l r tfr with blooms and fragrance a child up on a rustic bench with a lapful of flowers and a busy Bcrious face a boy on the wall above morosely watching her these aro what the Juno sun shono down upon long ago The childs eager fingers had deftly put the flowers together and one hand dragged tho pink ribbon from her hair With an effort of generosity she select ed a sprig of heliotrope from the rest You may have that Tom she said tossing it upon the wall The ribbon tied about the stems and the arrangement held out for a mo ments anxious inspection she sprang to her feet and running down the path and up the steps of the veranda pushed open the green shuttered door of the hall At the farther end her father was taking leave of a two days guest a young man in a scarlet uniform and much gold lace whose horses and ser vant stood at the steps The little girl went forward swiftly and hold out the flowers to the visitor looking shyly up ipto his face The young soldier took them gallant ly This is indeed an honor he said with a quick smile a posey from the fairest lady in all this fair province Mistress Betty may bo Bure they shall be among my treasured pos sessions that I shall keep them al ways The child drew back and ran to the big window to watch tho departure straining her eyes to catch tho last glimpse of the red coat as it disap peared through the trees a spot of ex citement burning on each cheek He had been pleased a real soldier who had fought tho Indians he was going to keep her flowers forever La child you havo worked your self into a very fever the voice of her governess exclaimed Go out for a walk with your cousin do and cool your cheeks And be sure you dont turn back until you reach the gate Betty got her hat obediently Tom was cross he didnt like her hero but nothing could mar the beauty of the day for that proud happy little heart The grass was checkered with shade and sunshine all down the avenue Near the end the blue bay with its dots of white sails came in view They had reached the great stone gate posts and between them lay her flow ers in the dust The boy picked up the soiled ribbon Never mind Betty he said though his eyes were full of anger Hes not worth crying for The little teeth shut down sharply on the red lip Im not crying she said Eight peaceful years had passed and then another wherein there wbb no ivace for the colonies were shaking themselves free of leading strings But in the little water lapped city there were no signs of the strife The June sun was shining down again se renely on the garden and the flowers were giving out their lavish mingling of odors on the still air In the morning room through the open windows of which tho garden sounds and scents were drifting a white capped spinster the govi ness of yore was pouring out a continuous flow of tea for herself and grievances to the morose young officer before the fire place I never go away she protested injuredly but something happens The whole town has greeted me with questions about Bettys new beau and I with never a word to answer Bet ty tells me nothing but only laughs She has gone off now to make the black and white cockades that the commander-in-chief has ordered in compliment to our French allies and he has followed her Your uncle I suppose is satisfied For my own part I believe he is a lory nis refusing a commission is certainly suspicious though to be sure his manners are A lik v -- A Li 1 W T- - V The boy picked up the soiled ribbon charming and I confess he seems not to have aged a month since he staid here before ten years ago What is your opinion of the match captain The young man put down his cup His manners as you say are his ctrong point he answered contempt uously but my cousin of course will choose to suit herself and taking up his hat he turned from the room The woman sighed and poured hcr eelf another enp of tea -He is as taciturn as ever she murmured thcush considering the dance Betty has led him all these years he takes It remarkably quiet poor boy The object of her pity had paused outside the door aid then aimlessly -- v ibLfeg Wfcy9SS5Sfc5B gpnnffiRm p A Little Jlair Ribbon j By SOPHIE HAA1MOND IIC Copyright 1MB by Dally Story Pub Co lUimuinuuuuiiiiiiiuuaiMuaiuuuiiiiiiiiuiiuttiiiuui A garden in old Annapoli3 crowded crossed the hall to his uncles Btudy but before his hand had touched the knob the door opened and their visitor came out and passed him his usually bland face wearing so black a look that the younger man stopped to glance curiously after him Then ho pushed open the door A girl sitting by a little sewing table lifted her face as he entered a face not beautiful but which had worked untold mischief In its short career What is the matter with Peyton Betty he asked abruptly We had a discussion said tho girl with a laugh and I told him the story of a certain little bunch of flow ers as a moral which ruffled his tem per Her cousin came nearer and looked down at her sternly You have danced with him and ridden with him and led him on un til the whole town couples your names together and for a childish grudge Betty gave a little shrug He spoiled one day for me she said xjsQSc - - - - Looked down at her sternly one of the happiest of my life I am not likely to let him spoil another Then her whole manner changed Now Tom she said impressively prepare to be sufficiently grateful Im going to give you my colors to wear to the war But the young man flushed darkly No you will not he said through his teeth You have had all the amusement at my expense that you are likely to have madam You spend your whole time making fools of men you are not worth A pair of brown eyes had been raised mockingly to his and kept there For a moment or two he held out then the old charm proved too strong and he put his arms around her Betty settled her head with a faint laugh against his shoulder You al ways were a bear Tom you know she said softly Then she flashed another glance into the intense face above her Do you want to know what made me tell him about those flowers she asked very low I helped Chloe pack your boxes yester day and I found that old hair ribbon in your desk POPE DID NOT WANT NEW GOWNS IjOOs Disinclination to Spend Money for His Own U os This story is told to illustrate the popes dislike of spending money on himself The other day Pio Centra his old and tried personal attendant opened the discussion while dressing him in the morning by remarking that his gown was not as new as it might be I suppose I have yourr holiness permission to order your gowns for the jubilee he added What gowns for the jubilee re plied Leo XIII sharply I have three sets already and certainly require no more Why should I spend good money for what I do not want But holy father protested Cen tra who knows his masters weak ness supposing some one of the great personages who are received by your holiness should notice a defect such as this pointing to an invisible spot on one sleeve He might think you had put on your old clothes not considering him worthy of the best After a pause Leo XIII said with a sigh Well perhaps you are right Order them but only one mind you and my poor people will have to go without so much bread How dread ful to be obliged to spend so much money on ones clothes Whon Lord Rnglan SponlM The idiosyncrasies of orators pro vide an almost inexhaustible Gtudy says the London Leader One of the strangest habits of a speaker is as suredly that possessed by Lord Rag lan The habit is only observable at post prandial functions at which the moment the son of the famous field marshal rises to speak he arranges on the table in front of him everything within his reach just as if he were playing an intricate war game Bottles of every size and shape glasses salt cellars knives and forks and even the very table decorations themselves are pressed into the ser vice and by the time the noble lord resumes his seat the disposition of his imaginary troops which is productive of no little amusement to those around him is complete Fortunate is the man upon whose face nature has written a letter of credit THE VOLOANOES OF KAMCHATKA ravn Flows and Earthquakes Disturb I inni and Sos Kamchatka has many volcanoes tho only one3 In Russian territory that aro Btill active They are unusually impressive Their summits are al ways smoking and often glow with molten lava though they are clad in eternal snow and are covered with glaciers The volcanic eruptions are very grand but being witnessed only by a few natives or Russian officials they awaken but little attention in the west About forty of the mountains are of volcanic origin but of these not more than twelve are still active One of these remarkable eruptions occurred last fall at the Avacha vol cano 8210 feet high on the southeast coast of Kamchatka The eruptions were accompanied by subterranean rumblings that were audible for six ty miles These phenomena are often attended by violent earthquakes which sometimes raise the waves to a great height flooding the coast and sweep ing away the tents of the natives This was the case during the recent eruption The accounts that have been sent to St Petersburg of this eruption say that a more magnificent and awful spectacle was probably never present ed Lava flowed in deep streams down the sides of the mountains The streams looked like wide molten riv ers From fissures in the earth nox ious gases escaped destroying animal and vegetable life near the mountain Even fish were killed by thousands in the neighboring streams The volcanic eruptions in Kamchat ka probably surpass those of any oth er part of the world in violence and duration An eruption mentioned by Krashmeninnikov lasted four years from 1727 to 1731 and that of 1737 which was far more violent dis charged vast lava streams melting the glaciers and sweeping avalanches of ice and water into the surrounding valleys TEARS OF BENEFIT TO THE EYES Ones Sight Is Clearer After a Coplons Flow of the Salty Liquid Tears do not weaken the sight but improve it They act as a tonic on the muscular vision keeping the eye soft and limpid and it will be noticed that women In whose eyes sympathetic tears gather quickly have brighter tenderer orbs than others When the pupils are hard and cold the world at tributes it to one s disposition which 8 a mere figure of speech Implying the lack of balmy tears that are to the cornea what salve Is to the skin or nourishment to the blood The reason some women weep more easily than others and still more readily than the sterner six has not its difference in the strength of the tear gland but in the possession of a more delicate nerve system The nerve fibers about the glands vibrate more easily causing a downpour from the watery sac Men are not nearly so sensitive to emotion their sym patheteic nature the term is used in a medical sense is less developed and the eye is therefore protected from shocks Consequently a man should thank the formation of his nerve nature when he contemptuously scorns tears as a womans practice Their Consolation They were tossing about on the wild and restless ocean in a small open boat at least 100 feet from the beach He was struggling manfully to battle with the surging waves and to pull for the shore she was sitting in a heap in the stern of the frail barque holding on like grim death and mentally vowing that she would never again be tempted by her lovers daring spirit to venture so far from land I know ve shall go over she shrieked as the boat gave another lurch Oh George try and Manage it I will replied he firmly I could get along splendidly if the waves did not make it go all ways at once Dont be afraid Sarah Were getting near er arent we A little Oh George what shall we do if the boat is lost Dont you worry yourself about that my dear said George soothing ly You mustnt worry yourself about other peoples ousiness It isnt our boat And he continued his fight with the cruel remorseless waves Precedent Established A beginner in newspaper work in a southern town who occasionally sent stuff to one of the New York dailies picked up last summer what seemed to him a big story Hurrying to the telegraph office he queried the tele graph editor Column story so and so Shall I send The reply was brief and prompt but to the enthusi ast unsatisfactory Send 600 words was all it said Cant be told in less than 1200 he wired back Before long the reply came Story of crea tion of world told in GOO Try it New York Post Americans In Burkes Peerage The names of five American naval officers appear in the 1902 edition of Burkes peerage Admiral Schleys daughter married a brother of the present earl of Wharncliff the daugh ters of Commodore Price and Magru der became respectively duchess of Marlborough and Lady Abinger Lieu tenant H T Stockton married a daughter of Sir Matthew Onslow and Paymaster Rodney married his cousin a granddaughter of Sir Hugh Owen Of the naval officers named only Schley and Rodney survive There is no love without jealousy NATIONAL BIRD OF GUATEMALA It Ts tlio ynotral and Is Said to f refer Death to CnptlTlty Tho republic of Guatemala deco rates its coat of arms Its stamps and its official documents with the pic ture of a beautiful parrot The bird is of a rich green color with tufted head and a long tail which frequently grows to a length of four or five feet The Guatemalans are very proud of their national bird and havo written many songs and poems about it Tho parrot was selected for the national emblem because it was found very hard to catch and because tradition says that when once imprisoned it always kills itself rather than remain in captivity The quetzal lives in the wildest parts of the mountains and never visits the neighborhood of the towns or cities The only parrots ever brought out of the forests are caught by the native Indians The parrots are too wary to be caught in a trap The Indians first watch the parrot sometimes for days at a time until they discover their haunts Then they smear the limbs of surrounding trees with thick glue The parrot perches on the sticky limb and is held fast No parrot has ever been brought from Its forest home alive They struggle desperately when caught and whon they find they cannot es cape they kill themselves so it is de clared The natives say that the birds al ways commit suicide in the same way by pecking at their breasts until the jugular vein is exposed But no one has ever succeeded in keeping a speci men alive in captivity New York Sun SHE GOT A STYLISH HAT CHEAP Colored Woman Got n Bargain but a White Sister Monrni A Philadelphia woman moving in good society has been cured of a mania for attending rummage sales but it took a heroic treatment to ef fect the cure The other day she went to a sale of the description named in aid of a worthy charity in which she is interested and came away with minus a 25 hat It hap pened this way A feature of the sale was a counter filled with untrimmed hats advertised Your choice for 50 cents Now the North Thirty third street woman didnt really want an untrimmed hat at fifty cents but there was one that caught her fancy by reason of its odd shape and she simply couldnt resiBt the temptation to try it on She took off the hand some hat she was wearing placed it on the counter and picked up the untrimmed one Then she looked around for a mirror There was only one and that away at the other end of the long room She pushed her way through the crowd and in the mean time a fat colored womans eyes were glued to the hat she had left behind on the pile marked Your choice for 50 cents It was a golden opportunity not to be missed Count ing out 50 cents in dimes nickels and pennies she shoved them at the inno cent young attendant and made good her escape with the fashionable wom ans nat The Gladstone Library The library erected at Hawarden by national subscriptions to perpetu ate Mr Gladstones memory is rapid ly approaching completion The site is the one chosen by Mr Gladstone himself for the temporary library in use before his last illness It stand near the church on an eminence overlooking the Dee estuary There is in addition to the building fund of 10000 a library endowment and the original library placed there by Mr Gladstone has been so greatly in creased that the number of books now available for students is nearly 35900 There are two large rooms or halls one devoted to theological and the other to historical and other works These wil be known as the divinity and humanity rooms The foundation stone of Aberdeen granite bears the following inscription In this build ing erected to his memory by a grate ful nation is preserved the library of William Ewart Gladstone who emi nent no less as a theologian than as a statesman established the founda tion for the advancement of divine learning New York Evening Post Snail Eating In England The statement at a meeting of the British branch of the Church pastoral aid society that poverty drives girls to collect and eat snail3 as food is based on a misunderstanding Among the poorer classes of the west coun try writes a correspondent snails are esteemed as dainty and nourishing eating They are euphemistically known as wall fish During the autumn and winter men go from garden to garden collecting snails for sale and food The usual mode is to boil the snails and crack ing the shells to ea them spiced with pepper and salt with bread Their flavor is very delicate By ath letes and footballers inheriting an cient ideas of training they are speci ally favored as strengthening the wind and stamina Indeed the medicinal value l snails in respiratory affections rests qt centuries of belief Dr Bulleyn u3sr physician to Henry VIII wrote thl Snayles broken from their shelfs and sodden in whyte wine with oyle and sugar are very wholesome forstraightnesse of the lungs and cold sough London Chronicle If you want a man to praise your judgment all you have to do is to agree with him - - - f I SSr r RSK8 Urn M tlODGB JJSLJLISTE1 We would caution all people against accepting substitutes for Peruna In sist upon having Peruna There is no other internal remedy for catarrh that will take the place of Peruna Allow no one to persuade you to the contrary If jou do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving- a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis Address Dr Tlartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio Justice may be blind but she is able to judge people by their conversation ARE TOUR CLOTHES FADED Use Red Cross Hall Bltio and mako then white again Largo 2 oz package 5 cents Truth is the simples of all virtues it requires neither study nor art INSIST ON GETTING IT Some grocers pay they dont keep De fiance Starch This Is because they havo a stock on hand of other brands contain ing only 12 oz In a package which they wont be able to sell first because De fiance contains 16 oz for the same money Do you want 10 oz instead of 12 oz for same money Then buy Defiance Starch Requires no cooking Fortunate is the man who is on the long side of the collar baton market Try One Package If Defiance Starch does not please you return it to your dealer If it does you get one third more for the same money It will give you satis faction and will not stick to the iron Every man ought to make a certain allowance for his wife Mrs Windows Soothing Syrup For children tecthinp boftens the Kimtb reduces In flammation allays pain cures vlntl colic 25c a bottle Love subdues everything except a swelled head Pisos Cure is tho best medicine wo ever used for all affections of the throat and lunps Wm O Endsley Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1900 Gossips are people who go around stabbing reputations in the back If you wish beautiful clear white clothes use Red Cross Ball Blue Large 2 oz package 5 cents They say love is blind but a woman can ses a thousand qualities in a man he never possesses Iliilis Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure Price 73a When a man has to bolster up his case there is usually some sort of sham about it Stops the Cough and Works OfT the Cold Laxative Brouio Quiniue Tablets Price 2oc The heart of a woman is as a driven well and he who would sound its depths must be blessed in ratience even like one who dives for pearls SALESMEN WANTED We have a number of agencies in Nebraska and Iowa where we can use good men over 30 selling our Stand ard Stock Food to farmers They must have teams give full time to the business be in high standing with good business ability and some knowledge of live stock We furnish wagons and offer exceptional induce ments to permanent salesmen Bond required Send for application blank The F E Sanborn Company Omaha Neb Plain duties become beautiful through their performance CITC periranentiy rnrea Ko fits or nervonsncTS after 1 I S w tlrt Iaj V lice of Dr Klines Ireftt Nerve Restor er Send for FIUCIJ S200 trinl bottle and treatise DitH 11 Kline Ltd 031 Arch Street Ihlladelpbia Pa Twere better to see clearly with one eye than mistily with two A Place to Spend the Summer On the lines of the Milwaukee Rail way in Wisconsin Minnesota and Iowa are some of the most beautiful places in the world to spend a summer vaca tion camping out or at the elegant summer hotels Boating fishing beautiful lakes and streams and cool weather Okoboji is the nearest of theie re sorts but all are easily reached from Omaha and the round trip rated this summer are lower than ever before Full information on application F A NASH Genl Western Agent C M St P Ry 1504 Farnam St Omaha A woman would be willing to die for the man she loves but she couldnt keep from saying I told you so for the very life of her MORE XXEXIISM AND LASTING wont shake out or blow out bv using Defiance starch you obtain better results than possible with any other brand and one third more for same money The friends that wealth makes are as the quicksands but the friends of poverty are like the fixed stars in heaven WIFE aMIWPIiJPWJWWjgVWfcW pelvig catarrh She Suffered for Years and Pelt Her Case Was Hope less Cured by Peruna Mrs Judge McAllister writes from 1217 West 53rd St Minneapolis Minn as followo I suffered for years with a pain In the small of my back and right side It interfered often with my domestic and social duties and I never supposed that 1 would be cured as the doctors medicine did not seem to help me any Fortunately n member of our Or der advised me to try Peruna and gave it such high praise that J decided to try it Although I started In with little faith I felt so much better in a week that 1 felt encouraged I took It faithfully for seven weeks and am happy Indeed to be able to say that I am entirely cured Words tall to express my gratitude Perfect health once more Is the best thing I could wish for and thanks to Peruna I enjoy that now- Minnie E McAl lister Tho great popularity of Peruna as a catarrh remedj has tempted many peo ple to imitate Peruna A great many so called catarrh remedies and catarrhal tonics are to be found in many drug stores These remedies can be procured by the druggist much cheaper than Pe runa Peruna can only be obtained at a uniform price and no druggist can get it a cent cheaper Thus it is that druggists are tempted to substitute the cheap imitations of Peruna for Peruna It is done every day without a doubt n TWO IMMENSE PIANO STOCKS Bought for Spot Cash Never In our business experience havo we been able to offer such bargains In Pianos as now Lack of lioor space necessitates the slaughtering of prices on at least K pianos IJrand new Pianos from 11500 up to the pri e or the celebrated Stemway We sell new pianos on 5 monthly payments Call or write at once for catalog pricesetc SCHM0I1ER MUELLCR Manufacturers Wholesale and Re tail Piano Dealers 1313 Farnarn St Omaha UUiiiiUilliUlillllllUiiiiiiiAiiliAiiiillAiiii LADIES Aro you and thin Doos your bust o form need development If so try ZI2IOIA and watch re sults Write us for particulars American Drug Co Detroit Mich 3TT7mmTmnnnnmmTTTT7TmTTTTmF77T -ALL WRIGHT FOB MORE THAN HALP A CENTURY Care vonmlpation Chills and IViit anil all HIU lout tdiuplalnts All DrusUU 1rlce - raU a lloz WEIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PHL CO New York V CUTIWRA J PimpSes Blackheads fed3 Rough Oily Skirs Preyentsd by o ilIPiF MKIION3 OF PEOrtE USE CtTICTEA Soap assisted by CuticckaOintjiet for preserving purifying and beaut fying the skin for cleansing tho Ertlp of crusts scales and dandruff sid tbo stopping of falling hair for joften vhitcniigand soothing red rough nd sore- hands for baby rashes itcliing and chaflns and for all tho purpo csof tho to lot bath and nursery Millions of Women use Ccti cura Soap in the form of baths for annoy ing irritations inflammations and excori ations or too freoor ofTensivo perspiration in the form of washes for tcorative weak nesses and for znnnj sanative purposes Coinplsie Trcatnent for Hisours 1 the tt of ru u aiil atjii f iu n tic thiccreil cuticle CfinjrKA O ntmivp 5cUtnt r3i irritation ami soothe andhc mlCrxr CUitA 1esovlxt Pills 2 c to cool anl cl sa e the Mood a r icLi Sit ia often sufIcu nt to care the i evere t fuse Crar cisA Rkfolvknt Irrs Tliorolato Coarc sre a new tfie o iMirlewf iHirni4lsitiirf ir t eelebrrif leuitl CLmccitA Ihaot nt CO do3e pree 2c bold th rnchct the E iIh Dnnt IT J Charterhouse Sq Lrn on French ljjxit 5 redr Shen Ansvering Advertisements Kindly Election This Taper W N U Omaha gyj EKfcSfirli fej Best No 2A UUritJi Vr1rHr ALL tlhE i AILS ti Ccush Syrup Ta tci Good Vxi t In time od bv dragciti 1 gj3rfjg3355 902 rvoil