h r r IN r X U m iV s Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tribune we lmve made arrangements with tlie following newspapers anil periodicals whereby we cansup ply them in combination with The Tribune at the following very low prices with PUBLICATION IHICE TRIBUNE Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 tt Leslies Weekly 4 00 00 Prairie Farmer 1 00 1 2j Chicago Inter Ocean 100 1 Ili Cincinnati Enquire 100 150 New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Demorests Magazine 100 175 Toledo Blade 100 125 Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65 Iowa Homestead Lincoln Journal Campbells Soil Culture New York World Cosmopolitan Magazine St Louis Republic Kansas City Star Farm and Home Word and Works Surplus fund 1 ndiviaeu proms 1 00 125 1 00 1 75 1 X 1 50 1 00 1 65 1 00 lfcO 1 00 1 75 25 1 20 1 00 120 1 00 1 70 Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 f0 -renewals 1 50 We are prepared to fill orders for any other paiers published at reduced rates The Tkibune McCook Nob Mother Yes one package makes two quarts of baby medicine See directions There is nothing just as good for babies and children as Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents McConnell Berry THE REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Citizens Bank of McCook Charter No 276 Incorporated in the state of Nebraska at the close of business June 1902 resources Loans and Discounts 14422065 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 11SS06 Stocks securities judgments claims etc 1452XJ Other real estate 1029471 Current expenses and taxes paid 1411 4G Checks and other cash items l27Sll Due from national state and private banks and bankers 25005S Cash Bills S07600 Gold 117000 Silver S2400 Nickols and cents 9iSb Total cash on hand 1016iSG Total 195051576 liabilities Capital stock paid in 5000000 500000 505375 Individual deposits suoject to check C0S u 2 Demand certificates of de port 4SSI16S Ca hiers checks outstanding 625142 Due to state and private banks and bankers 1906019 135020 01 Total 1j0s376 State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss I A C Ebert cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state ment is correct and a true copy of the report made to the State Banking board A C Ebert Vttest V Franklin Director W B Wolfe Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th dajof June 1902 II II Beret seal Notary Public KasaS335S3SB3e3wS lltWVit WWW9 Offer ains To every one who is in need of summer goods Our stock of Wash Dress Goods is complete Prices start as low as 5c per yd We have extra good values in Lawns Batistes Dimities and Linen ground effects at 15c per yard Also A Good Assortment Of cotton foulards and fancy fabrics in better grades Wash silk 48c special Special lot of wash silk choice styles good colors and well worth G5c We are selling them at 48c Cheap er grades 28c See our Ladies white and colored waists suits and separate skirts before you make your purchase- THE was arqaiii tore C L DeGROFF CO WSW WTlSVWrttS To the Public Whereas the merchants of McCook and es pecially the undersigned have agreed out of con sideration for their emplojees and themselves to close their business places at 8 oclock p m during Juno July and August excepting Satur days pay days and the three evenings succeed ing pay days it is hereby earnestly requested of the public that they co operate in tho matter by doing their trading before that hour in order that no individual merchant may feel himself over borne by applications for trading after tho closing hour and in order that no merchant may feel it profitable to withhold his co operation with this very reasonable and customary sum mer arrangement and e iecially in order that needed rest and reaction may be secured to tho large number of over confined store keepers and workers It is understood that the hotels drug stores and refreshment places exiect to servo the pub lic evenings as heretofore Confidently requestingyour co operation wo promise you better service as a result of the rolief Signed E B Odell II II Tartsch Jas McAdams M E Knipple F S Vahue J A Wilcox S W Lowman Polk Bros II P Waite C L DcGeoff Co J H Grannis The Thompson Dry Goods Co The Hadell Mercantile Co Mrs Delhuntv W T Cole man D C Marsh Paul Anton E E Saddler J G Stokes Fraternal Insurance Order Cards K O T M -Regular meetings on second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month in McConnell hall at S Visiting knights welcome M R Gates commander J H Yarger record keeper C A Leach finance keeper ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodge No 307 meets on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnell hall J R McCarl Illustrious Pro Robt W Devoe Secretary NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Ofllco at McCook Nob June 3 1902 Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fiual proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at McCook Neb on Saturday July 19 1902 viz Charles E Werner H E No 11124 for the SWV XW4 WV4 SWU SEH SWi Sec 21 Twp 4 N R 29 W 6th P M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz George M Mohler John S Mod roll William Y Johnson and Benjamin O Johnson all of McCook Nebraska F M Rathbun Register NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of Red Willow County State of Nebraska In the matter of tho estate of William T Stone deceased Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of G W Norris judge of the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska made on tho thirty first day of May 1902 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will bo sold at the front door of the county court house of Red Willow county on the 25th day of June 1902 at one oclock p mat public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to wit Tho southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty six in township three north Range thirty west of the sixth Principal Meridian fortv acres in Red Willow county Nebraska Said salo will remain open one hour Charles H Jacobs Dated this 4th day of June A D 1902 Administrator of the estate of William T Stone deceased Cures When Doctors Fall Mrs Frank Chiasson Patterson La writes June Sth 1901 I had malaria fever in very bad form was under treatment by doctors but as soon as I stopped taking their medicine the fever would return I used a sample bottle of Herbine found it helped me Then bought two bottles which completely cured me I feel grateful to you for furnishing such a splendid medicine and can honestly recommend it to those suffering from malaria as it will surely cure them 30c bottle at A McMillens World Wide Reputation Whites Cream Vermifuge has achieved a world wide reputation as being the best of all worm destroyers and for its tonic influence on weak and unthrifty children improves their digestion and assimilation of food strengthens their nervous system and restores them to tho health vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood 25c at A McMillens Grain Moved In Stream Nowhere in North America will you come on a more thrilling night scene than the fresh water cargo tank un loading at IiulTnlo says Itolllu Lynde Ilartt In The Atlantic Here she lies henealh the towering grain elevator which thrusts a long pumping pipe called the leg down through her hatchway Mount the gangplank dodging the spinning ropes that make your head reel stumble about on the dark deck look down down down through tho open hatch and zounds what a sight The hold glows with electricity It is misty with blown dust It roars with mechanical activ ity An enormous steel shovel big as the inside of a house and manipulated by countless Hying ropes charges back and forth through the whole length of the ship pitching the yellow grain be fore it and heaping it up where the leg can get hold of it to whisk it into the bin that is somewhere up in the sky Lenoatli in the hold an army of blue clad men with wooden scoops barely dodge the deadly shovel as they swing the grain iuto its path OliHcrvntlons by Mildred Scene Tramcar Dramatis persona Four-year-old girl mother and several passengers Child in high shrill treble Mamma did you get papas birthday present V Yes dearest What did you get mamma Cigars lovey The cheap ones that Aunt Millie told you about Silence from mamma but a heighten ed Hush on her face that was not entire ly the reflection from dearest loveys red velvet hat Mamma that man over there has on a dreadfully dirty necktie You told papa the other day that no gentleman would wear a soiled necktie Man glares and pulls his coat about his neck Mildred stop talking Mildred was silent for a little while Mamma that lady over there forgot to polish her shoes this morning London Spare Moments All Cheese Is Densely Populated Professor Adametz who devoted con siderable time to the study of the fra grant subject said that the population of an ordinary cheese when a few weeks old is greater than the number of persons upon the earth Professor Adametz made some inter esting researches dealing with the mi nute organisms found in cheese From a microscopic examination of a soft variety of Gruyere cheese ho obtained the following statistics In fifteen grains of cheese when perfectly fresh from 90000 to 140000 microbes were found and when tho cheese was sev enty days old the population had in creased to SO000O in each fifteen grains An examination of a denser cheese at twenty five days old proved it to contain 1200000 in each gram about fifteen grains and when forty five days old 2000000 in the same small particle Spiders Are Industrious No small insect ever escapes from the wejb of a spider a fact which is not to be wondered at when it is con sidered that an ordinary sized snare may contain as many as 120000 viscid globules The spinner is constantly engaged in repairing injuries to the web inflicted by wind stray leaves or captured insects Once a day the whole snare is subjected to rigorous examina tion and any broken or loosened threads are adjusted Cornhill Maga zine Tlinniler Winter thunder is considered through out Europe to be of very ill omen but April thunder is considered to be very beneficial In Devonshire and other cider counties of England there is a saying that when it thunders in April you must clean up the barrels in readiness that is for a plentiful crop of apples The French consider April thunder to be indicative of a good yield from their vineyards and cornfields Cluince For Aeiigennce Simson angrily I have sent the ed itor of The Ilightone Magazine forty two of my poems and he has returned every one of them Friend Dont send him any more He might get mad Suppose he should What could he do He might publish one of them un der your real name New York Week ly Abandoned Cisterns An abandoned cistern is often a dan gerous thing and should be filled as stagnant water which may remain in it is a common source of disease If this cannot be done at once it is a good plan to throw in proper disinfectants and gradually fill it up with sifted coal ashes The Ileal Bitterness Mamma But darling why should you object to taking the good doctors advice Bobby It isnt his advice mamma Its his horrid old medicine that I hate to take Chicago News Why He Never Attains Ilcr Ideal A man who is earning the living for a family doesn t have time to live up to his wifes ideals and by the time he has made his money he is too old and wants to bo comfortable Atchison Kan Globe To make good tea and coffee the wa ter should be taken at the first bubble Remember continued boiling causes the water to part with its gases and be come flat This is the cause of much bad tea and coffee Ladles Home Jour nal DANBURY Alfalfa harvest is boing crowded hard this week Wallio Hillings of McCook was on our streets Tuesday Harvesting machinery is tho leading article these days Thod Duncan of Indianoln was doing business in Danbury Tuesday Hall Ilros received this week a new Minne apolis -team thresher Llojil Xadon camo in from Henkelman Tues day for a fow days visit at homo Miss Ada Fair returned home from tho teach ora institute at Culbertron Tuesday John Bellamy of Cambridge was in town Tuesday and Wednesday selling bee hives Tom Simpson the Deering salesman is help ing Harrison itMes uer set up harvesters this week Mr and Mrs Hun Oman came over from Mc Cook hit Thursday Hea is working in tho alfalfa for Hen Smiley Sylva is staying at her sisters Mrs Chas Hogors J II Wicks a former Danbury grain bujer now of Eiistis Nebraska came here Tuesday night for a few hand shakes with old friends He returns home Saturday If we hear a tin pan rattling and somo half scorejof people hurrying along we know Home one is after aswarm ofjbees They the bees seek some queer places for a new home Several thousand have taken forcible possession of tho outer wall of the Win Eifort house If they fill all the spaces between the studding there will be lot of sweotness Like a Drowning Man Five jearairo a disease the doctors called dysxpsiu took such a hold on me that I could scarcely go writ- George S Marsh well known attorney of Xocniin Texas I took quantities of pop in and other medicines but nothing helped me As a drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kodol I felt an improve ment at once and after a few bottles am sound and well Kodol is the only preparation which exactly reproduces the natural digestive juices and con equently is the onlj one which digest aii good food and cures any form of stomach trouble McConnell Kerry What Thin Folks Needs Is a greater power of digesting and assimilat ing food For them Dr Kings New Life Hills work wondors Tliey tone up and regulate the digestive organs gently expel all poi-on-from the system enrich the blood improve the appetite make healthy flesh Only 2ic at -McConnell it Kerrys Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin cures Constipa tion Sold by A McMillen NOTICE KV PUBLICATION The defendants Littie C Whittaker and John Whittaker will take notice That on the 13th day of MaylWriAngelo P Welles plaintiff here in filed his petition against said h fendauts and caused an order of attachment to is ue out of said court which was duly levied on the land of the defendants described as follows Lots eight nine and ten in section thirty one township three north range twenty nine west of the Cth P M excepting that portion of the above de cribed tract of land included within the following boundaries to wit Commencing at a point on the west line of sectioa thirtj one township three north of range twenty nine west of the 5th V M ten chains and forty threo links north of the southwest corner of said sec tion thirtj one thence east right angles with said section line eight chains and sixty two links thence north parallel with said section line seventeen chains and fifty links to south bank of the Kepublican river thence in a south westerly direction along the south bank of the Kepublican river eight chains and sixty two links thence south along said section line sev enteen chains and thirty links to place of begin ning The object and prayer of which action aro to recover the sum of si27K0 now due and payable to tho plaintiff from tho defendants upon the balance found due on an account for medical services rendered by the plaintiff to the defendants at their request and to subject tin said real estate to the payment of the amount found due upon said account You are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th day of July VW AXGCLO P WELLES Ky W K Starr His Attorney NOTICE FOR PUKLICATION Department of tho Interior Land Office at McCook Neb May 19th 1HK Notice is hereby given that the following named has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at McCook Neb on Saturday June isth lXr viz Edward K Kran com II E 11110 for the E Vi S E 1i Sec 2b Twp 5 north range 2t west Gth P M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz James Kirby of McCook Neb Hubert Reach McCook Neb Seivart Hougo of McCook Neb Joseph II Stephens of Kox Elder Neb F M KatiiulN Register Resolution Estimate of expense for tho current year 1902 by the city council of the city of McCook Nebraska Re it resolved by tho mayor and council of the city of McCook in the state of Nebraska that the following be and the same hereby is adopted as tho estimate of expen es for said city of McCook for the fiscal year commencing May 0th 1902 Making and repairing alleys streets and crosswalks MX 00 To pay firemen and supplies 00 00 Salaries of officers other than police 500 00 Rent for water troughs and street sprink ling 1700 00 Supplies rent claims and elections 1 00 00 Lighting streets 1200 00 Interest on bond and sinking fund 1000 00 Total 7 G0 00 The entires revenue for the city for tho year ending May 1st 1902 was as follows General fund Ji97 44 Occupation fund 229 45 Watorfund 1917 95 Cemetery fund 127 1X1 Light fund llto 72 Total S7670 51 The entire expense of the city for the ear ending May 1st 1902 was as follows General fund 2U5 Occupation fund lSs S2 Water fund 1749 91 Cemetery fund 2 20 Light fund 1219 CO Fire fund 55 35 Total 7512 Adopted and approved this yth day of June 1902 C E Eldred Mayor Attest C I Hall City Clerk ORDINANCE NO 10S ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL An ordinance termed an Annual Appropriation Rill appropriating such sums of money as are deemed necessary to defray all the necessary expense and liabilities of the citv of McCook Redwillow county Nebraska as shown by esti mates heretofore made by said city for the cur rent year and authorizing a tax to be levied during the current fiscal year for the payment of thesame Re it ordained bv the major and council of the city of McCook Sec 1 That the following ums of money be and the same are hereby appropriated to defray the necf ary expenses and liabilities of aid city of McCook for the current fical year for the object and purpose- stated therein Salaries of officers other than police 500 00 Making and repairing alleys streets and crosswalks 5 00 Of To pa firemen and supplies 500 X Rent for water troughs and sprink ling 1700 00 Supplies rent claims and elections 1200 00 Lighting streets 1200 00 Interest on bonds and sinking fund 1000 00 Sec 2 That there be and is hereby levied on all the taxable property within the corporate limits of the city of McCook for the purpose of defraying expenses and liabilities aforesaid the following tax to wit General fund 10 mills Water fund mills Electric light fund 5 mill Interest on bond and -inking fund 5 mills Sec 3 That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage ap proval and publication according to law Passed and approved this 9th day of June 1902 fscALl C E Eldred Mayor Attest C I Hall City Clerk uinjimiM imiiaiiiiiiMi i iimwmimMiu SPECIAL Th A Ladies 140 135 and 125 Oxfords ro at Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will i State of Nebraska Red Willow Count - At a county court held at the county court room in and for said county jua rd r Pre ent C E Eldred county judge In the matter of the estate of Mary T Hwl deren eil On reading and filing the petition of W S Morlan praying that the in trument a dul j authenticated copy of which filed on th 23rd day of -May Iw2 and purporting to be the last will and testament of -aid decea ed and the probate of the same in the probate courr of Connecticut may be provedapproved proband allowed and recorded as the last will and or the -aid Mary T Hide decea ed and that the execution of aid in truirent mav he committed and the admini tration of said estate may be granted to Arthur A Hde a executor Ordered that Juno 14 lf02 at ten oclock a m is assigned for hearing aaid petition when all iier ona interested in said matter maj appear at a county court to be held in and for -aid county and show cause why the prajer of peti tioner should not b granted and that notice of the pendency of said iHtition and the hearing thereof be given to all per ons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of order in The McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing SEAL C E Eldeed A true copy County Judge U 01 III TO 1 j Wl WW HHJMW All fresh new clean goods in the latest styles We have the larges stock of canvas shoes and Oxfords ever shown in Western Nebraska at prices that cannot be duplicated A bunch of firecrackers with every pair of Boys and Girls shoes tySSBSUFt F S VAHUE Prop KygRvgHgsRgBia FLOUR is an esential for T D aitWWaB4ffLf ssqfr BfiNJHNBNSrsSSENBNaBSNrNBKJ5rS GOOD GOOD BREAD The Harvard Milling Power Co guarantee their flour to be e Best by Test OUR BRANDS Pride of Harvard Chief 98 Straight Trial orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed For Sale in McCook by Jo A Wilcox Son wKSSaS21TSSlLN8SS3NEffS5XSSK Spring Ailments There an aching and tired feeling the liver bowels and kidneys become sluggish and inac tive the digestion impaired with little or no appetite no ambition for anything and a feel ing that tho whole body ami mind needs toning up The trouble is that during the winter there has been an accumulation of waste matter in the system Herbine will remove it secure the secretions a right exit and by its tonic effect fully raslore the wasted tissues and gives strength In place of weakness A McMillens A tramp stole a bottle of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin When he appeared in court he ex plained that he saw in the advertisement that was easy to take so he took it Discharged said tho judge I will go anil take some myself It is easy to take and is a perfect laxative Sold by A McMillen Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will State of Nebraska Red Willow County ss At a county court held at the county court room in and for said county May 23rd 1902 Present C E Eldred county judge In the matter of the estate of OliverMHwIe deceased On reading and filing the ijetition of W S Morlan praying that the instrument a duly authenticated copy of which was filed on the 23rd day of May 1902 and purporting to be the last will anil testament of the -aid deceased and the probate of the same in the probate court of Connecticut may be proved approwd probated allowed and recorded a- tho last will and testament of the said Oli er MHjde and that the execution of siiid instru ment may be committed and the administration of said estate may be granted to Arthur A Hde as executor Ordered that June 11 1902 at ten oclock a m i a signed for hearing said ietition when all per-on- interested in said matter ma appear at a county court to be held in and for -aid county and show caue why the praer of IKtitiouer should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of -aid jietition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons intere ted in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in -aid county for three weeks prior to said day of hearing SEAL C E Eldred A true copy County Judge A Cashier Testifies Pep in S nip Co Monticello 111 Gentlemen After twenty ear- of aches and pains caused by constipation brought on by sedentary habits 1 have found more relief ia two bottles of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pop in than all of the hundred- of other remedies I have tried and I take pleasure in giving ou this testimony believing ou have the finest prir ation made for stouiache troubles Very truly yours D F Lang Cashier Wabash 11 H East St Loin Sold by A McMill n AMERICAS j BEST j Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of th v oriel wt V writtcn original answers to queries articles on health home new hooks and on work about the farm and garden I The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph new- service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New York World daily reports fnm over 2X0 special correspondent throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The and The Weekly Inter 0Kin one ear both paper- for 1 10 McConnell Berry Druggists DONT 8 BE rOOLEDL Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUPTAIN TEA Made onlj by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis Ic keeps you uell Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sc in bulk Accept no substi tute Ask our drujjEiat vl yyVirt This signature is c every bos of the genufat Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold In one day or Q