3 bj m ffo lltiaok jjfribwje By F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican Convention Tho Republicans of tho Htnto of Nobraska are hereby culled li mnuL in convention at tho Auditorium in tho city of Lincoln on Wednes day Juno 18 IftK at Z oclock in tho afternoon for tho purpose of placing in nomination can didates for tho following offices to bo vnliis d for nt tho next general olection to bo held in the Htato of Nebraska November I Mtt viz One governor one lieutenant governor one secretary of ntuto ono auditor of public accounts ono treasurer ono superintendent of public instruc tion one attorney general ono commissioner of public lands and buildings and for tho trans action of such othur biiMiicFS as may regularly como before tho meeting ThobasiHofropre pntationof tho several coun ties in said convention shall lw tho votes cast for Hon Samuel JI Sedgwick for judge of the su premo court at tho regular election hold on NovemlKir 1 1KI giving ono delegate for each 1X votes or major fraction thereof m cast for the said Samuel II Sedgwick and ono for each county Said nj portionment entitles tho following counties to tho following representation in said convention Furnas 12 Gosper 4 Rodwillow 11 Frontier 8 Jlitchcock 5 Hayes 4 Dundy 4 Chase 4 It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed in yaid convention but that tho delegates pres ent thereat bo authorized to rast tho full vote of tho comitv represented bv them Notice is hereby given thatench ofthoodd numbered senatorial districts in tho state is to select a member of tho state committee to servo for tho term of two jears By order of tho statn committee II C Lindsay Chairman JoiinT JlAriiAiiuu Secretary Congressional Convention Tho Republicans of tho Fifth Congressional District of tho State of Nebraska are hereby called to meet in convention at tho opera Iiouso in thecitvof Hastings Nebraska on Tuesday the lOLIi day or June IW at throe oclock in tho afternoon for the purpose of placing iu nomination ono candidate for Congress for the Fifth Congressional district and for the trans action of such other business as may regularly como before said convention The basis of rep resentation or tho several counties of said dis trict in said convention shall be on the vote cast for Hon Samuel 11 Sedgwick for judge of tho supremo court at the regular election held on November ntli 1001 one delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof so cast for said Samuel H Sedgwick and one delegate at largo for each county Said appointment entitles tho sevoral counties to the following representation in said convention Adams 17 Clay IS Chaso 4 Dundy 4 Franklin 10 Frontier S Furnas 12 Gosper 5 Harlan 9 Hall 17 Haje 4 Hitchcock 5 Kearney 11 Nuckolls 14 Perkins SI Phelps 12 Red Willow1 1 Webster 13 It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed in said convention but that tho delegates pres ent cast the full vote of the county represented by them J W Jamks Adam Breed Secretary Chairman The action of McCook lodge No 61 A O U W respecting the proposed public library is most significant Per haps no order in the city is as represen tative certainly not one with a member ship approaching it With a member ship of 600 men representing every pro fession business calling or other avoca tion the Workman lodges hearty espousal of the cause in ringing resolu tion and generous financial assistance meaus large things for the success of one of the most laudable enterprises ever undertaken by the people of this city Dont forget that we will save you money on machine oil at THE BEE HIVE Desirable House For Sale My house and two lots with barn hedge fruit and shade trees corner of Dakota and Manchester streets occu pied by II F Pade Fine location Also lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi tion to McCook fronting park Apply to Mrs H G Dixon 3 11 tf Ivennett Square Pa Come in and see us about your machine oil Our price is right THE BEE HIVE Valuable Book Free Campbells Soil Culture manual 112 pages with many illustrations Tells how moisture is stored evaporation checked and yields increased Mailed free to any address by J Francis general passenger agent Burlington Route Omaha Neb on receipt of a 2 cent stamp Do you remember how we sold machine oil We are at it again THE BEE HIVE I am closing out what buggies I have nt a bargain to make room for a car If you need anything in the vehicle line it will pay to call at once W T Colejian Good oil have it at is a good thing We THE BEE HIVE Two fine rains have fallen over this county this week with a precipitation of from a half inch to an inch and a half improving crop conditions which were already quite ideal At the right price you can always ge the choicest things the season affords at D C Marshs meat market At the old stand all the time In addition to the Workmen the Knights of Pythias have taken action promising financial and moral support to the library Flies will soon be here and you will need screens See us before buying Bullard Co Latest styles screen doors at Bullards r reYou Going to Pair I rfcj use i yiiiilifplis ASK YOUR DEALER SPREAD NICELY COVER FURTHER LAST LONGEST CyiLERNEILSOHPAINTCSlORCD KANSAS CITY US A fi Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder DR CREAM Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair Gold Medal Midwinter Fair The Way to Pullman It seemed almost as though summer had come in May In the early morn ing showers had fallen The thunder rumbled not viciously not terrifyingly but distantly and rather good naturedly if one of natures forces may be supposed to possess a human attribute The lightning itself Hashed playfully about the edges of tho clouds while the storm crept up from the west like a benevolent grey mist and deluged the earth with rain There was no preceptible wind The drops falling straight upon the out spread leaves set them swa ing on their slender pinions The sun burst through tho barrier of gloom and shone glori ously bright upon a world that sparkled as with inestimable wealth Tho mists went scurrying oil over the lake The sparrows twittered anil chattered among the leaves The robins sang cherrily while other birds added their voices to a glad chorus Everywhere were evidences of the storms passage Pavements were black with damp The gutters were flushed clean The little shallows in the road were brimming with water The trees bending beneath their weight of jewel decked foliage showered diamonds upon passers beneath The sky was filled with veil like mists that did not obscure the light of the sun that scarcely dimmed his luster but that robbed the blue of its deep summer tinge Etherial clouds formed and dissolved in the upper sky The wind rose after a time a moist warm breeze from the south We secured the front seats in tho trol ley and sped away down Stony Island avenue with the wind in our faces The prairie for here we are beyond the more densely populated parts of the city and can determine the character of the land in which we live is scattered over with buildings of all sorts and condi tions Many storied apartment houses sheltering scores of families rear them selves high above the surrounding level Streets full of of gray stone and red brick dwellings stretch away in inter minable vistas Detatched houses vine clad comfortable and homelike are set in bits of green lawn dotted with roses and shaded by trees There are wooden buildings without number in all stages o f decrepitude t h o ancient farm house relic of pioneer days with warped shingles grey sides rotting porch hang ing blinds going to ruin in a tangle of underbrush and weeds There is the way side saloon bedizzened with shield like advertisements of alcholic bever ages There are beer gardens and ball parks There in a junk yard piled high with all manner of old things There are stretches of untenanted prairie divided into rectangular blocks by side walks and paved streets There are wildernesses of oak trees now whistling with new leaves There are tracts of wild woods - impenetrable jungles the resorts of tramps and desperadoes There is a reproduction of Mount Ver non almost concealed by dense foliage doing base service as a road house Crossed sign boards warn us to lookout for the locomotive Railway tracks stone balasted pursued by telegraph poles and singing wires enclosed by fences protected by cattle guards ex tend the limits of vision the steel rails like ribbons of silver the tiny suburban stations like play house pagodas or Noahs arks Beyond the populous districts the land is laid out into blocks fronted by wooden side walks set on stilts Unpaved streets deep with mud and ruts form the lines between them Here and there in clear ings in the forests or on the open prai rie collections of new and modern dwell ings mark spots selected by the overflow of a teeming population for suburbs that shall eventually be swallowed up by the spreading town Their residents enjoy all the luxuries of country life Their houses are surrounded by well kept lawns Flower beds blaze with the colors of old fashioned blossoms Fruit trees stand like huge snow drifts in back yards Vines shade front verandas Trees planted is double rows line the streets Yet the residents are in reach of the trolley and civilization People waited at the cross roads to take the cars or left us to walk away into the wilderness Many of the passengers were fishermen who with lines and poles cans of bait and baskets of lunch were bound for a days outing Our course took us through a swamp For miles on all sides were inundate low lands vividly green overgrown with cat tails The only wayfarers were bicyclers two young fellows on a tandem a num ber of boys who dismounted and stood by the track while we passed a woman hot dusty and evidently tired Out of the fertile soil towering elevators like huge mushroom growths have sprung Ris ing high above the low buildings of an enormous industrial plant a forest of chimneys sent clouds of smoke into the air To the west were railroad yards with acres of track and hundreds of freight cars Southward the eyes wan dered for miles innumerable over the smooth featureless flats and saw in the dim distance tho surface of a lake shim mering like a mirage upon the horizon Lake Calumet on whose western shore sprawls Pullman whose water tower church spire and chimneys may be seen from afar across the prairie After leaving the swamp the road winds through meadows deep with grass and strewn with buttercups and violets btroJlers along tne route car ried great bunches of purple and yellow flowers At length we came abreast of the high spiked brick wall that sur round the works at Pullman Over the walls we could see the multitudinous buildings in which the vast industries of the town are carried on The paved streets are drearily monot The Public Library Movement Tho interest of tho people of our city in tho movement to secure a public library nil reading room in this place has never been doubted by the publisher of this paper It has always existed and needed but the opportunity to express itself The matter is is now up to the gentlemen of the city council and the following expressions from citizens just a few of the many that can be readily secured will doubtless assist them in a favorable decision at the next meeting of the council The replies following are in answer to the question Why should McCook have a public library A long felt need which it seems to me must be filled Rache Berry For the benefit of our children C W Keys The needs and benefits of a free libra ry cannot be fully expressed in words J H Bennett Wo want to keep up with the best in tellect of the world P W Westland A free library will benefit the poor as well as the rich M R Gates A drawine card for the town as well as an educator along tne nest line reading matter for all the people C of F Lehn Will make a more homelike resort for young men and will tend to draw them from less beneficial resorts John Hunt Will provide a means for our young people to discover the best there is in them and then make the most of their talents Frank W Dean Any movement that would further the interests of a public library for McCook should certainly receive the hearty sup port of all J D Hare An enlarged library would be of much value to our schools William Lewis A public library for McCook would be ono step up A C Harlan I could tell you of a few lovo ailairs of a bibliomaniac but the library will cover the field J F Forbes McCook should have a public library by all means Smaller cities than ours have them and have proved a great ben fit J J Garrard The greatest and wisest men of our nation are contributing fortunes to the up building of the reading public Why should we hesitate W T Coleman A public library has long been needed in McCook and we should not rest until we get one J A Wilcox A public library is needed in McCook badly and we should have one A P Thomson I certainly do favor a public library a step in this direction is the very best that can be taken V Franklin A public library properly managed is a good thine J B Fickes It would be an excellent educator and a great power for good G W Norris I think a public library as essential as a public school and should be supported out of the general fund b Corneal Let the city council levy an appropri ate tax for this purpose and we will do the rest D C Marsh A public library for the young man away from home is indispensable 11 II Berry I think it is a very worthy and com mendable purpose and feel sure it will be endorsed by all F M Rathbun Miss Berry advocates it consequently we all know it is a good thing We must all do what we can to help her W V Gage To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun cil of the City of McCook Neb At a regular meeting of the A O U W lodge No 61 held in this city June 2 1902 it was brought to the attention of the meeting that a petition was now pending before your honorable body having for its object the establishment and maintainance of a free public library and reading room The matter having been fully explained and discussed the following resolutions were offered and adopted Whereas wo believe that a free public library and reading room is not an experiment nor an unnecessary luxurj and that if once established in our city it would become an indispensable fixture the advantage of which cannot be enumerated in a short space and must be seen to bo appreciated It would bring the bestclass of literature within the reach of our most hum ble citizen It would be of groat service to our now famous public schools It would place in the hands of our coining citizens the best of and latest of good books and papers enriching their minds opening new lields of thought enlarging their advantages and increasing their useful ness to the community such a legacy to those who grasp the opportunity cannot be placed at their disposal f o economically in any other way We believe that ii free reading room would become tho evening resort of many of our oung men with such advantages nnd environment as it would afford their whole lives would bo enriched by broadening their faculties of perception and enlarging their whole scope of intellectual power It would become the chief element in the construction of many a noble character psTherefore be it Resolved that itisthesense of this meeting not only as a society but also as citizens of McCook that the citj council should be and is hereby requested to grant the petition now before them for the establishment and maintainance of a free public library and read ing room Resolved that we unanimously and most heartily approve the expenditure of public money for such a purposo and that it shall not only receive tho moral encouragement of the members of this lodge but in event that the petition be granted and the free library and reading room be established wo shall also ex tend such financial aid as this lodge may be able to from time to time Dennis Cuilen Committee on Resolutions PWelles C II Meeker onous rows upon rows of red brick houses each precisely like its neighbor each with its little wooden porch and steps leading up to the entrance each wilh its little grass plot in front Work men in clean white shirts and without coats resting from their weeks labor were seated upon the steps The streets were thronged with people all of the class that works with its hands The walks swarmed with children romping in one or another of those games in which children delight or gathered se dately as fitted the day into circles be neath friendly trees There is nothing of beauty or majesty about this town The spirit that predominates it with crushing force is the spirit of the great corporation a soulless thing that owns all ono see even to the very people them selves A man who devotes his whole life to the companys service may not buy and own the dwelling in which he lives but must go on to the end paying rent There is no municipal pride There is no patriotism For all that he has for all that he can give the work man is yielded a competence sufficient to keep him in bodily health and strength so that he may continue to be useful to his employer The sunshine flooded the world The south wind burdened with the odor of spring milled the waters of Lake Calu met The trolley brought us back to Chicago To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each bos 25c CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Lolohkan Pastor Eimscoial Services in St Albans next Sunday Sunday school at 10 Morning prayer at 11 Even song at S Come R M IIaudmav Rector Baptist Sunday school at 045 a m Preaching 11 Young peoples meeting 7 Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p m Childrens Day exercises Sunriiiv even ing 8 Gkokgk L White Pastor Conorecatioxal Sunday school a t 915 Preaching 11 subject Gods Equal Reward Sermon bofore K P I O O F and A O U W 230 sub ject Tho Greatest of These Y I S C 12 7 Preaching 8 subject Tho Name That Saves Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 All are invited Fkank W Dean Pastor Mcthooist The special meetings still continue are profitable to those in at tendance and are increasing in interest There will be three preaching services Sunday at 11 230 and 8 Sunday school 10 Epworth League 7 The meetings will continue through the week Dr Dunham will preach each evening at 8 Tho annual E L conven tion of lloldrego district will convene Thursday afternoon June 12th at 2 oclock The public is cordially invited to attend all these ser ices L M GitiGSHY Pastor Mange in Cattle and Horses Lice in Hogs Bulletin No 71 of the Nebraska Ex periment station treats on Mango in Cattle and Horses and Lico on Hogs It gives the history of cattle mange in the state with illustrations of affected cattle and the mite causing the disease The bulletin describes minutely the symptoms found in herds affected with mange quoting also a number of authors who have observed animals affected in this country and Europe The treat ment is described at length giving meth ods that were first used when this di sease did not extend over such a large area which usually consisted of hand applications of disinfectants It also de scribes some of the popular remedies that were used at that time and gives the more modern way of treating the disease namely by the construction of dipping tanks and the use of various dips The bulletin gives the results of dipping with coal tar preparations which had been used with satisfactory results on over 7000 head of cattle that were badly affected with mange Fail ures after thorough dipping are explained as being due either to the solution not having been sufliciently strong or to re infection after treatment The bulletin also states some of the advantages to be derived from dipping The author thinks that the liberal use of dips will materially aid in lessening the loss from abortion believing that a largo percent age of the abortions occuring among cattle on the range are due to a weak ened condition resulting from mange He believes also that a large percentage of the calves that die very young from what is commonly known as calf cholera do so owing to the fact that they are born weak and are therefore more sus ceptible to disease The bulletin gives description of cattlo and pig dipping tanks together with plates showing con struction also illustrations showing the process of dipping etc A T Peteks Nebraska Experiment Station Dr tiou Caldwells St nip Pepsin cures Con5 Sold by A McMillen NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Tbe defendants Littio C Wliittaker and John Wbittaker will take notice That on the lSith day of MayrK2Angelo P Welles plaintiff here in filed his petition against said ch femlants and caused an order of attachment to isse out of i aid court which was duly levied on the land of the defendants described as follows Lots eight nine and ten in section thirtj one township three north ranee twenty nine wc t of the 0th P M excepting that portion of the above described tract of land included within the following boundaries to wit Commencing at a point on the west line of s ectioi thirtj one township three north of range tttentj nino west of the 6th P M ten chains and fortj -three links north of the southwest corner of -aid sec tion thirtj one thence east right angles with said section line eight chains and sixty two links thence north parallel with said section line seventeen chains and fifty links to south bank of the Republican river thence in a south westerly direction along the south bank of the Republican river eight chains and sixty two links thence south along said section line sev enteen chains and thirty links to place of begin ning The object and prayer of which action are to recover the sum of 8127810 now due and payable to the plaintiff from the defendants upon the balance found due on an account for medical services rendered- the plaintiff to the defendants at their request and to subject tho said real estate to tho payment of the amount found due upon sam account You are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th day of July 1902 Angelo P Welles By W K Starr His Attornej SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Redwillow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein the Western Land company is plaintiff and John G Gould Uoulu his wile etal are defendant to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at tho east door of the court house in McCook Red willow county Nebraska on the ith day of June 1902 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit The east half of the northeast quarter of section 27 in township 1 range 20 in Redwillow county Nebraska Dated this 9th day of May 1902 A C Crabtree Sheriff Black and J E Kelley Attorneys NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Public notice is hereby given that on the 2ith day of March 1902 a corporation was formed and created under the laws of the state of Ne braska the name of which is the Hadell Mer cantile company The principal place of trans acting the business of said corporation is in tho city of McCook in the county of Redwillow in the stato of Nebraska The general nature of the business to be transacted by said corpora tion is to engage incarry on and conduct a gen eral retail merchandise business to buy sell and deal in dry goods notions furnishing goods groceries boots and shoes wearing apparel and other articles of merchandise The time of commencement of aid corporation was the 26th day of March 1902 and tne termi nation of said corporation will be on the 25th dav of March 1907 The highest amount of indebtedness or liabil ity to which said corporation is to be at any time subject to is iHJ000 The affairs of said corporation are to be con ducted by a board of directors which shall con sist of three stock-holder- a president secre tary and treasurer Signed Alfred Hadell President Haret L Stevenson Secretary McCook Nebraska May 2nd 1902 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Ofiice at McCook Neb May 19th 1902 Notice is herebj given that the following named settler ha- filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made bofore regi ter and receiver at McCook Neb on Saturday June 2ath 1902 viz Edward R Brancom II E 11116 for the E M S E 11 Sec 2 Twp a north range 29 west 6th P M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz James Kirby of McCook Neb Hubert Beach McCook Neb Seivart Hougo of McCook Neb Joseph H Stephens of Box Elder Neb F M Rathbun Register i Everything New 9 Another Car load of Dry Goods just received NEW LENOX LAWNS We have hist received a job this line which are 20c values to introduce them our price is NEW PARASOLS AND g UMBRELLAS Q For old and young just arrived NEW BLACK LAWNS all prices for all tastes NEW NECKWEAR for men That stylish stock and Teck the tie 25 cents latest feature I NEW POTATOES A fresh carIoad just arrived S 111 and IOC Bow In a NEW HOMEQROWN Srawberries We receive these elegant berries fresh every day from WS Morlans ranch 8 Everything new fresh and uptodate f JOHN H GRANNI Phone 16 HcCook Neb X Independent County Convention The Peoples Intlependaiit electors of Rod willow count are herobj called to meet in con vention in the citj of Indiunola on Saturdaj June the 7th 1902 at the hourof IU oclock a in for the purpose of placing in nomination can didates for the following ollices to bo toted for at the next general olection to bo held in the state of Nebraska in November 1902 tiz One county attorney ono county judge one representative of the tjith district ono commis sioner first district and delegate1 to the People- Independent state convention and delegates to tiie Peoples Independent congressional conteu tionof the nth congro sional district of thestato of Nebraska anil delegates to the 29th iia torial district contention of the state of Ne braska and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly como bofore aid convention Tho basis of representation of the several pre cinct in said county shall bo the totocast for J W Dutcher for sheriff in the jear 1901 allow ing one delegate for each li votos or fraction thereof cast for said J W Dutcher and one delegate at large for each oting precinct of said county said apportionment entitles tin several voting precincts in said county to tin following representation in said conention Alliance I Beaver i Bond Box Elder 3 Coleman II Danbury 4 Driftwood East Valley 4 Fritsch 1 Gerver X Grant 2 Indianola Lebanon M Mo Ridge NorthValey Perry Bedwillow 1 Tjrone Vallej Grange Willow Grove 13 Total Si It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in said convention hut that the delegates inv ent thereat lie authorized to cast the full ote of the precinct represented by them It is further recommended that the precinct primaries be held on Wednesday Juno 4th in each precinct R A Green Chairman G C Boatm N Secretarj Democratic Convention Mccook Netiraska May zitn 1902 Notice is hereby given that a delegate conten tion of Democrats will be held in Indianola on Saturday June 7th 102 for tho purpose of electing delegates to the state convention to In held in Grand Island June 2lth 1902 and for the purpose of placing in nomination candi dates for tho ollices of countj attornej countj judge representative to tho legi laturo from the 65th district and countv commissioner from the 1st commissioners district and for tho i transaction of any other business that maj properly come before the convention The basis of representation will bo as follow- based on the vote cast for W D Oldham at the general election held Not ember 1900 Alliance 5 Beater 7 Bondville 5 Box Elder 2 Coleman 2 Danburv 4 Driftwood 2 Ea t Valley 4 Fritsch 5 Gerver 2 Grant 1 Indianola v Lebanon 3 Mis ouri Ridge 3 North Valley 4 Perry i Redwillow 4 Tvrone 3 Valley Grange 2 Willow Grove 19 M Plummer Chairman J H Bennett Secretarj Wants Others to Know I hate used DeWitt s I irlj fur constipation an I torpid liwr mid tho ill right I am L Iad to i mlorsi them for I think when ueliiicl i good thing vi ought to lot othi know it writes Alfred Heiii7o uincy lliinoi They never griio or distn Sure safe pill McConnoll 4fc Berry Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Rromn Qiiinino Tablets cure a cold 11 onodaj No cure no pa Price 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE loulli Frade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable rnnniunia tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents sent free Oldest agency for Bccuring patents Patents taken through Jlunn fc Co receive special notice without charge In the Scientific littcrican A handsomely illustrated weekly largest cir culation of any seientltlc Journal Terms 13 a year four months fL Soldbyall MUNNSCo36Broad New York Branch Office G25 F Ft Washington D V WHBATOSB t i If you want a good food for your child ren try Wheatose It is easily and quickly prepared and very healthful Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit All reliable grocers have it California- Breakfast Food Caution - This is not a gentle word but when ton think how liable you are not to purchase for Tic HHf flHr jB H only remedy universally known and a remedy jBflp b btfil jH ity all these jou will be thankful we xssaaa Vw K3 called jour attention to Bochees Germm W if S rup There are manj ordinarj cough rein- lylOSQSOBCS H ftpft edies made by druggist- and other- that an- t df y O U v Kt O 2 C4 j LI I O cheap and good for light cold- porhap but for J9 9 severe coughs bronchitis croup and epecidlit DlCTCStS XvI2Lfr VOII GSt for consumption where there i difficult ex toration and coughing during the night- d ii preparation Contain- all Of the mornings there is nothing like German Strap dig StatltS and al kinds ot Sold by all druggists in the civilized work food t Ti ve instant rclrf and neve G G Gkeen Woodburt N J fails to cure It allows on to eat all the food you want The most sensitive T Mccook Market Quotations stomachs can take it Pv its use many Corrected Friday morning j thousands of dyspeptics have been Lorn bo t cured after everything ele failed Ife Wheat 70 prevents formation of jras on Oats GO ach relieving all distrpssaftereatin Rve 33 Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take Hogs ct4 It cant help Eggs 12 1 faut do you good Butter 1Jl 1 Thuilbottrecontains2Htime3the50csize plieionl7 b eWitt Co Chica o a A