h v ft f 1 I She TWENTY FIRST YEAR A Charming Reception Tho reception given by Mr and Mrs A P Thomson last Saturday evening to meet their son and hifa bride Mr and Mrs John 7 Thomson was one of tho most charming social functions of the year Invitations had been sent out to about 225 guests and a large percentage of them responded between tho hours of iJ and 1 1 oclock Mr ami Mrs A P Thomson and Mr and Mrs John J Thomson re ceived in the capacious sitting room of the Thomson residence A corner in the immediate rear of the receiving party was done in green in drapery effect two white hearts pendant from the center forming a chaste and pretty decoration the color scheme throughout being in green and white ferns and while carna tions Ice cream and cake were served in the dining room Miss Hannah Stangland presiding at the refreshment table as sisted by Miss Addio Doan and Miss Kitlie Stangland in the early part of the evening during the latter hours Mrs F M Kimmell Mrs Margaret Oyster and Mrs O M Knipple served The decorations were in green and white ropes of ferns being draped from the shaded electric light to the four corners of the large table in the center of the room producing a decidedly pretty simple effect heightened by white car nations etc Miss Nina Doan and Miss Miss Mabel Wilcox in the early hours graced the punch room of which a corner effect of ferns was the chief decorative feature white carnations and other ilowers com pleting the color idea Mrs Vina Wood jnsiued dur n the later period Miss Gertrude Marsland of Lincoln and Miss Elizabeth Thomson ushered guests into the refreshment rooms Velum Sutton Marjory Schobel and Leslie Thomson received the cards Vocal music by Miss Ethel Marsland and instrumental numbers of Miss Fran cis Marsland were a delightful and enjoy able feature of the reception Mrs Nellie Guild Miss Florence Randall and Mr Albert Randall of Omaha Misses Gertrude Frances and Ethel Marsland of Lincoln were out-of-town guests All of whom departed for home on 2 Monday morning except Mrs Guild whose departure was de lated until Wednesday night on No G The bride and groom followed the star of empire westward on 3 Tuesday morn- Mks Jamks G Stokes received Wed nesday afternoon to meet her sister Mrs Simpson Finnell of Hamburg Iowa entertaining a large company of lady fiiends during the afternoon in a very charming manner Celebration at Boxelder The people of the Boxelder neighbor hood are energetically arranging for a big Fourth of July celebration in Stephen Bolles groves Judge Norris our next congressman will be the orator of the day speaking at two p m There will besports of all kinds Good music a rocd band if one can be secured Grounds will be well equipped with refreshment and other stands Liberal purses for sports Grove is eight miles northeast of McCook Watch for the bills Make your arrangements to take it in We Sell Best 1 ply Carpet Warp on spools at 18c fur white and 20c for colored Best white or fancy table Oil Cloth at 15c Best apron check Ginghams at 5c Best lndisro dyed Calicoes at 5c Best light ground Prints 4oC All colors of Baby Ribbons G yds for 5c Best 5c LL Mus lin at 1c yd by the bolt These are prices not found elsewhere and indicate what cash dealing does for the pocket book We solicit your trade The Thompson D G Co Notice to My Customers I wish to announce that my place of business will be open in the evening the usual hours I do this believing that the requirements of the country trade demand such action as the S oclock closing hour now practically shuts out the trade of tho farmers during the season when they are busiest and are compelled to trade after the days work is done F M Colson The Bee Hive Burlington Team Dates The Burlington baseball club of our city has arranged to play at Minden on the 30th At Kearney on the 1st of July and with Havelock on the home grounds July 4th The game between tho regulars and reserves called for yesterday was an nulled on account of rain Heck has retired from the team Hastings New Depot Hastings June 11 Special It has been given out that the Burlingtons new depot at Hastings will be open to the public on July 1 and from that time on all passenger trains will stop there It is also understood that the McCook band will come hero and give a concert in the new depot during the morning of the Fourth Lincoln Journal Card of Thanks The family of J H Ludwick take this means of expressing sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors who as sisted and comforted them during their recent afilietion Signed J H Ludwick and family The Free List Suspended Thk Tribune again directs attention to the fact that its overworked free list has been suspended Space in this this paper is our stock in trade Adver tising is one of our sources of revenue Good Horse For Sale Six years old Will bo sold on six months time with approved security Enquire of Don Thompson McCook Fiyo Curo f Protects all kinds of stock from flies irnats and insects Dont let them suffer McConnell Berry MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Arthur Golfer came in from Omaha last night Mrs M A Ross is visiting her sister Mrs W II Brown V D Selrys family has joined him in Elbert Colorado M U Clyde is at Hot Springs Ar kansas for his health Mrs T F Enright went up to Den ver Thursday on a visit Mrs J B Lippitt of Denver is a guest of Mrs C S McElherron Mrs P F McKenna is entertaining her mother Mrs Reid of Chicago Mrs SoLBRACEof Iloldrege is a guest of Mrs W D Burnett this week Miwr Alonzo Cone went up to Palis ade Thursday morning on a visit Miss JeannetteVanderpool departed on 2 Thursday for Hamburg Iowa Miss Millie Slaby arrived home Monday night on G from Lyons Colo Mits James Moranville visited Red Cloud relatives and friends last week Miss Edna Yarger arrived home Monday night from her Iowa trip and visit Mrs Simpson Finnell of Hamburg Iowa is the guest of her sister Mrs J G Stokes Jay Norris of Hastings has been visiting Charlie Kelley since close of last week Mrs J J Curren and the children arrived home Sunday on 1 from their Iowa visit Mrs William Koll of Republican City was the guest of Mrs A J Cham bers Sunday Mrs F M Kimmell aud Schell are visiting in Lincoln whither they went on 2 Monday morning Mrs Mary S Bevard is here from Holyoke Colorado guest of her daugh ter Mrs H L Donovan Mr and Mrs Sereno Hupp arrived from Illinois Wednesday and are the guests of their son James Mrs Frank W Dean departed Mon day morning on No 2 for New England on a prolonged visit to relatives Mrs C E Pope and Miss Ethel went down to Oxford Monday Mrs Pope returning home on 1 Wednesday Dr L G Wolff of Okarche Okla homa who has been visiting Miss Delia Battershall left for home Monday Mrs Kate Fairchild went up to Ilaigler last Saturday on a visit re turning homo on Wednesday morning Miss Mabel Jordan spent most of last week in Red Cloud visiting and to attend the Zint Conover wedding last Thurs day Miss Myrtle Montgomery of Hold rege was the guest of Mrs Lambert Rodstrom close of last and first of this week Mrs C K Coleman Hazel and Archie left on 12 Thursday morningfor Chicago to visit a sister of Mrs Cole man Miss Millie Slaby has secured a po sition in the schools of Lyons Colorado her McCook well wishers will be pleased to learn Herman Schobel returned to his home at Hildreth Nebraska last Satur day after a short stay in the city guest of his brother John Schlagel was down from Hitch cock county Friday last He reported the grasshoppers as destructive in his neighborhood O W DeWald of the Trenton Regis ter wife and child were in the city last Friday evening on their way east to visit at his old home Mr and Mrs John J Thomson took their departure Tuesday night on 3 for their home in Missoula Montana going via Brush Colorado F A Fitch returned home latter part of past week from Lincoln where he has been a student of the Wesleyan university past term E H Jones a field agent of the Ne braska university is investigating the grasshopper matter in the Box Elder neighborhood this week Miss Hazel Hare arrived home close of last week from Lincoln where she has been taking lessons on the violin the past term in the conservatory Mrs J G Schobel went down to Lincoln this week to attend the state P E O convention She will also visit her parents in Minden before her return Mrs Jack Cook and the children came up from Oxford last week and will be guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Vance McManigal for a few weeks MrsJJR Sircoloumb and daughters Miss Ada and Mrs Signa E Gilkey left for Sheridan Wyoming on 12 Monday They will visit in Oxford and Lincoln en route Miss Pearl Zint attended the wed ding of her brother Roy in Red Cloud last week being the guest of Mrs George Hadell She returned home on 5 Sun day night Mrs H C Clapp was a passenger on 2 Mondfiy morning for Allegan Michi gan on a visit to her mother who is in ill health She expects to be away a number of weeks Pat Gibbons of Salt Lake City who has been in the city guest of his daugh ter Mrs L E Cann was an eastbound passenger on 12 Monday morning He is looking after business matters in Nebraska Mrs Harmon Thompson and Miss Louella took their departure Wednes day night on 3 for their new homo in California The Tribune and all their oldtimo McCook friends wish them prosperous contentment in their adopted home Mr and Mrs L R Grigsby and Miss Tillie Grigsby parents and sister of Rev Jj M Grigsby arrived from Orleans Indiana Tuesday night on 3 and will spend a few weeks visiting in the city They have been visiting a daughter and sister at Bloomington McCOOK RED WIIlLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 2Q 1902 Maccabee Memorial Tho Ladies and Knights of the Mac cabees observed their memorial Sunday afternoon last in a becoming befitting manner Assembling at their lodge homo at 230 tho two organizations marched to the Congregational church tho guards with spears and in uniform leading the L O T M Both orders were well represented the ladies espec ially otherwise tho attendance was small Tho distinctive decorations in addition to the elaborate floral display were tho lodge banners Rev R M Hardman of the Episcopal church delivered the sermon which dealt largely in the history facts and figures of the order with pertinent ref erence to the supreme hive above at the close The congregational church choir pro vided appropriate music for the occasion From these services tho orders and friends repaired to Longview cemetery in vehicles where the ritualistic servico was held and the graves of departed ladies and knights were profusely deco rated with flowers The graves deco rated were Mrs Nellie Johnson Mrs L W Cox and C T Brewer From Longview the line of march was resumed to Riverview cemetery where tho grave of the late Dr L J Spickel mier was generously and beautifully remembered closing the exercises of the day Childrens Day Exercises The Congregational friends surrend ered the last Sunday evening services to the children of the Sunday school for their regular annual Childrens Day ex ercises The church was crowded and the occasion a happy one Tho exer cises consisted of a short song service interspersed with recitations everything passing off nicely As Childrens Day would not be recognizable without flow ers they were in evidence palms ferns potted plants and cut flowers rendering the pulpit rostrum etc beautiful and at tractive The collection lifted was for the Sunday school missionary work of the Congregational Sunday School and Publishing Society and the offering was quite a liberal one Fourth on the Upper Redwillow The friends on upper Redwillow creek are preparing to celebrate the 4th close to what is known as the M L Brown farm on the creek about 12 miles north west of McCook Their programme of exercises sports of various kinds and all the attractions announced guaran tees an enjoyable time If you are look ing for a nice cool place where you can quietly celebrate here you have it within easy drive Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoflice June 20 1902 Otis Cary Mr J B Campbell Mr Ncls Nelson G M D Osbom Mr C H Shurtollo E A Taylor Mis Mary Voatil When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Farmers Our water proof asbestine paint is worth dollars to you Ask one of those farmers who have recently sold farms for big prices what they think of it One sixth the price of oil paint McConnell Berry Want Your Poultry and Eggs We are paying the highest market price in cash for poultry and eggs Bring them to the old Burgess imple ment office and get your money Burgess Walsh Blacksmiths and Boilermakers Tomorrow afternoon at four oclock tho Blacksmiths and Boilermakers will tear up the soil and disturb the circum ambient at the Athletic park Unfurnished Rooms and Closets For rent in opera hosse block three rooms and two closets Inquire of Mrs S E Griggs opera house block Wall Paper We have left a good assortment of wall paper from which to select at right prices A McMillen Special Purse Sale Purses worth 25c to 50c now 19c Purses worth 50c to SI now 39c C L DeGroff Co Shorthand Pupils Wanted Pupils wanted for a summer shorthand school L W Stayner Wood Wanted at Barnetts We want a number of loads of stove wood at once Barnett Lumber Co Best Ice Cream Soda at Candy Shop Special prices on hammocks at Cones If you get it at Marshs market its a good article Chain rubber and leather belting at W T Colemans Always reliable always dependable what you buy at Marshs meat market Get a plunge bath tub of W T Cole man Just the thing for this hot weather Extension step ladders suitable for picking cherries and washing windows at W T Colemans For Rent A number of rooms over the meat market Inquire of D C Marsh in the market Dont wring out your mop with your hands when you can get a mop wringer Finest thing out at W T Colemans We have had a big wall paper trade and in consequence have some broken lots and remnants very cheap Still our stock of new styles and colorings is complete McConnell Berry RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS J A Wooley has gone to Oberlin Kansas G I Pittman is a new employe in the storehouse F C Scarborough is relieving C R Liggett sick W F Dunn is a new machinists helper this week Rush B Webster went down to Oma ha close of last week Harry Hardman is a new helper in the blacksmith shop this week Brakeman Harry Spalding left Sun day for Wisconsin on a visit At Kapkes suits for 820 up Experi enced tailor Fits guaranteed Robert NicholsErnest PearsonGeorge T Kirchner are new brakemen Fred Irwin took charge of the big fire in tho blacksmith shop Monday morn ing G L Burney has II S Spauldings flag during the hitters absence in tho east John Rice chief clerk for Mack Hughes visited the folks in Ilaigler over Sunday L W Stayner of the trainmasters office spent Sunday in Edgar with his parents Conductor T E McCarl had the pay car special over the west end of the di vision Monday Engine 209 is now running on the St Francis branch vice the 1G1 now in tho shops here for repairs The wrecker is in the yard for an over hauling and needed repairs Also the boarding car A No 3 W J Krauler is the new piece work inspector and Elmer Traver lias taken one of the planers again The formal transfer of the Kansas City Omaha railroad to the Burlington will take place on June 30th Why not leave your order for suits with a practical tailor Suits for 15 and upwards at Kapkes Dispatcher and Mrs W F Pate ar rived home Monday evening on 5 from visiting Hastings relatives They have it reported at Oxford that McCooks coal shed mens wages have been increased to 2 per day Irve Brigner has quit railroading and bought him a threshing machine and outfit down in Adams county Brakeman Harry Ellison returned on G Wednesday night from his trip west and is at work relieving C A Garner Morris IT Dunham who has been in the store house for about a month past departed midweek for Spearfish S D Operator Harry D Stewart returned first of the week from Culbertson where he has been relieving Agent Green T O Robinson of the freight house force was summoned to Riverton Tues dayby the serious illness of his mother Switchman U S G Smith aud Brake man F F Neubauer went over to St Francis Wednesday on business to return today Fred Zell of Denver was the guest of Supt Campbell Sunday and Monday coming down from the west on No 1 1 Saturday night Brakeman F D Barney has taken a long leave of absence and will take his ill mother to Wisconsin for treatment G R Roberts relieves him Brakeman II W Conover arrived home on 3 Sunday night from Red Cloud where ho attended the Zint Conover wedding last week C A Ward is having his office im proved painted etc this week and Storekeeper Barber is having some in terior and exterior conveniences added Agent Mark Lawritson of Holbrook has returned from his Iowa visit and Extra Agent Zint is assisting in the McCook headquarters celegraph oilice for the present The blacksmith shop force is numer ously on the relief this week Barney Buss and George Casten with injured toes Harry Huet with a sore hand F T Blue and Larry Roach Trainmaster Kenyon as usual met the pay car Sunday at Hastings and accompanied it over the division The car was attached to No 5 to this point and went west from here a spcdal Mon day morning Switchman J F Amick and Brake man William Hegenberger left for Pueblo Colorado Wednesday night on 3 on a short visit for recreation J A Roark is relieving Amick at Red Cloud and T E McCarl is on in place of Heg enberger out of McCook Charley Graves who has been work ing at McCook for some time was visit ing with relatives and friends in this city this week Charley states that he is no longer with the B M but will in the future devote his energies to the carpenter trade Red Cloud Chief Traveling Engineer C C Smith of the Wyoming division Sid Wheeler of the Northern division and C A Dixon of the Western division were in consulta tion here Thursday The question of the adoption of a standard size for oil cans was one of the questions discussed Last Thursday evening at the resi dence of the brides parents Mr and Mrs David Tourtelot Lincoln Ne braska Mr William Baird and Miss Ona Tourtelot were united in marriage The bride is a sister of Mrs James C Barber of our city and the groom is well known over the system as general car inspector of the Burlington Mr and Mrs James C Barber of our city were among the guests The wedding tour will embrace a trip to Quebec and other Canadian cities They will be at home In Lincoln after July 20th It is worth considerable to be able to feel that you can depend upon the quality of meats you order at the meat market A child can get as good meats at Marshs market as a grown person and a phone order gets the best every time Showed Them a Pleasant Time The members of the Western Carfore men association from Council Bluffs South Omaha and Omaha who passed through McCook last Thursday night were shown a most enjoyable time here They arrived in two special ears attached to No 5 and wore entertained until tho departure of No 3 for Denver and the mountains whither they were bound About one hundrodof the excursionists took supper at the B it M eating house arrangements having been made for the same by O P Richmond After the repast and spending the evening in singing with music and in visiting with many of McCooks popular Burlington ollicials and others who came to the depot to welcome them Mr Rich mond and Mr Anderson both of whom were accompanied by their familieswero enthusiastic in their praise of McCook and the hostess of the eating house for all courtesies extended and pleasures enjoyed Mrs Hallow is very grateful to the members of the association for their evident and expressed appreciation and for their liberality She will welcome the return of the Western Cnrforemaifs Association another year with pleasure United In Love A quiet and unpretentious wedding took place about six oclock Thursday afternoon at tho home of Mrs Peter Conover on Seward street when her granddaughter Miss Blanche Conover was happily wedded to Mr Roy Zint of McCook The ceremony wis impress ively performed by Rev Dixon of the M E church and only the members of the immediate family were present The young couple received a shower of con gratulations and a number of useful and ornamental presents They de parted on the evening train for McCook which is to be their future home Mr Zint being fireman for the B A M on one of the passenger trains running from that point 1 fe is a sober and industrious young man and unhesitatingly trusted by his employers His happy bride has been among her friends in Red Cloud the greater portion of her life and she leaves many cherished memories behind her She is a young lady of excellent reputation and priceless worth and en deared to all who know her The Argus adds its unbounded wishes to those of acquaintances for the future happiness of Mr aud Mrs Zint Red Cloud Argus A Fifteen Year Sentence Chicago June 14 Judge Barker today denied a motion to arrest judg ment in the case of Dr Orville S Bur nett the dentist who entered into a com pact with Mrs Charlotte S Nichol to commit suicide which resulted in the the death of the woman Tho judge sentenced the prisoner to fifteen years in the penitentiary Burnett and Mrs Nichol went to the Marlborough hotel with tho intention of committing suicide The woman killed herself with morphine and Burnett claiming that there was not sufficient drug to kill him made a few scratches on his neck with a penknife Ho was charged with being a party to the sui cide of the woman Low Rates Northwest 10 for the round trip to Helena Butte Spokane and many other points from Omaha Lincoln Hastings Grand Island and nearly all points on the B M R R R 15 for the round trip to Tacoma Portland Seattle Vancouver and Vic toria from the same points Tickets on sale daily July 11 to 21 1902 Good returning until September 15 Choice of routes Stopovers al lowed on both going and returning trips Ask the nearest Burlington Routo agent for a folder or write J Francis G P A Omaha Neb Special Train to Denver The Burlington will run a special train to Denver for the International Sunday school convention leaving Omaha 015 p m Wednesday June 25 to connect at Lincoln with the Evangel special from St Louis Special train will leave Lin coln about 730 p m Standard and tourist sleepers will be carried Reser vations should be made early with G W Bonnell City Passenger and Ticket Agt Burlington Route Lincoln Evangelistic Services A L Ogden state evangelist of the Christian church will commence meet ings in McCook next Monday evening in the Christian church of this city The public is cordially invited to these services Absolutely Clear Title Notice is hereby given that the title to the W T Stone farm will be abso lutely clear rumor to the contrary not withstanding 2t C H Jacobs Administrator Hammocks We have hammocks all prices and styles The very best make for less price than you usually pay for the cheaper ones Come and get prices A McMillen Fabric Gloves have the call now and are very fashionable especially the lace gloves We have them in Black or White Also Silk Taffeta Gloves also Silk Mitts in wrist or elbow lengths For fresh new elastic Kid Gloves the only kind worth buying see us We fit them on your hand thus insuring you a perfect fit and a perfect glove The Thompson D G Co The makers of Ideal brand Shirt Waists occupy an enviable position as creators of style and designers of hand some waists that can be retailed at pop ular prices Their factory in New York City is one of the best equipped in tho world The Thompson D G Co havo the sale of their goods for McCook and vicinity White and colored Shirt Waists from 50c to 2 1art t5 ii AyjJwjTiiiiiuflwwrajMftw 9 i NUMBER 0 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Tho best soda is at Cone Bros Ice cream 25c quart Pnlacoof Sweets Stone for sidewalks at Barnett Lum ber yard Take your stove wood to the Barnett Lumber Co Everything seasonable at Marshs meat market A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for sale at this oilice Miss Kearneys lecture last night was well sjKken of E J iMithell auctioneer I hones oflice 17 residence 95 Buy your bath brushes sponges aud toilet soaps at Cone Bros Two second hand headers for sale cheap at W T Colemans A Mormon elder named Wright is cir culating in this neighborhood The latest tiling out in the way of sickle grinders at W T Colemans Hammocks from GOc each up at McConnell Sc Berrys Stone sidewalks are now required by the city authorities Barnett has the stone A bargain in a good second hand steam thieshing outfit See W T Coleman Childrens fancy parasols for lfic laco covered ones for 35c at The Thompson I G Co The Spiekelmier boys up iu Hayes county have captured SG coyotes this year already Childrens gauze vests with sleeves or without from 5c to 25c at The Thomp son I 5 Co Tho farmers are pulling hard on the construction and section gangs since harvest opened Fruit jars and fruit jar rubbers and tops cherry pitters and fruit funnels at W T Colemans Dont let lice and mites take yonr profits Use Lees Lice Killer 13ny from all druggists Ribbed Gauze Lants in Kneo lengths for Girls Misses and Ladies at The Thompson D G Co Have you tried the soda at Cones Everything clean and dainty and served in elegant style Two rooms for rent Call at residence one block south of M E church Ernest Pearson Ladies of avoirdupois can secure tho necessary extra large sizes in gauze underwear from The Thompson DGCo Those two hole Quick meal gasoline stoves are the best and all right to set on top of your range to get supper on these hot days You can get Lace and Embroidery Bondings and black and colored Velvet Ribbons and Satin Baby Ribbons atThe Thompson D G Co We make all wool Dress Skirts as cheap as 250 and up to G Fifty of all kinds on hand ready to wear To your measure at same price The Thompson D G Co The Masons and invited friends will in dulge in a big picnic a short distance this side of Redwillow creek next Tuesday St Johns Day going down on 12 and returning on 5 About twenty five McCoakites at tended the concert by the Wesleyan quartette in Culbertson last Friday night and report a fine entertainment by the boys of the quartette For the first time in a number of years the local yield of potatoes will be fine as to quality It is not probable that the yield will be large as the acreage planted is rather small usually Our Ladies 65c fat black sun-or-rain Umbrellas have steel rod metal trimmed Congo handles 26 inch ribs and look worth much more money Other grades up to 475 The Thomp on D G Co This is an ideal time to paint no dust or other hindrance Remember the best material is always the cheapest Let us tell you about our S W paint It will save you money McConnell Berry Childrens Nazareth Knit Waists but ton before or behind afford room for growth and exercise render needless any undershirt endure washing and usage wonderfully and cost but 25 cents if bought from The Thompson D G Co A protest of a vigorous sort has been filed at this oflice against the alleged cruel manner in which some of the de livery boys treat the horses they are driving This is doubtless thoughtless ness on the part of the boys and the mere calling attention of the boys to the abuse will likelv cure The editor and family are in receipt of an invitation to a danco by the A rmant Social Club at the Valcour Aim Mansion which lack of transportation facilities and incidentally time make it inconvenient for us to accept We are under obligations to Albert Tborgrim son of Vacherie station St Patrick P O Louisiana for the bid just the same Seven Hundred arid Five Corsets to select from I Two shipments from the factory this week Plenty of the Gauze Girdles for 50c now Plenty of the Bat iste Girdles for 75c Plenty of the Gauze Corset Waists Plenty of the Gauze Nursing Corsets Money back after 4 weeks actual wear if dissatisfied The celebrated F C brand for sale onlv bv The Thompson D G Co p or oil