k n Kv w fc i H V THUNDER MOUNTAIN IDAHO A MINERAL TREASURE HOUSE Fortunes of Gold Are Koine Found In tlic Contor of tlio Stuto of Idaho Thunder Mountain the new Idaho gold Held is the most promising min eral region in the United States Tho richness of this country was not known until late In the fall of 1901 after heavy snows had closed all ave nues by which the region might be reached except upon snowshoes Not withstanding this fact Colonel W H Dewey of Idaho and others who have had wide experience in mining have expended vast sums in the purchase of undeveloped claims The surface indi cations are marvelously rich These gold bearing ledges from 100 to 300 feet will run through a mountain par allel to each other In the Dewey mine this vast deposit has values run ning from 7 to 4000 per ton and the plates of the 10 stamp mill which runs on the ore have to be cleaned of their accretions of gold every six hours In a few weeks two miners last spring cleaned up 7500 in placer gold using a small cotton hose to wash the gravel the water coming from a small reservoir on the mountain side The mineral zone covers a large sec tion of hitherto unexplored country and is about 175 miles from a railroad There are five routes leading to the Thunder Mountain country viz via Ketchum Mackay Boise and Weiser Idaho and Redrock Montana all on - the Oregon Short Line railway A great rush to this mecca for miners is predicted and On to Thunder Moun tain will be as familiar as the old watchword Pikes Peak or Bust as soon as the snows disappear so that the camp may be reached with sup plies which will probably be between May 15 and June 1 A scarcity of pro visions at present keeps miners away as flour at 50 per sack is considered somewhat of a luxury even in the gol den land Surrounding Thunder Mountain is a large section of country adapted to agriculture and stock raising D E Burley general passenger agent of the Oregon Short Line rail road at Salt Lake City sent an expert to report upon that country and will cheerfully give any information re quired as to the routes and general conditions in and around the great mining camp The shirking servant generally be comes a hard master Prof H B Ward U of Nf Lincoln Having Been The Guest At The Mil lard of the Omaha Medical Society Said Thank You For Very Courte ous Treatment I Enjoyed my Stay At The Millard and The Banquet To The Fullest Extent The Millard Rates Are as Low as 2 Per Day The Lincoln at Lincoln 2 Per Day Experience is a well that doesnt often go dry S20 A AVEEK AXO EXPENSES to men -with rig to introduce our Poultry goods bendstp Javellc MfCoDeptDParsonsKan An optimist is a man who believes that all eggs will hatch WHY IT IS THE BEST Is because made by an entirely different process Defiance Starch is unlike any other better and one third more for 10 cents When a woman gets too old to flirt she has to pay the full price for what she buys SALESMEN WANTED We have a number of agencies in Nebraska and Iowa where we can use good men over 30 selling our Stand ard Stock Food to farmers They must have teams give full time to the business be in high standing with good business ability and some knowledge of live stock We furnish wagons and offer exceptional induce ments to permanent salesmen Bond required Send for application blank The F E Sanborn Company Omaha Neb As a comfortable seat a good rock ing chair beats a throne all hollow Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens Home in New York Cures Feverishness Bad Stomach Teething Dis orders move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials AtalJ drugpists 25c Sample FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y Some men waste a lot of time wish ing it were tomorrow GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS Use the best Thats why they buy Red Cross Ball Blue At leading grocers 5 cents When a man feels mean its his cue to keep silent Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally Price 75c Big Winnings on Long Shot Bets The largest dividend on the Paris mutuals in France last season was at Yincennes in the Pavilion 5frs en closure An investment of 5 francs on the horse brought over 3000 francs cr COO to 1 The next best of the sea son was about 120 to 1 and the rec ord of the 1900 season was 10S to 1 at Maisons Latte In New Zealand re cently for 1 invested over a horse named Leo Delaval 322 was return ed 833 being paid at Adelaide in 1S81 for 1 put on a horse named D O D who won the Goodwood handicap To Welcome Melba Home Preparations are under way in Mel bourne for the reception of Mme Mel ba who has not seen her native city for sixteen years The Presbyterian Ladies college East Melbourne in which she was educated intends giv ing her a welcoming tea at which most o the -women who were contem poraries of the future prima donna at the college are expected to be present They remember her as an incorrigible whistler Undecipherable Inscription Of the 400 inscribed clay slabs found in the ruins of Babylon by the ex pedition sent out by the German Ori ental society but two have yet been deciphered one explaining the Baby lonian cuneiform characters and the other containing the litany chanted by the singers of the Temple of Esagila on the return of the god Marduk to his sanctuary RETURN0F HILL FUTILE ATTEMPT TO EXAMINE MOUTH OF VOLCANO SEES ML PELEE IN ERUPTION He Gets Near but Says No Sane Man Would Accend Crater in Action Declines to Predict What trie Vol cano Still Active Will Do FORT DE FRANCE Island of Mar tinique May 28 A tremendous explo sion of very black smoke from Mount Pelee at 915 oclock this morning ac centuated the fear entertained for the safety of George Kenuan the Amer ican author who with a land party has been examining the northern part of the island The governor of Mar tinique M LeHuerer was at once seen with the object of arranging for a rescue party to proceed by land in connection with the voyage along the coast of the United States cruiser Cincinnati should such steps appear necessary At about 11 oclock this morning Fernand Cierc a wealthy land pro prietor of Martinique arrived here and announced that Mr Kennan and his party were safe on a plantation at the north end of the island Prof Robert T Hill United States government geologist and head of the expedition sent to Martinique by the National Geographical society who left Fort de France Monday on horse back for the volcano returned here this morning He was completely worn out by his trip Speaking personally of his expedi tion to Mount Pelee Prof Hill said My attempt lo examine the crater of Mont Pelee has been futile I suc ceeded however in getting very close to Morne Rouge At 7 oclock Monday night I witnessed from a point near the ruins of SI Pierre a frightful ex plosion from Mont Pelee and noted the accompanying phenomena While these eruptions continue no sane man should attempt to ascend to the crater of the volcano Following the salvos of detonations from ths mountain gigantic mushroom shaped columns of smoke and cinders ascended into the clear starlit sky and then spread in a vast black sheet to the south an directly over my head Through this sheet which extended a distance c ten miles from the crater vivid and awful lightning like bolts flashed with alarming frequency They followed distinct paths of ignition but were different from lightning in that the bolts were horizontal and not perpen dicular This is indisputable evidence of the explosive oxidation of the gases after they left the crater This is a most important observa tion and explains in part the awful catastrophe This phenomenon is en tirely new in volcanic history I took many photographs but do not hesitate to acknowledge that I was terrified But I was not the only per son so frightened Two newspaper correspondents who were close to Morne Rouge some hours before me became scared ran three miles down the mountain and hastened into Fort de France The people on the north end of the island are terrified and are fleeing with their cattle and effects I spent Tuesday night in a house at Deux Choux with a crowd of 200 frightened refugees The volcano is still intensely active and I cannot make any predictions as to what it will do America Their Destination NEW YORK May 29 There are 25000 immigrants en the Atlantic due to arrive at this port this week and they will bring- the total for May up to 5000 or 90000 This will break all records for any month in the last twenty years The number of depor tations is increasing 750 persons hav ing been ordered deported during the first twenty six days of May The ma jority of the new arrivals are from Austria Hungary Italy aud Russia Black Eye for the Territories WASHINGTON May 29 The sen ate committee on territories decided by formal vote against fixing any time for the consideration of the omnibus statehood bill providing for the ad mission of Oklahoma New Mexico and Arisooa into the union Put Governor Out of Church LITTLE ROCK May 29 After a lengthy discussion in the Second Bap tist churrh tonight the congregation voted to withdraw fellowship from Governor Jefferson Davis upon charges of unbecoming conduct filed some time age Paul J Sorg Ohio DAYTON O May 29 Hon Paul J Sorg former congressman and multi millionaire tobacco manufacturer died at his home in Middeltown after an illness of several years duration Cases Come Up Last of June WASHINGTON May 29 The in junction cases instituted by the in terstate commerce commission against fourteen railroad lines running east ward from Missouri river points in which the government seeks to enjoin the roads from granting rebates to shippers will come up before Judges Grosscup and Phillips in Chicago on Juno 23 The decision then will de termine the question of jurisdiction of couri in the premises ANGRY ELEPHANT KILLS MAN Hurls Him to the Ground and Then Kneels Upon Him NEW YORK May 30 Tops a female elephant of the Forepaugh Sells circus kileld a man at the show grounds of the circus in Brook lyn The victim was Joshua Blunt of Fort Wayne Ind He went to the ele phants cnclousre where these ani mals were waiting for their breakfast and each stuck out his trunk to shake hands as Blunt passed down in front of them it being the custom of the trainers to salute each elephant with a gentle tap Blunt had a beer glass in his hand and when he approached Tops he shoved it at her instead of giving the usual greeting This act seemed to offend the great beast In an instant she seized the man with- her trunk and after hurling him violently to the ground knelt on him and crushed him to death Keepers came to the res cue too late They drove Tops back and removed the body GOES OVER TO NEXT SESSION No Agreement Reached on Leasing of Public Lands WASHINGTON May 30 The house committee on public lands met and among other things took up the matter of the leasing of public lands and after discussing the matter for some time it was decided to allow the whole matter to go over until the next session of congress During the consideration of the so called Hill bill by the house Con gressman Shallenberger took the floor in opposition to the measure He based his opposition on the pro vision to make silver dollars redeem able in gold and also the provision for the issuance of an asset currency by national banks As a democratic speech his address was well received on that side of the chamber and after he concluded his remarks he receiv ed the congratulations of his demo cratic colleagues WOOD CONFERS WITH ROOT Makes Oral Report of His Adminis tration of Cuban Affairs WASHINGTON May 30 General Wood until recently military gover nor of Cuba arrived here on the gov ernment transport Kanawha His first act was to proceed to the war department and make an oral re port to Secretary Root of the com plete discharge of his stewardship in Cuba and the gratifying success of the arrangements for his withdrawal of the American troops and the in auguration of the Cuban republic on May 20 He will have a full conference with the president and Secretary Root re garding Cuban affairs later It is ex pected that General Wood will be de tained in this city for at least six weeks closing up the affairs of the Cuban military government The Cuban Congress HAVANA May 30 The house of representatives has reconsidered the bill which provided amnesty for Americans who were under sentence or in jail in Cuba and has added an amendment providing that amnesty be granted to native born Americans only The bill in this form was sent to the senate The purpose of the amendment is to exclude from the amnesty those naturalized Ameri can citizens who might be released by the bill Regents Deny the Report MILWAUKEE May 30 The story from Lincoln Neb that Chancellor Andrews has been offered ttte presi dency of the University of Wisconsin is denied by the regents Dr A J Pule a member of the committee which has the task of selecting a new president said the report was with out a word of truth The name of Dr Andrews he said had never come be fore the committee He said the of fice was still open Unfit for the Libraries CHICAGO May 30 Balzacs nov els in fifty oiie volumes were sifted to the bottom in three hours by a jury in Judge Hutchinsons court today and finally declared to be unfit for the libraries of respectable people and improper reading for children Keane for Corrigans Place LONDON May 30 The Rome cor respondent of the Daily Mail says that at the consistory to be held June 9 the pope will nominate Archbishop Keane of Dubuque la to succeed the late Archbishop Corrigan of New York Railroads Reach Agreement ST LOUIS May 30 The Republic says that a compact between the Bur lington and the Rock Island railway systems s reported It involves it is said not only the Wiggins Ferry but also worlds fair terminals for both lines the building of a new passenger station by the Burlington and the opening of a right of way from Twen tieth and Walnut streets over a cir cuitous route to the whart near North Market street One of Salisburys Peculiarities Lom saiisuury it is said generally speaks best when he can rest his el bow on something In the house of lords he usually piles up some books for this purpose on the corner of the table On one occasion somebody re moved one of these books a work of reference and he was visibly embar rassed in his speech until it was re aced Melvilles Medals and Degrees Rear Admiral George W Melville holds a gold medal for arctic explora tions granted by an act of congress and is a member of thirteen patriotic societies He has been honored with the degree of LL D by Georgetown university with that of master of science by Columbia and doctor of en gineering by Stevens Institute of Tech noolgy A Misunderstanding A well known bishop was once just starting on a railway journey from Chester station when the station mas ter came up to him and said referring to his luggage How many articles are there my lord Thirty nine was the reply I can only find six teen answered the other Then said the bishop you must be a dis senter Glasgow Times A Cure for Dropsy Ashley North Dakota June 2d J H Hanson of this place has found a cure for Dropsy For years Mr Hanson himself has suffered with Rheumatism of the Heart and Dropsy and of late has been so bad that he could not work He has tried many remedies but nothing he could get helped him in the least and he was growing worse and worse Finally he began a treatment of Dodds Kidney Pills and to his great delight he soon found that the Dropsi cal Swelling was gradually going down and that the Rheumatism of the Heart was also disappearing He says I have taken seven boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills and am feeling better than I have for five years I am able to work again and if the Dropsy or Heart Trouble ever comes back I will use Dodds Kidney Pills at once All women are not devoid of the sense of humor if one may judge by the way some wives manage their husbands DONT SPOIf YOUK CLOTHES Use Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them white as snow All grocers 5c a package The idler that dreameth of gold suf fereth hunger but he who hath dug for it liveth in a palace Radios Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after usin g A liens Foot Ease a powder It makes tight or new shoes easy Cures aching feet ingrowing nails corns and bunions All druggists and shoe stores 25c Trial package FREE by mail Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y There are probably two historical falsehoods for each historical fact WHEN YOUK GROCER SAYS he does not have Defiance Starch you may be sure he is afraid to keep it until his stock f 2 oz packages are sold De fiance Starch is not onlv better than any other Cold Water Starch but contains 16 oz to the packace and tells for same money as 12 oz brands There is a period in every girls life when she dislikes her surname Mrs TVinslows Soothinjr Syrup For children tcethlnp softens the pums reduces In flammation allays pain cures wind colic 23c a bottle A smart fool is dangerous and an ignorant one is still more so Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of Defi ance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands Others say they cannot sell any other starch Many a mans pessimistic views of life are due to his acquaintance with himself INEY TBOOB Krs Louise M Gibson Says That This Fatal Disease is Easily Cured by Lydia E Pinkhams Yegetable Com pound DeJlb Mrs Pikkham I felt very discouraged two years ago I had suf fered so long with kidney troubles and other complications and had taken so much medicine without relief that I began to think there was no hope for me Life looked so good to me hut what is life without health I wanted to be well MRS LOUISE M GIBSON Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound cured me and made me well and that is why I gladly write you this and gladly thank you six bottles was all I took together with your Pills My headache and backache and kidney trouble went neTer to return the burning sensation I had left altogether my general health was so improved I felt as young and light and happy as at twenty Mrs Louise Ginson 4813 Langley Ave Chicago 111 5000 forfeit If above testimonial Is not genuine If you feel that there is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your case or if you wish confidential advice of the most experienced write to Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass and you will be advised free of charge Jjydia JE Pinkhams Vegetable Compound har cured and is curing thousands of cases of female trouble A bnchelor says women can talk twice as fast as they can think Plsos Curo for Consumption Is an Infallible medlclno for coushs and colds N W Samuel Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1000 Charity covers a multitude- of so called sacred concerts Defiance Starch is put up 1G ounces In a package 10 cents One third more starch for same money ITrfflirtrrt wltli oro Qi uj uo nQtweyiiMinii FWiHtflWM Thompsons Eye Wafar HCSElFERnffini oItJjk Bill iifc43 SISLuH 25 on Iffi f JfcT M 5T0Nigg BECKMAN BROS IS WHAT YOU CAN SAVE Wo make all kinds of scales AtsoBB Pump j JJ and Windmills l DE5 MOINES IOWA Jf ON OUR TRADE MARK k Mm GET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT m jm AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT IT TRk m DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD m m IT IS BETTER IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN jBk CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH IT WILL NOT ROT THE Wk CLOTHES YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU M k SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK JB tok MAGNETIC STARCH MFG CO gr And every Distressing Irritation of Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with gaSgvS 3 49 And a single anointing with CUTICURA the great skin cure and purest of emollients This treatment when fol lowed in severe cases by mild doses of CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS to cool and cleanse the blood is the most speedy permanent and economical cure for torturing disfiguring itching burning bleeding scaly crusted and pimply skin and scalp humours with loss of hair ever compounded T TSE CUTICURA SOAP assisted by Cuticura Ointment for yJ preserving purifying and beautifying- the skin for cleans ing the scalp of crusts scales and dandruff and the stopping- of failing hair for softening whitening- and soothing- red rough and sore hands for baby rashes itchings and chaf in gs in the form of baths for annoying- irritations and inflammations or too free or offensive perspiration in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers and for all the pur poses of the toilet bath and nursery CUTICURA SOAP com bines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA the great skin cure with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odours It unites in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE the BEST skin and complexion soap and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world COMPLETE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL TREATHEHT FOR EVERY HUMOUR jSS4 Coneirtinj of CcnrrKA Soap to clctncc the -kin of cru U H8lll i150 aaa 5Ca3 aid -- thW ened cuttle Clticcka ailiiVysL2j3 WLNT5uctolnnarty aliiy Inflammation and irritation and soothe and hel anl Cltilvrx Ru OLViXT 1iti 2 to The Sft l coolaucIean e the bl ol A Sisole Sit l often sufficient to i ut cvj3i curc the mo toruiIjr uisHstcrinir itrhiac burning and gcalr stln scalp and hloo l hunwirs with lo of hair world when all cl c fails Sold throiisrhout the British Depot- 27 23 Charterhouse Sq Lonioa French DcpotTllu delk Paix Pans Potter Dkug asd Ciiem Coup Sole Props Boston l S A JifluSZTt S0LTEkT PI S fChoeoJMe Coatcrl area new tae ecoaomical ralMtitate for the celebrated liquid Ccriccm Uesoivevt as ml m for all other blood purilier and humour ceres Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonfal of liquid Rejolyznt Put up in nntfTni EninJ C0nta5cinS w d Pe 25c Ccticcm PiiX3 are alte atlve economical blood and ikiu purifiers huaour cures and tonic distiveo yet compounded 1 2o