I McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA BRIEF TELEGRAMS The State Undertakers association lias selected June 25 for its state con vention at Topeka Mrs Roosevelt and children left Washington for Oyster Bay where the family will spend the summer At Creston la W P Hepburn was renominated for congress by the re publicans of the Eighth congression al district President Palma has signed the bill fixing the salary of the members of the Cuban senate and house of rep resentatives at 3000 a year Father PItouval now of the Colo rado diocese of the Catholic church has been appointed auxiliary bishop to the archbishop of Santa Fe The University of Cambridge con ferred the honorary degree of doc tor of laws on Whitelaw Reld spe cial American representative to the coronation deaprtment from Minister Conger re ports that a fatal case of cholera has appeared in the Japanese barracks at Pekin the victim having recently ar rived from Tien Tsin The May statistics of the gross postal receipts at the fifty largest postofllces in the United States show a net increase of 11 per cent over the receipts for May 1901 A 50000000 syndicate promoted by ex Mayor Washburne ana others has been formed to build an under ground railway system in Chicago after the New York model A proclamation has been s3iied at Pretoria substituting a lax of lJ per cent on the profits of mining opera tions for the 5 per cent tax that was imposed by the late volksraad Rev GJermind Hoyme president of the United Norwegian church of America died at Eau Claire Wis Bishop Hoyme has been ailing a long time and deatn was not unexpected Dr J W Woods a retired medical director of the United States navy well known in army and navy cir cles is dead in San Francisco He was born in New Bedford Mass in 1838 At Grand Rapids Mich Attorney Thomas F McGarry was convicted by a jury in the Allegan circuit court at Allegan of the charge of bribery in connection with the Lake Michigan water supply scandal Alice Lewis aged 23 the beautiful daughter of George Lewis a promi net business man of St Louis com mitted suicide by hanging herself to the transom of a bath room in the Plaza hotel New York The secretary of war has directed the sale at public auction of the Grant and Sedgwick they being need ed no longer in the transport service The Grant is at San Francisco and the Sedgwick at New York At a meeting of the trustees of the Miami university Dr Guy P Benton president of the Upper uni versity of Iowa was unanimously elected to succeed Dr Daird Tappan as president of Miami university A memorial service was held in the Apostles church at Rome for the vic tims of the volcanic outbreak in the West Indies Cardinal Satolli repre sented the papal court and fifteen old cardinals and the French and Span ish ambassadors to the Vatican were present The corporation of London the Rothschilds the Morgans and Sir Er nest Cassel the financier have each donated 5000 to the mansion house fund for a national coronation gift to King Edward which is to be applied to assist their majesties hospital fund At Princeton Mo Daniel Porter a wealthy farmer was shot and fa tally wounded by his 18-year-old son At the local yards in Kansas City a load of hogs sold for 760 a hun dred the highest price reached on that market since 1893 Referring to the report that the control of the Cunard Steamship company had been secured by the shipping combination J P Morgan stated that absolutely no negotiations were on between the shipping com bine and the Cunard company The physicians who attended Queen Wilhelmina during her recent illness have been decorated The British troop ship Bavarian sailed from Capetown with 1400 troops who are ordered home to take part in the coronation ceremonies The bishop of London the Right Rev Archur Ingraham D D has an nounced that Queen Aleandra will provide a tea for ten thousand fe male domestic servants In celebra tion of the coronation Each servant will also be presented with a medal The second chamber of the states general of Holland unanimously adop ted the convention between Holland and Germany providing for an Asi atic cable to the Dutch Indies It is to be worked by a Dutch German -company THE KING IS ILL ENGLANDS MONARCH HAS A SE VERE CHILL THREATENED WITH LUMBAGO Believed However that the Attack is Not of a Serious Nature Prevented by Illness from Attending Chuch Reports Cause Some Apprehension LONDON June 16 King Edward is suffering from a chill which has prevented him from attending the church parade of the Aldershot gar rison The chill came as a result of the kings prolonged stay outdoors upon the occasion of the torchlight tattoo at Aldershot The chill is a slight one accompanied by symptoms of lumbago The weather was extreme ly cold and it rained at intervals be fore their majesties left the brigade ground King Edward returned to his apartments chilled from the un wonted exposure These reports of his majestys III nqss have naturally caused appre hension but there is apparently no reason to anticipate serious results An authentic statement from Aider shot is to the effect that King Edward is slightly indisposed but that his indisposition is not of a serious na ture Sir Francis Laking physician in or dinary to his majesty was summoned to Aldershot He prescrbed for the king and recommended that the day be Bpent in perfect quiet Queen Alexandria and the other members of the royal party attended the service at the church but remain ed in the royal apartments for the rest of the day It has been learned that the king arose in the afternoon This is con sidered a good reason for hoping that his indisposition is only temporary King Edwards indisposition was an nounced too late to become generally known in London Sunday but consid ering the near approach of the cor onation it is bound to cause extreme anxiety The Court Circular publishes the following official announcement King Edward was unable to leave his room owing to an attack of lum bago caused by a chill Sir Francis Laking was in attend ance upon his majesty Sunday night and found the king to be much bet ter The latest expectation is that King Edward will be able to attend the re view Week in the House WASHINGTON June 16 Today is suspension day in the house and the speaker has agreeed to recognize a number of members to move the pass age of bills under suspension What ever time remains today together with Tuesday has been set aside for the consideration of the bill to amend the bankruptcy act Wednesday the general deficiency appropriation bill will be taken up and Thursday the consideration of the Philippine bill will begin Under the rule agreeed on for consideration of the latter bill there will be a day session beginning at 8 oclock for general debate until the following Tuesday when the bill will be open to amendment under the five minute rule The final vote will be taken on Wednesday Japan Will Fall in Line PEKIN June 16 The Japanese minister to China has received in struction from his government to ac cept the pro rata reduction of Japans war claims Thr ministers of the foreign powers here held a meeting and are engaged in completing their arrangements for the allotment of the indemnity It was announced from Pekin June 11 that Great Britain through her minister was ready to participate in a pro rata reduction of the war claims It was then said that the Japanese minister Komura Yatao was unable to agree to the plan pending the re ceipt of his instructions from his gov ernment Tornado Lifts Freight Cars SIOUX CITY la June 16 A tor nado near Blencoe la lifted several freight cars from a Northwestern side track demolished them and stopped traffic for several hours The body of Patrick Brenan of Chicago was found buried in the debris The storm did damage at other nearby places un roofing outhouses and felling crops Boers Surrender LONDON June 16 A dispatch from Lord Kitchener date Pretoria June 14 says that 2504 Boers have surrendered since Thursday June 12 and that everything is proceeding most satisfactorily Caravan Massacre ORAN Algeria June 16 A local newspaper today publishes a state ment that a small caravan was mas sacred by brigands Jast JTriday at Hacieybagri DEATH TAKES LAMBERTSON The Distinguished Nebraska Lawyer Found Unconscious in Bed CHICAGO HI June 16 Genio M Lambertson one of the leading law yers of Lincoln Neb died early yes terday at the Palmer house of heart disease Mr Lambertson came to Chicago Saturday and in the after noon witnessed the Chicago-Northwestern base hall game at Marshall field and in the evening attended a banquet at the University of Chicago and responded to a toast In com pany with his wife he returned to the hotel and retired shortly after mid night Upon rising in the morning rs Lambertson discovered here hus band was unconscious Dr I H Rea was summoned and after an examin ation declared that Mr Lambertson was dead The body will be taken to Lincoln for interment Wednesday next Mr Lambertson was 52 years old and for many years had been a prom inent figure in state and national af fairs Under President Harrison he was assistant secretary of the treas ury The journey to Chicago which end ed in his death was made to enable him to argue a case before Judge Kohlsaat in the federal court Two of Mr Lambertsons daughters are now traveling in Europe A younger daughter is at home in Lin coln PALMA ENTERS A DENIAL Asserts There Was No Scheme to Have General Gomez Withdraw HAVANA June 16 President Pal ma and General Gomez were ques tioned today with regard to the story published in the United States that General Gomez had received 25000 from the administration of the United States to withdraw from the presi dential campaign in Cuba and to per mit the election of Senor Palma President Palma indignantly denied that he had been party to any scheme to have General Gomez withdraw from the campaign in his favor He also spoke for General Gomez who as present when Senor Palma vii questioned on this matter The pres ident of Cuba said to insinuate Senor Gomez had been bought off by a bribe of 25000 was to question the honesty and integrity of Gomez and himself and that such attacks would pass unanswered Anxiety on St Vincent KINGSTON Island of St Vincent Wednesday June 12 Fleet Surgeon Isaac H Anderson of the British navy and the scientific commission appoint ed by the Royal society to investigate the volcanic disturbances here arriv ed at Kingston yesterday and left to day for Chateau Bela intending to as cend the Soufriere volcano when pos sible The general feeling of anxiety has not abated There has been no big eruptions since May 30 but the appearance of the volcano is not re assuring There are frequent emis sions of black steam Killed by Her Suitor PHILADELPHIA Pa June 16 Mrs Rachel Sahlor a widow was to day shot and instantly killed at Coatesville Pa forty miles west of here by Harry N Ricer of Newcastle Pa who was also killed by a bullet from Ms revolver while struggling with another woman for possession of the weapon The tragedy it is said was the result of a quarrel Ricer was regarded as Mrs Sahlor accepted suitor Choctaw Railway Election CHICAGO June 16 At a meet ing of the directors of the Choctaw Railroad company held at the Rock Island offices William B Leeds was elected president George H Crosby secretary and C F Jilson treasurer Charles H Warren of Chicago was elected a director in the place of Francis I Gowan resigned Colonel Grimm Sentenced WARSAW Poland June 16 The trial of General Grimm of the Russian army charged with having revealed military secrets to a foreign power was concluded Saturday Colonel Grimm was sentenced to be deprived of all rights and to imprisonment at hard labor for twelve years Fifteeen Horses Burned LINCOLN June 16 The livery barn of P J Smith at 918 P street was destroyed by fire The loss will be about 15000 which is only partially covered by insurance Fifteen horses burned May Build a New Line GUTHRIE Okla June 16 The Rock Island has secured from the gov ernment the right to construct a line west from Enid Okla through the military reservation of Fort Supply in western Oklahoma This extension will connect in Beaver county 200 miles distant with the Liberal line of the Rock Island to El Paso Tex One hundred men began laying steel on the Rock Island extension south west from Lawton STRYCHNINE IN THEIR FOOD Town of Plymouth Torn Up Over Poi soning Case FAIRBURY Neb June 16 The town of Plymouth in the northeast part of the county has considerable excitement over a poisoning which seems to have no plausible explana tion A small circus which travels in one car stopped there and while the company numbering twenty two peo ple in all were at supper they were poisoned The manager Charles Kin nebrew and wife escaped but a Miss Myrtle Boyles of Topeka and a Mrs E W Dilger a contortionist were so severely poisoned that it was feared they would not recover while the bal ance of the company were more or less affected The two ladiese who were so badly affected were taken to the hotel and their food was prepared respectively under the supervision of Mrs Dilgers husband and Miss Boyles brother After eating a small portion of toast prepared in this manner the two women became violently ill again and doctors from this city were sum moned who pronounced it strychnine poisoning The county attorney was in Ply mouth investigating the case but he can find no evidence upon which to make an arrest There were some circumstances surrounding the first poisoning that directed some suspicion towards Henry Beno a freak who re cently joined the show and who eats glass swallows all kinds of poisons and does other seemingly impossible feats but as he could not possibly have had anything to do with the sec ond dose the mystery only deepens MEETS HORRIBLE DEATH Dodge County Farmer Struck by a Train and Killed SNYDER Neb June 16 Charles Foegler a farmer living four railes southeast of Dodge met a horrible death a mile and a half west of this place His body was found on the Elk horn railroad tracks by a crew on board a westbound train It was man gled in fearful fashion every limb be ing severed and broken the head crushed to pulp the trunk cut to pieces and internal organs torn from their fastenings Foegler was in town the day before doing some trading and while here drank a good deal He was intoxicated when he started to walk home in the evening and it is sup posed that he lay down to sleep on the track where an eastbound train struck him Has Relic of the Maine HUMBOLDT Neb June 16 Cap tain J P Grinstead who recently spent two years in the service of the government in the Philippines is the possessor of a neat little relic in the shape of a brass star cut from a one pound shell taken from the ill fated battleship Maine The star is suita bly engraved and the captain has been wearing it ever since his appointment as city marshal Arrested on Burglary Charge WILBER Neb June 16 A deputy sheriff and jailer from Lancaster coun ty were here after Walter Dillon and Charles Bennett who were wanted to answer a charge of burglary at Ben net They have been in jail here since last December having been arrested on a minor charge at the time Stein Bros store was burglarized at Friend and afterwards held for aiding a fel low prisoner to escape Overdose Causes Death HASTINGS Neb June 16 Mrs Leora Falkenstein of Riverton Neb was found dead in bed at the home of Mrs Emma D Shiled whom she had been visiting during the past few days A coroners inquest was held and it was found that she came to her death by an overdose of poisonous medicine which she had taken acci dentally Kearney to Celebrate Fourth KEARNEY Neb June 16 It has been determined that Kearney will have a rousing old fashioned celebra tion on the Fourth of July Several hundred dollars have already been raised and more is ready if needed to make that date compare with the crops in this part of the state Two Vacancies to Fill NEBRASKA CITY Neb June 16 The board of trustees of the institute for the blind have elected all of the old teachers but Misses Flora Bullock and Allie Truesdale As yet no one has been elected to fill the vacancies The Natal Day OSCEOLA Neb June 16 Osceola will celebrate the Fourth The mon ey has all been subscribed the fire works have been ordered and the eagle will scream louder than ever be fore OGALLALA Neb June 16 Ogal lala will celebrate the Fourth of July this year in genuine western style it being so planned by a mass meeting of the citizens NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS Favorable Outlook Much Improved by Rains and Waram Weather The past week says the Nebraska crop bulletin has been warm and wet The daily mean temperature has aver aged 1 above normal in the eastern counties and 4 above in the western The rainfall has been very heavy in the central and eastern counties and light in the western The rainfall ex ceeded an inch in most of the east ern part of the state and ranged from 3 to 8 inches over a large area in the southeastern part of the state The heavy rains of the past week have injured crops somewhat on low and on rolling land but on the whole have been exceedingly favorable for the general crop outlook in the state Corn has been washed out some in a few instances wheat and oats have been lodged some by the wind hail and rain Winter wheat is filling well and continues to improve in con dition Oats have materially improv ed during the past week and in some localities are making a rank growth and promise a full crop Corn culti vation has been delayed cultivation however had made such good progress just preceding the rains that few fields are weedy very little replant ing of corn has been necessary Grass has grown well Potatoes continue in fine condition and the early planted are large enough to eat The first crop of alfalfa is being cut and was somewhat damaged by the rains of the week NEBRASKA CREAMERY INTEREST Yhe Large Shipment that Has Been Made from Kearney OMAHA Neb June 14 The nitude of the dairy industry in brsska and the extent of the business done by the Beatrice Creamery com pany at its central plan in Lincoln is indicated by the shipment of cream from the town of Kearney State Food Commissioner S C Bassett re- ports that within twenty two days 25000 worth of cream was shipped from that town Fully 80 per cent of this was sent to the Beatrice Cream- ery company at Lincoln The rest was sent to Omaha The cream was gathered along the Black Hills road and other lines in that part of the state but most of it came from Buf falo county in which Kearney is sit uated Mr Bassett believes the dairy products shipped out of Kearney in one year will amount to a quarter of ai million dollars The record for days shows that over 1000 is distributed in that part of Nebraska from cream alone With cash for cream and good prices for cows and with alfalfa to feed and sell the farm ers of Nebraska are considered fortu nate YORK MAN ENDS HIS LIFE F R Lewis Hides Away and Swallows Poison YORK Neb June 14 This commu nity was startled when the announce ment was made that F R Lewis had committed suicide Mr Lewis was in the employ of the South Platte Cream ery company at this place and was superintendent of routes He had been in the employ of the company nine years He left the creamery at 3 oclock in the afternoon and not returning home for supper a search was made for him He had taken cor osive sublimate a poison that is used in the Babcock cream test and hid himself After a search of several hours he was found but too late as he died in a short time The only cause that can be given for his taking his life is that he had overworked himself and had worried a great deal over the loss of one of his brothers and also over another brother now ill at Seward He leaves a wife and two children War Veterans to Meet at Beatrice BEATRICE Neb June 14 At a meeting of the district officers of the souhteastern Nebraska Grand Army reunion here it was decided to hold the Grand Army of the Republic reunion in this city August 13 to 20 inclusive It is the intention to have a number of prominent Grand Army of the Re public men of the country attend the reunion Horse Kick is Serious HASTINGS Neb June 14 Henry Altman a farmer living two miles southwest of town was kicked by a herse and had his hip bone badly shattered A piece of the bone was driven into the abdomen A report from Cape Wolf P E I says sulphur fell there to the depth of half an inch Overdose Causes Death HASTINGS Neb June 14 Mrs Leora Falkenstein of Riverton Neb was found dead in bed It was found that she came to her death by an over dose of poisonous medicine which she had taken accidentally Flood Damage Fifty Thousand BEATRICE Neb June 14 The damage by the recent flood in Gage county is estimated to be nearly 50 000 Omaha Meeting Opens Nebraska Rac ing Circuit June 25 28 4000 In Pre- v miums The Millard Omahas Lead- I ing Hotel is Headquarters All the Horsemen will bo there A A Swearlngen Bookmaker Best In the West Millard Rates are as Low as -Per Day American Plan 1 European Plan Centrally Located Convenient to fell Car Lines Fremont Meeting July 1 5 Tekamah 8 11 David City 15 18 Hastings 22 25 Friend July 29 Aug 1 Seward 5 8 York 12 15 Hebron 19 22 Beatrice 26 29 Lin coln Sept 2 5 Stop at The Lincoln Only First Class Hotel in Lincoln Op posite Denots 2 Per Day Auburn Sept 9 12 Hubbell 16 19 A wiso man is as slow about giving advice as a fool is about taking it Dont you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely su perior to any other is put up 16 ounces in package and sells at same price as 12 ounce packages of other kinds Mnns inhumanity to man has maue thousands of lawyers wealthy Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces In a package 10 cents One third more starch for same money Some people even get excited when talking about nothing DO YOUtt CLOTHES LOOK YEIXOWT If bo use Red Cross Ball Bluo ItwiUmako them whito is snow 2 oz package 5 cents Dead men tell no tales yet murder will out Sao A AVKEIC AND KXlKXSKS to men with ric to Introduce our Poultry Koods faendstp Juvellc Sometimes a mans bad luck is due to his reputation IJaUs Catarrh Cnro Is taken internally Price 75c Nothing rounds out the pleasures of life like a circle of friends To Care a Cold in One day Tate Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money if it f ailB to cure 25c The tongue is a pump used to in duce a How of conversation SALESMEN WANTED We have a number of agencies in Nebraska and Iowa where wo can use good men over 30 selling our Stand ard Stock Food to farmers They must have teams give full time to the business be in high standing with good business ability and some knowledge of live stock We furnish wagons and offer exceptional induce ments to permanent salesmen Bond required Send for application blank The F E Sanborn Company Omaha Neb A jack knife may be dangerous but a jackpot is more dangerous If you dont get the biggest and best Its your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there Is positively nothing to equal it in quality or quantity Unless a man has humility his other virtues are without a foundation THE IlEST ICKSUITS IN STAKCH1NG can be obtained only by using Defiance Starch besides petting 4 oz more for same money co cooking required Some men are so stingy they wont even give advice DEFIANCE STAKCIT should be in everv household none so good besides 4 oz more Tor 10 cents than any other brand of cold v ater march Truth may be eclipseo but cannot be extinguished Mrs YVlnsIow tt Soothing Syrup For children teething ni ti ns the ruUuccs In flammation allays puln cures wind colic 23c a bottle Only Woman Andes Crosser It is declared that Miss Marie An dissner an Austrian woman of fortune and social position is the only female tourist who ever crossed the Andes Miss Andissner has just left New York for her home after an extended tour of the new world Last March she was in Rio and though fifty years old de termined to make the overland trip to Peru For a good part of the journey she had to be strapped to the mule which she rode We would teach the lady who bays Lesson number one tarch is an extraction of wheat used to stif fen clothes when laundered Most starches in time will rot the goods they are used to stiffen f Mmr They conKdn chemicals Defiance Starch is absolutely pure It gives sew life to linen It rives tion or money bach It sells 16 ounces for 10 cents at all grocers It is the very best wauACTiarD by MAGNETICSTARCH MFG CO OBaHa - - ftB A f