verdigris extension
of the Fremont Elkhorn Missouri
Valley railroad has now begun at the
Verdigris end The tract or agency
land in Gregory county South Dako
ta at the terminus of tills new line
will not be opened by the govern
ment for homesteads till the Elkhorn
has its line completed to Bonesteel
and is ready to carry the passenger
business connected with the rush
Tho section to be opened aggregates
416000 acres or 2600 free homes of
160 acres each The chance syatcm
will be UBed and Bonesteel will be
the location of the drawing Tho
Elkhorn road expects to make 1
000000 out of this opening enough to
cover half the expense of Its new ex
tension from Verdigris to the scene
As near as can be said at present
the opening will be on September 22
or within a few days of that time
The Elkhorn expects to be In com
pleted condition for service shortly
after September 1 Three new towns
are now building in Boyd county Ne
braska as a result of the new line be
ing located on it
These facts were gathered from D
W Forbes of Bonesteel editor of the
Gregory County Pilot and of the
Homesteaders guide Mr Forbes ar
rived in Omaha from his home and
was in conference with Elkhorn offi
cials He is intimately familiar with
the situation in Gregory county and
with the status at Washington of tho
plan to open the portion of the Rose
bud reservation
Fveryrhing waits on the new rail
road said Mr Forbes As soon as
that is finished the drawing will come
off It will certainly be in Septem
ber probably September 22
You cannot imagire what a great
effect this prospect of a new road and
thousands of new inhabitants and
relghbors has had upjn both Jiegory
and Boyd counties in Boyd county
three new towns are being bult Tho
first one west of Niobrara is Monowi
six and a half miles east of Lynch
Next comes Bristow between Lynch
and Spencer Then tnere is Anoka
two and a half miles north of Rutte
This is the new station required be
cause the new line could not get into
Butte owing to its elevation
Further illustration of the spur to
upbuilding which this line has been
iray be found in Bonesteel itjlf more
strongly than anywhere else As soon
as it was decided to end the line
there building began The result is
that 200 buildings have beer erected
in the last two months and that
while we had 100 inhabitants three
months ago we have 600 now
John David Takes His Life
LINCOLN Neb June 11 John C
David president of the Lincoln Paint
and Color company took his own life
by shooting himself in the head with
a 22 caliber revolver The only the
ory advanced for his act is that a
press of matters unbalanced his mind
Lightning Strikes Church
ODELL NeV June 11 Lightning
struck the First Methodist church
while the graduating exercises of the
1902 class of the high school were be
ing held Several people were shock
ed into insensibility but not seriously
Roller Mills Destroyed
ELKHORN Neb Juno 11 The
Elkhorn roller mills were entirely de
stroyed by fire entailing a loss of
about 8000 with only small insur
ance The mill was the property of
Charles Cchlelp and was erected in
S50000 Lost by Flood
BEATRICE Neb June 11 Farm
ers in this vicinity estimate their loss
in grains from the present flood at
550000 The river in many places
was a mile wide
Drowned While Swimming
LINCOLN Neb June 11 Hans
Wolff the little son of Emil Wolff
who lives five miles eist of here was
drowned in a small pond formed by
the recent rains
Lincoln Church Burns
LINCOLN Neb Juno 11 The Sec
ond Presbyterian chinch was badly
namaged by fire the cupola roof and
fixtures being burned iway and tn
trails damaged possibly beyond re
pair The los is estimated az 5000
A Veteran Soldier Dead
BEATRICE Neb June 11 Cap
tain J W Herbert a prominent civil
war veteran of this city died rather
suddenly of heart failure aged 77
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
ar t Kansas City
CATTLE There was not a heavy run
of cattle but there seemed to bo about
enough to satisfy buyers order conse
quently o special change was noted in
tho general trade A fair proportion of
tho supply was mudo up of beef steers
and butcher stock and the Inquiry from
killers was Just about sulliclont to take
caro of tho run Finished dry lot beeves
found ready sale at steady to strong
prices and less desirable lots were picked
up In good season to till In at practlcal
lv unchanged figures Cows and heifers
if in good Jlesh were also comparatively
free sellers at fully steady figures anil
a clearance was effected early In tho
day Thin grassy grades sold moder
ately well at the recent drop In prices
the market all around showing no ma
terial change Mixed butchers stock
bulls stags and calves were picked up
at steady prices with only a moderate
number on sale The supply of stockers
and feeders wa small but were sufll
clent for the limited demand Cows
heifers and calves sold steady also
HOGS The market was Just the re
verso of that of the hist several days
However the supply was limited Clos
ing prices were weak and the opening
was slow and fully Zc lower all around
Huyers were slow In getting to work
and until a lato hour but little trading
was accomplished Tho greater weak
ness was on the inferior light mixed
lots but best grades ruled off from the
beginning Tops sold up to 57S0 and the
bulk of the fair to good hogs went at
57U0ij74O underweight stuff was more
or less neglected and got the full force
of tho decline
SHEEP Quotations for clipped stock
Good to choice wethers J3W1io00 fdr
to good C0T5CO good to choice ewes
3S0i560 fair to good J12VSt475 good
to choico lambs G2VuGfO fair to good
540iio 75 wooled stock sells about 2VU
50c above clipped stock choice Colorado
wool lambs 6WiG73 fair to good 3G00
CATTLE Market steady native
steers 425705 Texas and Indian
steers V1WioZ3 Texas cows 00f4W
native cows and heifers I273
stockers and feeders 3 10 S20 bulls
5320fj52r calves 3275fiuri0
HOGS Market weak to c lower bulk
of sales 372V7j7 S3 heavy I7 1VTi 735
packers 72Vjj7G0 medium 57136i740
light SG7ttJt730 yorkers 37a0ir72U pigs
G 2MI7O0
SHEEP Market steady muttons 3100
I3J0 lambs SjGOfiGlO range wethers
3 S00iiiG5 ewes 3S23ft520
A Scheme to Displace Locomotives
with Electrical Engines
NEW YORK June 14 The Tribune
says that in connection with the ac
quisition of the Stanley Electrical
Manufacturing company plant at Pitts
iield Mass by William C Whitney
and his associates there is back of
the purchase a purpose to extend the
works with the aid of Ganz Co of
Buda Pest one of tho largest elec
trical concerns in Europe for the pur
pose of converting steam railroads in
this country into electrical railroads
The substitution of electricity for
steam on American lines is not ac
cording to the Tribune expected to be
entered upon at once but for the im
mediate future the increased plant at
Pittsfield is to supply the Demands ot
the street railways in this city Phil
adelphia northern New Jersey and in
Connecticut for electrical supplies
Later whenever there is a congestion
of traffic on the steam roads in the
east it is believed there will be a
displacement of the locomotive by the
electrical engines
According to the Tribune details of
the plan by which Ganz is to join
hands with Mr Whitney and his asso
ciates is the establishment of a branch
factory in this country have been ar
ranged It is further asserted that at
least fifteen locomotive building con
cerns in the United States will be
brought into the enterprise
Believed Now that July is Likely to
Be the Time
DES MOINES la June 11 Adju
tant General Byers went to Fonda this
morning where he was to meet Colo
nel W B Humphrey of the Fifty-second
regiment Iowa National guard
and consult in regard to the encamp
ment date for the regiment at Fonda
The date originally fixed was July 17
This was not satisfactory to all the
members of the regiment and it was
changed to June 26 The members of
the companies at Fort Dodge and at
Webster City have protested against
this date and say that the original
date would have suited them better
General Byers will open the question
after consultation with the colonel
and the people of Fonda and it is prob
able that the encampment will be in
More Eoers Surrender
LONDON June 14 it was announc
ed that S64 Transvaal Boers
Jered yesterday bringing the total of
surrenders for all the colonies up to
about 12000
Bessie Bonehill is Dying
NEW YORK June 14 Bessie Bone
hill the actress is dying from cancer
at a hotel in London according to ad
vices received by members of her
family Accompanied by her husband
W R Seeley and her son she went
to Europe last September to fill an
eight months engagement Owing to
illness however she was compelled
to cancel many of her contracts An
opei ation was performed for cancer
in i for a time she improve