jr i 4 5 i A 4s Mt3WB5HKfiHBWBwSi a Vfcvfcmv m We f er Bargains To every one who is in need of summer goods Our stock of Wash Dress Goods is complete Prices start as low as 5c per yd We have extra good values in Lawns Batistes Dimities and Linen ground effects afc 15c per yard Also A Good Assortment Of cotton foulards and fancy fabrics in better grades Wash silk 4Sc special Special lot of wash silk choice styles good colors and well worth G5c We are selling them atlSc Cheap er grades 28c See our Ladies white and colored waists suits and separate skirts before you make your purchase- THE was fit Kara aiti tor G L DeGBOFF CO 4 WhWSSrB Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tribune we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tkibuxe at the following very low prices with PUBLICATION PRICE TRIBUNE Detroit Freo Press 1 00 1 0 Leslies Weekly 4 X i 00 Prairie Farmer 1 00 lii Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 K Cincinnati Enquire 100 1 r0 New York Tribune 1 00 1 2 Demorests Magazine 100 175 Toledo Blade 100 1 2o Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65 Iowa Homestead 100 125 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Culture 100 150 New York World 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 ISO St Louis Republic 100 175 Kansas City Star 25 1 20 FarmandHomo 100 120 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50 -renewals 1 iO Vo are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Tribune McCook Nob Oii for i GhBSdroBSe Give thci oil od iiver oil Its curicuj zoiLC ile result Give it to the- cevih child and he liHs Gi lt to the pale nrreivic ch and his face becomes rosy a- full of health Take a fb chested child or a child thii has stopped growing give Kn the oil and he will grow big and strong like the rest This is not a new scheme It has been done for years Of course you must use the right oil Scotts Emulsion is the one Scotts Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because ive are so careful in making it pleasant to take Send for free sample SCOTT JJOWNK Chemists 409 Pearl St K Y 50c and f 1 00 al druggists BIB 81 No 5 Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPART Central Time 1110 p jr 605 am 920 am No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m MAIN LINE WEST DEPART No 1 Mouutain Time 1112 am J 11Wpm l 825 a M IMPERIAL LTNE No 170 arrives Mountain Time 540 P M No 175 departs 700 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets s old and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canadn For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska Fraternal Insurance Order Cards K O T M -Regular meetings on second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month in McConnell hall at S Visiting knights welcome M R Gates commander J H Yargee record keeper C A Leach finance keeper ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodge No 307 meets on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnell hall J R McCarl Illustrious Pro Robt W Devoe Secretary NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Oflice at McCook Neb June 3 li02 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver nt McCook Neb on Saturdav July 19 1902 viz Charles E Werner H E No 11124 for the SWVj NWJi W4 SXl4 SEh SW4 Sec 21 Twp 4 N R 29 W Gth P M Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz George M Mohler John S Mod rell William Y Johnson and Benjamin O Johnson all of McCook Nebraska F M Rathbun Register NOTICE OF SALE In tho District Court of Red Willow County State of Nebraska In the matter of the estate of William T Stone deceased Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of G W Norris judge of the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska made on the thirtj -first day of May 1902 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at tho front door of the county court house of Red Willow county on the 25th day of June 1902 at one oclock p mat public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to wit Tho southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty sis in township three north Range thirty west of tho sixth Principal Meridian forty acres in Red Willow county Nebraska Said sale will remain ojvn one hour - f t Charles H Jacobs Dated this 4thday of June A D 1902 Administrator of tho estate of William T Stone deceased Cures When Doctors Fall Mrs Frank Chiasson Patterson La writes June Sth 1901 I had malaria fever in very bad form was under treatment by doctors but as soon as I stopped taking their medicine tho fever would return I used a sample bottle of Herbine found it helped me Then bought two bottles which completely cured me I feel grateful to you for furnishing such a splendid medicine and can honestly recommend it to those suffering from malaria as it will surely cure them 50c bottle at A McMillens World Wide Reputation Whites Cream Vermifuge has achieved a world wide reputation as being the best of nil worm destroyers and for its tonic influence on weak and unthrifty children improves their digestion and assimilation of food strengthens their nervous system and restores them to the health vigor and olasticitv of spirits natural to childhood 25c at A McMillens CULBERTSON C E Gaardiir whs n Trenton pilgrim Friday Ralph Solomon drove up to Trenton Saturday Mrs S E Solomon was in McCook Saturday Miss Susie Locker of Palisade was a city visitor Sunday F M Pfrimmer of Max was in town Thursday on business J T Tillman went down to Wilcox Saturday night on a hreif visit J P Wilson the jolly liverymen of Trenton was in town Wednesday last Misses Amanda Gaardar and Bessie Crows drove to McCookSaturday after noon Dick Wilson of Straton came down Monday morning to visit his grand father Jf W Daveport Mrs f IT Ilogan camo up from McCook Saturday night where she has been taking treatment for the past two weeks Harry Tillman who has been attend ing school at Wilcox the past school yearcame home for his summer vacation Sunday night Misses Pearl King Nannie Cole Isa Shoemaker Mabel Wray and Verna Vastine witnessed the ball game at Trenton Friday The reception Monday night given to the students and teachers of the summer normal was a success in every way and was enjoyed by all Mrs P M Green returned from Su periorFriday night on 5 Her daughter Mrs S IT Blum accompanied her and will make a short visit here Deputy State Supt J L McBrien delivered i very interesting lecture Thursday afternoon at the institute which was greatly appreciated Hon W E Andrews gave an interest ing talk to the teachers at tho opera house Wednesday night Tho lecture course for the term is a most excellent one a number of prominent public speakers are on the list At tho Republican county convention held at Trenton Saturday the following delegates to the several conventions were elected State C C Vennum Stratton James Ferrier Culbertson W O Robinson Trenton John Blum Palisade W G Morten Stratton Congressional George G Eisenhart Culbertson S E Soloman Culbertson Dr A II Thomas -Trenton W V VanPatten Stratton H a m Richie Stratton Senatorial Wallace Thompson Tren ton John Fordyce Beverly C B James Stratton G W Murdock Palisade D W Benedict Culbertson Representative Charles Allen Tren ton John Thompson Trenton C G Crews Culbertson John Evans Strat ton Tim Ilagerman Stratton Dr A II Thomas of Trenton was elected chairman of the county central committee and S E Solomon of Cul bertson was elected secretary W O Robinson of Trenton is the Republican condidate for county attor ney He is the best fitted man for the position in the county L Harrison of Cornell received the nomination for commissioner of the 2nd district at the Republican county con vention Saturday The fact was again demonstrated at the county convention Saturday that when S E Solomon goes after anything he is pretty apt to get it Dont Start Wrong Dont start the summer with a lingering cough or cold We all know what a summer ld is Its the hardest kind to cure Often it hangs on through the entire season Take it in hand right now A few doses of One Minute Cough Cure will set you right Sure cure for coughs colds croup grip bronchitis all throat and lung troubles Absolutely safe Acts at once Children like it One Minute Cough Cure it the best cough medicine I ever used says J II Bowles Groveton N H I never found any thing else that acted so safely and quickly McConnell Berry For Those Who Live on Farms Dr Bergin Pana Illinois writes I hav used Ballards Snow Liniment always recom mend it to my friends as I am confident there it no better made It is a dandy for burns Tltoso who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts burns and brui es which heal rapidly when Ballards Snow Liniment is applied It should always be kept in tho house for cases of emergency 25c 50c and 100 at A McMillen DANBURY 147 inch rainfall so far this week Mesdames W A DeMay Chas Rogers F L Hendershot and Miss Nancy DeMay went to McCook Thurs day Burr Garten started for Oregon Mon dayto meet his father who went several weeks ago He will take charge of a drug store Barnett Lumber Co are having their sheds painted John Boyer is getting lots of red paint on the sheds and his clothes too no doubt N D Wycoff of Laurel Dell reports that his house was moved off the foun dation three feet and his windmill de molished in Wednesday nights storm L W Newberry who has been work ing for Charles Rogers the last six months went home Saturday night to get ready for harvest DE Boyer takes his place at the barn While the M WA lodge were in ses sion last Saturday night the Royal Neighbors came in in force and after giving a pleasing masquerade drill in vited the Woodmen to the lower hall to partake of ice cream and cake Wanted We would like to ask through the columns of your paper if there is any person who has used Greens August Flower for the cure of indiges tion dyspepsia and liver troubles that was not cured and we also mean their results such as sour stomach fermentation of food habitual costiveness nervous djspepia headaches de spondent feelings sleeplessness in fact any trouble connected with the stomach or liver This medicine has been sold for many years in all civilized countries and we wish to corres pond with j 011 and send you one of our books free of cost If 5011 never tried August Flower try one bottle first We have never known of its failing If so something more serious is the matter with jou Ask our oldest druggist G G Green Woodbury N J Dangerous if Neglected Burns cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neglected and become troublesome sores DeWitts Witch Uazel Salve prevents such consequences Even where delay has ag gravated the injury DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve affects a cure I had a running sore on my leg thirty years says H C Hartly Yankee town Indiana After using many remedies I tried DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve A few boses healed tho sore Cures all skin diseases Piles yield to it at once Bewear of counterfeits McConnell Berry ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Miss Ruijy Cornell of Holdrego is up on a visit to her sister Mrs Fred L Palmer Mus R II Manson and Mrs F W Hawksworth were Lincoln visitors Wednesday Miss Ella LKONAnndeparted on Tues day n it tit for her future homo in San Tose California The love and ml mir ation of many pupils and friends go with her Miss Jliia Ryan entertained a com pany of young lady friends Tuesday evening in honor 01 iWiss Uenovieve Feeny who returned home on Wednes day morning Miss Ethkl Pope entertained about thirty girl friends Wednesday evening Cards and crokinole were played and re freshments served It was a joyous oc casion in honor of Mrs Gilkeyand Miss Hall Miss C B Walls writes from Tndian ola that Master Burgess celebrated his removal to that place by falling off a fence dislocating an arm at the elbow and fracturing the bone above the elbow She adds that he is getting along favor ably Mus C K Coleman and Mrs George D Leach accompanied their brother Mr ShalTtrup to DenverTuesday night on 3 lie came down on G last Satur day Tho Shaffers who have been liv ing near Ilailey Wyoming for jears have bought a ranch near Denver James II Fowler was graduated from a leading Chicago medical college this spring at the head of a class of over 210 pupils He is president of his class as well as honor man and captured a val uable scholarship in the Presbyterian hospital to boot Jim has a brilliant future before him G R Johnson of Detroit Michigan formerly a crack engineer on this divi sion passed through with a Shriners con tingent Wednesday night for the Paci fic coast We understand that he con templates stopping oil hereon his return journey east J W Ludwick has 170 acres of beard ed fall wheat that now stands over four feet high and is headed long and filling well lie has a splendid promise of a great yield Lightning Wednesday night killed Josh Rowlands Chicago Girl and colt in the pasture Chicago Girl was a valuable mare with a good record J G Schobels brother Herman is visiting him Like a Drowning Man Fivo jearsago a dis eate tho doctors called dyspepsia took such a hold on me that I could scarcely go writes George S Marsh well known attorney of Nocona Texas I took quantities of pepsin and other medicines but nothing helped me As a drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kodol I felt an improve ment at onco and after a few bottles am sound and well Kodol is the only preparation which exactly reproduces the natural digestive juices and consequently is the only one which digests any good food and cure any form of stomach trouble McConnell fc Berry It Reveals a Great Secret is often arked how such startling cures that puzzle the best physicians are effected by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Heros the secret It cuts out the phlegm and germ infected mucous and lets the life giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood It heals the inflamed cough worn throat and lungs Hard cods and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr Kings New Discovery tho most iufallibo remedy for all throat and lung diseased Guar anteed bottles fiOc and 100 Trial bottles free at McConnell it Berrys What Thin Folks Needs Is a greater power of digesting and assimilat ing food For them Dr King New Lifo Pills work wonder They tone up and regulate tho digestive organs gently expel all poisons from the system enrich the blood improe the appetite make healthy flesh Only 21c at Mc Counell Berrys Tlome for Families of Hamlits Not actuated by remorse but by pure philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of outlaws has concluded to devote all his money to the maintenance of a home for the orphans and widows of men he has run to earth in particular and of criminals of the great South west in general Jim Jenkins now of Kansas is now 65 years old and has spent forty years as a scout and hunt er of bandits and train robbers In this way he has made about 50000 Among the distinguished outlaws he has chased were Jesse James and his broth er Boh Ford Bill Dalton and Bill Cook while he was the leader of the bad that caught Cherokee Bill in 1S95 In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas Jenkins was shot eight times He esti mates his bag of bad men at about 150 The homt which is being built on a 5000 acre farm owned by Jenkins near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20 000 Buffalo Express Mistakes Made at the Mint John Erhird of Philadelphia has a coin datd 1191 which has a heal on either sidj showing thit mistake aie 1 en -it thj mint Every fin ished coin passes through the hands- cf a great manv eyprs and there is ill tie chance g an imperfec piece this scrutiny There ar sail to he many of leia in circulation how ever No particular value is attached to the coiAs outside o their rarity as curioMtie Depreciations of Ter s Co votes Citizens 01 AlcNiuiien and adjoining counties of Texas are in a state of ter ror because of the depredations of coyotes which are killing scores of cattle Worse than that the slinking brutes are spreading hydrophobia anrng the stock A man living in Til den was bitten by an infected colt and died in a few days Ways and means of getting rid of the pests are being considered Dynamos Driven from Car Axle The Great Western Railway of Eng land is lighting its corridor trains by electricity obtained from dynamos driven from the car axle Storage bat teries are carried for use when the running speed is slow and for stops Egyptological Knthugfasm It may be noted as an agreeable evi dence of che spread of Egyptological enthusiasm in America that nearly half the aggregate income of the fund for the last year came from the United States London Spectator SPECAL Ladies 140 135 and 125 Oxfords go at 1 s m IDE Jl I DUDS All fresh new clean goods in the latest styles MUIeIUIiIDJLBII We have the larges stock of canvas shoes and Oxfords ever shown in Western Nebraska at prices that cannot be duplicated A bunch of fire crackers with every pair of Boys and Girls shoes I F S VAHUE Prop K3E2E5eiKL2K WWWSHMk s3rnJrBSJrJSa GOOD FLOUR is an esential for GOOD BREAD The Harvard Milling Power Co guarantee their flour to be The Best By Test OUR BRANDS Pride of Harvard Chief 98 Straight ILL State of Nebraska Red Willow Count ss At a county court held at the county court room in and for said county May ilrd VAtl Present C E Eldred county judge In tho matter of theetateof OliverMHjde decea ed On reading and filing the petition of W S Morlan praying that the instrument a duly authenticated copy of which was filed on the iird dav of May 1j02 and purporting to bo the last will and te tament of the -aid deceased and the probate of the same in the probate court of Connecticut may be proved approved probated allowed and recorded a- the last will and te tament of the said Oliver M Hjde and that the execution of -aid instru ment may be committed and the administration of said estate maj be granted to Arthur A II de as executor Ordered that June 11 IMC at ten oclock a in is assigned for hearing -aid petition when all per-on- interested in -aid mattermay appear at a county court to be held in and for -aid county and show cause wh the prajer of Ietitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of aid jetitionand the hearing thereof be given to all per-on- intere ted in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in siid county for three weeks prior to said day of hearing VlIlKlt SEAL C E Eldred A true copyl County Judge Order of Hearing on Original Probte of Will State of Nebraska lied Willow Count - At a count court held at the count court room in and for said count Ma Sjrd litti Ire ent C E Eldred county judge In the matt r of tho e tate of Mary T Hide On reading and filing the petition of W S Morlan praying that the in trument a dul authenticated copy of which was filed on the 5rd day of May UftJ and purporting to be the last will and te tament of said and the probate of the same in tins probate court of Connecticut ma be proved approved probaUd allowed and recordeil as the la t will and testa ment of the said Mary T Hde deceased and that the execution of said iu trument may be committed and the administration of said estate may be granted to Arthur A Hde as executor Ordered that June 14 1002 at ten oclock a m ir assigned for hearing said ietition when all jKr ons intere ted in saiil mattermay appear at a county court to be held in and for -aid county and show can e why the praer of jKti tioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons intere ted in said matter b publishing a copy of this order in The McCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three weeks prior to said day of hearing VSJ St SEAL - C Eldred A tnie copy County Judge Trial orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed For Sale in McCook by J A Wilcox Son SrSN2VlBsHSrNESHTffSS Spring Ailments There is an aching and tired feeling the liver bowel- and kidneys become sluggish and inac tive the digc tion impaired with little or no appetite no ambition for anything and a feel ing that tho whole body and mind needs toning Tim trnnblf is that during the winter there has been an accumulation of ate matter in the system Herbine will remove it secure the cinrntlfillj l ritlt exit alld bv ltS tOIUC effect fully -store the wasted tissues and gives strength in place of weakness A Jionuen s A tramp stole a bottle of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin When he appeared in court ho ex plained that ho saw in the advertisement that waseasv to take so betook it Discharged said tho judge I will go and take self It is easy to take and is a perfect laxative bold by A McMillen Order of Hearing ox Original Probate of A Cashier Testifies IVpin Srupf Montirello 111 Gentlemen -After twenty ear- of aches and pains caused bv constipation brought on by sedentary habits I have found more relief in two bottles of Dr Caldwells sj nip lep in than all of the hundreds of other remedies I have tried and I take pleasure in giving you behoving you have the finest prepar ation made for stomache trouble- Very truly your- lj F Lang Cashier Wabash It R Kast St Louis Sold by A McMillen AMERIC AS BEST Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of thf world--well written original stone- answers to queries articles on health the home new books and on work about the farm and yarden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Aw ochited Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the Ni York World -daily reports from over 2W 0 special correspondents throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe forTHK Triiunk and The Weekly Inter Ocean one year both papers for -5140 McConnell Berry Druggists DONT BE POOLED i mrij Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no iftconpoTt3ies2 tute Ask jour druggist 8W YZrzrf This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures n cold In one i rvotj