K s hi i SSW 1 CANVAS W B WOLFE Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron ead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Eclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Philips Building fCodo Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat a a DIRECTORS 0 High Tops and Leather Soles CANVAS SHOES Low Cut and Rubber Soles CANVAS SHOES Low Cut and Leather Soles CANVAS SHOES For Boys In All Sizes See them in our window The ice will please you at J g itMVWV4VVIVV1VMMr i CITIZENS f ft OF McCOOK B B BAN NEB If FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT 42z2m3 C H MILLARD OOP - Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 o6 GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director W V W1 f aWr S3P S W1 C1 FTSpnrsjjB 5 j jjrjjjrgp Myjr jc jjjt ia y ijjjr ajjrr jjjt xq V FRANKLIN President THEl A C EBERT Cashier Paid Up Capital 50000 Surpl us 55000 f H m gg jgi jjysjjny iaBqjCTpr qgnagrqgragy ffisgnqy jgfcagr agrjqyngngr ngragr aqryt FIRST rNATIONALl W AMiAAVVsAVV vvvvvvvvvvyvvvvwvvyrvv ANK wsiewwfv 7 McCook Transfer Line l Plumber and lujuyBLTl 1 L J H DWYEE Proprietor JSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard SOUTH SIDE The sonjf of the mower is heard in the land Some niiiccs of corn in tills vicinity i nro 8 inches hiifh John Bonder is workiujf for John Randoll and Frank for liarbazett Miss Fay Jacobs returned last Satnr day from a month s visit in county Saturday until Tuesday Will Stone enme down from Frontier county last Saturday on a visit to his uncle C II Jacobs lie Went back Tuesday morning One of the finest little farms in south western Nebraska the V T Stone farm 3 miles from McCook on the Driftwood is soon to bo sold by the executor C II Jacobs Wo have lived in this country for about thirty years and dont think we ever saw a finer piece of wheat than that of John llesterworth on the W S Fitch place It stands about 4 feet high nearly lev 1 and entirely free from weeds We predict 40 bushels per acre KniKhtsvilh Indiana April 22ml 1VW Pepsin Syrup Co Monticello Illinni Uontlenien I havo been selling Dr Caldwells Syrup Poplin evor since it was- flrt introduced to the trade It is the best seller I ever had on my shelves and tfives the best satisfaction to my customers of anything I over offered them Whero I soil it once tliey invariably return for more As a laxative or as a phvMc it is par ex cellence the most pleasant and satisfactory Ireparation I have oversold Yours etc GII Cami Sold by A McMillen MARION Hay cutting is rapidly progressing Mrs Almeron leed is numbered among the sick Jesse Naden and George Miller were Oberlin visitors Tuesday Emma J Bull is visiting with her daughter Mrs Jacob Wicks anlvisti Rev Ilutchens and wife vi ed witi D Steele and family jiart of 1 t wi ek Miss Vanche Plumb is irong the number attending school at Culrvrtson W W Xel en an 1 wife of Devizes Kansas are visitirg with their son J C Nelson Pew Brothers ha- i lived some new bee hives and will cl -jut into the bee business Mrs NellGalusha returned home from Alcott Colonic1 and found her father II C Pluml improving slowly Sunday June 8th will be Childrens day atShioh school house Jesse Naden will act as recretary during the absence of Lena Ashton The on the Woodmen given by the loyal Neighbors was well at tended f this neighborhood and all report a good time A novel fooling of leaping bounding impiiKe KOPs through your body You feel young act young and are jouug after taking Rocky Moun tain Tea cents McConnell ifc Rerry INDIANOLA Mis Lucy Dunning was quite sick this week Delia Toogood went up to McCook Sunday evening A baby boy was born to Mr and Mrs Xorlan last week Merle Powell is homo from Iowa afrer an ab ence of several weeks Mrs H Kejes of Bartley is visiting her sister Mrs C McCord this week 35 J Mitchell and family attended the I orial services liere Friday j The Misses Ora and Edith Smith went up to McCook Wednesday evening W H Smith and wife drove over to their farm near Danbury Sunday Miss Gracio Smith of McCook spent Friday with her cousin Anna Smith Miss Mao Hileman spent Saturday and Sun day with her friend Miss Flora Hoag Miss Jessie Bishop of McCook visited this weok with her friend Miss Edith Smith The Royal Neighbors will give a social at the Woodman hall next Wednesday cveniug H W Koyes and wife returned home from Iowa lust week where they have been visiting Miss Alta Hager left Monday evening for Washington where she will visit her parents this summer Prof and Mrs Casner left Sunday morning for Des Moines Iowa where they will attend summer school Mrs Nellie Gray and two children are visiting with Mrs Grays parents Mr and Mrs C IJ lloag this week Mrs F F Tomblin accompanied by her mother and father from Illinois are visiting at Imperial this week The ladies of the Congregational church served dinner and supper in the empty building souih of the furniture store Friday Quite a number of the teachers from town and vicinity went up to Culbertson Sunday evening to attend school at that place An extra gang of railroad hands aro camped near town and are grading the road west of town for a new switch which is badly needed Dr A W Hoy t and A H Reynolds left Tues day morning on No 2 to attend a session of the Grand Masonic lodge held at Omaha this weok Married At the home of the brides mother Wednesday Juno 4th at 5 octock Stella M daughter of Mrs John Peake was united in marriage to W C Sheets both being residents of this place Dont waste your money on worthless imita tions of Rocky Mountain Tea Get the genuine made only by the Madison Medicine Co A great family remedy 33 cents McConnell Sc Berry COLEMAN Omer Hale of McCook was up here Monday Harry Wales went to McCook last Thursday and had his lister lay sharpened Jas Kelley put in some good licks Monday exercising a three row cultivator Quite a number from here attended the clos ing exercises of the McCook school last week R J Traphagan is helping the boys with the crop on the old farm They have out about two hundred acres Miss Maude Coleman who graduated in Mc Cook last week and gave the graduating class history is a Redwillow county product the genuine article and truo to name She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm Coleman of this township She was born in a sod house August 22 ISS and grew to womanhood here She has the distinction of being the first child born in this township The family were the onlv sous living in this township at that time She will spend the summer at the old homestead with the family There was a very pretty wedding in this town ship on Tuesday of last weekat the home of Mr and Mrs B F Wilson when their loving daughter Miss Ellen and Mr Dorsey Shepherd were united in marriage The bride has lived in this township only a few years but her kind ness of heart and cheerful disposition have won a host of friends who wish her a long happy and prosperous life Dorsey came in 18c0 with his parents who located on Spring creek Ho was theu t little boy but has grown up to man hood here and possesses the characteristics that make men manly He is a sturdy young farmer stock raiser and dealer and by strict attention to business has accumulated a competency to properly maintain his handsome bride After the wedding was a sumptuous feast xVbout forty were pre ent The next day there was an old fashioned infare dinner at the Shepherd home where about forty feasted on the good things prepared The young couple have gone to house keeping on the Wm Sherman farm Here is our S- Dorsey We wish you and your wife a long and happy life here and a home in the Sweet By and By Mother Yes one package makes two quarts of baby medicine See directions There is nothing just as good for babies and children as Rocky Mountain Tea 115 cents McConnell Berry IVlion fnnl VVit 1 II It makes the present generation smile to read the accounts which have come down to us concerning the prejudices which were formerly entertained against certain articles which are of everyday consumption For Instance it is said that when coal Frontier j was first used in England the prejudice j against it was so strong that the Iioumj Miss Gertrude Conner of Maywood of commons petitioned the king to pro visited her friend Fay Jacobs from hihlt the use of the noxious fuel A royal proclamation having failed to abate the nuisance a commission was issued to ascertafh who burned coal within the city of London and its neigh borhood to punish them by force for the first offense and by the demolition of their furnaces if they persisted in transgressing A law was finally pass ed making it a capital offense to burn coal in the city and only permitting it to be used by forges in the vicinity It is stated that among the records in the Tower of London a document was found according to which a man was hanged in the time of Edward I for no other crime than having been caught burning coal ft took three centuries to entirely efface the prejudice Antiquity of 1laylni Cnnls The game of cards was first played in the east and seems to have had a military origin Cards were introduced from Asia into Europe at the time of the crusades and were first used by necromancers to foretell fortunes They soon became a popular amusement in the south of Europe where the Sara cens ind Moors taught the people how to use them and card playing spread to all parts of the continent The state records of Germany mention the fact that Rudolph I in 1275 was fond of the game and played with his court iers After the invention of paper the man ufacture of cards became extensive but declined somewhat when card play ing was forbidden by several of the German states and by the English gov ernment on account of the supposed immoral tendency Hefore the era of paper cards in the orient were made of ivory papyrus and canvas less fre quently of the precious metals and quite commonly of wood For ii Very Good Iteiuion I told him I would make him eat his words declared Mr Peeehwood hotly speaking of a quarrel he had had with Mr JJrushtou He has been telling things about me that are rank un truths IIow foolishly men talk to one an other commented Mrs Beechwood placidly What do 3ou mean demanded her husband Do you intend to insinuate that men talk to each other more fool ishly than women chatter Of course I do the lady went on imperturbably Now women never try to make each other eat their words no matter how angry they may be Certainly not retorted Mr IJeech wood and for a very good reason too What reason she demanded Because their digestive apparatus is inferior to their vocabulary Pitts burg Chronicle Telegraph Why AVnter Wont Fry Why cannot we fry in water Be cause water can only be heated to the boiling point 212 degrees and any ad ditional heat does not increase its tem perature Two hundred and twelve de grees of heat will not brown the sur face of anything Fat on the contrary can be made much hotter the tempera ture depending on the kind There is a lesson here for the economical house wife Dont stuff the stove with fuel when the vegetables meat etc are already boiling They cook no faster because of the increase of heat A Share In a Jewel There is a story told of a French serv ant who was shown a priceless jewel by a great duke Thank yon my lord duke said the man of science for allowing me to share with you the possession of so great a treasure In what way said the duke Why your grace can do no more than look at it and you have allowed me to do the same All the Year Round Living Like n Savnpre Civilized people will be shocked at the advice of an English physician to a wealthy patient to live like a savage to be cured Savages it may be re called do not belong to clubs have no stock exchanges know nothing of trust and trade combinations run no polit ical campaigns and so reserve some vi tality and nerve force for purely living purposes Baltimore American Foolish Robert Lowe afterward Lord Sher brook once saw a deaf member of par liament trying his best to catch with his ear trumpet the words of an ex tremely dull speech Just look at that foolish man said Lowe throwing away his natural advantages Xo deferred Pnyments Is your daughter learning to play by note Certainly not answered Mrs Cum rox a little indignantly We pay cash for every lesson The idea Wash ington Star Well Bred Gentleman That looks a well bred dog Owner I should think he was well bred Why he wont have a bit of din ner till hes got his collar on Punch The Nile Is noted for the variety of Its fish An expedition sent by the British museum brought home 2200 specimens Railways use up over 2000000 tons of steel a year almost half the worlds product 1 Stands Llko a Stone Wall Between your children and the torture of itching and burning eczema scaldhoad or other skin diseases How why by using Bucklens Arnica Salve earths greatest healer Quickest euro for ulcers fever sonw salt rheum nit burns or bruixus Infallible for piles 2V at McConnell S Born s drug store Holds Up a Congressmnn At the end of the campaign writes Champ Clark Missouris brilliant congressman from overwork nervous tension loss of sleep and con stant siwnking I had about utterly collapsed It seemed that all the organs in my body were out or order but three bottles ofKlectric Hitters made mo all right Its the best all around medicine ov r sold over a druggist counter Over worked run down men and weak sickly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bitters Try them Only WJc Guar anteed bv McConnell it Berry C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building JOHN E KELLEY ATTOHNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nkhraska JS Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office In Court House Phone 181 All Calls For The J Wttl Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN a Will make all trains and an- swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 a W H Ackerman i X McCook Nebraska Eg Z At the II P SUTTON McCOOK McCOOK NEBRASKA HI Is IB ouncos of purr coffee to the pound Ul bwrj Iwltf Tllllfll fltilM Iiml lldM much etalo MU and gluo cullm cniilnir there Is In coatwl cofTwoT Mob VatTnn in all coffee nevnr glared Tho Hauled package kep It frenh mid purw EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Shave Hair Cut Sliam pooau thing in my line in an artistic manner iive mo a call and trial JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Ofkick First National bank building next to City hall Hours HSHlto 12 ltoi7to9 Night calls answered from residence over bank DRJB FICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS H L PREVUST DENTIST Graduate of Kansas I Over Jas McAdams City Dental College Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon 2 McCOOK - - NEB Ofliee over McMillrns drug store He idence 7 Main Avenue Hiidfiice phone VJ Oflicu phoned Calls answered night or day - Barred Plymouth Rock And White Wyandotte gs For Sale Only i per sitting Mor Ian Farm 3 miles south of McCook SENSszrxsMTiNgrsws3ss 5t v I First Class Goods in the following Alaska Refrigerators for Sale by Jewel Gasoline Stoves 3 Ohio Steel Ranges H P WAITE SPRING SUITS If you appreciate a firstclass tailoring estab lishment in your city you may show it by leaving your order with Menus the Tailor for your spring and summer suits Nothing but the very best goods and trimming used No sending away or sweatshop work Yours Rept -x L O MEHUS 4 i lOHMB mmmammmm wmmmm ma m m mm Mlmmamm A X i 1 L I